Pro tempore on this day. Signed, paul d. Ryan, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2017, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties. All time shall be equally allocated between the parties and in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. Each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip shall be limited to five minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Gutierrez, for five minutes. Mr. Speaker, this past saturday i was a guest at Lincoln United Methodist Church in chicago where we had an emergency meeting to discuss how we would defend daca, the deferred action for childhood arrivals initiative, started five years ago. Daca has allowed nearly 800,000 dreamers, immigrants who were brought to the u. S. As children and grew up here, to work and live here if they meet certain requirements, go through a background check, and renew their applications periodically. Now republicans led by the governor of texas plan to sue the president if he doesnt rescind daca. Given this president and his opinion of mexicans, latino, and immigrants, were not expecting the president to put up much of a fight. So, for a few weeks now i have been telling people to prepare for the end of daca. Maybe as soon as september. You can watch the speech on facebook or you tube, and a lot of Trump Supporters got angry at what i said. They didnt take the time to watch or listen to my speech. No, they got fired up by breitbart, the only publication i can count on to cover everything i said. They said, i was unhinged and said in the headline that i said it is time to eliminate trump and bring him to his knees. The Washington Times didnt watch the speech, but saw breitbarts fair and balanced coverage and said i threatened the trump with physical violence. Fox news, then echoed the idea that evening, saying i was threatening violence and would bring our Violent Movement to every neighborhood in america. So by the time you got to the daily stormer, that white whip cream on the top of White Nationalist neonazi banana split, they cited the fox news story and read the headline quote, subversive bean man call for trumps elimination. If fox, bart, and daily storme, report something its got to be true i thought. So i went back to the video to see if i had threatened to assassinate the president. You know what . I didnt. Heres what i said this past saturday. Quote, im going to make sure that i am there to make sure of write those t we articles of impeachment and take the Trump Administration to trial before the senate and eliminate him as president of the United States. He cannot fire comey, threaten to fire mueller, and say im the those articles of impeachment and take the Trump Administration to trial before the senate a di quote. King, i am talking about the impeachment process, which i believe to be nonviolent, i mean clearly am former president bil clinton went through it and hes still alive. In shorthand i am saying we should go through regular order. And thats nothing new for me. I have stood on this floor and called on the chairman of the Judiciary Committee to begin the prosselves hearings and witnesses just as the senate Judiciary Committee is doing. Because thats our jofblet just a moment, later in the speech i said, quote, this is a democracy and we will make democracy work. We will make it work for everyone whether you are gay, straight, brown, white, documented or undocumented, were going to make sure democracy works for you. Meaning the people packed in the church that day. And really everyone else. I continued saying, and were starting here this afternoon at this marvelous church in chicago. Get ready, our movement is coming somewhere in your neighborhood, end quote. So what breitbart imagined as an incitement to violence was really a call to action for people to get involved in their democracy. Which last time i looked is still a form of government we this country. Its still nonviolent. My favorite part of the breitbart headline, the whole bloodthirsty brown people motif that drove the coverage from breitbart to fox to daily stormer, is that i said i this wanted to bring President Trump to his knees. But what i actually said was, gandhi, by employing the techniques and practices of nonviolent resistance, brought the British Empire to its knees, which is actually true. And we should learn from his example. Indeed, dr. King, a disciple of gandhi, applied those strategies to the American Civil Rights movement to great success. And were it not for dr. King and the other heroes who laid down their lives during the Civil Rights Movement, i would not be standing here before you. We wouldnt even be standing or up or about standing talking about the daily storm or breitbart or trump in defending immigrants and other vulnerable communities. We owe the Civil Rights Movement a great debt. I want to follow in those footsteps. So as i up or talking about the daily storm or read the headlines in breitbart and went back to look at what i actually said, you know what . I stand by it. And i wont back down. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentlewoman from florida, ms. Roslehtinen, for five minutes. Ms. Roslehtinen mr. Speaker, i rise today to talk about the alarming crisis that is Ocean Acidfication. This is not only an environmental issue, but its an economic issue as well. And one that greatly impacts my Congressional District in south florida. South floridas world famous beaches, delicious food, incomparable fishing, boating, and sailing, and spectacular marine life, are all dependent on a healthy ocean. However, our oceans are becoming more and more acidic as seawater absorbs increasing amounts of Carbon Pollution causing what is known as, Ocean Acidfication. This increased acidity makes it harder for corals, oysters, shrimp, lobster, and other sea animals to develop their shells or skell tons skeletons which they rely on for survival to grow. These organisms are important to the vitality of our ecosystem. In addition, corals host a vast number of ocean species, frokets coastlines from large waves and hurricanes, and attracts visitors with their beauty. Data from the National Oceanic nd spheric administration, noaa, also suggest that is tourism, recreation, and fishing related to south floridas corals alone noaa, also suggest that is generates more than 4. 4 billion in local sales and 2 billion in local income. Ocean conver vancy, a tremendous Environmental Advocacy group, has been a champion in raising awareness about the negative impact of Ocean Acidfication. Recently they premiered an outstanding documentary, a short film, which highlighted two gentlemen who either work for or own ocean dependent businesses that are located in my Congressional District. Dale, right over here, this fine looking young man, hes the general manager and head chef at captains at that verne restaurant and seafood market. A familyowned business in miami and one of my Favorite Places to dine with my husband and our grandkids. Captain roy, right here, who prates miss brit charter fishing and r r tack until coconut grove, also located in my Congressional District. In addition this film highlights ocean expert, dr. Chris langdon, a professor from my alma mater, the yuff of miami. His research has allowed us to better understand the capacity and limitations of coral to adapt to a changing physical and chemical environment. Dr. Langdon has also been a leader in bringing stakeholders together to learn about the threats posed by ocean idfication to commercial and Recreational Fishing and Tourism Industry throughout florida. These two gentlemen know a lot about the impact of Ocean Acidfication on their business. Because saltwater recreational and commercial fishing combined support Recreational Fishing and an estimated 175,000 jobs across our beautiful sunshine state. Speaker, it is truly weapgrowviding jobs and new trooants for the family. From the Pacific Northwest to the lobster maine and reefs and fish in florida, the real world implications of Ocean Acidfication will spell trouble for these ocean dependent jobs, which is why we must not wait until the tragedy truly unfolds. My constituents and i are also blessed to live, to work, to play in the paradise that is south florida. But our kids and our grandkids, they want to enjoy the same positive experiences we have. It is order to do so vital we act now. In congress, we need to do a better job at listening to all stakeholders who are speaking out. And we need to continue to promote the valuable work of researchers, people like dr. Langdon, the work that they are doing to ensure that these important Marine Research institutions and organizations have the resources they need. My district is home to a community that cares deeply about the ocean. It is because of the efforts of folks like these two gentlemen and dr. Langdon of south florida that i have learned more about the issues and whats at stake. I remain committed to continuing to work with my colleagues, with industry experts, with all stakeholders in tackling head on these important issues and lead in mitigation and adappings solutions to the changing ocean around us and across the globe. Thank you, mr. Speaker, for the time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from maryland, mr. Hoyer, for five minutes. Mr. Hoyer i ask unanimous consent to address the house, revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Hoyer mr. Speaker, yesterday we watched as senator john mccain returned to the capitol after having been diagnosed with cancer and undergoing a serious operation. All of us are praying for his swift and full recovery. In earlier days as we all know, he faced danger with courage. Hes doing the same again right now. From spoke yesterday the senate floor, he talked about a time when legislators, republicans and democrats, despite their differences, worked together from to make progress. All be it incremental. On albeit incremental. On major issues through discussion and compromise. The recent s do i tendency to seek total partisan victory or nothing at all. Something we see as much in the house as in the senate. Senator tendency to seek total partisan victory or nothing at all. Something we mccain said this, quote, we have been spinning our wheels on too many important issues because we keep trying to find a way to win without help from across the aisle. E concluded in that paragraph, nothing done. Instead, senator mccain proposed legislators ought to return to regular order. Regular order for those who arent familiar with the daytoday nothing done. Instead, senator mccain workings of congress simply means doing things in the proper way. Rafting a bill in committee. Holding open hearings workings bringing it to the floor for amendment and debate before voting on it. This process, this regular order of business, affords every member an opportunity, regardless of party or district, to have input and help shape the policy. That is the way it should be. The product of such a plosssess process, as senator mccain described it, would be, and again i quote, something that will be imperfect. Full of compromises, and not very pleasing to implacable partisans on other side. But he concluded it was one that, quote, might provide Workable Solutions to problems americans are struckling with today. Mr. Speaker, that is how our system is supposed to work. I started my career in this body in 1981. Shortly thereafter i joined the appropriations committee. I like to tell people that i served on the laborhealth committee and there were 13 of us. The democrats were in the majority, and there were eight democrats and five republicans. And i used to tell people that can take the 13 of us, have throw us up in the air and throw us down in different seats and you would have a markup and it would be hard pressed to find the party each person represented. Today, lamentably, mr. Speaker, it would take you about a minute to determine those differences. On october 29, 2015, we will advance major legislation one issue at a time. Mr. Speaker, were about to. Nsider a socalled minibus the former chairman, my republican friend, mr. Rogers is seated here in this chamber with us. He and i both recall a time when we considered one bill at a time. We brought it to the floor. We amended it. We debated it. And we voted on it. One bill at a time. Thats what speaker ryan was referring to when he said we will advance major legislation one issue at a time. Apparently, mr. Speaker, thats become inconvenient or impossible, but it is not the regular order that we are pursuing. Speaker ryan went on to say we will not duck the tough issues. We will take them head on. Mr. Speaker, we will adopt a rule that will duck the issue, that will preclude full debate and it deals with President Trumps proposal to build a all that many in his Administration Believe will be ineffective. In accomplishing the objective we all support and that is keeping our country secure and making sure that those who come into this country are known to us and dont sneak in to the country, but the wall will not work and we will not be able to debate that fully because it will be included in the rule. And i suggest, mr. Speaker, that is ducking the issue. It will be deemed passed. We wont vote on it. We will vote for the rule or against the rule. And the wall and 1. 6 billion will be deemed passed. Mr. Speaker, thats not how our system is supposed to work. Neither side ought to let the perfect become the enemy of the good. Neither side can claim credit for all the best interests. Thats why working together is imperative. That was my experience when i served for 23 years on the appropriations committee. Thats why regular order is so important. It protects the American People. It protects each member who is here representing some 700,000 people give or take. Thats why regular order is so important. It facilitates dialogue and debate. It brings out every view and idea and provides the framework for compromise. Compromise is the essence of democracy, and i suggest its the essence of successful families, whether they be countries or mom and dad and kids. They come together and they agree, not because they get everything they want or the other side gets nothing they want, but because both sides compromise. Mr. Speaker, i agree with senator mccain. We need to return to regular order. Speaker ryan, as ive said, told us shortly after his elevation that he wants and i quote, the house to work its will. Minibuses dont allow that, omnibuses dont allow that, frankly, c. R. s dont allow that. The speaker adopted in principle an open and transparent process. Sadly, mr. Speaker, we havent always seen that, but theres still an opportunity for the 115th congress to reflect that vision. Thats what senator mccain was talking about yesterday. He was appealing to the best of us. The american in us, not the partisan in us, not the confrontationalists in us, but the seeker of productive compromise in a democracy. The congress and our country will be better if we return to regular order, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Jones, for five minutes. Mr. Jones mr. Chairman, thank you very much. On july 8 18, i wrote to President Trump about my concern about the fact that he and secretary of defense mattis are discussing how many more american troops must be sent to afghanistan. Mr. Speaker, you being a marine, you know that i represent Camp Lejeune Marine base and Cherry Point Marine station. Weve been there 16 years. Nothing has changed. In fact, its gotten worse. I would like to read a few sentences, again, from my letter. This was delivered to the white house on july 18. Im going to read just sentences very quickly. Disappointed because after 16 years in afghanistan, Congress Deserves another vote on this conflict. Disappointed because almost 1 trillion of taxpayers money has been spent with no direct goal or strategy. And most importantly, i am disappointed because we continue to lose american lives. Sir, im writing today because you seem to have changed heart on this issue. I gave four examples of positions hes taken and tweets hes sent out. I am just going to read two of them, mr. Speaker. In august of 2011, you agree with ron paul and said the United States was wasting lives and money in iraq and afghanistan. Another tweet, the next year you said, do not allow our very stupid leaders to sign a deal that keeps us in afghanistan through 2024 with all costs by u. S. A. And the last i would like to read, you also tweeted that you, lets get out of afghanistan. Our troops are being killed by the afghani that we train and we waste billions there, nonsense, rebuild the United States of america. I further stated to mr. President , i agree with these remarks and so does the 31st commandant of the marine corps, my friend and unofficial advisor, general krulat, and he said in a rec