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The 2 3 majority required to pass each bill at some point this evening. We also expect the swearing in of two new members, karen handel of georgia and ralph norman of South Carolina, both elected last tuesday in special elections in those states. Live house coverage coming up next here on cspan. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] postponed. Votes will be taken in the following order. H. R. 2547 by the yeas and nays. H. R. 2258 by the yeas and nays. First electronic vote will be conducted as 15minute vote. Remaining votes will be onducted as fiveminute votes. The Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from missouri, mr. Graves, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 2547 as amended on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 129. H. R. 2547. A bill to expand the department of Veterans Affairs medical professionals who may qualify to perform physical examinations on eligible veterans and issue medical certificates required for operation of a commercial motor vehicle, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote, the yeas are 407, the nays are the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 49, the nays are 0. Without objection, the motion to suspend the rules is passed and the motion to reconsider is laid n the table. The speaker the house will be in order. Members and staff please take your conversations off the floor. Members please take their seats. The chair lays before the house a communication. Caller the honorable the speaker, house of representatives the clerk the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir, i have ere included a copy of the letter from nathan deal of florida that according to the election results, the honorable karen handel was elected to congress for the sixth Congressional District of georgia. With best wishes, i am, signed sincerely karen l. Haas. The honorable the speaker, i have the honor to transmit here with a letter received from ms. Mercy andino, South Carolina election commission, that according to the preliminary results of the election held on june 20, 017, the honorable. The honorable ralph norman was elected to congress. With best wishes, sincerely, karen l. Haas. The speaker for what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent the speaker the gentleman will suspend. The gentlelady is right, the house is not in order. He house will be in order. The gentleman is recognized. Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the gentlewoman from georgia, though honorable karen c. Handel be permitted to take the olte of office today oath of office today. The certificate of election has not arrived but theres no contest and no question has been raised with regard to her election. The speaker without objection. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina eek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that the gentleman from South Carolina, the honorable ralph norman, be permitted to take the oath of office today. His certificate of election has not arrived but there is no contest and no question that has been raised with regard to his election. The speaker without objection. Will the representativeselect present themselves in the well, lease. All members will rise and the representativeselect will please raise their right hands. Do you solemnly swear that you will support and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domestic, that you will bear true faith and allegiance to the same that you take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion and that you will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which you are about to enter, so help you god . Congratulations, you are now members of the 115th congress. The house will come to order. Without objection the gentleman from georgia, mr. Lewis is recognized for one minute. Mr. Lewis mr. Speaker, i rise to welcome the newest member of the georgia congressional delegation. Representative karen handel serving the sixth Congressional District in our beautiful state. I want to congratulate you, karen, on becoming the first republican woman ever elected to the house of representatives from the state of georgia. Karen was born in the district of columbia. O youre returning home. Raised in maryland, she was president and c. E. O. Of the greater Fulton County, georgia, chamber of commerce. Deputy chief of staff for thengovernor and now secretary of agriculture perdue. Chairman of the Fulton County board of commissioners and secretary of the state of georgia. Karen, the georgia delegation, democrats and republicans, we are a family. We are trying to do our very best to serve the people now district, in our state, and to work on behalf of the people of this great nation. I i welcome you and your husband, steve. If you should need our help, my help, please feel free to call on me. I wish you well and look forward to serving with you. Thank you. And thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker does the gentleman yield to the other gentleman from georgia . Mr. Lewis i yield to my friend from georgia. Thank you, mr. Speaker. It is my joy today to be able to introduce the newest voice of the georgia delegation. Congresswoman karen handel. Ive known karen for many years. She is a selfmade woman when a very humble start woman with a very humble start. She and her husband, steve have a track record of service that is above none other. Shes fought hard for the things she believes in, much like us. Balanced budgets, better jobs and defending the innocent life. I know shell bring those same qualities that have made her such a great servant and leader here to congress today. If i know anything about karen, shes going to hit the ground running so get ready. Im also glad to be able to join with congressman lewis and to share with you that karen is making history tonight. As being the first republican congresswoman to serve in either the house or the senate from the state of georgia. Mr. Graves this is a proud moment for our state. So, karen, youre an inspiration. Youre an inspiration to all the young women throughout georgia and throughout the country, including my two daughters. So with that, i am pleased to welcome and to introduce to you georgias newest voice, a fighter for the state of georgia, congresswoman karen andel. Mrs. Handel mr. Speaker, congressman lewis, congressman graves, the entire georgia delegation, to all of you, my new colleagues and soon to be very good friends, and to my family and friends in the gallery, i thank you. Im not sure youve heard enough about this particular race. No, you really have. So im going to be very brief. This is an extraordinary honor and the greatest privilege that i think i have ever had. And i look forward to serving the people of the sixth district, to serving the people of georgia, and to being a good coworker and friend to each and every one of you. So thank you for this opportunity. Thank you for welcoming me so graciously. God bless you. God bless the great state of georgia. And god bless the great United States of america. Thank you. The speaker the house will come to order. Without objection, the gentleman from South Carolina, mr. Clyburn, is recognized for one minute. Mr. Clyburn thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, it is my privilege as dean of the South Carolina delegation to introduce to this chamber representativeelect ralph norman. Mr. Norman is from rock hill in york county, South Carolina. Hes a real he is tailtate developer, a graduate of a real estate developer, a graduate of Presbyterian College and previously served in the South Carolina legislature. He and his wife, elaine rice orman, have four children. Last tuesday, june 20, mr. Norman won the special election in South Carolinas Fifth District to fill the vacancy created when former congressman mulvaney became director of the office of management and budget. , for t is my pleasure further introduction, to introduce joe wilson from the second Congressional District of South Carolina. The speaker the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Wilson mr. Speaker, its a great honor tonight to be here with congressman clyburn on a very extraordinary evening. To me its a dream come true. 11 years ago i had the opportunity, my wife and i, to Campaign Across the fifth Congressional District by bus. As we traveled the district, with ralph and elaine norman, i found out that his business background gives him the background the basis to understand how to create jobs. I saw his affection for our veterans and understanding the importance of a Strong National defense. In particular with Shaw Air Force base in the district. He understands the Strong National defense. It was so inspiring also to be with their four grown children, who are all each successful and now he has a real interest to be successful because hes got 15 grandchildren. So what an achievement. Even ileana understands, this is really important. For the past seven years, im really grateful that hes been a floor leader for governor nikki haley. Now our ambassador to the united nations, where he has been a floor leader for limbed limited government and expanded freedom. With great honor i introduce to you and yield to congressman alph norman. Mr. Norman mr. Speaker, and members of my South Carolina congressional delegation, it is an honor to be here. Let me have my family and friends stand. Its the South Carolinas bradys bunch. Ou all stand up there. Its a tremendous honor to serve with such an esteemed group. I think its a special time in history. And as congressman lewis said, were family. And with the shooting of steve scalise, we know that were all americans. We have such an opportunity. And i look forward to playing a part in working with you, to move this country forward. Thank you so much. I yield the time to the speaker. The speaker under clause 5d of rule 20, the chair announces to the house that in light of the administration of the oath of office to the gentlewoman from georgia and the gentleman from South Carolina, the whole number of the house is 434. Without objection, fiveminute voting will continue. The Unfinished Business is the vote on the motion of the gentleman from missouri, mr. Graves, to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 2258 as amended on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk Union Calendar number 128. H. R. 2258, a bill to require that certain standards for commercial drivers licenses applicable to former members of the Armed Services or reserves also apply to current members of the Armed Services or reserves. The speaker the question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill as amended. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 409. The nays are zero. Zero recorded as present. 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. For what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that my name be removeed as removed as the cosponsor of h. R. 60. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The speaker pro tempore the chair will entertain requests for oneminute speeches. Members are reminded to take their conversations off the floor. The house will be in order. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. The speaker pro tempore members are asked to take their conversations off of the house floor. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Speaker, i rise to welcome president moon of south korea to the United States of america as he makes his inaugural visit here later this week. President moons trip comes at a critical time, a critical time for americas strategic relationship with south korea and i look forward to welcoming him to capitol hill. The friendship between our two nations, which was forged during the korean war, has withheld the test of time. It has withstood so many challenges. The people of south korea have per very verdict in the face of incredible adversity and built a modern, prosperous nation. And we stand together in defense of freedom and prosperity. And the strength of our friendship is now more important than ever as we face growing challenges in the asiapacific region. As the president begins his visit, lets recognize the contributions and the relationship between our two countries and the close bond that americans have for south korea, creates a strong sense of community that extends across the pacific ocean. This is the keystone in the bridge of our alliance. Mr. Speaker, i welcome president moon, and i look forward to our meeting. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from texas seek recognition . Ms. Jackson lee permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore the house will be in order. Members are reminded to take their conversations off of the floor. The gentlelady is recognized. Ms. Jackson lee mr. Speaker, as many families were making their way home or picking up children from school or some daycare that they had to be in, the c. B. O. Report came out on the unfortunate representation of health care for the United States senate. And i think the most striking comment to be made is that by 2026, with this Health Care Bill of sorts, 49 million americans will lose their insurance. To add to the insulate of those working families picking up children and trying to make ends meet with the dinners they will be preparing, hoping the federal government would take care of them, the president of the United States indicated that he hopes that the Affordable Care act that now has helped insure millions of americans would crash and burn, because he has strangled the subsidies and has made sure that the Insurance Companies do not have stability and decreased the amount of people who can get the expanded medicaid. Im president who should be the person who cares for americans, takes great glee that 49 people will be thrown off of insurance without insurance by 2026 by trumpcare in the house and senate. Democrats know how to fix this. I would hope the republicans and president of the United States get off the special interests and stand with the American People. Save our health care. Stop taking away our health care. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. I ask unanimous consent that my name be removed as a cosponsor from h. R. 60. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentlelady from wisconsin seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Speaker, it is an honor to recognize an organization in my home city of miami that works tirelessly on behalf of the homeless and those in need in south florida. Since its creation, the house has operated with the belief that every person is precious and deserving of love and spect and chance to live a dignified life. It is a lifeline for the most vulnerable. It provides Housing Options and full range of medical treatment and those with disabilities. For these individuals, the staff and the volunteers, they serve as a family, giving them the hope and support they need in their difficult transition to a new selfsustaining life. I like to thank the staff and volunteers for their devotion to the voiceless in our midst. I encourage everyone in south s. Org to o visit camilu learn how you can empower this organization to continue serving those in need in our community. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Speaker, Prime Ministers visit this week serves as an occasion to celebrate the growing bonds of friendship between independent yeah and the United States. India is a key partner. Both our economic and economic posture are strengthened in the bilateral relationship. India and the United States have pledged to combat climate change. Opportunities that will create jobs in both countries. This visit is an opportunity to celebrate the work our countries have accomplished and all we can do together in the future. We are continuing to build on this 70yearold partnership and laying the groundwork for a stronger relationship in the decades to come. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from new york seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Tenney mr. Speaker, i rise today to congratulate the food bank of the Southern Tier for being 2017 food banks. Out of locations, the food bank of the Southern Tier was ranked number one. Our food bank distributed nine million meals. Over 40 of those million of those males were given to children. He food bank has increased distributing 2. 2 Million Pounds to families. I would like to thank the president and the incredible volunteers who have worked in their mission to build and sustain hungerfree communities. Your work has had a profound impact. Thank you for your dedicated service to the families of the Southern Tier. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. The Congressional Budget Office has come out with their score mr. Green that confirms the action by the Senate Republicans that are just as mean as the house republicans, protections for millions of americans with preexisting conditions will be undermined. Hardworking families will pay more for less and 772 billion will be cut from medicaid, a safety net for seniors, pregnant women and children. The Senate Republicans can change the name of the bill, but it is not different. I hope this score raises a red flag for the republicans in the house and the senate. I urge they reconsider instead of trying to jam their care. Senator dirksen said years ago, a billion here and there, pretty soon we are talking about real money. Pretty soon the republicans will be talking about denying coverage. And how on earth is this a debate. This is a tax cut for the wealthiest americans. 22 Million People will lose health care. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Olson mr. Speaker, in the summer of 2008, at the home of rickey and victoria collins, i met the most inexpireational woman in texas history, first lady, laura bush. Five years later, i learned there was one more woman who is more inexpireational, Michelle Collins, the daughter of rickey and victoria. In 2013, michelle learned that she had acute childhood leukemia. Her dreams of being a professional dancer were fading. Brutal red two years of chemo therapy, 44 Straight Days in the hospital after her diagnosis, 18 spinal taps, fever fter fever depleted her immune system. Michelle won her battle for life with family, faith and art. As part of the childrens art project at the cancer center, she designed a crystal that sold unquote. Te hotcakes, houston, ast month in texas. Look out world, Michelle Collins is dancing again on center stage. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from michigan seek recognition . Permission to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Speaker, i join chairman royce and all of my colleagues representative moon. Across of diplomatic ties, the United States and republic of korea have formed a relationship. Our countries have sacrificed from vietnam to the persian gulf and pros period together in peace. Our alliance in the defense treaty of 195 , has been a pillar of stability and security. That alliance is important in light of the grave threat just 35 miles from seoul to the dangerous regime controlled by north korea. America greefs with otto. His unjust detention haunts all of us. We must secure the safe return of the three Americans Still detained in north korea. I trust president moons will deepen the understanding in these trying times and face this challenge as we have others in lockstep side by side. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields. For what purpose does the gentleman from minnesota seek recognition . Mr. Paulsen permission to address the house for one minute. Growth night to con late School Districts on being named best communities for Music Education by the National Association of music merchants foundation. They have been recognized for outstanding commitment. Research has proven thanking music is vital to a stupids education. It benefits leags development and can lead to a higher i. Q. Music brings students together and gives them incentive tom practice and strive. Speaker, i would like to congratulate all in these schools and districts for their impressive dedication. They put a lot of time and effort into their music programs and their hard work is paying off. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to join my colleagues in welcoming the president of the republic of korea on the occasion of his visit to washington this week. This visit is an important opportunity to further the strong bonds of cooperation and friendship between our two countries. As north korea continues to threaten our allies and pursue its destabilizing missilele program, including tests of intercontinental ballistic missiles, this meeting comes at a pivotal time. The United States and the republic of korea must continue to stand together to contain this threat and ensure the security and safety of this strategically important region. Earlier i sent a letter urging speaker ryan to invite president moon to speak before a joint meeting of congress so all members can hear firsthand his perspective of these shared challenges. If not possible during this brief visit, i hope he will address the botboddy in the future the body in the future. Once again, i welcome president moon and express my commitment to furthering the vital economic, security and cultural relationships between our two countries. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Coffman mr. Speaker, i rise today in welcoming president moon of the republic of korea to the United States of america. Next week will mark his First Official visit to washington, d. C. , since he assumed the presidency of his country. This represents a continuation of the friendship between our two nations. This october will mark the 64th anniversary of the mutual defense treaty between our two countries. This landmark legislation continues to be a vital component to peace and security in the asiapacific region. Once again i look forward to welcoming president moon to the United States and i look forward to continuing our partnership with the republic of korea. Mr. Speaker, i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlewoman from new york seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlewoman is recognized for ne minute. Mrs. Maloney mr. Speaker, another republican Health Care Bill that the nonpartisan, bipartisan Congressional Budget Office tells us will rip away health care from 22 million americans. Raised premiums, especially on older americans, and cut medicaid by roughly 800 billion. The Senate Republicans plan is especially cruel for new york city. Not only will millions lose coverage, but sharp medicaid cuts will cost hospitals over 5 billion. And fewer seniors will be able to afford nursing homes. And home care providers. Worst forll saves its women. It cuts federal funding for a year for planned parenthood that provide essential health care to millions of women. Allows states to easily waive guaranteed coverage for benefits like maternity care. In short, women will have to pay more for essential health care because we are women and women will have less access to health care. Because we are women. I urge the senate to reject this cruel and merciless bill. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, the friendship between the United States and the republic of korea has been not only on shared strategic and economic interests, but also on shared values. We share a commitment to democracy and to political, religious and economic liberty. Its a joy to welcome president moon to washington, d. C. I congratulate him on his election and i wish him a successful summit. But for me, the american relationship with south korea is also deeply personal. My wife and adopted two of our three children, david and isabela, from korea. Im deeply grateful to the people of south korea for my children and for giving me the family that i love so much. But not every family on the Korean Peninsula is so fortunate. Mr. Macarthur we remember those who live under the oppression of a north korean regime that has no regard for the dignity of human persons. We condemn the horrifying crimes of that regime and i express my hope for the reunification of korea. We express our Firm Commitment to the ongoing friendship with south korea rooted in our shared values of freedom and democracy. I thank you and yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Poe i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Poe mr. Speaker, the day that Osama Bin Laden, the worlds number one terrorist, met his maker was a great day in the war on terror. But finding americas most wanted terrorists terrorist hiding in pakistan was no easy feat. Pakistani doctor worked with the rcia to help determine and confirm owe samas hiding place in pakistan by using d. N. A. Evidence. But after Osama Bin Laden was killed, pakistan, through the doctor, threw pakistan threw the doctor in jail. Why . Because he helped United States find Osama Bin Laden. Pakistan claims to be the United States number one counterterrorism ally. Yet they hypocritically hold this hero in a pakistani prison. Pakistan is no friend of the United States. They are on the wrong side on the war on terror. Pakistan hid Osama Bin Laden from the world. The doctor deserves a medal for aiding the elimination of Osama Bin Laden, not life in prison. Pakistan should free him and its time to declare pakistan a state sponsor of terrorism. And thats just the way it is. Ill yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The chair lays before the house the following personal requests. The clerk leave of absence requested for mr. Lew cavs okafor today lucas of okafor today, n. S. F. Napolitano from june 26 through the mrs. Napolitano from june 26 through 29. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the requests are granted. Under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 2017, the gentlewoman from the Virgin Islands is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the minority leader. Ms. Plaskett mr. Speaker, at this time i rise to take this hour, this special order hour, on behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus. Its with great honor that i rise as coanchor for the next 60 minutes. We have a chance to speak directly to the American People on the issues of great importance to the Congressional Black Caucus, congress and the constituents we represent, as well as all americans. This evening myself and coanchor marc veasey will discuss two topics. Wealthcare over health care, and the wealth care over health care, and the contributions of caribbean americans. On the matter of health care. Senate republicanses have finally released their draft version of the housepassed American Health care act, and its clear why they kept it behind closed doors all this time. The bill is worse than the one that was passed in the house. Which deeper cuts the with deeper cuts to medicaid and a ban on planned parenthood funding for one year. Just like the bill that passed the house this proposal will likely strip coverage for millions of americans and do nothing to address affordability. This bill is just as mean and heartless as the republican the ones republicans jammed the one republicans jammed through the house. As bad as it already was, Senate Republicans have made trumpcare even more devastating to americans on medicaid. And those include veterans, middle class seniors with longterm care needs, Vulnerable Children and pregnant women. No, its not just minority black people who are on medicaid. Trumpcares medicaid cuts will have an especially severe impact in rural america, shuttering rural hospitals, an important source of goodpaying jobs. Trumpcare fundamentally means Higher Health costs, millions of hardworking americans losing hair kealt coverage, gutting Keep Health Care coverage, gutting key protections, a crushing age tax and steel stealing from medicare and stealing from medicare. Republicans shut the American People out of writing trumpcare and if trumpcare passes, the American People will be shut out of Affordable Health care too. Now after crafting this monstrosity in secret, the g. O. P. Wants to rush it to the floor before the American People see the damage it will do. Abandoning any pretense of respect for the democratic process. Democrats in congress and across the country will continue to fight with all our strength to protect seniors and hardworking families from trumpcares assault on their health care. June, as we know, is caribbean American Heritage month. And we will later hear from members of Congress Related to that. At this time i would like to yield as much time as he may consume to my cochair, marc veasey of fort worth, texas, an advocate for his constituents and for all americans, who sits on the Armed Services committee and is here to discuss the effect this bill will have not only on his constituents, but to the people we care deeply about. Mr. Veasey representative plaskett, thank you very much. I really, really do appreciate you heading up tonight. And coanchoring. And talk about the contributions of caribbean americans and also to talk about this health scare bill thats going on right now. It seems to be what everybody is talking about. Of course the c. B. O. Score came out today. 22 million americans will lose their insurance. Americans, many of them that were able to get insurance for the first time under the a. C. A. And so that should be very, very frightening and concerning to us. The senate is supposed to vote on this bill. This bill, mr. Speaker, that will have a health scare effect on so many millions and millions of americans. Its going to be much less affordable. D its going to be lower Quality Health care. Unlike the Affordable Care act unlike the Affordable Care act, which boosted the africanamerican insured rate from 79 to 88 , Senate Health care plan, the senate Republican Health care plan, that is, will decimate the progress that weve made in the Africanamerican Community under the a. C. A. Millions of americans are at risk of losing their insurance. And you pointed that out earlier. When you said that the not just people in the Africanamerican Community or the Minority Community that are on medicaid. Its something that affects all americans. And something that should be concerning to everyone. Particularly when we talk about this opioid addiction. You know that many people many of these republican areas, these conservative areas of the country are hoping theyll be able to use medicaid to be able to deal with that particular issue effectively. Because of the Senate Republican Health Care Bill, theyre going to be locked out. Theyre going to be trying to figure out how theyre going to get themselves from under that addiction with absolutely no help from medicaid. Its going to be a very sad day for them. Many of these losses will come as states are forced to phase out medicaid over the coming years. And that will hurt the africanamerican population in particular. Medicaid expansion under the a. C. A. Helped 15 million of the nearly 40 million africanamericans in the u. S. Gain health care insurance. And many of those were for the first time. Many of those were for the very first time. And in addition to stripping our most vulnerable of health care, Senate Republicans want to defund planned parenthood and block lifesaving Preventive Care for hundreds of thousands of women in the district that i represent, and nationwide. Let me tell you something about planned parenthood. Oftentimes when we Start Talking about planned parenthood, representative plaskett, the issue revolving around abortion. But let me tell you something. You cannot have a serious discussion in this country, you absolutely cannot have a serious discussion about social service programs, about medicaid and trying to reduce those programs unless you have a serious discussion about Family Planning. And Family Planning is something that people dont want to talk about, maybe in some circles, predictably republican circles, its a very taboo subject. But its something that needs to e and we dont talk about it with our kids and families and when you do something to defund planned parenthood, its going to make people even more needy and more in a situation where they cannot be selfdependent. And instead of supporting smart health initiatives, the republicans are demonizing one of the countrys leading reproductive centers. We need to make sure that americans everywhere can lead a healthier life. But the senates cruel bill and heartless bill will cause unnecessary suffering. The Affordable Care act has been a lifeline for many in the black community and that will snatch it out from under our community. The plaque community has a lot to lose under the Republican Health care plan and we will not take an assault. We have got to fight this thing. And we need to fight for every grandmother out there and every aunt out there and mother out there and loved ones out there who may be forced to make the choice whether or not they are going to have health care or pay for groceries and that is not right. We need to fight for the single dads and the single moms to make ends meet. Because if you take Medicaid Expansion, that is going to force individuals to have to make some really, really tough choices. And we need to make sure we are doing everything we can to make sure we have access to Quality Health care and its not reserved for a few of the wealthy in our country. And when you look at the republican bill, that is what it does. This is a vehicle that will deliver tax breaks to the very, very rich and will leave individuals like we have been talking about in the black community, but in all communities out there working hard and suffering in a situation where they need medicaid and need insurance and going to leave them locked out. And going to be a sad day in america where people thought that had insurance for the first time, they were going to going to get the wellness checkups and they have that stolen from them because of this monstrous plan. I yield back my time and i thank you. Ms. Plaskett thank you so much for those words. We were discussing with the Medicaid Expansion and its going to disappear from 2023. The Public Health fund has billions of health funds. What is this money used for . This is used for preventive block grants that goes to Virgin Islands that deals with heart prevention, Heart Disease and provide maternal child care and research and maintain vital statistics. Those monies would be gone if this bill passes. I would love to yield five minutes to my esteem touchdown colleague, bobby scott of richmond in virginia, Ranking Member to work force and Education Committee to talk about the issues and how he sees it to his constituents but americans as well. Mr. Scott i have to point out after redistricting last year, i know longer represent the richmond area. Ms. Plaskett their loss. I know you are still working for them. Mr. Scott i appreciate the gentlelady for yielding. And i want to point out as we discuss health care, we have to notice that the republicans are using a very flawed reasoning to sell trumpcare to the american public. They say we have a bill and dont like the stat cuss , therefore you have to support the bill. And if you ask what is in the bill . They say well, you have to do something. Whats in your bill. I dont like the Affordable Care act. Whats in your bill . The president called it oak obamacare. No discussion about whether or not it improves the stat cuss and how it will affect American Families every day. We do know something and that is trumpcare is significantly worse than the current policy on every level. They complain about costs. Costs will go up under this bill. And the only way anybody sambs money on premiums is because the policies wont cover as much as the costs. And that is a lower percentage of the costs and will cover fewer benefits. This was confirmed today by the c. B. O. That 22 Million People will have fewer coverage under this plan and it will buy a lot less than is covered now. We have to recognize fundamental principles of math. If you give massive tax cuts to the millionaires, you will have less money to those who need money to afford insurance. Fewer people covered by medicaid, fewer people receiving subsidies to help them buy the insurance and policies that cover a smaller portion of the cost. And according to the c. B. O. , trumpcare will have a severe impact on rural america, threatening the Services Covered by rural hospitals, which in many areas are the biggest employers in the area. C. B. O. Points out that the hardest hit will be those with lowincome americans and seniors nd those making 100 will be hurt. Mr. Speaker, why is the senate even considering this bill . Who benefits . Maybe its just those wealthy americans will get a huge tax cut as people lose their insurance. I yield the balance of my time. Ms. Plaskett thank you so much for those thoughts and reflections we should have about this bill. At this time, i would yield three to five minutes to congresswoman jackson lee of houston, texas. She has been an advocate for americans. Has spoken and done so eloquently related to her work on Judiciary Committee and homeland security. And im eager to hear what you have to say about health care and as well of course as a fellow caribbeanamerican, i wish a happy caribbeanamerican month which was offered by our colleague, barbara lee in 2005. Ms. Lee we ms. Jackson lee i thank you for your constant leadership and inconsistently allowing us to come to the floor to speak to our colleagues and hopefully the American People on important topics. Cant think of a more important topic, the question of health care for americans. Might i say that the Health Care Statement or framework was issued about 12 noon on thursday. As you know, we worked through friday and i left about 12 noonan landed in houston and went directly to the Legacy Health clinic on lions avenue in fifth ward, texas. That was a federally qualified Health Clinic that was constructed by the Affordable Care act. And to bring to health care, Senior Citizens living across the street, easy access to health care. There was 70 people who came. We walked down the street to ask that this president and the senators lead our leave our health care alone. More importantly, the disabled community came. There were children, pastors, there were doctors and good people there, but there was a blind, the deaf community, people in the wheelchairs and they cried. And one of them said, please, dont take my Medicaid Health care away. And please allow me to continue to live independently, because i have at least the health care. Of course, the senate did not listen. The president today said he hopes the Affordable Care act will crash and burn. And we know that polls are showing that they increasingly think their health care will get worse, but poles are showing that 51 of the americans support the Affordable Care act. Time on the d my floor but im so overwhelmed by this bill and some people will lose their rives and im going to introduce the senate for american progress, covers losses under the Senate Health care 277 could result in 18, deaths in 2026. This is what we are confronting. These are not numbers that anyone could print but truthful numbers. Let me answer the question that we are crumbling. The president said crash and burn. That is not the case that those onlineing, state base or marketplaces. The fact that onethird of counties are projected to have ne insurer on the obama care exchanges. Replace. Gain or to he state was in there. Deciding to participate have scomplained about lackluster participation. Aetna pulled out leaving its participation in obamacare this year limited. But the real issue is that we have been strangeling these Insurance Companies. They leave out that the insurers might be less likely to exit if more states expanded medicaid under obamacare. I ask unanimous consent to place this article in the record. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Jackson lee and a second article entitled why so many insurers are leaving obamacare and the answer is a litany of ways that the republicans have extinct issued the very essence of it. I bring to the attention of my colleagues, ryan smith, without he has a Mental Health issue and beautiful picture with his mom and him and he said without the a. C. A. I would not be able to move and find a job. He is a young man with a job and he was diagnosed in 2013 because of the Affordable Care act, he keeps his job. Then we have how trumpcare will kill me. Im 34 years old. If i was a canadian, i would live for 17 years. Donald trump and paul ryan, i will not live. And this individual indicates that without i got married and i hope one day to have child but without the Affordable Care act, i will lose my lives. This was a gentleman lying in bed recovering from the most recent surgery. The senate has taken a major step. Fear, thats what americans felt. This is a Breast Cancer survivor and worried about being able to survive. So there are many so stories like this and stories of the disabled and Senior Citizens who may be thrown out and children who are very sick who may not have insurance. Im glad to be with you on the floor. My commitment is to see this never happens to the American People. Whatever the negotiating that is going on, i respect the other body, but whatever is going on to pass a bill to kill people or cause people to lose their medical insurance or throw people off of insurance, i believe we have a moral obligation to stand in the gap and stand against this. I would lift up my happened to my friends, senators and others, let us sit down together and let us save lives. With that, i yield back to the gentlelady. Ms. Plaskett thank you so much for that information for much of the testimony that you have given to the record. Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and include any extraneous remarks on this special order. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Ms. Plaskett it gives me great pleasure to yield five minutes to congresswoman bash rar lee who not only represents california and the area of berkley and oakland and someone who is a real progressive fighter for the American People, can cares passionately about the health care and also on this night, i have to tell you in june 2005, the house unanimously adopted house congressional resolution 71 which was sponsored and usual sheered through by congressman lee, hich in february, 2006, the resolution similarly passed the senate, culminating in a twoyear, bipartisan, bicameral effort issued by president george bush on june 6 of 2006. Since the declaration, the white house has issued annual proclamations recognizing june as caribbean American Heritage month and it gives those of us of caribbean American Heritage great honor and a real opportunity to extol and let other americans know about the contributions, the issues that are important to us. We want to thank you, congresswoman lee, for bringing that forward and ushering that through. It is really, we feel, quite often that we get subsumed, that the experiences of caribbean americans often get glossed over. We want to thank you for the for affording us the opportunity to have this month to be able to talk among ourselves and among other americans about the things that we have done. So at this time, i would yield five minutes to you to discuss health care as well as caribbean American Heritage month. Thank you. Ms. Lee thank you very much. I want to thank you, congresswoman blast debt, for hosting this special order, for your kind words, and also for your commitment to providing health care for all americans, for your leadership in the caribbean caucus, for your dedicated constituent representation of your constituents in your district and also being the epitome of why caribbean American Heritage month is so important. There are so many caribbean americans throughout our country who have contributed so much to the fabric of our society, and so i im really proud to be with you. Thank you for citing h. Con. Res. 71. That was during the days of the bipartisanship, if a barbara lee and a george bush could work together, that says something about what we can accomplish. But also about the brilliance and the importance of the caribbean american community. So thank you very much. This also, let me just mention, dr. Claire nelson, the founder and president of the institute of caribbean studies. For over a decade, we worked closely together to recognize the contributions of caribbean americans and to make caribbean American Heritage month a reality. I must, today, salute her for her tremendous leadership. Our nation has been so fortunate to benefit from countless individuals of caribbean descent, including my personal mentor and friend, the late honorable shirley chisholm, whose district now is so ably represented by our colleague of jamaican descent, congresswoman Yvette Clarke. A woman of holm was caribbean descent, she was the first woman and first africanamerican to run for president. She was truly a trail blazer and she convinced me that i needed to actually register to vote. Throughout her career, shirley was an advocate and a fighter. She fought for working families, the poor, our most vulnerable, children, seniors, she believed that everyone should have the basics. Food, housing, decent job, good wages. And health care. Again, regardless of their background. And let me tell you, i know that she would have been appalled by this Senate Health bill. Mr. Speaker, im disappointed, and to be quite honest, im terrified about the republicans heartless bill to Rip Health Care away from 22 americans. Now next year, 15 million americans will lose their health care and believe you me, these are not just democrats, these are not only africanamericans, but these are also republicans and people who voted for trump. The bill currently, this bill, was hatched by 13 male republicans in backrooms and basements. They hinted for they hid it for as long as they could because they knew if they held an honest debate they would lose on the merits. According to the Congressional Budget Office today, the senates bill would stRip Health Care from 22 million americans, devastate Womens Health and weaken protections for those living with preexisting conditions, with disabilities, it will increase premiums and reduce benefits. And i would it would also make americans pay more for less. It would end medicaid as we know it, including longterm care for our seniors. Whats more, it will harm American Families and really will present an environment now where its a matter of life and death for so many who dont even need to worry about not having health care. They should have health care because otherwise many people who are going to be denied under this bill can lose their lives. And for what . Why are we doing this . Why are they doing this . Its to pay for tax cuts for billionaires and for millionaires and for c. E. O. s. Mr. Speaker, over the last few months, like all of us, ive received thousands of letters from constituents in the east bay who are terfoifed losing their health care. Ive heard from people like melissa, a mother in oakland, whose son sam was born premature with several preexisting conditions. She, her son received health care under the Affordable Care act. Under the senate Health Care Bill, children like sam will be locked out of the care that they desperately need. They are terrified. The bill would force American Families like melissas to choose between groceries and health care. Mr. Speaker, this bill is cruel, and yes, it is mean. It is a massive tax cut for billionaires at the expense of families and our most vulnerable. During the campaign, President Trump asked the question, what is the what does the black community have to lose . For starters, mr. President , i hope you hear us tonight, its health care. Given the number of africanamerican which is congressman veasey laid out who have for the first time now who for the first time now have health care. In all my years in congress i have never see seen such a morally bankrupt bill. And make no mistake, it is a matter of life and death and the American People the serve better. Let me just say this bill is not a Health Care Bill, its a tax cut bill for millionaires and billionaires and its known as trumpcare. I dont know how it got that title. Because its more like, what i call it is trumpdontcare legislation and it must be rejected. Thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. Ms. Plaskett thank you so much for that information and for your passionate words. At this time, i would like to yield four minutes to the congresswoman of wisconsin, of milwaukee, who is an advocate for people throughout this country, mot just with not just wisconsin who is a poet, along with being a great congresswoman, congresswoman gwen moore. Ms. Moore thank you so, have thank you, so very, very much, gentlelady from the Virgin Islands. I rise today to speak with you, mr. Speaker, because we have gotten so many complaints about the messaging that democrats have around this bill. And i just want to keep the main thing the main thing. I just want to talk to you, mr. Speaker. Very directly. People tend we talk a lot about the 22, 23 Million People who will lose their health care if we were to repeal and replace the socalled obamacare. But this goes deeper than this. This undermines the Medicaid Program. A program that would be 52 years old on july 30, if it survives. This takes away the eligibility, changes eligibility standards and right now, mr. Speaker, theres 70 Million People who rely upon medicaid. Let me tell you, mr. Speaker, tomorrow it could be you. The average age of a member of the house of representatives is 57. The average age of a senator is 61. Mr. Speaker, youre one stroke away, one heart attack away from becoming disabled and after they wipe out your i. R. A. And your pension and your Social Security so that they can care consider you, longterm care, or allow you to stay home you too, mr. Speaker, could end up relying on medicaid. To have a decent end of Life Experience or to be able to stay at your home. Youre one kidney failure away. One car accident away. Even though you make 179,000 a year. You dont have enough money, mr. Speaker, were you to have a disabled child. That would need extensive care. You would depend on the Medicaid Program. You know, so many people dont care about whats going on here because they think it couldnt happen to them. Those 70 Million People who rely on medicaid is someone other than them. But no, mr. Speaker, its you. And even if you dont, god willing have a stroke, or a heart attack, youre someone who is going to to suffer from the cost shifting. So when 22 Million People lose their health care, your premiums are going to go up. Your deduckables are going to go up. God forbid you have arthritis or some other preexisting condition because under this left at youll be the tender mercy of our Insurance Companies. Where they can charge five times as much for someone who is aged or has a preexisting condition. Hospitals. In your nice suburban rural area may find themselves being shut down. Because they dont get medicaid payments. Community health centers. Not just planned parenthood, mr. Speaker, that youre ideologically opposed to but the Community Health centers that serve rural communities. And how cruel could a bill be where 50 of the children born in this country rely on medicaid. How cruel could a bill be when seven Million People with disabilities represented, you know, by those folks who were tossed out of here in their wheelchairs the other day, and we will find that after we end the entitlement to medicaid, we will have disabled people and children and people who need Skilled Nursing care fighting with each other because they will have to win the lottery in order to be able to access the crumbs that fall from the masters table. Of the state in which they live. Mr. Speaker, this bill will have an impact on you. It is not just poor people. It is everybody. The gentleladye, from the Virgin Islands, for us to be mindful of the fact that all americans, every american, relies on decent, good health care. And this is the Largest Health care program in our country that is about to be dismantled. And i would urge caution and tell everyone, especially you, r. Speaker, to beware. Ms. Plaskett thank you. Mr. Speaker, may i inquire how uch time i have remaining . The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman has 25 minutes remaining. Ms. Plaskett thank you, mr. Speaker. At this time it is with enormous not just gratitude but great pride, actually, to yield five minutes, nine minutes, 10 minutes, as much time she may consume to, to me, what is one of my big sisters here, who is the champion in the house, the foundation for those of us within the caribbean caucus, us who are caribbean americans here in the congress. She represents probably one of the largest caribbean constituents in the United States, that being part of brooklyn, new york, which i tell everybody is the largest caribbean island. In the world. Congresswoman Yvette Clarke is a great member on energy and commerce, is one of the cochairs of they have caribbean caucus. Is a passionate prork agressive advocate for health care and for all care for americans and for those that have been forgotten. I would yield to her time this evening to discuss health care and to also discuss Caribbean Heritage month, which im so glad and so grateful for your continued efforts to raise the level of awareness on issues of related to the caribbean basin, of cribamericans here in the United States and the African Diaspora as a whole, that we are not a monolithic group, that we have a richness and a variety within even americans who are of caribbean descent here in america and that needs to be celebrated and discussed and the achievements and how we all as a mosaic make America Great by being part of different cultures so at this time i yield that time to congresswoman clarke. Ms. Clarke i thank you for yielding me time. I rise today to pay tribute to caribbeanamericans, the sisters and brothers across this country. For hundreds of years, they have contributed to the artistic, literary, business, athletic, you name it, there is not an ndeavor who havent helped merican society. Alexander hamilton found our economic system. Former attorney general, eric holder, served honorably as the first black attorney general. General colin powell, whose own arents emgrated from jamaica became the first chairman and he secretary of state. Notly drafted the complaint in brown versus brown of education before serving as our first black female federal judge. Shirley chisholm served in congress for seven terms and became the first black woman to nomination. Sidents nd who could forget and Sidney Portier and sammy davis junior and let me on rihanna. But by any measure, caribbeanamericans have enriched the United States beyond their numbers and made the United States better, stronger, more vibrant while serving as a credit to the caribbean nation and the United States of america. Im a proud daughter of gentleman neighboring can and my mother was the first member of the new York City Council ap the first foreignborn female to serve. For those reasons, im proud to represent the largest of the caribbean communities in the nation and cochairs of the congressional caribbean caucus. The caribbean region stands at a crossroads today. They face high High Energy Prices and economic challenges imposed by the Correspondent Banking crisis. Haiti has been beset by numerous challenges through no fault of its own. I believe the United States must not be silent in the face of those challenges. The caribbean region is known favorably as the third border of the United States. Instead, it should aid our caribbean neighbors to help ensure a vibrant future in the region. Indeed, the state departments recent report on congress to congress on the u. S. Caribbean Strategic Partnership marked a step in the right direction. However, we must make strides to full as befitting our neighbors. I find it quite fascinating that so many other nations have found his area have been found to be partners and we have given it short drifts. When you look at the china it should give us all pause as we are concerned about the expansion of their influence into the western hemisphere. So mr. Speaker as i speak with pride today, i mention the name susan rice, another proud caribbeanamerican, patrick you wing, formerly of the new york knicks. Former hoyer from georgetown and the list goes on and on and we have deeply benefited from their contribution to our lives enriching society here in the United States of america. If i left the floor this eaning without adding my voice to that of my voices of the Congressional Black Caucus in condemning this horrible Health Care Bill in the United States senate. It is a companion to the horrible bill by the house of representatives. Im a christian and i practice my faith regularly and there see something said in the bible about wickedness and high places and i have to speak to the wickedness in this bill. That we as a Civil Society would remove the ability for people to just have Human Dignity to have life, to be able to see their doctors and make sure that their children are well taken care of, that their parents can live out their day in dignity and in the best health of possible is really a olympic on this nation. And we have been through generations of challenges. We have reached a point where in this nation, we have made a lot of progress in really doing our best for our neighbors as we would do for ourselves. This is totally a step back. Our children are going to ask us, where were we when this vicious bill was proposed that americans would be stripped of the ability to Access Health care in the United States of america in the 21st century . And i stand shouldertoshoulder in the Congressional Black Caucus that we fought. We fought for Human Dignity and fought to make sure that this would not be something that would not rest on the mind and conscience of our colleagues, that they will reflect on how they would feel if this bill were to impact them personally. I find it really ironic that in many of the districts that this Health Care Bill would impact, our colleagues are basically stripping away the wellbeing of their own constituents, people who voted them and sent them here. It is truly unfortunate that we all value wealth over Human Dignity and value giving money to people who havent asked for it over making sure we can stop the pandemic and continue research into cures for those who may be ill, that we can continue to move along the path of preventive health, which is by far, the best way for us to conduct our lives in the United States of america. To see emergency rooms, if they remain open, filled with those who are uninsured in this day and age, is not worthy of who we are as a nation. And so i stand with my colleagues to say, we will fight until the last person standing to bring dignity to our nation to all people, but we fight in particular as the Congressional Black Caucus to those who have been most victimized and the most vulnerable amongst us and those are the people of the africanamerican communities here in the United States. With that, madam, i thank you for the time. And i yield back. Ms. Plaskett thank you so much. I find it interesting for myself that we have congresswoman clarke and the next member to come up is also from new york and both of you have been representatives of districts that i have lived in and that my family lives in, and you represent what i think when i think of my parents who live now in congressman meeks district, my mother who was living in their district, they represent most caribbeanamericans, people who come here with not much, willing to work hard, who believe that the sacrifice towards support and find good stable jobs and create middle class is what america is about. We have contributed so much and we can talk about the caribbeanamericans who have done Amazing Things in this country but those individuals who we do not talk about, our families and parents who came to this country that provided stability. And we are worried about the 50,000 haitians, who are being sent back and now here working hard and sending money back to the backbone of haiti. That country will collapse and leaving this country and being good citizens yes or noing for the american dream. I want to yield time to congressman gregory meeks, who represents queens, new york, which is one of the backbones of caribbeanamericans and as my parents, and congressman you have been so good to the people you represent as well as all the American People. You sit on Financial Services and you also sit as a member of the Foreign Affairs committee where you advocate and speak up for individuals who cannot speak for themselves. Mr. Meeks i want to thank representative plaskett for leading this special order on behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus. It is extremely important that we first thank our caribbean brothers and sisters. My sister, representative clarke stated, the history of so many individuals who have made substantial contribution to make this a more perfect union, who, but for their labor and hard work, would not be the country we are now in. But also as representative plaskett has indicated. When i think about the average, everyday person who came across to america from the caribbean islands, the school teachers, the plumbers, the lawyers, the doctors, the sanitation workers, the individuals that come to even come to cut grass. When you think about the contributions, those individuals becomeised children, who members of Congress Like representative plaskett and representative clarke who continue this tradition to make this a much better place for all americans. A shining example of what this great nation is when it is so inclusive. Representative clarke talked about hamilton, alexander hamilton, and the contributions that was made from the very beginning. But when you look at that and when you think of who we are and the hemisphere that we share, you see the caribbean islands is the same hemisphere and we have to make sure that we are together in lockstep, and we can never forget that when america catches a cold, many individuals n the caribbean now gets pneumonia. As a result of understanding the contributions they have made to one on the , we are same content and we are only as strong as we are one together. And we have to stob and have to think about our brothers of the and sisters and just places that we go visit for tour rism and vacation. Yes, you want to make sure we do visit there to strengthen those communities but what happens to make sure as a government and people we are doing the appropriate investments there in their infrastructure because it only helps us here in the United States of america. Only strong we can be together. Plure bus ewe numb, from e pluribus unum, from many, one. Thats what weve accomplished. That brings me to the second phase of what i want to talk about this evening. This is not supposed to be a system of the haves versus the have nots. It should not be where we have a reverse robin hood syndrome where youre taking from the poor to give to the rich. No, thats not the nation that we want this country to be. From a kingple fled who was wealthy and didnt care about the poor. So here we are, now as a nation, when the most important thing to anybody is health. Because if you dont have health, you dont have anything. I dont care whether youre black or white, whether you are whether you come from the east or the west or the north or the south. Health. And the one thing we have in common, everyone, is that were human beings. And one thing we know for sure, human beings bodies at times break down. So yes, if you are young and healthy and yes, if you are wealthy, then maybe this bill that theyre looking at on the senate side is for you. But if youre young and healthy today, believe me, tomorrow you wont be young. If youre lucky. And believe me, the human being gets sick. The human body gets sick. And when that happens, the question is, will you have the ability to access the health care that you need to keep you healthy . Under this bill, based upon the american medical associations hospitals, aarp, almost any health provider, theyll tell you that, no. 22 million americans, as the c. B. O. Score showed, will lose their access to health care. And many of those in the middle trk the middle class, you know, they talk about health care, were talking about Adequate Health coverage. So that when youre sick, you can go to a doctor and receive the care that you need and know that youre covered. Because my republican colleagues have forgotten where we were before the Affordable Care act. You see, before the affordable are act, more americans were going bankrupt and trying to stay alive. For health care. The middle these are middle class, hardworking, everyday individuals who thought they had coverage, but when they were sick, they went to the doctor, then they found out that what they thought they were covered for, they were not. And so they had to take out loans and mortgage refinance their homes. Give up everything that they had. To try to stay healthy and alive. We dont want to go back there. Before the Affordable Care act, we were not talking about making sure that those individuals with preexisting diseases were covered. If you listen to my republican colleagues, they will tell you that the Affordable Care act is the worst thing in the world. But before the Affordable Care act, we werent talking about children being able to stay on their Health Care System until hey were 27 years old. Yes, indeed, before the Affordable Care act, many seniors saw their coverage capped and after a certain amount of payout, they had to come out of their pockets of which were not deep and either just hang in there with their families and suffer and go bankrupt. So what were talking about now is saving the lives of individuals. And i want to thank my friend and sister from the Virgin Islands for leading this for the Congressional Black Caucus because the camera of history is rolling. And it is recording, and itll record you and the members of the Congressional Black Caucus standing on the right side of history. And i yield back. Ms. Plaskett thank you. Mr. Speaker, may i inquire as to how much time we have left . The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady has 2 1 2 minutes remaining. Ms. Plaskett i will give two minutes to mr. Evans to close out and close out after that. Mr. Evans thank you very much. Republicans have said they want a Health Care System that cuts costs and covers more americans, yet their bill does no such thing. Last week, Republican Leadership in the Senate Unveiled a draft Health Care Bill. This bill makes extreme cuts to the federal Medicaid Program and doubles down on the president s vow to repeal the Affordable Care act. Out onpartisan c. B. O. Came and said that 22 million americans stand to lose health coverage. The nonpartisan c. B. O. Their bill does nothing but further harm the communities and threat then livelihood of neighborhoods nationwide. The Health Care Debate in our country should be about increasing funding, promoting prevention, protecting and enhancing quality of life for each and every person in philadelphia and the commonwealth in our nation. What do we have to lose . We have a lot to lose. Were taking lives of 22 million americans off of health care. The numbers do not lie. These are veterans, our senior, our students and our children. Cannot turn a blind eye to a blind eye. Our the livelihood of our neighborhoods depends on us stopping this bill becoming law. Since a lot is at stake and there is too much to lose to turn a blind eye. You have heard from my colleagues tonight that clearly this is going in the wrong direction and we, members of the Congressional Black Caucus, stand together to fight this horrible, horrible bill. But one last thing i want to say since my colleague, on caribbean americans, june is caribbean American Heritage month and i think that most of my colleagues, i have learned a lot from watching her in action, she as that spirit and that drive. As a caribbean american she has helped shape and strengthen the fabric of our communities. And i thank you publicly for all that you have done as a great caribbean american in this body. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady ease time has expired the gentleladys time has expired. Ms. Plaskett question we yield become our time and ask that the record remain open for five legislative days so members can revise and extend their remarks and add any extraneous material related to the subject matter of this evenings special order hour. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Does the gentlelady have a motion . Ms. Plaskett at this time i move that we close. Adjourn. The speaker pro tempore the question is on the motion to ad journ. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. The motion is adopted. Accordingly the house stands we also sought to bring new members sworn in on the floor. Week, the house is expected to consider a bill that went tough and penalties for sanctuary cities by blocking grants for those who failed to comply with federal immigration orders. Watch live house coverage when they return tomorrow here on cspan. The Congressional Budget Office released its analysis of the Senate Replacement Health Care Bill. Therojected it would reduce federal deficit over 10 years by 321 billion, but increased the number of people uninsured by 2026. Up next, we get reaction from Senate Democrats and hear from republican majority leader mitch mcconnell, then President Trump meets with indian Prime Minister modi. Later, a look at u. S. India trade relations. Cspan, Williams College students acree would at a senate Judiciary Committee hearing on free speech on college campuses. The president unilaterally canceled the speaker. Days later, the president enacted new speaker policies that made bringing speakers to campus an especially arduous process from a student group. Find impermissible, undemocratic, and antithetical to the intellectual character of the college i attend is the president s decision to disinvited speaker solely on the basis of his inflammatory remarks about race. Congresswoman do get on the Opioid Crisis in the u. S. I was sitting next to the Denver Public library and and said, what are the issues you are facing here at the Denver Public library . I thought she would say ,omething like, Cyber Security access to books. She said, we have people over dosing in the Library Every day and we need to get our librarians naloxone so they can give it to people who have overdosed. At the Denver Public library. Senator john mccain at the confirmation hearing of Deputy Defense secretary nominee patrick shanahan. From now have an executive one of the five major corporations that has carell 90 of our defense budgets, and on one of the major issues that this committee has had hearings about, has had markups about, and you want to find out more information. Not a good beginning. Not a good beginning. Do not do that again, mr. Shanahan, or i will not take your name up for a vote for this committee. Cspan programs are available at cspan. Org right on our homepage page or by searching the video library. Senate democrats held a News Conference after the Congressional Budget Office did its analysis of the Health Care Law replacement legislation. We will hear from Senate Minority leader Chuck Schumer and senators murray and ron wyden

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