>> david, to quote you, if you didn't like the book, you wouldn't like the move -- movie. prime minister benjamin netanyahu said he would make no promisees. why would i like the movie? >> it seems the one part of this is clearly left wide open. we have one time between now and september 26. until now, netanyahu wants to say to the kneset, i have these talks without preconditions. i think he thinks that helps him domestically as well. once he's inside the talks, he may say, there are no preconditions. you could go for the settlement clusters, but not the other 95% for the west bank. it would mark for the first time by the netanyahu government of different types of settlements. i'm not sheer to say i know how it is going to be solved. if there is, you know, a push for building, he's out. netanyahu is saying, i'm not going to continue what exists. the question is, if between those positions there is a certain middle ground each side could be happy. there is some drama now. between now and september 26, i think this is the first test of the talks, and i think this issue has to be addressed in some form. even if netanyahu goes for the meridor idea, i think that is a different way to signal to the israeli people about your ultimate intentions, because you would say israel is not going to keep 95% of the west bank. >> just one initial thought about the settlement issue. there is really two promises out there. there is the public moritorium and then there is the private de facto no building in jeruslem. one could imagine the israeli government shifting on the quiet defacto no building in jeruslem, and they never made a promise not to do that. that would have an interesting trigger effect as well. there are options one could consider if one is creative about this. yes, please. >> is it conventional wisdom that this would mean the end of the two-state solution? ariel shimon, the -- how would netanyahu be able to do that with tens of thousands, probably hundreds of thousands of settlers to be removed from the best bank? >> clearly, implements would take longer. there have already been reports floated over the weekend. netanyahu sees a much longer implementation approach than israel has in the past. the palestinians you think there has been some flexibility, agree to the principle, whatever it takes to implement, fine. now, don't want to call it a shelf agreement as if it was theoretical, which i think it was not. if the implementation line was longer, i don't think that would upset people as much as an agreement on the principles. the israeli government has not had a great record in terms of resettling the gaza settlers. this is an area that needs to be studied more. but i think the important part for me is upgrading those 80% of the settlers that live in less than 4.5% of the land. they have been living in limbo since after the 1967 war to the point that there are now 300,000 people all together, 240,000 live in these settlement blocks many if you offer the 80% an upgrade, you are not a human bargaining chip anymore, that might tell most of the settlers there is something in it for them. if you tar them all with the same brush it is no question they will unite in opposition. i think the best idea would be to tell them to live near the old 1967 territory. you not going to be called occupied west bank, you are going to be called israel. you want to build sky-scrapers, go ahead. >> i don't know if it is going to be the answer to a two-state solution, but i know it will have a dramatic effect on domestic palestinian politics. as you know there is a split in ideology and domestic policy. you have hamas. negotiations will fail. this is what they are banking. if the norks fail, they will be in a stronger position. you have abas and the p.l.o. saying this is the only way to get statehood. if that succeeds, there will be success. if norblingses does not succeed, i don't see them surviving much longer. i believe hamas being in charge of the palestinian national movement is going to be a great blow to a two-state solution and might drag us back to 1970. >> i inkjected -- i injected history into our discussion early on. i have to at least note the two-state solution that is been part of the diplomacy in this conflict since 1937. we're now going on 73 years, and the chances that the two-state solution, in my view, is going to disappear from the lexicon in this conflict any time soon are fairly soon. with that, ladies and gentlemen, let me thank all my panelists for participating in today's event and thank all of you and all of you out in for -- out there for joining us in our discussion. [applause] >> thank you. >> search the term "mid east peace" on line at the c-span library and you will get more than ,000 transcripts including an early mike wallace interview of abba eban. it is washington and the world your way. >> president obama's address to the nation last night in about a half-hour. before that, house minority leader john boehner's speech on troop withdrawals. >> vice president joe biden will attend an exchange in military command ceremony on c-span2. after that, the financial inquigs begins a series of hearings and we'll hear from the chief executive office of lehman brothers. here on c-span, christina romer will be at the council of economic advisers to talk about the economy. >> then live coverage of a debate barbara boxer and fiorin a. >> now house minority leader john boehner at the american legion national convention in milwaukee, he criticized obama for claiming credit for a success built on a troop strategy that the president originally opposed. this is a little less than a half-hour. >> i want to thank the american legion for supporting our troops where ever they are stationed and caring for them when they come home. it is truly hero's work, and i snow i spoke on bea behalf of all of the united states congress when i say to all of you, thank you. i also want to glate commander hill and the hundreds of bikers who participated in yet another successful legacy run. all told you raised more than $360,000 for families of service members who have fallen in the line in the years following the terrorist attacks of september 11, 2001. your efforts serve as a reminder of our shared resolve as a country to never forget 9/11 and keep pace with the heroes that lost their lives that day often in the hopes that others might live. those memories don't fade, and these colors don't run. we honor the sacrifice of our 9/11 heroes today, tomorrow, always. thank you. thank you. thank you for the work you are helping to improve veterans access to the quality health care that they deserve. i was proud to work with the legion last year to stop a severely misguided plan to stop a practice of building service members for combat injuries. insurance companies don't send men and women into combat and our nation does, and our nation should take responsibility for that momentous decision. [applause] >> i was proud to stand with the legion this year to expose flaws in the health care law, and with the legion's help we successfully protected veterans health care rights. as important as this commitment is, just as important is the commitment to the dignity and respect that comes from holding the jobs. today as thousands of our warriors come home seeking to provide for their families and realize that the american dream dream that they volunteered to defend awaiting them is an economy that affords neither opportunities nor jobs. veterans unemployment today is at 11%. that's why i call on my colleagues in the congress and the president to join me in supporting a series of immediate actions to end the ongoing economic uncertainty and help more americans find an honest day's work. stimulus spending sprees, permanent bail outs, federal mandates and government take-overs have failed our nation and they have failed our veterans. it is time for a pressure start. [applause] we need a fresh start so that every man and woman who has worn the uniform of our nation knows that when they leave the service the stunt for a good job in the private sector will await them. it is an honor to share the stage today with secretary robert gates. i join him in thanking our brave men and women who have served in our -- and are currently serving in iraq. this day belongs to our froops whose courage and sacrifices have made the transition to a new mission in iraq possible. it is with profound gratitude that we reflect on all that our service members and their families have done and continue to do during a time of peril we also absolute the work of their commanders, general david petraeus. at this moment i can't help but think back to the time when the situation in iraq was grim and the future was bleak. general petraeus embarked on the surge strategy and it was widely viewed as our last chaste chance to save iraq from a spiral toward chaos. the consequences of failure then as now were severe. some leaders who opposed, criticized, and fought tooth and nail to fought the surge strategy now probably claim credit for the results. one leader in the u.s. us -- house of representatives declared the surge was a failure even before it was implemented. one leader in the united states senate said, and i quote, this war is lost, even as additional forces were being mobilized. wup lawmaker rejected the idea the surge would reduce violence in iraq saying, and again i'm quoting, in fact, i think we will do the reverse. these are lawmakers that supported and accepted support from an anti-war organization that ran a full-page add in the "the new york times" smearing a four-star general, a commander of men and women in uniform that were working in harm's way when they referred to him as "general betraus." today we mark not to defeat, but we mark progress. i want to thank president obama for setting aside his past political rhetoric and recognizing the importance of the sturge and the dip -- diplomatic agreement signed by president bush and prime minister malekyi. for troops and families, this war will not be over until they come home. though the mission has changed, their work is no less critical. there is no stronger bull wark against the mens in the region than a -- men -- there is no better argument against those who breach intoll rens and hatred than a free, stable, and thriving rack. -- iraq. the future of iraq will not be determined by the words politicians speak today but by their actions in the months and years aheads. the hard truth is that iraq will continue to remain a target for those that hope to destroy freedom and democracy. the people of that nation and this nation deserve to know what america is prepared to do if the cause for which our troops sacrificed their lives in iraq is threatened. i hope the president will address that question when he speaks tonight to the nation and the world. we have often heard about ending the war in iraq. we haven't heard much about winning the war in iraq. if we honor what our men and women fought for, we cannot turn our backs now on what they have achieved. when we support our troops, we support them all the way, and there is no such thing as supporting our troops but not the mission they are there to fight for. [applause] >> victory in iraq was the only option in 2007, and it is the only option now. >> the american legion understands that, and the american museum understand that. that's why we're here today talking about our troops returning home in success instead of gradual surrender. of course, too many of our own have returned home from iraq to be laid to rest. there sacrifices have not been in vain. and i know legion airs give -- legionnaires think of them in heart and deed. one fallen soldier's wife once worked in my congressional office. sergeant clay was one of the united states marine's killed in folugia in 2006. before he died, he left a letter for his family to be read in case he didn't make it home. in the letter, sergeant clay wrote, and i'll quote, what we have done in iraq is worth any sacrifice. why? because it was our duty. i know that sounds simple, but duty is a god-given task and without duty, life is worthless. this marine understood his duty to god and country, and we as elected leaders must understand our duty as well. [applause] >> our troops in harm's way should never have to doubt congress' mission to supporting them. when asked to help our troops in harm's way, we should do it without delay. that means no more troop funding bills held up by unrelated spending and pork barrel projects. [applause] >> we need a congress that understands when we send our sons and daughters to riss -- risk all in defense of our security, that victory is the only option, and that we will do whatever it takes to provide them with the necessary support so that they can return home swiftly and successfully. no voice, no matter how strong or committed, the voice of the commander-in-chief. that's why the president must take the time to articulate in a co-heerpt, consistent manner to the families and fellow citizens the cause, the purpose, and the goal did of this mission. this -- these imperatives should not be communicated in a manner of just checking a box. these missions should not be bunched together -- with a whole laundry list of political challenges. afghanistan is just not one of two wars. it is central to the global struggle against extremism and intoll rens. -- intolerance. the border of afghanistan that they share with pakistan is a virt wall command and control center where al-qaeda command and plan attacks against americans and allies. they must be resistent to the forces of extremism, and it must be resistent to becoming a potential safe-haven for terrorist organizations. i support our counterinsurgencey strategy in afghanistan. but the president must do more to emphasize his commitment to ensure success rather than focusing on an arbitrary deadline for withdrawl. and he also must place a greater emphasis on ensuring successful implementation of both the military and civilian components of his strategy. using campaign progress as yard sticks to measure projects and success in afghanistan runs the risk of triggering artificial spricktri laps and preem withdrawal dates unconnected to conditions on the ground. after years of hard fighting, are which has come at a high price, we cannot afford to underestimate the impact of domestic debates and political hedging, and what that will have on decisions made by friends and foe alike. if we're successful on accomplishing our goals in afghanistan, it will be because of the endurance, the discipline, and the patience of our troops. [applause] and i know that the american legion joins me in expressing our gratitude to our men and women serving in afghanistan today. [applause] the united states afford to think short-term when our enemies have proved on and on again they are in it for the long hall. this is a war that began long before the tragic events of 9/11. it is a war the american people did not seek and did not start. this is an enemy that first tried to blow up the world trade center in 1993. this is an enemy that took its desire to kill americans abroad to riyad in 1995. to the towers in 1996. to east africa in 1998. and to point -- the u.s.s. coal off the yemen coast in 2000. this is an enemy that wills the death and destruction of anyone who opposes them. before 9/11. united states terrorism were like a law enforcement issue. we handled each zens incident as a separate incident con dent -- we characterized the perpetrateors to be tried and contained rather than terrorists to be deterred and defeated. with zeens of this pre-9/11 to fulfill a campaign promise. the american people were told last year that keeping open the guantanamo bay prison which houses the worst of the worst served as a rallying cry for our enemies. we were told that closing the detension facilities and importing the remaining activities into the united states would diminish the threat. and then, starting with the plot to blow up the manhattan subway system, we witnessed four terrorist incidents on u.s. soil in an eight-month period, including the fort hood shooting, attempted christmas day bombing, and the failed times square bombing. each of these attacks represented new strands of terrorism, and wetch of these terrorists received varying degrees of support, but all had ties to international terrorist organizations and a radical exextremist platform. now more than ever the american people deserve every assurance that their government has the right legal authorities and the right mindset to place future and to prevent future attacks on american soil. just days ago the justice department announced that it would not be pursuing charges against the terrorists who allegedly coordinated the bombing of the u.s.s. coal. now, this is no garden variety terrorist. this is a terrorist who has the blood of 17 american soldiers on his hands. this is a terrorist that worked hand in hand with one of the 9/11 hijackers and the commander of the u.s.s. cole who fault for justice along side the demand commanders for justice said the obama administration is blatantly playing politics with this issue. when it comes to holding those who kill innocent americans possible for their heenous acts, politics should be the last thing on our minds. [applause] over the course of the last 20 months, it is clear that our country's overarching detension policy has been launched. we do not know the parameters for when, how, and under what circumstances we will capture, solicit information from, and detain illegal enemy combatants. ladies and gentlemen, we are a nation at war. a patchwork of political processes does not represent a coherent strategy to confront and defeat the threat. we need a congress that will hold our government accountable for an over-reaching capture detension and interrogation policy, and we need a congress that will use every tool at its disposal to keep terrorists off of u.s. soil. [applause] stopping at nothing to defeat the terrorist threat is how we can set an example for the rest of the world. our missions in iraq and afghanistan are also critical to maintaining america's century's old role as a selfless beacon of hope and opportunity. america did not become the last best hope of man by accident or by force. it was a choice. a choice first made by revolutionaries who faced down what was then the most powerful empire on earth. during a second snaul international radical address, president lincoln talked about how the union did not seek to make war but chose to accept war in freedom's defense rather than letting the nation perish. the height of our test of wills against the soviet communism, president reagan reaffirmed america's commitment to genuine peace but made certain that the evil empifere knew that we will never compromise our standards and we will never give away our freedom. ideas matter. when reports for president reagan's words reached athe gulogues and a soviet dissident tapped them out in morse code, and several years later when he was freed, eransky visited the oval office and he urged president reagan to keep giving his speeches so others who aspire to liberty could keep hearing his code of arms. th reagan's words spoke to another dissident, an electric tradition who shaped the solidarity movement and caused one of the first dents in the iron curtain. whether president reagan died 15 years after the berlin wall came down, this man said this, we in poland took him so personally. why? because we owe him our liberty. margaret thatcher said of president reagan that he took words and he sent them out to speak for us. what words are being sent out from our government to fight for the cause of freedom and democracy? what words does a prisoner in cuba's gulag or a freedom fighter in iran hear today? or those s