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I am sure members across the whole house will wish to join me in Marking International womens day as we celebrate the politicalonomic, and achievements of women both here and around the world. We will also redouble our efforts to tackle the issues women still face. In addition to my duties in this house i will have more meetings later today. I join the Prime Minister in celebrating National Women stay. A record of protecting and supporting those at risk and those at risk of Domestic Violence. Day. Since 2010, conservatives in government have a record of protect team and enforcing both those that risk and the dems that Domestic Violence. Myself when i joined by police in a day to thank them for the difficult a job. Even as far as too many women are still at risk. What more can the Prime Minister due to tackle this . My honorable friend raises a very serious issue. Its one in which ive taken a particular personal interest and attach Great Fortune to this issue. Tackling Domestic Violence is a key priority and what we have done already in government i think has potential to transform the way in which we think to tackle these terrible crimes when they take place. Weve already committed to bring forward new legislation and ive confirmed an additional 20 Million Pounds to support organizations working to tackle Domestic Violence and abuse. This means total funding available will be over 100 Million Pounds this parliament. Jeremy corbin. Thank you, mr. Speaker. [shouting] thank you very much, mr. Speaker. Could i start their wish and all women a happy International Womens day today. And i am very proud of the labor party has more women mps than all other parties combined. [cheers and applause] and a shout out of which half the members are women. Months ago, mr. s acre, i raised the question of delete text between the leader and government officials about social care. The Prime Ministers response was to accuse me of peddling alternative facts. Could the Prime Minister explain the difference between a sweetheart deal and a gentlemans agreement . First of all, the right honorable gentleman preferences women in this house. I will point out to him that actually conservative party has said a further measure in relation to women in the house recently. Weve replaced with a female conservatives. [shouting] now hes asked me in relation to the county council and the substance of what is asking is a particular deal with counter council that is not available to other councils. The answer to that is no. [shouting] the affinity to raise to 3 is available to every council. The issue of retention of 100 of Business Rates is available to a number of councils in april. Luscious look at them. Liverpool, manchester, london. What do we know about us . Thereunder neighbor control. So what is actually asked me is why should a conservative council have access to an arrangement is predominantly currently available to labor council. Mr. Speaker, my question was about the arrangements within the government and county council. A recording has now emerged saying that the leader of county council, david hodge says there is a gentlemans agreement between him and the government which meant they would not have to go ahead with the referendum. The Surrey County council. Because theres an acute care crisis that affects every council. 4. 6 lane of cuts made to social care since 2010, can i Prime Minister tell every other count on england were gentlemans agreement is available for them. I will stay up all day. If he could just be a little patient to wait half an hour or the budget to actually find out what social care in maine is available to all councils. If hes asking me if there is this initial deal that was not available to other councils, if he is looking it is looking to uncover a conspiracy, i suggest he just looks behind him. [applause] mr. Speaker, i saw the arrangements are so clear, while the Prime Minister place in the hot favorite of all onetoone meeting that have been held between the Community Secretary and the chance player within a Council Leader for social services anywhere in the win. And can she explain that there is no special deal by deal in the county council to be allowed into the business rate retention pilot when its been denied to others . Business rate retention pilot will be coming in to fall for a number of councils this april. That included Isaiah Garvey said in an her to his early question, Greater London and some others. In 2019, hes going to be available to 100 of council for 2018, 2019, councils sorry about to be part of councils across the country. Attacks, mr. s akers said theres a memorandum of understanding. The Prime Minister said there is no deal. Shes now unclear about this. Did she actually know what arrangement was made with the county council . Shes send key and answering questions on that. There is another area of concern over the whole country. Could the Prime Minister tell us how many new School Places will be needed at 2020 . Lusciously to the right honorable gentleman, that really he should listen to the answers for the next question. He said i didnt answer the question and i think ive answered now three times a month ill do it a fourth time. They were not available to other councils. Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister asked a question a moment ago about the number of new School Places needed by 2020 to actually explain why we have class sizes soaring thanks to her government. So what is the answer in the number of School Places Prime Minister . Well, this government has a policy about increasing the number of School Places, they doing more than that. So that every child has an opportunity to go to a good school. But the money we put into education about including money for free schools comprehend this comment grammar schools, there will be a diversity. What i want is a good school place for every child and parents to have the choice. But the right honorable gentleman once his parents to take what they are given, good or bad. The National Order Office Tell Us that a large number of School Places needed 424,000. Nothing gets anywhere near to that. Instead, she proposes a Flagship Team to build the wrong skills in the wrong place. Grammar schools and preschools and falling in realtime. Is it time this colossal waste of money was addressed doing nothing to help the majority of children and the school prices and that is what every parent in this country want not project from her government. They want every child to have. Majority of free schools that have been helping have been outbid for this and means for School Places and actually in areas where they are helping the very children in life. I have to say, this is about a society in on this budget day, what we see as we are securing the economy. We are working for a fair society made for every single reform. Theyve are appointing among themselves. We decided this great country. Sidelight for people have suffered stroke. With this in mind, for my right honorable friend now commit to her government to publish also including treatment such as improving outcomes for one in 10 patients. I want to assure her that the nhs does want to continue to build on the successes of strategy. I think we all recognize huge improvement in stroke care and we want to deliver care and i understand the nhs has approved the use of retrieval in specific cases. It does rigorously order across the country so they can make sure we are delivering on our commitments. For stroke and heart attacks in europe. The International Womens day lewis shaw all campaigners for equality while including the waspy campaigners. The committee has recommended the u. K. Must guarantee this stat is an act unilaterally if necessary. The committee then went on to see her consideration of permanent residency is not fit for purpose and in the absence of concrete resolution felt by the estimated 3 million years that this is it is untenable to continue with the system as it stands. Given the positive contributions, what country plans just the Prime Minister had to deal with this . The right honorable gentleman knows that want an earlier agreement which will enable us to guarantee living in the u. K. , but also guarantee the u. K. Citizen. The application on the home office is looking at this and as they always do, looking how they can improve. Mr. Speaker, since 2010, the fulltime staff equivalent cut a 10 . At current rates of processing applications for permanent resident he would take the home office more than 50 years. To deal with 3. 2 million nationals. This is utterly unacceptable. For the Prime Minister tell us how quickly she hopes to be able to guarantee all european nationals permanent resident to you . The right honorable gentleman cant just stand up and say because the home office is at a more efficient. The home office is getting more efficient in how its dealing with these things. I dont office heard about technology, but these days people apply online. Gray screen. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Recent events in britain, it is clear there is Serious Problems in how communities integrate into society and the lack of integration in the emacs of terror. But the Prime Minister. This strategy in response to these findings . Again, very serious issues my honorable friend has raised. The government has taken a comprehensive approach to violent extremism, but also to her counter extremism strategy looking at extremism more widely. We want to defeat terrorism and violent extremism, but extremism wherever it occurs we will be publishing a new strategy in the coming months we will respond on integration. It is backed up by additional investment in security and intelligence agencies from the 2. 8 billion over four years. And care the government is doing everything it can to tackle issues about integration, extremism and terrorism. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Icon from the westminster debate on behalf of my young constituent on his 11 years old who developed narcolepsy as a result of receiving a pandemic vaccine to protect from swine flu. Actually in the gallery today. In the spirit of devastating cases that the link between pandemics and neck alexis bergman. But they face long legal battles. The Prime Minister today promised no more of his disabled children will be hounded through the court, apologize to the families concerned im also payments to support the children longterm care needs. And a first of all lady on this important topic via she refers to the end of her question to the issue of payment because im sure she realizes the Payment Scheme isnt a compensation scheme, but a lump sum pay to help ease the burden of those who are disabled as a result of vaccination and part of a range of support provided. She has raised a very specific case. Can i suggest to her obviously she thought that debate. We want to ensure the process is open and fair at every stage. Dwp does that every claim based on its own facts. Im sure my honorable friend the minister for disabled people will look into the specific case issues raised. Close question. Thank you. While i speculate on this statement than the right honorable friend the chancellor is making assuredly, i can usher my honorable friend that since 2010, employment in the West Midlands has risen by 215,000 privatesector employment grew by 80,000 over the last year. Weve also seen a just been protect it in more doctors and nurses in local hospitals. Was also the supposed breaks that vote of confidence from bowling and based in investing in other parts of the country. Could my right honorable friend in the West Midlands . Im happy to say that in the wider sense, we show we want an economy for everyone and we party confirmed over 330 million of the funding into the investment fund. But it is important to recognize the investment being made in the u. K. By companies who will be building the new range rover model. It is also good news for the british economy and the u. K. In the future. Mr. Speaker, my casework is doubtful that the anxiety is homeoffice imposing on constituents including official attempts to Robert Country overturned tribunal. They include the family settled here for eight years in a man with a severe brain injury. Can i ask the Prime Minister if she wants people, should she respect tribunals mean tribunals are not block them affecting 164,000 disabled people. The honorable gentleman is referring to the decision being taken in relation to the court and the personal independence payments. As i explained last week and has been explained by the secretary of state, this is about restoring the system to the state that is intended to be when parliament agreed. As agreed by the coalition government, agreed by this parliament after extensive consultation. A National Apprenticeship week is important to recognize the governments commitment to investment and commitment to apprenticeships. But the Prime Minister encourage the apprenticeship is championed by businesses and make it shouldnt see that the forefront in developing these new programs or engineering degree. Right honorable friend has raised an important issue as we look ahead to the future, we want to ensure people in the u. K. Have the skills that they need for the economy of the future. Degree of apprenticeships will be an important part of this. As he referred to specifically comment they have been right at the forefront of developing those same programs. And please to set overall we we look at apprenticeships and a partnership that it will take 2. 45 billion, double what we spent in 2010. That means its more opportunities for young people to gain the skills they need for their future. Dan jarvis. Tamara. Tomorrow, and the more it will be those men and women who served our country in afghanistan and iraq. Does the Prime Minister agree that we should all pay tribute to their service and commemorate their sacrifice not just with the memorial, but through a commitment to learn from the past and do better in the future . The honorable gentleman raises a very important point. Thisll be a very Significant Committee when this is unveiled and we should all across this house pay tribute to those who will be recognizing for the sacrifice that they made those in our armed forces, but the civilians who also worked to deliver a and health care and education. It is important that we recognize the sacrifices made by our armed forces and also by their families and that would be a significant tomorrow. We are very clear for me to learn lessons i factly what we do. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Im delighted that the intervention and Mental Health, which i still feel has not had the attention it deserves it in plymouth are completely reconfiguring our Mental Health services because we can admit nothing without parity of probation. For the Prime Minister cant see the pioneering work we are doing perhaps the Mental Health we can make to take a national league. I think my honorable friend because i know the issue he has championed and is very close to his areas of concern. It is important that talks about the state the government has introduced and more proficient than ever before. I would certainly be delighted to see the work being done in plymouth. Thank you in my constituents to you, secretary skills are severely underfunded. Maintain nursing skills are struggling to survive. Why at a time and we cannot adequately fund the skills we already have come as the Prime Minister suggesting ending billions of pounds creating new that will help only minority children. This will do nothing to help social mobility. Lets be clear about what the government has done. The record of funding going into education in this country. It was a conservative led government that introduced a premium and has protect aid budget. When it comes to new money going into schools as a result of todays announcement, the money is not about a return to a system of grammar schools. That is not what we are going to do. What we are doing is ensuring a diversity of provisions. Comprehensive, university schools, what i want is a good cool place for every child. The more than not, the right school place for every child. Amanda melling. Thank you, mr. Speaker. It is National Womens day is absolutely fantastic. We have the highest female employment rate. We have the highest women and ftse 100 were some records. The gender pay gap is the lowest on record and we have an amazing email Prime Minister. [cheers and applause] however, however, mr. s weaker, im sure the Prime Minister will agree there is still much more to do. In particular, back to work after a career break. I right honorable friend outlined what the government theyre going to do. I think my honorable friend for her question. When i stood on the steps of downing street and talked about a country that works for everyone, thats why were taking a number of measures, including International Womens day today. We will be setting up a new fund to help those returning to work after a long career break. Return ships are important. I think we should all recognize that the majority of those who take time out of their career or when they devoted themselves to motherhood, often getting back into employment is very difficult. They find it closed off. Thats why it makes economic sense but is also right that we provide for these return ships to enable them to get back in the work place. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Everyone agrees that are of the year education is crucial for the welfare and future of our children. However, nurses and i can issue the tony the funding is not sufficient and not enough and many of bad will be forced to close. What samples theyve made to ensure it does so close. Honorable lady talks about the 30 hours. Just click above for your doing on childcare. 15 hours of free child care a week for all of children a week. Ill put up to 70 of childcare for people in my one pound and shared parental leave will spend a record 6 billion pounds on childcare by the end of this parliament. This conservative government, that the record of supporting parents in relation to childcare needs. Thank you, mr. Speaker. It is indefensible when they spout 120 Million Pounds in reserve by 4 Million Pounds. I say to my honorable friend, the decision on what to do about council tax is a matter or that directly elect their crime commissioner for strategies in every area with the commissioner. But i would always encourage those commissioners to look at ways of introducing efficient teeth before looking to increase local taxes. I think what weve seen over the last six years if they can find savings and can reduce crime at the same time. Mr. Speaker, you know they have found 40,000 people die prematurely each year from diesel pollution at a cost of 20 billion pounds to the economy and they found 45 of diesel drivers are willing to use give them the tax incentive schemes. So will she today commit to a fiscal strategy in the new Clean Air Act to put us on, cleaner, healthier tree rather than be dragged into the court to the e. U. Air quality standards. The honorable gentleman will know we are looking up the measures we need to introduce to improve air quality. There have been improvements that we need to go further and that is what the government is looking out across department and Rural Affairs actually pay the most attention to that because we will be bringing forward proposals. InterNational Womens study will reflect on how government and democracy across the world serve women. Will my right honorable friend confirm when it comes to female Prime Ministers, its the conservatives. [shouting] am grateful im grateful to my honorable friend for having pointed that out because i refrained from earlier in response to questions. I think it is very telling that the labour party spent a lot of time talking about rights for women and giving support to women whereas the conservative party in this house has provided. Thank you, mr. Speaker. For the Prime Minister give an undertaking that any new at google may be drafted after a full consultation with the people of scotland and with the consent of the Scottish Parliament . Im not sure whether she is referring to discussions currently taking place about the powers that might be available both the european union, but she knows full well we have to take full discussion on Research Matters and negotiating on behalf of the whole united kingdom. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Do business in my constituency operates as the disturbance in it. It also has offices in seattle and sydney. It employs 24 people providing high quality i. T. , availing themselves of hightech fraud and in telecommunications. This is the answer, the recipe for growing our rural economy. For the right honorable friend undertake to ensure our government does all it can to build a backdrop in our rural areas. I can assure my honorable friend we very much want to ensure the secretary of state is looking at art Digital Strategies is available and rural areas and indeed in other areas which might be less rural and my honorable friends can to choose the period [shouting] border, order. I dont know why members are cheery because of the popularity of the right honorable gentleman. Hes going to be heard. You are also very kind. Mr. Speaker, International Womens day we stand with a minute rose across the world and not with result that we must take now for granted the progress theyve made towards equality over the last few decades. Mr. Speaker, yesterday we heard hundreds of soldiers who died in iraq in the msm have been denied seat that tomorrows unveiling of the memorial to a foreign troops. Inviting a relative of each of those killed in iraq and afghanistan would have taken fewer than a third of the 2. 5000 seats at that event. Would she apologize for an oversight and rectify immediately so great families can pay respects to their fallen loved ones. The can assure the right honorable gentleman to tell him those representing rest of the forward names and they look forward to welcoming than so they can publicly and knowledge to sacrifice their loved ones made on our behalf. Half of those former members of the armed forces, no one from the Bridge Community has been turned away neverland is successful. Im reassured being reassured that theres any great families who wish to attend the minister defends the make announcer you have been watching Prime Ministers questions at the british house of commons. Question time is live every wednesday at 7 a. M. Eastern on cspan two and is again sunday nights at medical p. M. Here on cspan. Sunday nights at 9 00 p. M. Here on cspan. You can also watch anytime online at cspan. Org. In 1979, cspan was

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