Transcripts For CSPAN Theresa May Fields Questions From Parl

Transcripts For CSPAN Theresa May Fields Questions From Parliament 20170213

questions for the prime minister. >> number one, mr. speaker. thank you, mr. speaker. i had meetings with ministerial colleagues and others, in addition to my duties. i shall have further such meetings later today. the premium in chesterfield, where 70% of people receive free school meals. the headteacher was running the great north rome. however, her new schools funding formula means that the junior school now faces the biggest cuts in all of derby shire. it is now the only alternative to sacking staff. will she go to the finish line and tell them how this is a fairer funding formula? pm may: i am pleased to say that in a local authority of the honorable gentleman's constituency, we have seen an increase of over 17,000 children since 2010. put that down to government changes and the hard work of teachers. for a very long time, it has been the general view -- and i have campaigned on this for a long time -- that we need to see a fairer funding formula for schools. [shouting] the government has brought forward is a consultation on a fairer funding formula to look at the results of that fairer funding formula and bring forward our firm proposals in due course there it speaker: -- in due course. >> over the course of the last 12 months as part of the opportunity to look into the historical allegations and how we as a country deal with historical allegations against our servicemen and women. for many members, this has been a deeply disturbing experience. i know the prime minister gets to but will she commit redouble her governments efforts to get a grip on the historical allegation process so the never again our servicemen and women will be exposed. i'm sure the whole house, first of all, will want to join me in praising the bravery and commitment of all those who serve in our armed forces. i would like to thank my honorable friend for the work he is doing on the defense committee, because he brings personal expertise. those who serve on the front line deserve our support when they get home. i can assure my friend of the government's commitment to that. the allegations of legal aid from the government to guarantee this will not be claimed back. in relation, which he has specifically referred to, we are committed to reducing the caseload to a small number of credible cases as quickly as possible. i recognize the action that has been taken in relation to the individual as he has referred to. i think it is absolutely appalling when people try to make a business out of chasing after our brave troops. speaker: jeremy corbyn. mr. corbyn: thank you, mr. speaker. [shouting] speaker, nine. out of 10 nhs trusts say their hospitals have been at unsafe levels of overcrowding. one in six accident and emergency units in england are set to be closed or downgraded. could the prime minister please explain how closing amd %e departments a will tackle growing waiting lists? pm may: first of all, i will extend my thanks to the hard-working staff of the nhs, who do a great job treating patients. there arecognize heavy pressures on the nhs. year, we arehis funding the nhs 1.3 billion pounds more than the labor party promised in the last election. he refers specifically to accident and emergency. what is our response? accident and0 more emergency consultants, more doctors and paramedics. it is not about making a sound bite, it is about delivering results, and that is what this conservative government is doing. mr. corbyn: mr. speaker, staff is oneg a&e thing, paying them properly is another. i hope she manages to see the bbc report on the royal blackburn a&e department, which shows people had to wait up to 13 hours and 52 minutes to be seen. onajor cause of the pressure inis the 4.6 billion cuts the social care budget since 2010. liverpool's week, very esteemed adult social care -- liverpool's adult social care saying, resigned, frankly, i can't be social i can't see social services surviving after two years. that is the absolute maximum. people are suffering and we are only seeing the tip of the iceberg. mr. speaker, what advice does the government have to the people of liverpool in this situation? >> it is bad enough when members who are within the chamber shout. those who are not absolutely should not do so. if a discourtesy to the house of commons. nothing more, nothing less. please don't do it. prime minister. refers he refers -- he -- he refers in the early stage to blackburn. i'm happy to say that compared to 2010, there are one hundred 29 more hospital doctors and 413 more doctors in the blackburn lancashire hospital nhs trust. he then went on to talk about waiting times. waiting time can be an issue. where is it that you wait a week longer for a pneumonia treatment but wait a week longer for heart disease treatment? wait seven weeks longer for cataract treatment, 11 weeks longer for hernia treatment, and 21 weeks longer for a hip operation. it is not in england. it is in wales. [shouting] >> mr. speaker, my question was about the comment from the man in liverpool and why the people of liverpool are having to suffer these great cut. liverpool is asked to meet the government on four occasions. the crisis is so bad that until yesterday, david hodge, the conservative leader of surrey county council, planned to hold a referendum for a 15% increase in council tax. and at the last minute, it was called off. can the prime minister told the house whether or not a special deal was done? -- was done for surrey? pm may: the decision as to whether or not to hold a referendum in syria is a matter for the local -- a referendum in surrey is a matter for the local authority. the right honorable gentleman has raised the issue of social care, which we have exchanged before. said before, we do need to find a long-term, sustainable solution for social care in this country. i recognize the short-term pressures. that is why we have enabled local authorities to put more money into social care. we have provided more money. over the next two years, 900 million more pounds will be available for social care. we also need to look at ensuring that good practice is spread across the whole of the country. we can look at places like north pine sides towards the end of last year. there were virtually no delayed discharges attributed to social care in those councils. we also need to look long-term, and that is why the office is driving a review with relevant departments to find a sustainable solution, which the labor party duct for far too long. >> mr. speaker, my question was whether there's a special deal done for surrey. leaders have had many conversations with the government. we know they have because i have had copies of tax sent by -- copies of texts sent by david davidwho works for -- hodge and somebody who works for ministers in the department of communities and local government. they read that i'm advised that working on an solution, and you will be contacting me to make a memorandum of understanding. will the government --[shouting] >> will the government now publish its memorandum of understanding and while they are about it, will all councils be offered the same deal? have given all councils is the opportunity to raise the 3% on the council tax and put it into social care. he talks about understanding. what the labor party fails to understand -- what the labor party . mr. corbyn: order -- speaker: order. there is far too much noise. calm yourself. you're supposed to be a senior statesman. order. mr. rudd rim, you should reserve your shouting for this dance in field. prime minister. pm may: as i say, all councils have the opportunity to raise the 3% precept to put that into the funding of social care. tot the labor party fails understand is that this is not just a question of looking at money. it is a question of looking at spreading taxes and finding a sustainable solution. i have to say to him if we look at social care across the entire country, the last thing social care providers need is another one of labour's bouncing checks. >> mr. speaker, i wonder if it's anything to do with the fact that the chancellor and health secretary both represent surrey constituency. [shouting] a mr. speaker, there was second text from the surrey county council leader, and in , it says thext numbers you indicated are the numbers i understand are acceptable for major expense and call off the r. i have been reading a bit of john le carre, and apparently r means referendum. very subtle. , if it is to say possible for that info to be sent to myself, i can then hear back soonest to kill this off. [shouting] >> so how much did the government offers a rate -- to kill this off and is the same sweetheart deal on offered to every council? [shouting] pm may: i have made clear to the right honorable gentleman what has been made available to every council, which is the ability to raise precepts. [shouting] speaker: order. as colleagues, i never mind how long prime minister's questions takes. but questions must be heard and the answers must be heard. prime minister. pm may: he comes here making all sorts of claims. what we get from labor are alternative facts. [shouting] pm may: what they really need is not tentative leader -- is an alternative leader. [shouting] mr. corbyn: my question was, what deal has been offered to same deal bell the offered to every other counsel going through a social care crisis? mr. speaker, hospital words are overcrowded. a million people are getting the -- a million people are not getting the care they need and family members, mostly women, are having to give up work to care for their loved ones. every day that the prime minister fails to act, this crisis gets worse. so will she finally come clean and provide local authorities with the funding they need to fund social care properly so that our often elderly and vulnerable people can be treated with the support and dignity they deserve in a civilized society? deal that has been offered to all councils is the one i have party set out. [shouting] pm may: let me just be very clear with the right honorable gentleman. as ever, he stands up and consistently asks for more spending, more money, more funding. what he always fails to recognize, what he fails to recognize, is that you can only spend money on social care and the national health service if you have a strong economy to deliver the wealth that you need. there is a fundamental difference between us. when i talk -- speaker: order. there is still too much noise in the chamber. people observing our proceedings here and outside need the questions and answers heard, and they will be. pm may: there is a difference between us. when i talk about half a trillion pounds, that is the money we will be spending on the nhs this parliament. when labor talks about half a trillion pounds, it is the money they want to borrow. conservative investing in the nhs, labor bankrupting britain. [shouting] >> thank you, mr. speaker. there are significant challenges facing this great nation of ours, one of which is tackling mental health for young people. juggling school life, family life, and staying safe and feeling valued are more difficult than ever. will the prime minister agree to meet with me and my team to discuss a mental health app we have been developing to give young people at toolbox to help them in times of crisis? pm may: i'm very interested to hear that the work my honorable friend is doing in this important area. i think mental health is an area where we do need to put more focus and make real progress. i'm pleased to say that something like 1400 more people are accessing mental health services every day. which is an advance, but more needs to be done. we are putting more money, 68 million pounds, and improving mental health care through digital immunization which fits right into what my honorable friend is looking at. there will be a particular focus with children and young people's mental health in mind. he might want to look out for the department of health and education's joint paper their publishing in october. speaker: angus robertson. >> last night, parliamentarians from across the chamber and across the parties voted overwhelmingly against the u.k. governments brexit plans in the scottish parliament. a united kingdom is partnership of equals, will the prime minister compromise like the scottish government and reach a negotiated agreement before invoking article 50, or will she just carry on regardless? as the right honorable gentleman knows, when the u.k. government negotiates, it will be negotiating as the government for the whole of the united kingdom. we have put in place the jmc arrangements through various committees, which enable us to work closely with both administrations to identify the particular issues they want to see represented after we put our views together. we have said we will intensify discussions within that jmc arrangement, and that is exactly what we will be doing. >> when the prime minister was in edinburgh on july 15 last year, she pledged that she would not trigger article 50 until she an agreed u.k. wide approach. given that the scottish parliament has voted overwhelmingly against her approach and all but one mp representing us goddess -- representing a scottish constituency in the commons has voted against her approach, she does not have an agreed u.k. wide vote. mr. speaker, as the prime minister knows, a lot of people in scotland watch prime minister's questions. so will she tell those viewers in scotland whether she intends to keep her word to scotland or not? pm may: we are ensuring that we are working closely with the scottish government and indeed with the other devolved administrations as we take this matter forward. i would just remind the right honorable gentleman of two things. first of all, the supreme court was very clear the scottish parliament does not have the veto on the triggering of article 50. the bill that is going through the house obviously is giving the power to the government to trigger article 50. i would also remind him at this point, because he constantly refers to the interest of scotland inside the european union. an independent scotland would not be inside the european union. [shouting] peoplespeaker, the warmly welcome the government's housing paper. will my right honorable friend confirm when it comes to providing more security for renters, building more affordable homes, and helping people buy their own homes, it is this party, the conservative party, that is fixing our broken housing market? pm may: i'm very happy to agree with my honorable friend. our broken housing market is one of the greatest barriers to progress in britain today. the housing paper brought forth by my right honorable friend sets out the steps we will take to fix it. it is a conservative -- it is the conservatives in government who are going to support local authorities to deliver more in the right places, to encourage faster buildout of developments. i'm sure everybody recognizes the problem of planning commissions that are given and not built out, and create conditions for more capacity and diverse housing markets. we are setting out responsibilities of all parties in building the homes that britain's need. speaker: patrick grady. >> thank you, mr. speaker. does the prime minister agree that 21st century parliament they should not have any members speak or 78 minutes. does she agree with me that the rules of the house should be changed to prevent filibustering so all members get a fair share? [shouting] say, i findve to that a rather curious question from the honorable gentleman. last night, as it happens, i was out of the house between the two votes. switched on the bbc parliamentary channel, and i saw the honorable gentleman speaking. i turned over to something else. i switched back. [laughter] pm may: i switched back to the parliamentary channel and i saw the honorable gentleman still speaking. i switched over to something else. , and thed back honorable gentleman was still speaking. he is the last person to complain about filibustering in this house. [shouting] >> mr. speaker -- speaker: order. we seem to be in a state of permanent over excitement. calm yourself. >> mr. speaker, as we prepare in this room to take back control of our laws on agriculture, will she agree to use brexit as an opportunity to strengthen, not weaken, the rules which safeguard the welfare of animals? pm may: my right honorable friend does raise an important point that is of concern to many people in this house. we should be proud in the u.k. that we have some of the highest animal welfare standards in the world -- indeed, one of the highest scores for animal protection in the world and leaving the e.u. will not change this. i can assure my right honorable friend that we are committed to maintaining and, where possible, improving animal welfare in the u.k. it ensuring our industry is not put at a competitive disadvantage. >> thank you, mr. speaker. last week, russia decriminalized domestic violence committed against women and children. i trust the government will encourage russia to rethink this aggressive approach, which federalize his domestic violence rate -- domestic violence. they are ratifying the federal convention with russia and way should be placed on ending gender-based violence. pm may: can i first of all say that i am proud that in this country we have strengthened the law on domestic violence against women and girls. we see this as a threat of the russian government. repealing existing legislation sends the wrong message on a global program -- problem. we have joined others in criticizing this decision. >> thank you, mr. speaker. reportedlythe nhs spends more than 80 million pounds more than it needs to on prescriptions for basic painkillers that they can be sourced much more cheaply. at the same time, secondary breast cancer patients face being denied life extending drugs. may i ask my right honorable friend to review this allocation of resources and give breast cancer sufferers the help they deserve? obviously a very important issue that my honorable friend has raised. i understand that on the point of basic medication, it is not the fact that the nhs pays more than basic painkillers. in fact, their prices are lower. in the case of the breast cancer drugs, it is right that difficult decisions are made on the basis of clinical evidence. i understand they are undertaking a comprehensive assessment before making a final recommendation and in the meantime, that drug is still available to patients. >> thank you, mr. speaker. last month, there was a report published on historical institutional abuse in northern ireland. given the uncertain political situation in the institutions in northern ireland, if the executive is not up and rolling again within the month, will the prime minister committed to implementing report on historic institutions? pm may: this was obviously an important review that was undertaken, and of course, we have our own inquiry into historic child-abuse taking place in england and wales. i recognize the point the honorable gentleman makes about looking ahead to the future. we obviously have elections on march 7 and there will be a limited or rim of time for an executive to be put together. would encourage all parties to work hard to ensure an executive can be put together in northern ireland to maintain that evolved institutions. i don't want to see the benefits that have come from progress be undone at this stage, and i'm sure looking ahead, whatever is necessary will be done to ensure the findings of that report are taken into account and acted on. speaker: james morris. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the prime minister has been crystal clear in her negotiating of objectives as we prepare to leave the european union. [shouting] >> but would the prime minister agree with me that regions like the west midlands needs a voice in those negotiations to ensure that we take the opportunities presented by brexit to raise investment in education, skills, and infrastructure in the region to ensure that her vision of a global britain represents the interest of all the regions of england as well as the broader united kingdom? pm may: i agree with my honorable friend. as the unitedate kingdom, we will be negotiating for the whole united kingdom and taking into account the interests of the whole. we have of a real goal of making the midlands a goal. of course, the west midlands will be getting a directly elected mayor in may. i believe the business experience will be a good man for midland. welcoming the honorable gentleman back again to the chamber, i call mr. ronnie campbell. >> looking pretty slim as well. months into five the health service in newcastle under the auspices of professor griffiths, a marvelous surgeon -- i think you just about save my life .>> looking pretty slim. -- i think he just about save my life. but there is a flip side. the flipside is what was seen today. now we have dedicated nurses. you call them corridor or nurses. they are in the corridor looking up patients on trolleys. [indiscernible] pm may: as the speaker said, i welcome the gentleman to his place in the chamber. there are, as we know, surgeons, doctors, nurses day in and day out saving lives. we shall commence them for all that they do. actually a good example of the really good practice that we see. what i want to the is that good practice being spread across the whole country. >> i am not alone in hearing from families long settled here in britain. prime minister would not want that to happen. i wonder if today she could be a -- reassure our constituents born in the european union can be reassured that they have the right to remain. pm may: my honorable friend raises an issue that is turned to members across this house and as you said concerned with many individuals outside the house and what reassurance about their future. as i've said, i want to give that and expect to get their reassurance, but i want to see the same reassurance for u.k. citizens in the e.u. but i can say to my honorable friend, when i trigger article 50, i intend to make it clear that i want this to be a priority for early age of the negotiations so we can address this issue and give reassurance to concerns. >> thank you, mr. speaker. mr.'s acre, -- mr. speaker, just two weeks ago, 15 years old love school and was stabbed four times and died. three days earlier, 19 was stabbed to death in wembley. and just a few months earlier, two of my young constituents were killed in a police said it was a case of mistaken identity. i am week, ibm meeting -- meeting with deputy mayor of london to discuss this issue another issues. will the prime minister meet with me to talk about this issue in the thick of our project will not in london and beyond. i expressrst of all, obviously the condolences of the whole house to the families and friends of all those who she has referred to in her question who were so brutally stabbed in attack, suffered in the knife referred to. obviously this is an issue. it is one that we want to see addressed. a lot of good work has been done. i'm not aware of the sycamore projects she has referred to but i would be happy to hear more details. >> the research of the kingston university, the staff of going electronic is this is a genuine solution, kingston's workforce is enriched by skilled workers from abroad. can my right honorable friend confirm after we leave the e.u. we will continue to welcome highly skilled workers from the from the eu and beyond? ank the honorable gentleman on trade friend for his question. we do want to bring the numbers of migration down, but also ensure the brightest and the best are welcome here in the united kingdom and that is why people want to see the u.k. government making decisions about people coming from the european union. we are clear about the important but there was so the immigration for the european union into the u.k. we want to ensure the best are able to come here. >> ms. kendall. >> thank you, mr. speaker. yesterday the brexit minister claimed they will have a meaningful vote on the final e.u. deal. and theprime minister parliament accept what the government offers are for wto rules. in the event will be no vote at all. is it the reality. this is just take it or leave it in a scathing meaningful confession. pm may: we have been very clear. i'm happy to reiterate bubba -- what was said by the minister in the debate yesterday. we have looked at this. i said in my speech in the about on the final deal. they're a number of questions as to what exactly that manner. we will bring forward a motion. the motion will be on the final agreement for approval by both houses of parliament. they will be before the final agreement is concluded and we do expect for a number of honorable and right honorable members did we do expect an intense that intend that will happen before the european parliament debate and vote on the final agreement. >> william brady. >> the prime minister knows the schools are the best in the country. they are also in the worst funded areas. perversely the draft funding for , them that would actually cut ending. when she reviews the draft proposals, will she look at these for a new formula that guarantees that all of the worst funded areas are increased in funding. pm may: my honorable friend raises an important point which is on the minds of a number of honorable and right honorable friends. as i said earlier, the current system of funding is unfair. it's not transparent. i think it is that of day. i want to see a system that does support our aspiration to ensure every child has a good school place. in looking at these reforms, i want to ensure my friend we want to get it right. it's why we will look very closely at the responses to the consultation. >> thank you, mr. speaker. the 9.8% increase which even -- eds has announced 8.4% electricity hikes and british gas is preparing for a 9% increase. we protect those on pre-paper -- so i ask the prime minister why does such a demand similar customers?from pm may: the right honorable lady might have missed the fact that we will look at measures needed. the energy market is one that we are looking at at the moment. >> thank you. in the spirit of neutrality, the prime minister's speech last month as a rallying call to the divisions of the referendum, putting them does my right behind us. honorable friend agree with everyone and their passionate support of the more united we are, the stronger our negotiations. >> i apologize to the honorable gentleman must be heard. surprisehe share my they have not learned disagreeing with their current policy leader can cause headaches. [laughter] can i say to my honorable friend, he's absolutely right that i think the country wants us in this house and everybody in the country wants to unite the junta governments were to ensure we get the best possible deal in the 90 amen and i believe we can get a deal that's actually going to be in the interest of the u.k. and the european union. welcomeped i could the health secretary to the front edge in time for the vote that is going to take place later tonight. perhaps members of the labor party are starting to it real to -- to realize the only real headache is their leader. >> thank you, mr. speaker. does the prime minister agree with the director general of the world trade organization that if britain were to leave the e.u. it would cost 9 billion pounds in lost trade each year? pm may: what we want to do is make sure we negotiate a deal with the european union that enables us to have the best possible deal in treating with the eu in goods and services. i believe that's possible precisely because i just said i believe that is the field that has disrupted the e.u. as well. [shouting] >> the prime minister rightly argues for parity between mental and physical health. parents of their children must wait a year for an assessment by the adolescent mental health services. the department of health does not currently record these figures. will the prime minister consider making this a requirement? pm may: as i set out a few weeks ago, we will be lucky in reviewing the operation across the country because i recognized some of the concerns honorable members have raised on this. we want to ensure children and young people have easy access at the right time to mental health because of the evidence of a significant proportion of mental health problems that arise later in life start at the age of children and adolescents. we have made more money available to support young people's mental health, but the health secretary is on -- [laughter] i hope the shadow health secretary will agree with me to review services and ensure the right support to children and young people with mental health problems and we will look at the issues i honorable friend has raised. >> mr. speaker, many honorable members have made the long -- in fact, it's taken bi-election to look seamlessly and show any real interest. is the prime minister planning the trip herself so she too can ask is why we need investment. [shouting] pm may: the government is putting more money into infrastructure investment. i have to say to her, the labour party had 13 years to improve. >> thank you, mr. speaker. i recently visited a world-class coach building manufacturer facing my constituency and heard about their plans for the future. will my right honorable friend join me to emphasize the importance of skills and manufacturing for our economy, especially as we look to be the -- to leave the european union. my -- thanki think my honorable friend for drawing our attention to what all they have to say and they have those good plans for the future. as we leave the eu, we will be doing that from a position of strength. he is absolutely right. that is why we are looking at how we can develop the excellence we are to have in the united kingdom and for the prosperous growing economy for the future. >> the prime minister's right honorable friend, last week pointed out their aspiration to achieve their your free, -- with a single market, getting all the benefits that pay none of the cause was actually akin to disappearing down a rabbit hole to wonderland. if she does not achieve that high ambition, will she produce an analysis of what trading on wto rules would actually mean for our economy so we can make the proper choice. pm may: i commend my right honorable friend for the significant service he has given to this house over the years. he and i have worked well over a number of years,although i have to say when he was just a secretary, used to say he left them out. can i say to the right honorable lady that as far as the government is concerned, we believe it is possible within the two-year timeframe to get the agreement not just a a withdrawal from the european union, but the trade arrangements that would ensure we have a strong strategic partnership with the european union in the future. [shouting] >> my right honorable friend netanyahu thisin week. is that the only way to get a lasting title matches for young pilot in the young israelis to look forward to sharing prosperity and a life without fear. does she agreed the only way to is face-to-face negotiations and will she joined the israeli terror, impressing the prime minister of the palestinian authority is for face-to-face negotiations? pm may: my right honorable friend does make a very important point about this. we continue as a conservative government in the u.k. to believe the two state solution is the right one. that means a viable palace -- palestinian state, but also a safe and secure israel. of course, it is for the parties to negotiate. there are others in the international arena to facilitate an agreement in the middle east. ultimately it is for the two parties to agree a way forward. >> order. prime have been watching minister questions at the british house of commons. question time is life every wednesday at 7:00 eastern on c-span to and as again at night on c-span. you can also watch anytime online at president trump is back in washington this week after spending the weekend in florida with the japanese prime minister. in the weeks ahead, he will have more meetings with foreign leaders at the white house. trudeau is thein first to visit. the presidenteek, will welcome is really prime minister, benjamin netanyahu. it will be the first time that the two leaders meet face-to-face and the nine thetion -- since inauguration. unfoldsn, where history daily. in 1979, c-span was created as a public service and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. future policyk at on russia and ukraine. speakers

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