See mine apologist . Neurologist . Isnt this the uncertainty that the president promised effects . People are questioning his uncertainty and their right to do so. Our physician, i know Health Care System needs improvement, but this law is failing. The best thing we can do is to scrap it and start over with a stepbystep approach to focus on lower cost and patient solutions. For now, we will continue the tough questions. We will hold the president accountable. May god bless you and your families and may god bless the united states. Thank you for listening. Cspan, created by americas Cable Companies in 1979. Brought to you by a Public Service as a Public Service by your television provider. A representative from ohio is also a member of the republican new media caucus and the congressional internet caucus. He joins us for the communicators this week. Lot going on right now. Is that a fair statement . We have been having different subcommittees. We have been very active. There are some big issues out there that have been going on. There are Different Things out there. Sometimes it doesnt make all of the news. We will talk about some of those issues in this edition of the communicators. I want to ask you about the fcc. Five new members all coming to see her committee in december. What is the point of having all five . The fcc is so poor into the industry and the country. It is important that they all appear before the committee. We can ask them questions and find out where they are going, especially when were talking about fcc reform and what the future will hold. Commissioner, but it is important that the chair is bringing the fcc in at this time. What you mean by fcc reform . Out there whens youre talking about transparency, predictability, what is going on out there, moving things along. It took almost 10 years for something to get done. It getting having something out there is like having a cost analysis. We want to make sure they understand like any regulation out there that their regulations have a direct impact on the economy. They need to realize that. It affects everybody. From large to small. We will be talking a little bit about that. It is important that the fcc understands that they are part of the process here in washington. That process affects so many people across the country. Joining our conversation is a frequent guest here on the communicators. He covers technology. Thank you. Senator rockefeller introduced a bill recently about online video. The idea being that it would provide Legal Protections to Online Video Services to make them more of a legitimate alternative to cable television. Would you think of that bill . Is that something that helps . It is a Bold Initiative out there, but when i look at what is happening to our committee and also the subcommittees, i would probably say that that is figure much work on our side if any. Initiative, but i do not see it moving along in the house. Is this a idea that will not go anywhere. We will always pick up legislation down the road, but i do not see that legislation going. X are you philosophically opposed to that . I do not think it is had the airtime between all the parties out there as to what is going on. It is something that our subcommittee and full committee had not taken a look at this time. I am asking about another online video issue. Mary oh. Aereo. The broadcasters say that it is stealing their signal. Theyre going to the Supreme Court about this. Is it something that congress may take up a somehow the Supreme Court rules . You have a situation where you are looking at it is in the court right now. We have two courts right now wouldve ruled differently on the issue. It is one of those things out there that when you look at it, they have 40,00050,000 subscribers. At this time, the committee will wait and see what the courts are going to do and go from there. You write the laws. You can decide whether it is legal or not legal. You have an opinion . Broadcasters are saying that if they lose, they will take their content off the air. The other day the nfl and Major League Baseball filed a brief. Aereo wins, they may move all their games onto cable networks. We will work with the courts and the what happens as we move forward. The committee will watch what is going on. We will see what the courts come up with. Then we can go back and look at it at that time. It . Ave you stand on i guess i have not taken a stance on that. It is one of those issues out there where you talk about bringing the fcc in. This is a whole industry that is changing so rapidly. One of the things that i have said over and over again, we have a situation that we are looking at where the regulators come up with regulation, we will try to come up with a piece of legislation. We are not seeking a look way down the road. The industry may be 2, 3, 4 steps ahead of us. People are also out there looking at it. Ago. Like years no one would ever listen to a crystal ball and think that a College Campus would be streaming netflix on an iphone to watch a movie. It is interesting what is happening out there. We have these huge issues out again,hat technology i dont date myself, but i am member in northwest ohio, there was an intent on top of the house and you got to channels. Then you got one channel. Any days you did not get channels. It depended on the wind and the light and everything else. The industry has changed so rapidly. I want to make sure that we have things out there and regulations and laws on the books that spurred this innovation. On the cell phone side, 3. 8 million jobs in director direct indirect ors direct. Year 2017, we will have one point for mobile devices per capita across the world. We will see that happening in more industrial countries. You look in this country, and what you have in your own pocket , you may have 24 mobile devices. This makes it interesting subcommittee to serve god. Hearing the innovation that will be to serve on. Hearing the innovation that will be here five, 10 years down the road. Talked to guess on this program about a potential rewrite of the Telecommunications Act of 2006. Doneered should be wholesale, piecemeal, and you feeling about that . At the you look Telecommunications Act of 1996, we have to look at what is in that act. Place stillin cognizant and where we are today . Through the hearings that we have been having, you just go through the entire line. Say,ave to look at it and is this the world were going to or 5, 10, 20ar, years down the road. Will ease spectrum be available for these 1. 4 devices per capita across the world . Were looking at having an auction next year. It will go into the First Quarter of 2015. When we look at that time frame out there, we ran over to the fcc war room. This will be the most complicated auction that has ever occurred. We are trying to repack for folks out there who are giving out giving up on broadcast. Then you run into questions, how will this play out for the different individuals or companies out there . If they want to get into this option . Auction . Are we taking up too much spectrum . Are we taking up too much spectrum on the defense side . All those things are being looked at and explored. At the same time, this auction will be crucial. The estimate is 26 billion. At the same time, you are looking at 7 billion and saying that we will use it for the first responders. Technical, and all these numbers are being projected. Are there any particular proposals that you are worried about in the auction . How much is going to unlicensed use . We had the justice department, with a letter saying that Certain Companies should be limited as to what theyre purchasing. I talked to a lot of my folks back in my area and said if we had a situation where you would be limited as to the you could on theur spectrum to broadcast side, would you do that . They said, why would we want to get into an auction system that we might not get the full value of what it is worth . That isto be fair and one of the big things. You have to look at who the players will be. Youpeople to get into this, will help folks out there who are willing to sell. You think some sort of limitations would be appropriate . Fcc tohe job of the promote Public Interest and competition in the industry. If at the end of the auction you have an industry that is dominated by two players, is that in the Public Interest . You want to make sure that the interest are met out there. People are getting what they need. We have people in the community, folks who are out there across the spectrum of everybody out there. We listen to their needs and how theyre getting a forward. Whether theyre going to be selling or buying. We are going to look at what is out there while the individuals. We will consider the company and the public as we go forward. We have got to have the spectrum. , we willnot have it have problems in the future. If the chairman comes up with a structure for the option where ontions are limited aucti where options are limited, would you do . Or twotwo Top Players Companies arts coded, then you have companies out there saying that they wont sell. Say thatve talked with they will not get into it. We will go into an auction that will raise about 26 billion. We are committing already 7 billion. The dollars have out there, we cannot go forward with these other proposals down the road. To, if we are going to exclude people at the start, youre going to exclude people from even entering the auction. You have a hearing with first net chair. Order your concerns about first net . We had folks giving testimony from virginia and maryland. The folks in the states are feeling like theyre being excluded from the decision making. They feel like they are not being part of this process. They want to be part of it. They are worried about costs. States like ohio have invested a lot of money. What we have done in the past for emergency folks out there we have heard the folks out there, they want to be included in the decisionmaking process. Have important and we will something coming from ohio in the testimony this week. We have heard from the folks in virginia and maryland. The Emergency Response structure. Are looking at something that goes across the country. You are looking at how people are responding. I was the county commissioner for six years. I worked with the sheriffs office. Responders, police, fire, ems, all those individuals out there, are very concerned that they are able to talk with each other. They have to be able to make sure that there is no interference in getting the job done. That is why it is so important that at the state level they are saying is not an exquisite, but inclusive process. I want to be included in be decisionmaking process. Is this the right thing to do . You have all sorts of people who are boots on the ground. They need to make this work. One of the issues that congress is likely to deal with is the Satellite Television reauthorization bill. Should that be a clean reauthorization . Or are there other issues that congress should look at when taking up that bell . Bill . We are looking at it for next year. For 2014. We are 24 months away from other bills. We could do some tweaking. Not chairman said he is looking to do anything other then a comprehensive look at the bill. What we have to do. It will be here before we know it. We will probably be looking at something that we have to get e and probably making sure again, it is a complicated bill out there. There are particular issues that people might want to address. Retransmission issues where these broadcasters are asking for more money. Maybe the cable providers do not want to pay to carry the channels. The result is that consumers lose access to channels. We are not going to do a comprehensive bill. To othermane legislation. It will be up to what we see down the road and what we are envisioning. You have your cable bill, one question. Is iting going to something you would like to see as part of the reauthorization . I would like to see it be enacted because when you look at out there, there are millions of cable boxes. What the fcc did several years ago did not do what they thought. That was to spur people to go on by their own box. Thathappened of course was it actually costed 56 more per box to do this. They chairman brought up that these are actually using more energy because of everything that is in there. We are not telling the fcc they cannot regulate, but they should have this integration band. They areying that forcing the Cable Companies to put these cards in their. It costs consumers and everyone in the industry about 1 billion. And tivo is concerned that your bill would make it harder for consumers to buy their product. Is that a legitimate concern . The industry is changing. When you look really different options, it is amazing when you go to a store today and look at all the options you have. Earlier, i mentioned how folks are getting their service. Some folks are out there getting them through the internet. Were of things that important several years ago at the fcc will not pertain to where we are in the next few years. The industry changing. Several years ago, cable was much larger had a much larger share. You have people getting their information and tv viewing a lot different than it was 5, 10, 15 years ago. The original question about the bill. Will this come up in the subcommittee . Is this something you see happening . Weve had extensive conversations with the chairman. We have worked of the committee, about how we would like to proceed on this. I had folks in from both sides in my office. I would like to find a vehicle that we can move forward on this. Fcc reallyething the likes in my opinion they are doing what theyre supposed to be doing when they look at the law. Issue ofve raised the rural call completion in several areas. What is the issue that you are . Ore concerned about to look at everybodys districts. I go from representing a metropolitan district all the way to the very small communities. I have very small Telephone Companies out there that may only have 2500 folks that they service. There are the servicing businesses. If people cannot get a hold of them, or they mix calls up, it is an issue. If you have an elderly parent, what is wrong i cant get through. Theyre calling the local police, the sheriffs office. They are making sure that my friend or relative is ok. When you look at these calls being dropped we started working on that my office several years ago. The congressman from vermont has also been involved in this with me. He is making sure that folks out there are completing these calls. And also making sure that people in the area can make calls and conduct business. You now have a situation where the problem has escalated by 2000 . That is with the fcc has calculated. We applaud them for doing that. They are going in and looking at who are the bad apples out there. We are making sure that these calls are being completed. Rules, are proposing they need to be looking at these things. We do not have rules on that right now. Onwhat about u. S. Efforts broadband . That is one of the big areas. Especially if you are looking at the phones out there, cell phones, etc. If you are looking at broadband, that is a good question to go back a little bit. So me people in the rural areas do not have cell phones. They are tied very extensively to landline phones. They have to have that service. It is really making sure that both sides are being looked at. To people out there. If there trees between them and the city, or grain elevators, some kind of tower or antenna. They dont want to block. That is something that folks will look at. Not everybody has we have looked at 95 of the country. Be able to get broadband and have access to it. But at the same time, in certain areas, you have to make sure that you are looking at both sides. Not just one. Some is today, but for others it could be down the road. They are not getting the services that they need. You have to look at it both ways in my opinion. The white house is asking the fcc to expand a program for internet in schools. They would like the fcc to spend a few billion dollars more to ensure that every school has access to extremely high fast highspeed broadband. Getting back to the schools, some schools in some states have really expanded. Said like in ohio years back, they when the governor of ohio push the state to go in and wire the schools for the future. Firstare looking at of all, where is it going to come from . Where are they expecting to get these dollars from . The requirements will be put on the schools. This, then what are the requirements the federal government will impose on you for doing it. That is another issue that has to be addressed. First, can the schools do this . Also, how are you going to pay for it . They will pay for it through program thatrab puts these on your monthly cell phone bill. Cost towant to up the the consumer again. Ofn you are looking at some the things were looking at, especially on cell phone usage, one of the numbers that came up if all thee sudden we are finding out that certain people have gotten money and spending it, will the phone to only use cell phones, bash will the folks who only use cell phones, get that reduced because we should not be paying for it . Folks look at their monthly bills and they wonder, why is soaks pensive . Can i afford this so expensive . Can i afford this . It will piggyback on your monthly bill and we have a lot of folks out there who are barely making it. Now they will have another bill. Finally, would you think of the fccs recent vote to loosen restrictions on Foreign Ownership of Media Companies . Iti think we have to look at as how it will affect you and me in this country. A lot of people in this country are wondering about how much ownership they have out there. We will need to keep a close watch on it. It will be a benefit to americans. We have to take that into consideration. Abouteople really worry if people come in to other countries. What happens if we buy your airwaves . Will that have an impact or influence on america . What will be the regulation that the fcc will do on this. That is what people are asking. Representative bob latta of ohio. Brendan sasso with the hill newspaper. Thank you for being on the communicator