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Dallas, it is red eye radio. Talking about everything from politics to social issues and things that make a difference in your life. Whether you are up late or you are just starting your day, welcome to the show. This is red eye radio. Hello and welcome. This is great i radio and welcome this is red eye radio and welcome to cspan. A have been doing this for long time. You and i together nearly 12 years now. Back for those who do not know, brandnew to cspan to this program. We are a national show. One formerto 1969 in another we have been around. Thank you to everyone joining us for the first time and all of our old friends for joining us this morning as well. Im great stations all across america on great stations all across america and cspan. We have been on the air since 1969. I was three when i started hosting this program. For ina companion piece some macs, the american truck officers, have Police Emergency personnel, anybody that is up late working or up late for any reason. We have great conversations. We appreciate you being here. 86690redeye. You have been doing talk radio for three decades. 28 years. I may stick around. A few more years. But for those who are new, welcome and we appreciate it. We not to take every thing say seriously. We have a lot of fun in the mill of the night. If youre up for this reason you are either doing hard work, you cannot sleep, it is never a good reason. As our boss says, the thing good ever happens in the middle of the night. We try to make it better by having some fun. Hello to everyone who is out there this morning and thank you for being here. We do this periodically even for our regular audience because you people are always coming in and new people are always coming aboard and we like to explain what we are doing and with the coming andstration this is a great opportunity for us to do that. What we truly care about are the issues. We talked politics, we talk Everything Else and going on going on in the world, pop culture, you name it. What we really love talking about is getting down to the issues and breaking down the issues, so everyone can understand it and therefore, everyone feels they are included in the conversation. One of the things we came up with going back about seven or eight years ago and it went viral. We always try to simplify things because a lot of times, we in the media assume that everybody is paying attention to the issues like we are. Many are. To work apeople have job. So to give you an example, something we did years ago is we decided to simplify for everyone to their the national debt. Inn you hear is the billions the trillions, it is like, i do not know what is going on. Simplify it. We decided and i have updated it for right now. That is always increasing, just look at the clock and it is going very fast these days. We simple fight it so everyone can understand it. Like aional debt is person who is making 30,000. Youre making 30,000 and this year, you are going to spend 37,000. That is me. Next year you may make 31,000 and spent 39,000 a year. You have got almost 200,000 in unsecured Credit Card Debt and you have one to 2 million in bills that must be paid over the next 10 years. That is it. Now you understand the national debt. You can look at it and say, is sound finances there . Right. That is an example of one of the things we do. We like to simplify things. The thing that we like talking about the most even though we love talking politics, is when it comes to the issues, we love talking economics. Yes. Economics to us is something that gets perverted in the media, it gets perverted in people in conversations, we never how it gets perverted is we never complete the sentence. That is has always bothered you and i. When people talk about the and the democrats used to say, for example, that the minimum wage, if you increase the minimum wage, then there is going to be more money in peoples pockets and it helps the economy. You are covering half of the equation. Youre not completing the sentence. Youre not looking at the other end, the increase in costs. It is impossible in economics to have a better economy when you increase the cost of doing business without an increase in productivity or an increase in producing that product. We talk about economics, people will tell us, i do not agree with your opinion. When we said for years it is not our opinion. Economics is not what i think. It is not what eric thinks. It is not what you think it is going to be. It is not what president obama thinks it will be or president elect trump is thinks it is going to be. Economics is the masses and how they respond to incentive and disincentive. Trying to give everyone a baseline of what we are about and the things we like to discuss. The people come and go and there is a lot of a lot, of course, that is put into the personalities of the people whether it is a barack obama or a donald trump. The people, and go. The people are fallible. The ideas are true. Which ones work, which ones are better, which ones get us to a better place. The reason we look to talk about economics is because as an economy expands, then people ,ave more freedom in their life because everybody is benefiting. If it is truly expanding, everyone is benefiting. Lets make the whole talk on minimum wage irrelevant. By doing what, doing what we have always done as a nation. And that is manufacturing things which is taking things from the in thethat have no value ground and instantly above ground and processed, they have demand and a value in the marketplace and that is something we have been doing for a long time. Since this country started. We do it very well. Lets get back to doing that so that everybody is in a better aace and when you are in better place financially, when you have more spending power, more savings power, that allows you as an individual, you enter family to go out and make it her choices. Times hit, we hit a recession, you have money in the bank, it gives you some breathing room. If you have got better choices in your life in terms of where of car youhe kind drive, or whatever it might be that you choose to spend your money on. ,t puts you in a better place and allows you to truly enjoy freedom. Of the shower part is the fun part of the show. What we just said, we are doomed. Yeah. Take your thing we just said and throw it out. We always going to have fun. Rightth the hyperbole now, we decided after between election time when the election happened and now, we decided to have the most fun listening to the political hyperbole that has gone to, as seinfeld would say, the absolute bizarro world. On the world show today, we will tell you about the democrat that calls for the trump impeachment already and liberal covers. Not conservative peppers, preppers, because now it is time to buy guns. Because Donald Trumps president it is time to buy a gun. And schools that have a cease fight toxico masculinity. Let me play this audio clip. From cnn too cut show you what happened yesterday, some of the lyrical hyperbole and rhetoric we have to deal with. They are in the process of ringing all types of people from all different backgrounds like we have the coalition, we reach out to all different parts kinds of people. Negroes being dragged out in front of tv what . Toone of our favorite things talk about is race. We love talking about race. Your member the former attorney general called america a nation of cowards. It is one of our favorite topics to talk about. We cant get folks on the left to have a conversation and we love doing that. Especially this week. You talk about judging someone by the content of their character. We believe in that. How many people on the left believe in that . How many of the surrogates for the politicians on the left believe it, how many politicians on the left believe that today, that you truly judge someone on the content of their character, not by the color of their skin. Conservative black . Something is wrong with you. What . Tim scott, south carolina. You are not really black then. Right there. Mediocre negroes, what does that mean . You do not think that the way we think all blacks should thing. What is that . Color of the skin dictates your opinion on an issue, is in that bigotry, isnt that the racism of today . We will talk about president obama commuting Chelsea Mannings sentence. Wow. He is not done. Theres only a couple more days t but who knows where it what he could get in between now and friday. One of the things we want to do and we have been doing all weeks we want to get to as many people as possible, including people watching on cspan for the first time. Watching cspan for the first time, watching us for the first time. If you want to get in on the discussion, here we are. Two days left for the Obama Presidency and then it is president elect trump and we will see what he is going to do. And the wall street journal saying it looks like it is he is going the tariff way but so is the republican congress. Do you guys did you hear what they are thinking about question mark we want to have exports where exports, there is no taxes on exports going out of the country. An increase tax but in Corporate Tax on imports which would be an import tax and they want to use that to pay for cuts but youre not paying for the trump tax cuts. All you are doing is taxing the american obligate another fashion or form. On tariffs, when donald trump talks about it and republicans are talking about an import tax, youre not punishing the companies, youre taxing the consumer. We will get to that in more all in the show. Your calls and comments 8002902227. 90redeye. Here it is. There is the phone number on the screen. Everybody has an idea of what we are about. Everybody in the hallway. We are on facebook, too. We are face booking live. Hi, facebook. Facebook, how are you . I think we look at it. Is that High Definition . I do not think there is anything that can make us look at her. I do not think that is possible. Do i lookike better that way . No makeup under High Definition ric, you looke terrible. Thanks. I appreciate that. For those someone asking a question on facebook. Last weektacted us and wants to do this, it is a one off. Maybe they will be back one day hopefully or maybe a lot of people who made the decision to broadcast our show on cspan will get fired in the morning. That is probably going to happen. Inauguration week so cspan is sampling talk shows from all over, both sides of the aisle. And so, we are glad they are here. We are honored to be on cspan tonight so thanks for the question, we appreciate it, facebook. I am going to like this call. Economics not an exact science, more like psychology rules of thought. You like that one . I like that one. L on facebook and thank you, cspan, for being here as we mention. We have been around for a while, gary and i have been doing the show for 12 years together. I have been doing the show for 20 years just celebrated 20 years sold doing this program and it is great to talk to americans all over. Occasionally we will have a guest but we believe the most interesting people to talk to our everyday americans, the people that are out there, our audience. They often make some such great points in brilliant ways because if you stop and i think this is what we learned as a nation collectively, on november 8, you stop and listen to everyday people every once in a while and maybe you learned something. For ae been doing that long time and we have learned something. Truck drivers, Police Officers, security guards, nurses, insomniacs, anyone up late for any reason. Before use stereotype us because we are conservative libertarian, both of us come from a bluecollar background. I was the united steelworkers, International Association of machinists and aerospace workers. Worked in a machine shop in a steel mill, ran laves and grinders. Eric worked in factories. I worked in banking for a while. We have done more than just radio in our lives. Yeah. I do not know if it is a good or bad thing, it is the way it is. That is our life experience. Brat, son of an engineer. That is how we grew up so we bring that experience to the table. And our listeners bring a number of experiences. My dad just turned 90 years old and still lectures me. So there you go. Is this not just riveting television . There is a reason that happens in the middle of the night. May be next year, eric will be at the golden globes. That is not going to happen. It is redeye radio. Are live across america and this is great, we are on cspan. For all five hours. For some five hours. For some reason, our headphones in stereo are in stereo. It seems like they sound better tonight. Maybe because cspan is here, my headphones sound better. It was announced cspan would be in the building. Our Corporate Office discovered we exist. We are just joking. It is really great to have them in here in our cozy little studio here in texas. We broadcast from texas for those that are new to the show via cspan or radio and we hope you will check us out at any time you are up late on so many great stations across the country. Be part of the conversation. We believe that this whole thing is about discussing the ideas. We actually heard from a couple of folks who described themselves as liberals right after the election saying, again, their opinion, their party had gone too far into identity politics. Congressmant from tim ryan. That is something he believes. Joe manchin said the same thing. Thethers ours are saying same thing. I do not expect that party to change drastically. That is likely going to be their mo for quite some time. People are realizing that it is the ideas. Lets put some ideas to work and i think donald trump became president because a number of things, but people are trusting him next with the economy, they are trusting the republican congress, and we always say that it is a waitandsee approach. Election day is like draft day. It is exciting for a lot of people but what really matters longterm is that we implement these ideas as policy, the ones that work my and we get people to a better place so we will see if we can do that. Donald trump one crossed over in battleground states and that is something you had said. This was this was this groundswell of republicans. Keep in mind how the primary and the general election season went. This was to a large degree and we have heard from them, this week, people in the rust belt and blue states and blue enough iseven, said, enough and we will trust donald trump with this. People, by the way of all skin colors and backgrounds. So much of what the left is doing right now, the political operatives, they are in freak out mode and want you to believe racist andan is a that he is going to act as a dictator and Everything Else. It is all hyperbole. Much of it is made up, we believe. It is not founded on anything real. And again, we take the attitude of wait and see. It does not matter whether we vote for the person, that is the other thing, a lot of personalities, radio folks or pundits may endorse people, we endorse ideas. Show, gladp on the you brought that up about the election. We were not surprised by what happened in the election. We had said, we were questioned a month before, a gentleman called us and said you guys are going to be surprised at his trump will win and we said i would be surprised if trump did not win just based on the economic situation. You do not find in the history of this country a time when you badd you have had such a economy over eight years, it does not matter who is in power. The opposition always takes the executive branch after eight years. Maybe roosevelt would be the exception to the rule of that. Except roosevelt, if you look at situationhe economic the country itself, we said, no, trump should win. I found an article, i was going back doing some Research Going on my computer. It was an article i saved in april where that prediction was made saying if you look at the economic models, trump should win. Based on history. We had said that and we never 99 ht into that line that chance that hillary is going to win. Whenever bought into that to begin with. We thought a lot of that was fake news. Right. We will get to that coming up and your calls and comments coming up next. We want to make an effort todays days before the inauguration to do that. Heres your forecast. A look at your forecast for redeye radio. Rain across northern california, wet weather for San Francisco. The high as 54. Rain and wind for coastal oregon and into washington state. In seattle, the highest 49. 40 six in portland today. Look for snow in the higher elevations. In minneapolis, we will be looking for sunshine with a high of 37 degrees. 39 in chicago. Snow in new england, we may see some high announce amounts into maine and new hampshire. In Central New York it will mix with ice at times but in new york city, 42 and overcast. Washington, d. C. , your High Temperature is 56 was mostly cloudy skies and beautiful weather in florida. Orlando, florida lauderdale, miami, 84 with plenty of sunshine. Down through corpus christi, texas, look for highs in the mid to upper 60s. That is your forecast. I am Bonnie Schneider. Thanks so much, bonnie. Is it summer yet . It has been here in texas. We have not had much of a winter at all. Not for me. I am done. Lets get the warm weather back. [inaudible] it thank you for everyone being here. We appreciated. Stephen, tim, mike and others. We are trying to address some of those on the air. We have those items coming up on the show. What a multimedia experience. For being thank you here, cspan. It will be an interesting week leading up to inauguration. I think the last couple of days will be very interesting. There was a president set in a recent interview. The president elect implied he would be a very active expresident. Which, by virtue of who he is politically we believe it is going to be true. That is part of the reason he is staying in washington. Cohost as soon as he is done he is going to continue his residential duties out in palm springs. I think he can break far. Cohost tiger woods said he wished he could golf as much as is 300sident, so it times, according to reports, it has been roughly 300 times that the president has played golf over eight years and identity math and that is roughly on the average once every 9. 7 days. Often do you . How i have been golfing since i was 13yearsold in now just with the show, the availability during the show because were off during the day it my sleep pattern affords me the time to do it. Maybe if you took the entire year, once every four weeks. I get up to the driving range a couple times. With the old bones, i dont know if i can really golf. The president is a little younger than i am. A couple years. He probably has a better trainer then you. I just thought about this, how come nobody tapped tiger . Oods no, nobody did. It he made some comments about golf. I figured he could, everybody else gets blasted. Right. They did not. By the way, for our regular listeners listening to us on cspan right now, now the you know what were talking about, the show continues. We came in one hour before the show. The microphones go on. We talked. Continuing be discussion, we closed the doors. Yes. Occasion becomes a little more difficult when you do this for a living or at least the way we do it because we do not want to bother each other with text just wants but if we back and forth, stories, election Story Society even. There is so much more to talk. Bout in todays world based upon how we gather that information, that is kind of the great thing about doing this job. Now, the tough thing about doing this job is trying to prioritize all of it and decide what you are going to talk about. I believe i was on arrowhead made these when comey announcements about hillarys emails. When i got the text from eric. Most of which we cannot read on air. We will not. But, yeah. I think i used a couple hashtags in that one. Drugs i think so. Yeah. But you know, it is always something to talk about and we believe the most compelling conversation, we love our guests that come on from time to time but we believe that our audience really is the special guest. That is the one. The people that have these opinions all across america based on their experiences. That is what we like to do. Go to calls. I think i agree with you. You said economics is not an exact science. It is like a psychology. Theuncer going for proverbial jugular, eric and gary on red eye radio. 86690red eye all across america. Tonight on cspan, we welcome all the cspan viewers. Winston, welcome. You are on red eye radio. Hello. Too quick points. The claims you may not economics. Exactics is not an science like physics or chemistry. It is much closer to psychology. The best you have is guidelines and roles. Even paul friedman, who 18 Nobel Peace Prize in economics. Said anyone pretending to know that much about it would just be faking. Foracking the notion that every dollar in Government Spending you will get a dollar 50 worth out of it . The man who won the Nobel Peace Prize and economics, yes. Winston, the point i am trying to ring up. That is a complete also. You do not spend one dollar in Government Spending, this is when the stimulus spending came up and the white house was promoting it. Saying you get a dollar 50 out of it. If that was the case, the United States would be bankrupt and the former soviet union would be the World Economic leader. My point is the award Means Nothing when you become a politician as he has, and promote liberal nonsense. Psychologyit is because it is the psychology of people and help people respond to incentives and disincentive. That is economics. Why do you think president obama and Jonathan Gruber and everybody lied about obamacare . Why do they have to lie . Remember, they didnt well liedll they did, they about obama. They did. They said it was going to save money stop reduce the deficit. They lied that you can keep your doctor. Why did they lie . Because they understood, they understood how people respond to incentives and disincentive. That is why we have a live. Why do you think the economics go ahead it is an authentic how is it . How has it helped the people respond to incentive and disincentive and anyway . National economy is much different than a Household Economy. In a Household Economy it makes sense. Supportd point will this. Because as you mentioned before, the other side agreed that businesses would be under pressure. The other side is, sometimes the pressure becomes the necessity becomes the mother of invention said the most enious solution is felt the people will go across the street and spend their money on the opposite side. The pressure does not come from the government, comes from the marketplace. If the marketplace is demanding more that is where the pressure comes from. That is where productivity increases. Not from the government saying you have to go out and make this up as we dictate what you have to pay. Cohost i will give you another example. President obama, february 2008, said his plan was to skyrocket electricity prices. And solar would be the preferred Energy Source because it would be cheaper because of government disrupting the call industry so much. The coalting industry. Im speaking in rodarte terms. Lets i am speaking in broader terms. Their do not record money. No. Let me finish. The pizza owner that made news probably about 1. 5 years ago. In washingtonr state when they raised the minimum wage. No, he volunteered to raise his minimum wage to 15 an hour. He decided to do that on his own. What happened when he did that . He lost business. He had to cut out lunch. People got laid off or worked fewer hours. To pass thehad price on to the consumer and the consumer was not willing to pay more because he wanted to do a good deed. Cohost the broader picture is, for example, when the gao looked at the kratz plan about three years ago to raise the minimum wage and they can mount said, ok. 900,000 people could benefit right away but over time, 500,000 people will lose their jobs. We did the figuring. It is impossible to have more money in the economy if you do that. That is the problem and that is what the gao looked at. Again, that is a specific example even though it is a broad picture. Cohost you cannot make the point, and we appreciate your it tobut you are summing a broad point when it is specific or vice versa and you cant do both. Id not how many times ive mentioned in of the year, gary, but it is about incentive and disincentive. So the disincentive in the utah owner scenario is that he passed them on to his consumer. Why is that pizza owner there . Is he dared to create jobs question mark why does walmart exist . Do they exist to create jobs . No. They exist to serve a Customer Base. If they do it better and they are more profitable and there is greater demand on their business, then the marketplace requires them to hire more people. If they cant retain enough people along the way, then the marketplace requires them to add incentive to retain them. Benefits. Greater pay, which they did. In other things. We have criticized, over the years, i do not care with the case might be but in the of walmart, we said there was something going on. We believed what was going on where the supply chain and other issues with employees. But it is not the government coming in and saying, you must pay this. And then asking those Business Owners collectively, essentially, the marketplace to pay more or to produce more in order to pay more. In order to make up what you are now losing. That is not the way it is. They will pay inefficiencies. In the realworld world, with their due in fast food right now, they are automating. They are automating the order kiosk. They are automating through your app. They are creating it requiring fewer humans to do the job. That may have been on the way anyway but this rancid up as a requirement. He was making the point, it requires them to go out and the point, it requires them to go out and increase in activity but how do they do that . They do that by laying people off. They do that by raising me cost to the point the market will air. Cohost soany many economists on the left whenever we start looking at economic say you cannot look at a family and look at a country. Certainly i can. How can i do that . Because human beings respond to disincentive and incentive the same way. As every facet the same . Nope. Familyan beings in a responding to incentive the same way human beings do by the millions, with the masses decide to do . Look, you have plenty of theory up there, plenty of economic theories that people propose. You mentioned krugman and the nobel prize winner. Which again, we have to say then why did he say this question mark if he is so smart, why did he say this . I am not claiming to be smart. I am claiming to observe what the masses by the hundreds of millions do when it comes to andt of incentive disincentive. Each million, each million, you have the individual. The individual response to incentive and disincentive is the same. That is economics. Cohost going back to winstons point about the psychology. Yes, there is pressure on that business to not be more productive to be more efficient. Increasedtivity, that pressure comes from the marketplace. In other words, there are more people at your drive through. More people at your business every day demanding or product. That is the pressure right there that requires more productivity out of you. You have got to be overall more efficient when you are trying to meet compliance in these added government cost. Cohost i agree, you do have pressure when economic pressure is applied but as you said, the economic pressure in fast food is to automate. So when you automate, what happens . The low skilled workers lose their jobs. Cohost businesses can do a couple things, and they often do both. As the government requires them to comply with law, that increased cost, they pass it on to the consumer to the point the market will bear and beyond that they lay people off, the people they keep are used more efficiently or both or they automate and bring in technology to fill the void. Cohost and when you look at the masses out there, the cost goes up. That income, they are either buying this or that particular product or they are maybe not bind other new things that come to the market. They are only focusing on necessities at that point. In,f you would like to get 86690redeye. Grexit is always fun to talk economics. Thessume winston is new to audience. He may not be. He may be checking us out for the first time via cspan. So thank you. We appreciate that. I keep preparing for spring and summer temperatures. For those outside of texas, all of our friends in the north with ice and snow. A lot of the country getting a real winter. We have not had much of a real winter so were kind of spoiled this year. It has been quite mild. And i supplied survived the blizzard of 1970 in new york. Thing, evenng though air is an air force brat. Nd lived all over the country for the significant part of his life he grew up on the southern border and i grew up on the northern border. If anybody cares. Fell flat. T of it fell flat in the studio. Know, about, you the experiences people bring to the table. Cohost cnn abc caught fudging the numbers for favorability. It seems they oversampled democrats by eight percentage points. Cohost, and it will be interesting to see as they go back and try and make the sampling altogether of the political season more of an exact science. Cohost if i was president i would love to start out with those ratings. If you do anything that the American Public cohost you are setting the bar low. The only place cohost you are setting the bar low. The only place you can go is high. Cohost let me find the wall street journal article. House republicans are also pushing tax reform to exact u. S. Exports from Corporate Tax while taxing imports. Satisfye this might Donald Trumps protectionist urges but the white house may oppose that provision because it prefers outright terrorists. It would raise a tax over 10 years that the tax of the trump reform could also be less progrowth because the Republican Leadership what it is doing is saying, ok, we will give you the overuts and just tax you here with an increase in tax on goods and services from imports. It is not that you are getting a tax reich and living up there, youre getting a tax break here and moving it here. Cohost which could potentially be a higher tax on the consumer. Cohost 100 billion, we dont know again, we dont know because we dont know what trump is going to do. We dont know what his tax cuts would actually be. But we will find out. That is the exciting thing. We will find out on friday. ,ohost the whole thing was you know the last eight years, t this will be this will be i dont know if it will be different right away but it different. Ady feels there seems to be a consensus, generally a positive feel about the economy. I guess we will see. The market kind of stalled. So i do not know if they have raced everything in that they could. Priced everything and that they could. Heres is a story, u. S. Government spending unsustainable. You think . Well. Prolific. Cohost that is the idea going back to household consumerism. You cannot do that. It is not sustainable. That is the overall idea. You cannot be spending more than you are ringing them. Of course, there are a lot of differences in the dynamics. Cohost a difference between a country in the house. I agree there is a difference in the household. In the household, you are spending your own money. Andy biggs. You from borrowing. It is red eye radio. 86690redeye. Hi, you are on the show. So excusehave a cold my voice. Ever since the election when the democrats were caught with their pants down, they are still in shock and not willing to give trump a chance. He was not my candidate but he was better than the other alternative. Cohost you are a democrat . Caller note. I go all over the place. I vote for the person and not just the party. Cohost and you put for obama . I did not. I did not put for the younger bush either. Forost what is your vote bush a proeconomy antihillary bye . Was it motivated purely and herclinton enter politics . Was motivated by the economics and the fact that i would rather die the and have Hillary Clinton in the white house. Am 65yearsold from chicago originally, now in idaho. I can tell you that the democrats are walking out in droves. If we had done Something Like that back when obama was inaugurated, of course we would treason. I think they are acting like twoyearolds. I am an exteacher and an exbusiness owner. I have started my own businesses, became successful, i can tell you that i really think that donald trump right now, i am pulling for him for stop i am pulling for him. That ily love watched the confirmation hearings today. I thought they were brutal today. Betsy devos. In her foundations, she has put in hundreds of millions of dollars to disadvantaged children, especially in the inner cities. The democrats today acted like she did something wrong by trying to help them out. Like they are the only ones who get to pretend to help the minorities. I do not think they do. Cohost the left and even the democrats, does not think they have learned why they lost election. Because it is the rhetoric that they continue to spout out that helps to hurt them. Now they have taken it to bizarro world. Are kicking back and enjoying it all. We believe in freedom of speech. We do not want to shut anyone out. We have said to the democrats and liberals, please tell us what you think. The 2006y took over congress they have really opened up and that is a good thing. They owned it and now you are hearing more of what they really think and i think that is important for the American People to hear that. It does not get me angry at all. I like when i hear it. Cohost 86690redeye. Redeye radio. S is coho we have heard fromst liberals. From fromst we have heard liberals. People who describe themselves as left liberals. They say it is time to get away from the hyperbole. The identity politics and things that drove the party, especially over the last several years and we question whether or not that is actually going to remain. I shall return you cant find heavyduty truck parts at any old auto store but you can find them nditparts. Com. Into a home with finditparts. Com. Years, a 100 owneroperated company. We offer the fastest pay in the industry. A dedicated industry. Our record speaks for itself. If you are looking to make a move, consider mercer. Owneroperated. Town. Com. Blood flow. K about healthy circulation is critical. Get enough dietary nitrates into your system. Way to get it. E one scoop. A secret to supporting healthy circulation. Superbeet goes to work fast. Uperbeets every day. Backed by a moneyback guarantee. Reince hey, ryan. George w. Bush hospitalized. Coming in just now. Hospitalized in houston according to his chief of staff. Theyve got it from houston. Former president george h. W. Bush hospitalized. Becker says the former president is in stable the reason bush was hospitalized was not immediately disclosed. Home. Xpect him to go his office expects him to go home in a couple of days. They will release more information later this morning. You khou 10 minutes ago. John kerry projects Trump Administration will last a year, two years whatever. [laughter] a year or two years . Isis doesnt provide health care. Doesnt he know it is a fouryear term . Has anyone told john kerry it is a fouryear term . Red eye radio is live on facebook. Control your high Blood Pressure is not doing enough. Pressure to a healthy range before it is too late. And message from the American Heart Association and the ad council. Everyday 70,000 puppies or kittens are born in the u. S. Half of all litters are accidents. When a kid and has a litter of 14, pretty soon you have thousands. Shouldve listened to the Public Service announcement and latin. This is the quote from donald, i dont like tweeting. I think you do. He says, i dont like tweeting. That is a quote according to the washington examiner. I dont like tweeting. I think he does. Funny. Can you imagine getting a way back machine . The year 2016, we will have these Little Things we carry around that will allow was to communicate and talk to each other all over the world, and then we can type things into them oh wait, typing is i will wait a minute. You would have to explain so much to our Founding Fathers. Aside from bill and teds excellent adventure, why have not thats why havent they done a movie like that, part scifi. You are going back to our Founding Fathers trying to tell them how politics in 2016 is going to work. By the way, it is 2016, why dont we have a time machine yet . We havent got the beaming up yet either. The i am not going to be first. Gary Debbie Wasserman schultz is conducting interviews again. Together, we can vaccinate 710,000 people in just 11 days. Can deliver medical care when the need is greatest. Together, we are doctors without borders. Doctors without borders goes with goes where others dont to provide care around the world. Learn more at doctorswithoutborders. Org. The human voice, it can be powerful. Cheerful with laughter. [indiscernible] you often cannot catch a breath or finish a sentence, let alone and many who have it dont even know it. If you think you or a loved one have symptoms, only a diagnosis can be test can mean better treatment. Join us. At nih. Com. See that you little dog in the ask line said about the Police Officer who died. I saw that. Protected veteran officer and he passed away. That was the end of my day as of that story was breaking. , it is a red eye radio. Gary mcnamara and eric harley talk about everything and things that make a difference in your life, whether you are up late or just starting your day, welcome to the show. This is red eye radio. America, i amss an Gary Mcnamara. He is eric harley. We will like to welcome cspan who is a broadcasting the show live. Eric thank you, cspan. Gary all across the world, it is an operation week. They are checking political talk shows all across the aisle. They chose us. Eric they are checking political talk shows all caps ill. They chose us. Thank you for being there. All theboth the political spectrums, they are doomed. Eric we are doomed. Gary reading an article from campus reform. Universities are committing to fight toxic masculinity this year. Toxic masculinity, really . That is a new phrase. Eric not like taking too many supplements . Working out too long and doing damage the body . Gary not a testosterone thing. Renewing the efforts against toxic masculinity with some schools hosting events that will they are try to figure out what we are going to be. At oregon state university, attend aare invited to healthy masculinity conference where they will engage in four masculinity, unrestricted by power, privilege and oppression. Eric i dont know what to do with that. I have never been accused of having toxic masculinity. Gary you can learn to be like john lewis. He is illegitimate. Why is he illegitimate . Because he is. If you have got a point, you are in a position of power. Illegitimate how . If you are in a position of power and you are try to make a legal point, then how about you step up for your constituents and do your job . Oh wait a minute, you dont have a point. Getting some response, the whole dollar 50 statement. Remember when the white house came out and said for every dollar you will get a dollar 50 it is the Multiplier Effect will understand that completely. What the multiplier forgets is the money is being forced from somewhere else where it was involved in addictive purposes and to complete the sentence, you have got to include that. Eric yes, you do. Gary it is not about the shuffling of the money. The government does that. That is all they do. That is what they do best is shuffling the money, as they consume a lot of it in bureaucracy. They shuffle the money around. We are talking about the expansion of wealth. Guess what . That didnt even come to be. They could not make the point after it was done, that they got 1. 50 and Economic Activity based on the dollar inc. Spent. The dollar being spent. Eric they would be the massive economic power. , we for anybody listening love talking about economics. We had a great discussion earlier. No toxic masculinity on tonight show. Just in fact, if we approach of, most people would be surprised. Gary i forgot a couple things to get a thanks today. I said, sorry, i am john lewis today. Oh, i forgot that i did not attend bushs of inauguration either. We will not be attending the inauguration. Eric yes, we will not. Gary we will be here. Eric we are just making the point that we are not going not in protest. What is the last one you did . The last one was 2004 bush. Eric what is it like . Gary it is hectic. I had to do my local show. You are working. So it is a whirlwind. What i will always remember is, i got to actually do my show from the president s this was 2000 the president and not grow ball and i had a headset on the president s inaugural ball and i had a headset on. We were doing a simulcast with another Radio Station, and they decided they would simulcast ever shows together, and the other host was a liberal host who did not like bush. Im about 30 feet from the stage in this little cordoned off area. We are in this yelling match back and forth. There is bush on stage. Daughters come up and every thing else. I am like, no, you are wrong i am standing up. I am like yelling. I am like i better stop. Secret service may come up and be like, sir, what are you doing . Eric some breaking news on former president george h. W. Bush. The former president has been hospitalized. His office chief of staff saying that the president is in stable condition, is doing fine. That is a quote. The reason that the former president was hospitalized has not been given. They said they will release more information later this morning. They are saying that they are expecting the former president , george h. W. Bush, to go home in a couple of days. Mr. President , get well. Gary lets talk to harold. Welcome. Caller good evening, gentlemen. Im a burglar cspan washington journal listener i am a regular cspan washington journal listener. I really bad analogy. It is typical right wing corporate analogy for why the minimum wage should not go up. Being,son [indiscernible] to good piece owner that one pay his employers employees and just wage. I believe the first if there is no profit there should be no production. That applies to the workers as well as the owners. In that pizza man raises the minimum wage to 15 and that hurts his business, the federal minimum wage goes up, then all of the crooked pizza owners demonstrate will have to raise their wages. Gary how do you know they are crooked . To make theirant living off of stealing peoples wages. Gary the people who were working for that noble pizza owner are unemployed because he had to let them go. Caller he did not have to let them go. Gary he ran out of money. There is no more money. You cant just make money happen, harold. Where do you get the money to pay them . The day the minimum wage goes up, everybody raises their pizza prices. Gary the people who get kicked to the curb get what . Caller nobody gets kicked to the curb. Gary now we are going to force the employers to keep people . Caller only a small percentage will get kicked to the curb. Gary where do they get the money to keep the employees . They are going to pass that on to the consumer. The consumer than decides it is too expensive. Day care for this same people that you are increasing the pay up. Their day care is going their costs are going up. What are you doing for the ones who do get to keep their job . The people who are working a dollar an hour job is not getting day care. Gary you say 15 an hour, why not 40 an hour . We lose in america we lose money in america at eight dollars an hour. Myy harold, that is not point. My point is how you observe economics . That is what we all do. There are no opinions, it is how we are observing what the reality of economics is. If you are saying there is no if you 15 an hour saying it helps an economy the more you increase the cost of doing business, then it would do better if you increased it to 20 or 40 an hour. 15 raising to 15 an hour may not hurt as much as raising it to 20 but it has an overall negative effect on the economy. It hurts growth, jobs growth. Otherwise, you would be advocating a 50 minimum wage because it doesnt matter. Caller lets go to this point. Just not pay people anything and bring back slavery . Gary who was going to work for nothing . This is where it gets ridiculous where you dont want to have a discussion on economics. You realize you lost the argument and so you go to slavery. We caught you because we caught you. Gary the evil its owners who would these people be . Is that the big fat guy in the heavy suit sitting on a mound of money, chopping a cigar . That poppa john. Eric better pizza, better ingredients. Gary call it whatever you want, you do that because you believe your argument is weak. You start stereotyping, typical right wing corporate argument. Just argue the issue with us. You said 15 an hour would be beneficial across the board. Why not 50 . You are not being intellectually honest. You understand that raising it from 10 or seven dollars to 15 doesnt damage, but not as much as 50. Why . Because how people respond to incentive and disincentive. The good piece owner and it sounds normal just noble when the policymakers are taking hold of it and trying to give you something. For the people who benefit, you mightve benefited, then what happened . As we start raising the minimum wage to these massive amounts 15 an hour and the people who work behind the push have already said they are not done. Of course they are not. You dont stop at 15. You are not going to stop until the people with low skills, where are they going to get that experience . You are going to send them to school . Who was going to pay for that . All of this idea is about what . Is about trying to do something that is feasible across the board, not something because this guy is evil and that guy is good. You can make a great decision and still hurt people. Ary 86690redeye drivers, when considering fuel he is setting in his desk sitting in his pizza layer sitting in his pizza layer. Him up to should make sure we bring up afterwards, if youre watching on cspan, we know we have lost the political argument. The majority of republicans believe the minimum wage should be raised. It is simply the economic effect of raising the minimum wage. That is it. If the government wishes to raise the minimum wage, understand it is going to have understand it is going to have damage. Replay the other day when jerry brown signed the minimum wage in california. He says it doesnt make economic sense but it makes social and moral sense. If it doesnt make economic sense, doesnt make social or moral sense. Decision,can make a. Uilt on noble ideals it all sounds great. Sounds like they are trying to help people, but ultimately, what are you doing . They know this. If it were a good thing and it worked economically, then you why not raise it to 50 an hour . Why not . The money youre not going to lay people off. Well, actually you are. The government cannot force companies to employ people. They cannot force them unless there are some like overregulation like a day care which has fewer choices by law, because they take care of our kids. On theve to have people premises at any given time, per child. Gary you know what i am going to do . Get some of this iced tea because nobody is ever in here at this time of night. There are people all over the place. Eric we didnt get cakes. Gary we have never gotten cake in the history of the show. We cant get cake. Eric it is the only thing we ask for, to get cake. I will achieve everything. If i achieve this, i will have reached the goals i set today. Here is to the destination you set long ago. You never wavered. The engine oil that works as hard as you. What our drivers saying about in detroit we asked jim taylor, michigan. Personal i thought it was something that would take our driving skills away. What it does it makes us better. It is going to wreck before you do sometimes. It is going to react before you do sometimes. Attention, professional truck drivers. Cram just get the forthe dashcam purchase 399 309 9. 99. [indiscernible] offer valid. Have you ever wanted a chance gary we dont listen to the show. [laughter] gary why would you, frankly back oh frankly . [indiscernible] acne. You have your acne can heal and you can prevent gary is that my phone . Know, somebody has this broadcaster channel on. Eric is that what it is . Broadcasters. We should be coming back here soon. I am going to go to an election one year. Eric the evil pizza owners. We are going to keep that one around for a wild. For a while. It is red eye radio. I am Gary Mcnamara. Welcome all the viewers to cspan here overnight. We do this five nights a week. Nd live everybody listens, including all of the evil pizza owners. [laughter] sorry. Eric while they are plotting with their cheese and pepperoni. Gary that was pure greatness. I dont know about you, but i am seeing all of these pizza ovens and all of these people working and you keep walking back through all of these tunnels. Eric there is an evil pizza lair. Gary you go back into this room and theyre all these guys in suit coats and cigars. How are we going to rip them off and make more pizza today . I have understood it when it comes to i can do the imagery easier when it is big oil or Something Like that. Eric right, because we have heard it. Gary or the executives in big solar that are raking in the taxpayers subsidies and becoming millionaires. You can still imagine that. The evil pizza owner is going to the legend of red eye radio long after we are dead and gone. Eric the evil pizza owners of america. They are plotting together. Gary we are not making fun of the gentleman that called. It is that that was one of the greatest lines ever. Eric we want the same thing. The reason i get so passionate about the people who is get who is looking out for those guys . You are delusional if you believe that everyone is going to benefit. Very few benefit if youre not increasing productivity. Inauguration,e the end of the obama admit the trump and i am Bonnie Snyder with a look at your forecast. Look for rain spreading across northern california. Is 54. Ncisco, your high rain for coastal oregon into washington state. 46 in portland today. Look for snow in the higher elevations. In minneapolis, we will be looking for sunshine with a high of 37. 39 in chicago. Snow moving into new england. You may see some high amounts into maine, vermont and new hampshire. In Central New York, and mix of ice at times. New york city, 42 and overcast. D. C. , your High Temperature is 56 today. Beautiful weather in florida. Miami, right around 80 degrees with plenty of sunshine and stormy in lake charles, louisiana. She did. Yes, she did. Thanks so much, bonnie. Got a callye we just from our engineer that said she did bring us cake. Eric we got all of this food here because we want to make sure we are nice to the cspan crew. We want them to have a little gary the first day we started on red eye five is ago, she brought us cake. I guess they are not going to release any more information on president bush. The best thing is the only thing i have been worried about knowing that we are going to be on cspan is the fact that i have had this cold and allergies are terrible. I have been hacking and wheezing. All of a sudden, it is gone. Which proves that cspan cures allergies and colds. What are the treat allergies . I get ragweed around autumn . Eric it is crazy. A lot of these calls are really good coming up here which means they could agree with us or disagree. It doesnt matter. I need to find that story online here. It was from the hill. The one that talked about the economics the three economic models. This was back in april when a look at the economic models. They said trump will when. Will win. The one thing that was left out of looking at this election was the economy and how the economy affected elections in the past. Eric itends to be tends to be the main driver. Everybody is consistently affected by it. Gary i am not going to do it but i need to shut down my computer. Or ticket. Or kick it. But not right now. Loan forgiveness, call now. Dont wait, call now. Is Credit Card Debt ruining your life . You can have a large portion of your Credit Card Debt forgiven. Get relief. Free information that shows you how. This program is proven to work for Credit Card Debt. Information free and a consultation. Will give you the secret to this moneysaving program free. Get eyeopening information that could save you thousands of dollars a year depending on how. Uch you own you owe the more you owe, the more you can save. So call for free Debt Forgiveness information now. Discover the secret to having your Credit Card Debt forgiven. Gary here is an article from cnn, how to watch Donald Trumps inauguration coverage. I almost dont want to read the story. Too many questions. When it comes to getting your tough back, was to start get you choices. Question ins the the subheadline. How do i watch on cnn . Do we need instructions . You are the first cable news network, do we need instructions . Eric some of the New York Times stories on facebook were hilarious. President obama leaving is one of the most well read resident since abraham lincoln. It was like i could see the approach. I know what they are try to do. Here is a way if youre out and about and you want to watch on a mobile device, what is the inauguration . Are you going to be watching if you dont know . I dont know. How do i watch on cnn . Big ike brian regans bit on toasting a pop tart. Step one, open the wrapper. I see where you are going. Can i still get tickets to go to the inauguration . Marketsthe secondary [indiscernible] they need to check that. Now to your moderators, Gary Mcnamara and eric harley. Gary. He is eric and im what are you reading . Eric the headline caught my eye and it is from cnn. Com. I know where they are going. They are saying, here are the various ways you can catch the inauguration on inauguration day. It is how to watch Donald Trumps inauguration coverage. I thought, wait a minute. Are they trying to cover it like the emotional aspect . Are they trying to help you deal with it . It is about theres another subheadline here how do i watch on cnn . [laughter] eric this is a story that is on the website, cnn. Com, and it is linked from social media. I am thinking if you are already reading this story, you know how you can watch. They are tried to tell you we are going to cover it online. Youhey are trying to tell we are going to cover it online. If youre reading it online, you probably already know that. They do ask a good question, can i still get tickets to go to the inauguration . Hub . E check stub we will have to do that during a break. Gary we had to danielle in oakland, california. Welcome to the show. Danielle . Hi. Caller can you hear me. I wanted to give you guys a little i am a bernie supporter. I am sure one of your favorite demographics. I wanted to say that the people that i know that voted for trump, ond voted for both sides, many of them held the nose. Now by is doing right inviting these people he is not inviting Maxine Waters or barbara lee, people that actually govern the could help him govern, and instead inviting kanye west, it really speaks to the fact that he is not trying to be president. He is still playing celebrity. Gary to interject, he also invited jim brown. Jim brown had a sitdown with him. I understand, dismissing a kanye west. I dont think you can easily dismiss someone like jim brown who has been working to better communities for a long time. Danielle wait a minute. When it comes to solving problems i dont know what donald trump plans to do for the and the innercity. What is plans are and the discussions that he has had, if they are more conservative plans, they would be diametrically opposed to anything that Maxine Waters or barbara lee would want. We dont know what donald trump will do on that. You are talking about the far left of the Democratic Party. I dont believe, are either of those going to his inauguration . Caller i dont believe they are. I support that. On, my danielle standards, should those should they be sitting down with him . Caller the reason i support them not attending, the man said on tv and said the russian said that russia did not have the d c and they did. If obama had done that, it wouldve been treason. Gary whats the treason . Caller he stood on tv and told a Foreign Government to hack us. Gary he was joking. Caller for people who are wondering. Gary he was clearly joking when he said that. Caller that is not a joke. Gary it may not be a funny joke. Danielle, by your own standards if he invites Maxine Waters to his office, should they attend . Caller yes, they should attend. Tend t they shouldnt attended the immigration. Caller if he wants to govern, he should invite these people. Eric but they should not attend the inauguration. Caller i personally would not. I believe he is compromised. At this point, he set there on peoples desk on tv saying it is rigged. How do we know that was not a confession . At the time, he sounded like gary i will tell you this, im very happy. I appreciate your call because i am happy that the far left is really worried about potential , ories and dictators potential enemies out there that we face from the United States. Im glad that finally and i hope it expands to isis, because it has not been there. Youer let me explain to tomorrow the point that was a pout your pages color wondering why was we cannot just by young. Some of us white people have made babies with brown people and people who are out of our religion and out of our color. When they go outside now, we worry. Gary stop it. Based on what . Appeared what is that founded on. Swastikasere are being painted on temples all over palo alto, california. Who is responsible for doing that . Are people who how do you know that . Do you know how many hate letsve happened put it this way, the vast majority of the highprofile hate crimes that were immediately the left jumped on, that they blamed donald Trump Supporters, it was the opposite. They were fake hate crimes caller . Caller that is not true. I have lived in the bay area all my life. I have never feared. Gary you mean San Francisco specifically which is icy which is pricing people out of that city . Caller it is very unfortunate. I cannot afford the city i was born into. Why are things more expensive . Because of gentrification. Gary because of what . Costofliving . Keep going back. Policy that isal dictating all of that. That is your costofliving in the bay area. Caller if we were making a living wage and we do not have income disparity. Ultimately, what is the living wage going to do . You think that is not going to increase the cost of living . Caller if the ceos took a pay cut and a trickle down to us you cant make a profit of one guy at the top. You cannot make it up that way. Businesses cannot make it up. If they work for free, they would not be able to do that. You live in california. I am not going to have a serious conversation with you because you keep jumpy from topic to topic. You keep jumping from topic to topic. You are talking about northern california. That is supposed to be nirvana. Theres all this racism . All of these hate crimes in california . Really . Theoon as she said highprofile hate crimes that have happened, the vast majority i dont know where they found one where it was a truck supporter a trump supported doing it. It was the opposite. It was the people who hate trump. Donald trump was right, it was rigged. He started saying you were a bernie supporter. You and the people who supported bernie know that better. What did we learn from whoever at the dnc . What did we learn from those emails . We learn to going into their party rigged it against bernie. The party rigged it for itself and for Hillary Clinton. You want to talk rigged, the people who supported bernie know more than any group politically in 2016 what rigged is. We live in texas and we are not afraid to go out. My grandchildren are mixed race. Members who are of mixed race, and i would not try and build unfounded fear in their minds as they go about their day. As anybody who has seen the pictures of my family and mikes my extended family, mixed race all across the board. None of them are free to go anywhere. Stop with the paranoia, danielle. 86690redeye. Get in touch with red eye radio anytime at 86690redeye. Fun. At was interesting. Never a dull moment. Gary that is where the paranoia is coming in. Please, stop it. Ok. Sure. You bet. Ok, great. Perfect. There is no feature, right . Cooks about the secondary markets about the second a markets. I get a post, it is an advertisement. It is not about inauguration. Certain events, i dont think you do. I think you can get the tickets to go to certain events, right . , they have to have clearance. They have to have clearance for certain events. Right, yeah. A is that not a bucket list thing . Somebody asked me one time. We had the conversation at our sitting e morning, they were asking about if barack obama in his final days, invited you to the white house. I would go. Some of the guys said no. I said yeah. I would go. If any setting resident invite you to the white house it is never going to happen, but if it did, i would go. Keiths answer was simple. I have done it with obama, bush. I dont know if people know that toby keith is a democrat. He is a democrat. People dont care. Isnt it about especially people like that who perform for the uso and do all of those things, aside from the big celebratory things that is something that is kind of a calling for them. Here is something i can do to give back or do something for the public. That is not necessarily about money. It is a was about promotion, i am sure. If it is consistent which he is, i think that was a great response. It doesnt matter who the person is talking about toby keiths response. You know . Yes, i am talking to the disinvited voice of our producer, brian kane. Gary i just tipped over the microphone. Yeah. That would be better to look at on both fronts. Of the inauguration, isnt it about if obama invited me to the white house, i dont know what we would talk about. I would go. I have a lot of questions. You brought 200 pages of questions, ok, candidate for pages in . Why not . It is an experience. Calls from all over. Thank you. We appreciate it. Everybody watching on cspan, we appreciate you tuning in. A ton of new folks to the program. We hope you will be back. Gary im smiling because i am reading what some of the callers wish to chat about. Eric hopefully we will be able to get to a lot of these calls. Gary was a diane . Was it diane . I love diane. Please, understand somewhat people have babies with brown people. No, really . Youre kidding. I am shocked. Without knowing anything of our background. Your is like i am love life is your love life and what you wish to do with it, that is great. Whatever or whoever you wish to marry or have a big with, god bless you. Not if not. It is red eye radio on the air. 86690redeye. I have got to make a comment to our less color. Our last caller. Danielle, when she got off. That is why i said this call is going to wear pc said some of us whites have babies with brown people. Eric is that what you call them today . Brown people . Gary you guys live in a different world that you cannot understand where i am coming from. Stop it i have not said that in a while. Eric it is impossible to know what is in peoples hearts. Often when youre talking to someone and you are having debate on how things work, it is impossible to know their family makeup. All the best to you. Whoever you decide to have a family with, that is great. Gary we love it. It doesnt put you on a higher pedestal. That is the decisions you make and the love youre looking for. We are ok with all of it. We dont care. It is not of my business what you decide to do with your life, but you are the one who try to put yourself up on a pedestal, throwing it at us as if we didnt understand. Stop it. Brian is going to interject. Eric welcome brian, our producer. You can take off the anonymous mask. I would like to say, halle berry, i love you. [laughter] myself, today in preparation for the show, i said to myself brian, this is going to be a moment for brian. Theres got to be at least one. Myself, is this going to be a statement of substance . I guess it was. Halley, we will talk about kids later. Gary this is where we get to people on the far left who believe that they are of this theyr morality, because have in their family a multicultural family. And assume that people that disagree with them do not. You should not assume, because we know what happens when people assume. Correct . Eric say it on the air. Gary i never really mentioned my family, my nephew who i helped raise. I never talked about anything that went on in my family, because it doesnt matter. , ander mentioned for years then one day at posted a picture on facebook and people called in and people said, we had no idea. Because it has nothing to do with my opinion on race. Whether they are people with different skin tones in my anything. Snt mean eric varying opinions, varying skin tones, bearing experiences all throughout my family. Each of them is my family. Heres the other thing. We can have disagreements on a number of things. See things politically one way or the other, but they are not the enemy. Lots of liberal friends and they will always be my friends as far as im concerned. They may disown me. I love these people. Gary if you listen to the show, you know that we get hit from all sides. Danielle, so you know. We got a lot more Bernie Sanders callers then we got Hillary Clinton callers. Eric thank you, daniel for the call. We appreciate it. This is red eye radio on westwood one. The time is flying. It really is. It is going by fast. Nothing new on the story. On the bush story. Got to make sure i relate this story from the hill. It predicted the gop white house, even with trump this was with april this was back in april. It was always called fake news. Models knew the economic out there, april Means Nothing. November means a lot. Nader. Dicated core i agree with you. Trump, i dont like tweeting all the time. You just mentioned the story before. Yeah, you do. Gary i think you do. Or you really think it is really necessary. If it is your deferred way of communicating, then you do like it. You believe you are benefiting from it. Heard. It is i have over the last couple of weeks, the responses to Donald Trumps responses, and yet not what we are used to. It is not, that is not very president ial. Extent to a certain not that he doesnt go overboard arent we to a certain extent done with the political answer . What looks like a prepared answer . How many times on capitol hill are we getting that . You and i were watching republicans back when john theyer was speaker, and had taken action on something and about the time we were going to go on the air, Speaker Boehner was good to make a statement. We thought here we go. It is midnight. You. Are going to carry you can come out and really talk about what you accomplished. It was like a 22nd statement and 20 secondng away a statement and then walking away. Your morning news cycle wouldve carried that if you had made a broader statement. They would be carrying that. I think too many times they have missed the mark. In the past, we probably have fact is over if you Pay Attention to the 24 7 news channels, this is why i would those of shows because everything is based on the pop culture or the top story of the day. Whether it has substance or not. That drives me crazy because we know who trump is. We know he has said disgusting things. He might continue to say them at times. The police you does not because i think that hurts his message. We are concerned with where he goes. What is he going to do . Like it or not he has the power and republicans have the power. What are they going to do . Some things we agree with, something to dont. You pay that terrorists. Tariffs. I would see the most Trump Supporters who have called this show the last 16 months, probably said we are not really tariffs. Rorists he ispublicans think going to do it because the plan they are putting together is to have a import tax. You pay for that. That would pay for the trump tax cuts. That means you are paying taxes in a different way. Not income tax but you are paying it in the cost of goods and services or goods from anything imported into this country. A trillion to raise dollars. We are against that. One of the reason i hate terrorists is not only does it hurt the economy but it is a hidden tax on the consumer. I should say this on the radio. Oh, i have already said it a thousand times. Eric seattle is implement ing n emoji Rating System for restaurants. [laughter] there is a tell of ways to rate things. I actually appreciate those that take the time to write a longer rating. Not emotionally driven, just based in the experience. L us what a cap and happens. Something amazon has done very well. Hard to control and know how many people are being honest. Sometimes you can tell the ones that are just a very technical approach to a review. Some of you tell me what i was looking for. I just became john lewis for a moment and i cant remember. Gary the economic model from april. There was something i was trying to bring up. It is the television cameras, the lights. We actually dont have bright lights in the studio typically. Remember,wkrp. It is not for the same reason that venus fly trap did it in his overnight shift on that program, but we do have the lighting much lower. Eric what was that show in the 80s . Midnight caller. Wewant you to know that basically are working the same shift that he worked but we dont solve crimes during the day. Eric nor do we want to try. Gary just like quincy is assistant did all the work anyway. That is the first quincy analogy i have ever given. Eric is midnight caller from syndication . Gary i dont think so. I would watch it. Eric just based on my experience now. Gary cole. Good but he was nothing can beat office space. If you have never watched office space and he worked in an office, watch it. 1999. Eric it is a classic. Fun. Gary we also recommend in this movie segment mr. Church with eddie murphy. Eric yes, mr. Church with eddie murphy. I thought it was a great movie. Gary we watched it about the same time separately. Critics panned it. Made 700,000 at the box office but i think it is one of Eddie Murphys best roles. Great story, great direction. Any murphy did a fabulous job. It was great. Eddie murphy did a fabulous job. Live from dallas it is right i radio. And eddie talk from everything about social to politick all issues. Whether you are a plate or just starting your day. Welcome to the show. This is redeye radio. We are talking to our cspan audience during the break. Im not preparing as well as i should for the actual show. . O we ever eric thank you to the new members of our audience via cspan. We hope you will join us time to time or every night on the radio. Cspan is doing this as a part of inauguration week. Sampling talk shows on both sides. Gauging where the people are. Which is what we like to do. We appreciate everybody tuning in tonight. This was on the drudge report, i have to read this. I dont even know the website. Vocativ . I read it to myself, we are looking for fake stories. Dont know this website, it could be a fake story. But it was too good to pass up. I will tell you why i thought it was a fake story. There might be a fake story of it being liberal propers stop up on guns, food as trumppocal ypse looms. With trump on the horizon, the Survivalist Movement is picking up progressive converts fast. Then they go on to talk about the fact that this one guy bought a shotgun for weeks before the election, and unapologetic liberal he was no fan of firearms. He never owned one before. But he could not shake his fears of a donald Trump Presidency and all the chaos it could bring. He imagined hate crimes and violence by extremists, emboldened by the brash divisive rhetoric. He pictured state sanctioned roundups of muslims, gays, and outspoken critics. I asked myself do i want to live under tyranny . Gentleman reported Bernie Sanders, the answer was absolutely not. The reason i wonder whether it is a fake story is the fact he was completely against firearms and then because he was worried about something that liberals , the fact that the government could come and change your life and round oup people. All of a sudden he understands what the nra has been promoting, which liberals rejected completely until donald trump. Alone is a great reason that donald trump was elected. Now finally the left understands the Second Amendment of the united dates. Eric why is it you want the gun . You want to protect yourself, your property. Your family. Oh, hm. Shouldnt everybody have that right . Doesnt everybody have that right . Specifically from the government. Whenever anybody from the right would bring up the reason for the second to london amendment to protect us from the government. He said that was such a dumb thing, you are paranoid to believe the government is going to come and you will need a firearm. Aat is why i believe it is fake story because nobody on the left will go that far. Becauseugh to believe we have asked the question whether it is health care. Eric this cannot be real. We will treat it for a moment like it is. Yours . Se rights not health care or someone paying for your insurance of a right, but lets talk about the policy that you wanted if you are on the left and you promoted. Theaid, do you want biggie after the bush years was enough so much toward george w. Bush but it was dick cheney. The real president s. Bring it the big evil to the table. If dick cheney were president , would he want him in charge of your health care . Lets introduce the Second Amendment. You believe in the Second Amendment because you believe that trump could go too far, which would be saying the government would be going too far. You want to practice your Second Amendment rights to be prepared for that. Asked for years, we have asked you to set aside the people and the parties. If you are going to insist it is about this and this, when you favor one side or the other, you can wait eight years or however long it takes politically for it to change to the other side. The question is, now do you believe the same thing . The point. Is we try to promote the fact we are about ideas, not people. If this is true, and you have people on the left that feel this way, then you understand the Second Amendment. When they useight the exact excuse that you are using and now youre embracing it to the point of to get ready, show you how far this guy has gone not only did he buy a shotgun, that was because of joe biden so he could shake it shoot it off the balcony of 70 comes into your place. You should get off the balcony and they will run. He bought a nine millimeter handgun. Trump has forced the sky to buy a a nine millimeter handgun and a shotgun. Energy bars, survival gear. For his wife and three cap he is storing water, looking for real estate listings in colorado he is determined to live in a liberal safe haven. His advice to others on the left, get ready, Pay Attention, keep your with about here. He is not alone, he is a new group and bracing extreme Self Reliance in the wake of trumps victory. A natural disaster, Prep Movement is gaining a decisive liberal following. It is worth it alone if trump only serves one term and the left now embraces the Second Amendment afterwards. I am happy. Sure. If we learn more about your basic rights as an american, great. Sure. The gun toting liberal. I am seriously worried about the cats. If they are arms. Is it conceal and carry with a feline community . Im not quite sure how that would work. Finally, i want to bring up this article. I came upon it by accident. I saved it from last april and was going through my computer doing Different Things. I went though, i have to bring it on the air tonight to mention it. Briefly. As evidence that people out there understood, people that were being intellectually honest, this is back from april. Economic models predicted gop white house even with donald trump. From the hill. Not a conservative application. It talks about the economic models. The trump supporter called us that you will be surprised, he will win. I will not be surprised if he wins. If he loses, this will be if you look at the entire picture, this will be a shock because of the economy over the last eight years. The economy itself shows that whoever is in power in the executive branch after eight that party iny power will not win again. Prognosticators were coming out and saying 99 chance. We said that is ridiculous. What was it afterward . The president was saying, donald trump always had a 20 chance. He said that after the election. No, the number is higher. A little bit higher. 21 . Maybe toward a 2 . Whatever it takes. If youre being intellectually honest, if you were not playing the political game, you knew that donald trump had a chance to win. Economicing at situations, and history of how elections go. Your calle eric remember, back in the day, do you want dick cheney in charge of your health care . If youre on the left and you see dick cheney as the big evil on the right, do you went him in charge of your health care . Whoever the president on the right might be. In this case, donald trump. , you haveory is real people wait a minute, are they clinging to their god and to their guns . Clinging to their energy gars bars and guns. If you give government the ability to run your health care, and it happens to be a liberal now, do you want that authority to have that same power to be able to change it . We did not know it would be donald trump. But now that is the situation. Of the problem, part of the criticism you are seeing. Across the board, even from liberals. At obama and his executive orders, they can be reversed. What victories do you have if you dont build some consensus and get 70 of what you want by making the copper mines you need compromises you need across the aisle . The things that he did that a lot of his constituents love is going to be reversed on day one. That. Uld have known you should be angry that he did not attempt to through the normal process. As Chris Matthews said, we have discussions on this. We know that our cspan audience is here and cant get to all the things that we have talked about on the radio, we want to make e do it with you. I have lost my train of thought. Eric at the end of 2011, Chris Matthews was talking about how president obama did not really like, according to the information Chris Matthews had, did not really like the part of building relationships on capitol hill that was necessary, even within his own party. He does not meet with anybody, with democrats, even with the democratic leaders. He does not like meeting people. He does not like to meet world leaders. He does not like to go through the process of building relationships with this necessary. That is necessary even with your necessary enemies. X and did it with china. Reagan, jimmy carter, the all have relationships with former soviet union leaders. They built relationships with them even though they were enemies. That is something they have to do, even the leftist criticized obama for. He did not want to do that. Which is why in part we are getting a lot of criticism toward trump and building a relationship with putin. You have to set aside some hyperbole or some of the things donald trump talks sometimes. Most heartfelt campaign dont quitepromises pan out by any politician. As you build that relationship, if putin likes me, he used his own life he used his own name for my putin likes trump that is his own thing. The people here putting in cabinets are hard liners. Again, you look at it and you say, is he trying to act as an executive and open up dialogue, the fact is they will be hard line against russia. It is red eye radio. If you like to get in. George on a long island welcome you are on red eye radio. A couple minutes you guys are an endangered species. You represent intelligent adult ill for males. As to your callers, i had to chuckle. He is laughing in his glass box. Danielle, let her go to north korea if she wants equality. Harold all caps to find out that university of california 200300 peopleff after they implemented the 15hour. Thateorge George Donald trump cut liberals and the enzi off at the knees if he cut an executive order making the english language the official language of america. Gary i dont think it goes anywhere. What does it mean . Even on the government level you will have things available in other languages. George why . Gary eric the irs wants its taxes. Might make a political statement but it is not going to happen. Beyond a political statement, you are effectively still not going to change much. George how do i get a red eye coffee cup . Gary youre looking at it on cspan . It looks pretty impressive. Are the first red eye coffee cups we have ever seen. We are going to tell you what they are. This is from a sticker. They put them on normal coffee cups. They look good. It is a prototype. Eric this is one thing we looked at. We are capitalists. One thing we talked about is that we should have merchandising. Therefore we can get a cut of merchandising. When we are talking about this on the air and management is cringing because these guys want a cut of this, we will simply say look, our loyal listener brought it up. Eric exactly. George not only that, finance. Eric that will cost you. That is a premium. Gary it could decrease the value. Eric we will put that in the, these are prototypes. Maybe on our website soon. Thank you so much. Gary for our cspan audience, slogan, if know, our the two idiots overnight can understand it, so can you. We dont portray ourselves as , actuallyet scientist i do know a lot about rocket scientists. Father was one. Helped to build the minuteman missile. One of the first intercontinental ballistic missiles. I actually do know something about rocket science. Most of the concepts out there are not hard to understand. Like micro says, which crosses , there areoundaries timid as numbers of great jobs at there. You dont need a great deal of education for but you do need some technical knowledge. The population can do, you have to work with your hands. You can have a great career or you can start a career. Talked about this a lot, too, when we talk about employment. We talk about jobs, what people can do to improve their lives. The number one thing is that people have to understand nothing is permanent, not even a wife. Look, i will get a technical skill and do a great job. How many different professions do you think i have done . 13. I worked machines, steelworker, you name it. Bill collector. Eric i am sure that was fun. Gary the fact is, diversify. Go out there and do a bunch of things. Never know where you will end up being in life. I never, i will not tell the whole story because the audience on radio knows it, but i never wanted to be a talk show host in my life. Never wanted to be a radio talkshow host area i was stationed manager of a small station in Niagara Falls new york. It was a news station making the shift from music to talk. We had won a talk show, we lost a talk show host. I cannot find anybody i liked and white i am doing it. She said you dont have a choice. I hated it and did it for three years. Eric i still hate it. Gary the only reason i stayed in it is because it paid more money. After three, 4, 5, 6 years i went, while. This job was really meant for me. And work anything because you can work anything. If you become good or consistent assets. You will be amazed how you love something that you might thought you would never like. Eric what is a noble profession . Any that you take pride in. Anything you are doing that you take pride in and get right from. Gary i have to work with you so i dont have to much. Eric i dont. I would not make too many plans for your future. You are doomed. There is no doubt. Youre doing the work, whether you believe it is going to be the work you are doing in 20 years or not, if you are putting everything into it, and also getting something out of it. You are learning something while doing it and getting that experience, that is going to go on your resume that you can take to the next job or love your job. That is always a good thing. That is where pride comes in. Hard work resulted in that kind of pride. Gary my first job was cleaning toilets, i was so stupid i did not know i was too good to do that. I was the happiest son of a gun on the planet when i got my first 13 check. Here is your forecast. look for rain today spreading across northern california. Wet weather for San Francisco, your high is 54. Rain and wind for coastal oregon and into washington state. In seattle your high is 49. What he six in portland. Look for snow in the higher elevation. In minneapolis, sunshine with a high of 37 degrees. 39 in chicago. We may see some high amounts. Nobody communicative anything with me . Bonnie washington dc, your High Temperature is 56 today with mostly cloudy skies. Digital weather in florida. Orlando, florida, miami around 80 degrees with 20 of sunshine. Stormy in lat gary my niece is in new york city and she loves it. Thanks so much bonnie. We would like to welcome cspan into our studio. They are a great audience. Eric it is an honor to be on cspan for them to consider is is an honor. Gary we are humble. Gary they had their tree still up and lit. Theree is still eric is still one house in my subcommission that has the tree up. Just a tree in the window and glitz. You wonder if it is somebody who lives out of town or maybe there is a family who is in military. Gary yeah. Eric it was interesting. It was white with blue decorations. Obviously a fake tree with blue decorations. Thee they were putting up tree or leaving it up through the cowboys season. [laughter] silver and blue. Yeah, i dont know. Gary i put my Christmas Tree up and put it down at the middle of the bill season, october. Eric i dont know that ive seen any outside lights in recent days. Most of them have been gone by the past week. I can tell buffalo bill jokes and nobody else because im from buffalo and im a fan. Eric our listeners do all the time. It is all in good fun. Gary it is only football. It isnt life and death. The then i drove by one of i stoppedetailers and in the parking lot for a moment and looked inside. It was before they were open. I was at the dry cleaners next door and i looked through the window and they had christmas in this play. This is the time to buy Christmas Trees. I thought that was odd. They still have them on a shelf. Reminds me of my one granddaughter. We take them a couple of years ago to see santa. She is with santa and she says, what would you like . She says i want an elf. She said, who make your choice . Else. She says i want an elf. So that he who can sit around and make toys for you. She was serious. She was totally hardcore about that. That was funny. Christmas all the time. Gary is it just me or is it ought to seeing bill kristol on cnn . Greatly come u. S. National security. Gary heres the thing. Im going to play this audio. As soon as that came across,hen i got home today i put on and we dont get a lot of chances to watch tv during the day. , but i didnt turn on the five. I wanted to see bob beckel back. I wanted to see what he was going to say. He had nothing good to say about the Obama Administration and commuting the sentence of Chelsea Manning. I started thinking to myself because im guessing, the white house was furious at Chelsea Manning. Happened, ifst its everything. He is antiwar, transgender. Understands the tens of thousands of documents that were released but did put his life in danger in afghanistan and other places around the world. I have not had a chance to look at all the shows, but have you found anybody on the left that says this is a good thing to do . See the reaction to it was the president three onecting the celebration of president expecting the celebration . Gary what is your defense going to be. The only thing i can see today is they say well, she has suffered enough. I dont understand the point but the military is not prepared for transgender prisoners and therefore it is unfair. Ok really . Most people dont care. And eric pearls, redeye radio. Gary this comes from cnn and jake tapper from the lead as they were talking about president obama commuting the sentence for Chelsea Manning. Lets get right to it. I remember with the wikileaks happened. Remember the white house was so outraged. They were so angry, so convinced that these documents, thousands of pages of documents, locks from iraq come along sue myrick ofhanistan logs afghanistan will reveal to our enemies individuals in these documents. I dont know if there have been any victims as a result that you could clearly say this was wikileaks. I dont know. That is absolutely right. They greatly, as u. S. Security and had to make an example. What political ramifications do you agree that this will take some of the heat off of president elect trump . I am curious to see how he reacts. I think we know how he is going to react. I will take a wild guess. I think multiple tweets. Senatorthe way that describes private manning is how the white house, when i was white house correspondent, described private manning as well. They were fruitless curious. Furious. They thought we were doing something wrong by reading these. That was cnn. When i heard about this today, i was out and got home. Newsediately turned on fox because i wanted to see bob beckel. You and i love the curmudgeons, he was one. Who is the other one from cnn . Project cap. He loved it. For some reason eric and i cant get enough of him. When i went there they were talking about Chelsea Manning. I started thinking to myself, can anybody on the left dissented this . Way . Ou defend this in any felt. O back to rake up he says this is simply encapsulating everything. Im paraphrasing i am paraphrasing. It is antiwar and it is freeing a transgender. Sorry. I started laughing. He has a point. Eric it really is, and was that the point . Gary you cannot justify committing the sentence of Chelsea Manning. Sentence wasnt the longer . What are we doing in the military if we are allowing that kind of activity to happen . Thats kind of information to fall into the hands of the enemy is not punishing those responsible. We cover quite a few topics on the show with the election inauguration two days away. Cspan is also in the studio taking a lot of the cspan viewer phone calls as well. Two people who were not familiar with our show, we talked about economics, one of our favorite things to talk about. Some wants to talk about donald trump, the inauguration. To richard in atlanta. Welcome to the show. Richard hey. I wanted to say that im a big fan. I appreciate everything you do. Youre are not a bunch of conservative hacks. Just arguing conservative ideals but for the sake of logic. I appreciate that. Theomment was on commutation of Chelsea Manning. Actually stand against much of what he does, he is a sadist any leftist and a liar for the most part but i actually appreciate because there should not be. War there should be exposing the corruption especially in regards to crimes. Like Edward Snowden exposing the gathering of metadata. Gary isnt there a better way to do that . Eric there is a way to do that officially. There is a way to do that without exposing those secrets to the world. In both cases. The mini case and the snowden case. Snowden is labeled as a hero for the effect of what we have learned from snowden but the other side of that is the massive risk in how he released that information and who he gave it to. Wasclaim is made that there no safe rate of road. World asn todays quickly as things are communicated via social media or the media in general, i think actually, and i think mr. Snowden knows this that going through a congressional or anyone in that position knows that there is a way to do that without that information falling into the wrong hands. Snowden fact, when released the information i forgot this goes back a wild. I will have to do research on tomorrows show but it was actually a process to go through. I remember them talking about it. A congressional process to go through as a whistleblower for something exactly like this. Eric the claim was made that it wasnt, they believed it was not a safeway to go. There was some kind of threat. That is what was implied. There was a threat against snowden or anybody in that position. I think it is probably just based on, again, a gut feeling, but i think it is that snowden and others that are wishing to do that arent trying to expose things that may not have been exposed to the American People via a congressional. The nsa stuff or other items. There are things that we have learned and maybe they believe those responsible that carried that information. They believe may be that stuff would not have gotten back to the American People and they felt it was their mission to inform the American People. Gary heres the problem with moehring, that manning, so anything that released put american operatives at risk. It was not just information of war crimes, it was the fact you have released information across the board that has nothing to do with what you believe is a war crime or unethical behavior by the government. With stuff not even related to it that put we do not know what lives it but at risk but we do know that it put whether it was cnn talking about on the left or right, they agree that lives were put in danger because of it. Richard i agree that some of the information that they released was damaging to the u. S. Government, but in regards to their proper avenues of exposing the government for their war crimes or corruption in general, i see why they would release it in fact that the government has been subversive subversive in hiding information. How can they trust the proper avenues if the government can hide it so well . Julian assange in an interview with sean hannity or other Media Outlets said that he wants to expose corruption. That is his goal. Chelsea manning or, i dont know if snowden went through wikileaks. Why would they trust our government . Our government has ven consistently gary cutting out your phone. Eric we appreciate the call. We do get the point. Basedrstand the approach on the Mission Statement of these individuals. Is, i guess the problem that i see and gary would agree. Ultimately how many lives are . Ou putting at risk you are trying to expose the bad deeds of people in power, what about the good deeds of the individuals that are there for the pure reason of serving their country that may be on the front line or gathering intelligence or anything else . Not that i expect them all to be pure but it is a different calling to be in that position. A specific war crimes different from materials on fighting a war. Theres a difference between saying there was a specific war crime that we are leaking and leaking everything about the war. Release,you have you well, you have got to go after them for it. Gary eric i think we are better for knowing what the nsa was doing. Again, the question is, as was at what cost . It with the least truthful thing i had said but that he basically forgot or did not think it was important. In a different time, klapper would be in prison for lying to congress were something. I believe he lied. He did not want to tell the truth. He shouldve of said i cannot answer that. I cant answer that, we have to do that in a secret session is what he should have said. We will be right back with more red eye radio. Interesting question. Where is that balance . Eric where is the balance knowse it is impossible to what all is at risk or who all is at risk in Something Like that. Of thatt know the power information, that data. That could have a negative impact longterm. Gary while americans in the general public, in the civilian sector are looking at it and going gal we learned a lot. We learned a lot about the the nsa was doing and that was wrong and out is a good thing, people like snowden are a hero. Will we ever know the negative impact fully . Gary it is like if you sit the war crime in vietnam of killing civilians, it is one thing would say ispublic one thing to release topsecret documents on Something Like that. There is a difference between leaking the documents if you get ofor releasing the documents 100 thousand things of Communications Going on in the vietnam war which included the my lai massacre. The my lai massacre was bad and we killed civilians. Yeah, you could get a pass for that. Know, opinion, as you would lead on so many of these things. You have some sympathy for Chelsea Manning, but not a lot. Atgain, it was what cost . We learned certain things but at what cost . \ gary when its all happened, i, the, you and difference between releasing that and releasing the number of things and releasing things to the chinese as he did. At that particular point when we were talking about a way back when. With him. I dont know what it is folks, i am not losing it on the air. During the breaks, my mind is on complete rest. Eric it goes back to the question of balance. How do you know what the greater benefit is versus the greater risk . The cost of exposing the nsa or what it might be. The civilian population might not have ever learned. What when we brought up the u. S. Government did was absolutely unconstitutional. You cannot monitor the metadata of every single american on their cell phones. The majority of people that call from both sides disagree with us. We went what . Where does this come from . I can see what he believes, there can be a benefit, there can be a positive, there can be a complete total make it. There can be both in releasing classified information. You will get punished and screwed for the negative that you put out that puts innocent american lives or operatives that work for the United States or operations that are legit operations in peril. It is a reality of how it goes. Youre going to get that before court and you put americans if it is a military court they will look at your history. Yeah. Military brass. My dad served in two wars. That is always going to shape me. I dont think you necessarily have to have that experience to understand what the great risk is. That is not something, again, ghts ofs in the si Chelsea Manning or of Edward Snowden or anybody else. Is more about exposing this, exposing that. You will always have a color or people like the color that leave thatller or people like caller who believe these people are heroes. Gary if you are looking at that for whatwithout biases president did what, looking at the facts of that particular you inll of them tear some way. How would he people of gone to jail for murder yet the jury has felt some of the for them because they were driven to do it in a particular way that the jury felt emotional . Gary it is red eye radio. We are here along with cspan. All across theve world. Thank you cspan. Eric thank you. Gary we dont have makeup on. Eric no. Not enough makeup in the world, frankly. [laughter] could go full gene simmons and it still will not do the trick. Lets head to edit it at nashville. We were talking about economics earlier in the show, welcome you are on air. Ed it is wonderful to see you on cspan. Accidentan automobile in hazel and broke my neck. I was completely paralyzed for three months. I have problems sleeping, so i have been listening to you guys every night for the past nine months. Gary thank you. We hope you are better. You are saying the only reason you listen to us is because you are forced to . I am just having fun with you. Ed i have three boys. One of the things that the left talks about his income inequality. Income inequality. Im reading a book called wealth, property, and politics. He talks about why is there income inequality as if equality was the norm . It has never been the norm. The question is america is why isnt it correct her greater . The left talks as it distributed will solve this. Take a million less and let it filtered down but you have to look at it through the terms of production. Everything has to do with production you cannot solve a production problem with distribution. You are not making enough it is because you are not producing something that somebody wants. Take moneydid not from anybody. He built a better distribution system. A betters builds computer system. All of these guys created something. Income distribution does not solve the problem and is morally incorrect. Ive always wanted i worked in the Financial Services industry for 30 years so i have worked with wealthy people. The funny thing about what the people is what the people dont think they are wealthy. I had a client with 10 million 30 years ago and he kept talking about those rich folks. 1[laughter] john, thosed to say rich folks is eu. You. He said im talking about the guy worth 100. Nobody think they have enough. What gives any individual the right to say what another individual should do with their money . It is very easy for a guy making 20,000 to say a guy making 100,000 should do this. Some bs is making 15,000 so why dont you take part of your 20 gary which is where it have to go because we said about forget about the people they demonized. The multimillionaires are billionaires, lets talk about you making 80,000 because you are working two jobs. The guy next door is making 20,000 because he only worked parttime. If you believe in that, and youre making the 80,000 that you believe the billionaire owes you something, you owe the guy next door something. That is what is all about. Have a real and thorough discussion on this income inequality and who is applying and who is not. Thank you. [laughter] those rich people. Gary i told the story on the air. I dont need to tell again but to our cspan audience i will never forget when i was in philadelphia. This was the Republican Convention of 2000. It, i was doing a local show in dallas but we are covering both of the conventions. Delicate delegate on the bus going to the convention center. I asked him, how did you become a delegate . He said i started in the business that i own at the janitor. I started in high school. I now own the company. He said, i cant member what he he was worth 10 or 20 ,illion and he said all of it 99. 9 of my wealth is in my business. I dont drive a bmw. I dont live in an incredible house. I run this corporation and i started it from the bottom and built it up to where it is today. I have to pay incredible insurance if i want to keep this in the family. If i die because of the tax, he said that is not fair. It is not fair i worked my whole life and start as a janitor and go all the way up to on this company. I may be technically rich but it is all in the assets of what i own. The death tax is what got him to be a delegate and get involved in politics. I always wondered what happened to the guy. I never saw him after that but it was an interesting story. The last caller was talking about somebody who says they are worth 10 million, a longtime it is not liquid cash. Those assets are giving other people employed. It is not always what seems to be. Eric which is what he wanted. He wanted to build up business and taking that business to a new level. Becoming the owner, working his way up. Ofhad a vision in his mind what his success is going to be. Whether he was happy or not we will never know. Certainly he was content and to the point that he was describing all of that to you. Where he began and where he is at that point. We have been too quick to demonize people. It really relates to the election. There was lots of demonization of mitt romney just four years 10 of whatworth donald trump has in wealth. From Newt Gingrich, part of it was about capital and what they did as a firm and what they were about. In many otherce capital firms. In many other capital firms, but it was also about, well, we dont want this rich guy, this guy is not right, and four years later, we are looking for the rich guy to lead us out economically, you know. I think right now, this is safe to say, we are trying not to project things out too far, but i think it is safe to say that pollu took it all a nationally right now, walked out and found 100 people in the street from all different hoperounds, what do you donald trump will do . They all will say fix the economy. That is not unique to donald trump, but i think right now that is what is driving donald trump. Obamae hoped president would do when he was president elect, i think a lot of the answers were, get us out of the war, fix health care, tax the rich, do all these other things which he promised to do and did. He fulfilled many of his campaign promises, but the answers were very different in 2008. So interesting dynamic. Teatime. E was time for a break. 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Megamartey and gary talk about Gary Mcnamara talk about social areas. Welcome to the show. This is red eye radio. Welcome. I am Gary Mcnamara, he is eric harley. Welcome to the seas and audience. Cspan audience. We thank them for considering us and actually following through with it in carrying our show. That is an honor here. It is great to build a share that during the day with my friends and family. I put that on social media, hey, tonights show will be on span. Sometimes with what we do, you kind of forget how many years you have been following cspan, right . Eric oh, yeah. And tuning in for things. We talk about sometimes whether it is Convention Coverage or things that have happened to con a move away from the anchored stuff. To see something happen with live mics is sometimes the greatest thing. Gary in fact, i am so impressed with cspan that i walked in late. Eric he was signing autographs for other people in the building. Gary yeah, that is it eric you help them in place until they took an autograph. Gary yes, but were proud to have them here. Eric it is part of inauguration week, for those who might not know. , leading up to inauguration, we will sample some talk shows leading up to the inauguration on both sides. The aisle to he we put together a team, it will be 12 years later this summer. Ive been hosting for about 20 years, and gary has been in talk radio 494 years, i think. Gary 28 years this october. Eric the better part of three decades. We both bring roughly three decades to the table. I have done talk radio myself and, for us years, in the middle of the night, we have been a companion piece going back to the original version of this, radio program, the companion piece for the American Trust driver who is american truck driver who was driving all night, but beyond that, the insomniac, the Police Officers, nurses, doctors, firefighters, security guards, and people who throw newspapers, you know, get up early in the morning and throw newspapers. Bus drivers. There is a bus driver in new york city, jimmy bus driver, who calls us once in a while. Theody who might be up in middle of the night, whether they are working, like the caller, healing, maybe,all from whatever is going on. We thank you for being here. And if you are new to cspan, we thank you for being here, tuning and tonight, and hopefully will be back. Gary the last caller was talking about fair, what is fair, and redistribution of income and all that. One thing that we tied together a couple of years ago, and this is during the entire gay marriage debate that was happening. And what was happening in the Supreme Court on that and whether gay marriage was a right , and one day we said ok, look, forget about all your biases. Lets strictly look at this as a as wetutional issue, and said back then, the recognition of gay marriage by the government is not a right. The recognition of straight marriage by the government is not a right. It is a licensing process, but the fact is that the 14th took precedent over the years you go protection under the law has slowly evolved and got to be point where the Supreme Court said that you can youeople differently cannot treat people differently, but you can treat them differently if they are specifically in a different category. Which is what you have different tax rates. That is why, you know, when we were discussing gay marriage, that the change in the 14th everybody must be treated the same, because it is a specific category, man and a woman. A man and a woman is not a man and a man. A man and a woman is a man and a woman. Well, now, it is transgender is m, and how the president doesnt, maybe not anymore, but constitutionally speaking, that is the way it was. When the Supreme Court came out saidaid the 14th amendment everybody should be treated the same, we said fine, everybody should pay the same in taxes. Think about this. If you thought that gays not being able to be married is an extremely important, serious issue of unfairness, is it unfair that and this is what made me think of it, eric is it unfair that the person who works 80 hours a week instead of the person who is working 40 hours a week in making the same hourly pay is not only paying more in taxes but has to pay a greater percentage of that income in taxes. Is that fair . Shouldnt that stop immediately . So it is just the whole point i know we are combining a couple of topics, but it is important because we do have in this nation people that claim that they want total equality, but they dont. They want equality where they see it, and the 14th the moment for the longest time has said, you can treat people differently in order to elicit the whole. To benefit the whole. Is thought is that somebody going to file the lawsuit and say if everybody has to be equally, right here, 14th and women, gay marriage, where you cannot treat people differently, you know, because of the same classifications we talked about with tax rates, then everybody will have to pay the same in taxes. A millionaire will have to pay the same as somebody who makes 20,000 the year in income tax because it is unfair because everybody must be treated the same. Eric right. . And who determines what is fair . I mean, were really talking about our own interests. Everybody has their own interests. I am not discounting your interests we simply talking a constitutional issue, and fairness, which is always brought up by the left, ok, lets be fair. We treat people different way and we have treated people differently all the time based on what we do for society on what is best for society. If you want to stop it, everybody should pay the same taxes tomorrow. Why should anybody pay one more sense than somebody else . What is the morality of that . Think, a great discussion because you have to ask that question. How does the government determine what is fair . And can they truly determine what is fair . Gary who is in power decides what is fair. Eric we talk about fair pay, what is fair . We talk about a fair wage, what is fair . If im willing to go to an employer and bid on a job, let me work and show you what i can do for one week or two weeks at this rate of pay. In ou will agree to that, two weeks we will talk. If i am not what you are looking for, then great, we go our separate ways. If you think i deserve more, we can talk about what you think i deserve, and i will talk about what i think i deserve. But it is not that. We need the government now to do everything for us. Fair andine what is also determine the value of any given person as an employee and also any given position now in the marketplace. Gary lets talk fair in order to get a college degree, 100,000,ed to borrow some people need to borrow 200,000, to get a degree when you do not have a job. Why cant i go to an employer and say look, instead of going to college, i would like to work for you. Your minimum wages this. If you pay me this lets say 7, why cant i go and say i only want 4 an hour, instead of going to college, i work for you, and if you train me, you we continue pay as to why cant, as a free society, you do that. . If the other side is an education of college to 20 200,000 in debt, or, i wish you to my education to be trained by a company, but work for the company, but work for basically half of what eric minimum wage would be half of what minimum wage would be or whatever that might be. It would be determined by individuals, and we had a previous caller who said well, everybody should just work for 0, and we would all be slaves. No. He wanted to throw out the entire equation because he was looking for minimum wage to be beyond 15 an hour. And you had asked the question why not 50 an hour . Answer thet actually question because ultimately you realize that each level of increase on the minimum wage brings its negative impacts. And it is can mr. It with the witht it is commiserate the amount of the increase. It will either for a little or a lot, which is why often they want to raise it over a period of time. Well, why dont they raise it right away. If it is 15 an hour, dont wait one more second if it is beneficial, truly, to the economy. Gary and those that disagree with us, for example, the left, if you believe that they dont agree with us, just look at jerry browns speech when he signed a bill to raise the minimum wage last april in california. He said, it may not make economic sense, but it makes moral sense. It makes political and moral sense. He said it. Jerry brown. You cannot get more liberal than jerry brown. He knew it would hurt the economy overall, and when you hurt the economy, youre hurting people. Why in a free society cant i say look, instead of borrowing all of this money to go to college, i will work for half of what you pay everybody else if you teach me. You cannot say that person is getting ripped off because an education and teaching things to people, even if they are not useful skills, can put you back a quarter of a million dollars. So why cant come in a free society, somebody say look, i will work for half of what everybody makes if you train me. Or why cant that be offered by a company . Why cant they do it . In a is the immorality free society where everybody volunteers to do whatever they wish to do . In my first job when i cleaned toilets, i volunteered to do that. Do that, ied to volunteered. Again, youre setting the government i guess the is saying, have the government determine what is fair, but really it is determined by the two parties doing whatever you are trying to negotiate, whatever situation you are injured in terms of the wage, it is between the employer and the employee. They determine what is fair. Now, you may have fewer choices if you are a low skilled worker, you, again,upon because nothing is ever easy, to go out and get that experience, work as much as you can, and that goes back to something we said earlier. It does not matter what you are doing. If youre doing something, somebody is paying you to do that, you take that experience with you wherever you go, and ultimately over time, you are building. You will not walk in as ceo. Gary all work is honorable. Eric yep. And other people may not look at it this way, but iowas look at work as a gift. 87790redeye. Gary drivers, if youre in the market for a preowned truck am a you might look at diamond renewed at navistar. Gary i think minimum wage when i started was 2. 85. Eric minimum wage when i started, are you ready . 1. 70. Gary yep. Eric after i left a doughnut shop come after i stopped cleaning toilets come i went to a gas station, last of two weeks, and it was during the , and somebody stole 200, and they fired everybody. My dad said, put on a suit and go down to the bank, so i went down to hsbc, which was a huge bank, put on my suit jacket, and there was the boss, 52, 95 pounds, which was really trippy as a kid. I went down there, put on a suit, showed them my application. I had just started my first year of college, and they said ok, sit over there. Resources, to human Human Resources said we have two different positions. The mailroom,g in pays, like, 1. 80, and minimum , or you can70 be an adjuster, and since it is second shift, it will pay an extra . 50 an hour, and i said, i want to be an adjuster this is great. I have got one question, though what is an adjuster . It is a bill collector. And i wanted to back out, but i could not do it at that point. If any job prepared me for being a radio talk show host, it was being a bill collector because i think i was more scared picking up the phone the first time to collect make a call to somebodies bill that i was talking in front of a microphone. Eric right. Gary and the most interesting call ahead to make was when i got and he is deceased now, so i can bring it up but his account came down delinquent twice. O, the son ofdin the mob family from Niagara Falls eric allegedly. Gary allegedly you, yes. A very complicated situation. I wish to live. That is right. Im not worried about Trump Supporters coming out and attacking me, i am more it about the me, i am more it about the mob. But i cannot forget the 18yearold making that call and knowing exactly who the family was and everything, and calling the it was the magadino funeral home where they basically did business from. Yeah, uh you know, as a military brat, i probably shouldve had a better vision. I thought i would probably end up in law enforcement, which i almost did, actually, before coming to this job. , ford was military police funny,itary, and it is where you end up for your kids end up, i think what i took from know,her was that, you you show up every day, you know, and if you are on somebodys time, you respect that time and arehere when you supposed to be there which is why i am always 20 minutes late. Bush, no neww. Updates, but they say he is doing fine. It is his people saying he is doing ok. He is responding to treatment, he is in a hospital, for those who dont know. Reports are saying former president george h. W. Bush in a hospital in houston. And again, his people are saying and theys doing fine, expect the former president to go home in a couple of days. I remember receiving the ,ossiers for george h. W. Bush and it was, i mean, it was just so thick, you know, and i think that election season was probably and i was a news director at a station. One of the greatest learning dukakis wasbecause the caucu running against him, and his dossier was not nearly as thick as george h. W. Bush. Grace quickly to here. It is red eye radio. He is eric harley, i am Gary Mcnamara. 86690redeye. Lets go to grace in california. You are on red eye radio. Welcome to the show. Grace hi. How are you . Gary doing well. Welcome to the show. Grace this is the first time that i heard that cspan was doing this. Me, i had a cold, so i was still up. Knew they were going to do some live broadcasting. Eric cool. Gary well, welcome. Thank you. Did you wan gary what did you want to say . Grace i want to talk about the backlash against the three African Americans who wanted to better trump. I am 70 years old but i am 30 years young. I voted for trump. I thought at first he was funny, you know, he had a crazy sense of humor. But then as i listened to him, i did not like everything he did. He cared about africanamericans, you know, to try to help the innercity. I have a good life. I am a professional, i have an education and all of that, and anything that someone can do for my people because i grew up poor in chicago. I lived in the ghetto and all of that. Anybody that says anything good about i cannot mention his name at my job. I mentioned his name one time, and people went berserk. I am in education. Gary thank you. Eric we greatly appreciate it. We have heard that before, by the way, here is your national forecast. Bonnie i am buying schneider with your forecast for red eye radio. Eric did you hit the wrong button . Gary yes, i did. Eric it is the pressure. That is not the first time, by the way, we have heard that kind of call. I dont get that kind of i dont know, you have abandoned your community somehow . Just dont relate to that of all. I really dont. Especially if you believe that economically, he is capable of and if it is federal dollars, negotiations, if trump succeeds bonnie that is your forecast. I am Bonnie Schneider. Gary thanks so much, bonnie. 86690redeye. Here is a question. In hisld trump succeeds first term, lets say he gets 3 growth. 3 . Ead of 2 , we get as his Approval Ratings go up, who do the democrats run in 2020 against him . Not a wounded donald trump but a successful donald trump . I think everything hinges on the economy. This is one thing that you and i have always talked about, that it seems like he and Republican Leadership at least, until the right now, if they put the terrorists in and the import the 3 tariffs in and tax. If they go after the growth and as aget and he goes in being a powerful candidate coming in, probably will be , know howy that time to run a campaign, understand where the weaknesses of the campaign were the first time. Who do the democrats put up against a strong dump truck . A strong donald trump . In those conditions are in place, i dont know who you would put up. Anybody is going to be somebody in the publics mind. The public would be responding positively to that Economic Growth. I dont know who you would put up, but i do believe that the future of the party is going to be younger. I think it is going to be the cory bookers. Gary Elizabeth Warren . Eric i dont think so. The democrats one of the bernie, i dont know how he did it. It was about what he was promoting, not necessarily who he was. In terms of if you say establishment left, ernie has been out there. Bernie has been out there. Or ideas he was promoting ideas that even a lot of lawmakers were not going to support. It people just latched on to that. That is an anomaly. I think they are moving away from this. I think they will move away from the establishment left. I dont think it is Elizabeth Warren. I think it is a cory booker who a sense ofh him community. A guy who knows what it is like to be a member of the community, localshat is loved by where he started politically. It has almost a grassroots approach. I could see them doing it. I dont know that it will be in 2020. Gary does the Democratic Party eventually have to move right . I dont mean theyre moving to be rightwing, they are moving to be left moderate instead of left where they are right now. People are looking at the president ial elections and the vote count, but what they are refusing to acknowledge. I think some people have acknowledged it. Tim ryan has. He understands, we are losing the state legislatures. We are getting killed, except for when you talk about the president. We are getting killed. They have to become more moderate. How far left are they going to go . I did not think they would continue this long. We try not to make predictions. I thought they would have to moderate by the time we got to the 2016 election. It was completely the opposite. They have gone off a ledge. Youre out there going you are just a rightwinger. Pelosi coming from nancy. We are trying to divide people one against the other. It is not working. Eric i think there are right on that. They are going to have to if they want to be politically viable, they are going to have to forget about the identity politics and bring people together. As we pointed out, just by the nature of identity politics, your teaching people to separate. Groups, you want to bring them together politically, openly. Why are we yelling . Redeye radio. Garrick oh i am Gerry Mcnamara mcnamara. Am gerry to the conversation we were having to drop the break but the only to bring people together is economically. If you want to look at an issue that brings people together and unites people, it is that everybody can do well economically. Whatever Government Entity is in their, can make the economy better. That is a result of people feeling it. The reason the democrats cost the line, look at the average Household Income right now. It is still fewer dollars if you take into account inflation than it was when obama started. You can blame whoever you want, but that is the reality. President ultimately gets the blame. Whether it is bush and the housing crisis which began and those seeds were planted years before that, or its as you mentioned what households are making, it is going to be the president who gets the blame. , where does becomes the left go echo in 2020 left to go . 2020, the economy is tugging along at a persistent 3 growth. They say they want to reach for a 3 to 4 growth. Tone it could change the in peoples lives and change reality for some people enough to the point that the party is going to have to look what leads them in the future. After november 8, it was about what do we do . And ationed tim ryan handful of individuals saying we have got to move away from the identity politics. The reason that is a problem politically is that you are separating people into groups, but beyond that, your teaching to to also separate into subgroups again and again. As you teach individuals that, the government needs to be there for you, what you are doing is youre telling them that they are a victim. This is the government that can you even further and further. Whichou have an oppressor would be anybody outside of that subgroup. You teach them that. Your teaching them to divide. Even a group outside of another. Roup outside of another group politically, you have to do just the opposite. You got to bring people together. Gary how do you do that if you nothingrty which has but identity politics . What do they have except identity politics . This group is a victim, there is the oppressor. How do you evolve . You cannot do that in four years. How do you get to that tickler point . To that particular point . If you look at a Transgender Movement and the transracial movement, you have a left that is a great possibility the democrats to kill the Civil Rights Movement in this country and you look at the executive ix that then title president put out on trench , it is about says biological sex. President obama says there is no difference between a gender identity and biological sex. When that came out, you and i both said, hold it. That, andly believe that is what you are try to get legally, the feminist movement is dead. The president in his interview with the atlantic during the christmas holiday, when he was asked about, why do you say that you are black . He said because i have come to understand i am paraphrasing i believe that races more a social construct than biological race. , if youelieve that believe there is no difference between a biological female and a transgender female and no difference between somebody who is particular race and somebody who thinks they are a particular weust simply because have to bring Rachel Dolezal into the equation. The whole Civil Rights Movement is dead. If anybody will be beat whatever they wish to be, it is gone. You and i said this when it first came out, the whole Transgender Movement really hit for peak and we said, feminists are you paying attention . You are dead if this continues p all of a sudden, it was last summer we had some feminist groups come out and say we dont believe this because the women Rights Movement is dead. We said to ourselves, what a concept. Who will end up killing the Civil Rights Movement . The left in this country. There is great debate going on now, because when you keep dividing people over and over and over again, you are finally going to pick one of your marginalized groups against another. We dont believe anyone is a marginalized group. That is in your head. Eventually, you are going to work against each other. Was some feminists who came out and said that caitlyn jenner, if you did not live your life as a woman, so you dont have the experience that we as women have, where we feel we were oppressed, and our oppressors were doing these things and victimizing us. That c point is because the Civil Rights Act creating protected classes, if anyone can belong to any that the class simply because they say so, and that goes back to the edicts sent down by the department of education and the Justice Department. The reason the Justice Department was involved was because from their position they wanted to make sure that the students in these public schools, that their rights were not being violated. You must extrapolate that out. The if that is their interpretation of title ix and through the edict they wrote, the child or student only has to go and tell the office, this is how i identified. You only have to say it. If you can belong to any protected class simply because you say so, and that applies to everyone, that means there are no protected classes. Say goodbye to the Civil Rights Act. See the debates we can calls by letting our minds thats we can calls by letting our minds wander endlessly. Bridget andgo to arkansas. Welcome. Caller thank you for taking my call. I have today jobs and i am up quilting at night. I appreciate it so much. I wanted to Say Something about these people who dont want to show up on friday to the politicians. I think the monsters are exposing themselves. Friday is going to be a lot more fun without them. They are going to be there in the form of protesters. Caller that is true. America is going to go into a good time and truth is going to be popular again. I dont want donald trump for my husband, but he is going to be a good resident. Good president. My grandmother always said working hard never hurt anyone. That is what i grew up hearing. I think america will be great again. Eric thank you, bridget. Gary we shall see. I cannot tell you whether donald trump will be the worst president or somewhere in between. This is one president ial president elect, because he held so many positions during the campaign which we criticize him on. I really dont know what he is going to do when he gets into office. All of the rhetoric, everything for the last 16 months is gone. We care about what he is going to do in substance. I have been a cautiously optimistic. Im worried about the tariffs and import taxes the republicans are talking about. Bute cutting the income tax were going to put in the import tax which is another tax that is put in on the consumer. None of this is written in stone. Believe thank you for the call. I do believe the country will be great again, whether it is over the next four or eight years, remains to be seen. Because it is really about the people. When we talk about the people in office, you know, this is how elections are one won. It is not by the public vote. It is the the popular vote. It is the electoral vote for a reason. When you go back to eight years to then candidate, barack obama. Think about what he was promising, raise taxes on the fulfillingrms of lyrical promises, political promises, he knocked it out of the park. Dontymore, because we want those things, because it words likeh to hope and change help in everyones mind to fulfill. It is like your interpretation of a book. As you are picturing whatever the author is writing and those scenarios, it is likely Something Different in everyones mind. That is why the book is always better than the movie. The idea of hope and change, the political brilliance behind it is it did mean anything. It meant everything. Gary it meant nothing and it meant everything. Eric lets apply that to donald trump eight years later. In a different way, he said many things. He took varying positions. Some people defended him. For anyone new to the program, callers were saying, it couldve been all of the above. He is willing to change and listen. Unknown whicheat is why you have to get back to we will wait and see. Politically, it worked for him to the extent that he won the election because he was not necessarily hardline on anything. Immigration and the wall, that was consistent. S, that was tariff consistent. I want to do something about illegal immigration in this country and the economy. That is what people heard. Gary he is eric harley, i am Gary Mcnamara. Coming up, it is red eye radio. Eric you know when trump during the Campaign Season was saying he said one thing. He had a varying position like the next morning i forget what it was. I think it was immigration. He appears on it fox news on fox news with hannity. He appears on a morning show with cnn. Waffling politically. I said, wait a minute. I take this all in and go out and seek all of it. A lot of people do outside of the media. Out andrying to go collect all of it. Viewer, the everyday american who is working for a living, you come home and maybe you see the fox news stuff. That appeals to you. Even within the same household, somebody picks up and see the different position on the today show and that works for them. It goes back to the summer of 2015 when he first came out. We were on the air one day and he said, it was new to the campaign, he was starting to promote the ideas. I cannot remember what it was, remember going on the air and said donald trump said he was going to do this today, and somewhat a said he did not. He said this. This. Like, no, he said we realize, he was saying Different Things a Different Campaign stops, so people were telling us, you guys are making that up. Here is the audio. We realized that he was gathering a wide audience. Eric right, because he was saying Different Things hold on, i have got to make a phone call. Who are making you calling at 3 50 in the morning central . Eric hey man, whats up . Make ure looking to consider commercial transportation. Rocksolid. Honor and operator driven 40 years. Visit us today at mercertown. Com. [indiscernible] does. On skillet try our delicious consider the flavors of hearty goulash. Grilled cheese sandwiches. Our signature chicken fried steak. Come home to the goodness. Fresh food, from the folks. You have heard it all be folks heard it all before. Onair and empty promises. We dont care about that. We care about getting the job done in building the business together. When the going gets tough, you need a motor oil you can count on. It can handle the pressure. [indiscernible] at us prove why valvoline. Com. This is how the tough get going. Individuals and businesses with tax problems, listen carefully. If yall more than 10,000, we can help you take back control. The irs is the most aggressive Collection Agency in the world. Gary i am going to sit over here. If you cant make it back, just come to me. Yeah. What does that mean . So here we go. To all the cspan audience that is waking up right now. I am Gary Mcnamara. My cohost is not here at the moment. We welcome you here. We have been having fun all night. Went on my going back in . Went on my going back in . Yes when am i going back in . Yes. Gary it is red eye radio. 86690redeye. I am Gary Mcnamara. Eric had to take care of something so hopefully he will be back here and it couple of moments. Lets head back to you. We go to tommy in tennessee. Welcome. Hi, tommy. Caller thank you for taking my call. I am doing great. I wanted to point out a perspective on this 50 minimum Wage Business 15 minimum Wage Business. What they are trying to do is effectively pump up the poverty line and it is the same thing as a paid increase for the middle class. A lot of people dont really think to see it that way. Ary it is simple economics it is how people respond to incentives and disincentive when you raise the cost of doing business without an increase in production or productivity. People wish to have an economy that they wish is right. We have always said, eric and i have a more wishful a comment else because we believe in the money tree. That would be our wish so nobody could beat us on the fantasy of economics that we would like to see. The reality of economics is something else. The reality of economics doesnt care what tommy thinks, i think or president obama thinks or president elect donald trump thinks. Economics is how the massive the masses will respond to incentives on the level. Caller it is able to squeeze. It is a balloon squeeze. Gary people are going to respond and everybody believes they can manipulate the economy into a success. We are seeing it right now. We are seeing it with donald trump and tariffs. He has a believe that the government can manipulate economy to success. Show me where it has worked. This is red eye radio on westwood one. The government can manipulate. This is red eye radio on westwood one. Right now at travel store, save up to 25 . Refuel, replenish and refresh. Theres not much point in driving a fuelefficient truck so step up to the extreme efficiency of the western star 3700 xt. Xt, heey built the 5700 did not overlook a single detail. They created Something Different, a tough and rugged truck with a timeless look, built for the modern age. With daimlers advanced engineering. Gary the guy who does mornings at wbat. I dont have enough time. The western star is not for everyone. Some folks just like to settle. If you are one of them, get your truck back. The next generation of heavy engine oils are here. Product line is bigger and better than ever. Chevron knows that one oil does not fit all. Chevron has developed a wide range of Product Options that has undergone the most diverse fuel programs in its history. Products have been tested for engines. Oss 950 the result, a product line develop delivers optimized performance and better protection dividing up to 50 better wear protection. Oxidation control compared to previous generations of heavy duty oils. Lets go further. Eric eric harley here for super beats superbeets. Blood flow, blood flow, blood flow. The nitrates converse with nitric oxide nitric oxide in the body. It helps support healthy circulation and Blood Pressure levels. S every day. Beet it goes to work fast. 004864038. Your first order and is backed by a money back guarantee. Receive a free book and shipping Free Shipping on your entire order. Guaranteed or your money back. 8004864038. Eets. Com. Eyeb dear john, i was hoping it would not come to this, but you left me no choice. I am leaving. Uncontrolled high Blood Pressure is really serious, and lately, you seem to not care. I have been there for you since day one, and i know you think i my keep ticking, but know, friend, i can quit whenever i want. I remember when we ate healthy foods. Ask . At too much to i do not want to leave, but unless you stop ignoring me, what else am i supposed to do . Remember, when i quit, you quit. Sincerely, your heart. Listen to your heart. Do not let it quit on you. High Blood Pressure can lead to a stroke, heart attack, or death. Get your Blood Pressure to a healthy range before it is too late. Check, change, control. A message from the American Heart Association, the american stroke association, and the ad council. How are we doing . Yeah, i think so. Gary so everybody can watch us do it. One day before the inauguration. Gary yes, it is the day before the inauguration we are doing the thursday promo already . Eric the day before the election. Gary the last full day of the Obama Presidency, right . Eric yeah, youre right. [laughter] gary what do you do with one day left . Well, theres probably a list. Are you ready . Eric are you ready . On the wednesday night, thursday morning show, gary, it is the last full day of the Obama Presidency. What do you do if it is your last day as president . I bet there is a pretty long list. Gary and this will drive democrats nuts, donald trump of federalslash workers. Woww. Wow. Eric this headline, white house concedes it will not close gitmo after all. Gary can you imagine . Everybody off going . Re we but everybody, off. Red eye radio, with your hosts eric harley and ge Gary Mcnamara. The last full day of the Obama Presidency. What do you do if it is your last day as president . I bet it is a pretty long list. Gary and this will drive the democrats nuts. Ofald trump eyes a 20 slash federal workers. Eric news director, Radio Stations across the country have a lot to cover. If you are a news director, that is where newsrooms probably have a tougher job than we do because you are trying to get everything in. You do not want to miss a thing. For us, it is more about opinion and the conversation, and those folks work for a living. [laughter] eric i mean, it is not, you know, it is not digging ditches you kind of have to love it, i think. Gary we have to go through the story, and it is tough analysis. White house concedes it will not close gitmo, there is a day and a half of your presidency. Ok, no, there are two days. Heres another headline, federal watchdog, u. S. Spending unsustainable. Eric well, of course it is. Gary no. You are kidding my favorite story, nbc news, tiny mosque name for president elect donald trump. Isnow, live from dallas, it red eye radio. Eric harley and Gary Mcnamara talk about everything from politics to social issues and everything that make it different in your life make a difference in your life. Whether you are up early or up late welcome to the show. , this is red eye radio. Gary 18669073339. 86690redeye. Am garyic harley, i mcnamara. Top stories white house concedes it will not close gitmo. All right, everybody on the boat, come on. Eric i do not make productions, but i will predict that they will not get gitmo closed. Gary in other news, u. S. Federal Government Spending unsustainable. You think . Eric we can print more money, right . Gary you really think it is unsustainable . Does i am being told it not matter. Both parties are telling me now the debt does not matter. Gary there you go. Universities across the country to fighting toxic masculinity. Toxic masculinity. I will not go into details of the story we did earlier, and it is boring. Eric yeah, it is. [laughter] eric toxic masculinity. Masculinity. Gary we want to welcome cspan tiered we want to thank them. Beingcspan is clearly punished, and i think it is the crew this morning. What did you guys do wrong . Honor, by the way, to have cspan here. I have counted on them, as Many Americans have of the heirs, of a coverage of so many things, but i always look for the lets get away from the anchored stuff. I love the open mic thing. Lets put a microphone there in here what they are doing. Gary like what we are doing. Theres not a lot of benefit. Eric did you hear what i said during our last open mic . Bleep that. To how long is the delay . Gary we want to get to as many calls as possible. We want to give everybody opportunity come as we did during the election, we took a significant amount of time to go to his many calls as possible, so lets do it again. To the go, two days inauguration of donald trump, lets go to john in denver. John, welcome, you are on reel america. Hi. Red eye radio. The i would love to fix minimum wage problem, but i think both sides are messed up. Do not tell the enemy what you are going to do, just do it, yet he is doing it by all of his twitter things, which is really killing him. Democrats on the other side, just except the election a ccept the election. Just like changing the rules in the senate, now that is going to bite them in the ass. I am sorry, this is biting them in the butt, too. They wont accept the election. I wish i could comment on your minimum wage problem. Gary no, no, that is fine. Eric you brought up something we have talked about throughout the show, too, and thank you so much. As far as im concerned, that is the entertainment portion of it feared we are all adults here, we are supposed to be adults, so we will have fun with this, but as adults, all we care about are the specifics of the issues. That is what we criticize president obama for come of is what we have criticize other candidates for, we will complement when we believe youre doing the right thing. We will not complement you, we will criticize you if you are did withs what we president obama, we did it with george w. Bush. We did it with bill clinton, and so we did it with tom delay in texas. Well, and i understand certain euphoria or i guess being part of something from the beginning, supporting a candidate and electionhe big win on day, but i think it requires that you temper that the on back to know and a lot of our the feedback has been pretty consistent, many of them do understand that he is not done, orget everything he is not right about this, and still we are applauding the win. Often leads you down a road where you are defending somebody who honestly you do not have to defend. You are defending a human. You dont have to defend a human. You dont have to defend the politician, you not have to defend the party, just defend the ideas you believe in, really. Isnt that what it is all about . Gary you and i both hate political ideology, and you see it and a lot of campaigns. You saw it in unprecedented ways with president obama, and then in his own way, donald trump was unprecedented in creating that because we got it may have been on two different sides of the political spectrum, but we get the same type of calls where people would not know how to defend either candidate but was still trying to defend them. We dont care about all the fluff surrounding it, the rhetoric we have fun with because it is adults acting like children, but what we really care about is we cared about the Obama Administration, and what we will care about with the trunk administration is what is the specific idea you are promoting, what are the specifics of the administration . What are you going to come of the how . To do, the how . We have said this for several years as talk show host the how, how are you going to do something . That is what we care about. Eric you can start out with a great, noble sounding idea, and ultimately as it makes its way beingh congress, ends up something either very different or caps on and quin unintended s unintended consequence or has a very intended consequence that lance people in a worse place, and something that we are trying to do here in this big, great experiment, if you will as we talk about moving forward as a country, i think one of the things we learned from november 8 is that we kind of burned through a kind of rhetoric. If you think about it was almost as if we were watching and i will never forget when my oldest and i were discussing the netflix show house of cards,nd i said to her in my smarmy dad knows all it is never that crazy, and then, like, a are in 2016here we are with all the over the top political rhetoric going back and forth and all the allegations in stories coming out of it, but i think what we have done, too, is that for people who were willing to understand what was going on and foris resulted in a win donald trump, i think it was about again understanding who we are as a country. But if we get the call the other night from new york, the guy , we may be liberal in some ways, but outside of manhattan, we agree with a lot of what donald trump says, and so we are now i think getting pundits even guys like us are trying to tell us what we believe or shaping opinions in other ways outside now lookinginds, within and saying this is what is really important to me. This is what is really important to me. Gary i think a successful Trump Presidency will be improving Economic Growth and moving in the right direction in illegal immigration. To beot expect everything done, but it is the movement, it is the direction of where we are going. I never expected look, even president obama came in and did a lot of things that he wanted to do, which were reversed on day one. So if you look at what you did, you have to change the direction of the country for eight years, but the permanent effect that he had on is not going to be that great at all. You and i have come a you know, listen to him last week and when he talked about his accomplishments, the irad dn de, you have got to be getting me. Obamacare, you have got to be kidding me. The only thing of substance, as he talked about it, he increased regulations. Yes, he did do that, i will give him that, and Climate Change moves, and he did have success in Climate Change because of the epa rules that just because you have companies that had to theofit because of regulations cant go back, you have a coal industry that may not be able to recuperate from it, so the damage was done there , but overall, constitutionally, the direction of the country, he really didnt have much of an impact does even the Obamacare Ruling was just for obamacare. It is not going to have massive rulings in the future, but that was not, you just put in obamacare itself, and obamacare, crumble onnow, would itself if the republicans did nothing because it is already. Program, andamaged people know it was a damaged program. The only people who dont know it was a damaged program of the people on medicare who got something for free, but if you are part of the middle class, part of the living who had to buy a plan, i guarantee, whether you are democrat or republican, you know it is not working. Eric i think it was evidenced through the president and for the long us time, the only one standing in the way of the full implementation of obamacare was president obama himself. He did that a handful of times. He was basically saying, ok, this law is flawed. We cannot do this now. This goes back to the same approach of coming up with his grand idea of paying people 15 an hour to flip hamburgers. It sounds great and noble, but you will have to do it over a period of time, otherwise it is going to be a greater impact, and as these things as obamacare was starting to roll out, these things that the president that, again, being at that time the only person on the planet standing in the way of the full implementation of that basically saying, well, is not going to work, that is not going to work, this is not going to work, so were going to have to delay it until we can, well, not repeal it, but at least replace it or change something about it, which they have done administratively. He did not meet congress, he said it, i do not need congress to get things done. The epa, as you mentioned, and we have talked about it, you put these policies in place, and you know that these companies are going to have to comply, even if they challenge you in court, it may take a couple of years. Well, a spent billions of dollars to rutherford their operation to be compliant, even in court the michigan case, it does not matter. It does not matter because they are not going to spend the billion dollars to go back to the old way. That has a lasting impact. The only thing you hope to get ahead of is the pending legislation or the pending rulemaking that would going to affect or that are being discussed at this level right now to slow the role of the epa and other agencies who have hampered growth. Gary a successful Trump Administration for me what simply be a construction the st judge. Get the growth going in the right direction. If you have 2. 5 growth by the second year, i would be happy. Just a little immigration, just enforce the law. Enforce the current law will move it in the right direction, and im happy. People say, well, you do not have great expectations. I do not have any great expectations. I understand how Government Works and the limitations you have come in a matter who you are, no matter what side you are on, so that is really all i ask ift, if we can i expect, we can see that, get growth in the right direction because Economic Growth solves so many problems. A constructionist judge and follow the law on illegal immigration, i would be happy. Eric yep. Gary 18669073339. 86690redeye. Ice storms across the central and Southern Plains shifted the it until playoff game in kansas city and caused a lot of problems, but this will be golden moisture. Agriculture department meteorologist brad very dry pocket. Gary anything happening on the news . Eric well, i have not checked it. Not only that, while it is on the winter wheat, it will insulate it for cold weather being. Nothing, no updates delivers moisture that will slowly percolate into the ground and really be absorbed as it melts off. Winter wheat needs all the help it can get. This report is a we will be right back with more red eye radio with eric harley and Gary Mcnamara. Eric 32yearold a 32yearold is suing after he reported his car stolen in 2015. He was in federal immigration custody for two months. They are prohibited in the city to use local resources to help federal law enforcement. Eric wow. Lets see here. Who is watching . Who is the . Showsays the star of the is that totally coffee mug. He loves the coffee mugs. These are a hit. They are prototypes. Gary yes, they are prototypes, which is to say we really did not spend any money on it. Tea, unsweetened, is all good. Man, we are in the south here. It is all about sweetie. Sweet tea. Eric when i grew up in buffalo, vodka and te was probably the tea was probably the most popular. I came down here in order to an people were like, what . And they gave me unsweetened. Getting older, i have to watch the sugar intake. Eric my second daughter and her husband, they go through the sweet tea. She is skinny as a rail, too. They will drink as much as you make. Sweetener, but not the sugar, so i dont know how much sugar you put in. I have no idea. To the am getting understanding that any minor Health Problems i may have have to do with getting that any minr Health Problems i may have have to do with getting older. Eric yeah, no, we are totally getting older. Yeah, they do. Gary i feel this life is not permanent. [laughter] what the heck . Eric exactly. John in chicago has been listening for years on wls and watching this morning on cspan. Thank you, john. Thank you again to cspan for considering us. I can die, it is not matter, i do not have to worry about my health. Bucket list. Eric in five short hours, we caused cspan2 jumped the shark. To jump the cspan shark. I remember when cspan went over the cliff, these two guys in texas [laughter] eric it is great to have you here. Thats when you know, all of the reaction on my personal Facebook Page for all the friends and family, it is so nice. I put it out here this morning, hey, set your dvrs if you are not awake, so a lot of people will be watching throughout the day. To of course, you can go cspans website and follow Everything Else they are doing leading up to inauguration. Can you believe it . Can you believe we are at inauguration on most . Gosh. While, their command its seems like 2015 was never going to end, but here we are it is red eye radio here we are. Gary it is red eye radio. He is eric harley. I am Gary Mcnamara. Lets go to neville in fort worth, texas. , i can as i get older encounter some Health Care Problems that can be devastating to me financially, and to offset that risk, i want to make payments to a company that offers me some guarantees to help me out in my situation, we call it health care gary insurance. Neville now we have the government saying, you cannot do that . Why . Because that claim does not fit our socially engineered idea. It is the same thing, is it not . Gary it is the same approach. This is why we buy insurance, especially health insurance, but because we believe with we buy it, we believe there is a decent chance were going to need it at some level. For some people, they can afford to make that choice because they say, well, just in case, so they are preparing, but either way, there is a decent chance in that we are going to need those benefits. Were betting, we are really betting they are going to have to pay out more than we are paying in. Add the fairness thing in there, then. The Insurance Companies says if you are way overweight and you smoke a lot, we will charge you more than somebody who does not, it is called the free market, and that is why they are trying to destroy the minimum wage, health care, and every thing else, in other words, the government is the arbiter of all of it. Gary and to apply this is just like with minimum wage, and i am glad that you combined the two or blended the two, neville, and because it is important because the government approaches that, we believe that we can set the value value on any given position or any given employee, i guess candidate were worker in the workforce, when really that can only be determined by the private market accurately, but then you have to say, ok, well, wait a minute, you know, this person has the same lifestyle and behaviors as the other person, so you are going to have to again, why do you have to pay more if youre healthy and you go out of your way to be healthy than the guy who smokes. 86690redeye is the number if you want to join us. Bonnie i am Bonnie Schneider for red eye radio. Look for rain spring across california out, people are finding young people are finding out, they never got the 40 of healthy young people. The healthy young people realize, wait a minute. Promotingthey kept that into the extent that the president , you know, bringing the moms to the white house, hey, get your kids that are under 26, get them enrolled, i wonder how much they really believed that that was ever going to happen. Gary as we always say, it is it was not an incentive for young people to buy it, so they did not buy it. Eric right. Bonnie look for highs in the mid to upper 60s. That is your forecast. I am Bonnie Schneider. Gary broadcasting is loving case you want to catch the last halfhour of it. Join us. Broadcasting us live in case you want to catch the last hour of it. Join us. The last two full days of the Obama Presidency, and i guess the reaction and coverage of that, the outgoing versus the coverage and language of the incoming. There is no doubt it will be different, it will be very different. When i was reading some analysis on the terrace on rifs, that all trump does not like the republican plan of import taxes. This is where the Republican Party has gone left with import taxes. According to the wall street journal, which is the same as a not havee would Corporate Taxes on anything you export, only things that came in that were imported and that trumps i not dont want to say Donald Trumps but the tax cuts. You are replacing a Corporate Tax with a consumer tax. It does not matter in the end, the consumer is paying it. Is mindboggling, thinking about the fact of that is where the Republican Party is going. It is another idea that the government can manage an economy. Republicans say we are against tariffs is congress or the president saying we know best how to run trade. We vote with our dollar in the marketplace, everyday. I have a smaller momandpop Hardware Store and i have a bigbox hardwarei have a store,h within a few blocks of my house. The momandpop stock things for my older house and while it is much more expensive per piece, i know it will find it and they have Better Customer Service at that location and that is what i pay for. We pay for these things, and we are making these choices, and we are doing it based on what we know about those companies. The Global Supply chain is different. You want to move a Corporate Tax , and itimport tax starts impacting things how many choices do we have of the same product being made in the United States . I believe the american worker, and we have shown this is the most productive worker on the great and that is wonderful, but when you are going out to buy whatever it , electronics or cars, many of the components that go fromthose cars come here other parts of the world. If it is applied, and we dont appliedt if it is across the board, we start paying more for things and we dont have a choice. I can vote with my dollar in terms of locally, what im going to find. How much can we control or that kind of taxation control a Global Supply chain . When Forbes Magazine broke down the iphone seven and how it is made, because donald trump was criticizing it is being assembled in china. Assembled in china, but there are almost 450 suppliers across the world and 28 Different Countries including 68 in the United States. Everything is all over the place, now. An airplane, parts come from 50 Different Countries. Nothing is made in one country. The fact is if you believe you can control the flow of all of those goods as a government official, you cant. Are we effectively going to be able to change that, which in turn is to do what, promote the production of the same products inside america. Will that change, or will we be paying more for the same product . Were really really really really doomed. Redeye radio. The guy thati am started this, but seriously. We have just continued with it. Gary we are just so doomed. James in college station, texas. Caller thank you for taking my call. I just want to say i really appreciate your show. I was a bernie supporter back when the election was contested between a democrat and the other republican candidates. It was your show that got me to theically think about economic plan he put forward about minimum wage. Idea my eyes to the idea that it is not really as simple as getting the rich to pay. A lot of times, the company pays for a lot of the luxurys. What i called for was to put forward an idea on how minimum wage could actually work. Workked as code jobs two jobs. I make about nine dollars an hour, working 30 hours a week, the other i make 16 an hour, but i work about 10 hours a week. Hournimum wage said 15 an instead of 15 an hour, one companies, instead of having to either force workers out of a job to pay a single worker fulltime, got rid of fulltime entirely and cut down to parttime positions, that way they could keep the staff they are were to have, pay them that standard wage and people would to find other off means of employment so they could still keep their full work week . Isc what youre doing basically fragmenting how any one person will fulfill any given role. Requires the marketplace requires so much of that business. Lets assume it is a fast food place. If it is going well, then at lunch, your line is around the building and people are standing in line in the lobby and that. Eans you will be more workers they are going to do whatever the business owner, and it is often the franchisee, they will do whatever they can to be efficient. They want you to be better served as a customer. They are not there to create jobs. They are there to be in business, to serve the Customer Base and to hopefully make a profit at doing so. Gary we thank you for your call, but you are getting into point of believing that if government manipulates it in this way, it will work out. What of government tries to control it, this way. While we giving this type of credit to bureaucrats in government . Why do we believe that they are the ones who are capable or qualified to run an entire economy . That is the thing that gets to tweak itif we just that way or if government puts this mandate. You and i have talked about this before, that one of the challenges we see is even republicans want a Big Government, that americans want a Big Government, they just dont want an intrusive government. They do want to government controlling a significant portion of an economy, which boggles our minds because we criticize government about everything but think they can manipulate an economy into success. They cant. The fact that we see it in republicans, now, that the free market keeps losing. Republicans still distrust government more than they do businesses. You and i see it, every day. A majorityhow that of times, republicans believe the minimum wage should be increased. Me, it was 1995 when the republicans wanted to reduce the rate of growth of both the School Lunch Program and also medicare. The democrats came out and said that the republicans wanted to kill old people and starve children. There was a poll done that show the majority of republicans thought that the School Lunch Program was a good federal program. We are goingying in the wrong direction and we look continue to go in the wrong direction because if this is the , withican party in 1995 Newt Gingrich and they still believe it is a good policy for us to pay federal dollars and come back to the locality, they believe it is a good way to do things, then we are doomed. Want, aublicans significant portion, they want a Big Government but not an intrusive government. Government should not take my gun, should not tell me how to speak, should not force me to say the gender pronoun in new york that the Human Rights Division wants you to say, otherwise they will fine the daylights out of you. We dont want them intrusive government, we wanted the government. Gary you cant eric you cant have one without the other, and that is the problem. If you are giving the government that kind of size and presence, then ultimately you are giving that government power because one of the going to do . Sit around and wait for it to happen . This is the late danger of lawmakers and bureaucracy, and that is to go out and find whatever, even the smallest of a and respond with a larger disproportionate government answer. Example,ther doomed expect the most part, we anything. We are not shocked by anything. Nothing really surprises us much. One thing did, and this is where the word doomed comfort came from, when mayor bloomberg proposed the limits on cups for soft drinks in new york city. 43 ll was done and it was of new yorkers thought it was a good idea. Navy that is where we looked at each other and said we are doomed. The government has no business regulating sugar water. None. Eric we still get it in philly. Gary it is unbelievable. Eric we believe it is going to change behavior and if it doesnt, well we will get money for schools. Lets call it what it is. Forget about promoting anything. It is not going to change behavior because people if you are drinking a ton of soft drinks, you will find someplace else to get it, or you will pay the astronomical price. Ultimately it is about fundraising. Call it a fundraiser. We are going to do that and call it a noble idea. It is not just the sugar, it is as artificially sweetened well that is taxed. Gary it was a big topic, last week on the show, people calling from philly saying it is unbelievable. When you look at a 12 can going from three dollars 29 cents to over eight dollars because of the taxes. The mayor comes out and blames the stores. You are gouging, you are not as ag the cost of the tax business, therefore you are gouging and you are evil. The criticism was against the retailers who were putting up signs telling people why they are having to pay more for the soft drinks. How dare you do that. You are gouging, you should not do that. Basically they were shining a light on this government action, these retailers where. We dont want you to see it, which is to say what, they were saying you are gouging and the whole claim is if you extrapolate that out, you should be absorbing some of the cost. If you are hoping to change behavior, how do you do that if the cost to the consumer does not change . Remember when they wanted to for cars rated below 80 six st . For cars, it was Something Like eight dollars a day. Eight dollars a day . If people dont even blink. If you want to get people onto public transportation, make it 100 a day. And a truck making a delivery down there, but the real congestion fee talk about the number of cars and they sent eight dollars, he said that assistant fundraiser. Eric if you want to do something about it or at least, meet you in the middle, how about 20 or 40 20 or 40 a day . If you want to change behavior. We are billionaires, so we can afford it. Gary as somebody accused us of. We are going to get to the point where everybody can smoke pot, but nobody can afford a soft drink. Cheap, buts real soft drinks are really expensive. Than we will get a movement in 20 years to legalize soft drinks. Why does this sugar cost so much, man . I dont understand, man. I want to legalize freeseas legalize reeses. Guy who can get you some cheap sugar. Eric can you get me some code . Some coke . They will be moving to legalize coke in 20 years. 6690redeye Vice President of sales gary thank you so much for coming into our little home. Eric and we do mean little. It looks bigger on tv. Gary i dont normally sit here. Eric and i normally do not sit like this. The camera is where i sit. Eric but you refuse to hold the camera. We are humbled that cspan would even consider us. We honestly thought it was a joke up until tonights broadcast. We thought somebody was just joking with us. It is really great. Continue to tune in to cspan for all the great things and we cannot thank them enough and maybe one day they will be back. If you never heard the show on radio, a bu will tune in, in the middle of the night and hopefully you are up for a good reason. Way, we are all over. Gary i think it is great that cspan does this because you can come inside, not just our radio show, but many others and see how it is actually done. There is probably a lot of interest, people wondering what do they do behind the scenes . Not much more than we do in front of the scenes. Eric maybe other shows have a lot more going on. Weve got nothing. Not a lot going on, typically. The idea is to come in, because it is five hours, which is longer than the typical talkshow. If you stay focused, what else you need whatever else you need to do. The day, a lot more to because if you see some of the other talk shows, i know they and in the wmal studios good morning brian and all the others, but if you have seen those, there was a lot more going on because they have staff and management and a newsroom that is active. Crew,e a skeleton basically four people and a couple other people in the building. Not much going on. Gary in the middle of the night. Eric 20 years, for me, doing it. Back in the day, you had more because there was not social media. Isnt have the number of stations we have, now. Now that we can communicate, all and all, smart phones that, we can communicate on and off the air. We understand that have a much better understanding as to how me people are active in the middle of the night, and it is really great. Have some great discussions with people that work, as we call it, the first shift. Starting at midnight. Gary we talked to people because people ask us how do you sleep . When do you sleep . I sleep twice a day. I sleep right after the show until 10 00, then i go back to sleep between 5 00 and 6 00 and wake up at about 10 00 and come in, to work. You sleep just once a day. If he sleeps once a day. Eric it can be anywhere from four to six hours. Gary i dont know how he does it. I could not do it. I never thought when i came on this ship, i thought i will be here for a year, then i am moving on. It is the best time, i think to talk. That peoplet know do more soulsearching in the middle of the night, but enable you will maybe you are in deeper thought. Here, together, doing this thing and maybe the conversation is a little bit more of a groundlevel conversation, because so much of aside, you have a more thoughtful approach from the caller. Much hatent get as mail is when i worked during the day. But i can handle it, its ok. Eric we love our friends on the left and the right. We thank you for tuning in and for being here. Those that are new, it does not matter who you voted for or whatever, you are welcome, here. Gary sometimes we get into arguments and heated debate with people. I realize a only get with debt only get into heated debates with people i care about like family. You are not the socalled enemy. Whatever,e blue or thats not how we think. That is not how we operate. We can think differently. I live in dallas county. Dallas county has been blue in the last handful of elections. Hillary won my county. Gary that my county. Eric she won the popular vote in north texas. My county is popular. I have lots of liberal neighbors and friends. Growing up in texas, a lot of my friends came to the dallas, fort becamerea as they involved in education and relocating for work. From all over texas, ive got friends that live here that i have known since grade school. Gary i dont have any friends. Eric and he has no friends and we all know why. Now, live from dallas, its red eye radio. Eric harley and Gary Mcnamara talk about everything from politics to social issues and everything that makes a difference in your life. Whether youre up early or up late, welcome to the show. Gary we go quickly to victor. Caller you guys are great. I am a cspan junkie, so that is why i watch it. Do you have a station in portland . Gary yes. 97. Caller i have to find it, because you guys are great. I wanted to mention school vouchers. I have been saying for 20 years, if we dont get school vouchers, we have no hope. If we do, we are good to go. You were asking what trump is going to do and i was watching the education secretary hearing and donald trump jr. Talked about vouchers. If we go in that direction, i think there is hope. We have to get kids a little smarter. If we stick with what weve got, now, we are wasting our time. Eric as long as we keep running. Nto roadblocks the Justice Department went after louisiana, and victor, thank you for the compliments. You can go to redeye radioshow. Com to learn more and find a Radio Station in your area. Eric holders Justice Department went after the state of louisiana and this president standing in the way of the voucher system, these are families, including minority families and low income families that loved the program. It is getting results for children and why arent we doing that . President obama obama try to continually kill the washington voucher program. Eric thank you, cspan. Gary thank you everybody. Hopefully we will have a few new folks. Are we still in . Eric are we on until the top . You have been watching the red eye radio show from dallas texas with host eric harley and Gary Mcnamara. For more information, visit their website, redeyeradioshow. Com. This week, we are featuring several radio talk shows leading up to inauguration day. Haveday at 6 00, we will live coverage of joe madisons radio show, the black eagle on cspan2. Later at night 5 p. M. Eastern, deace radioteve show in urbandale, iowa. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. Morning, resident fellow at the American Enterprise institute and Health Policy Vice President from t

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