Transcripts For CSPAN Senator Schumer On FBI Director Firing

Transcripts For CSPAN Senator Schumer On FBI Director Firing 20170511

Easily. Now on the topic of the day, mr. President. This morning the Democratic Caucus met to discuss the circumstances of mr. I comes of mr. Comeys dismissle by the white house. There are many actions to be taken. We will pursue many things in the coming days and weeks that we decided in our caucus and we will have more to say about that in the days ahead. There are three things that our caucus agreed must happen right away. First, mr. Rosenstein should not be the one to appoint a special prosecutor. That responsibility should gl to the highestserving career Civil Servant at the department of justice. Second, mr. Comey is needed more than ever to testify before the senate. Third, attorney general sessions and Deputy Attorney general rosenstein should brief all senators on these events separately and in a classified setting, if necessary, and they should do it soon because the questions are just swirling about. There are more every day, almost every hour. Let me go over each. First, it is the overwhelming view of my caucus that a special prosecutor should now be appointed to conduct the investigation into the Trump Campaign ties to russia. Mr. Rosenstein cannot be the person to appoint him. Serious doubts have been cast on mr. Rosensteins impartiality for two reasons. First, there are many reports that democrattor comey met with Deputy Attorney Rob Rosenstein to help with the investigation into the Trump Campaign ties to russia. That would make the timing of this firing even more suspect. And second, mr. Rosenstein signed his name to a highly political memo arguing for director comeys dismissal and made no complaint about the involvement of the attorney general who had recused himself from all matters relating to the russia investigation in recommending the firing of the man who was leading it. Its hard to believe a seasoned prosecutor without bias would have allowed sessions to be part of this. Its also hard to believe that a seasoned prosecutor would write such a memo which seemed highly political, not in the kind of language, not with the kind of an notations that they write in. The bench who should appoint a special prosecutor should go to the highestserving Civil Servant at the department of justice. Mr. Rosenstein and other appointees appointed by the president who they are supposed to investigate should not make a call on the special prosecutor less that decision be seen as influenced or made at the direction of the administration. We need to ensure the American People that they can have confidence in our criminal Justice System to conduct the Russian Investigation impartially. The best and only way to do that now would be for a career Civil Servant at the department of justice to be the person who decides on a special prosecutor. It should not be a political appointee who makes such a decision. My friend, our great senior senator from the state of california, brought this up in our meeting. Senator feinsteins call that the appointment be made by someone a career Civil Servant, not a political appointee has the widespread support of our caucus and is the only fair thing to do. Second, we also learned that mre appearing before the Intelligence Committee tomorrow. In his stead with will be the acting f. B. I. Director, andrew mccabe. There are so many questions that only mr. Comey can answer. We democrats hope and expect that he will still come before the senate in some capacity. I salute senator burr and senator warner for inviting him to testify next week before the Intelligence Committee. It is the right thing to do. We ought to hear from mr. Comey. At this moment a profound doubt about the reasons and timing of f. B. I. Director comeys firing by the president , about the status and progress of the very Serious Investigation into the Trump Campaign and russia by his agency, we require answers. And, third, the recent revelations about the rosenstein and comey meeting demand that the attorney general and the Deputy Attorney general attorney general sessions, Deputy Attorney general rosenstein, brief the senate and answer questions because of so many so many things swirling about last nights firing. That briefing could be classified if necessary. Maybe part classified, part not. Each briefing should be done separately. Mr. President , let me speak plainly. The prospect that a campaign for the presidency of the United States colluded with a foreign power in order to win our Nations Highest Office is as grave a topic for an investigation as there could be. It gets right to heart of the pillar of our democracy. The fair and free elections of our representatives and the fact the fact that mr. Rosenstein and mr. Comey mr. And attorney general sessions were involved in this firing when there are so many questions swirling about. They must come before us to answer questions. I hope leader mcconnell will understand the need for that and answer the plea i made this morning about that. Furthermore, the fact that mr. Rosenstein, which came out after i made my request the fact that mr. Rosenstein, by all reports, had a meeting with director comey where comey asked for more resources makes it all the more important for rosenstein to come because that might be the reason that he was fired because he was pursuing the investigation in an accelerated way that was very much needed. So what were seeking, the tone thing were the only thing we are seeking, is that the investigations are carried out in an impartial and independent way, that we get all the facts, that we get to the very bottom of it. All we are seeking is some assurance that the subject of this investigation is not able to influence it or, god forbid, quash it. The topic of this investigation itself is very serious. The possibility that the investigation is being impeded or tampered with is even worse. That threatens the integrity of our criminal Justice System and the hallowed american belief in rule of law. I believe this rises far above party labels. I believe it rises far above partisan politics. I have been heartened that several republicans have expressed concerns, and i hope and expect our republican friends will join us in these efforts to make sure this investigation is conducted in the manner it deserves. We want congresss role to be nonpartisan, looking at the good of neither political party, but much rather for the good of our dear country. These are tough and serious times, mr. President. We cannot shirk from our responsibilities, neither democrats nor republicans. I hope everyone in cspan, where history unfolds daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies. Its brought to you today by your cable or satellite rovider. Washington journal is next. Well take your calls and get an update on the firing of f. B. I. Director james comey. The Senate Select Intelligence Committee investigates worldwide threats this morning. C. I. A. Director mike pompy, n. S. A. Director michael rogers, and National Intelligence director dan coates testify. Our live coverage begins at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. Later, the middle east policy council looks at cooperation between the u. S. And saudi arabia on counter terrorism. In the next hour, Heather Mcghee talks about the Progressive Agenda and the trump presidency. Then George Washington University Law School Professor Jonathan Turley on the firing of james comey by president trump. President trump he was not doing a good job, very simple. He was not doing a good job. Host that was president trumps reaction on why he decided to fire james comey, reporting this morning includes the fact while this decision was made on monday, it was the white house chief strategist, steve bannon, who questioned if the timing was right. Also the Washington Post reporting this morning that the man behind the memo that started the process, steve rosenstein, who just got the job of Deputy Attorney general, threatened to resign over reports of how he was being perceived in this firing. There are other aspects this morning about the firing of the f. B. I. Director, james comey, including what it does for that investigation at the f. B. I. Over russia a t

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