Transcripts For CSPAN Senator Rand Paul Support Not There Ye

Transcripts For CSPAN Senator Rand Paul Support Not There Yet For GOP Health Care Bill 20170623

obamacare. as we look at the expense of the bill, we believe in the first year or two, it may cost more than obamacare. as we look at some of the things like a brand-new federal program to pay insurance companies, a stabilization fund, we think the idea that we will allow obamacare to continue, but we will subsidize it is not a very republican that notion. but open to voting for it, i think with this group of people, we have a better chance. >> right now, you are a no vote? us said we cannot support the bill in its current iteration. senator lee, senator johnson, and myself. >> is that enough to take down the vote. the intention is not to take it down but make it better. i believe the leverage of four people is enough, but hopefully -- who wrote the bill will say we want all of the votes, and make the bill look more like a repeal bill and less of a reiteration of obamacare. there is a choice between this and obamacare. are you willing to allow the country to continue under obamacare? don't think: i there is anyone more against obamacare than myself. i have seen the ravages of it. . have gone to 42 states i did not run on obamacare, i did not run on replacing it with more government plans. i did not run on allowing it to continue just to subsidize it with taxpayer money. we are $500 billion in debti di. there is no money to keep subsidizing insurance, there is no money to expand medicaid unless you raise taxes. we are cutting taxes. people to be honest with and it needs to be paid for. if we are not going to pay for do betterk we can than this. my hope is not to do be the bell, but make the bill better. [inaudible] i think what will happen in the reason we come out now is that the discussion begins. i people in favor of the current bill, knows there are theyo -- four votes, may change it. we were supposed to be given a draft. morning,eting this everyone said they were open to changes. but i think you only get changes if you show you have the power to not vote for the current bill. is next week realistic for a vote? senator paul: it seems like a short time. i have been in favor of rating the bills before we pass it. i will read it, but legislation says you should wait one day for every 20 pages, so that would be at least six or seven working days for this bill, and i think at a minimum not only doing need to read it, we need to negotiate him what is good, bad, and what we can do to make it better. it could take longer than that. willing do you think senator mcconnell is to negotiate to change this? we are talking big changes. senator paul: you have to get to 50 votes. if you have only 48, you need negotiating. if there is no hearing, will you refuse to vote? i was in favor of having committees approach it, but that is not a do or die. i will vote for the bill and the context. behind closed doors with the members, a vote within a week, what is your preference? is aor paul: my preference committee hearing, but absent that, i am interested in context. repeal obamao care. the current bill looks like we keeping large parts of obamacare. jonathan gruber has come out and said, it looks like they are not repealing obamacare, and i think that is accurate. we are keeping and boosting , and ies for risk pools think it looks a lot like obamacare. we have to go. the democratic leadership in the senate held a briefing to talk about their objections to the hea

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