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Was going to do. Me, itd portly than makes the country a better place with a brighter future. That is what public servants, elected officials, want to do. This job there is a challenge. It has been great to me candidates across the country. There has been some great rewards. There is nothing that comes in this job for me when its done. I hope we have made a difference. I hope the country is better off. The chair of the National Republican senator a committee. Thank you for being with us. Sean sullivan of the washington post. Thank you for joining us. On the next washington journal, daniel price with the league of conservation voters will discuss that control. Inook at the nras agenda 2014. He chairs the associations political victory fund. Then, we will talk more about the supreme courts new term. We will take your phone calls and look for your comments on facebook and twitter. That all begins live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. Monday night on the communicators, jeremy grant whose agency promotes more Internet Security talks about ways to increase Data Protection with alternatives, passwords, and basic security. The government is not looking to endorse any particular solution. We would rather ascribe the attributes as to what the solution should look like. It should be secure. There should be privacy dancing. Privacy enhancing. So, just looking at the pilots we have we have some that are looking at smartphone based apps , which will be used in lieu of a password to login on different sites. Testing biometrics, fingerprints, basin voice recognition. Face and voice recognition. Monday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on the communities on on the communicators on cspan. Rand paul was in the carolinas this past week for a events in raleigh. He met with two candidates running for congress in North Carolina. And walter jones. Good morning. How are you . I like your shirt. You live in raleigh . Where do you live . Yes, i live in raleigh. Thank you. You live here in raleigh . Yes, i do. Ok. You were in the navy . Yes. I have a nephew who flies the d3 for the navy. He has been in monterey, california for the past few years. I think hes action going to hawaii. Ive been there a number of times. He has done is active duty flying. Is training other pilots. I think hes going to stay in. You keep up the good work. Hello. Nice to meet you. You are my favorite u. S. Senator. Thank you. Thank you for all you do. You are a rockstar. I went to duke for seven years. I was there for four years in the 80s. I did not know that you were right down the street. Everybody would ride their bikes and we would dive off the cliffs into the water. That is incredible. Thank you for so much. If we win North Carolina, i think we were when the senate. Thank you. Thank you. Thanks for coming out. Speaker tillis, who has been a strong proponent [inaudible] a couple of questions, do you support Publicprivate Partnership spec . We have that opinion on our infrastructure. Lowering the tax on american profit overseas. Money and ax [inaudible] withnk we need to come up something between 5070,000,000,000 dollars. Thank you so much. Can we take a picture . You live here . Yes, sir. Thank you so much. We used to give out awards. There would be press conferences. Rate time to be in raleigh. Thank you so much. You mind if i get a picture . I am running for North Carolina senate here. Thank you so much for coming in. Hereanks for coming out and we appreciate it. North carolina needs you. Marktter question . You live here in raleigh . Yes, my husband and i live here. Thank you. What you do here . I worked for State Government down here. 29 years. Need people with a variety of backgrounds and we have enough lawyers. The economy, stupid. You dont spend more than you have, right . We bring an enormous amount of money. We have plenty of money. Everything is good. Thanks for coming out. [indiscernible] if i could have you to hear. What is that . Hey everybody. Good morning. I am time tell us. Im running for the u. S. Senate. [applause] i want to make sure you know my wife susan is here. She is my wife of 27 years. I appreciate all the patience she has. It is a tough job. It is great to have a loving wife. I want to thank all of the volunteers who are working hard, knocking on doors, making phone calls, sending out literature. You are why we are here today. Thank you very much. [applause] i will be brief. The reason i am running for senate is to go to washington and get something done. Shes gone to washington and voted with president 90 parsecs set of the time. Shes it we could keep our health care good weekend. 54,000 retirees ares receiving thatrs this week stating the federal government has decided that their health care is not good enough. They will increase premiums. They were degrees coverage. These are broken promises. She agreed with the president. Debt is approaching 18 trillion. The middle east situation is unacceptable. We have to destroy isis. We need a president that has a plan. Weve got a senator who sits on his committee who should be developing strategies. That is why we have to send her home and fire harry reid is the majority leader. [applause] thrilled to have senator rand paul in town. It is honoring to have the support from him. Senator paul is fighting tirelessly for our freedom. Be is an independent thinker. People that will go to washington and expect nothing more than accountability and the of the American People to take out the federal government. I am proud to have him in North Carolina. Im proud that his support. Ladies and gentlemen, welcome senator rand paul. [applause] thanks everybody for coming out. Im happy to be in North Carolina today. As some of you know, i spent seven years here. I did my medical training in durham at duke university. And as a physician, it bothers me that we have senators like kay hagan who think that youre not smart enough to choose your own doctor. The arrogance of passing legislation that says she knows better who you can choose. I have probably close to a dozen friends in my small town in bowling green, kentucky, that have cancer. They got to go to m. D. Anderson, the best Cancer Treatment center in america. With obama care, you dont get to choose your doctor. These are fundamental american choices. This goes against the fabric of the country to have legislation that prevents you from having the choice of your own doctor. I have a 22yearold son. He has birth control, pregnancy coverage, pediatric coverage. Its a crime that the countrys giving him in vitro fertilization. He does not need it. He needs a bare bones catastrophic insurance plan. He needs to be able to choose something thats cheap, that would cover him in the time of an accident. This debate over health care is not a wantto debate. Its about freedom versus coercion. Three months after obama care was passed kay hagan had another chance to try to make it less bad. He had a specific vote on whether or not to grandfather in people who had their insurance already, people who had chosen their doctors. Kay hagan looked the other way and voted twice, first for obama care and again against allowing people the choice to choose their own doctor. I think that nothing good will happen in this country until shes gone. Until harry reid is gone. People say is there a difference between republicans and democrats . Yeah. Republicans believe in balancing the budget. We had a vote on a balanced budget. Where was kay hagan . Voting against it. None of this will ever get a vote as long as shes in charge. The ground zero for taking the u. S. Senate back is North Carolina. Youve got republican governs, Republican House and senate. You need a republican u. S. Senator im happy to be here today to have cocktails are you guys. [applause] is your appearance here that an indication that anybody who might be leaning towards ill say a little bit but there are many libertarian ideas. Lower taxes, balanced budgets. Personal liberties. I think tom represents those ideas and id like to let him respond. The reason we want any Senate Member of caucus here and the belief that kay hagan has failed the people of North Carolina. They all share that belief. Theyre inconsistent with where the nation wants to go and where the state wants to go. I welcome any member of the Senate Caucus to come here. Im thrilled to have the support that i do. Thats the way we got things done in raleigh in the last three years. We had a broad base, we had veto overrides against the governor. That is actually governing. I like what harry reid does, take 350 bills out of the house and do nothing about it. Harry reid and kay hagan have shut down the congress. We are not getting things done. There are other things we should be able to do. They failed to do that. Kay hagan has rubberstamped president obamas failed policies. Youve put senator haggan for the way she ran against senator dole and her voting record. If you prioritize across the aisle, could you give us an example of things you could work with president obama on . What policies would you vote with him on . There are a variety of policies that have been passed out of the house that i know even democrats or the senate would vote for if they could come to a vote. There are things about clawing back regulations, slowing down the failed policy of obama care. There are things that would get the job and the economy back on track. What about those a come from the white house . I think what you have to do is find a congress with economic policy, regulatory policies, things that the majority of the senate is prepared to vote on but barack obama has told harry reid not to take it up. Theyre delaying a lot of the policy votes until after the election. Hes delaying the discussion on amnesty until after the election. Theres 473 cancellation letters that went out last year. Now they decided to delay it. So what we need to give the Congress Something that they can vote on on economic recovery and hopefully hell care enough about the nation to sign it into law. Thank you all. Thank you. I appreciate all yall are doing. We got to go, sorry. Said its not going to get repealed. Were right here. Get a quick picture. Senator. Im from dare county, the outer banks. Ive been to the outer banks. I volunteered they just moved it. Thank you. Nice to meet you, sir. Nice to meet you. Can i get your autograph . Sure. Ok. Thank you, sir. Thank you. You want to mingle . [indiscernible] im from dare county, the outer banks. Ive been to the outer banks. I volunteered. When we there . Two years ago. They just moved it. Yeah, they moved it. I believe they did not disturb one rock. We hope you succeed. Thank you. Nice to meet you, sir. Nice to meet you. Thank you for coming to our state. Can i get your autograph . Sure. Ok. Thank you, sir. Thank you. You want to mingle . Thank you for being here. [indiscernible] weve been here for 30 years. There was a little time in between. Before i got to know him that well. The man that i want to enter deuce said he would be willing take a few questions. Opinion, this could be the only individual that can save america from selfdestruction. This country is 17. 7 trillion dollars in debt. In the year 2000, it was 5. 6 trillion. Today its 17. 7 trillion. Neither bush or obama have followed the constitution. The man this im going to introduce right now believes that the constitution and when he raises his righthand to accept the presidency of the United States [applause] he will follow the substitution. I give you rand paul from the great state of kentucky. [applause] i think walter just get did you steps, didnt he . Im happy to be here today. Its a privilege to be here to endorse my friend walter jones for reelection. Thank you for coming. Walter has been a good friend of our family for a long time, and i think one thing you should know in North Carolina in his district is that he is well respected. He is well respected as an independent voice in washington and a voice of someone who truly has a conscious. Someone who truly thinks about the soldiers who live here in North Carolina and the soldiers who fight for us, the young men and women who volunteer to fight for our country. And to walter and to myself, neither one of us see this as a chess game. This isnt checkers, chess. This isnt an in animate objects that you move around on maps. Youll find no greater supporter of the military and Strong National defense than walter jones. [applause] you may have heard about a little girl. She was she thought shed do something good. She wrote a letter to god. She said, dear god, if you send me 100 ill do something good with it. The post master didnt know what to do with it so he sent it to the president. The president got it and said to his secretary, send her 5. Shell think thats a lot of money. She gets the 5 and shes a little underwhelmed. Her parents said send a thank you. She said thanks for sending the money. The next time, dont send it to washington. They stole it. [applause] its a debatable question. Heres the thing. There are a couple of arguments for why we should keep government to a minimum, why government should do little things. One, because they dont do much of anything very well. In fact, you might say they have trouble even protecting the white house. All right . You think that would be pretty simple. But the thing is, government doesnt do many things well. So i tell people there are two arguments for keeping government small, for minimizing your government. I call them the liberty argument and the sort of efficiency argument. The liberty argument is what thomas paine said. He said that governments a Necessary Evil and you think, oh, thats a terrible thing to say about government. I think it is because the im a part of it. Why is it a Necessary Evil if you have to give up part of your freedom to have government . You have to give up to form a government. This isnt an argument for having no government. Its just an argument for minute migse how much freedom you have to give up to have a government. One simple true statement someone said nobody spends someone elses money as wisely as they spend their own. Think about it. Do you think people in government care whether its 10 bucks or 10,000 or 10 million or 10 billion. Now were talking about trillions. Do you think any of them lay awake at night thinking about, hmm, wonder if i made a mistake with that trillion dollars today. If i ask you to give a thousand dollars for an investment, due think youd think about it before you gave it to me . You think youd worry if youre getting the money back. If you borrow money for your house or car, do you worry about the money . Yeah. You have to meet payroll, a profit. All those signal every day, theres a signal back to you, government gets none of those signals. Governments wildly inefficient, so we should let them do very little. When we look at how were going to get to prosperity in this country again, how were going to get jobs again, its a real simple message. Keep more money in your community. Keep more money in North Carolina. Keep more money in greenville and less money to washington. You say, arent all republicans for that . The sad truth is no. Amen. What passes for bold in washington is, hey, guys, im for revenueneutral taxes. I say if thats what were for, ill just go home. Ill go at home and still yell at my tv when im angry. Im not participating. Im not giving up a lot of things i can do with my family to go to washington. Amen. Do you remember Ronald Reagan getting up and saying good morning, america. Im for revenue neutral revenue tax reform. We had 20 million jobs created because we were boldly for what we are for. We have a big debate going on. Hows the party going to get big enough to win again . Ive been fairly hard and ive said we need to adapt or die. We have to become a bigger party. If we dont become a bigger party by diluting our message. What we are for, we should be ho for. We are the party of the constitution. We are the party of the bill of rights. Were the party that will protect your rights if youre a minority. You can be a minority because of the color of your skin or the shade of your ideology. You can be a minority because youre a fundamentalist christian or you like to teach your kids at home. Or youre jewish or black or asian american. Theres a lot of reasons why youre a minority. We need to stand up for every minority. The bill of rights isnt for the prom queen. The bill of rights isnt for the high school quarterback. Theyre going to be treated fairly. They always are. The bill of rights is truly for those who might be unorthodox, who might have an unusual idea, who might not look like everybody else. So we have big debates in washington. I think one of the biggest debates we have in the last four or five years is whether or not we can detain an american citizen without a trial. I cant imagine anyone who could be for that, but many members of our party were. One senator on the floor said i said to him, you can take an american citizen and send them to Guantanamo Bay without a trial . He said, yeah, hes dangerous. I remember richard jewel. Everybody thought he was guilty. He was convicted on tv. Within hours, it turned out it wasnt him. He wasnt guilty. But can you imagine if hed been a black man in the south in 1920 . What would have happened to him . The bill of rights is to protect minorities, whether its the color of your skin for shade of your ideology. We need to be the party who stands up for the rights of everyone. We need to proclaim our message with the passion of Patrick Henry but also proclaim our message with optimism. Paint like a man coming over the hill singing, one painter said. I think if we paint our message like a man come over the hill singing, when we proclaim our message with the passion of Patrick Henry, well be the dominant party again. I thank you for helping my friend. [applause] id rather be out in the crowd shake hands. You can ask him questions then. Thank you. [applause] youre from kentucky, right . Right. 245es where im originally from. I dont know what senator rand pauls going to do in the future, but i know that politics as usual is not going to fix americas problems. Electing a president that is picked by their party bosses is not going to fix americas problems. [applause] i want to read just one sentence from the president ial oath and will to the best of my ability preserve, protect, and defend the constitution of the United States of america. Mr. Bush bush did not keep his words when he swore to the American People. Mr. Obama has not kept his word when he swore to the American People, but the man im going to introduce now, if given that chance, will keep his toward the American People, and that is the senator from kentucky, rand paul. Lets give him a warm welcome. [applause] thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Im glad to be in North Carolina to endorse my friend walter jones for reelection. You guys going to get him back . Hell win again . [cheers and applause] good. Now, i think ill come back to North Carolina. I almost moved closer to your district. I was going to we interviewed in wilson, almost a little bit outside the district and i tell people thats my favorite trivia question. You know how you say wilson if youre from North Carolina . You add a t in there. Wiltson, im from wiltson. Or if youre from way out in eastern North Carolina or how do you say when you want to have somebody come over to your house . Have you been to my ome before . What happened to the h . I spent seven years at duke and i got to kentucky and i was like, you know, im going to put my diploma on the wall. I went to the duke medical school. Theyll think that was a good school and that will help me get patients. I got there in 19939 right after lighter in made the shot against the university of kentucky. The hotshot thats probably been replayed than any other shot in history. 1. 4 seconds to go, if you really know your basketball, he gets the pass and dribbles once. Who has the where with all to dribble once when you have 1. 4ing seconds to go. Do you know he had a perfect game . 1010 from the field. 10910 from the line. About the time kentucky goes hed, makes the shot, lucky shot actually off the glass, and goes in kentuckys ahead by one and our phone starts ringing. In durham we had a bunch of kidsh folks over from medical school. This is a day when you had a phone that had a like a its a cord. I dont know if youve ever seen these. Its attached to a cord. People actually answered their phone. You didnt screen, you didnt know who was calling. You just answered it. Nobody answers the phone anymore. My wife hopped up to answer the phone, kentucky had made the shot. She gets there and about that time, he made the shot and whoever was on the other end hangs up. And her brothers are big u. K. Afternoons, so we suspected this. It took about 10 years to admit that they were calling to give us a hard time about duke losing. Then duke was winning. I was in a barbecue line and there was a guy in front of me whos here tonight. We wont say who he is. He had two big plates. I said youre note going to live very well eating like that. He said, my grandad lived to be 105. I said he didnt live to 105 by eating like that. He said no, my grandad lived to 105 by minding his own business. I think theres a moral there. Maybe we could use that as a public cry for government, minding your own business. [applause] i think a corollary to that might be leave me the heck alone. If you want to be a part of the leave me alone coalition, if we want our party to be bigger, maybe if we ask people to join the leave me the heck alone party, wed have a bigger coalition. Ive been going to college campuses. Conservative college campuses, even berkeley. Ive been to liberty university, ive been to berkeley. Theres a big difference there. But i gave them the same message. Its received in both places well. The message is, what you do or say on your cell phone is none of the governments business. [applause] people say, you dont want to get terrorists . No. I do want to get terrorists. But i dont want to get 300 million americans to find terrorists, right . I think sometimes we make the haystack so big we cant find the needle. For example, the two boys in boston, we were warned by the russians that one of them was potentially a terrorist. He traveled back to chechnya and nobody even knew he traveled. You know why . The Computer Program couldnt figure out alternative spellings for his name. Weve been 10 years after 9 11 and we havent figured that out . Thats happened multiple times. One of these kids could probably write the codes in 10 minutes to figure out multiple spellings for a name and yet we did nothing. The t. S. A. Looks at everyone. Weve got to strip from head to tow toe and be patted down. Why dont we try to have a way where people travel frequently in our country can do it in a respectable manner where we dont have to be harassed at every moment. There was a professor add harvard who said, the next time you go to the airport, you have to hold your hands up for seven vulnerable moments. Is this the position of a free man . We have to be careful that we dont give up what were defending against in the process of capturing terrorists. [applause] jai know a lot of you are worried that your government might shut down. I have good news for you. Your governments open. Ok . The bad news is, your governments open, ok . Your governments open and borrowing a Million Dollars a minute. So in the next 13 hours of my speech were going to borrow no. Can you imagine in the next 20 minutes well borrow 20 million. Its completely crazy. We had this big battle about a year ago. You remember when the government shut down . Well, sort of. The president was afraid you might not notice. Why . Because twothirds of your governments on autopilot. Twothirds is medicare, medicaid and social security. It never closes down. It is immortal. It is in perpetuity and not paid for but twothirds of your government never shut down. So really we were talking about a third of your government. Why were we talking about that . Because congress doesnt do their job . Historically we would pass appropriations billings. We dont do that anymore. The deadline looms and we look like a bunch of chickens with our heads cut off. Its 2,000 pages, nobody reads it. Nobody can physically read it. We often get it at 8 00 in the morning. We pass it at noon. Nobody reads it. To make matters worse, when we kept government open two weeks ago, they stuck a little war in the spending bill. We didnt even have a debate. I told them inconvenient time to talk about it. We shouldnt willynilly send our courageous men and women to war without having a debate over it. Its a crime we didnt. When government shut down a year ago, we had a third of your government is split. Half of its defense and half of its sort of the other stuff. Welfare, other things. We said we should pay our military, we did. We opened up the military. When the president was squawking about how evil and awful republicans were, a sixth of the government was closed. So what did he do . He was afraid you might not notice. You remember what he did. He wrapped the world war ii monument to make sure you knew and were punished for being a i would have volunteered to mow the grass. I like doing that. They wrapped it with barricades. But if you want to remember one image of the shutdown, you remember this. You remember the image of world war ii veterans cutting the barricade and throwing them on the lawn at the white house. [applause] we did learn some things, and congressman jones will confirm this. During the shutdown they sent us a request. They said list your essential and your unessential employees. And im like, wow, were going to learn a lesson here. Were going to learn what part of government we have to have and what we dont. I got to fill out a list for my employees. I said, well, lets find out what the i. R. S. s list look like. I asked my staff to call the i. R. S. 90 unessential. I said were going to learn something here. 90 of the i. R. S. Is unessential. I said call the e. P. A. They called the e. P. A. 95 unessential. I thought, were on to something here. Were going to discover that most of government is unessential. And i was so naive. Because the more i dug into this, i discovered something. Guess what . If youre unessential, you dont have to come to work but you do get paid. So theres an incentive to be essential has nothing to do with essential. Has something to do with still getting paid . Every employee was still getting paid. You thought, we got rid of some bad ones. You cant are you crazy . You cant fire a federal employee. Thats insane. They were looking at the e. P. A. And they actually did something for the first time. They actually started looking at some individual employees. They found one employee had not been to work in 20 years. Now, she had a disability but she had not communicated with anyone in the office for five years. You think they fired her . You cant fire a federal employee. Youre crazy. They found another woman with who was selling vitamins and cosmetics and all sort of stuff on her work computer. Did you fire her . Are you crazy . We cant fire a federal we had a guy who was downloading porn eight hours a day. You cant fire a federal employee. My favorite a guy name jonathan beal. Jonathan beal had worked for the c. I. A. For 11 years and was said to have been gina mcarthurs righthand man. His expertise was global warming. Hes a big deal up there. They found out and looked. He was gone most of the time. He kept getting glowing performance reviews. He kept getting raise after raise. Hes great. They actually asked, why doesnt he come to work, and his boss said, well, he works also for the c. I. A. Theyre like for the c. I. A. And the e. P. A. Both . What a combination. Then they did something really extraordinary. They call the c. I. A. And asked about jonathan beal. They said jonathan who . Theyd never heard him. He probably makes 150,000 a year. 100,000 federal workers make over 100,000 a year. And they were all nonessential. Just imagine him by the pool. Hes got to have a pool. Hes by the pool, his boss calls. Theyre like, jonathan with you are you coming in today . No. Im in istanbul on secret assignment. You remember the v. A. Scandal . What was the biggest part of the v. A. Scandal . Even when we caught them making up waiting lists, no one was fired. Anybody remember 9 11 . Anybody remember anybody being fired over 9 11 . We have spent trillions upon trillions of dollars trying to be safe every. I am for being safer. I am for spending money to try to make the nation safer, but we have done ridiculous things. We spent 8 million in fargo last year. I tell people, if terrorists get to fargo, we might as well surrender. We give equipment to our local police forces, mine resistant ambush protection volcanoes that weigh 20 tons. We had an example of this because of the force used in ferguson. We asked where is the equipment coming from . Well, its coming from the military. So it turns out a loft it was new. Dunnedy, michigan, has a mine resistant ambush protection vehicle. In a town of 3,000. It encourages probably the wrong response to someone out there yelling and screaming in pro and protesting or whatever. This is america, for heavens headaches youre supposed to be able to employee test. When we started the Homeland Security they gave a wish list to every state. The mule day festival, the popcorn factory, you know, all those highrisk terrorist targets. Its like Everything Else thats good in america, protect our country, they take the money and use it for something frivolous. I had this debate with the president. I said why dont we cut some spending . He said we really couldnt where would we cut . Weve cut to the bone. I gave him a list of a few things. I said why dont we just not rehire anybody when they retire. Youd save 6 trillion a year by not rehiring people. If you simply freeze federal spending, the budget balances within 10 years. If you were to cut 1 cent out of every dollar, the budget actually balances within five years. He says how could we do that. Has anybody ever had to deal 1 less in income . People do it all the time. Government does the opposite. When you suffer, they say government should spend more. Maybe we should balance our budget to call it less suffering. Maybe wed have more jobs. [applause] this will administration has been riddled with scandals. I think of old mcdonalds farm, here a scandal, there a scandal, everywhere a scandal. We got a brand new one. They cant even keep intruders out of the white house but for the first time they actually let somebody go. Watch closely. That person will probably turn up in another federal job somewhere. But of all the scandals, from the i. R. S. , which does bother me to think you lose an election, youll be audited because youre in the losing party . But of all the scandals that bothers me the most is benghazi. Because the thing is [applause] the thing is, it is the job of the federal government to defend our country, to defend our embassy and defend our troops wherever they are. So in 2 six montanahs leading up to ben gassy, there was benghazi, there was request after request after request for more security. They said weed like wed like a plane to move about the country. State department denied. Three days later, Hillary Clintons state Department Approved an electrical charging station for the embassy in vienna because it seems we were trying to green it up a bit. You know. One of the primary functions of the state department is not diplomacy but its greening up of the plants. So we ordered a 100,000 charging station for the chevy volt so we can show how green we are in vienna. In the meantime we didnt have a plane for our personnel in libya. In september preceding the attack in benghazi Hillary Clintons state Department Spent money for the state department. 650,000. They spent 700,000 for landscaping for the embassy in brussels. They spent 5 million for glass ware for the embassy. The list goes on and on. Brussels. They spent 5 million for glass in august, though, colonel wood, member of the 16person Security Team sends cables, urgent cables saying, we need remain in country. The british were already leaving at that point. There had been an explosion at the british embassy. There were rumors daily of designation and attack, and they were refused permission to stay in country. In the middle of august, two or three weeks before the attack, theres a cable specifically sent from ambassador stephens to hillary clinton. When she came before my committee, thats the question i asked her. I said, secretary clinton, when you were asked directly, when you were sent cables directly from the war zone, from a nation just emerging from civil war, from a designation in the throws of danger, from an throes of danger, did you read his cables . And she acted as if it was sort of beneath her, she wasnt expected to read the cables. I said, frankly, youre not providing the security of benghazi should preclude you from ever being considered for commander in chief. [applause] one of the things walter has talked about and ive talked about the middle east, is its not only the defense of benghazi that was bad, the whole bar was ill conceived. We were never asked permission. Our Founding Fathers were specific about this. Madison wrote in the federalist papers that history demonstrates that the executive is the branch most prone to war. Therefore we took that power and vested it in congress. Congress was supposed to vote. It was intentional. It was to have a real debate before we went to war. But we went to bar in libya without authorization. You know whats going on there now . Chaos. Its a jihadist wonderland. Theyre everywhere. They literally swim in our embassy pool in tripoli. The bar just left about a montanah ago. They couldnt leave by plane. It was too dangerous to leave by plane. They barely got out of the country. Radical jihad, people who hate america and people who would attack us roam the country side in libya. Why . Because if theres one universal truth to the middle east, its that the secular dictators hate radical islam and they did create stability. And every time that a secular dictator has been toppled chaos ensues, radical islamism rises to the forefront. Its not just libya. Saddam hussein was a secular dictator. Iraqs full of people who would come to america to attack us. Isis wasnt a threat two years ago. Why . Because they probably would have been wiped out by assad. But we put 600 tons of weapons into the southeastern war. What happened . We created a haven. Not just us, saudi arabia, qatar, united arab emirates. They poured equipment in there. Some have ended up in the hands of isis. They were given to moderate rebels. I said this on the floor the other day. How many of these moderate islamic rebels would recognize israel as a nation. Zero. Many of them have already announced that they will attack israel when theyre done with assad. Theyve said we dont care about isis because they ahead assad also. When were done with assad, we might deal with are israel. We come before a Committee Last week and secretary kerry says, we asked him where do you get the authority. He says from the 2001 resolution

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