Transcripts For CSPAN Senator Jeff Flake Answers Constituent

CSPAN Senator Jeff Flake Answers Constituent Questions In Gilbert Arizona August 25, 2017

Well. Well. Is this one . Okay. Alright. Got you. Okay. Well well get it before the event is over here today. Well senate doors lot going in washington right now. Constructive politics and return to principal to. Talk a little bit about that book at echos and number of the comments that Barry Goldwater made in a similar book 56 years ago and maybe you can talk about the book and why you thought i was important to do that right now . Barry goldwater. Thanks. I think were going to take some questions later. We have some questions prepared for the senator. We just want to know are you with chlt with. We have opportunity for questions from audience a little later. Later. Barry goldwater in 1960 felt the conservative movement and the Republican Party had been compromised at that time by the new deal and felt there need to be a manifesto or blueprint for conservatives to follow and he wrote the conscious of a conservative at that time. This book that i wrote is very much in homage to senator goldwater but im concerned where we are today that the party is going down a populist route, populism is called that for a reason. It may be popular and you might win elections that way but it not a governing philosophy and im concerned with a couple of things. One inc. This antifree trade and arizona benefits significantly from free trade. Nafta has been good for arizona. It needs to be modernized but it needs to be continued not abandoned and im concerned where the party might go there and also a good half of the book is on what the sub title is a rejection of destructive politics. I am a conservative but not in a bad mood about it. I think that its something thats an affirmative, positive philosophy and not built on anger or hatred. And im concerned about where the party might be going there as well and if we follow the lead of some individuals that would give into that kind of destructive behavior. So i did address that in the book and talk a lot about going up in i was talking to mr. Adams. Snowflakes the center of the universe. Im sure the eclipse will be most prominent there. Where i grew up but i grew up with a great example my father the mayor of self lake and parks board and judiciary advisory for state and jake congratulations from snowflakes beloved speaker of the house. My uncle stan terrilly and Senate President and they found a way to govern in arizona and work across the aisle and do so in a collegial manner and i feel were losing some of that in the shirts verses skins winner and losers type of environment and thats a concern and i address that in the book. You address it well. Thank you. There was a quote i think in the atlantic a while back maybe you were too nice to be a senator. You clearly have a stellar conservative record and i think it shows you can be nice and be a conservative too. I hope. So try not to get grumpy being conservative. We appreciate it. You mentioned free trade. Youve been a strong supporter of it. Very important to the state of arizona and the southern part of the United States and the whole country. Can you share some thoughts on insights on whats happening in free trade. Directions your taking . Clearly some have broke with the administration and are different. Well overall trade has been extremely important for the state of arizona. Were a border state and we take advantage of that. We have i think 19 billion in trade with mexico last year. Thats something that we should be proud of and seek to expand and very proud of the chambers the east valley chambers the Arizona Chamber of commerce all those folks that have pushed this and people in arizona understand better than some other states the value and importance of trade. Over all in this country we are just 5 of the worlds population. Less than 5 . Less than 20 of the worlds economic output and shrinking not because our economy is shrinking but the developing world is growing faster. We cant grow economically or have a better quality of living and qualify of life if we build barriers to trade and so im very concerned about where were going. The rejection of the Transpacific Partnership or t. P. P was a big mistake that will haunt for us a long time. As we speak, the other parties to the tpp the other 11 countries are seeking to do deal as amongs themselves and theyll leave us behind and once the International Supply chains are set its tough to break back in we all know how that works and im very concerned not just on the economic front, but on the geopolitical front as well rejecting the tpp means particularly the countries in southeast asia. We want them in our orbit not just in chinas and were giving them little choice now in the pacific rim countries. They are looking elsewhere for trade partnerships and we have to get away from the idea that were the only game in town. Were not. And so we can harness free trade and make to it our benefit as it has been over in the past couple of decades. Several decade but if we reject the trade agreements, the administration is said that they want to go forward with bi lateral trade agreements. Great do them. They usually grow up to be multilateral trade agreements in this day and age but we cant reject these, so i am concerned about that. With regard to nafta. Nafta, prior to nafta our total trade with mexico was between 50 and 60 billion dollars a year. 25 years ago. Now its over 500 billion dollars a year. The administration seems to fixate on this trade deficit we have of about 50 billion dollars and well take it if youre trading, nearing 600 billion of the trade deficit. The trade deficit particularly when they have to do with the Energy Sector are not as detrimental as some people paint them as. We have to move forward and im concerned that the early rhetoric. The campaign the president s campaign was to reject nafta and rip it up. That has evolved gratefully to renegotiate. I hope that means lets marginalize it and make it better all countries involved. The recent negotiation points that theyre moving forward look better and im encouraged as are my colleagues that want free trade. You spoke well about that and the way you phrased it if we create a vacuum somebody is waiting to fill it. Just after the election it was a pre planned trip but it took on more urgency and after i was there the Mexican Senate was working on the t. P. P that we had just rejected and so their efforts were moot in that regard. Significantly right around that same time the chinese president and the russian president were both in central or south america, telling these countries that would have been part of the t. P. P that we are here and that says something about where we need to go and that were going to be left behind if we dont aggressively look for these trade arrangements. Great, thank you. Lets talk about something closer to home. Your fifth generation arizonan and you know water is important in the life blood to arizona. Were fortunate we have you as Senate Energy subcommittee chair for water and power and appreciate the support and srp that arizona has received from that. Lets talk about your efforts. Srp. I rely on that. Thank you for all you do there. Its been wonderful to fly over Northern Arizona when i fly from back east coming to see all the greenery and whenever i fly over Northern Arizona i can pick out snowflakes and see that big tomato facility and go from that over to my parents house and in our ranch and in my minds eye i see myself on a horse riding mile after mile after mile there and i never remember it being this green right now so it is gorgeous. Weve been benefitting from a wet monsoon period. Particularly in the nevadas. Everyone think that solves the drought and little reprieve with the water level there. Water is life blood. Arizona has planned very well. Better than other Western State because of the foresite of those that came before us. Those that worked in the Central Arizona project. Worked on the ground water code and republicans and for development to happen so were in better shape here. The key is to make sure that kind of planning continues and thats why its been great to work with senator mccain and sit down with the governor and his water advisors and say what are the priorities for arizona. We did this a couple of years ago to make sure our efforts were best spent on arizonas real priorities and we were told that one thing we really needed to do was make sure that voluntary arrangements to leave water behind the dam by water users would be honored by the federal government to make sure that water didnt disappear down some canal in california a you. Later on. We got an agreement from the department of interior to make sure those voluntary water arrangements would be cast in stone or honored because that was done in appropriations bill. Well have to do the same thing this year and we believe we can do it, but we have got to make sure that the Colorado River that we have a drought contingency plan. That involves a lot of water users obviously and theres states so these are important things but just as important for arizona is to make sure every drop that falls there is captured and that we make best use of it and until we better manage the northern forest were not going to get that. Srp has done a lot of work. Nature conservative and a lot of groups showing as we have a watershed with traditionally in the Ponderosa Pine forest in the north there were about 2050 trees per acre and now theres more than 200 on average. Thats a lot of straws in the ground and its also fuel for fires and just in the past 15, 16 years weve lost about 20 of our northern forest and that has for our river and reservoir systems and srp knows about that when you have fires or floods after the fires it washes sediment and that has things were working on a lot. You cant talk about water without the watershed and the conditions as result of the fires costly as perspective of Water Quality and just life in the northern mountains so i appreciate all your efforts on that. You cant have a successful manage a successful watershed control without a Forest Industries process more developed than what we have now. They need to partner with private industry and prior to the fire that was government we had the paper mill and the forest in terms of reducing that fuel load but that all went and that was partly the reason that the fire and the fire after that were so devastating. After the rodeo fire we knew that we needed to get private industry back into the forest and we started stewardship contracts and thats one Area Congress worked well with the administration and we were able to bring back about 135 in bio industry. Bio plants and others. You know and other uses for these forest products. The difficulty is we have a lot of acreage now but getting it prepped and ready for private industry to go back in its been an ongoing process one that senator mccain and myself we work on a lot and we tend to Work Together on that to have better leverage. We work to make sure theyre prioritizing arizona and we have had the full Forest Initiative there and we have about five hundred and had problems with the contractor but hopefully this year well do as much as 50,000 acres and if we can continue at that pace well make progress here. We appreciate your support on that. Lets switch gears and talk about tax report. Takes a lot of leadership and commitment to get a piece of legislation through that big. Can you talk about your direction there . Thats a big one. We hope to get started as soon as we get back to washington. If we want to be competitive globally. Talked about the importance of trade but if we want to be competitive globally we have to have a lower Corporate Tax rate. Were about the highest in the world and thats priority one and every proposal weve seen does lower it. We have been pleased that they have abandoned this border tax. Anything is not good in this environment. We have to be competitive and should not put up new barriers to trade so were moving away from that and thats a good thing. I know the secretary is talking about the house and it looks as if the and thats certainly what i would like to see. Heavy lift. No doubt. Every tax credit and desuggestion and tax earmark it all theres a constituency for all of that out there and believe they come and lobby hard so its not going to be easy by any stretch. But with healthcare its different. Its personal to individuals and families in away that tax reform is not. When you look at the stock market and what its done and the economy and hiring and Unemployment Rate i think that it is baked in that were going to do tax reform and if we dont come through its going to be a big blow to the economy so were filling the pressure and need to on this. You mentionedle healthcare and clearly theres been a lot of controversy on the strategy. Talk about your direction and your path forward on that. Sure. This morning in arizona about 200,000 families woke up without Health Insurance and theyll pay more than 183,000 will pay the fine but they cant afford the insurance. They pay the fine and still dont have insurance. You have an even greater number that have insurance. They cant use it. When i go to the work out Center Someone will give me their obamacare horror story. Heres what theyre deductible is. I have a friend saying that hes pay g paying 1500 dollar premium every month when you total the deductibles for the family it goes to nearly and you combine that with a premium he pays more than 30,000 out of pocket before the first insurance dollar kicks in and thats not a situation that can continue and looking out in this room. I am certain that many opportunity of you have similar. Small business in particular. 70 percent covered by traditional employer but those that start a Small Business are socked and hit hard. So arizona has that. Were ground zero for the failure or exchange. 14 counties have one insurer. If every county the average premium for a family of four on the exchange is more costly than their mortgage and in a couple of counties its double the cost of their mortgage. Thats not sustainable and or know sow in the is an expansion so 28 percent of the population covered by our version of medicaid in some its up over 60 percent and that is important. It has to be sustainable. Ive always been lets not pull the rug out from under people that have insurance now. Thats what obamacare did in a big way. A lot of people lost their insurance when obamacare came along and we dont want to repeat that and also you cant pull the rug out from under them either and you have to have a situation where that system is sustainable. Dont take insurance away from people that have it now and make sure the system we have is sustainable. When you look at the Medicaid Expansion some of it is medical inflation plus one or two depending on the population. We have to find a way to make that sustainable for the longterm. I would have hoped we could have kept the reform effort alive. We were not able to but i hope that we can as senator mccain has pushed for over and over get back to regular order and lets put it back in the committee to see if we can find a fix. Thank you. This doesnt seem to be an environment where compromise and regular order prevails easily. How do we get there from here . I dont think we have a choice. The challenges that face us big ones and the biggest by far is our looming debt and deficit. We have a debt of 20 trillion dollars and a deficit thats about 600 billion now and over the next decade well get back over a trillion dollars a year. That is not sustainable. Its simply not. At some point i fear the Financial Markets well wake up one morning and the markets will decide were not such a good bet and when that happens it takes decades generations to grow out of it chlt. Japan. Greece and others are finding out. I want to fix this kind of thing before we get there. You can only do that if you work across the aisle if you look at a good budget agreement that has put us on a more sustainable path with regard to Social Security or medicare or entitlement programs it happened when republicans and democrats sat down together and said lets share the Political Risk because when one Party Controls whether republicans or democrats that party will never take the chance because midterm elections are never more than two years away and so i think with this sorry trillion and the in ability to compromise it is in my view as a conservative pre vending us from achieving conservative ends. We have to get away from the notion that its a bad thing to work across the aisle. Its disheartening to be in that situation where youre attacked if you need a bipartisan solution for something. Its far more than a physical and economic issue but a world reputation issue and National Security issue and your work on the Foreign Relations committee youre seeing that now. You bet. With regard to our standing in the world and these challenges that we face and they are big. I mean north korea is most urgent and thats a big problem. I think that our allies need to know that we are there. That were steady that we are predictable. Thats what in my view a conservative is. Nothing else then a conservative is maybe boaring but at least predictable and sober in use of diplomacy and force and our allies need to do that and we need to recognized a ver theirs as well and we need to recognize them for what they look to achieve. Russia did try to intervene in our elections. Where they were successful or not well leave to it other but they certainly tried and we ought to want to know what they did. And ought to make sure it doesnt happen again here or in other countries as well but we have big challenges around the world on the security front trade front certainly with Nuclear Weapons and proliferation that we need to make sure that we lead as we have

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