Transcripts For CSPAN Russian Pres. Putin On Escalating War

Transcripts For CSPAN Russian Pres. Putin On Escalating War In Ukraine 20220922

[no audio] the world has united, to soldiers and officers, volunteers who fighting at the front line who are are inviting positions to our brothers and sisters, persons in the regions and other liberated territories, liberated from the regime. i'm going to speak about the necessary emergency steps to defend the sovereignty, security and integrity of russia. about the support of willingness and aspiration of power compared to define our own future and to counter the desire to reserve their supremacy and to suppress any sovereign and independent centers of development. to continue to blatantly enforce their will on other countries and peoples. to impose their pseudo-values on them. the goal of the west to weaken and to eventually destroy our country. they speak directly in 1991 they managed to divide the soviet union and now is the time to do the same to russia, which must -- that should collapse into many regions that will be at war with each other. these are the plans they have had for a long time they were promoting groups in caucus recruiting nato infrastructure close to our borders. for decades they were cultivating hatred to russia and ukraine, they are returning into anti-russia and turned ukrainian people into cannon fodder and pushed them to start the war against our country. they started this war in 2014. they were using armed forces against civilians and organized genocide and terror against the people who refused to recognize the power that came to power in ukraine as a result. and offered today's regime to publicly were -- refuse to issue donbass peacefully. and went so far as to announce its ambition to possess nuclear weapons. donbass is an inhabitable. it would have led to an assault on the russia crimea on the russian federation, that is why the decision of the preemptive military operation was the only possible stop. it's main goal is to liberate the entire territory of donbass, it is always been the main goal and priority for the people's republic, has been completely liberated from neo-nazis. there is still fighting in the donetsk people's republic. over the years, the regime has created structure and assaulting him directly would have resulted in heavy casualties, that is why our armed forces of the donbass republic are trying to save lives and military weapons and their moving step-by-step roger really liberating the territories and the cities and towns under the republics. there liberating people who would be kyiv region turns into human shields. as you know, we have conferences with the armed forces under there are volunteer units who fight the to shoulder with them, people of various age and professions, they follow the call of their heart to defend the people and territory of donbass. that is why i have instructed the military defense to determine the legal status of volunteers and fighters of the donetsk and luhansk people's republic. they should have the same legal status as people of the russian military including health care and social guarantees. special attention should be paid at two organizing supplies for the volunteer units with equipment and material to resolve the priority to restore donbass forces, using the plans of the ministry and general staff, they have liberated vast territories of the zaporizhzhia regions and a number of other territories. as a result there is a long line of contact that is over 1000 kilometers. here is what i want to say for the first time it publicly after the military operation including during the istanbul talks. we talked about security of russia and guaranteeing its interest but it was obvious that the west was not happy with the peaceful resolution. after the compromise was reached kyiv was directly instructed to undermine all of the agreements. more weapons were pumped into ukraine. the kyive regime used a new gangs of mercenaries and nationalists, they join the fight. at the same time reprisals of ukraine against their own citizens a strengthened. and it started right after -- terror, violence has been becoming more and more massive more and more barbaric. i would like to emphasize we are where the most people live. i'm talking about the historic lands of novorossiya. they do not want to be under the neo-nazi regime. in zaporizhzhia and kherson and luhansk and donetsk, they can see the atrocities that neo-nazis are perpetrating. they put them to treason, they retaliate against civilians in the regions. the hostilities -- before the hostilities, a 7.5 million people were living there, they had to leave their homes. i am talking about 59 people -- 5 million people have to live under constant shelling and rocket attacks against neo-nazi gangs. they are carrying out terrorist attacks against civilians. we have no right to leave people who are close to us to these tortures we have to listen to their call. they want to determine their own future and faith. the parliament of the republic and administration of the zaporizhzhia regions have -- made a decision about carrying out referendums of the future of these regions and they turned to us to support the decision. i emphasize we will do everything to provide safe conditions to hold the referendum so that they can express their will and make the decision about their future and the decision that will be made by the majority of their people from the don next -- donetsk republic. we will support these decisions. today today our armed forces, as i have said are acting along more than 1000 kilometer long front lines. they are fighting not just against nazi units but against the collective west war machine. in this situation the following steps have to be taken. it is completely adequate the threat we are facing. mainly to defend our motherland, sovereignty, integrity to defend safety of the people at the territories. we should suggest the proposal of the ministry of defense and general staff about starting partial mobilization in the russian federalization. we are talking about partial mobilization. only those citizens who are currently in the region, those who have certain experience in the army, who has necessary skills and competence, they will have additional military training before they will be sent, considering the experience of the specific military operation. it has been signed in accordance with the legislation. we will inform that at the assembly. mobilization will be launched today starting with september 21. i instructed the heads of the regions to give any possible support in these efforts. i would like to emphasize especially that the citizens of russia will be mobilized and will receive the status and all of the social guarantees in all of the payments that the soldiers who have contracts with the army have. the decree on the partial mobilization also stipulates a certain additional measures, some the state or military-industrial complex, because of these companies have the responsibly to increase the number of the military equipment to use additionally. all the financial support of the military should be resolved by the government immediately. dear friends, in their aggressive anti-russian policies, the west has crossed the line. your threats against our country, our people, certain air responsible politicians from the west, don't just talk about their plans to supply long-range assault weapons to ukraine systems, that would allow them to strike crimea another regions of russian -- russia. such are the attacks like the western weapons, also used against the belgorod and kursk regions. using the contemporary systems, nato is performing reconnaissance across the entire russian border. in washington, london, brussels, they pushed kyiv to move facility -- hostilities into our territories. they don't hide it when they say russia should be destroyed in the field of battle. and they should deprive us of any kind of sovereignty. they should rob our country of everything. they have started nuclear blackmail. i am not only talking about the attack on the zaporizhzhia power plant but i'm also talking about the statements of high-level representatives of the nato countries about the possibility of using weapons of mass destruction against russia. nuclear weapons. and those who make those statements against russia i would like to remind them that our country also possesses barriers, weapons and in some ways we have more modern weapons than they do. the integrity of our country, if it is threatened, we defend our country and our people, we will use all the means we have. i not bluffing. citizens of russia can be confident that we will have the integrity of our country with any means that we have in our possession and those who are trying to blackmail with nuclear weapons i would like to remind them that the wind it blow towards them as well. the destiny of our people, is to stop those -- it's to stop those who want to dominate the world who want to enslave our homeland, our fatherland, and we will do that now as well. that is how it will happen. i trust in your support. >> president biden called on the united nations to hold russia accountable for alleged war crimes in ukraine. while speaking at the u.n. at general assembly in new york city. his remarks came shortly after russian president vladimir putin ordered a partial mobilization of additional russian forces and made threats against those who would challenge russia's territorial integrity. n. >> mr. president, mr. secretary-general, my fellow leaders. president biden: in the last year our world has experienced great upheaval. a growing crisis and food insecurity. record heat, floods, and droughts. >> inflation, and

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