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Falling into the wrong hands, so that what happened in orlando can never happen again. [applause] sec. Clinton now, some of you know chad griffin, and others know this issue really is important to me. I have traveled to 112 countries as your secretary of state. I saw how countries around the world treated lesbians, gay, bisexual and transgender people. And i believe with all my heart, america has to lead by example. I want lgbt people in every corner of our country, because dont forget you have moved far away from a lot of the places where people are still scared to death. Right . [applause] sec. Clinton and we are going to elevate this issue. We are going to talk about it. We are going to reach out. So when you vote in this election it is not just my name on the ballot, it is your future. It is who we are as a country. It is every issue we care about. And make no mistake, lgbt rights are at stake. Dignity and respect for every american is at stake. The future of our economy is at stake. I believe when the middle class thrives, america thrives. We will make america the Clean Energy Superpower of the 21st century. [applause] sec. Clinton and if were serious about supporting the middle class, we will be supporting families. You know, the other day i was in pittsburgh. There was a woman there with her young child. We got some folks from pittsburgh. [laughter] sec. Clinton she was shaking tim kaines hand. And she said to him, i came here hoping i could tell you secretary clinton i had my baby three years ago and the next day i was fired. It has been a difficult pregnancy. I called to ask if i could take a little time to recover in the answer was no, dont come back at all. Nobody, no parent should ever have to make that kind of choice. But that is also true when we talk about paid family leave. Caring for a spouse or a partner, caring for an elderly relative. I want us to recognize the way we live today. It is no longer the 1950s. We need to support people who are part of committed relationships, of families, of marriages, and give everybody the support you need to actually do what is the most important thing in life. And that is caring for each other. We are going to do everything we can to catch up to the rest of the world. Affordable childcare, paid family leave, earned sick days, jobs with rising income. Were going to raise the National Minimum wage. No one who works fulltime should have to raise a family in poverty. And yes, we will guarantee equal pay for womens work. [applause] sec. Clinton we are going to make sure we not only grow the economy, but make it fairer. I have to tell you, that is such a stark contrast with trump. He believes if you give the biggest tax cut to the wealthy, thats trillions of dollars going to the top that will somehow trickle down. It has not worked. It will not work. I believe we could grow the economy from the middle out in the bottom up. And that is exactly what we are going to do. So my friends, we have got a guy who will not pay his income tax i mean i got to just say. [laughter] sec. Clinton when we learned in the debate he lost 1 billion, and that meant that he did not pay income tax for 20 years, he said that was smart. And i thought to myself, how smart the you have to be to lose 1 billion . [applause] sec. Clinton right . Seriously. And what kind of genius are you to lose 1 billion for running casinos . [laughter] sec. Clinton but it is serious because it means he has paid zero zero for the military, debt, health care, pell grants, our universities, our colleges, our highways. This is trump to a t. The stories i told you about him showing up and acting like he has done something, well, he shows up and criticizes our country. He shows up and discriminates against africanamericans. When he was the nine them he was denying them the right to rent apartments. He chose to make his products in other countries, not america. He has built a career on stiffing Small Businesses. I think that personally. My dad was a Small Business owner. Im sure glad he never got a contract from donald trump. So my friends, we have got work to do. Lets get to that work. We have got to make sure we get everybody out to vote. I want you to be able to say on november 9, you voted for a Better Future, you voted for a better america. [applause] sec. Clinton and look how easy it is. It is so easy, wilson manor, city hall is just a half a mile down the street from where we are. [applause] sec. Clinton and if you are registered in Broward County you can go to any early vote location and the county from 7 00 a. M. To 7 00 p. M. All week. And if you have been mailed your ballot, make sure you fill it out and mail it back today. You can go to iwillvote. Com to confirm your polling place. Make sure you have a plan to vote. But also, help us these last nine days. Every phone call you make, every door you knock on will make a difference. Go to hillaryclinton. Com. Sign up to volunteer. Take out your vote take out your phone and text join to 47246. I do when anyone waking up on wednesday morning and seeing the results and getting depressed. I am against depression. We dont want that to happen in this election, right . I dont want people to be sad because they did not do their part. We cant let that happen. I have to ask you, if you know anybody who is thinking about voting for trump, you have got to stage an intervention. [applause] sec. Clinton do everything you can to try to convince that person that they surely care about something that donald trump is on the wrong side of. Because i guarantee you they do. Because after all, friends dont let friends vote for trump. Right . [applause] sec. Clinton i am so grateful to all of you. How many of you have already voted . [applause] sec. Clinton ok. So now, how many of you will help us get somebody else to vote . [applause] sec. Clinton that is what is going to make the difference. Change is coming. Lets make sure its the right kind of change. The choice is yours. We are going to do everything we can to build a stronger, better, fairer america, coming together, healing the divides among us. And we will prove once and for all that love trumps hate. Thank you [applause] [ rise up by andra day ] trump speaks with supporters in las vegas. [ god bless the usa by Lee Greenwood ] mr. Trump thank you, everybody. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump thank you very much. This is a record crowd. I want to thank the great owner of this hotel and his incredible wife. She is an incredible woman. Sheldon adleson. Really incredible people. They have been so supportive and we appreciate it, we appreciate it very much. Phil, one of our great supporters here tonight. Phil, we love phil. And we are doing great in the polls, were winning Many National polls. We are ahead in many states. Including your great state, and North Carolina and ohio and florida and iowa and so many others. And just so you know, these polls came out yesterday and today. This was before the blowup on friday. These polls are from before the blowup. We will see. We are on the cusp of a really incredible, historic change the transfers power from a failed political establishment, and return that power to our families, communities, and citizens. In nine days, we are going to win the state of nevada. Nevada. [applause] mr. Trump the state of nevada, right . I dont know if you know, but everybody in new york says it the other way. I did that once and i will never do it again, believe me. But we are going to win the state of nevada and we going to win back the white house. Early voting is underway, so make sure you get to the polls. Who has voted . [applause] mr. Trump that is like 50 . If anybody wants to leave right now, go ahead, i will not be insulted. Theres plenty of people outside want to take your place, ok . No, make sure you vote because otherwise this Incredible Movement that we have created together, we wont get there and that will be very, very bad for all the us. It will be bad for the country. A Trump Administration will immediately repeal and replace obamacare. [applause] mr. Trump it has just been announced that the citizens of nevada will experience a massive i do not want to tell you the number. I wont because you will walk out of here depressed. Doubledigit hike in their obamacare premiums for the year. [crowd booing] mr. Trump 10 of nevadas 16 counties will have only obamacare and think of it you will only have one insurer to choose from. They are in a very good position to negotiate with you, arent they . Not with trump. We will get rid of it and have health care that is so good and so much less expensive. Because obamacare, forgetting about the ridiculous cost, it is no good, it does not work. Your deductibles are so high, you will never use it. Obamacare is a catastrophe for your state. In minnesota, with a premium increase will be close to 60 , the democratic governor has said the Affordable Care act is no longer affordable. Hillary clinton wants to double down on obamacare, making it even more expensive. In fact, much more expensive. My contract with the American Voter outlines a plan to repeal and replace obamacare. [applause] mr. Trump and im asking for your vote so we can Save Health Care for every family in your state and in this country. Real change also means getting rid of the corruption in washington. You have been seeing a little corruption, right . The system is rigged. It is rigged. A little corruption you have been watching. As you heard, it was Just Announced on friday that the fbi is reopening their investigation into the criminal and illegal conduct of Hillary Clinton. [applause] mr. Trump hillary has nobody but herself to blame for her mounting legal problems. Her criminal action was willful, deliberate, intentional, and purposeful. Hillary set up an illegal server with the obvious purpose of shielding her criminal conduct from Public Disclosure and exposure. She set up this server knowing fullwell that her actions put our National Security at risk and put the safety and security of your children at risk. To cover up her crimes, she bleached and deleted 33,000 emails after receiving a congressional subpoena. After, after, after, after she gets a subpoena, and she deletes and bleaches and nobody even ever heard of bleaching. Did anybody ever hear of bleaching . You know, it is such an expensive process. It makes them go away. But i have a feeling they just found a lot of them, dont you think . Huma, they just found a lot of them. We never thought we were going to say thank you to anthony weiner. [applause] mr. Trump she made 13 phones disappear, some with a hammer. She lied to congress under oath. She lied to the fbi many times. And then two boxes of email evidence just recently went mysteriously missing. Then you have the Wikileaks Revelations which have exposed criminal corruption at the highest levels of our government. Hillary put the office of secretary stay up for sale. And if she ever did get the chance which we are not going to let her have she will put the oval office up for sale also, you have no doubt about that. Yet now it is reported that the department of justice is fighting the fbi. That is because the department of justice is trying so hard to protect Hillary Clinton. [crowd booing] mr. Trump they did not try to protect our generals, they did not try to project a lot of other people. How can the attorney general the involved in this case or tell the fbi what to do, when the attorney general violated sanctity of law by secretly meeting with bill clinton, the husband of the possible target of the investigation and a possible target himself, in an airplane on the tarmac in arizona. [crowd booing] mr. Trump remember, he was going to play golf, remember . But he just happened to be at the airport hanging around and the attorney generals plane drove by and he said oh, yes, lets say hello. Lets say hello. It was a chance meeting, they said, right . The meeting lasted 39 minutes and they supposedly talked about golf and grandchildren. So, i give two minutes to golf, five minutes to grandchildren. But what they probably really talked about is the attorney generals reemployment should Hillary Clinton become president , which i do not think is gonna happen. Because of his highly appropriate meeting at best, the attorney general took herself essentially out of the case and put director comey in charge of making decisions. You saw that. Decisionmaking process. So why she now allowed to fight so hard to get someone who is so obviously guilty on so many different fronts off the hook . In fact, it was publicly reported that sources close to Hillary Clinton said and she actually said it to the papers, that she was thinking of reappointing attorney general lynch [crowd booing] mr. Trump she was thinking she said it. It was a statement she made. Effectively i guess you would call that a bribe. How can she say they are going to make a decision about her and you are talking about you are going to reappoint . She said it publicly, i believe. When i heard it, i found it a little hard to believe she would say that. This is what we mean when we say the system is rigged. It is rigged. What makes us exceptional is that we are a nation of laws and that we are all equal under those laws. Hillarys corruption shreds the principles on which our nations found it. When a powerful can get away with anything because they have the money and connections to rig the system, then the people lose hope and confidence in the future of their country. Corruption is corrosive to the soul of a democracy and it must be stopped. And we are going to stop it. [cheering and applause] mr. Trump because we have one ultimate check on hillarys corruption, and that is the power of the vote. The power of the vote. The only way to beat the corruption is to show up and vote by the tens of millions, including millions of people voting for the first time in their lives. There was a great guy on television that i have to tell you about. His name was sitting sid miller from texas. They know sid miller. We create yet another star. He was on this morning, he was on fox. A lot of you saw. He said you know, these new yorkers have it all wrong. You have it all wrong. He is from texas, wearing a big white hat. Smart guy. He said in texas, i kept reading that we are even. I said wow, i dont think so, because i see the enthusiasm, but he said i have got to tell you, we have more people voting now that we have ever had, ever had in an election. They are all coming from all over. They are people we have never seen before and they have never voted before, they have not voted for 20 years, and they are all voting for trump. And when they say and he said when i listen to these guys, talking, and i know every one of them. I tell you what, these are the most dishonest human beings right back there. [crowd booing] mr. Trump for instance, when we tell them to turn the cameras to show this incredible record crowd record for this ballroom. This is the record for the ballroom, sheldon told me that himself. [applause] mr. Trump record. They dont show it. You are wasting your time. They dont show it. Because they are dishonest. Because they do not want to show the crowds we get. The biggest ever in the history of the country. There has never been a Movement Like this and they do not want to show it. We are going to go into it in a couple of seconds. But they are very dishonest. The media is very, very dishonest. Show the crowd. Why dont you show the crowd . Turn the cameras. [crowd booing] mr. Trump a couple of them get up. Donald trump spoke today before a small crowd. It is disgusting. The other day, a man got up and we had 17,000 people. He said, donald trump spoke in front of a few thousand people. Few to me means three. That is the way i grew up. When i hear a few thousand people that sort of means to me like three. Anyway, very dishonest people. But sid miller said we have never had anything like this. It is 50 higher than it has ever been before in texas. [applause] mr. Trump and he said were going to win. He said is going to win by massive numbers, greater than anyone has ever seen. And he said, so i dont know what you people are talking about on television where they are saying the vote in texas will be very close. He said i dont know what you people are talking about. You must be talking about a different texas than the one im talking about. We love the people of texas and you know what else . The same thing is happening in florida. The same thing is happening in North Carolina. It is happening all over. Because people are sick and tired of stupidity and deals. Look at iran, look at the iran deal. They are sick and tired of the iran deal. They do not want to be giving iran 1. 7 billion in cash. [crowd booing] mr. Trump it would be from here up to the ceiling. They do not want to remember three weeks ago, they had 800 people they were ready to deport. You saw this . They had them. Anybody who gets deported from the country, believe me, they have to be tough. They have 800. A little mistake. Instead of deporting them, they all became United States citizens. [crowd booing] mr. Trump and i tell you, that is not the worst of it. It was not 800 people. It was 1800 people, ok . Congratulations. You have some new citizens of the country. They said that is ok, fix the problem, fix it. They said, that would not be constitutional. Give me a break. All right. So we are stuck. 1. 7 billion in cash to iran. Can you believe can you imagine their eyes when they saw that money brought in by truck . That is a lot of money. 1. 7 billion in cash. Then what do they do . They humiliate those sailors lives. Humiliate those people. Instead of saying, you are in our waters and you have got to come over little bit, they humiliate the sailors and the country and they would have kept them. Except their 150 billion payment started the next day. Ok . Stupid, they are not. And people are tired of it. They are sick and tired of it. I was on the other side for a long time, folks. I understand that side very well. But i love this country. I love the people of this country. And we are going to change it. Were going to change it. Were going to do it right. So go out and vote with all your heart and soul, and we will make America Great again. That i can tell you. Restoring honesty to our government and the rule of law to our society will be one of my truly highest priorities. And we have a lot. We have to rebuild our military, create borders, we have to do so much. But that will be right up there. My contract with the American Voter begins with a plan to end government corruption. [applause] mr. Trump i want the entire corrupt washington establishment to hear and heed the word we all have to say. When we win on november 8, we are going to washington, d. C. , and we are going to drain the swamp. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump i told people the other day, drain the swamp, i do not love that expression. So hokey. I thought it was hokey. And all of a sudden, i said, ugh, it does not work. I said it two weeks ago to a big crowd. I said it, and the place went crazy. I said it a second time, and the place went crazier. Then like you, they started saying it before i said it. I decided, i love that expression. It is great. [applause] crazy. [chanting drain the swamp] mr. Trump thank you. You know, a man who loved las vegas was frank sinatra. We love frank sinatra. He was great. When he originally heard and sang for the first time my way how do we like my way . He did not like it. He sang it a couple times and it went to number one, and then he loved it. That is the way it works. At the corner of my contract is my plan to bring back our jobs, right . Right now, 70 million american women and children live in poverty or the brink of property. 43 of africanamerican School Age Children are living in poverty. 34 of hispanic schoolage children live in poverty. This is unacceptable in our country. It is unacceptable in america. As your president , i will go into the poorest communities and work on a National Plan for revitalization. We will break decades of failure and prove that real change is possible if we safely cut our simply cut our ties with the failed politicians and politics of the past. America has lost 1 3 of its manufacturing jobs since bill clinton signed nafta. And hillary loved it. America, and this is something that, every time i say it, it sounds a crazy. I thought it was a typo. I thought it was 700 factories or 7000, maybe. America has lost 70,000 factories since china entered the wto, another hillary and billbacked deal. We are living through the greatest job theft in the history of our world. What has happened to our jobs . The greatest job theft, all because our politicians are incompetent or they have gotten so much Campaign Contributions or other things. And the special interests, special interests like what is happening. You go to michigan. You go to new england. You look at areas around here. You look at what has happened. It is a one lane highway into mexico, no way out. They get the jobs. They get the money. They get the plants. I tell the story of my friend who builds plants. B is the biggest in the world. He builds plants. That is what he does. That is all he wants to do. If you wanted to build an apartment, he would not know how to go about it. Builds the biggest in the world. I said, how is business . He said unbelievable. Where . In the United States . Not at all. Mexico. It is the seventh wonder of the world. We have to change things, folks. A tough administration will stop the horrible, horrible, horrible transpacific partnership. We will renegotiate nafta, and we will stand up to chinas currency manipulation. I have a great relationship with china, but their currency manipulation, what they do to our country is unbelievable. We have a trade deficit with china almost 500 billion a year. We owe china 1. 5 trillion. They take our jobs, make a fortune, and we owe them 1. 5 trillion. Good act. I have great relations with china, i have made them that i have made a lot of money with china. The biggest bank in the world is a tenant of mine, from china. Biggest bank of the world by far. The condos, i own the bank of america building in san francisco. Got it through china with a certain very complicated route. We will lower taxes on american businesses from 35 to 15 . Were going to cut taxes for middleclass families by hundreds of billions of dollars a year. And my infrastructure plan will provide help for projects like the proposed interstate 11 here in your state. We will become a rich nation again. We will become a rich country. We have to be a rich country in order to do what we have to do. A woman came up to me recently and said, mr. Trump, it sounds so crass when you say we are going to become a rich nation. I say, we had no choice. We need social security, medicare. We need to rebuild our military. We need all this stuff. Make sure she is ok. Some of these people have been here for eight hours. That is ok. You take your time. Take your time. Take your time. Maybe we can open that gate up. We have to. We should. Yay. Look at her. Are you ok . She is tougher than all of us, folks. She has been here for eight hours. If you need to, come right through here. We have strong people. Did you see where the Democratic National committee did you see this . They were paying you know the rallies where we used to have these fights . I do not understand it. Who is fighting . There is so much love in these rooms. There is no better place to be than a trump rally. I said, what is going on . We had one in chicago with the police we love our police, by the way. A couple of them had gashes in their heads. I said whats going on, this doesnt make sense. It came out through wikileaks that we had thugs that should be put in jail. They attacked policemen. They were paying thugs, Hillary Clinton was paying thugs 1500 each plus an iphone, and they were paying thugs to disturb our rallies and get into fights. That was on a tape made by a talented young man. I will tell you this very talented guy. They got him on tape bragging about how they did it. Everyone blamed me, and they blamed us. Let me tell you, it is a disgrace. Such a disgrace. Lots of other things happened. They take care of people, and then bad things. We dont fall for it. To be a rich country, we must be a safe country. We will support local police and federal Law Enforcement in an effort to aggressively reduce surging crime. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump so far this year in las vegas, homicides have increased 27 over last year. By the way, people dont know this. This Dishonest Media will never say it. Murder rates are up. Murder is up. Think of it. Do you know what it is . In 45 years, in 45 years, right now, the rates are the highest they have been in 45 years. And they dont want to talk about it. They dont want to talk about it. You know what you do . Open the gate. Let her out here. So much easier. Fellas, fellas, open the gates. Use your heads. Let her out right here. Thank you, darling. If you feel better, come back. Will we take her back . Yes. We love her. Thank you. Latinos for trump. I love it. Give me that sign. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump i love this stuff. [chanting trump] mr. Trump where are you from . My mother is from mexico. My mother is from mexico. She came here legally. Mr. Trump from mexico. Say hello. I am a latina for trump, and im proud to vote for mr. Trump, because he is for law and order, because he is for law and order, and he wants things to be right. You have to coming to this desk, in to this country legally. You cannot just come in here. [cheers and applause] you cannot just come in here. Having illegal people costs 113 billion a year to support them. That money should be for americans, for veterans. Mr. Trump, i learned this from you. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump thank you. So nice. She is better than me. I never did it that well. Boy, that is so great. We are going to do so well with the latinos. We are going to do so well because we want security. We want safety. We do not want people here. So many people are living here legally. They do not want their jobs taken away. I appreciate that. That was really nice. We will keep our nation safe. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you very much. We are going to keep our nation safe from a thing called terrorism. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump Hillary Clinton wants to increase Syrian Refugees pouring in to our country by 550 . That is over obamas numbers. That is over the thousands and thousands already coming in. When i am elected president , we will suspend the syrian refugee program. We have no choice. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump and we will keep radical islamic terrorism the hell out of our country. Believe me. We are also going to work to build safe havens over there, and we are going to get the gulf states to pay for it. We dont have to pay for it. They have plenty of money. They will pay for it. We have to help people, but we cannot do this anymore, folks. We have problems. We do not need to be the great, modern day trojan horse. Not going to be us. A Trump Administration will secure and defend the borders of the United States. And yes, we will build a wall. [cheers and applause] [chanting build the wall] mr. Trump sheldon, you have a great, great hotel. But i tell you, we could have made this ballroom a little larger maybe. This is some great space. We also have the legendary phil ruffin of las vegas. Where is phil . Get him over here, please. He employs thousands of people and he is a great guy. Hillary has pledged open borders and supports sanctuary cities. Countless americans are killed by Illegal Immigrants because our government refuses to do its job. Right here in your state, 20 yearold brian corsi was shot and paralyzed by an illegal immigrant. He fought for his life in the hospital for 17 days. Ultimately, he died. Brian was a basketball star loved by everybody with dreams of becoming a firefighter. On mothers day in 2009, carson city, beautiful person, just an incredible person, renee angulo was out driving looking for a , job when he were shot in the head and murdered by a previously deported illegal immigrant gang member. Everyone said, we must get him out of our country, incarcerate him. We must do something. This guy was brutal. Renee was pulled from his vehicle and left to die by the side of the road. A Good Samaritan who thought there had been a car accident stopped to help, and he was also shot. The illegal immigrant killer had a previous conviction as accessory to murder in carson city. He had a record as long as your arm. But the Obama Administration did not want to put him out. Josh wilkerson, whose mother i have gotten to know during this campaign, was murdered at the age of 17. Josh was a student at a high school. He was tortured, strangled, and beaten to death by an illegal immigrant. Then his body was set on fire. There are so many of these stories. When i become president , this crime wave will end, and it will end very, very quickly. We will end illegal immigration. We will deport all criminal Illegal Immigrants. You have a lot of people who are walking around. The great thing, our local police, they know who they are. They know them better than their own family. We will get them out. When hillary brought them out, they would bring the back to the country, and the country would not take them. They would release them into our society. She would always let them come back. She did not want to make waves. That will not happen once with me. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we will also so important. By the way, the Border Patrol agents of this country and ice, they have never endorsed a candidate for president before. Both groups, every one of them, endorsed donald trump. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we will also repeal the obama defense sequester and rebuild our badly depleted military. We have the greatest people in the world, but we need help. We have the endorsements of over 200 admirals and generals and 22 medal of honor recipients. I want to thank general flynn for being here. Great guy. Great man. The air force is the smallest and oldest in its history, and my plan calls for building new fighter jets. You know what this is . Nellis air force base. Youre going to have nice, new planes. Did you ever see where our fighter jets are so old, we cannot get parts for them anymore . We cannot get parts. That is going to change. The enemy has better planes than us. They buy them from us, or they take them. We need a new Foreign Policy that puts America First again. America first. Hillary and her failed washington establishment have spent 6 trillion on wars in the middle east. It is in worse shape. Think of it. All that money, all those lives, and it is in worse shape than it has ever been by a factor of 10. The have dragged us into foreign wars, made us less safe, and these are wars we do not win. We do not win in anything. We do not win in trade, wars. They have left the borders wide open at home. They have shipped our jobs and wealth to other countries. To all americans, i say it is now time for real leadership. We are going to have real leadership. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump so sad. So sad. Thank you. [chanting trump] mr. Trump in closing, think about what we can accomplish in the first 100 days of a Trump Administration. We are going to have the biggest tax cut since ronald reagan. We will eliminate every unnecessary job killing regulation. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump we will cancel every illegal obama executive order. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump by the way, Hillary Clinton, in case you dont know, she wants to raise your taxes substantially. We are lowering your taxes. She wants to raise your taxes substantially. We are going to rebuild our military and take care of our great veterans. Our veterans are going to be taken proper care of for once and for all. We will reduce surging crime and support the incredible men and support the incredible men and women of Law Enforcement. We are going to provide School Choice and put an end to common core so we can bring our education local. We will save the second amendment, which is under siege. The nraendorsed trump. And we will appoint justices to the United States Supreme Court who will uphold and defend the constitution of the United States. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump americans are tired of being told by politicians that they have to defer their dreams to another day, but they really mean defer their dreams to another decade. You know that, i know that, and they know that. Hillary has been there for 30 years and has accomplished nothing. She has just made things worse. Shes the candidate of yesterday. We are the movement of the future. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump speaking of the future, heres mr. Phil ruffin, one of the great people of las vegas, i will tell you. One of the great, great people. How many people do you employ in las vegas . He employs 4000 people. That is pretty good, right . I am a little disappointed. I thought it was more. Our movement represents all americans from all backgrounds and from all walks of life. We are asking for the votes of republicans, democrats, independents, and firsttime voters. Theres going to be a lot of them. We are fighting for every citizen who believes that government should serve the people, not the donors and the special interests. We are fighting to unlock the potential of every American Community and every American Family who hope and pray and yearn for a Better Future for their children. Washington, d. C. , wants to think small. I am asking you to dream big again. Dream big again. [cheers and applause] mr. Trump with your vote, we are just nine days from the change you have been waiting for your entire life. Think of it. Think of it, nine days. You are going to remember this day and remember when you cast your vote. And you are going to say that this was a very important day. But youre going to say the vote you cast was the most important vote you have ever cast, because our country will start winning again. You are going to be proud of your country again. And hopefully, you will be proud of your president. But you are going to be proud of your country. Together, we will make america wealthy again. We will make america a strong again. We will make america safe again. And we will make America Great again. Thank you very much, everybody. Get out and vote. God bless you. Thank you. Tomorrow, cspans road to the white house coverage continues when donald trump speak that a Campaign Rally in grand rapids, michigan that is live at noon eastern. Then live at 6 15 eastern, Hillary Clinton live at a Campaign Event in season in cincinnati, ohio. Watch them both on cspan. Monday night on the communicators, president and senior fellow of the Technology Policy institute, and the Senior Vice President of public knowledge, talk about their proposedviews on the at t time warner merger, and what that merger would mean for telecommunications. One of the things that was mentioned was how at t will treat time warner relative to other content. That is the potential way that this kind of vertical merger could be at a competitive anticompetitive. That is going to be probably the Biggest Issue that the Justice Department will want to look at. At t as your provider can see what you get for breakfast out of your smart refrigerator, when you go to work in the morning, when you walking by a mcdonalds on the way to work, and can combine that with its content tot it would get from this essentially dissect every element of your life. Watch the communicators monday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan two. Now the 2016 president ial campaign, with columnist and author and colder. Joining us from new york nine days for the election is author and columnist ann coulter. Thank you for being here on sees and. Lets talk about the story everybody has been talking about. When you heard the news on friday about the f the out the fbi taking a look at more emails what was your reaction . Iest at first

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