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Agreement this year. We need a creative and pragmatic approach to resolve any outstanding issues. The europeans have a lot on their plate. The brexit vote, the migrant crisis. We sympathize with them and hope they can summon the political will to get this done. Ende is more at stake the ever before, given the questions being raised about the nature and future of the european union. The bold action necessary to promote the growth in jobs . Create the future opportunities young people in to thrive . Need will they be able to play a leadership role . It is very much in the interest of the United States that we have the strongest possible europe as a partners. Outwardly facing, capable of working together to share our interest. True and the economic arena, true across transnational matters. Turbulence is unavoidable. The question is, how do we manage it. There is a great deal at stake. Over the years, there has been no more responsible voice than the committee. I look forward to working with you during this important time. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you mike, for making a positive case for the Transpacific Partnership as well in europe. I have a couple questions for over tore you turn it the audience. There is confusion with some of the statements that president obama made when he was trying to help Prime Minister cameron get the remain option of adopted by the british people. He talked about being at the u. K. Being at the end of the line with the discussions with and he was very positive about the special relationship with the eu. Do you see it as a possibility you could negotiate with the eu and u. K. At the same time or does one need to come before the other or does it have to be worked out based on what happens over the coming weeks and months . At you probably answered the question yourself. Our focus is these platform agreements which are intended to be open to other parties who are able to meet these standards. Where our focus is and there is a lot to be worked out the two in the coming weeks and months. Think, moving on to asia and the Transpacific Partnership, so much progress by yuri made equivalents in asia over the last year. Problems a lot of people see and i was in the eu recently with some of the chief when they seen the statements of the major candidates, Hillary Clinton who at 1. I sat next to her when she made a comment a few years ago that this was sort of the golden ats say possibility for trade agreement, tpp. She has come out against it, Bernie Sanders very much, and obviously donald trump. How do you see that affecting becauseressional vote, it is one things for candidates to Say Something when they are running for office for an , president ial election, but it is another the impact they will have on Congress Going forward when this vote takes place. Michael i am spending a lot of my time on capitol hill meeting with members of congress and the good news is that fundamentally members of congress are focused on what the impact of the constituentstheir and key stakeholders, with the impact will be of the agreement keyhose constituents and stakeholders. As we walk through what is in there, there is a very good reception on their behalf for what they see there. It goes to the issue of timing as well. I will give you an example. A story has a Free Trade Agreement already. So if australia exports expand based on lower tariff, as a result our market share is the longer we wait to approve tpp, the wider the differential will be and the more we will lose market share. Already we are losing over 125 money dollars of exports each year and that will grow in time. Areas, those who have producers in their district, if you hear that, understand that, it they hear that most importantly and it focuses their attention on how we are going to get this done and when. You can multiply that by dozens of sect ors and countries. We are Building Support there, answering questions, working with congressional leadership. But the and of the day, they are confident the votes will be there but weve got to get it done they share. Host the final question i have a end we will turn it over to the audience, their is a lot of support for in investment treaty with china. How do you see that fitting in this possibility and you are just in china and i know you are talking with the chinese about the hold tpp effort. Michael it is on a parallel track. We have had negotiations for a number of years and really for the last three years in earnest as they began to negotiate on what they begin to negotiate on that we called a negative list. All stages in the process, those negotiations are continuing. I was in china recently and had conversations with the leadership there then. The chinese have been here since aunt they have given us a new version of their art negative list which we are evaluating. There has got to be a High Standard agreement. That means it has to effectively open up chinas economy and movement from a world in which everything is prohibited and regulated in it is explicitly hasoved to wanted everything approved unless it is regulated. That needs to be a quite short list. You also have to deal with issues that have come up in particular environment that ,hina presents for investment issues our investors have had their over the years. We have to deal with that as well in this agreement. Host do think theyre going to wait around to see what happens with tpp before they get serious . All indications from the president on down as they are taking the process seriously. They are putting a lot of effort in an and i think they would like to get it done. I would like to do is go to the audience. I would like to invite participation before mike has to leave. Can we have a microphone upfront first . Right there. Robert with international investor. I like simple questions. Mine is, is the purpose of the trade agreement to stimulate exports more than imports . Would you expect to see the ratio of our exports rise versus the imports that come to our nation if these are passed . The halls in the imf are filled with economists much better than i aspire to be. Most would say a lot of factors go into trade balances and current trade balances for relative growth rates. So it is hard to pinpoint and particular the impact of a trade agreement on a particular balance. What i would say is, since our average applied tariff is 1. 4 and i will give you two examples. We face 70 tariffs on automobiles and tpp countries. 70 5 machinery. On pork. Up to 100 on certain agricultural products. All of which could be eliminated or greatly reduced and we would expect to see more exports. We would lower our barriers very little. Other countries would lower there is in a much more significant way and at the same time, raise standards. Host in the back there. Murray. Questions. Quick one is in the light of the Bretton Woods conversation, the plural lateral agreement seems to be in contradiction to the whole philosophy of the wto organization whereas by avoiding or not using the wto forum. The second question is concern about the state dispute resolution mechanism in which a somehow has two if somehow the expected profits are not made. Can you speak to those two topics . Michael first to multilateralism, we continue to believe Multi Lateral trade is the highest form. At the wto, for a whole series has reached a deadlock. That is why two and a half years ago in nairobi it and in december, the wto moved forward with the first case of multilateral trade facilitation agreements. In nairobi, an agreement on export subsidies. Also a recognition there was no theer a consensus that mandate should continue as is and that we should be focusing on creative ways of dealing with outstanding issues but also new issues facing the multilateral trading system whether it is ecommerce or smallmediumsized businesses. The http nt tip, we will have free trade for two thirds of the Global Economy. Otheren is also with countries. When you have two thirds of the Global Economy getting there around a certain set of rules in to open markets and sign up to higher standards, it gives momentum to the multilateral process as well. To see those roles multilateral highest. Right now is probably the most open, honest, frank discussion in 15 years,he wto where the ministers into ambassadors in geneva are talking about what is it we can get done multilaterally, what can we do multilaterally that be able to go plural multilaterally. And when circumstances are right, you can also multilateral i said. Tpp, 30 years what minute background. There are 3200 agreements in the world. The u. S. Is party to 51 of them. We have been working in our subsequent agreements to reform the process by raising up,dards, tightening them adding procedural and substantive safeguards and closing loopholes where we found them in other countries agreements. One of those issues that you mentioned, and makes clear the issue you cannot sell on the basis of disappointed expectations with regards to process. That alone is not a basis for a suit. Reformsone of two dozen in the agreement that helps make sure i see as is being used for what it was intended to be used for. When government comes in and experience property, for example. And not being used in ways was not intended for. Yes, back there . Yes . Thank you. Steve with deacon policy advisors. Mr. Ambassador, in the runup to the recent u. S. China strategic dialogue, there were reports of issues that would be on the table. One of them included the ongoing solar panel dispute and resulting proposal content if from china. However, in the fact sheet that came out, there was an absence is on steel and some of the other issues but there is not a mention of the solar issue. I was wondering if you could give us a status report on where that is. Thank you. Michael we discussed it when i was there. The minister and i, our teams have continued to discuss that issue. It is a longstanding outstanding dispute, something we would like to try to find a way of settling and our will take place in shanghai with minister gao in a couple weeks. Questions back here and then one in the front. Hello. Can bid lower. Accident netanyahu is going to ottawa for the summit. Canada has not taken a position on the tpp. It is the only of countries who have not stated whether it intends to ratify or not. Do you think it would be helpful join with mexico and the United States . Would it help with the ratification process in the United States . Do you think it is likely . Was negotiated under the Previous Administration in canada in need to know administration came in they made it clear they wanted to go through a robust consultation process around the country, different sectors and parts of the country, to make are they had the input of wide range of stakeholders before moving forward with tpp. And that is the process they are undergoing. We respect that decision. We respect that process and i do not think it has the significant process in the United States. I am looking at this from a different perspective. My name is martin. I am a scientist representing a large number of scientists. When we look at these kind of things, we would say at some point if you have a whole bunch of people who agree on something andone whose does is not you want to make a decision that the people who agree can do something in the one who does not agree what have the choice of joining or going out and negotiating a better do by themselves, would that be a feasible option . Michael are you referring to the wto . Tpp. Michael in canada . No. Procedures have negotiated for that. If at the end of the day, not all countries and all of the tpp countries are going through domestic approval processes. Some are further along in terms of ratifying it. All of them are engaged in the process now. If all 12 countries are not ready to approve and and putting it together, there are provisions for a subset of countries, six countries representing 85 of the gdp by the tpp countries to go ahead and bring it to force. That effectively means the United States and japan need to be part of the group that rings and into force but we have to for all of the countries. We have to wait for all of the countries if some of them are going more slowly. China. S go back to you mentioned the challenges it faces. The first speaker this morning that did not accept this changes is inevitable. Is going onat what with the tightening of domestic dissent and what is going on in the south china sea, those look like changes in town and they do not look positive. Have you seen the same kind of thing happening around theyd or do those continue to much the lastas they were the couple years . Michael i think we see mixed data points. Bill isositive side, as they are quite serious about bilateral investments. There is a lot of seniorlevel attention being paid to it to parts of thent government and economy in and try to pass forward there. They seem to genuinely want to use it as a way to drive reform and parts of the economy. Whether or not we get to the high point remains to be seen but i think they are serious about putting effort into the process. If you go back and look at forward leaning statements about reform. You look at statements about as so we reforms from a few years ago and it has been less than the degree to which those have been fully followed up on and implemented. I think the record is rather mixed. John negroponte. Hello, ambassador. On the subject of china, i was out there at the same time as you were. I was involved in some of the track to discussions and i once conducted the Political Part of the political and economic dialogue. To me, at least in the security spear, and probably in the economic comic it seems axiomatic that Going Forward in the next decade, not just tomorrow, that the more we can work with china to accomplish global objectives the more likely we are to be successful and the converse of that proposition is that if we are in serious disagreement on particular questions than it is going to be hard to get things done on a global scale. I am thinking of the example of the climate agreement we reached i laterally and accomplished and paris. In adopting an inlusive approach to china thinking about the future of the system . Conomic into then, how do those things you have been working on the past couple years, if you agree with that proposition, advances toward that goal . Michael the answer is yes. Is the second largest economy in the world and by some measure the first largest trading economy in the world, china has a very Significant National interest in the health and strength of the global trade system. We need them to take on responsibilities commensurate with their role in the Global Economy. That is one of the driving g20 andehind the certainly one of the driving forces of our efforts within the negotiations trade to engage with china and urge them to play a leadership role in some of these areas. Take the Information Technology agreement negotiation, it was stuck for a long time. We reached a bilateral deal with china. It took longer than it should have to reach the deal but once it was done we were able to work to bring the other parties along. We are trying to do the same thing now in terms of engagement with the chinese on the environmental agreement. We have countries representing 90 of the environmental goods movement. Ready to eliminate tariffs on a whole range of goods that are good for the economy and environment. No country would benefit more than china in terms of the producer of the goods and a country that desperately needs the disbursement of the environmental goods to deal with its environmental issues. We are urging china to come to the table and be an active party and the negotiations. And certainly, the wto, we are always encouraging them and they played the en Important Role ultimately in nairobi along with a handful of other countries. Think thelly, we rolesbased system has been good for china. They have benefited enormously from it. We think it is necessary for a roleo step up and play with greater responsibility for that system and commensurate, again, with the size of its economy and role. One more question. I promised to get mike out of here by 11 15. Question, given the realities of the election, if the tpp 10 be allornothing in the lame taxation, are you want to wait for that rather than trying to get politicians to commit themselves before the election . Michael we are working day and into day out to lay the foundation. I think it is a challenging political environment. Trade agreements are always hard. S environment is of course presents its own unique challenges. But we are working up on the hill with individual members and feel good about those conversations that the necessary support will be there whenever the leadership opens up the appropriate window. Host must give mike a big hand. [applause] thank you, ambassador. Thank you, bill. Two straight shooters. Refreshing. Were moving into the final program segment. Are reales folks who movers and shakers in the world of sustainable development. We have ceo of mckinsey social andiative, eric from usaid, craig from the Asian Development bank. The session is moderated by scott morris, eight Committee Member since he left the treasury and he is now a senior fellow at the center for Global Development and director of the rethinking Global Development initiative. And, he works on issues related five and particularly the relationship of the eye and the United States. The ifn five and the United States. Thank you, randy. Let me start with format. We are going to be having a conversation on the podium. Introduce anefly excellent panel. I am really pleased and looking forward to hearing from them on the broad topic of Global Development. To do a fewy best minutes of framing the issues before i turned to them for questions and then turn to you for questions. Lets me start to my left. Administrator for the United States agency for international development, confirmed by the senate in 20 11. Prior to his service as a senior official in this administration, really the distinguished career in a private sector and doing development from the private side in a way that really speaks to how it is evolving today. What we wouldh to traditionally think of as foreign as assistance but is cast more broadly as development policy. Gayle, with the mckinsey initiative. Looking forward to hearing more about that. And, comes from mckinsey leadershipuccessful positions at the cdc, the bill and Melinda Gates foundation and service on a broad array of boards and commissions. Craig steffensen who has the challenging role of developing the asian bank here in washington, United States, and canada. From where i said, with the u. S. Focus, a lot on his plate in the engagement with the u. S. Apartment. Particularly at a time in we will talk more about this, at a time for the Multilateral Development back then, the asian bank in particular of change, a shifting landscape of new act doors. Centralg is really a figure in the u. S. Engagement. Vision, andt impressive career at the Bank Including leading a engagements and areas as challenging as afghanistan and recently the banks reengage met with myanmar. Interesting case. So, those are our impressive speakers and impressive not only theheir own backgrounds but diversity they represent in this Development Enterprise and i explore more of that. Let me just try to, in two minutes lay out what i see as big issues in the Development Landscape and hope to get your reactions as a first question on this set of issues. Because this is breton woods that it is important and perhaps it sounds defensive but we are at the imf not the world bank this morning, it is important to remember one of the core mandates at Bretton Woods and what emerged from the right and whats conference. Overs been consistent seven decades now. So it is an entirely fitting that to we are here talking about the agenda among other start today, but let me by trying to create a little bit of a laundry list. There are three areas. From a policy perspective, we have had a landmark seven commitments. Specifically last year with Development Goals and the major commitments reflected there. In the same year, you had major climate andaround very much in understanding that these issues are linked and have to be approached jointly. At the same time, you had a commitment i have already alluded to with the multi investment bank. While it is regional in nature, it has a global membership and meaningful. Members from latin america, europe, africa, notably not a in the United States. We see new risks and challenges Development Landscape. Very visibly, the refugee crisis associated with syria. Pandemic threats in the last few years that have caused us to think hard about policy and response. Economicnly see headwinds and we have had some of that conversation this morning and what it means for developing countries and emerging markets. Very real threats going over it. And associated with how you want to interpret brexit from that side of things, what it will do for goods and services for the developing world for things like remittances that are hugely important part of Development Finance for many of these auntries, but also reflect question about political intrigue from globalization at a time when developing countries are benefiting more thing in ever from immigration. Integration. Newfinally, looking at opportunities represented in the Global Landscape today when it comes to Development Progress and here, well known to a Development Community but the nature of finance today where you have tremendous private finance to the developing world and really to the developing world including on the public domesticsize of mobilization today compared to what it has been historically. All of these things. 2 real also raiset questions about the role of traditional foreign assistance Going Forward. Remarkable success in poverty reduction. Anchor continue to be an for institutions like the world bank. And the reality that we have made tremendous progress and what it looks Going Forward. Thinking about the role of our Development Institutions and recognizing that they are adapting. We will hear more about this from eric but our own Development Agency which happens to be the Largest Development activelys been very reforming itself in recent years first stop both at the world bank across the street and the Asian Development tank, the creation of new institutions and outside of its official sector, really we are seeing interesting new models that seek to exploit the capital and the expertise, and the resources of the private sector but to do so under eight and to do so under a that is my] twominute talk on the Global Landscape. You can of rigid as an optimist, pessimist, or problemsolver. What do you see as either the issue that is too much overlooked or most consequential Going Forward when it comes to Global Development today . What should we be thinking about as major opportunitymajor challenge . Eric thanks, scott. Good morning, everyone. As you said, there is a lot of change going on around the world. And a lot of opportunities. Some people think about the fdg mdg, butow up from the i do not think it is business as usual. You said yourself, because there are new challenges and obviously Climate Change is one of them. But one of the ones that is really a challenge involves what we call drg. Democracy rights and governance. They areountries where ngosing down basically from operating. You are saying restrictions of freedom and openness. We have seen where these things thelead to conflict and conflict then leads to big problems that even hit the macro seen with the migration as one of the most dramatic examples. We dont need to spell out all the implications given the last few days. As one of the drivers of this problem and an area very difficult for anyone to challenge themselves, nevertheless extremely important for everyone to work on together. Thank you for that framing of all of the issues. Thet and foremost, what fdgs at have done for the Global Community is tremendous because it gives us a framework. Adon toe than just an the Development Goals, it is a new paradigm in the way they were created. It created a different dialogue around those. Continuing to say that is out of framework and that is our guiding overarching blueprint for what we think about as we tackle the challenges of the world Going Forward. I guess to your point of being optimistpessimist, i go back and forth between both of those. Incrediblere is an amount to be optimistic about. I think the fact we have decreased poverty, disease rates are going down. Education rates are going up, etc. It is incredibly helpful but i do think there are some things and some of them are embedded and some are not as clearly called out. The issue of income inequality, yes, in fact poverty has been reduced and more poor people now live in middle Income Countries but the inequality both within and among nations continues to increase and i think that is going to continue to define our world for the for seeable future and if we do not think about that, we are going to continue to have some of the consequences we are already feeling in terms of the conflict that arises. I think the other one, and you touched on it, is this whole issue of migration and migratory populations. This is only going to get bigger, more complicated. We have not thought enough about the solutions to the realities. We all wish migration refugee crises etc. Would go away and weakens and we could solve them but the reality is we are going to have a larger and larger version of our population who will not be in no home country and we have to the about jobs and education. What does that mean to really think about adapting the way we do business for people who are displaced from their home countries . The only other one i would just say i would think is both a reason for optimism but also one for caution, and that is the issue of gender equity. That is the holdout in the fdg. I think it is one of the most hopeful opportunities we have for making a difference in the world if we just do the things it takes to make sure that we have gender equity in our world across the board, whether it is workplace, policies, leadership positions, what have you. We could dramatically change the economic outcomes, peace, security, stability, etc. I think that is incredibly optimistic because in a simple solution, we can have a huge impact. The difficult part is that we know we have been talking about how do we change the status and of girls and women around to our world in and we know we are having a difficult time doing that and so there is a lot of optimism around it, on the other hand we have a ways to go. Thank you. Development priorities that multilateral banks are looking at, adb included, islam for example. The way we see the world today there is a need to increase jobs for young people. The Development Community, the banks included are going to have to really focus on helping out with job creation into improving workplace conditions by supporting education and Skills Development for youth. Particularly young women to help promote core labor standards. Id top of this, there is a need as was already stated to enhance gender equity under our Development Project in the communities served. The private sector is an area that requires strengthening on our part, on everyones part two create new and innovative financing and support of the activities we find and to come up with new technologies for doing so. To, i will limit my remarks adb. We need to come up with ways to improve our project implementation and disbursements so we can deliver outcomes asked her. , iticularly with the rise is a more competitive markets anas used to be. In and i know how much adbs president , jimmy, my former boss, is just how much emphasis he puts on project delivery and in time frames that are responsible and respond to the political imperatives of doing things quickly. Theg the same line, i think banks need to come up with an improved pipeline of projects. In asia, there is a shortage of bankable projects and developments which directly the ability to deliver sustainable Development Goals and address other needs. A limited flow of bankable projects represents a major obstacle to publicprivate partnerships which everyone is promoting nowadays, particularly in infrastructure development. This is in urgent need to come up with a pipeline of bankable projects. I could go on. There is the whole issue of aging populations, demographic change, the need for improved pension reform and the whole equality and inclusiveness of agenda. Refugees, vega virus, global pandemics. Trying to deal with all of them at the same time, it is not easy. Best wewe are doing the can and i think we have got a pretty good history of sword of responding to these challenges in a way that makes sense. The want to stick with thought and a question to you, at the center of Global Development, with Global Development experts, they are more expertly and i see myself on a lot of these issues and there are numerous Critical Issues from different standpoints. One thing that strikes me as i listen to them and read myself, this is a complex agenda and if you compare it to the Development Goals, which are more reflective of a traditional approach and thinking about development and particularly the role of foreign assistance actors when you think about usaids role and the u. S. Government more broadly, it is really about how we allocate our funds to support maternal health, etc. Andsvgs are cast in a wider more complicated net. I am wondering if you could tell us a little bit about whether you want to direct it hook it directly. How is it usaid thinking about itself as an institution that is different from our traditional role of foreign assistance provider and from your leadership perspective, for five years now, you know, how do you a set ofut helping goals. It is not merely about how you spend your money directly. It is about your partnerships and relationships. Can you elaborate on that . Sure. A couple different things. The fdgs areat forcing changes we have been going through because our changes have predated the f2s. The mosts have since think twitter could describe it as basically, we are the minority partner now in the development exercise and i would argue those some might disagree that all of the official Development Agencies are the minority partners. You can see this just in the numbers. In the flow. In the fact that in geopolitics and others are providing just as much money or more. The Gates Foundation is greater than the french official development if i remember the ranking. You have private Sector Investment and countries that 30 years ago when i went to business school, they would never have dreamed of thinking about and now they all are. You have other things. So the fundamental driver a thing for a lot of things was the fact we are the minority partner which lead you to a different mindset. It is partly about partnership. It is partly about innovation. I mean, you know, back when it was formed, there were very few courses on development around this country. Now, at berkeley they have the highest single attendance in the development course. Thatids a semester taking course. You have kids in high school and College Setting up their own ngos and traveling the world. Lots of time spent in developing countries and you have huge amounts of innovation. Development breakthroughs are not necessarily coming out of the Government Agencies or their partners. And we did our grand challenge on ebola. The resulting design, working longer and staying in the suit, included a baltimore seamstress, a new york city fashion designer, and dupont. That is an amazing collection of people and it is now going into reduction for use in these hot climates. Start going through the invitations, obviously visavis our relationship with the private sector is transformed when you think about yourself as more the minority partner in the exercise so that is part of the changes. Me, there is a of traditional development. The goals on energy or health or education. All of those things where all of the bilaterals have been working for decades. There is a wider number obviously. And then the final few in terms of the idea of partnership and Good Governance and things like that so you have that expansion. Ways i think it will be business as usual and in other worries it will profoundly be business as usual. So, helene, you emphasize the issue of migration so in the category of not business as usual, let me ask you a little bit more about that. Seem you have this situationle tragic playing out in our newspapers and there is always a Silver Lining of Something Like that as it brings more attention to an issue. That it did not occur overnight and displacement in fact it has been in many parts of the world for a long time. I think with more attention being paid now, we are starting to understand better the nature of displacement, that it is not strictly or simply a shortterm crisis. That it actually is long term in nature for many of these populations in the countries that are hosting them. You have been a leader in the humanitarian sector. You have a new venture that has more of a development focus. Can you speak a little bit to that nexus of thinking about haves that on the one hand really longerterm Development Implications and how we should be thinking differently about our approach is whether it is specifically displaced populations or other types of . Isruption from conflict crisis helene thanks. Eric it kind of touched on it and some of his earlier comments, but i think those of us who are working in this space between humanitarian and development realize that more and more of that needs to be brought into the continuum and it used to be an organization for instance, it used to be primarily humanitarian in crisis, is now focused on development mandate. I think that grew out of the fact that it is hard when you are thinking about the populations that we work with, whether it is care or some of the work we are doing now, those same populations are very likely to also have crisis situations from timetotime. So development, if youre committed to a community then you need to be commuted committed to them whether it is in the crisis or longterm stage and it is also important to realize if we can put more into preparedness and prevention that a lot of those crises will be will have a lesser impact. As an example, you know, when i was at care and we were working on a lot of the issues related to Food Insecurity during crises, we were able to show demonstrably that countries we worked with on Food Security from a development standpoint were the same countries who rebounded more rapidly when an immediate food crisis from drought, famine, and humanon or even conflict. So we know if we look at the work in Climate Change and looking at helping populations adapt to the impact of Climate Change, if you can shift peopless livelihood so they intermittented to climate occurrences like drought that you can and fact make those populations more sustainable. People oftenhat remember this little vignette. We were working in bangladesh, for instance, where cyclones had become much more frequent as a weult of Climate Change and worked with populations to be able to shift their work. Generation one simple one was taking people who used chickens as their growing engine and chickens, selling eggs, and etc. And shifting to ask. Because chickens will drown but ducks float. A simple things like moving from chickens to duck in areas where there was frequent cyclones and flooding meant you had people whose whole income streams were not wiped out every time there was this sort of crisis situation. So i think those kind of simple ways of learning how to adapt mean that one crises do occur, people are much more likely to withstand them. And again, that is where that continuum between development and humanitarian response is so important to keep in mind. Is sometimes innovations is recognizing what Mother Nature has already done for us. You tell us more about this new venture and what it represents in terms of a new model and approach of thinking about the nonprofit world and development . Globalnzie, the consulting firm, decided about a year or so ago that they really wanted to look at they do a lot of social impact worked for atents and they are looking a purely philanthropic way, how could they use their assets to give back and make broader contributions to society and perhaps have greater focused impact. A real sense that todays solutions are no longer primarily going to be in one sector or the other. Just as you talked about, the Development Agency now becoming a minority partner, we recognize funding is different, who the actors are is very different. Is firmly rooted with very strong ties to the private sector, very strong ties to Public Sector, and also the notforprofit sector could really bring together solutions that were perhaps different than the Traditional Solutions where we had those kind of stovepipe approaches to problems. So they mckenzie social mission is about how do you bring these kinds of partnerships, these kind of trisector collaboratives together to be able to develop different kinds of solutions to problems and you mentioned the issue of use and use unemployment. One of the first programs when launched is a program on youth employment. It is now in five different countries. The u. S. , mexico, spain, it india, and kenya. The problem that there are so many young people who want to be employed but do not have skills, a a lot of employers is stated they cannot find enough skilled entrylevel workers, matching those together and giving young people the skills but also working on the employer side. So, we reached out to, you know, the private sector so we have employers working with Civil Society organizations that do training for young people and working with the Public Sector of theten sets some policies around where are the areas most important for their locality for young people in jobs. We have launched this program into we now have trained and placed over 10,000 young people and you know, we expect to be to over and hopefully 100,000 the next couple of years with a high return on investment. Employers are now willing to pay for those programs and by bringing together all of these sectors, we are putting a dent in one of the big global problems of mr. Froman i know you have the fan, and eric. Ms. Gayle we are very pleased to have the partnership with them. That ofuse the skills mckinsey in those relationships to understand what is the situation and basically scoured the planet for where our models where are models were this could work in a very effective way . Historical approach to doing this stuff have had many successes, but the cost per student was too high and it was not replicable and it was not leading in all cases to this jobs. Connection with i collect this is a huge effort at scale that if it succeeds, we will want to take all of those learnings and in view that and to every that we are doing, and that is why we are supporting this and following it closely. Ms. Gayle i think the role of technology has also been huge in the ability to replicate in scale. Have not talked specifically about the Role Technology can play in technology in development, but i think it is one of the things that makes me very optimistic, when we see all the technologic advances that are helping to really leapfrog development in many ways. It is something that has really helped us to scale this program very rapidly. Goahead, gregg. As wednesday, simply that one thing that the company has made clear is that the financial requirements are huge and no one organization is going to meet them and it is imperative that we cooperate with one another. I think that the initiatives and eric have just described are exciting. I hate to use a surfing analogy, but we have seen a lot of waves of development, at least in my lifetime, come and go, but i think this is a good wave coming up, and i am pushing it hard to write it. I think we are still looking at it and asking ourselves what we

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