Transcripts For CSPAN Road To The White House 20160530 : com

Transcripts For CSPAN Road To The White House 20160530

currently a massachusetts resident. massachusetts or new york. derek, and alicia dearn i believe of california. >> can you talk about what happened? >> i am happy to. historically, you have had to get signatures to replace the nomination. it has traditionally been our practice to suspend the rules to count presidential tokens turned in by a presidential candidate as vice presidential tokens for nominations for anyone who had run for president. in motion was made to suspend the rules in that manner so the only candidates who will be eligible to be nominated for the office of vice president are those able to submit vice presidential tokens by the deadline of 1:16 p.m. [inaudible] nicholas: at present, that is the case. those tokens are being turned in but still being tabulated. someone may cross the 30 token threshold in the interim. in the back. what is the question? vice presidential tokens? vice presidential is what we are talking about. i do not know how many were outstanding or how many delegates did not turn them in at all. at this time, the names i listed are the only ones who met the threshold. >> the party and the johnson campaign will be collaborated on? access seems to be assured if we are understanding correctly in all 50 states and what actions does the libertarian party take in regards to the debate, how will coordination take place between the party and the johnson campaign? >> it will take place according to whatever between the party and the campaign. hope we have that finished very soon. we have our lawyer present at the convention to make that happen. as you can see on the map, we are on in 32 of them and we anticipate teeing in all 50 and we will be cooperating on fundraising, messaging, making sure most people in the country here the positive vision of a party that stands for the idea that every american has the right to pursue happiness long as they do not hurt people or take their stuff. that is a positive, good alternative to two of the most hated candidates of modern politics that the two old parties have tried to stick the american people with. >> early targets of what you will need to get the message across in the campaign? nicholas: we have not come up with hard targets and probably would not share them with you anyway because it is hard strategy. next question. >> [inaudible] there is back channel communication to suggest to the koch brothers that the return on the investment would be a lot higher in libertarian party, and we align better with their values than the republican party were donors collectively, threw $166 million into a hole and lit it on fire to nominate jeb bush. [inaudible] nicholas: i am and where the koch brothers issued a denial that they had been in talks about funding governor johnson's run, but that was a pre-nomination denial and unrelated to whether or not the parties reached out to them. >> do you expect him to respond favorably now? >> i would hope so. if they want to advance libertarian ends, in 1983, they shifted strategy and went to fund the republican party to fix it. it is not fixable. they have not gotten with a wanted out of it. any party that could encompass donald trump and rand paul stands for nothing. i think being successful businessmen, that they understand the nature of return on investment and i think it is time for them to come home. >> [inaudible] nicholas: there are back channel communications to try to reach out for them. other questions or would you like to speak to governor johnson? >> are there other major super pac's out there being formed? besides the koch brothers, because there are a lot of them out there. nicholas: i have talked to three others currently lacking candidates to support. i will not name them. i will name one because it is public, matt, is here and they dressed the delegates on stage and does not have a candidate to support with the super pac at this time. any other questions before we turn it over to governor johnson? we will give you 10 minutes. thank you very much. >> you keep playing the hamilton musical. alexander hamilton started the central bank. you said yesterday you signed legislation to end it. a mixed metaphor here. gary: you caught me on that one. nothing to do with it. even if i did, i would like the music. that is libertarian. lighten up a little bit. >> we were discussing that the super pac's in the last few years change to the political landscape out there. a different kind of campaign, seeking your support from organizations and you did in 2012? >> mr. johnson: the problem is you do not have any control over it whatsoever. super pac's were behind me in two the stuff they put out, my brother calls me up and he says, what are you doing and what are you thinking? five minutes later he calls back and says, was that a super pac? i said yes, it is a super pac. >> get support from the tea party? i know a lot of people are tea party members who will not vote for donald trump. mr. johnson: i identified myself as a tea partier, about being fiscally conservative. i think the tea party has been co-opted by republicans. it is now a social conservative organization further to the right. based on what i witnessing, hopefully those tea party members who are still about smaller government, yes. there is a home. >> seeking more support from hillary clinton then donald trump. [inaudible] mr. johnson: i have been in three national polls. since i have been, there have probably been 40 other polls without my name and it. the key for us is to be in these polls. look. this is another voice at the table, combining the best of being a democrat and a republican, neither of which do well at what they are supposed to be good at, coming out of the convention. i will post to people that most people are fiscally conservative, socially liberal, tolerant, and then the interventions. how about some skeptics at the table when it comes to these military interventions? how about involving congress? we have 69 treaties with foreign countries that have been presidentially authorized, and we have to defend their borders. congress is not involved in any of those treaties and it does not seem right. >> [inaudible] mr. johnson: we will have to cross the road when it comes but i do believe that if bill is not my candidate, i do not think i will be elected president. that is not to take away from any of the other candidates, but don't we all look at the vice president first and foremost, can this person who would step in and actually take the role of vice president it something actually happened to the president? i think bill weld covers that in spades. disaffected republicans are really smaller government and bill weld and myself are republican guys who served in heavily democrat states. we both got elected. we did that because we care about the social side of life and we care about people's freedom and liberty and the ability for people to make their own decisions in their own lives as long as those decisions do not adversely affect others. >> reach out to the lgbt community? mr. johnson: it has never been my tactic to reach out to anybody. the message i have is the same no matter whom i am addressing. the most effective reach out is just saying the things that should be said and that community should embrace what we are saying. >> [inaudible] america will go back to isolationism? mr. johnson: i am not about a salacious as him at all. i cannot think of an example where any of our military interventions, boots on the ground, flying drones that kill thousands of people, i cannot think of any of those things that one make anything better. >> why is this year different? mr. johnson: it is different. i have been asked this repeatedly. you never really caught on in 2012. going from zero in 2012 cycle, 1.3 million votes, the trajectory really has not stopped since. i was not in any pull in 2012. none. the media would say, he is not showing an interest whatsoever. when i was in polls, much lesser polls, there was quite a level of interest. leaving this convention, if bill is the vice presidential nominee, i find it difficult to be excluded from the polls. i ask all of you to report on that fact. i can see the presidential debate in the fall saying, they were not pulling that well, when the reality is we were not in the poll. that is the rates nature of the game. the commission is made up of republicans and democrats. they have no interest whatsoever to see anybody else on page. 50% of americans are registering themselves as independents. meaning new voters are registering themselves as independents. where is the representation? i have to think most people in the country are libertarian. it is that they do not know it. here is the great opportunity leaving her today. >> you said you did not want to comment on trumps but went on to list a number of things you think are wrong. what can we expect from you in terms of taking him on? mr. johnson: taking him on the fact he wants to deport 11 million immigrants, taking him on when he says mexicans are murderers and rapists, it is incendiary that 50% of the population of new mexico that he is talking about, hispanic mexicans in this way, when the absolute opposite is true. absolutely, call him out on what is really racist. it is just racist. >> do you think what you think of the idea of the commission to host the debate, what are some of the challenges -- mr. johnson: the challenge is the democrats and republicans signed documents, agreeing ahead of time that they will debate no one other than a democrat or a republican. they will have no part of a third party unless it is decreed by the presidential debate commission. there is a legitimatcy to having my name in the polls. i will have the only third-party candidate on the ballot in all 50 states. no one else will lay claim to that or come close. >> one-on-one, would you challenge them to a debate? mr. johnson: that is a possibility. i will reiterate, there is no advantage to him to do that and i would not expect him to. the commission, they signed documents that they will only debate democrats and republicans. that would be terrific and we will throw those bombs, but libertarians have been throwing those for ever since the start of the party. nothing has resulted. why would it change this time? really, this is a big alternative here and we are arguably talking about but most polarizing figures in american politics. this is our choice for president. i will say it again. my tactic is not reaching out to anybody. if ted cruz people want to reach out to me, and they have every reason to, every group has a reason to reach out to us, i think we are representative of every group, that is the effective way to have support, as opposed to going on bended knee, because there is nothing bended knee about it. >> you said you would not reject anybody, but what about martinez? mr. johnson: governor of new mexico, she took me on and made a name for herself on my proposal to legalize marijuana for -- made a name for herself being anti-marijuana and does so to this day. >> thank you. mr. johnson: thank you all very much. >> and delegates have select his former massachusetts governor william weld to be there vice presidential nominee. here is his nominating speech followed by his acceptance from our. [applause] >> that was quite the endorsement. thank you, doctor. so, it has been 14 days since i became a member of and joined the libertarian party. and i feel the better for it. [applause] honestly, i thought it was a libertarian through and through because i always called myself that, but it has been a learning experience and every day i think i become a better educated libertarian. i appreciate the advice i have received, both elsewhere in here in the last four days and i remain suggestions. one of them was to read and study the party platform, which i have now done. by the way, it's excellent. it's not like the republican and attic parties, appeasing 950 interest group. it's like five pages long and it's beautiful. it's almost like the declaration of independence. we should all read it. [applause] financially i have joined the libertarian national party as a life member. if you are nothing else from me today, here this, i pledge to you that i will stay with the libertarian party for life. [applause] frankly, it's a relief not to have to carry the republican party's anti-choice, anti-marriage equality, antisocial freedom positions around on my back. as i have had to do for the last 30 years. this is how we should all feel last., free at [applause] now, if gary johnson and i are fortunate enough to be able to run together in the fall, we look forward -- this is about the party as a whole, to helping down ballot candidates for senate, for u.s. house, for statewide and they legislative races in campaigning and funds for ballot access. we have already raised $80,000 for that purpose. [applause] i pledge to you that we will raise another $100,000 to help governor johnson and me get on the ballot in pennsylvania, delaware, and ohio. we will have saturation coverage. [applause] i would also hope that there would be both down market streaming and up market streaming from the local races in terms of votes. if we all hang together, we will do better and it will help to have a strong libertarian ticket at the top. obviously the better for us at the top as well. [applause] so, as i look around the political landscape, nationally not a pretty picture. oversized government. two calcified parties locked in a duopoly. kind of a death spiral embrace where they seem to be assessed slanderingd with out each other rather than doing the people's business. gary and i are going to have to take strong positions and stick with them. it's what i've done all my life, when i was in the justice department and as governor, the gay and lesbian issues, i was a pioneer. there are others as well. i hope that when you get to know me better you will understand that i am an impact player like gary johnson and we will deliver for you not as republican light, the libertarian heavyweights. >> ♪ here comes the general proud of mount vernon here comes the general outgunned and outmanned outnumbered out planned got a make an all-out stand ♪ [applause] >> thank you. i am truly humbled. it will be a better way for the world. is economic and fiscal responsibility, and social and personal freedom. [applause] that combination does not happen to match the current approach of either the republican or democratic party of the united states. [applause] without waving the bloody shirt let me close by saying we are going to have a lot to talk about in the fall. thank you very much. [applause] >> good evening, everyone. what a convention. i can take a few questions. i am the political director. >> how do you feel right now? >> do you want us to just bring up the gentleman? i'm happy to do that. let's go. >> whoo! i could not feel any better. i do not think i felt anymore in her purse in my entire life. this was equal to that. i am so related. we get to move forward here. thetwo of us we have possibility to shake up politics for the better. i feel full of hope and optimism for the fall campaign. i do not think anybody else is advancing the mix of policy ideas that we are. that is airing on the side of freedom on social and personal issues. that is not the republican party, and an emphasis on economic and fiscal responsibility. we were greeted the most fiscally conservative governors in the 1990's. that is not the democratic party of today. that is what i meant when i said we will have a lot to talk about in the fall. we will make it our business to speak truth to power if we think power is straying from the straight and narrow thank you. >> you have been speaking about this as a hypothetical all weekend. now that it is a weird -- real thing, he talk about what it means? >> there are tens of millions of americans right now that want to understand what libertarian is a opinion, thisn my is the best message team going forward to accomplish that. we do plan to run as a unified team. those of you who have familiarity with massachusetts in the 1990's will recall that we ran as a unified team, me for governor and him for lieutenant governor. it was a totally unified administration. the lieutenant governor did not have separate staff. there were no issues. everything was done together. gary and i have talked about this. if we were successful in the best way to organize the white house would be for the vice president to have no staff so that they can beaf staff and a totally unified approach. the death helped that we see the issues exactly the same way and have good personal chemistry and have known each other for 20 years. are you going to be embarking on a fund-raising efforts, and can you talk to us about what that will look like? >> absolutely. that is one of my responsibilities here in iowa to fundraisingased effort. we do need to appeal to the u. the millennials. that could be a line. wilson's national finance chairman when he ran for president in 1995, and i was the co-finance chair in both to estimate in 2012. major donors. i will not let any stone go unturned in we will do traditional fundraising as well. but i want to make sure that we have major donors, web-based and traditional. i thought it would be a little out of order until nominated. i will wait for the me to be cold. >> one does the next few weeks :00? -- what does the next few weeks look like? >> i'm headed to new york for the next three days. this wasll of incumbent on actually getting the nomination. and inow has happened imagine it will be a pretty full schedule. of noter the notion expecting things. hoping, but now it is actually reality. it will be pretty darn full. >> introducing libertarianism to , abolishing income tax, are you going to have a tailored message of what they are? >> we're going to articulate the goal. that will always try not to anything that makes .hings better articulate the goal, if you well, but also recognize reality in the fact that reaching that goal may not be accomplish a bowl. that will start with me and my it will notion that be able to be accomplish tomorrow but here is what might be able to be accomplished tomorrow. -- we are dogmatic dogmatic on libertarian principles but the degree to which you can accomplish those, getting from a to d is better than sticking at a. early but have you received a message of congratulations from hillary clinton or donald trump? was: i heard donald trump tweeting all day today. >> what about him calling governor wells and alcoholic? gary: maybe i will have my first region 20 years. weld: don't do that. gary: i quit drinking because of rock climbing. i was not drinking and rock climbing, by the way, but the notion of being as good as i could you all the time. >> do you have any idea what the voters will put forth when you're elected? gov. johnson: we will try to address mandatory minimums. addressing nonviolent criminals behind bars because of our is, forlaws and that it the most part, that is the majority makeup of federal prisons today, those who are there on mandatory sentencing who have been convicted on numerous occasions for small amounts of drugs. selling those small amounts of drugs. there are tens of millions of americans in this country outside of prison who are but fordid felons that drug laws would otherwise be taxpaying, law-abiding citizens. use to have a different emphasis on a number of these criminal justice issues when i for seven years back in the 1980's, even then we side ofed the demand narcotics use as well as the supply side. something is happening in the country right now, kicked off i-8 republican governor in the south. which is a realization that we are not getting too far by not narcotics problems, alcohol problems, as a diction. as a status crime as opposed to a national healthcare emergency. if you study the economics of the impact of the economy on the narcotics and addiction, it is enormous. i think an increasing percentage of the population wants to treat those issues as public health issues as opposed to status crimes and that has an impact on the prison population, on the ability of the people of an in these minor drug offenses to get fully integrated into society and become more put a of members of society. we saw the gentleman on stage in his underwear -- >> my goodness. hugs and the characters. were experienced politicians. does the party have an image problem? does some of the more freewheeling aspects of the convention should the party has a way to go to be taken more seriously? >> i do not think freewheeling, crazy if you will, is unique to libertarians. republicans on them, democrats of them. we are a family and that is the way it is. it is ok. i am sure, whou, have gone to the democratic national convention or the republican national convention, you can attest to what i just said. >> are you conducting a 50-state campaign or focusing on particular states or electro votes? cogs it depends upon resources thefor the most part, modern-day campaign is social media these days and it is taking advantage of free media said the focus will be on free media, new york the next three days. arguably, the two of us might be in front of 50 million people as opposed to getting out on the ground and reaching several thousand. >> do you see any reason now that the two of you are -- nated >> as journalists, how about a pitch? an open headline questionnaire, why shouldn't these two guys be included in the polls. really, why not? why not include these guys? what is there to fear? that they might get enough attention that they would actually be part of the debate? who should fear that? we are the party of nuts, right? i'm kidding. [chuckling] >> you talked about how you appeal to republicans and democrats. would you speak to what it is that is going to draw a republican disaffected with donald trump or a democrat disaffected with hillary clinton to consider the two of you as candidates for president? you know, i do not think we are entering that with this mindset that we are against donald trump or against hillary clinton. " never joined the "never charm movement in massachusetts. -- never trump to bedy does not have disaffected with mrs. clinton to think we have a good story. people of not heard our story at. they do not have to be "never to like our combination of having been the two most fiscally conservative governors in the united states and we can prove it. without bearing the baggage of the socially conservative movement. conservativism, social issues, that are championed by the republican party and the washington area pretty tightly. in 1994, there were a lot of people who held back on views. they could like donald trump it like us better. governor, do you have more authoritarian tendencies than donald trump? [laughter] yes, i kind of do. that is a legitimate difference but i would call him out on deporting 11 million illegal immigrants. i would call him out on building a fence across the order. out on the fact that he is calling mexicans murderers and rapists when they are the cream of the crop. they are people looking to advance themselves and their families and to work hard and to achieve the american dream. it is grossly misunderstood. statistically, immigrants committing more or less crime the in u.s. citizens. they are not taking jobs that united states citizens of want. thank you all very much. >> thanks everybody. >> thank you. [laughter] >> thank you for hanging in there this whole time. >> certainly. [chatter] announcer: libertarian presidential nominee gary johnson will be a guest on washington journal tuesday morning. we will take your calls and your questions then. it is live tuesday at 9:15 a.m. eastern on c-span. announcer: now, former green party candidate ralph nader who spoke last week in washington wrapping up a daylong forum on community organizing. 15 remarks are about minutes. [applause] mr. nader: a few closing observations. you have seen now over 500 years of the vick action experienced in one day and you can see what i meant to earlier today by the features of a civic personality. and what it takes to persist and be accurate to en and inviting and to have priorities in order. years ago when i was a youngster we would have discussions at the kitchen table and one time my parents talked about something i did not know anything about. economic opportunity for people andave a decent job livelihood and they said, well what about a civic opportunity? and here i am pretty community-minded. i had a lucky choice and parents. and they said, what is the civic opportunity? i said, one that makes a democracy more able to function and to reflect peoples rights without civic opportunity, how much economic opportunity are the masses of people going to have? if you don have civic opportunity to elevate the consumer laws, get public debate underway, work on town meetings, work at the state level, you're not going to have the structure of a functioning democracy that provides economic opportunity. myhink you will share commendation of all these people , let's give them a good hand. [applause] ralph nader: this is a super bowl of citizen action all right. couple points here. you notice how many of these proposals, how many of these initiatives, how many of these reforms would be left/right support by home. once you get down to where people live, work, and raise their families, the ideology isn't as much around. it is around on some of the issues like reproductive rights and school prayer and things like that. but on the basic issues of health, safety, economic well being, you think conservative families differ from liberal families? you think they don't want their kid to breathe clean air, drink clean water, have safe food and have economic security et cetera? divide and rule has been the strategy of the ruling classes for centuries. and they pick those areas where there are divisions. and they pit people against one another. and the media jumps in. but as i pointed out in my recent book "unstoppable recent book "unstoppable: the emerging left-right alliance to dismantle the corporate state" i came up with 24 major areas in our country where there is major left-right support in the popular opinion polls and some of it going operational now. it's going operational now on restoring the inflation gutted minimum wage. it's going operational on challenging the civil liberties suppression in the patriot act. it's now going operational for criminal justice reform and juvenile justice reform and state legislatures. that's what we have to focus on. once you get a left-right alliance on any issue, it's unstoppable. it doesn't matter how much money goes into politics. money's not as important as votes and rigged elections for incumbents. it's just a means to do that. but you cut them off at the money pass when you have a mobilized citizenry. and that comes to the point of it's easier we think to make real change. because look at the budgets of these groups. look at the staff of these groups. and they don't amount to a major bowling league in some new york borough in terms of numbers. never mind bird watching, which i'm totally in awe of, if we only had congress watchers like we had bird watchers. it is easy. now just for a moment, just imagine in order to envision real possibilities. what if these groups and others like them had ten times the budget? ten times the rigorous advocates. what if they had 100 times the budget? 100 times the rigorous advocates? and it's still a drop in the bucket compared to what corporate executives get away with. and it's still a drop in the bucket in terms of the charitable contributions of the american people which are over $300 billion a year. but there's a distinction between charity and justice isn't there? charity is supporting soup kitchens. important. certainly immediate relief for needy people. why should a country like ours have soup kitchens at all? justice develops livelihoods that prevent the need for soup kitchens. a society that has more justice is a society that needs less charity. that's what these groups are all about. structural change, institutional change. it's a lot easier than we think. less than 1% of the people mobilized in each congressional district, as i reiterate again and again based on history, based on how we achieved the blessings we inherited. it was far less than 1% of the people. even at the peak of the civil rights movement in the 1960s, there weren't more than 1% of the people who spent 300 to 500 hours a year on that mission because they represented overwhelming public sentiment by crucial parts of our society and a final recognition by those in our society who were indifferent to these civil rights. this idea of polarization is a divide and rule myth restricted to a few areas of real disagreements between conservatives and liberals. by ignoring far greater differences is even a right/left coalition moving on the massive military bloated, wasteful military budget and empire. you had ron paul and barney frank when they were in the house. you imagine people further apart? they had a caucus to deal with the bloated military budget. and when it comes to fundamental small business communities, recycling communities and credit unions and community banks and farmer markets, when it comes to local sustainable energy, when it comes to communicate health clinics with emphasis on prevention, you think there's a left-right divide on that? of course not. and the same is true in the educational area. but when we allow the few to rule the many, they will command the divide and rules tactics that distract attention from the broad areas of convergence. we live in a strange period of time. we live in the golden age of muckrakers and a golden age of documentary filmmakers. but they are received by very tiny audience which we hope to address tomorrow in the breaking through the media day. that should not be the case in a vigorous democracy. in our past, books made a difference. the other america by michael herrington on poverty. rachel carson's book, "silent \rachel carson's book, "silent spring." upton sinclair's book, "the jungle." "standard oil," which helped lead to the breakup of the standard oil monopolies in the early 20th century. we've got to come back to a principle varity. that is readers think and thinkers read. readers think and thinkers read. and those tables out there are replete with books written by people you've seen on the stage here today. they're organized materials, magazines, publications. i particularly urge you to look at that lineup and see what you want to take back home to your friends, relatives, children, for expansive deliberation. and i hope people are looking at this on the live stream especially, will start saying to themselves, we can start a group, we can start a citizen group, we can join a group, we can support a group. we can have a of the month contribution. i remember maggie kuhn, how many remember maggie? she retired from the methodist church social work in her 60s, and she started the gray panthers. she wanted to assail the stereotype of older people. she called nursing homes cribs for older people. she got on johnny carson show more than once. she made a difference. she had chapters all over the country that hat demonstrations one person, no money? no contacts. just a driven social conscience. lastly, let me suggest the segue into day two, three, and four has a good foundation now. if we don't break through the commercial media, if we don't develop alternative media, democracy cannot thrive. jefferson -- [applause] -- thomas jefferson was only half kidding when somebody asked him, what would you prefer, mr. jefferson, a government without a free press or a free press without a government? he'd say i'd prefer the later. we do not have a free press for most hours on television and radio. we have a commercial investment using our property free, the public airwaves. tomorrow will be the most coordinated, informed, diverse critique of the mass commercial media ever brought together in one day. and one of them -- [applause] mr. nader: -- and one of the presenters will be arguably the greatest promoter of the first amendment in the 20th century, phil donahue. nobody -- [applause] mr. nader: -- nobody demonstrated a belief in the first amendment like phil donahue. he brought on his show, again and again, people who despised him, who disagreed with him, who assailed him, that's the ultimate test of the belief in first amendment. he will discuss how he broke through one taboo that was conventional taboo for most of the other media after another, and opened huge areas of american life and voice to expression. day three will be waging peace over waging war. we want to get rid of this idea that peace is something weak but war's something strong. our wars have failed again and again, and you will see the documentation of that by some of the most extraordinary presenters, people who work for the state department, the cia, people who fought in wars that they wished they never were part of, criminal wars of aggression that are boomer ranging against us all over the country. the traditional peace groups that had these vigils every sunday in the village grain and people drove by them, sometimes tooting their horn, sometimes snickering, and day four will be breaking through the congress, the most underappreciated instrument of democracy by all too many people. if we recover the congress, and we have the votes, and we have the people and we have the left/right alliance on so many major redirects, we turn around to the federal government, we affect the state and local governments, we enrich and nourish what media covers, serious content, and we say to the next generation what we are going to pass on to you is something that we can hold our head in pride in so doing. and if we don't do that, if we don't fulfill our modest potential with time, talent and resources, what is posterity, what are our descendants going to think of us? we don't have to guess. the use of time is under our discretion. the use of discretionary income and savings for many people who are not poor is under our discretion. we turn the time and the resources in our talent in direction of a functioning democracy that takes these solutions off the shelf and puts them on the ground and liberates the political and civil civic energies of the people, and you'll see change faster than you can ever conceive of it. let me end on this note, those of you who came today. we appreciate those of you watching by live streaming, we appreciate. but i hope some of you will dollarassing out two bills. bill hashe two dollar jefferson on one side and the other, the room where the founders came to sign the declaration of independence july 4, 1776. okay, there are all white males, some of them had slaves. but in signing that declaration against the most powerful army in the world, controlled by king george iii, they thought they were signing their death warrant for them it was an ability of supreme courage, in part of self-interest, in part a broader vision. i think we can look back at that document called the declaration of independence wit all of its warts and saying we sure are glad that these people showed up on july 4, 1776 and it's about time more of us show up as well for democracy. thank you. [cheers and applause] announcer: c-span's washington journal, live for every day with policies and news that interest you. coming up, the legacy of the vietnam war and what it was like coming home from that conflict. by three ofoined the 10 members of congress who served during the vietnam war. joined the discussion. >> i think today we, in effect, ought to catch up to the 20th century. we have been the invisible half of the congress for the past seven years. we have watched our house colleagues with interest, at least i have. the coverage of the members of our colleagues in the house. the senate comes out of the dark ages, we have created another historic member -- moment and a relationship between congress and tech and logical advancement and communications through radio in television. years ago, our executive branch began appearing on television. the first time our legislative branch, in its entirety, will appear on that idiom of communication through which most americans get their information about what our government and country does. our senate chamber proceedings also represents a policy. warranted coverage recognizes the basic right and need of the citizens of our nation to know the business of their government. announcer: thursday, c-span marks the 30th anniversary of our live gavel-to-guy vote coverage. >> i would show to you the body of evidence from this question. >> do you trust william jefferson clinton? >> we have just witnessed something that has never before happened and all of senate history. the change of power. during a session of congress. >> the american people still do not understand in this ill that there are three areas in this bill that in the next five years government in charge of everybody's health care. announcer: is an interview with senate majority leader mitch mcconnell. i am made annell: lot of mistakes, but i don't think having c-span publicize the senate was one of them. announcer: watch 30 years of the u.s. senate on television beginning thursday on c-span. in see more of our 30 years of coverage. go to c-span or or c-span2. >> next, q&a. after that, george osborne, british chancellor stands in for prime minister david cameron and takes questions. a british defense committee hearing on combating isis in iraq and syria. ♪ on q&a,r: this week bettyenate historian koed. she talks about the work done by her office. brian: betty koed? if you had to choose a character th

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