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Tomorrow, the conservative leader in the house of commons talks about britains extant from the European Union and why it is in the best interest of Great Britain and the United States. P. M. Is life monday at 5 00 eastern on cspan three. Monday on the communicators, we broadcast from the int x conference in boston known as the internet and television expo. Wheelerinterview tom about the cable industry, settop boxes, internet neutrality. You see the evolution of the nature of television, the explosion of video alternatives, increased talked about smaller bundles and how that changes the relationship with the consumer. You see alternative pathways to the consumer over devices. Behave the potential to entering the best area ever for consumers, programmers, and those who deliver. Announcer watch the communicators monday night at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan two. President obama is visiting vietnam for three days of ceremonies. Now, a discussion of the the purpose of the president ial trip. This is about 15 minutes. Welcome. Thank you for being with us. In vietnam today. His first stop in a weeklong trip to asia. How significant is this . Very significant for vietnam, the United States, and when you think about that relationship, history, it wasnt that long ago that there was an awful war and the u. S. And be enemies were enemies, and now you have a very friendly relationship, and now there is a possibility the u. S. Will even start selling weapons, so it is pretty extraordinary. Host that is the headline u. S. Likely to lift that ban the president also over there. I know some of the ministrations talked before and supported it, including the defense secretary, but others have concerns. Guest it is kind of a case study, what should the president do . Should the United States opt for and anic relationship improvement in the strategic position because acp anomalies important in this rivalry in the South China Sea with a contrary to chinas aggressive moves, but there is another voice in the administration and outside that says, no, there is a terrible human rights record in vietnam, and by lifting the ban on arms sales, you are rewarding the regime without having made sufficient progress on human rights. President began his foreignpolicy agenda in 2009 with the socalled asiapacific. It is interesting that at the end of the administration, he makes his first trip to vietnam, although the clinton and george w. Bush preceded him. Guest in fairness, the president has traveled a lot to asiapacific regions, india, elsewhere and southeast asia. You are right. This is the first visit by president obama to vietnam, and that whether wondered human rights was one of the reasons he did not go earlier, second they have tried to use the leverage of the visit to push the regime to lift its repressive tactics treatment you saw in the last few days was a prominent political prisoner released days before the president landed, and this is a Catholic Priest who has been imprisoned for years and they just released in three years before his term ends, so that is significant and could show the kind of leverage they try to exert before the visit. Host we welcome your calls and comments in a minute, but walk us through the government. Who are the leaders . Party. It is a communist there is not a democratic system. It rules vietnam and has since the war, since North Vietnam concord south vietnam, and they have a monopoly on power and there are criminal laws, which basically make it impossible to criticize the government legally , and they can put someone imprisoned for any kind of criticism they make publicly about the government, even if they write a letter criticizing local officials about local issues. That person or blogger will be thrown in jail, so they have an undemocratic system, but they are also very anxious about china, and they have seen the u. S. As an important friend at the moment because they are very upset about how china has been asserting its territorial claims all over the South China Sea. Host the scars in vietnam can be seen in those who served in this country in vietnam but also over there. The war was on the front doorsteps. But is it like today . What is it like today . Guest a very young population and many of the people do not remember the war can do not hold animosity to the United States, so it is interesting when you talk about enemies and adversaries in vietnam that the vietnamese people, china is much more of an adversary in their minds of the United States. They have been relatively [indiscernible] about the war, all the bombing by the United States, and they have really shown a willingness to move on. T then as resentment chemical he dropped during the war, but the u. S. Has made efforts to try and address that, and they have been funding programs that try to address all the fallout from that chemical that caused so much damage. Host 202 7488000 for democrats. 202 7488001 for republicans. You can send us a tweet at cspan wj. Join us on facebook. A piece this morning in the new get times and i went to your reaction to the headline the president had to vietnam the president heads to vietnam, current needs much beside old antagonism. Misunderstanding, violence and wearing a snow had the chance to create a partnership that seemed unlikely, even three years ago. Explain. If you think about it, the first president to travel to the war since the war was bill clinton. Host what an irony that he protested against the war. Guest that was an extraordinary trip and amazing moments, but it was the first step in a long journey and the feeling at the it vietnam would really be willing to open the door to closed relationships with the United States, but their economy is now booming and they do welcome foreign investments. That kind of marxist economic document has faded and they are open to foreign investment. To u. S. Now has military military exchanges of vietnam. U. S. Naval officers meet with and work with the enemies naval officers. There are some joint operations that the United States does, so it has come a long way and there is even speculation that cameron day, the major naval hub during the u. S. War there, could possibly be opened up to the United States military for use and to resupply, so that is something to look forward to in the future, but i think it is about strategic interest and the vietnam and u. S. Now have shared interest in countering what they see as chinas aggressive moves to sort of sense at the South China Sea for its territorial claims. Host i will follow up with the next point, our line for. Ndependents, 202 7488002 for those watching outside of the United States, on the web or on the Bbc Parliament channel, 202 7488003. The numbers are on the bottom of the screen. This is from joe d, when we let it not, there was no talk about nationbuilding. Is that why iraq and afghanistan are so hard to get over . Are there parallels . Guest there are parallels and differences. The u. S. Ne parallel is military in vietnam was faced with an enemy difficult to fight because they are fighting against insurgency, a guerrilla war tactic and the u. S. Military at the time was not accustomed to that at all and it was a difficult and it did not go well. Ofre was that kind nationbuilding effort at the time, a lot of the nonmilitary assistance and programs that at the time were designed to bolster vietnam as a politically strong entity, which failed. In iraq and afghanistan, same thing where we have tried to fight injures and sees that are a loose to fight insurgency that is elusive with nontraditional tactics, which can be frustrating and lethal. We have also tried to build up those governments and nations and political structures and we found it yesterday. We are not bombing the way we did in vietnam, so the military tactics and technology has improved. Of course, the politics of afghanistan are different and the taliban is not enjoy it popular Political Support that the viet cong and the vietnamese regime did, so the politics are interesting. Host our guest is Foreign Policy chief National Security correspondent dan de luce. He spent a number of years the bureau chief and worked for the Guardian Newspaper in iran. Well get the calls in the moment but i want to go to the issue of trade. How important is trade between the u. S. And vietnam . Guest it is significant and could be potentially significant under the Transpacific Partnership trade agreement, which has been negotiated but it is not clear if it will be approved by congress here. The Obama Administration to seize the trade deal as a tremendous opportunity because vietnam has high tariffs on car and u. S. Car exports are subject to 70 of cash, motorcycles, same thing, so the trade agreement went through, it to a lot of u. S. Exporters and the vietnamese would also benefit because it would support the needs like apparel and footwear, so there is a lot of money at stake. 90 Million People in vietnam, the middle class is expanding and that is an impetus with the relationship to build. Host also a popular tourism spot. A beautiful country. Speaking of the war, many u. S. Veterans have traveled there and Many Americans and they are open to talking about the war, giving people wars. I have a cousin who was a marine aviator and he just went out there with his fellow pilots and they met the men they were fighting against and shooting at, and it was a cordial and emotional meeting. You have seen those things happening over the years, so it is an amazing evolution. Host we are glad you are here. Lets bring in callers and listeners. We are talking about the president who was in vietnam today. Part of the week log asia trip and it includes japan and a visit to hiroshima. Ryan in washington. Caller good morning. Just listening to all the programs this morning, everything is relevant to the and i am just non, curious howbeit their labor is so much more appealing than the chinese labor. Can you tell us what the cost difference of that is . Good question. A i do not know the answer to that. Throughout southeast asia, labor is much cheaper than in our market. The biggest factor is not the cost of labor. It has been the tariff, the trade barriers, so the u. S. Exports would be very competitive if they could be allowed into those markets, and vietnam is one of those markets where there have been significant trade bearings. As i said, u. S. Auto exports are subject to Something Like 70 tariffs and our market is almost the u. S. Market is much more open, so the trade deal, the argument for the trade deal is that those kind of tariffs would be removed. The flipside is that there are other people saying, we do not get enough out of the agreement, and even hillary clinton, who actually masterminded the beginning of this trade negotiation now opposes it because the idea is there is not enough protection and the u. S. Will not come out ahead, so there is a debate about this. Other thing is that the it and am under the disagreement has to allow independent trade because it is a communist authoritarian system and their really not proper unions, so that would be a huge reform and that is an argument for the trade agreement, that it would push the anon in a more open direction, but it is unclear if they will carry through on that. Timeline ofk president ial visits. 15 years ago that president bill clinton in 2000 was in vietnam. G20 summit. Herschel joins us from cincinnati, ohio. Caller good morning. Cspans washington journal, live every day with news and politics that affect you. Coming up, we will speak with representing the groups are allegedly targeted by the irs. Carl levinl talk to and william klein. Well talk about the recent release by the Treasury Department and of the Top Countries that go the United States debt. Be sure to watch the washington journal beginning at 7 00 a. M. On monday morning. Join the discussion. Tomorrow, the center for responsive law starts a fourday conference. Present ideas and strategies to make existing civic groups more effective. Among them, ralph nader. 9 00coverage begins at a. M. Eastern on cspan two. At cspan. Org is a videorich complement to your cspan that viewing. Most of our governmentrelated programs like house, senate, and congressional hearings stream live on the site. From your laptop, desktop, even from your handheld device. And over 2000 programs are video libraryur and you can find it and watch it. It contains over 200,000 hours and itsn programs powerful Search Engine helps you finding and Research Programs going back many years. Cspan publishes its onair schedule. Just click on the schedule link. Service of public your cable or satellite provider. Check it out. It is on the web at cspan. Org. Announcer tonight, q a with michael kinsley. Then Queen Elizabeth ii gives the annual address at the state opening of parliament. After that, a discussion on ways to strengthen security in europe. Announcer this week on q a, vanity fair columnist and slate magazine Founder Michael kinsley. He talks about living with parkinsons disease and his new book, old age a beginners guide. Brian michael kinsley, in your new book, old age a beginners guide, why do you start your book by saying, this is not about parkinson

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