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So if he can be tattooed by a single vote and that ruins all future opinions by him on this issue, why then is he right when he says youre wrong vote on iraq tattoos you for offering your judgment . Hillary clinton i said i made a mistake on iraq. And i would love to see senator sanders join with some of my colleagues, in the senate that i see in the audience, lets reverse the immunity. Lets Hillary Clinton lets go to the gun makers and tell on notice that theyre not gonna get away with it. Bernie sanders lets do more than reverse the immunity. Hillary clinton cause you think that thats a mistake. Bernie sanders but lets let me hear it if theres any difference between the secretary and myself. I have voted time and again to for for the background checks. And i wanna see it improved and expanded. I wanna see them do away with the gun show loophole. In 1988 i lost an election because i said we should not have assault weapons on the streets of america. We have to do away with the strong man proposal. We need radical changes in Mental Health in america. So somebody whos suicidal or homicidal can get the Emergency Care they need. But we have i dont know that theres any disagreement here. Martin omalley oh yes, there is. Bernie sanders we have lots come forward with a consensus Martin Omalley yes, there is. Bernie sanders that in fact will work John Dickerson senator, a mistake or not, youre so quickly before Bernie Sanders we will talk of that bill which i agree with parts, i disagree i am certainly absolutely willing to look at that bill and make sure and not a form of the bill. John dickerson not a mistake. Martin omalley john, this is another one of those examples. Look, we have we have a lot of work to do. And were the only nation on the planet that buries as many of our people from gun violence as we do in my own state after they the children in that connecticut classroom were gunned down, we passed comprehensive gun safety legislation, background checks, ban on assault weapons. And senator, i think we do need to repeal that immunity that you granted to the gun industry. But secretary clinton, youve been on three sides of this. When you ran in 2000 you said that we needed federal robust regulations. Then in 2008 you were portraying yourself as annie oakley and saying that we dont need those regulation on the federal level. And now youre coming back around here. So john, theres a big difference between leading by polls and leading with principle. We got it done in my state by leading with principle. And thats what we need to do as party, comprehensive gun Bernie Sanders all due respect i think its fair to say that baltimore is not now one of the safest cities in america. But the issue and its a lot Martin Omalley saved a lot of lives along the way. Bernie sanders the issue is i believe and i believe this honestly and i dont know that theres much difference on guns between us but i believe coming from a state that has virtually no gun control i believe that i am in a position to recount of the 60 or 70 of the American People who agree with us on those issues. The problem is John Dickerson hold on. Bernie sanders people all over this country, not you secretary clinton, are shouting at each other. And what we need to do laugh is bring people together to work on the agreement where there is broad consensus. And thats what i intend to do. Hillary clinton there is broad consensus. 92 in the most recent poll of americans want gun safety measures. Bernie sanders absolutely. Hillary clinton and 85 of gun owners agree. Weve got the consensus. What were lacking is political leadership. And thats what you and others can start providing in the senate. Bernie sanders yes, i agree. John dickerson sorry, im gonna bring in nancy cordes with a question from twitter about this exchange. Nancy cordes about guns but also about your conversation on Campaign Finance. And secretary clinton, one of the tweets we saw said that ive never seen a candidate invoke 9 11 to justify millions of wall street donations until now the idea being that, yes, you are a champion of the community after 9 11. But what does that have to do with taking big donations . Hillary clinton well, im sorry that whoever tweeted that had that impression because i worked closely with new yorkers after 9 11 for my entire first term to rebuild. And so yes, i did know people. I had a lot of folks give me donations from all kinds of backgrounds, say, i dont agree with you on everything. But i like what you do. I like how you stand up. Im going to support you. And i think that is absolutely perfect. Bernie sanders well, i think the issue here is that i applaud secretary clinton. She did. Shes the senator from new york. She worked many of us supported you in trying to rebuild that devastation. But at the end of the day wall street today has Enormous Economic and political power. Their Business Model is greed and fraud. And for the sake of our economy they must the major banks must be broken up. Hillary clinton but Martin Omalley john, i think somewhere between the nancy cordes senator sanders, im sorry, so what is it in secretary clintons record that shows you that shes been influenced by those donations . Bernie sanders well, there the issue right now is whether or not we reestablish glass steagall. I led unfortunately unsuccessfully against deregulation because i knew when you merge Large Insurance Companies and investment banks and commercial banks it was not going to be good. The issue now is do we break them up . Do we reestablish glass steagall . And secretary clinton unfortunately is on the wrong side. Hillary clinton well, ill tell you whos on my side, paul krugman, the Nobel Prize Winning economist who said my plan for what we should do to reign in wall street was more comprehensive and better. Paul volcker, one of the leading of trying to reign in the excesses has also said he does not support reinstating glass steagall. So i mean, this may seem like a bit of an arcane discussion. I have nothing against the passion that my two friends here have about reinstating glass steagall. I just dont think it would get the job done. Im all about making sure [applause] we actually get results for whatever reason. John dickerson thats a final word the final word, governor omalley, before we go to commercial. Martin omalley john, there is not a serious economist who would disagree that the six big banks of wall street have taken on so much power and that all of us are still on the hook to bail them out on their bad debts. Thats not capitalism, secretary clinton, thats crummy capitalism. Thats a wonderful Business Model if you place that bet the taxpayers bail you out. But if you place good ones you pocket it. Look, i dont believe that the model theres lots of good people that work in finance, secretary sanders. But secretary clinton, we need to step up. And we need to protect main street from wall street. And you cant do that by campaigning as the candidate of wall street. I am not the candidate of wall street. And i encourage Bernie Sanders let me Martin Omalley everybody watching this tonight to please, acknowledge that by going online at martinomalley. Com and help me wage this campaign for real american capitalism. John dickerson we have to we have to go for a commercial, im sorry. We have to go for a commercial here. Well be right back with the democratic debate here in des moines, iowa on cbs. John dickerson back now in des moines with the candidates for the democratic president ial nomination. Senator sanders, i wanna start with you. Lets say youre elected president. Congratulations. Bernie sanders thank you. Looking forward to it. John dickerson youve said youll have a revolution. Bernie sanders yes. John dickerson but theres a conservative revolution going on in america right now. As john boehner knows, and as democrats know who have lost in state houses across the country Bernie Sanders right. John dickerson those conservatives are watching tonight and probably shaking their heads. So how you deal with that part of the country . The revolutions already happening, but on the other side. Bernie sanders and we are gonna do a Political Revolution which brings working people, young people, senior citizens, minorities together. Because every issue that i am talking about, paid family and medical leave, breaking up the banks on wall street, asking the wealthy to pay their fair share of taxes, rebuilding a fumbling infrastructure, raising the minimum wage to 15 bucks an hour, every one of those issues is supported by a significant majority of the American People. Problem is, that as a result of a corrupt Campaign Finance system, congress is not listening to the American People. Its listening to the big money interests. What the Political Revolution is about is bringing people together to finally say, enough is enough. This government belongs to us, not just the billionaires. John dickerson senator, a 30second followup. Weve heard already tonight that your 92 of support for background checks. Lets look at that as an example. If there were something 92 of the public was for, there have been these mass shootings, there was emotional support behind it. Bernie sanders yes. John dickerson bipartisan support. Bernie sanders yes. John dickerson the president , the full force of his office. Bernie sanders yup. John dickerson it went nowhere. Thats the model youre talking about nothing happened. Bernie sanders what we need is leadership in this country which revitalizes american democracy. And makes people understand that if they stand up and fight back and take on the billionaire class, we can bring about the change that we need. If we are not successful, if we continue the same old same old of washington being run by corporate lobbyists and big trusts, nothing changes. Look, i am very happy in this campaign that we have had rallies with tens of thousands of people, mostly young people. What the polls are showing is that we are absolutely defeating the secretary among younger people. Were giving young people and working people hope that real change can take place in america. Thats what the Political Revolution is about. John dickerson a question from Kathie Obradovich. Kathie obradovich yes. Senator sanders, you famously said in the last debate that you were sick and tired of hearing about your damn emails. But then you told the wall street journal that the questions about whether or not secretary clintons emails compromised classified information were valid questions. So what does it mean . Is it an issue or is it not . Bernie sanders thats just media fluff. I was sick and tired of Hillary Clintons email. I am still sick and tired of Hillary Clintons emails. And the issue is the problem is the front pages every day were dealing with that. I didnt know i had so much power. But after i said that, without much of that. What i would like for the media now is for us to be talking about why the middle class is disappearing while we have more people in jail than any other country, why we have massive levels of income and wealth inequality and were the only major country. unintel phrase paid family and medical leave. Weve gotten off of hillarys emails, good. Lets go to the major issues facing america. [cheering] [applause] Hillary Clinton im sorry, i couldnt hear you. Kathie obradovich secretary clinton, your response . Hillary clinton i agree completely. I couldnt have said it better myself. I wanted to follow up. Look, we need more americans to be involved in the political process. And i give senator sanders a lot of credit for really lighting a fire under many people, young, old, everybody who sees a chance to be involved and have their voice heard. Look at whats happening with the republicans. Theyre doing everything they can to prevent the voices of americans to be heard. [applause] theyre trying to prevent people from registering to vote. So we do need to take on the republicans very clearly and directly. But the other thing i just wanted quickly to say is i think president obama deserves more credit than he gets for what hes gotten done [applause] in washington despite the republican oppression. John dickerson secretary clinton, just one more question on the email question. For democrats, theres an f. B. I. Investigation going on. Can you satisfy democrats who might worry about another shoe dropping . That you and your staff have been totally truthful to them and that another shoe is not gonna drop . Hillary clinton well, i think after 11 hours thats pretty clear. [laughter] [cheering] [applause] you know, i i do think its important to do exactly what senator sanders said. And that is to Start Talking about the issues that the American People really care about and that they talk to each of us about and to contrast. I mean, there are differences among us. Youve heard some of those tonight. I still wanna get back to healthcare, because i think thats a worthy topic to explore. But the differences among us pale compared to whats happening on the republican side. And if you listen to what they say, and i had a chance over those 11 hours to watch and listen as well as what i see in their debate, they are putting forth alarming plans. I mean, all of us support funding planned parenthood. All of us believe Climate Change is real. All of us want equal pay for equal work. They dont believe in any of that. So lets focus on what their election is really gonna be about. [applause] John Dickerson another well, Race Relations is another issue everyone cares about. And were gonna switch to that now. Governor omalley, let me ask you a question. The head of the f. B. I. Recently said, it might be possible that some Police Forces are not enforcing the law because theyre worried about being caught on camera. The acting head of the Drug Enforcement administration said a similar thing. Where are you on this question and what would you do if you were president and two top members of your administration were floating that idea . Martin omalley well, look john, i think the i think the call of your question is how can we improve both Public Safety in america and Race Relations in america understanding how very intertwined both of those issues are in a very, very difficult and painful way for us as a people. Look, the truth of the matter is that we should all feel a sense of responsibility as americans to look for the things that actually work to save and redeem lives and to do more of them. And to stop doing the things that dont. From my part, thats what i have done in 15 years of experiences in there and as the governor, we restored Voting Rights to 52,000 people, we decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana. I repealed the death penalty, and we also put in place a civilian review board. We reported openly discourtesy and lethal force and brutality complaints. This is something that and i put forward a new agen agenda for criminal Justice Reform that is informed by that experience. So as president , i would lead these efforts and i would do so with more experience and probably the attendance of more gravesites than any of the three of us on this stage when it comes to urban crime, loss of lives. The truth is i have learned on a very daily basis that yes indeed, black lives matter. John dickerson all right, governor. [applause] senator sanders, one of your former colleagues, an African American member of Congress Said to me recently that a young African American man had asked him where to find hope in life. And he said, i just dont know what to tell him about being young and black in america today. What would you tell that young African American man . Bernie sanders well, this is what i would say. And the congressman was right. According to the statistics that im familiar with, a black male maybe born today stands a one in four chance of ending up in the criminal Justice System. 51 of high school African American graduates are unemployed or underemployed. We have more people in jail today than any other country on earth. Were spending 80 billion locking people up disproportionately, latino and African American. We need very clearly major, major reform in a broken criminal Justice System from top to bottom. And that means when Police Officers out in a community do illegal activity, kill people who are unarmed, who should not be killed, they must be held accountable. It means that we end minimum sentencing for those people and it means that we take marijuana out of the federal law as a crime and give space for freedom to go forward with legalizing marijuana. John dickerson secretary clinton, you told some black lives matter activists recently that theres a difference between rhetoric and activism and what you were trying to do, which is was enforce law or get laws passed that would help what they were pushing for. Recently at the university of missouri, that activism was very, very effective. So would you suggest that kind of activism take place at other universities across the country . Hillary clinton well, john, i come from the 1960s, a long time ago. There was a lot of activism on campus. Civil rights activism, antiwar activism, womens rights activism. And i do appreciate the way young people are standing up and speaking out. Obviously, i believe that on a college campus, there should be enough respect so people hear each other. But what happened at the university there, whats happening at other universities, i think reflects the deep sense of, you know, concern, even despair that so many young people, particularly of color have. And i recently met with a group of mothers who lost their children to either killings by police or random killings in their neighborhoods. And hearing their stories was so incredibly, profoundly heartbreaking. Each one of them, you know, describes their child, had a picture. You know, the mother of the young man with his friends in the car who was playing loud music and, you know, some older, white man pulled out a gun and shot him because they wouldnt turn the radio down. Or a young woman who had been performing at president obamas second inauguration, coming home absolutely stellar young woman, hanging out with her friends in a park, getting shot by a gang member. And of course, i i met the mothers of eric garner and tamir rice and Michael Brown and Trayvon Martin and so many of them who have lost their children. So your original question is the right question, and its not just a question for parents and grandparents to answer. Its really a question for all of us to answer. Every single one of our children deserves the chance to live up to his or her godgiven potential. And thats what we need to be doing to the best of our ability in our country John Dickerson all right. Over to kevin cooney. [applause] kevin cooney senator senator sanders, weve heard a lot about this, your offer you wanna offer free tuition in public universities and colleges. Bernie sanders yes. Kevin cooney a couple questions about this. 53 of those who enroll graduate. First question, youre just throwing a lot of money away if were looking at a third of these people are not going to complete college. Bernie sanders no, its not throwing it is an extraordinary investment for this country. In germany, many other countries do it already. In fact, if you remember, 50, 60 years ago, university of california, City University of new york were virtually tuitionfree. Here its a new story. Its not just that College Graduates should be 50,000 or 100,000 in debt. More importantly, i want kids in burlington, vermont, or baltimore, maryland, who are in the sixth grade or the eighth grade who dont have a lot of money, whose parents that like my parents, may never have gone to college. You know what i want, kevin . I want those kids to know that if they study hard, they do their homework, regardless of the income of their families, they will in fact be able to get a college education. Because were gonna make Public Colleges and universities tuitionfree. This is revolutionary for education in america. It will give hope for millions of young people. Kevin cooney well, one of the things that you want to do is to have the states pay for about a third of this 70 billion plan, correct . Bernie sanders yes. Kevin cooney there are 16 states that are running budget deficits right now. Where are they expected to come up with Bernie Sanders well, i think that theyre gonna be pretty smart. If i think a lot of states will do the right thing and i think those states that dont will pay a heavy penalty. Bottom line here is, in the year 2015, we should look at a College Degree the same we look at a high school degree, 50 or 60 years ago. If you wanna make it into the middle class, im not saying , we need plumbers and we carpenters and electricians. Thats for sure. And they should get help as well. But bottom line now is, in america, in the year 2015, any person who has the ability and desire should be able to get an education, college education, regardless of the income of his or her family. And we must substantially lower, as my legislation does, Interest Rates on student debt. John dickerson governor omalley, jump in, yeah. Martin omalley okay, thank you. I would agree with much of what senator sanders says, kevin. I believe that actually affordable college, debtfree college is the goal that we need to attain as a nation. And unlike my two distinguished colleagues on this stage, i actually made college more affordable and was the only state that went four years in a row without a pennys increase to college tuition. I respectfully disagree with senator sanders approach. I believe that the goal should be debtfree college. I believe that our federal government needs to do more on pell grants, states need to stop cutting higher education, and we should create a new Block Grant Program that keeps the states in the game, and we should lower these outrageous Interest Rates that parents and kids are being charged by their own government, 7 and 8 to go to college . I mean, my dad went to college on the gi bill after comin home from japan, flying 33 missions. My daughters went to college on a mountain of bills. But we were proud of them on graduation day. But were going to be proud every month for the rest of our natural lives. [laughter] it doesnt need to be that way. We can have debtfree college in the United States. Hillary clinton governor, if i could just jump in. I believe that we should make Community College free. We should have debtfree college if you go to a Public College or university. You should not have to borrow a dime to pay tuition. I wanna use pell grants to help defray the Living Expenses that often make a difference whether a young person can stay in school or not. I disagree with free college for everybody. I dont think taxpayers should be paying to send Donald Trumps kids to college. It think it oughta be a compact families contribute, kids contribute, and together, we want to make it possible for our new generation of young people to refinance their debt and not come out with debt in the future. John dickerson all right, nancy cordes has a question. Nancy cordes back to healthcare by popular demand. First to you, senator sanders. You prefer to scrap obamacare and move to a singlepayer system, essentially medicare for all. You say you wanna put the private Insurance Companies out of business. Is it realistic to think that you can pull the plug on a 1 trillion industry . Bernie sanders its not gonna happen tomorrow. And its probably not gonna happen until you have real Campaign Finance reform and get rid of all these super pacs and the power of the Insurance Companies and the Drug Companies. But at the end of the day, nancy, here is a question. In this great country of ours, with so much intelligence, with so much capabilities, why do we remain the only major country on earth that does not guarantee healthcare to all people as a right . Why do we continue to get ripped off by the Drug Companies who can charge us any prices they want . Why is it that we are spending per capita far, far more than canada, which is a hundred miles away from my door, that guarantees healthcare to all people . It will not happen tomorrow. But when millions of people stand up and are prepared to take on the Insurance Companies and the Drug Companies, it will happen and i will lead that effort. Medicare for all, singlepayer system is the way we should go. [applause] nancy cordes secretary clinton, back in [cheering] secretary clinton, back in 1994, you said that momentum for a singlepayer system would sweep the country. That sounds sandersesque. But you dont feel that way anymore. Why not Hillary Clinton well, the revolution never came. [laughter] and i waited and ive got the scars to show for it. We now have this great accomplishment known as the Affordable Care act. And i dont think we should have to be defending it amount democrats. We ought to be working to improve it and prevent republicans from both undermining it and even repealing it. I have looked at [applause] ive looked at the legislation that senator sanders has proposed. And basically, he does eliminate the Affordable Care act, eliminate private insurance, eliminates medicare, eliminates medicaid, tricare, Childrens Health insurance program. Puts it all together in a big program which he then hands over to the state to administer. And i have to tell you, i would not want, if i lived in iowa, Terry Branstad administering my healthcare. [applause] [cheering] i i think i think as democrats, we ought to proudly support the Affordable Care act, improve it, and make it the model that we know it can be Bernie Sanders right. Well, let me just Say Something John Dickerson thirty seconds Bernie Sanders we dont we dont eliminate medicare. We expand medicare to all people. And we will not, under this proposal, have a situation that we have right now with the accordable care act. Weve got states like South Carolina and many other republican states that because of their rightwing political ideology are denying millions of people the expansion of medicaid that we passed in the Affordable Care act. Ultimately, we have got to say as a nation, secretary clinton, is healthcare a right of all people or is it not . I Martin Omalley may i jump in John Dickerson im sorry, im sorry governor. Weve got to take a break or the machine breaks down. [laughter]youre watching the democratic debate here on cbs. Begin the final segment of this debate with something none of you saw coming. Something quite unexpected. Soon after your inauguration, you will face a crisis. All president s do. What crisis have you experienced in your life that suggest youve been tested and can face that inevitable challenge . Secretary clinton, you first. Hillary clinton well, there are so many. I dont know where to start. [laughter] i guess the one i i would pick is the fact that i was part of a very small group that had to advise the president about whether or not to go after bin laden. I spent a lot of time in the situation room as secretary of state and there were many very difficult choices presented to us. But probably that was the most challenging. Because there was no certainty attached to it. The intelligence was by no means absolute. We had all kinds of questions that we discussed. And, you know, at the end i recommended to the president that we take the chance to do what we could to find out whether that was bin laden and to finally bring him to justice. It was an excruciating experience. I couldnt talk to anybody about it. In fact, after it happened, the president called my husband, he called all the former president s. And he said to bill, well, i i assume hillary told you about this. And bill said, no, no, she hasnt. There was nobody to talk to and it it really did give me an insight into the very difficult problems president s face John Dickerson yeah. Governor omalley, what crisis proves that youre tested . Martin omalley john, i dont think that there is a crisis at the state or local level that really you can point to and say, therefore i am prepared for the sort of crises that any man or woman who is the commander in chief of our country has to deal with. But i can tell you this. I can tell you that that as a mayor and as a governor, i learned certain disciplines which i believe are directly applicable to that very, very powerful and mostimportantofall jobs of the United States, president , whose first and primary duty is to protect the people of our country. You learn that threats always change. You learn to create a security cabinet. You learn to create feedback mechanisms. You learn to constantly evaluate and understand the nature of the threats that you are being faced with. I have been tried under many different emergencies. And i can tell you that in each of those emergencies, whether they were inflicted by by drug gangs, whether they were natural emergencies, i knew how to lead and i knew how to govern because i know how to manage people in a crisis and be very clear about the goal of protecting human life. John dickerson senator sanders, what [applause] experience could you draw on in a crisis Bernie Sanders well i had the honor of being chairman of the u. S. Senate committee on veteran affairs for two years. And in that capacity, i met with just an Extraordinary Group of people from world war ii, from korea, vietnam, all of the wars. People who came back from iraq and afghanistan without legs, without arms. And ive been determined to do everything that i could to make v. A. Healthcare the best in the world, to expand benefits to the men and women who put their lives on the line to defend. And we brought together legislation, supported by the american legion, the vfw, the dav, vietnam vets, all of the veterans organizations, which was comprehensive, clearly the best piece of veterans legislation brought forth in decades. I could only get two republican votes on that. And after 56 votes, we didnt get 60. So what i have to do then is go back and start working on a bill that wasnt the bill that i wanted. Sit down with people like john mccain, to [indiscernible] people like jeff miller, the republican chairman of the house, and work on a bill. It wasnt the bill that i wanted. Yet, it turns out to be one of the most significant pieces of veterans legislation passed in recent history. The crisis was, i lost what i wanted. But i have to stand up and come back and get the best that we could. John dickerson all right, senator sanders. [applause] weve ended the evening on crisis, which underscores and reminds us again of what happened last night. Now lets move to closing statements, governor omalley . Martin omalley john, thank you. And to all of the people of iowa for the role that youve performed in this president ial selection process. If you believe that our countrys problems and the threats that we face in this world can only be met with new thinking, new and fresh approaches, then i ask you to join my campaign. Go onto martinomalley. Com. No hour is too short, no dollar too small. We will not solve our nations problems by resorting to the divisive ideologies of our past or by returning to polarizing figures from our past. We are at the threshold of a new era of american progress. That its going to require that we act as americans, based on our principles. Here at home, making an economy that works for all of us. And also, acting according to our principles and constructing a new Foreign Policy of engagement and collaboration and doing a much better job of identifying threats before they back us into military corners. There is no challenge too great for the United States to confront provided we have the ability and the courage to put forward new leadership that can move us to those better and safer and more prosperous days. I need your help. Thank you very, very much. [applause] John Dickerson secretary clinton . Hillary clinton well, thank you very much to cbs and everyone here this evening, for giving us another chance to appear before you. Youve heard a lot about me in this debate. And im gonna keep talking and thinking about all of you. Because ultimately, i think the president s job is to do everything possible, everything that she can do to lift up the people of this country. Starting with [applause] our children and moving forward. Ive spent my entire life, since i started as a young lawyer for the childrens defense fund, trying to figure out how we can even the odds for so many people in america, this great country of ours, who are behind, who dont have a chance. And thats what i will do as your president. I will work my heart out. I need your help. All of you in iowa, i need you to caucus for me. Please go to hillaryclinton. Com and be part of making this country what we know it can and should be. [applause] [cheering] Bernie Sanders this country today has more income and wealth inequality than any major country on earth. We have a corrupt Campaign Finance system dominated by super pacs. Were the only major country on earth that doesnt guarantee healthcare to all people. We have the highest rate of childhood poverty. And were the only in the world, virtually the only country that doesnt guarantee paid family and medical leave. Thats not the america that i think we should be. But in order to bring about the changes that we need, we need a Political Revolution. Millions of people are gonna have to stand up, turn off the tv, get involved in the political process, and tell the big]monied interests that we are taking back our country. Please go to berniesanders. Com, please become part of the Political Revolution. Thank you. [cheering] [applause] John Dickerson all right, back with some final thoughts in a moment. [music] and as the candidates are thanking each other for a good debate. Clinton, sanders, and omalley now have two debates in the books, so four more to come. So, Major Garrett, how did they do tonight and whats getting the most talked about on twitter . Major garrett is with us in this finale. Major garrett so, john, our partnership with twitter reveals the mosttalkedabout moments for each of the three candidates when youre having this kind of conversation, it doesnt mean its all good, it could be good and bad, but its what drove the conversation most. In order Hillary Clinton, when she defended her integrity on Campaign Contributions and mentioned 60 of her donors are women. That was her big spike moment. For Bernie Sanders, its when he called dwight d. Eisenhower a noted socialist for referring to his income tax bracket being very high and much higher than they are now. Martin omalleys big spike moment is when he called donald trump an immigrantbashing [cheering] carnival barker. And remember that as the plan for Martin Omalley, immigrantbashing carnival barker for [cheering] donald trump. Those are the big fight moments for the three candidates, as recorded by twitter, our partnership with them has revealed the most interesting moments of conversation as defined by the three candidates. John . John dickerson thanks so much, Major Garrett. Thanks all of you for joining us for this democratic president debate, hosted by Drake University in des moines, iowa. Cbs news will bring you a debate on the republican candidates on february 13, from greenville, South Carolina. I will have much more about the president ial race and the paris attacks tomorrow on face the nation. Our guests include senator sanders. And you can see more on postdebate coverage on our 24hour digital news network, cbsn which is available on all devices at cbsnews. Com. From my cbs news colleagues, Major Garrett and nancy cordes, kevin cooney of kcci, and Kathie Obradovich of the des moines register, and with a thanks to all the folks here at drake for their hospitality. Im John Dickerson. Good night. [applause] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] the British Parliament was in recess much of the week so prime ministers question time is not held. Question time returns this week live on cspan two on wednesday at 7 00 p. M. Eastern. We will show it again sunday night at 9 00 eastern and pacific on cspan. Watch anytime at www. Cspan. Org we can find video of past prime ministers questions and other British Public affairs programs. Thursday, president obama bestow the medal of honor to retired army captain flora groberg. Florent he tackled a suicide bomber, sitting the lives of his fellow soldiers. He suffered severe injuries and four soldiers were killed in the attack. Bb10 living recipient of the nations highest military honor for his actions in afghanistan. [hail to the chief plays] ladies and gentlemen, the president of the United States, accompanied by medal of honor recipient captain Florent Groberg. Almighty god, we hear your words, how can we repay the lord for his goodness to me . Today, we remember youre good your goodness to us sacrifice of all our soldiers. Heal our hearts from the tears of their grieving families. Being with us as we honor the actions of our heroes. We give thanks for their sacred calling to serve, to protect, to defend our nation and our way of life without counting the cost. May the soldier be an example for future generations. May his life serve as a beacon for our young men and women who run to the sound of the guns for the sake of humanity, for the sake of the nation they have come to love. In your holy name, we pray, amen. Amen. President obama please be seated. Good morning, and welcome to the white house. A little more than three years ago, as captain Florent Groberg was recovering from his wounds as a consequence of the actions that we honor today, he woke up on a hospital bed in a little bit of a haze. He wasnt sure, but he thought he was in germany, and someone was at his bedside talking to him. And he thought it was the lead singer from the heavy metal band korn. [laughter] president obama flo thought, whats going on . Am i hallucinating . But he wasnt. It was all real. And so today, flo, i want to assure you, you are not hallucinating. You are actually in the white house. Those cameras are on. I am not the lead singer from korn. [laughter] president obama we are here to award you our nations highest military honor distinction, the medal of honor. Now, flo and i have actually met before. Three years ago, i was on one of my regular visits to walter reed to spend some time with our wounded warriors, and flo was one of them. We talked. It turns out he liked the chicago bears, so i liked him right away. [laughter] president obama and i had a chance to meet his parents who could not be more gracious and charming, and you get a sense of where flo gets his character from. It is wonderful to see both of you again. I also want to welcome flos girlfriend carsen, who apparently, flo tells me, he had to help paint an apartment with just the other day. So theres some honeydew lists going on. [laughter] president obama his many friends, fellow soldiers and family, all of our distinguished guests. A day after veterans day, we honor this american veteran, whose story, like so many of our vets and wounded warriors, speaks not only of gallantry on the battlefield, but resilience here at home. As a teenager just up the road in bethesda, flo discovered he had an incredible gift. He could run. Fast. Halfmile, mile, two mile hed leave his competition in the dust. He was among the best in the state. And he went on to run track and crosscountry at the university of maryland. Flos College Coach called him the consummate teammate. As good as he was in individual events, somehow he always found a little extra something when he was running on a relay with a team. Distance running is really all about guts, and as one teammate said, flo could suffer a little more than everyone else could. So day after day, month after month, he pushed himself to his limit. He knew that every long run, every sprint, every interval could help shave off a second or two off his times. And as hed find out later, a few seconds can make all the difference. Training, guts, teamwork. What made flo a great runner also made him a great soldier. In the army, flo again took his training seriously, hitting the books in the classroom, paying attention to every detail in field exercises because he knew that he had to be prepared for any scenario. He deployed to afghanistan twice. First as a platoon leader, and then a couple of years later when he was handpicked to head up a security detail. And so it was on an august day three years ago that flo found himself leading a group of american and Afghan Soldiers as they escorted their commanders to a meeting with local afghans. It was a journey that the team had done many times before. A short walk on foot, including passage over a narrow bridge. At first, they passed pedestrians, a few cars and bicycles, even some children. But then they began to approach the bridge and a pair of motorcycles sped toward them from the other side. The afghan troops shouted at the bikers to stop and they did, ditching their bikes in the middle of the bridge and running away. And thats when flo noticed something to his left. A man dressed in dark clothing, walking backwards, just some 10 feet away. The man spun around and turned toward them, and thats when flo sprinted toward him. He pushed him away from the formation, and as he did, he noticed an object under the mans clothing a bomb. The motorcycles had been a diversion. And at that moment, flo did something extraordinary. He grabbed the bomber by his vest and kept pushing him away. And all those years of training on the track, in the classroom, out in the field all of it came together. In those few seconds, he had the instincts and the courage to do what was needed. One of flos comrades, Sergeant Andrew mahoney, had joined in, too, and together they shoved the bomber again and again. And they pushed him so hard he fell to the ground onto his chest, and then the bomb detonated. Ball bearings, debris, dust exploded everywhere. Flo was thrown some 15 or 20 feet and was knocked unconscious. And moments later, he woke up in the middle of the road in shock. His eardrum was blown out. His leg was broken and bleeding badly. Still, he realized that if the enemy launched a secondary attack, hed be a sitting duck. And when a comrade found him in the smoke, flo had his pistol out, dragging his wounded body from the road. That blast by the bridge claimed four american heroes four heroes flo wants us to remember today. One of his mentors, a 24year army vet who always found time for flo and any other soldier who wanted to talk, command Sergeant Major kevin griffin. A west pointer who loved hockey and became a role model to cadets and troops because he always cared more about other people than himself, major tom kennedy. A popular air force leader known for smiling with his whole face, someone who always seemed to run into a friend wherever he went, major david gray. And finally, a Usaid Foreign Service officer who had just volunteered for a second tour in afghanistan. A man who moved to the United States from egypt and reveled in everything american, whether it was disneyland or chain restaurants or roadside pie, ragaei abdelfatah. These four men believed in america. They dedicated their lives to our country. They died serving it. Their families, loving wives, and children, parents and siblings, bear that sacrifice most of all. So while ragaeis family could not be with us today, id ask three gold star families to please stand and accept our deepest thanks. [applause] president obama today, we honor flo because his actions prevented an even greater catastrophe. You see, by pushing the bomber away from the formation, the explosion occurred farther from our forces and on the ground instead of in the open air. And while flo didnt know it at the time, that explosion also caused a second unseen bomb to detonate before it was in place. Had both bombs gone off as planned, who knows how many could have been killed. Those are the lives flo helped to save. And we are honored that many of them are here today. Brigadier general james mingus, Sergeant Andrew mahoney, who was awarded a silver star for joining flo in confronting the attacker, Sergeant First Class brian brink, who was awarded a bronze star with valor for pulling flo from the road, specialist daniel balderrama, the medic who helped to save flos leg, private first class benjamin secor, and Sergeant Eric ochart, who also served with distinction on that day. Gentlemen, id ask you to please stand and accept the thanks of a grateful nation, as well. [applause] president obama at walter reed, flo began his next mission the mission to recover. He suffered significant nerve damage and almost half of the calf muscle in his left leg had been blown off. So the leg that had powered him around that track, the leg that moved so swiftly to counter the bomber that leg had been through hell and back. Thanks to 33 surgeries and some of the finest medical treatment a person can ask for, flo kept that leg. Hes not running, but hes doing a lot of crossfit. I would not challenge him to crossfit. [laughter] president obama hes putting some hurt on some rowing machines and some stair climbers. I think it is fair to say he is fit. Today, flo is medically retired. But like so many of his fellow veterans of our 9 11 generation, flo continues to serve. As i said yesterday at arlington, thats what our veterans do. They are incredibly highly skilled, dynamic leaders always looking to write that next chapter of service to america. For flo, that means a civilian job with the department of defense to help take care of our troops and keep our military strong. And every day that he is serving, he will be wearing a bracelet on his wrist as he is today a bracelet that bears the names of his brothers in arms who gave their lives that day. The truth is flo says that day was the worst day of his life. And that is the stark reality behind these medal of honor ceremonies. That for all the valor we celebrate, and all the courage that inspires us, these actions were demanded amid some of the most dreadful moments of war. Thats precisely why we honor heroes like flo. Because on his very worst day, he managed to summon his very best. Thats the nature of courage. Not being unafraid, but confronting fear and danger and performing in a selfless fashion. He showed his guts. He showed his training. How he would put it all on the line for his teammates. Thats an american we can all be grateful for. Its why we honor captain Florent Groberg today. May god bless all who serve and all who have given their lives to our country. We are free because of them. May god bless their families and may god continue to bless the United States of america with heroes such as these. The president of the United States of america, authorized by act of congress, march 3, 1863, has awarded in the name of congress the medal of honor to captain florent a. Groberg, United States army. Captain florent a. Groberg distinguished himself by acts of gallantry and intrepidity at the risk of his life above and beyond the call of duty while serving as a personal security Detachment Commander for Task Force Mountain warrior, fourth Infantry Brigade combat team, Fourth Infantry Division during combat operations against an armed enemy in asadabad, kunar province, afghanistan, on august 8, 2012. On that day, captain groberg was leading a dismounted movement consisting of several Senior Leaders to include two brigade commanders, two battalion commanders, two command sergeants major, and an Afghanistan National army brigade commander. As they approached the provincial governors compound, captain groberg observed an individual walking close to the formation. While the individual made an abrupt turn towards the formation, he noticed an abnormal bulge underneath the individuals clothing. Selflessly placing himself in front of one of the brigade commanders, captain groberg rushed forward using his body to push the suspect away from the formation. Simultaneously, he ordered another member of the security detail to assist with removing the suspect. At this time, captain groberg confirmed the bulge was a suicide vest. And with complete disregard for this life, captain groberg, again, with the assistance of the other member of the security detail, physically pushed the suicide bomber away from the formation. Upon falling, the suicide bomber detonated his explosive vest outside of the perimeter of the formation, killing four members of the formation and wounding numerous others. The blast from the first suicide bomb caused the suicide vest of a previously unnoticed second suicide bomber to detonate prematurely with minimal impact on the formation. Captain grobergs immediate actions to push the first suicide bomber away from the formation significantly minimized the impact of the coordinated suicide bombers attack on the formation, saving the lives of his comrades and several Senior Leaders. Captain grobergs extraordinary heroism and selflessness above and beyond the call of duty at the risk of his life on keeping with the highest traditions of the military service, and reflect great credit upon himself, fourth Infantry Brigade combat team, Fourth Infantry Division, and the United States army. [applause] let us pray. May the example of all the soldiers we remember today serve to inspire us to defeat all the enemies we face. May the acts of virtue we remember give us the courage to hold on to what is good, strengthen the fainthearted, support the weak, and help those who suffer. May we the living bring honor to those who have perished so that others may live in peace. Grant your blessing remain upon us and be with us always, amen. President obama that concludes the formal portion of this ceremony. I need to take some pictures with the Outstanding Team members, as well as the gold star families who are here today. As flo reminds us this medal, in his words, honors them as much as any honors that are bestowed upon him. And on veterans day week, that is particularly appropriate. I want to thank all of our Service Members who are here today, all who could not attend. And i hope you enjoy an outstanding reception. I hear the food is pretty good here. [laughter] president obama thank you very much, everybody. [applause] obama give captain groberg a big round of applause again. Thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] next, q a with author stacy schiff. And the british former foreign secretaries talked about Climate Change. This week on q a, Pulitzer Prize winning author stacy schiff discusses her latest book, the witches about the 1692 salem witch trials and events leading up to them. Brian stacy schiff, author of the witches, why do people want to read about it . Stacy we go to it, the fascination with the supernatural. Partly because it seems so inconsistent with the rest of our history. This bre

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