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Dyson, u. S. Jeff merkley and washington dc mayor bowser. This is one hour and 15 minutes. Good morning, all. The ariel bowser and i am mayor of the best city in the world and i want to welcome the National Action network to washington, d. C. I want to welcome you all to my hometown in your Nations Capital and i want to thank and forgnize our reverend al his leadership, our reverend al for his vision and our reverend al for standing up for all of us. Over the last several months, we have been reminded of the values we have to fight for. We have been reminded of reverend dr. Martin luther king and what he stood for. How he told us that we had to look beyond ourselves, look beyond our own generation and make sure this was an america that was worthy of us all. In my own hometown that we have to fight on a local level, a state level and a federal level and that is why we are truly blessed that reverend al has called us together. It is not where we start but where we are growing and i am proud that in washington, d. C. He nation will look to us in our city, we know that we cant rely on the federal government and we dont have a state government. We are the city, county, and the state all in one. And because of that, we have fought to get our crime rate down, unemployment down, graduations up and more people getting a Second Chance in our cities. D. C. Ve assisted to make one of the most inclusive places anywhere in these United States. We are committed to justice and equity and committed to making American Values all peoples values and that is our focus. As mayor of washington, d. C. We know that we can be at the forefront to fight for criminal justice reforms that make our city and our nation more fair. We have led the way in working with our brothers and sisters in labor to pass a minimum wage of 15 by 2020 and we call him the nation to do the same. We know that we cant have a prosperous city that we are proud of if more washingtonians dont participate in it and that is why we are more committed to Affordable Housing than ever. We know that we have to stand up for the human rights of women, of girls, of our Lgbt Community, of latinos, of africanamericans, and anybody that would be frightened or scared in their nation. We are asking you to stand up for us. You know that we live in the shadow of the Nations Capital that we dont have a vote in that capital. We demand statehood because that is the only way we can truly be equal. I hope that while you are in washington, i know youre going to see our fantastic memorial to the reverend dr. Martin luther king and you will remember when he was at Spelman College, he said five decades ago if you cant fly then you should run, if you cant walk then you should crawl, but by all means, keep moving. Keep moving, National Action network and washington dc is right here with you. God bless you all. Now for our invocation, he is the Senior Pastor of the Historic Baptist Church in brooklyn where reverend dr. William Augustus Jones baptized reverend sharpton. It is reverend sharptons home church and we are grateful to with us reverend ourselves. Enter god, grand architect of this universe, we thank you for this day, we thank you for this Beautiful Day because any day above ground is a Beautiful Day. A day to resolve our determination to stand for justice as we stand in the shadow of one of your saints, dr. King, we thank you for his legacy that continues through the National Action network and the reverend al sharpton. We pray for all of those that have gathered across this country as we unite together to stand for justice, equality, freedom, be with us in this encounter. In your name we pray, amen. Colleagues, let us received at this time my colleague the west coast regional director of the National Action network, reverend dr. K w two loaves. No justice no justice. No justice. Brothers and sisters, it is a Beautiful Day. As i look amongst you, one of the things i recognized is god is alive and well. How do i know . I spoke to him earlier this morning and he assured me that everything is going to be all right. I dont know about you today, but today, we have come to send a strong message to this nation. We shall overcome. We shall not be moved. We have come this morning from the west coast, from the east coast, from the north, from the message, send a strong to make some noise and to let this world know that we will not out down. We will take a stand. We will march. We will raise our voices like a triumph. I dont know about you but i am excited because as i look among these beautiful people, as i look amongst you, i see the audacity of hope. I see individuals in the street. I see individuals that are ready to raise their voice. I dont know about you today, but like the three hebrew boys, we are not going to bow down. We are going to move with the finger of god. We are going to let them know that we are going to speak truth to power. We have seen what this world is coming to. 14 days into a brandnew year, we want to send a message that shows that you are appointing to these national positions, that they will hear from us. Is hew that the sad thing doesnt sound good. Are you ready to fight . Are you ready to win . Make some noise. Make some noise. Keep it alive. [applause] colleague, thend midwest regional director of the National Action that work and the Senior Pastor of king solomon Baptist Church in detroit, michigan, lets receive reverend dr. Charles williams junior. What time is it . It is fighting time. Let me hear you. What time is it . What time is it . What do we want . When do we want it . Let me hear you make some noise. Shadow ofere in the the washington monument. Ofstand here in the shadow dr. Martin luther king juniors monument. Becauseont stand here we just deserve it. Somebody had to pay a price and the question is, is that we have the opportunity to stand here now. But are we willing to stand up and fight back so that those who come after us get the opportunity to stand here too . Reallystion is, are we just fighting to make sure that we hold on to health care . Are we willing to fight to make sure that every man and woman and accessortunity to jobs . Are we willing to stand and fight the racist police that continue to reign terror on our boys in cities across america . Win. Fight, we when we dont, we wont. And so although we are happy to be in this space today, the real fight is the fight that we must fight when we go back home. Whether it is in detroit, michigan, whether it is in pennsylvania, philadelphia, whether it is in washington, d. C. , whether it is in new york, they are fighting. If we fight, we win. No justice no peace. Reasons i have a lot of faith in our future is because our future is in the my sister,ople like my young sister, a student at Spelman College and carrying the banner all throughout atlanta and georgia. She is our National Youth director of the National Action network and carries that message across the nation. She is a millennial leader in her own right. Let us perceive right now, my sister. Mary hector. I think it is important that before i start, i acknowledge the fact that millennials organized this march. With the assistance of reverend sharpton, millennials organized this march and they deserve that acknowledgment. I will name a few. Mcmillan,s like kylie ashley sharpton, emily riley, i know i am forgetting some. I could go on and on about the millennials all across the country that helped put this together and the ones standing behind me. And so, please give these young people a round of applause. As we stand here, i cant help but think about the woman who at this very second is being sexually assaulted and may have to face her rapist every day because there are people advocating to end safe abortions in our country. I couldnt help but think about the africanamerican teenager today that lost their lives due to gun violence. I pray for the health of my loved ones who will no longer have health care because they are trying to repeal the Affordable Health care act. Issues may seem different to you, the truth is that cannot be any further from the truth. Dream that we could all stand together in unity and Work Together. But all i have seen in the news in the media is divisiveness. Forward,for us to move there needs to be unity. Women in this on country, there is a war on black and brown bodies in this country, there is a war on justice in this country. And so today, we stand here in washington, d. C. To tell donald , and, Jeff Sessions everybody else in his administration that we will not be moved. Adultsllennials that that Indigenous People that immigrants are working together in unity, pushing the message of a second wave of the civil rights movement. Of dr. Martin luther king and the spirit of ida b wells and the spirit of Shirley Chisholm and so many great people. And so, today, we need to understand that it is not just donald trump that we have to worry about. Because all politics are local. And so you have to find it within yourself after today to go back home and to keep up the fight for four years. For four years. It is our duty to fight for our freedom. It is our duty to win. We must love each other. And protect each other. E have nothing to lose thank you. [applause] he is the liberation seeker. He is the peoples preacher. President ofnding the National Action network and he is the one who called us to be here today to send a message for those that would come tomorrow. Let us receive, at this time, the president and founder of the National Action network, the man called for this day, reverend dr. Al sharpton. No justice no peace. No justice no peace. What do we want . Justice. When do we want it . Now. When do we want it . Now. We wont go back. We wont go back. We wont go back. We wont go back. All right. Here and wered march in the driving rain because we want this nation to understand that what has been , that you and gained are going to be more than one election to turn it around. March onalled this four nonnegotiable issues. Justiceights, criminal and Police Reform, equal and fair Economic Justice, and the Affordable Care act. From allo washington over this country. They are going to live tomorrow and say there wasnt but to hundred of us but look at this crowd in the rain. Come not to appeal to donald trump, because he has made it clear what his policies are and what his nominations are. Democrats say to the in the senate and in the house and into the moderate republicans to get some backbone. Get some guts. Todidnt send you down here be weak need. Eed and to maken friends. We sent you down here to stand up for senior citizens, to stand up for students that cant pay their loans. Stand up for victims of police abuse. If you cant do the job then we will come here and bring you back home. To compromiseng on those four things. What we must do, as there is action all over the country, and as we see the votes on confirmation, i am taking a list today of you that are ready. We are going to go to the Senators Offices and we are going to visit them right before the vote for mr. Sessions. We need to make some housecalls. While. To stay a Little Office to stay in their while they are on the floor voting yes, because dr. King died fighting for these rights. That is why we came to the king memorial. , whokaren a scott king used to speak at National Action Network Every year wrote a letter saying that sessions should not be on the federal bench. We owe it to her to have a on those that would put him in the Justice Department. You are not getting a pass. We want the world to see, if you sell us out we are going to let everybody know who you are. When we look at the fact that in oneconfirmation hearing no raised while he was sitting there when he said he supported voter id. If you support voter id, why did 77 Motor Vehicle places in alabama where they could get their id . They closed them right after the Supreme Court decision. Eight of the 10 top black counties closed them. You didnt say anything about it, senator. You cannot be the head of the Justice Department and protect voters when you advocate suppressing the vote. You said that you were against federal intervention and federal people getting involved in local cases. Where this week alone, we saw a Consent Decree in baltimore, a report in chicago, all of that he would stop. We are not here because we didnt have Something Else to do. We are not here because we fought hard we are here because we fought hard because we want to make sure that this put off crime and we are not going away now. Criminal justice and Police Reform must go forward. Let me say this. I saw on the front page of the Washington Post this morning, about the case of eric garner. I thought about how in this is the casertment of walter scott, shot in the back on video whereas the federal case all of this , the reenlivening of this, the revival of this started when a young boy with nothing but skittles and an iced tea in his hand was going home to his daddy and he was shot n and there wasnt even they wouldnt even arrest the felon. Some of us went to sanford and stood up for trayvon martin. We are going to stand up for eric garner and we are going to stand up for walter scott and we are going to stand up for tamir rice. We may switch president s but are just going to switch legs and keep on watching. We wont back down. We wont be trumped. We wont be trumped. We wont be trumped. Trumped. t be we wont be trumped. We wont be trumped. We wont be trumped. Me inant you to join welcoming to the stage the courageous face of these movements, the mother of trayvon ericn, the mother of garner, and the brother walter scott. They came and marched today. We will not be moved. [applause] lets hear. The media like to put out their person and say this speaks for the movement. We work with the families that have suffered. We have been with sabrina from the beginning. We have been with eric garner. We still are. Scotte been with walter and we are going to be there to the end. Wheres gary white . That donaldoung men said he should be executed. We march for him. We stood for him. He went to jail for something he didnt do and was finally exonerated after years in jail. He couldnt get a job so we gave him a job at National Action network. We are still here. One of the central park five. Trumped. Ow to fight that is an example of how we are going to fight. Killed with a question of mentality in san diego, california. Alonso, his father joins us. Richard alonso. These are the cases that we want the senate to make sure they have backbone to deal with. Families hear from the that we are going to hear from. We are going to hear from members of the senate, a couple have come with us. Today, they are my colleagues in civil rights leadership. They are here so we dont want you to think that you came all this distance for a parade. Lots of people have parades and call it a march. We lay out what we are going to do. How many of you are ready to make housecalls . How many of you are ready for the day to go in and have a session on sessions at your Senators Office . We want to break it down statebystate, call it sessions for sessions. Start, calling a summit since the Public Sector has been closing on us. We need to select in the private sector the companies that are violating our principles and we are going to have a national withdrawal of our dollars and we will make sure the private sector balances out the public are goingthat if you to cut us off in washington, we are going to cut you off at home. Martin,f trayvon sabrina. [applause] i want to say that i stand with rev. Because he stood with me. We shall not be moved. My son that was shot and killed back in , i want you, 2012 to have the same compassion for me as if it was your child. It is very important that we look out for our young people. Because they cant defend themselves. And so i continue this fight because my son was shot down and it made me stand up. So wont you stand with us . Wont you go back to your communities and stand up and make a difference in your community . Thank you and god bless you. [applause] the mother of eric garner carr. Wen thank you all for being here. We all need to be here. This is the first step. This is not the end. This is the beginning. When we leave here, we have work to do. Like at National Action network, i thank them so very much for standing with us. They stand with us when the lights are on and when they go out. A lot of you, when you go back to your homes it will be like nothing happened. We cant do that. We have to stand. There are things that are at stake that we have to address. Our Voting Rights. We must not embarrass our forefathers by letting them take away our Voting Rights. That is the most powerful weapon that we have. And we will not stand by quietly while they manipulate the Voting Rights. Our forefathers died. Our forefathers blood is on that bill. We must uphold them. And our civil rights, the right to a living wage, we should not have to work two or three jobs to get the basic for our family. Everyone deserves a living wage. Why do they think that we are any less, the 67 million getting less than the minimum we dont want they minimum wage, we want a living wage. And women are getting paid . 67 to every dollar that a man makes. Why . We do the best work. We should get paid accordingly. Police reform, we should we must demand a way and community is being policed if we half to have a better standing. That they respect human life better than they do. Communedemand they these sentences for people with low crimes and they are keeping two and threeoing lifetimes. For what . We have to stand together on this and obamacare. His pet project. Becan not let that abolished. We cannot stand here and say let them take it. No. We lost an election, we did not lose our minds. Up andgoing to stand push back and we are going to tell our senators the minorities you stand with us if you want our vote. I think you so much. [applause] we also the video of walter scott, a man shot in his back. Running away. Shot, iay after he was went to North Charleston with reverend rivers and we had a prayer vigil at that spot. Prayer we had lead us in two months later was one of the nine killed in his church in charleston. To playo much going on games with the Justice Department. Department is the case of walter scott. The garner Just Like Family has advocated nothing but asking for justice. They have not called for one word of hate. Not one act of violence. Mr. Trump is not how we act. The question is how you are going to act about justice. How are you going to have the people sent of and make America Great when you can see people mode down in a church in bible class and turn and forget the killer. That is what makes people great. Loud saying nothing, tweeting in the middle of the night does not make you great. Great is when you can locate and the face and refuse to hate and become like the haters. I bring you the brother of er scott, im the youngest brother of walter scott and my mother cannot be here. She wanted to be here but our health cause or not to be held. It is not over until it is over. We sat in the courtroom for seven weeks looking for justice. I dont know about you, but im tired of being peaceful. Im tired of justice not being served to all mankind. We are going to have to do it again. Marche a trial again in and we would like for your andort to be there for me my family. We want justice and we are going to stand together. It is not over until god says it is over. Thank you again the scott family. Us hear from richard a of the father are you guys awake . Are you all awake . When my son was shot in san , a wary Richard Gonzales on humanity. Ared a line has been drawn that when it is called but we have to move forward. My son was killed because of his black skin. He should not have been shot. He was aiming to kill. We dont have military eyes to police. Im sorry. I get very annoyed when i remember my son was killed. He was looking for protection and safety. When i brought my son to america to look for justice, the country where i came from to look for justice is where my son was killed. It is a big contradiction. I do not understand it. And we must bet ready to fight. Join us to fight. We fight to win. Arambe. Arambe. Arambe. Arambe. Thank you. One senator who has stood up to fight and has marched with us today, United States senator from organ, senator merkley. Give him a hand. [applause] what do we want . Justice. When do we want it . Now. I know you are all ready to march in the cold. Are you willing to march up to capitol hill . Are you willing to talk to justice to power . Are you willing to say to the powerful that we want the end of racial profiling . We want the end of mass incarceration . Yes. We want Quality Health care for every american . Yes. Dr. Martin luther king said there is a dark and desolate valley, but we must go to the sunlit path of justice. Are you ready to go on that path . Yes. What are the first three words of our constitution . We the people. It is not we the powerful. What is it . It is not we the privileged. It is we the people. So let us march onto capitol hill and go to every Senate Office and demanded that we want demand that we want that sunlit path of justice for every american. Thurgood marshall on the Supreme Court, the first africanamerican to serve, he said that we must not say it is ok to have indifference. There is a better path, a better america. Let us fight for that better america. I am proud to stand with you. Thank you. [applause] senator merkley. Give him a hand. [applause] as i bring on of my National Civil rights leader colleagues, let me first bring in the mayor of newark, new jersey. Mayor ross baraka. [applause] no justice. No justice. No justice. We are all the way from newark, new jersey. I know newark is in the house. All 300,000 with us and with reverend out sharpton and the National Action network to say we will not be moved. We are here some 50 years later after dr. Martin luther king jr. Brought us down here to cash a check that was marked insufficient funds. We are still here 50 years later trying to cash that staying same check. We are still here trying to get what we deserve in this place and were here to tell them that we shall not be moved. America is not great because of donald trump. America is great because millions of people fought to end slavery. America is only great because the mother of stood with her sons body after you was pulled from the river to show that we will discover and into segregation. America is great because we stop to show the world we would defeat jim crow. America is great because we worked to destroy slavery in the south. America is only great because we march the streets. We shed our blood and we did not sit down in the face of tyranny and oppression. America is great because the people have made it great. I am going to sit down, but i am not a part of the minority. I am part of the majority. The majority of americans want an increase in minimum wage. The majority of americans want criminal justice reform. Majority of americans want Affordable Health care. The majority of americans want free or affordable college. The majority of americans want criminal justice reform. And the majority of americans did not vote for donald trump. I stand with the majority and not the minority. I did not lose. I won. My god is not a loser. My god is a winner. I stand with those who won. Victory to the oppressed. When we fight we win. When we fight we win. [applause] baraka. Raz baraka. Where is reverend steffi . Teaching him how to preach a little. National civil rights leaders. They are all here. From cornell brooks to rishaad robertson and others. A united front of our labor leaders. I want to bring the chairman of our board of the Baptist Church that will introduce each of them and then we will have our labor leaders. We have a warmup to get you home from the one and only reverend dr. Michael dyson. Reverend w. Franklin richards. We want to celebrate the leadership of reverend sharpton. The founder of the National Action network and president. Let us give him some love as he has provided leadership. [applause] i am glad to be here to join all of us as we come across the country to be a part of an important statement of a rejection of what appears to be policies that are designed to hold us back. This is the first time in 30 years and that the cabinet will not look like america. All billionaires and men,onaires and all white with the exception being one white woman and one colored man. This is the first time in the history of america where we have the first russian president of the United States of america. [laughter] so, it is important that the Africanamerican Community is not silent. That is why this march is important. There will be other marches. But this march is important , because we, as a community, are standing up and saying that we shall not be moved. We will not turn back the clock. The National Action network is grateful to have our partners in civil rights to join us. We understand that the cause of civil rights cannot be handled by any one, single organization, but only by a collaboration of people who have a heart and cause for justice. Today we have this wonderful , quandary of civil rights leaders who joined the National Action network. One of our partners is living beengreat clarity that is in the shuttle a long time. He has been very articulate. It is my joy to welcome the president of the National Urban league mark morreale. ,[applause] no justice. No peace. No justice. No peace. I know that the rain is coming and in that spirit, im going to try to set the tone to be as brief as possible. Ago, our 50 years forefathers and foremothers to setd on the small forth under dr. Kings leadership a vision for the future of this nation. Just four years ago, we gathered to celebratemall the 50th anniversary of that march. When we did it, it was a joyous day. We had present with us the first africanamerican president in the history of the United States. Four years later, we face an unknown and uncertain future. We must send the strongest possible message today that just because an election has taken place, it does not change what we believe in, what we stand for or what our vision for this , nation is. Our vision for this nation, as civil rights leaders and human rights leaders combined, is a vision of an america without hate. It is a vision of america with Economic Opportunity for all. It is a vision of america with properly funded Public Schools that educate every child. It is a vision for america where health care is not a privilege , but a right. It is a vision for america that says whether you are black or white or hispanic or asian or native or gay or straight or man or woman, this nation is your nation. This is our nation. Call has been this great to make America Great. Americaoday to make great for everyone. Make America Great for the lockedout and left out. Make America Great for the child down in alabama seeking to become a great person. Make America Great for the young man in the bronx or young woman in chicago. Make America Great for everyone. Let us say that today is the beginning. We will be part of this new movement for resistance in america. What we resist is any effort to turn back the hands of time. For this generation, this is a moment not of comfort or convenience, but a moment of challenge and controversy. Where do we stand . We must stand and say loudly, we will not be moved. [applause] thanks, mark. One of our partners that has been a sustaining partner across the years has been the naacp. We are happy to have the sident, dr. Carlton books , as he comes to give a word to us today. [cheering] im going to ask if there is anyone here who appreciate the leadership of the reverend al sharpton in the National Action network. To put your hands together long, loud, and resoundingly. [applause] this is a brother who has gone to jail for his people, has stood up for his people, has continued to stand by his people. Put your hands together for the reverend al sharpton. [applause] on behalf of the leadership and membership of the naacp, i am reminded that on this morning rainy and there are some who believe we are , but i want tohy remind our opponent that our , hearts are warm with courage conviction, warm with conscience. Warm with determination. Warm with resolve. Warm with the prophetic spirit. We are not giving up. We are not giving in. Were not giving over. We are going to stand and stand and stand for our rights. The late Supreme Court justice , harry blackmun, said a chill wind blows all across this republic. There is a chill wind that blows. A chill wind of fear for women who heard a president , or rather a candidate for the presidency talk in the most vulgar terms of grabbing a womans genitalia. The fear is that this is not campaign rhetoric, but the promise of an administration reality. This is a campaign in which we saw racism regularize. Homophobia routinized. Xenophobia made the order of the day. It is a campaign in which we heard over and over again our people being marginalized. Our people being otherized. The handicapped and disabled being made fun of. It is a campaign in which many of us felt disrespected. Unless we miss the point in recent hours and recent days, we heard the president elect referred to an icon of the civil cames movement who precariously or perilously close to becoming a martyr of the civil rights movement, being representative john lewis. The president elect said that he was all talk and no action. Disrespected. We had members of the Congressional Black Caucus invited and summoned to testify before the house judiciary committee, relegated to being laughed. No questions asked. And as one representative put it, they were asked to enter through the back door. Disrespected. Unless we missed the point. A senior senator from the state of south on a, a state from which i hail, referred to the naacp as a partisan organization because we gave him a failing grade. Well let me say to representative lindsey graham, if you get an f from the naacp because you failed on civil rights and on america. So if you want to improve your grade, then you are in need of remedial education. I simply ask that you stand with man, stand with the naacp and with these brothers and sisters who stand for this country. And so we are here on the eve of this holiday and the inauguration of donald j. Trump. There are those who want us to come and celebrate the holiday. May i remind you that the holiday is not a holiday from social justice. It is established for social justice. May i remind you that when you look across this country, you see millennial activists who are putting their hearts, their minds, their bodies on the line. They are yet to claim with their whole being, in the words of shakespeare, now is the winter of our discontent. Their mouths crying out black lives matter. They understand that it is the ethical predicate to the moral conclusion that all lives matter. Unless the first is true, the second cannot be true. Can never be true. So, we are putting this administration on notice. Were not going to allow you to take away our Voting Rights, overpopulate jails and prisons while under populating and depopulating our homes and our communities. We are going to stand up for our rights. We are putting the administration on notice that we are going to the hill, to these congressional offices on the hill and back home, and we are going to tell them that you have to stand for policies that bring this era of mass incarceration to an end. You will stand for policies that will strengthen the Voting Rights act. You will stand for policies that will allow our people to go to college instead of going to jail. You going to stand for policies that protect our young people. You are going to stand for policies such that we do not have to have so many mothers sending behind this podium crying for their sons and daughters. Im going to leave you with this parable about the perilous state we are in. Of medgarhe name evans came home at the end of a long day, and it was his practice to disembark his car on the passenger side because of known assassins. He got out on the driver side because he was tired. When he got out of his car, the assassin fired bullets into his body. As he lay dying, his dying words were these, zip me up and turn me loose. Gar said on his dying bed, zip me up and turn me loose, so we say stand up, and turn me loose. For those who think we are frozen in apathy and cynicism, we remind you that we are marching in the cold and rain and in the midst of this winter of discontent. We say to you we will march until hell freezes over, and when it does we will march on , the ice. Stand up and fight. Stand up and fight. Stand up and fight. Stand up and fight. [applause] we continue with our partners in civil rights. We want to welcome our sister, the president of the council. Let us give her some love as she comes up. [applause] thank you so much. It is an honor to be here today on hollowed ground in the shadow of dr. Martin luther king jr. s memorial. Someone who had a dream that spoke to everyone. It was a universal dream. Dr. King was not only a civil rights icon, he was a Great American and patriot. He said cherished the values and ideals on which our great that he spent his life working country was founded to make sure , our nation lived up to the values and ideals for all americans. We too, gathered here today, are patriots and believe deeply in this country, its ideals, and its ideals, and its institutions. We have a message for president elect trump as we gather looking for that dream still to be realized. We expect you, mr. President elect, to be the president for all americans not just the ones who voted for you. We expect you to stop targeting our communities as you did through your campaign. If not, you can expect us to stand up and protect and defend our communities at every turn. And you can expect all of us here today to be united. Sisters,thers and black yellow brothers and brothers and sisters, sisters red brothers and sisters, all of , us protecting and defending the American Values and ideals that we revere with every fiber of our being. So, if this administration tries to further compromise the right to vote, we will protect and defend our constitutional right. If they try to roll back our Voting Rights, we will stand up and protect and defend our country. Our civil rights. If they tried to roll back Marriage Equality, we will protect and defend our lgbt brothers and sisters. If they try to put the Islamic Community in a registry, we will protect and defend our muslim brothers and sisters. If they try to repeal the Affordable Care act, we will protect and defend health care for the millions of americans who need it. And if this administration tries to end a program that barack obama stood up for that protected young people who came to this country through no fault of their own and to our americans in every way, our dreamers, if he comes after those who have been living in the shadows and it does not provide an opportunity, we will protect those who are the dreamers and want to be aspiring americans. Protecting and defending all of us will not be easy, but if we are together, united in our cause, we will be unstoppable. Are you ready . Yes. Are you ready . Yes. We will be unstoppable. Thank you so much. [applause] i need you to know that each one of you is important. You are being here is sending a message to the nation and i want you to know we are celebrating it. Rishaad robertson, leader of color change is going to speak to us now. How we doing out in this rain today . I want to thank the reverend out al sharpton and the National Action network for inviting me here today. To bring a message to black folks and our allies of every race, who will stand up and fight back against this administration. I want to tell you all something. It is not just fighting back against this administration because they will get their power from the enablers across society. From the media who sends them or falses equivalencies. From corporations who recognize that this is an opportunity to buy out and take back what we have one and fall for for generations. Two the democrats you may not to the democrats you may not have a backbone in this moment but will need our vote to years and four years from now, to the republicans who think that they can govern without our vote, our work has to be across so many different sectors. I have this quote from my wall at home in my office and it is something that i carry with me. For today is apropos as we stand out in this rain. A quote from Frederick Douglass the great abolitionist. There is no progress without a struggle. Those who profess freedom yet deprecate agitation, they want rain without thunder and lightning. These next several years will make all of us uncomfortable and if we do not stand in solidarity with our brothers and sisters, our immigrant brothers and sisters, lgbt folks and women ,cross many different sectors because black folks are part of all those communities as well. We have to use technology and new tools and invite young able into the conversations in a new way. I am coming off an election that was incredibly disappointing , while at the same time, color of change has stood with black lives matter activists and civil rights activists across the country in the aftermath of Police Violence by standing up and change the rules. We challenged some the district some district attorneys who did not value black lives. We picked several elections and won five of them, kicking them out, along with local partners, district attorneys in places like orlando and tampa and houston and chicago. This is the work we have to do. Not just at a national level, but at a local level to tell people you will respect us and our rights. We will change the rules, not just the rules of culture, that the rules of policy. We must do this Work Together until justice is real. Thank you all very much. We are happy to have one of our leaders in the struggle, the melanie campbell, who is president of the National Coalition of black participation. Lets hear it for melanie as she comes. No justice. No peace. No justice. No peace. Are you ready for the fight . Yes. Are you ready for the fight. Yes. Are you ready for the fight for justice . Yes. Are you ready for the fight for justice rights . Yes. Womens rights . Yes. Reform . Nal justice yes. Are you ready for the fight . Yes. We must tell every republican in the congress and the incoming president that the government in all these red states, we are not going back to a time when there was segregation, good old times, america back together again. Not without us. We built this mother. We are not going back. And our children have already let us know that they are not going back. I will ask you again, are you ready for the fight . Yes. All right. So, a couple of things. Some issues that we need to stay on top of. We know, we have heard it already but there is nothing , wrong with repeating it. We know we have sisters here who sons, brothers, and sisters and they are counting on us not to be scared. We know folks are going to come at us, but, my god, the god i serve, he is with me. Reverend. High he is going to make sure, the dont be scared, he has our back. Do you believe it . Yes. O ask we gave Hillary Clinton 94 of our vote, unfortunately, our White Sisters gave the other man 50 of their vote. Were going to stand in solidarity and they will figure it out by and by. I would ask you once more, are you ready for the fight . Yes. Keep the power, thank you. Give yourself a hand. The me tell you, you are wonderful. You are making this significant. Celebrate your job. [applause] we are all here. We are all important and significant. I am j. David kosten, president of the federation of Government Employees. Good afternoon, brothers and sisters. I can tell you, 700,000 federal and governmental workers are government workers are ready for the fight. Ready for the fight. We are going to keep delivering Social Security checks, were going to keep taking care of veterans and see that people have their housing. Were going to stand up to an administration that pushes back. I can promise you that. Hey brothers and sisters, the theme of this rally, we shall not be moved. One way to honor dr. King. Brothers and sisters it is time , that we do not allow the Labor Movement to be moved to back in this country. It is time we stopped arriving of labor rights, of public employees, of county and government. Dr. King did not view civil rights, Voting Rights, and union as an abc column. He viewed them as one right. The right of the people, brothers and esters. I make a promise to you today and reverend al sharpton and the National Action network. Afge and the Labor Movement are going to be out there. Were going to be joined at the hip every day of our lives and we are going to fight, because brothers and sisters the , american Labor Movement and the American Federation of Government Employees shall not , shall not be moved. Not now, not ever. Tries to do it to us, we are opening up one giant can of whoop ass on every one of them. [applause] thank you. What do you say, what do you say . Yes. You fired up . Yes. You fired up . Yes. Senator nina turner of ohio is going to represent senator bernie sanders. Lets celebrate her coming. Brothers and sisters, sisters and brothers i am glad to be , here with you on this rainy afternoon and im so glad that the reverend out did not stop this because this gives us just a little piece of what our ancestors had to indoor. We have trouble, but we do not have Middle Passage trouble. We have trouble, but we dont have selling your mama, kids, your daddy on the block kind of trouble. This kind of a moment reminds me of a beer jewel song in american tradition how i got over. Sisters and brothers, we know we got over by the blood, sweat and tears of sheroes and heroes, some whose names we know and some whose names we do not know. That i will tell you something, we have been here before. The only difference is we have some company. We have our gay and lesbian sisters and brothers with us this time. We have our hispanic, asian, native american sisters and brothers when of this time. I think dr. Reverend Martin Luther king said we may not have gotten here on the same ship, but we are in the same boat right now. We had been here before. I noticed you might be disappointed, but i wanted to take solace in these words. We must accept finite disappointment but never lose infinite hope. The valley may be lower, but we have been here. The mountain may be higher, but we have been here before because our mission for social justice and Economic Justice and political justice, and by the whole dollar. Ur the mission is so high we cant get over it and the mission is so low we can to get under it and the mission is so wide we cant get around it. We might be disappointed, but we have been here before and as sure as there is a god in heaven, he is stronger and more powerful than any man. We cannot forget where we have sisters ando brothers, i want to leave you with these three things. Number one, the trader of this great universe has been us to hands, once you reach forward and once you reach back. Number two and most important, we cant ask folks to do more for us than we are willing to do for ourselves. And lastly, in the words of my grandmother, who was from the south born in 1913, straight , from the south, could you not read or write but could count her money, she kept her moneys from the bank and in a handkerchief you all know what im saying when i asked grandmother what it took to be successful in life, she said all you need are the three buttons, the wishbone, jaw bone and backbone. She said the wishbone will keep becauseng and praying hope is the motivator and the dream is the driver, the jaw bone will give you the kurds and the most important bone is the backbone that will keep you standing through your trials and and, guess what, sisters and brothers . We cant have a testimony without a test and we are being tested right now. And we are being tested right for if we have enough courage, enough site, enough hope to do what is necessary, hallelujah. Yeah. Nowhappy to bring forward one of the most prolific voices in america today. Captured theho has multiple dimensions of our articulate in the nuances of our transition. A brother who has spoken with power all over the world who is movementfriend to the and voice for the struggle. Our friends for georgetown dr. Eric dyson. [applause] what an honor it is to be here today at this magnificent incredible and powerful march of conscience for people from around this country. All of the great leaders who are brooks, morreale, but especially the reverend dr. Professor bishop al sharpton. Give him the love that he deserves. [applause] thee are about to witness presidency. R bellicose, and bullying. A man who is unmolested by an might meant. A man who is addicted to the United States of amnesia because he refuses to study his history. He is here in a moment of incredible importance and he lacks the gravitas and the study and the scholarship and irritation and the insight and the courage and the heart to bear witness to the truth. He has put in place of our government a baronocracy. Tycoons who are billionaires and multimillionaires who are without competent. Just because you have a bunch of money doesnt mean you know what , you are doing. Swole, brainall on empty. The reality is we have a president elect who is unconscious of the deep and prophetic waters that have run over our lives. We are here to say we will not be moved. We aint going back. And dont ever again say you are against preferential treatment. And the worst meaning of affirmative action. We have the most incompetent, incapable people putting in place to run the government, mostly white men and some white women and a brother. That is the bigotry of low expectations but the reality is , that we must dig deep. We must remember that we are all in this together, gay, straight, lesbian transgender, bisexual, christian, muslim, black and white. We are told this is the revenge of the White Working Class. I love the White Working Class , but there is a black workingclass, a brown working class, a yellow and a red workingclass. We are all in this together and we must tell our White Brothers and sisters is, is that you have to learn from us as well. Dont be hoodwinked and bigotry by White Supremacy and the unconscious reflex of the bigotry. You have to push beyond that to understand we are all in this together. I will end by saying this, i have a new book coming out stop,tears we cannot and i try to say to my Black Brothers and sisters, disinvest in your innocence and amnesia and fragility and learn that you and i must struggle together. There was someone looking a mouse looking through the crack in the wall and he saw a wife and a husband get a package and when they opened it up it was a mouse trap. , the mouse ran back to the barnyard and told the chicken they have a mouse trap out , there. The chicken said that doesnt have anything to do with me. And on to be paid pig said there is a mouse trap. He said, that is not my concern. He went to the cow and said there is a mouse trap and the cow said that is not my problem. Then later on the mouse was back , to the house and he heard a big noise and the mouse trap caught something and in the dark he could not see what it was. It turned out to be a than a snake and the must wife grabbed the snake and it bit her. The doctor tried to help her and she had a fever. What is the best thing for a fever . Chicken soup. The farmer killed the chicken. He made soup and he saw she did not get any better. After she died, he saw he needed some more food and then he went out there and slaughtered the pig. It did not get any better so at the repast he needed food and he killed the cow. Ist time they tell you there a mouse trap out there and it is not your issue and youre not gay, white, black, poor, it is you. The mousetrap is for everybody. It is for the entire barnyard. All of us are in this together. Peace. [applause] now you have your marching orders. We are ready to do housecalls before the session vote. Withe ready to deal economic withdrawal on the private sector. From andear janani williams before we leave. We need some music before any more preaching. Im not going to raise an offering, but i do want to hear some singing and there is nobody i want to hear sing, but they went to get the baddest choir in the capital. Howard university choir. [applause] give me a pitch. Ready . And going to let it raise his aint going to let it raise his arm turned me around keep on walking marching us to freedom. Aint going to let anybody going to keep on walking keep on marching. Going to keep on marching freedom. Ng up to [applause] we shall not, we shall not be moved like a tree thats planted by the water movedll not be not, we shall not be oved like a tree thats planted by we shall not be moved black and white together, we shall not be moved moved like abe tree thats planted by the water we shall not be moved one more time black and white together, we shall not be moved born like a tree thats planted by the water movedll not be like a tree thats planted by the water, we shall not be moved. Like a tree thats planted by shall not be moved [applause] Howard University choir, give them some love. [applause] wait a minute. , the voice of progressive america who has been here from closing down george bush to stopping us from being thompson. Rother mark we will continue to fight the power that seems to never cease for as long as we have no justice, they shall have no piece. No justice. No piece. Eace, no justice. No peace. Friends in, give him a round of applause. Franklin richardson, give him a round of applause. [applause] appropriate that we would be here on dr. Kings birthday. We often ask ourselves but what would Martin Luther king do . Our movement didnt tend because people were tired. Our movement continued. The only thing that stopped dr. King is what the fbi did. The same thing they are doing today. We must oppose the attorney general Jeff Sessions. We must stand up for our rights and we must do exactly as dr. King would have us do on his birthday. We have several other distinguished speakers to bring forward to you. Pleasend foremost, welcome a very active brother. You see him often representing the people of new york from the city council. And this is important because we need to allstate all start thinking about running for office ourselves. This brother sets the example. You make a difference on city council. You make a difference in local elected office. In this brother certainly is making a difference. Please welcome the councilmember from brooklyn. [indiscernible] doing fromyou brooklyn . Good to see you all out here. If you cant stand a little cold and rain, you might not make it the next few years. The last two years, people were asleep. Everybody is woke now. Dont be afraid. You got to come anyway. There is a book that i read to help us get through it. Just a smile. Joy, not just happy. Joy is coming in the morning. But it didnt say it would come easy. It didnt say it would come without a fight. And that means you have to be the light. In the dark a start to see the brightest star. Tell them i will be your star. I will be your light. You be my star. You be my light. We will get it together. We will fight just a hold on for a little while longer. The joy will come. They never said it would be easy. Know fromecause i where i speak. I am the descendent of a slave that just wanted to hold on to get us here. Look back and say, thank god, i understood. We are just in an arc. It is not a. You have done hold on to keep moving forward. Justice, no peace. Isnt just a mantra. It is a moral edict. People ask her one and not the other. From sea to shining sea, hold on. It does, listen closely. Your childrens children are saying please, dont forget about us. Hold on because we have the answer back. That we wont let you down. We will bring the torch to you. It might not be pretty. Just hold on and keep fighting. Hold on. Hold on. Keep fighting. We have to fight. Give Councilmember Williams another round of applause. We know there is a war against organized labor. We have reason to believe this new president is going to continue that war. Against it. Tand up welcome a young brother whos trying to be part of the union. We shouldnt take anybody for granted. Dr. King gave his life for garbage workers. People that, to a lot of us, dont even matter. How many of us speak to sanitation workers . That he sacrificed his life for sanitation workers. When we leave to go to the airport, this is a brother working on behalf of us and ought to be treated fairly. At ronaldgage handler Reagan International airport. I dont even like the name of that airport. Never shouldve named that airport that airport. Sciu here . Doesnt sound like it. Welcome trey. Good afternoon, my beautiful brothers and sisters. From Ronald Reagan national airport. On the bag runner and supervisor. The wear and tear on my body is very significant. Im not just trying to improve my life, but the lives of millions of workers. Can you hear me . That afternoon, my beautiful brothers and sisters. Im a baggage runner and supervisor at ronald Reagan International airport. Workresent 100 people that like myself, two or three jobs every day that dont have time to go home. They sleep in their car or sleep at the airport. Some people are getting paid 5. 25 an hour. I been at the airport for nine years and i never got a raise. Its only 8. 25 an hour. Thats not enough. Were not making nothing. No raise, no health care, no benefits. No nothing. Is in the white house and trying to take away obama care. I refuse to believe that we will give up. We will fight and to we keep obama care. Under the trump administration, we are facing the darkest days. It is the antiworker. The regulations and the companies [indiscernible] the fox guarding the hen house. He makes more in a day than i do in a year. I dont know how it is possible to understand my struggles. That is why we are committed to Work Together to do whatever it takes to get a minimum 15 in the union. After we have more power in that fight, it becomes a National Action network. 15 and a union. I know dr. Martin luther king will be fighting for dignity and respect. They will hold us back in the world and we already have too many Things Holding us down. We stay strong and united. Respect we reserve. We fight, we win. We fight, we win. God bless america. Thank you. Give him around of applause. We are in solidarity with all of our diverse communities. Finally,n proudly say, that Marriage Equality exists in america. Dr. What dr. Kring king would of done. Its what Loretto Scott King would have done. Representing the human rights campaign. Macarthur. D dr. Give him a round of applause. On january 14, people in the rain. It was cold and it was freezing. But we us were shivering understood there were something we had to do that was bigger than us. Many of you stand with the Lgbt Community. But i come to make a statement this afternoon that the Lgbt Community stands with you. Let me put it another way. Of five and the grandfather of the most beautiful baby boy that walked the face of this planet. I stand with you today because i understand its not just about us. Its about Voting Rights. Its about health care. Its about jobs. Its about the ability to worship in the way that we choose to worship. What im here to declare is that we are for justice for all. Are depending on us to take a step back. They want to separate us on what some of us believe. But we are not following for that trick falling for that trick anymore. We shall not be moved. , latinolks, white folks folks, lesbian folks, straight folks, muslim, jewish, left, right. We shall not be moved. We are not threatened by our diversity but as the greatest first lady that ever lived, michelle obama, has said. It is our diverse city that makes us who we are. We have some difficult days ahead. ,ut i declare before you standing with me on 1. 5 million members of the human rights campaign, that we stand together. We stand united to get it right. Old people, young people, women, men, transgender, black, white. We shall not be moved. It for the human rights campaign. The brother that keeps the action on every weekend with our saturday broadcasts, the one that represents the masses in terms of his legal expertise. Yourriend and brother, friend and brother, attorney michael hardy. Give him a round of applause. Hes going to wait. Because we have another sister thats going to join us. No justice, no peace. Voter suppression, no peace. Police shootings, no peace. A mass incarcerations, no peace. Violence against women, no peace. Islamophobia. No peace. Wax hate crimes and hate inspired violence. No peace. Shootings inside our houses of worship. No peace. The rise of the alt right. No peace. Photo id laws. Economic inequality. Barriers faced by people with criminal histories who are seeking a Second Chance. No peace. And prisonols pipelines. Racial profiling. Wax no peace. We have made great progress but we cant afford to turn the clock back now. We cant allow them to hack our justice system. Frederick douglass says that power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Stand up here today, representing civil rights lawyers across the country that are prepared to roll up their sleeves and fight. We will take this fight to court across our nation. We will do the hard work necessary to make sure this administration enforces our nations federal civil rights laws and is not turn this nation back. King opposed the nomination of mr. Jeff sessions to become a federal judge in 1986. Misses king said that Jeff Sessions abused the awesome powers of his office in an attempt to intimidate and frighten elderly black voters. We will not forget history. We will lift up the words and legacy of misses scott king and stand in opposition as attorney general of the United States. No justice, no peace. Thank you. Lets hear it for kristin clark. Who want to bring him back now. Attorney, the Vice President michael hardy. Brothers and sisters, we thank you for being with us today. Came inwill say that we the cold. It will say we came in the rain. It will say that we came in peace. Hat we stood for justice that we shall not be moved. God bless you. We are ready to fight, we are ready to stand. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] on this Martin Luther king day, a live picture from his memorial in washington. We have seen tourists in large numbers come and visit the area. We will take a look at the scene. Our cameras here at the Martin Luther king memorial today and we will check back throughout the day. Traveling to new york to meet with president elect donald trump, we understand he just left but here is a look at his arrival today at trump tower. This week, we are featuring several Public Affairs simulcasts. We will kick things off with the Larry Oconnor show starting at 3 p. M. Eastern here on cspan. The week ahead in congress includes key Senate Confirmation hearings for Donald Trumps cabinet choices. Among those testifying in the coming weeks are nominees for hhs and education secretary and epa administrator. We talked to a capitol Hill Reporter to learn more. Looking at some of the upcoming confirmation hearings. Lets begin with tom price. Representa

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