Transcripts For CSPAN Republican National Convention Day One

CSPAN Republican National Convention Day One Highlights July 19, 2016

World war ii against nazi germany. [cheering] god help us, that fired up. Usa i love it. Country to putt a man on the moon. We ended the cold war. We ended the cold war and we stopped communism, we stopped communisms quest for world domination. [cheering] as Ronald Reagan said, and i here, if we lose freedom there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth. [cheering] you guys are great. A centerpiece of american foreignpolicy was once the protection of the United States and its people and interests around the world. Under current leadership, that is no longer the case. Stand period. [cheering] that americanize has enemies in our homeland and abroad. Capable ofy is to be protecting the nation by finding and capturing our enemies. The president must have tools to deal with all threats to this country and must have the guts to put them into action whenever necessary. No bill, no break [cheering] and donald trump is that leader. And im going to say that again. Donald trump is that leader. [cheering] we must regain our ability to and ourush our enemies soldiers from our soldiers deserve to hear from their leaders with clarity and , too often our troops are distracted by trivial use,rs about what words to what terminology is putting the correct and what after doors. Pen up my god, or is not about bathrooms. It is not about Political Correctness or words that are meaningless. War is about winning. There is no substitute, there is no such thing as a runnerup and there are no consolation prizes. A commanderinchief does not draw red lines and then retreat. America does not back down from anyone or anything. That is exactly right. Get fired up. It is about this country. We arebout our country tired of obamas empty speeches and his misguided rhetoric. This has caused the world to have no respect for americas word nor does it appear our might. Clear, caught on displays of entity empathy towards terrorists is not a strategy for defeating these murderers as obama and Hillary Clinton would like us to believe. [cheering] and releasing, listen to what i am about to say. Releasing terrorists will not on the contrary, it simply emboldens the terrorist , and unders the war barack obama, we have no strategy to protect the citizens beat under Hillary Clinton, it will be more of the same. I am infuriated when i say that our president bans kurdistan of our enemies. That we cannot win this war unless we are free to call our enemies by name radical. Slamist and filled tyrants failed tyrants. [cheering] because of obamas illadvised actions, the world has lost inth in american leadership. He threats are mounting radical islam must assess sizing around the world, a complete lack of American Military radishes and readiness to face multiple fronts. Untold cyber threats. Demoralized allies around the world. United states economy unable to compete with a. Urgeoning chinese economy growing Nuclear Capability is a china, russia and north korea and loss of respect and wefidence around the globe had become the best enemies and worst friends. Im going to say that again we have become the best enemies and the worst friends and that has to change. These next four years, these next four years will be consumed i that perils that we now face. And the socalled red lines of or reset buttons were under fair lawyers. Bill years. The obamaclinton failed policy list goes on and on. We need a commanderinchief who understands the challenges and is willing to do whatever it takes to meet them head on. Againversaries must never mock american will power and we tot never give them a reason doubt our result to win. Resolve to win. [cheering] the most damaging example, the most damaging example of the president s failure to understand the consequences of putting political expediency ahead of National Security is the emergence of crisis. Isis. We cannot continue down this path. More lives are at stake. , our way of life is in jeopardy. Our very existence is threatened. Night is the up at sobering realization that evil exists, the radicalization of islam and its barbaric cause that uses modernity to influence potentially millions of people around the world to join their cause, it should keep us all up at night. Seriously the possibility that these enemies have weapons of mass destruction and intend to use them. That is a very serious issue. We must understand and define our enemies if we intend to get beat them defeat them. Americans deserve no less. Conceal,bama chose to because of obama chose to conceal the actions of terrorists like Osama Bin Laden and groups like isis and the row and radical islam, americans are at a loss to fully understand the enormous threat they pose against us. Now is the time for a leader that is honest and strong. Leader who will stand up for and make absolutely path that if you cross her , you will pay the price. [cheering] we do not need a week, spineless president who is more concerned about issuing apologies there protecting americans. Dan protecting than protecting americans. We do not need a reckless president who believes she is above the law. [cheering] lock her up lock her up lock her up, that is right. Thats right. Lock her up. Im good to tell you what, it is unbelievable going to tell you, it is unbelievable. Lock her up neverhillary. Thats what i use. I have called on Hillary Clinton , i have called on hillary raceon to drop out of the because she put our nations security at extremely high risk with her careless use of a private email server. [cheering] lock her up. You guys are good. Damn right. Lock her up lock her up and you know why . You know why we are saying that . I,are saying that because if a guy who knows his business, if i did a 10th of what she did, i would be in jail today. Lock her up so, crooked Hillary Clinton, leave this race now. [cheering] she needs to go. Before i end, i will repeat my belief that american exceptionalism is very real. Let us not fear what we know to be true. Let us not fear what we know to be true. Instead, we should always remember that our country, our country was built upon judeochristian values and principles. Instead, let us remember the sacrifices of those who have gone before us. America is theue greatest country in the history of the world. So get ready, america. Get ready. Elect fresh,me to bold leadership. Trump, trump, trump. Lets go. Get it going. [cheering] we are just beginning. [cheering] you, i promise you that donald trump knows that the primary role of the president is to keep us safe. He recognizes the threats we face and is not afraid to call them what they are. Donald trump leadership, decisionmaking, problemsolving abilities will restore americas role as the undeniable and unquestioned world leader. [cheering] he will lead to from the front, not from behind. He will lead with courage. Never vacillating when facing our enemies our competitors. Knows that the advantage, donald trump knows that the business, andife, wartime goes to the competitor that does not point and does not broadcast his game plan. [cheering] donald trump will execute the fundamental tenant of peace through strength and there will apologies for our american exceptionalism or leadership standing around the world. Again, wake up america. You cannot sit this one out. You cannot sit this election out. Get out of your houses and get out there and vote. Astead, like donald trump the next president of the United States of america. Thank you very much and God Bless America [cheering] usa usa keep it going usa the Republican National convention is live from clevelands this week. Watch every minute on cspan. Watch live or ondemand anytime at cspan. Org, on your desktop, phone, or tablet, where you will find all of our Convention Coverage and the full schedule. On twitter and like us on facebook to see video of newsworthy moments. The Republican National convention, all this week on cspan, the cspan radio app, and cspan. Org. Ohio Governor John Kasich speaks to michigans delegates to the Republican National Convention Today. Watch live at 8 30 a. M. Eastern on cspan 2. On this second day of the Republican National convention, House Speaker paul ryan talks to members of the texas delegation at a breakfast in cleveland. Live coverage beginning at 9 00 a. M. On cspan 3. On this second day of the Republican National convention in cleveland, officials will hold a press briefing laying out the days activities. Watch live this morning on cspan 2. You will have a front row seat to every minute of the republican and democratic National Conventions on cspan. Org. Watch live streams without commentary or commercials. Create your own clips of your favorite convention moments and share them on social media. Read twitter feeds from delegates and reporters. Our special Convention Pages have everything you need. Go to cspan. Org republicannati onalconvention for updated convention information. Every speech will be available on demand for viewing when you want on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Our special Convention Pages and cspan is a public service. Former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke at the republican convention, focusing his remarks on the fight against terrorism. He talks for about 15 minutes. Giuliani. [cheering] thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, new york. [applause] yorker for once on the ticket, donald trump. [cheering] im here to speak to you about a very serious subject. How to make america safe. The vast majority of americans today do not feel safe. They fear for their children. They care for themselves. Do for themselves. They fear for our Police Officers were being targeted with a target on their back. Officersor our police in dallas and baton rouge and their families. [applause] and we say thank you to the Cleveland Police department for protecting us. [cheering] thank you. , we know the risk you are taking and we say thank you to every Police Officer and Law Enforcement agent who is out tonight protecting us, black, white, latino, of every race, every color, every creed, every sexual orientation. [cheering] when they come to save your life, they dont ask if you are black or white, they just come to save you. [cheering] we reach out out, our arms with understanding and compassion. Lovedse who have lost ones because of Police Shootings , some justified, some unjustified. Unjustified, must be punished. Those that are justified, we must apologize to. America safe make again. It is time to make america one again. One america. [cheering] to theres no black america, no white america, there is just america . [cheering] what happened to it . Where did it go . How has it blown away . [cheering] know we can change it because i did it by changing new york city from the crime capital of america to the safest large city in the United States. [cheering] york, donaldr new trump will do for america [cheering] i have known donald trump for almost 30 years. Created an accomplished great things. In my city, and all over the world. Beyond that,at this is a man with a big heart. Every time new york suffered a tragedy, donald trump was there to help. [cheering] hes not going to like my telling you this, but he did it anonymously. When Police Officers were shot, Fire Fighters hurt, when people were in trouble, he came forward and helped and he asked not to be mentioned. Well, im going to break my promise to him, im going to mention it. This is a man with a big heart who loves people, all people from the top to the bottom, from the middle to the side. [cheering] because imyou this sick and tired of the defamation of donald trump by the media and by the clinton campaign. [cheering] im sick and tired of it this is a good man. [cheering] america should be sick and tired of their vicious, nasty campaign. [cheering] you deserve to know this about your next president , hes been a fatherinlaw, grandfather, and friend to me, mostfe, and my family from 30 years. I know him personally. This is a very good and decent man and he will be a great president. [cheering] in the last seven months, there have been five major islamic terrorist attacks on us and our allies. Define not be afraid to our enemy. It is islamic extremist terrorism. [cheering] for the purpose of the media, i did not say all of islam. I did not say most of islam. I said islamic extremist terrorism. You know who you are. [cheering] and we are coming to get you. [cheering] failing to identify them, going to identify them properly maligns all those good muslims around the world. For being killed by them. They are killing more muslims than anyone else. It also sets up a fear of being politically incorrect. Consequences. Ious it did in san bernardino, it did the person young outlaw bar akbar. U the only person who cannot do this out that this was a terrorist attack was barack obama. Who called it workplace violence. This is why our enemies css weekend on a. Step ine said the first defeating our enemies is to identify them properly and see the connection between them so we can find them and caps on. To defeat islam into iteris, we must put them on defense. Us,hey are at war against which they have declared, we must commit ourselves to unconditional victory against them. [cheering] this includes on do it undoing ofs Nuclear Agreement eventually,at will that will eventually let them become a Nuclear Power and is putting billions of dollars back that at thery Worlds Largest supporter of terrorism. Toare giving them the money fund the terrorists who are killing us and our allies. Money,giving them the are we crazy. Donald trump will make sure any agreement with iran meets the original goals of the u. S. And our allies. Nonn nuclear iran a nuclear iran. [cheering] donald trump is a leader. He will reassert americas position as the nation with the best values to lead the world. It was Hillary Clinton who advocated for the overthrow of good office in libya. Muammar gaddafi libya. Libya is in chaos. Hillary clinton is accountable for this and much more. Her dereliction of duty and failure to keeper people safe played a major role as you heard tonight and the horrific islamic terrorist murders on september 11 and 12, 2012. In benghazi. Which claimed the lives of four brave americans. Ambassador j christopher stevens, u. S. Foreign service or officer john smith and cia agents to run ashwood and brant daugherty. May they rest in peace. [applause] and clinton and the Obama Administration for political reasons lie. Lie about the purpose of the attack. Including Hillary Clinton line directly to the families of the people who were killed right to their face. Boo Hillary Clintons answer to congress about the deaths of these brave americans because of her gross failure, she was quote, what difference does it make . Boo what difference does it make . Watch the video yourself. Disregarde arrogant for american lives lost unnecessarily because of her and then make up your mind. It means were getting to them. It means were getting to them. Anyone who can say that it makes a difference how or why serving america are killed should not be with the awesome responsibility to protect us and should not be allowed to be our commanderinchief. [cheering] who would trust Hillary Clinton to protect them . I would not. Would you . No donald trump will change all of that and more. He will lead by leading, not by following. You know donald trump will secure our borders. His opponent has had her chance to do this and she has failed. Hillary clinton is for open borders. Boo she is in favor of even taking Syrian Refugees even though the Islamic State has told us they are going to put their operatives in with the Syrian Refugees. Operatives who are terrorist who will come to western europe and kill us. They have told us that and she still wants to take an be syrians. We cant afford to repeat the mistakes of the past. Clintons extremists experience as the basis for her campaign. Hillary clintons experience is exactly the reason she should not be president of the United States. [cheering] there is no next election. This is it. There is no more time for us no more time to repeat our mistakes. Mistake of the clintonobama years. Washington needs a complete turnaround and donald trump is the agent of change and he will be the leader of the change we need. [cheering] he will make america once again like the president i worked for, Ronald Reagan. [cheering] city on the hill. For aor donald trump safer america and for america headed in a different direction. Greatness [cheering] god bless our next president , donald trump and god bless the United States of america usa [cheering] thank you everybody. We love you. We are going to win, we are going to win so big. Thank you very much. [cheering] thank you very much. Thank you. We are going to win so big. I you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my the nextor to present first lady of Ronald Reagan<\/a> said, and i here, if we lose freedom there is no place to escape to. This is the last stand on earth. [cheering] you guys are great. A centerpiece of american foreignpolicy was once the protection of the United States<\/a> and its people and interests around the world. Under current leadership, that is no longer the case. Stand period. [cheering] that americanize has enemies in our homeland and abroad. Capable ofy is to be protecting the nation by finding and capturing our enemies. The president must have tools to deal with all threats to this country and must have the guts to put them into action whenever necessary. No bill, no break [cheering] and donald trump is that leader. And im going to say that again. Donald trump is that leader. [cheering] we must regain our ability to and ourush our enemies soldiers from our soldiers deserve to hear from their leaders with clarity and , too often our troops are distracted by trivial use,rs about what words to what terminology is putting the correct and what after doors. Pen up my god, or is not about bathrooms. It is not about Political Correctness<\/a> or words that are meaningless. War is about winning. There is no substitute, there is no such thing as a runnerup and there are no consolation prizes. A commanderinchief does not draw red lines and then retreat. America does not back down from anyone or anything. That is exactly right. Get fired up. It is about this country. We arebout our country tired of obamas empty speeches and his misguided rhetoric. This has caused the world to have no respect for americas word nor does it appear our might. Clear, caught on displays of entity empathy towards terrorists is not a strategy for defeating these murderers as obama and Hillary Clinton<\/a> would like us to believe. [cheering] and releasing, listen to what i am about to say. Releasing terrorists will not on the contrary, it simply emboldens the terrorist , and unders the war barack obama, we have no strategy to protect the citizens beat under Hillary Clinton<\/a>, it will be more of the same. I am infuriated when i say that our president bans kurdistan of our enemies. That we cannot win this war unless we are free to call our enemies by name radical. Slamist and filled tyrants failed tyrants. [cheering] because of obamas illadvised actions, the world has lost inth in american leadership. He threats are mounting radical islam must assess sizing around the world, a complete lack of American Military<\/a> radishes and readiness to face multiple fronts. Untold cyber threats. Demoralized allies around the world. United states economy unable to compete with a. Urgeoning chinese economy growing Nuclear Capability<\/a> is a china, russia and north korea and loss of respect and wefidence around the globe had become the best enemies and worst friends. Im going to say that again we have become the best enemies and the worst friends and that has to change. These next four years, these next four years will be consumed i that perils that we now face. And the socalled red lines of or reset buttons were under fair lawyers. Bill years. The obamaclinton failed policy list goes on and on. We need a commanderinchief who understands the challenges and is willing to do whatever it takes to meet them head on. Againversaries must never mock american will power and we tot never give them a reason doubt our result to win. Resolve to win. [cheering] the most damaging example, the most damaging example of the president s failure to understand the consequences of putting political expediency ahead of National Security<\/a> is the emergence of crisis. Isis. We cannot continue down this path. More lives are at stake. , our way of life is in jeopardy. Our very existence is threatened. Night is the up at sobering realization that evil exists, the radicalization of islam and its barbaric cause that uses modernity to influence potentially millions of people around the world to join their cause, it should keep us all up at night. Seriously the possibility that these enemies have weapons of mass destruction and intend to use them. That is a very serious issue. We must understand and define our enemies if we intend to get beat them defeat them. Americans deserve no less. Conceal,bama chose to because of obama chose to conceal the actions of terrorists like Osama Bin Laden<\/a> and groups like isis and the row and radical islam, americans are at a loss to fully understand the enormous threat they pose against us. Now is the time for a leader that is honest and strong. Leader who will stand up for and make absolutely path that if you cross her , you will pay the price. [cheering] we do not need a week, spineless president who is more concerned about issuing apologies there protecting americans. Dan protecting than protecting americans. We do not need a reckless president who believes she is above the law. [cheering] lock her up lock her up lock her up, that is right. Thats right. Lock her up. Im good to tell you what, it is unbelievable going to tell you, it is unbelievable. Lock her up neverhillary. Thats what i use. I have called on Hillary Clinton<\/a> , i have called on hillary raceon to drop out of the because she put our nations security at extremely high risk with her careless use of a private email server. [cheering] lock her up. You guys are good. Damn right. Lock her up lock her up and you know why . You know why we are saying that . I,are saying that because if a guy who knows his business, if i did a 10th of what she did, i would be in jail today. Lock her up so, crooked Hillary Clinton<\/a>, leave this race now. [cheering] she needs to go. Before i end, i will repeat my belief that american exceptionalism is very real. Let us not fear what we know to be true. Let us not fear what we know to be true. Instead, we should always remember that our country, our country was built upon judeochristian values and principles. Instead, let us remember the sacrifices of those who have gone before us. America is theue greatest country in the history of the world. So get ready, america. Get ready. Elect fresh,me to bold leadership. Trump, trump, trump. Lets go. Get it going. [cheering] we are just beginning. [cheering] you, i promise you that donald trump knows that the primary role of the president is to keep us safe. He recognizes the threats we face and is not afraid to call them what they are. Donald trump leadership, decisionmaking, problemsolving abilities will restore americas role as the undeniable and unquestioned world leader. [cheering] he will lead to from the front, not from behind. He will lead with courage. Never vacillating when facing our enemies our competitors. Knows that the advantage, donald trump knows that the business, andife, wartime goes to the competitor that does not point and does not broadcast his game plan. [cheering] donald trump will execute the fundamental tenant of peace through strength and there will apologies for our american exceptionalism or leadership standing around the world. Again, wake up america. You cannot sit this one out. You cannot sit this election out. Get out of your houses and get out there and vote. Astead, like donald trump the next president of the United States<\/a> of america. Thank you very much and God Bless America<\/a> [cheering] usa usa keep it going usa the Republican National<\/a> convention is live from clevelands this week. Watch every minute on cspan. Watch live or ondemand anytime at cspan. Org, on your desktop, phone, or tablet, where you will find all of our Convention Coverage<\/a> and the full schedule. On twitter and like us on facebook to see video of newsworthy moments. The Republican National<\/a> convention, all this week on cspan, the cspan radio app, and cspan. Org. Ohio Governor John Kasich<\/a> speaks to michigans delegates to the Republican National<\/a> Convention Today<\/a>. Watch live at 8 30 a. M. Eastern on cspan 2. On this second day of the Republican National<\/a> convention, House Speaker<\/a> paul ryan talks to members of the texas delegation at a breakfast in cleveland. Live coverage beginning at 9 00 a. M. On cspan 3. On this second day of the Republican National<\/a> convention in cleveland, officials will hold a press briefing laying out the days activities. Watch live this morning on cspan 2. You will have a front row seat to every minute of the republican and democratic National Convention<\/a>s on cspan. Org. Watch live streams without commentary or commercials. Create your own clips of your favorite convention moments and share them on social media. Read twitter feeds from delegates and reporters. Our special Convention Pages<\/a> have everything you need. Go to cspan. Org republicannati onalconvention for updated convention information. Every speech will be available on demand for viewing when you want on your desktop, laptop, tablet, and smartphone. Our special Convention Pages<\/a> and cspan is a public service. Former new york city mayor Rudy Giuliani<\/a> spoke at the republican convention, focusing his remarks on the fight against terrorism. He talks for about 15 minutes. Giuliani. [cheering] thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, new york. [applause] yorker for once on the ticket, donald trump. [cheering] im here to speak to you about a very serious subject. How to make america safe. The vast majority of americans today do not feel safe. They fear for their children. They care for themselves. Do for themselves. They fear for our Police Officers<\/a> were being targeted with a target on their back. Officersor our police in dallas and baton rouge and their families. [applause] and we say thank you to the Cleveland Police<\/a> department for protecting us. [cheering] thank you. , we know the risk you are taking and we say thank you to every Police Officer<\/a> and Law Enforcement<\/a> agent who is out tonight protecting us, black, white, latino, of every race, every color, every creed, every sexual orientation. [cheering] when they come to save your life, they dont ask if you are black or white, they just come to save you. [cheering] we reach out out, our arms with understanding and compassion. Lovedse who have lost ones because of Police Shootings<\/a> , some justified, some unjustified. Unjustified, must be punished. Those that are justified, we must apologize to. America safe make again. It is time to make america one again. One america. [cheering] to theres no black america, no white america, there is just america . [cheering] what happened to it . Where did it go . How has it blown away . [cheering] know we can change it because i did it by changing new york city from the crime capital of america to the safest large city in the United States<\/a>. [cheering] york, donaldr new trump will do for america [cheering] i have known donald trump for almost 30 years. Created an accomplished great things. In my city, and all over the world. Beyond that,at this is a man with a big heart. Every time new york suffered a tragedy, donald trump was there to help. [cheering] hes not going to like my telling you this, but he did it anonymously. When Police Officers<\/a> were shot, Fire Fighters<\/a> hurt, when people were in trouble, he came forward and helped and he asked not to be mentioned. Well, im going to break my promise to him, im going to mention it. This is a man with a big heart who loves people, all people from the top to the bottom, from the middle to the side. [cheering] because imyou this sick and tired of the defamation of donald trump by the media and by the clinton campaign. [cheering] im sick and tired of it this is a good man. [cheering] america should be sick and tired of their vicious, nasty campaign. [cheering] you deserve to know this about your next president , hes been a fatherinlaw, grandfather, and friend to me, mostfe, and my family from 30 years. I know him personally. This is a very good and decent man and he will be a great president. [cheering] in the last seven months, there have been five major islamic terrorist attacks on us and our allies. Define not be afraid to our enemy. It is islamic extremist terrorism. [cheering] for the purpose of the media, i did not say all of islam. I did not say most of islam. I said islamic extremist terrorism. You know who you are. [cheering] and we are coming to get you. [cheering] failing to identify them, going to identify them properly maligns all those good muslims around the world. For being killed by them. They are killing more muslims than anyone else. It also sets up a fear of being politically incorrect. Consequences. Ious it did in san bernardino, it did the person young outlaw bar akbar. U the only person who cannot do this out that this was a terrorist attack was barack obama. Who called it workplace violence. This is why our enemies css weekend on a. Step ine said the first defeating our enemies is to identify them properly and see the connection between them so we can find them and caps on. To defeat islam into iteris, we must put them on defense. Us,hey are at war against which they have declared, we must commit ourselves to unconditional victory against them. [cheering] this includes on do it undoing ofs Nuclear Agreement<\/a> eventually,at will that will eventually let them become a Nuclear Power<\/a> and is putting billions of dollars back that at thery Worlds Largest<\/a> supporter of terrorism. Toare giving them the money fund the terrorists who are killing us and our allies. Money,giving them the are we crazy. Donald trump will make sure any agreement with iran meets the original goals of the u. S. And our allies. Nonn nuclear iran a nuclear iran. [cheering] donald trump is a leader. He will reassert americas position as the nation with the best values to lead the world. It was Hillary Clinton<\/a> who advocated for the overthrow of good office in libya. Muammar gaddafi libya. Libya is in chaos. Hillary clinton is accountable for this and much more. Her dereliction of duty and failure to keeper people safe played a major role as you heard tonight and the horrific islamic terrorist murders on september 11 and 12, 2012. In benghazi. Which claimed the lives of four brave americans. Ambassador j christopher stevens, u. S. Foreign service or officer john smith and cia agents to run ashwood and brant daugherty. May they rest in peace. [applause] and clinton and the Obama Administration<\/a> for political reasons lie. Lie about the purpose of the attack. Including Hillary Clinton<\/a> line directly to the families of the people who were killed right to their face. Boo Hillary Clinton<\/a>s answer to congress about the deaths of these brave americans because of her gross failure, she was quote, what difference does it make . Boo what difference does it make . Watch the video yourself. Disregarde arrogant for american lives lost unnecessarily because of her and then make up your mind. It means were getting to them. It means were getting to them. Anyone who can say that it makes a difference how or why serving america are killed should not be with the awesome responsibility to protect us and should not be allowed to be our commanderinchief. [cheering] who would trust Hillary Clinton<\/a> to protect them . I would not. Would you . No donald trump will change all of that and more. He will lead by leading, not by following. You know donald trump will secure our borders. His opponent has had her chance to do this and she has failed. Hillary clinton is for open borders. Boo she is in favor of even taking Syrian Refugees<\/a> even though the Islamic State<\/a> has told us they are going to put their operatives in with the Syrian Refugees<\/a>. Operatives who are terrorist who will come to western europe and kill us. They have told us that and she still wants to take an be syrians. We cant afford to repeat the mistakes of the past. Clintons extremists experience as the basis for her campaign. Hillary clintons experience is exactly the reason she should not be president of the United States<\/a>. [cheering] there is no next election. This is it. There is no more time for us no more time to repeat our mistakes. Mistake of the clintonobama years. Washington needs a complete turnaround and donald trump is the agent of change and he will be the leader of the change we need. [cheering] he will make america once again like the president i worked for, Ronald Reagan<\/a>. [cheering] city on the hill. For aor donald trump safer america and for america headed in a different direction. Greatness [cheering] god bless our next president , donald trump and god bless the United States<\/a> of america usa [cheering] thank you everybody. We love you. We are going to win, we are going to win so big. Thank you very much. [cheering] thank you very much. Thank you. We are going to win so big. I you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you very much, ladies and gentlemen. Ladies and gentlemen, it is my the nextor to present first lady of United States<\/a>, my wife and amazing mother, trump. Ible woman, melania [cheering] thank you very much. [cheering] thank you. [cheering] thank you. [cheering] thank you very much. [cheering] you have all been very kind to donald and me, to our young son and our whole family. It is a very nice welcome and we are excited to be with you at this historic convention. We love you [cheering] proud for your choice of president of the United States<\/a>, my husband, Donald J Trump<\/a>. [cheering] and i can assure you that he is moved why this great honor. The 2016 republican primary were fierce and started with many candidates, 17 to be exact. And i know that donald agrees with me and i mentioned how are. Ted all of them they deserve the success and gratitude for all of us. [cheering] however, when it comes to my that he iswould say for good reason, ive seen the donald for 18 years and ive been aware of his love for this country since we first met. He never had [indiscernible] patriotism. Like me, he loves this country very much. [cheering] i was born in slovenia a small, pitiful country and that for your. My hardworking mother traduced me to fashion and beauty. My father instilled in me a passion for business and travel. Their integrity, compassion and intelligence to this day on me, my love for family and america. [cheering] my parents impressed on me the value of that you work hard for what you want in life. That your work is your bond and you do what you say and keep your promise. That you treat people with respect. Show the values and morals in the daily life. Lesson that we continue to pass on to our son. We need to pass those lessons on to the many generations to follow. [cheering] because we want our children in these nations to know that the only limit to your achievement is the strength of your dreams and your willingness to work for them. [cheering] im fortunate for my heritage and where it has brought me today. I traveled the world by working hard in the incredible arena fashion. After living and working in milan and paris, i arrived in new york city 20 years ago. I saw the joy and hardships of daily life. 2006, i was very proud to become a citizen of the United States<\/a>. [cheering] the greatest privilege on planet earth. [cheering] i will not take the freedom this country offers for granted. Have theeedoms sacrifices made by our veterans, a reminder to us of this. I would like to take a moment to recognized some amazing veterans. A great senator bob dole. [cheering] let us all think i veterans in the arena today it does across our great country. Those across our great country. [cheering] blessed to bely here. That will never change. I can type with certainty that my husband has been concerned about our country for as long as i have known him. Knowall of my heart, i that he will make a great and lasting difference. Donald has a great devotion to the nation and never give up attitude. Have seen him he does not give up. [cheering] someone to fight for you and your country, i can assure you that he is the guy. [cheering] up and never ever give most importantly, he will never ever let you down. [cheering] is and always has been an amazing leader. Now, he will go to work for you. [cheering] his achievements speak for themselves and his performance without the primary campaign, proved that he knows how to win. He also knows how to remind remain focused on improving our country on keeping it safe, im keeping it secure. [cheering] he is tough when he has to be, that he is also kind and fair and caring. Notedind is is not always , but it is there for all to see. That is one reason i fell in love with him to begin with. [cheering] donald is intensely loyal to employees,ends, country. He has the utmost respect for his parents, to his sister and memory. Her into the his children have been cared for and mentored to the extent that even his advisers admit that they are amazing testament to who he is as a man and a father. [cheering] a great deal of love and the trump family. That is our bond and that is our strength. , when considering the presidency of the United States<\/a>, not for small thinking, not for small results. Donald gets things done. [cheering] our country is underperforming and needs new leadership. Leadership is also what the world needs. Donald want our country to move forward in the most positive of ways. Everyone wants change. Donald is the only one that can deliver it. We should not be satisfied with stagnation. Donald once prosperity for all americans. [cheering] we need new programs to house the poor and opportunities to challenge the young. There has to be a plan for growth and only then will we see for results. My husbands experience that applies growth and opportunity to the next generation. Inclusions indicates rather than the mission. My husband offers a new direction, welcoming change and posterity and greater Cooperation Among<\/a> people and nations. Donald intent to prevent all the people, defend all the not just some of the people. [cheering] that includes christians, jews, muslims, includes hispanics and africanamericans and asians and the poor and middle class. [cheering] throughout his career, donald has successfully worked with people of many faiths and many nations. Like no one else, i have seen the talent, the energy, the tennessee that a soulful mind and the simple goodness of the heart that god gave to donald trump. Now is the time to use those gifts as never before for purposes far greater than ever. And he will do this better than everyone else can. And it wont even be close. [cheering] everyone depends on the causing country. All the millions of you to have taught us so much with your kindness and confidence, you have turned this unlikely campaign into a movement that is still gaining in strength and numbers. [cheering] the primary season in the darkness is behind us. Lets all come together in a National Campaign<\/a> like no other. [cheering] the race will be hardfought all the way to november. There be good times and hard times. An expert tutors. It would not be a trump contest without excitement and drama. Doll, throughout it all, my husband will be focused on one thing, this beautiful country that he loves so much. [cheering] im honored to serve as first lady, i will use the privilege to try to help people in our country who need it the most. One of the many causes dear to my heart is helping children and women. The judge society by how it treats its citizens. We must do our best to ensure that every child can live in comfort and security with the best possible education. [cheering] citizens of this great nation, it is kindness, love, and thatssion for each other will bring us together and keep us together. [cheering] these are the values donald and i would bring to the white house. [cheering] my husband is ready to lead this nation. Every dayy to fight to give our children a Better Future<\/a> theybetter deserve. Ladies and gentlemen Donald J Trump<\/a> is ready to serve and lead this country as the next president of the United States<\/a>. [cheering] thank you. God bless you. And God Bless America<\/a> [cheering] [captions Copyright National<\/a> cable satellite corp. 2016] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the Republican National<\/a> convention is live from cleveland. Watch every minute on cspan. Listen live on the free cspan radio app. It is easy to download from the apple store or google play. Watch live or ondemand at any time on cspan. Org. Twitter and like us to see video of newsworthy moments. The Republican National<\/a> convention, all this week on cspan come of the cspan radio app, and cspan. Org. On monday, watch the democratic National Convention<\/a> live from philadelphia. Ohio Governor John Kasich<\/a> speaks to michigans delegates to the Republican National<\/a> Convention Today<\/a> during a breakfast hosted by the delegates in cleveland. A. M. Eastern 8 30 on cspan 2. On this second day of the Republican National<\/a> convention, House Speaker<\/a> paul ryan talks to members of the texas delegation at a breakfast in cleveland. Live coverage beginning at 9 00 a. M. On cspan 3. This second day of the Republican National<\/a> convention in cleveland, officials will hold a press briefing laying out the days activities. Watch live at 9 30 a. M. Eastern on cspan 2. Cspan makes it easy for you to keep up with all the latest convention developments with the cspan radio app. Get audio coverage of every minute of the convention. Get cspan on the go with the cspan radio app. Live today on cspan, washington journal is next. At 5 30 p. M. Eastern, we join the second day of the Republican National<\/a> convention in cleveland, ohio. ,oming up in 30 minutes republican delegates on efforts to force a rollcall vote on rules of the convention. Will00 a. M. , rachel hoff talk about her role on the committee and being an openly gay delegate. At 8 30 a. M. , his role as lawyer for the Citizens United<\/a> decision. At 9 30 a. M. , our guest is joe arpaio. Rowland, darrell reviews the first day of the point of order. Iews tonight vote,lcall vote, rollcall rollcall vote. Rollcall vote. Not goingy sorry, im to do this year. Im not going to do this. Host good morning. Protests breaking out on the Convention Floor<\/a> of the first day of the Gop Convention<\/a> yesterday","publisher":{"@type":"Organization","name":"","logo":{"@type":"ImageObject","width":"800","height":"600","url":"\/\/\/20\/items\/CSPAN_20160719_100000_Republican_National_Convention_Day_One_Highlights\/CSPAN_20160719_100000_Republican_National_Convention_Day_One_Highlights.thumbs\/CSPAN_20160719_100000_Republican_National_Convention_Day_One_Highlights_000001.jpg"}},"autauthor":{"@type":"Organization"},"author":{"sameAs":"","name":""}}],"coverageEndTime":"20240625T12:35:10+00:00"}

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