Transcripts For CSPAN Republican National Committee News Conference 20141108

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Drops disproportionately, for have le so, it is republicans address their brand challenges will obviously make a difference on top of whoever the republican nominee is going to be. The other hand, though, what kind of shape as the democratic brand . That is where i would love to is president obamas job with Approval Ratings in the summer and fall of 2016. The Affordable Care to you know, is a culture even up closer to even up rather than upside down. And third, what is the economy looking like . Not just that, but how do the people feel the economy is doing . Speaking, technically one example for a lot of people, as far as theyre concerned, their personal far as theyre concerned, their personal economy has now turned around. So all of these things are sort of establishing what shape the democratic brand is in. So, it is a great point and it is one that we will enjoy chewing over, but it is, obviously, an important question. Yes come over here. I think it is easy to pivot to 2016, but we have not seen a whole lot of action you think . So my question is this. Seeing the president is unlikely to express any culpability for last night and he has a minority in the senate side where people are really going to lead to try and get something done in order to show some achievements for 2016, want to see as some issues with the president and his Democratic Senate the minority that he has is willing to give . Work . Were talking beforehand about macaus victory speech, which actually did not tell make a victory speech as much it actually sounded like not been held ad at in the sense that it was republicans need to do and we can look for things to work together. Will see how serious he is do ut that, but, you know, they look for some of the things like nator infrastructure which is, obviously, huge. There are things there are that s that could be done are not divisive, but, at the same time, wow, the big ones, they really are. The security reform egghead say, you could do that in an afternoon. Painful to do nd that. With medicare, oh no, that is a lot more complicated. I do not have any reason to believe i think that republicans in the longterm interests of the party desperately need to fix their problems with latino voters desperately need to reposition themselves somewhat immigration and, you know, if i were a republican strategist, i would say, you first of all, i wouldve wished that the Democratic Candidates would of got it done this time. For reform happens and they have to take for it remember in 2004, in the exit polls, president george w. Of the latino vote. Political e are scientist i think the polls were often it was were off and it was closer to 40 , but thats a heck of a lot better than 27 that mitt romney got. Thats a question i need to take up with more sleep am a but i think were going to hear more about it. And it will be, what are they willing to do, and do the more conservative elements of the party can they come to terms with the infrastructure, Capital Spending is not big government, its just sort of something that kind of needs to happen that nobody else is going to do. They need to get past that point. I have known that guy forever. Is the democratic get out the vote operation atrophying . Back in the old days the prehistoric campaignfinance numbers. First, i dont think the democratic get out the vote operation has atrophied. I think republicans have closed the gap. I think its just republicans getting back in the game. The other thing is, there has always been a rule of thumb, i dont think its ever been proven in academic research, but there is a good field operation, they need two percentage points. Whether its two or three or four or whatever. But the thing about it is, you have to be within that range for the ground game to pull you over the top. I think democrats were in a deeper hole than that, so that the field was just simply not able to save them, no matter what they do. Take colorado with mark udall. He put together this amazing operation in 2010 when he was up for his first election. He had been appointed before that, you remember. Amazing operation. The thing is, theres no reason whatsoever, and then it is chairman of the ncc, you have to assume that mark udall had a fabulous ground game. I have no reason to think it wasnt. I think they had other problems, other issues. Part of it was, maybe there was some strategic miscalculation about being overly dependent on womens and reproductive issues to the exclusion of other issues. And the democrats would certainly say he talked about a lot of other issues and they ran ads they ran ads on other things other than reproductive issues. The thing about it is, implicit in the dependence that democrats have had off late on that womens constellation of issues, it almost implies that thats all that women are interested in. Well, no. If a republican if the shoe is on the other foot, i think youd probably say that republicans were condescending to women in thinking of them in such a narrow vein. So there were some issues there. But the tipoff that udall was going to have a really tough race was when ken bock screwed up the last senate race when he was running against bennett. It looked like he was going to be the nominee against mark udall. When the republicans did a switch to cory gardner, it was clearly a superior candidate to bock. I am not looking forward to meeting him at a reception someplace. Anyway, that was a sign that udall had some real problems. Again, there is always more than one or two things there. I would argue that colorado, the last few years, if you were going to put the most republican state to the most democratic state, colorado was straddling the 50 yard line more than any other state in the union. If democrats are having a bomber year, that is a technical Political Science term, a bummer year, then colorado would drift over that way. Im sorry . Which half . I would say the last half of the tv money. The question was, which half of the money was wasted. Lets face it, in television advertising, there is a law of diminishing returns. Once you have seen im making up this number, but once a voter has seen 300 ads for, by, on behalf of a candidate, how much more persuasive will the next 100 be . The answer is generally not that much. What we are seeing now is candidates campaigns that are spending way more than they need to, way more than is optimal, on television. At the same time, some of this other spending is on kind of an embryonic level. They are trying to figure out how to do it effectively. The example i like to use is my daughter, who in 2012 was living in cleveland. Ohio was like ground zero for president ial races. She had no cable television, no antenna, she was whatever apple tv is, she had that. Whatever the hell that is. She drove to work and she was either listening to npr or listening to music on her iwhatever. If you want to advertise, television, radio, you werent getting her. Digital was basically one of the only ways. There is only again, im talking way out of my level here there is only that much are you still over there . No . There is a word, sort of like content. Inventory. There is not much inventory available of Digital Advertising market opportunities, and so we are sort of not there yet. A lot of this tv is way over the top. But in terms of just well, in terms of quantity, but also quality. I think the quality of Television Political ads is way down from 15, 20 years ago. I think there are a lot of Media Consultants in both parties i think a positive ad is much harder, and effective positive ad is a lot harder to do than a negative ad. There are folks that couldnt do a positive ad if their lives depended on it. They are not filmmakers, they dont have a background in terms of constructing a narrative, being persuasive. It is just slash and burn. Charlie, i want to ask you a question about your favorite state. Do louisianans say, lets send a senior senator back to have some clout to fight for our issues or do they just help republicans run up the scores . That is a great question. I will take both sides of the issue. Does Mary Landrieu have a heck of a challenge . Of course she does. Where does she pick up votes in a runoff between cassidy and rob manus, the Tea Party Guy . With cassidy getting a lot closer than a lot of us thought would happen, she has got her work cut out for her. No question about it. I think that a case can be made that for landrieu, the worstcase scenario was if the senate were right on the edge and this would become a redblue vote versus, who do you want to represent louisiana. Arguably, she may be advantaged by that. I think there is a devious path to winning if you are landrieu. What the hell. If i were Senate Democrats, this is what i would do. I would have somebody set up some baloney Organization Called louisianans for conservative values or whatever. And cassidy, he is not that conservative, and he is not nearly as conservative as a lot of louisiana republicans would like him to be. In fact i know im over time, but i will tell you the story anyway. Im down in louisiana back in march speaking at the school of Mass Communications at lsu. Anyway, i give a talk and speak to some classes. This young man comes up to me afterwards and waits until all the other students have drifted away. He says, im volunteering for the cassidy campaign. Hes practically whispering. It wasnt with a loud voice. It was like he was confessing having herpes or something. I asked him, why are you whispering . He said, conservatives have a hard time hes not conservative enough for most republicans down here. Im thinking, that is why he has an excellent chance of winning. Because hes not over the top. But anyway, if i were Senate Democrats, i would create all kinds of mischief, pulling various things to show that hes not one of us, hes not conservative enough. Conservatives say this, but when you saw and this is different but tells you how this stuff can work effectively you saw Senate Democrats effectively nominate in indiana, yeah missouri, i mean. Todd akin, thank you. This is where the sleep deprivation is kicking in. They ran tv ads. Todd akin is too conservative for missouri. In a republican primary, they effectively moved the nomination away from the two republicans that might very well have beaten Claire Mccaskill and pulled it over here where they affected the outcome of the primary. That shows how sometimes parties can be very effective in doing some interesting little jujitsu things. She has an uphill fight. I would guess cassidy has got a 70 chance of winning that runoff. But i kind of thing she is better off not having the senate on the line. Then, that would have just been a party vote. Im getting the hook. It says wrap up. Anyway, on the way out the door, marty, thank you very much for sponsoring this. And thank you all for participating. You had an impressive panel. We had some really great people here all morning. Thank you very much for coming to hear us. [applause] thank you, charlie. We were glad to have you all here this morning. Thank you so much for joining us. I want to thank Paul Pomerantz and the American Society of anesthesiologists for making today possible. I hope you all have a wonderful day. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] of two the results senate seat still undecided ther tuesdays election, makeup of the senate currently has 52 republicans in the majority compared to 44 democrats, and two independents. That comes after ed gillespie conceded. Reporters yesterday about his decision not to seek a recount. This is 15 minutes. [laughter] [applause] [laughter] thank you all. Thank you. Thank you so much. Thank you all. Thank you. Thank you all so much. Thank you all. On such short notice, it is so great to see so many friends and so many volunteers and supporters making time on a weekday. Kathy and i are happy to be with you today. We just wanted to give you a little update on where things stand, and it stands this way. As you know, the canvassing is just about completed. And the official tally is now a gap of more than 16,700 votes, larger than it was on election night. Obviously, it did not move in the direction we hoped it would. I called mark warner this morning to congratulate him on his reelection, to thank him for his Public Service to our commonwealth, and to wish him and his family well. It is a nice conversation, and i hope he does well in his continued service for the commonwealth of virginia and the country. This is obviously a hardfought race, and i am proud of the campaign we have run, and i loved every minute of it. [applause] well [laughter] maybe not this one so much. We ran an issuedriven, policy, focused campaign, the specific proposals to create jobs, raise takehome pay, lift people out of poverty, hold down health care costs, and reduce energy prices. We were outspent by more than two to one, and in the end, the shift of 9000 votes could have changed the outcome of this election. And if i believed there were any conceivable way to find a viable path to win through a recount, i would fight as hard now as i have for the last 10 months of this campaign for our policies and principles. I ran because i love our country and our commonwealth, and it would be wrong to put my fellow virginians through a recount, when in my head and in my heart i know that changing the outcome is not possible. He had heard from supporters and voters with concerns about some irregularities, concerns about their ballots. We forwarded them to the Republican Party of virginia to make sure every legitimate vote is counted, and that we protect against any such irregularities in the future. Even factoring in any of these votes being counted, or analysis of past elections in the commonwealth which have been even closer than ours, and in consultation with our legal team, i have concluded the numbers just are not there, and it is time to accept the decision of my fellow virginians. After 11 months and 66,000 miles traveled, kathy and i are blessed to call so many of them are friends. I could not have come this close without the efforts and hours of the mighty, mighty geforce. [applause] [laughter] kathy and i love you all, and we surprised a lot of experts tuesday night. But you are not surprised at all. [laughter] [applause] you had faith all along, and kept working hard even in the face of being told it was hopeless. I want to thank all of our volunteers who were here from the beginning. But i am just as grateful for all of those volunteers who supported others in our nominating process and came on board after our convention. Many of them were Tea Party Voters who were initially skeptical of my candidacy. But after getting to know one another better, it was clear their concerns are my concerns and my concerns are there is. These patriotic americans are often wrongfully marginalized, if not demonized, in the media, and it is wrong. I hope our campaign helps foster an even greater working relationship between traditional Liberty Movement and Tea Party Republicans going forward, and our Party Continues to rally behind our nominee is, no matter what door they have come into the process through. We could not have gotten this close in this election if we did not take a positive message to voters who have not traditionally supported republicans, campaigning in every corner of the commonwealth to every segment of the electorate. Our Campaign Material was translated into seven languages, and we went to places republicans too long have written off and democrats too long have taken for granted. We went to ethnic festivals, black churches, islamic centers, homeless shelters, food banks, and the recovery community. Im after getting to know one another better, it was clear that their concerns are my concerns and my concerns are there concerns. And those efforts paid off. As a party, we need to carry them forward. I am going to begin rolling credits, so be patient, because we have a lot of people to thank in this process. In the team, i am so happy to congratulate my longtime friend, barbara comstock, for winning in the 10th congressional district. [applause] and in the seventh district, a new friend i made in the course of this campaign, dave bradford, who will do a great job representing the people of the seventh. Dave brat, who will do a great job representing the people of the seventh. [applause] they will be effective leaders for the people that elected them, certainly does for our commonwealth. I want to congratulate another longtime friend, suzanne shelti, and another new friend, mike edwards, running such impressive races in the eighth and 11th districts as well. [applause] virginia has one of the finest congressional delegations in the United States congress, and it was a joy, a pure joy, to run with whitman, rachel, forbes, bob, and morgan griffith. They are all strong voices for us in the United States congress. Former congressman eric cantor and retiring congressman frank wolf were generous in their support of our efforts as well, and i want to thank them not only for their support of our campaign, but their service to our country. I want to thank Tommy Normand and all our delegates and senators for their invaluable help along the way. I have so many friends and great surrogates and advisers. Mark and suzanne were tireless. We decided early on not to have a Campaign Chairman for this campaign, but mark pretty much served as our Campaign Chairman. A lot of campaigns have one. They tend to have a title, but not do a lot of work. He was the opposite. He did not need or want a title, and worked tirelessly on our behalf, and gave us great advice. I am lucky to call him my friend. Our party is stronger because of his principled leadership, and virginians are lucky to have someone of his integrity in the state senate. [applause] i thank the snyders and the a the miles they logged and their friendship. We are so happy for them as they expect their new baby. The finance team did a great job. Steve smith. I thank pat mullins and the staff at the Republican Party of virginia, who were shoulder to shoulder with us throughout this. Pat will be missed as he steps down as chairman of the Republican Party of virginia. And i want to thank the rnc and their victory staff, led by josh daniels. The tip of the spear was the ad for senate campaign. The tip of that tip was our campaign manager, chris leavitt, who is tireless, smart, committed, and unrelenting. Chris, thank you. [applause] our Political Team was the backbone of our highly if ground game. The field director and Regional Directors were fantastic. We did a lot of outreach, as i mentioned. Our Coalition Team was wonderful. Helped us make so many new friends and go places we had not been before as a party. I want to thank our Coalition Directors for their hard work. We were a policydriven campaign. And i appreciate the hard work of policy director ryan robinson, brendan paddy, and others, for a positive agenda, the ed gillespie agenda for economic growth, which resonated across our commonwealth. We raised a lot of money for a campaign that nobody thought had a chance. [laughter] our finance team, led by elise and including rob nelson and caitlin collins, did a fantastic job. I appreciate the hard work of our communications team, including tucker martin, paul logan, garrett hawkins, and miriam roth, and social media director eric wilson, who helped us build a community of support. My friend phil found the time even though he was in the midst of a slew of governors races around the country. Last but not least, i have to thank my right hand man, kyle. We traveled 56,000 miles together and did not kill one another. [laughter] we went whatever the campaign sent us. By the end of it all, sometimes we were not sure. Warner Campaign Headquarters or our own . Kyle, thank you very much. [applause] [laughter] and finally, i think my family. Cassie was my most effective surrogate on the campaign trail. We are blessed by a wonderful marriage, and i am a very lucky man. [applause] she is with ed, as you can see, and i am with her. John, kerry, molly were supportive and understanding throughout this campaign, knowing it was going to take me away from our very close family at times. Losing is never easy, that it is made easier by knowing they are there for me and i will have more time to be there for them. It would have been nice to become senator, but the best thing i have ever been called is dad. [applause] and so, in fact, kathy and i are leaving from here for parents weekend at our daughters college. Thank you all. And molly, dad and mom are on the way. God bless the commonwealth of virginia, and god bless the United States of america. Thank you. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] clarks former rnc chairman ed gillespie, conceding defeat, and that he will not request a recount in his Close Senate Race against democratic incumbent mark warner. Ed gillespie, one of the Senate Candidates who will not be part of the new republican majority in congress. In the next congress, gop gaining seven seats so far in the senate, and will have a majority with at least 52 and the new congress. Two races not yet decided in alaska and louisiana. Louisiana, the runoff is scheduled there. As you can see on your screen, the current makeup of the congress in the senate 53 democrats, 45 republicans, two independents who normally caucus with the democrats. 52 so far republicans and 2 independents. A house and senate controlled by republicans in the next congress. What might congress and the white house agree on . To hear from you over the next 10, 15 minutes. The numbers are on your screen. What can congress get through, pass, and have president obama signed

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