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Here are others you might like. Washington dc police chief, the attorney in charge of administering the 9 11 victims fund, and clint hill, president kennedys security detail the day he was assassinated. You can watch these and search other programs at www. Cspan. Org. We have received more than 2200 entries in this years cspan video, petition. We will announce the grand prize winner and show their winning documentary. Following the announcement, you can see all 150 documentaries at student cam. Org. Tonight on cspan, british Prime Minister David Cameron takes questions from the house of commons. Then, a recent event with senator marco rubio in new hampshire. At 11 00, another chance to see q a with anthony batts. During question time at the british house of commons, David Cameron was asked whether members of parliament should have second jobs. In his exchange, the Opposition Leader challenge the Prime Minister to back the labor party proposed ban of members of Parliament Working as private consultants. This is 30 minutes. Order. Questions to the Prime Minister. Mr. John woodcock. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I had meetings this morning with colleagues, and in addition to my duties in this house, i will have further such meetings today. Support in ukraine is welcome. But we have been woefully lacking against putins aggression. When he leaves office in 70 days [laughter] when he leaves office in 70 days is he content that his place in history, to be the Prime Minister, his weakness, admired in years of he has been mired in years of conflict. At the end of this parliament, i believe those on the side of the house can be proud of the fact that we closed the massive black hole in our defense budget. We can be proud of the fact that we see airplanes flying out of new airports. We are building two aircraft carriers. We can be proud of the fact that submarines are going out of his constituency into the seas to keep our country safe. Thank you mr. Speaker. My most honorable friend strongly supported my gender equality act last year to protect women and girls from ftm female genital mutilation. My report to protect young girls and women at risk from female genital mutilation gained many votes. It was defeated by a coalition whip. Before the report, it remained unresolved. I tried to intervene, but i was not allowed to do so. Will my right honorable friend right to me and explain how these young girls and women will be a leak protected under these guidelines under this act and otherwise . I will commend my honorable friend for his bill and the campaign he has waged in favor of the bill and for equality and how we deliver aid in this vital area. On this specific issue of this piece of legislation, my understanding is that we believe the law as drafted, covers the point he is concerned about. I will, of course, write to you. I will make it absolutely clear the work we are doing, supported across the house in terms of combating email genital mutilation female genital mutilation is of vital importance. And miliband. Mr. Speaker, the reputation of every member of the houses damaged when we see revelations as we have in the last couple days. Can i take it from the governments amendment on jobs that he is proposing no change to the Current System . First of all, let me start by agreeing very much with the right honorable gentleman the allegations made against sitting members of this house of commons are serious, they need to be properly investigated, i believe both the honorable gentleman have done the right thing in terms of referring themselves to the house of commons standards commissioner in terms of having the whip withdrawal and retiring from this house. That is vitally important. The most important thing we can do, and i do not rule out further changes, but the most important thing is to make sure we apply the rules. Nondeclaration of interest, band. Making sure wrongdoings are punished, we have just passed a lobbying act and we have taxed past a recall act. Any other chance to vote for change tonight . This is what he wrote in 2009. Being a member of Parliament Attack order. The questions will be heard, and the answers will be heard. The very simple point which i ask everyone to grasp. Mr. Ed miliband. Being a member of Parliament Must be a fulltime commitment. The public deserves nothing less. And he went on to say, and i quote, double jobbing mps will not get a look in when i am in charge. What changed . I think the difficulty with his specific proposal is that it would allow, for instance, someone to be a paid Union Official, but it would not allow someone to run a family shop. Like many of his proposals, it is not thought through. It is whipped up quickly. If you thought it was such a good idea, why didnt he put it in place four years ago . Lets agree that we will roll out anybody being a pain director, a paid Union Official or a paid consultant. Say yes, and we can restore the reputation of this house. Mr. Effort, calm yourself. You are about to explode. Get a grip. We must have the answer from the Prime Minister. This is not really problem with his proposal. Let me take another problem with his proposal. With his cap on, on earnings. Levy say this. Let me take a specific example a very specific example. The honorable how long does this take . Let me take a specific proposal the honorable member education spokesman, he earned, last year, over a 10 cap in terms of being a college lecturer. I think that is a good thing. He brings to this house some outside experience. And he chalks up that experience. It is a pity it does not show up in his education policy, but nonetheless, it is a good thing. Fundamentally, there is a disagreement between the right honorable gentleman and me. I think parliament is stronger when we have people with different experiences coming to our house. But we must impose strict rules and punish people when they get it wrong. Sex lets agree to the principle lets agree to a principal of a cap. What we have here is something very specific comedy in a paid director or paid consultant. I expect that we will also ban people being a paid tribune official, the offer he makes, i repeat the offer. Lets get it done, lets agree to restore the reputation of the house. The problem is the proposal in front of us allows paid trade Union Officials, but does not allow someone to run a family business. I understand, mr. Speaker. The problem with this proposal is not just the nature of the proposal, there is also the problem the timing of the proposal. He first put it forward two years ago in the Previous Year the person with the highest outside earnings on the labor side was david miliband. He hasnt thought it through. He hasnt worked it out. It is inconsistent. It is like every other policy comes up with. Esther miliband. He is worried about the precise text of the motion . I am happy, by whatever means, a manuscript amendment, to insert paid trade officials. He has the chance, and all of his friends, his right honorable friends, this is a very big thing. You can vote for two jobs, or one. I will vote for one. What will you vote for . Where i think the opposition is right, and he put this in his letter to me, he says the british people need to know that when they vote, they are electing someone who will not be swayed by what a may 02 the interest of others. I think the biggest problem we have on that front is the fact that the trade Union Movement [inaudible] lock stock and barrel. So i make an offer to him. No more support for trade unions for the labour party, then weve got a deal. Mr. Miliband. If he wants to talk about party funding, lets talk about a party supported by a hedge fund. A man who appointed a selfdeclared tax avoid her as his treasurer, that is the conservative party. He has one more chance. He talked big in opposition about change. He will be judged on the way he votes tonight. He should vote for one job not two. Last chance. Yes or no . The problem with members of parliament being swayed by outside interest is best seen in this example. This parliament the first in the history of britain, has passed an act on lobbying. The labour party has been lobbied by the trade unions to get rid of this act. What do they agree they have agreed to scratch the lobbying act. That is what they have done. Lock, stock, and vote, by the trade union. Thank you. [shouting] think you for the welcome. I have harangued the Prime Minister to do more on useless coal. It is right today that i think the government for the announcement. Vulnerable consumers will still be targeted today and tomorrow by vicious scammers who pay no heed to this announcement. I politely asked that he will do all he can to help me protect these vulnerable consumers in his constituency and mine. I will look at the suggestion you honorable gentleman makes. We are changing the law to make it easier for companies to be hit with fines up to half a Million Pounds if they pursue this. This will be welcomed up and down the country. We will be doing latenight telephone canvassing and talking to people. They should never nag people or be a nuisance. Proper punishments are being brought in today. It costs 40 more to trainee teacher and in Northern Ireland than a dozen in england. Does the Prime Minister share my concern that the cost is insufficient . Attempts to desegregate teachers does it suggest to him that there commitment to our childrens future when i would say to the honorable lady, what we have got to do is make sure we can break down the barriers between communities. That is what the future agenda is about. The house agreement should make that move faster. We are seeing shared campuses for education institutions in Northern Ireland. Now, i think we need to see the sorts of things she is talking about. Shared approaches on teacher training, which can reduce costs and deliver a better service. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Lack friday, attended over 13 local companies and over 700 jobseekers. Will the Prime Minister congratulate those who started a friendship since 2010, where unemployment has fallen by 36 showing our longterm economic plan is working . I pay tribute to my friend, who works to support his constituents. I think these job fairs that many members of parliament have taken part in, can do a huge amount in terms of making sure local people can see the opportunities that are being opened up a successful and growing economy. The claimant count has fallen by 54 since the election with longterm count falling by 50 in last year. That shows, as the oecd suggests britain pause longterm economic plan is working and we should stick to it. As we have heard, the Prime Minister and the opposition agree that the reputation of politics needs improving. When he agree what he agree that the broadcasters need to realize that, for the benefit of volker voters as well as themselves, the unfair and irrational and implausible exclusion of the people in Northern Ireland from those, and the dot which has more votes than some that are included, cannot be justified, so will he agree with us to go back to the broadcasters, demand a rethink on the business of justice and fairness, and that they come forward with a proposal that he and the rest of us can agree to . I have simply with what the honorable gentleman says. My argument was, you couldnt include one minor Party Without another minor party. Obviously, i was referring specifically to the greens on that occasion. We have a decided to include the fnp, there seems to be a difficulty not addressing the fnp. I am sure that is important. It should be taken seriously. Following the chancellors significant commitment last week to create half a million jobs to build 100,000 new homes and to invest 10 billion pounds and in infrastructure, would he agree that this is not just a longterm economic plan for london, but in contrast to other parties who only offered london a mat a matched tax, would he agree to make london the best capital city on earth . My friend described. The plan for london is about being incredibly ambitious, and trying to outpace the growth of new york adding six point 4 billion pounds to the london economy by 2030. That is what were trying to decent due to ca higher growth rate. We have created half a million a are jobs. We need to keep on. As the oecd said yesterday, the u. K. Is a text book case, or is fast becoming, of best practice how good labor markets and reform can support growth and job creation. My message today is, well done so far. But, finish the job. You need to steve you have a longterm plan, but you need to stick with it. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Last week, three young women from my constituency homes traveled to turkey, i want to stop this question. The honorable lady has a serious question to ask, and it must he heard by both sides with courtesy. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Last week, three young women for my constituency left their homes and travel to turkey, and are thought to have been smuggled into syria. Their families are devastated. The Prime Minister is making every effort to find them and encourage their return. Will hes and sure families, schools, youth clubs internet agencies, are guided on how they can better protect our young people . The honorable lady is right to raise this heartbreaking case, which we discussed in the house monday. Clearly, everyone who saw that parents on television talking about the children couldnt help but be moved. I have asked the secretary to look urgent urgently about the protocols we have in place with young people in traveling what airlines do and what we can do. My understanding is, the Police Responded quickly. In terms of informing turkey. What the turkey Prime Minister said, is not accurate. There are always lessons to learn. The lessons will not just be that we can tighten arrangements on airplanes and at borders, but also, we all have a responsibility, schools parents, families, communities universities and colleges, oliver responsibility to fight this poisonous radicalization of young peoples minds. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The minister of cities will be signing a deal tomorrow that will deal infrastructure that is musty much needed for the past 30 years. We are finally addressing infrastructure needs. Demonstrate a commit and to the northwest which has been lacking for the past couple months. My friend, who has campaigned can still consistently on this issue. From the announcements being made, as a result of implementing the deal, we expect to proceed with construction of a highlevel bridge crossing the canal, a highlevel crossing from chester road will open up land for development south of boring 10 town center. This will divide traffic relief resilience, and jobs, and homes and livelihoods. That is what our longterm plan is all about. Why did the Prime Minister deem it appropriate to ask about his response to one of my constituents, twitter Political Correspondent manager housed in 10 downing street, on paper bearing a conservative party logo, its contents referring to a conservative manifesto, and a conservative government legislation, and concluded in the hope that way, i presume the conservative party, mr. Speaker, could rely upon my constituentss support for many years to come. No member of this house is permitted to use our element parliament or Political Party campaigning. Number 10 downing street is not the property of a Political Party. Will the Prime Minister apologize to my constituents . [inaudible] property and revenue . If a letter was sent from her to me to be answered, though should always be answered by the Prime Minister to other members of parliament. I will look into what happened in that case. Let me put on record how hard the correspondence union work. They get thousands of letters, including for members of parliament, every week. I will look into that and make sure she gets a reply from me. Let me say to all those live living in hampton, they will get a lot of letters from you in the coming week. [shouting] mr. Governor. Last week, the competition for rail services, including he may be aware that some people in this house want a long review of franchise, leading to renationalization of railways. I wonder if he understood the delays and misery this could cause in norwich, up and down the main lines, if this were to happen. First of all, let me thank my honorable friend for the work that he has done to press for better rail service. We have a clear view, we want to achieve its which in 60 minutes, norwich and 90 minutes. That is what the reforms are about. Happy birthday to the shadow chancellor, in his words. The aim of this, when he has time after the election, he will be able to see norwich and 90 minutes. I think it is only fair, he gives me a birthday present every week. It is time i give him one today. I am grateful, mr. Speaker. In the u. S. , senators and congressmen have a cap on their outside earnings of 15 . Why is it appropriate for them but not for us . If the cap is a good idea, why are we voting on it in the house of commons tonight . If you want evidence that labors policy has been written on the back of a bag packet, that tells you all you need to know. Obviously, with plain paper packaging, we will they will have more room to write their policies on. May i assure my right honorable friend order order. Sir peter must be properly heard. I am not a paid trade Union Official. I fear that if people in this house are not allowed a second job, never ship membership will soon be largely confined to the inheritors of substantial fortunes, or to rich people, or to assess it crack pots obsessive crackpots. [laughter] or, to those who are unemployable anywhere else. [shouting] i want to be clear he makes an important point. Parliament is stronger because we have people with different experiences. When you look around parliament, we have got practicing doctors in the house, practicing dentist, people who take part serving our country in afghanistan or iraq, and we do have people who run Family Businesses or have other interests. What you want is a parliament and actually, where people can come and share their experiences and make some points. Instead of just having a lot of trade union sponsors. Thank you, mr. Speaker. He was question before, he did not answer then. I would say at the moment, i am both the member of parliament from west oxfordshire, and i am the Prime Minister. I do constituency work every day. But i would me misleading the house if i said i spent more time on constituency work than on being Prime Minister. That is what we are reflecting on. Being so successful i wonder if my right honorable friend, for the convenience of the house and particularly for members opposite, could set out the details of our longterm economic plan. The plan is about skills, infrastructure jobs, cutting taxes, but above all, it is about evilss livelihoods. It is about securing jobs and livelihoods for people across the country. And the fact that labor cannot talk about the economy any week when they come to this house, is because we have created 1000 jobs every day this government has been in office. They talk about second jobs because they do not want to talk about the jobs revolution in our country. They dont want to talk about the oecd and the fact that our economy, last year, is growing faster than any other major economy and the west. They cannot talk about the economy because they have nothing to say about it. Mr. Speaker, the results of a cut in the disabled Student Allowance many students say they may have to drop out of courses. I want to take an urgent review of the problem. I am sure he does not want that to be the case. I have looked specifically at this issue. I will go back and look over it again, and write to the honorable gentleman. It is important to recognize with the reforms of disability living allowance going into personal independence payment, there will be more of the most disabled people getting paid at the higher rates. Glen davis. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I know the Prime Minister shares my enthusiastic support or arming the nation, and she was my joy that there has been a 63 increase in the most wonderful gift that anyone can give since the Organ Donation bill passed in 2008. Order it is discourteous to interrupt and honorable member in the middle of his question. Let us hear what the honorable gentleman has to say. It is a matter of manners. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Will the Prime Minister take the opportunity, should one arise to join me and helping raise awareness of this wonderful achievement of driving the creation of evermore and greater success in the future . I agree with my honorable friend. We have seen a very substantial increase in Organ Donation. That is been done without moving to a system of presumed consent which i know the house discussed and voted on previously. I was not in favor of that. Im in favor of doing more to lead by example, make sure the best opportunities and practices , there has been a remarkable increase. Anything that i can do to help come i would be delighted to do so. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The lobbying act did nothing to affect those who were lobbying for commercial gains specifically for commercial gains. The register of professional lobbyist, we all know what they look for. Can i congratulate him on being the new chair of the labour party . In 70 days, i hope youll be able to conduct an inquest into what went wrong. Let me answer his question specifically. If he supports the lobbying act can he explain why trade unions in britain have lobbied the labour party to get rid of the act . If we wanted ink sample an example of what is wrong, it is the money that goes from unions to the labour party that finances their candidates and policies, and the only reason he is sitting there is because of trade union barons thinking he is better than his brother. That is what is wrong with british politics, and that needs fixing. Thank you mr. Speaker. His papers heralded work, according to the government there is 41 coverage. Bps monopoly means that, the next phase of connections [inaudible] what is he going to do about that . We will spend record sums on broadband rollout. Across the country, it is now almost double than the 40 we inherited. There is more to do in rural areas. Local councils have searchable website so people can see when they can expect broadband to get to their area. We need to look at Creative Solutions to make sure we get to the last 5 . It is an important part of the economic plan. It can only be secured by a conservative majority government. I welcomed the fact that the government has been forced to accept demands for people to be protected when buying tickets on the seconding secondary ticketing market. Last year, thousands of world cup fans and cricket fans would have been saved of paying more than face value. Why is the government on the side of people like bankers and tax dodgers and organized gangs on the ticketing market, and never on the side of ordinary people . This is something that is happened after four and a half years of a conservative Prime Minister that never happened after 13 years of a labor Prime Minister. We are on the side of working people, because we are getting them jobs, cutting their taxes helping with childcare and that is in opposition to the party of the trade unions. Hot on the heels of devolving transport and housing, the announcement that manchester will take control of its 6 billion pound nhs that shows the commitment to manchester. In contrast to the labor document [inaudible] my friend is right to say this is an important breakthrough. Made possible by our reforms. It will help bring the nhs and social care together. The secretary presume in the presumably knew nothing about this. Eight labor authorities in manchester have been working with us about how to make this a reality. What a contrast, people working together to improve the nhs instead of trying to weaponize it across the dispatch box. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Last year, over 3000 desperate migrants drowned in the mediterranean. Several hundred died this year the already trying to reach a place of safety. Many people in desperation turn to traffickers to escape the crisis in libya and other places. They are victims of war, and oppression. The European Union is closing down an organization that has saved lives, and instituting instead something that will protect europe hospital orders and not rescue people. Will you go back and ensure that europe adopt a humanitarian approach of saving these desperate people, and supporting these migrants who are trying to survive . Thats all. Survive, in libya. The general makes an important point. The statistics dont back up the kc is making. Marianne austan was an attempt to deal with the problem. More people died during the operation of the policy than when it was brought to an end. There are answers here, we need to make sure we press ahead with the modern slavery bill, which is

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