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From the victory speech by french president elect Emmanuel Macron and can special and speech byconcession challenger marine le pen. Later, a house hearing on visa security. This week on q and a, defense news Naval Warfare correspondent chris cavas talks about the ys fat leonard bridal more thanandal, with 200 Navy Officials including several admirals. Chris cavas, let me start by asking you what you do for a living. I am a journalist. I cover naval affairs, things over and above the water. Like to cover them worldwide i like to talk about the industry that builds these things, the people who operate them, who buy them, the operations they do, and why does anybody need all this stuff and does it ever work. I write about this stuff. Who reads it . The industry, the hill, politicians. Defense news is a worldwide publication. People and the naval industry around the world Pay Attention to us. Senior officers Pay Attention to us, senior acquisition officers. How big is the publication and how long is it . I cannot even tell you because i am not up on the latest stats. We are owned by a Company Called cycling media, the media group that site line media, that times, navy times, air force times, about people in the service. Calleds a Division History and that the talks about things that are old. I want to show you some video from a Company Called Glenn Marine Group asia. It is just a minute, a promo from them, and ask you to explain how they fit in right now. Headquartered in singapore, the Glenn Marine Group is a premier integrated Maritime Service provider. Its scale of operations spans 54 million square miles, represented by a Global Network of nine regional offices that have operated in more than 32 countries. Glenn marine groups Flagship Company is asiapacifics leading brands in naval fleet support. Its services extend well beyond pier side. They are able to provide a wide range of customized solutions. Why does this Company Matter, a singaporebased Company Matter to the United States navy . When ships travel from port to port, a ship is a selfcontained entity. It takes care of itself. When it goes into port it needs a number of support services. It starts with, i need a pilot to meet me at a certain location at a certain time. Me, a tugs to escort place to drop the hook, tie up. I need someone to be there so i can get on and off my ship. I need to have somebody arranged to get shore power if i need it, food and water if i want it. Even then i may want somebody to , andsome phones available i want a reception and i need some catering services. There are companies called husbanding agents. Husbanding, like husband and wife. It is a very old term. It is nothing new, a classic maritime term. Worldwide, companies have and we needgents, those services so we are a global navy. The United States navy travels all over the world. Everywhere we go we need someone to take care of the services so we need to bid out on the services. Is key to being operate being able to operate in a certain area, to do rest and relaxation in a certain area. Let me ask you in a different way what has that company done to the navy . For one thing, it has completely embarrassed the United States navy, shocked the culture of the navy that people were corrupted to provide glenn Defense Marine mostly with information about ship movements , but other things as well, in exchange for not that much money but fairly lavish lifestyles. They threw fabulous parties, had great dinners, provided prostitutes for a lot of people, really expensive gifts for their wives, paid for family vacations. Ofare talking on the order 10,000, 20,000, 30,000 for a weekend, some of their parties. Dinner could cost 20,000 to 30,000 for six people. Let me read you a summary of what is happened until now. Investigators have said that more than 200 people have come under scrutiny. Eight newlyre indicted Navy Officials including an admiral, 13 people who have pleaded guilty, six others who have been charged, four admirals who have been known toed, two others be under investigation, and 150 others not identified. Glenn Defense Marine was one of the most sophisticated operations like this in the western pacific. They had operations throughout the western pacific. Anybody in the western pacific at any time who made a port call , which was everybody, had some contact with something that was glenn Defense Marine whether they knew what are not. So there are many levels of people who are involved with this. Some people had virtually no involvement other than they were there. So more deeply involved. There was certainly criminal behavior, people who broke their oats. Oaths. They were passing information and had inappropriate relations. The people who did this are by and large, remarkably capable people. They are professionally respected. A lot of these people were widely known for their professional accomplishments, not because of before they were arrested. Some of these people have a lot of respect for a lot of people. They clearly were doing some dumb things and what is interesting, they did not make that much money for it. This was not like, people were not making a few hundred thousand dollars here. Nobody made a million dollars. They were selling their careers fairly short. That surprises people. People are surprised that so many people could be compromised like this. But glenn Defense Marine wanted information. They wanted to know where ships were going to be. They could prepare for it. They had certain ports where they have a lot of power. We owned a lot of the concessions, we do not in that port. If you do not go there, can you come here . They would approach key officers, for the most part, like on the planning staff. The u. S. Fleet in the western pacific based in japan, they would approach alterations opposite hers, Operations Officers, planning officers, protocol officers worried about where are we going to go. The navy pays a great deal of attention to r r. We have a great number of ships that go to the middle east. Four to five months in the persian gulf is not a party time. We have ships full of young 20yearolds who want to have a good time, and they really do work hard. Theres not a lot of opportunity to blow off steam. , but it is not like some other parts of the world so when ships are in transit, coming and going to the United States and passing through the pacific, that might be the best part, the best opportunity that the navy has to give the crew of that Aircraft Carrier a welldeserved break. Let me put on this green a fellow on the screen a fellow who calls himself i do not know he calls himself this a fellow called fat leonard. He was a largerthanlife guy. He was close to 400 pounds at one point. E was a big, fat guy extremely gregarious and outgoing. He is the classic host. We are here to have a good time, great to see you, i have arranged all of this. Come into this room, see what we have for you. He would ingratiate himself with everybody. E was a classic manipulator he would go out of his way to be seen with anybody of any importance. He would have photographers there to take person with any significant person at any social event. Here is fat leonard, great to see you, admiral. We have an example of former chairman of the joint chiefs of staff mike molen with fat leonard. Did he know who he was . Everybody knew that he was fat leonard and he ran glenn defense marina. Did they know this corruption was going on and so much was happening in the background . It does not appear that was the case at all. For every one of these pictures, frankly as a newspaper, i am reluctant sometimes to run these pictures because there is hundreds of these pictures. One of the first pictures that came out was one with the cno just after mike molen, gary ruff said. Roughhead. It is a gladhanding thing. They did not necessarily have to be doing anything. Where is fat leonard today . In jail in san diego, california. He was arrested in 2013, lured to the United States. The investigation going on right now is spearheaded by the department of justice, nci s investigation. Investigation. Leonard, i think he is a resident of singapore. Malaysian. Malaysian. To the United States to close a business deal so they got him in the u. S. With u. S. Jurisdiction and he was arrested. He has pled guilty. He has not been sentenced. He pled guilty in 2015. He is not the only one who has not been sentenced who has pled guilty, so the prosecution is over but they have not adjudicated. The supposition there and this is just a supposition because justice will not confirm this is that he is still providing information to the investigation, and they are waiting to see how many former Navy Officials are in prison . I am not sure right now. There have been 25 charged total. Almost half of them are now in prison one way or another. 2015, march back to 2015 just to put an official touch on this. This is the former secretary of the navy who used to be the governor of mississippi talking at a hearing on capitol hill. The reason this was uncovered is that we set up financial tripwires that glenn Defense Marine asia went across. So red flags were raised. Investigated this for three years with no leaks. During that investigation we cis agent was furnishing mr. Francis with that they set up false information to him. And it led to mr. Francis believing that the investigation had been shut down. It allowed us to arrest him on american soil. How well did he handle this . I am not sure he is the kind of person people criticize heavily or they do not criticize heavily. There is not much of a middle ground. Frankly, i am not sure what else he could have done and i think this was done pretty well. This investigation began in 2010. The agent that was being referred to was something that leonard was always, part of his modus operon day of getting s operandi ofc i getting moles. They gave him. Permission to work it out. , thethe arrests were made navy moved with some alacrity to suspend operations with glenn Defense Marine. The secretary of war instigated an audit of all of their practices, all of their contracting practices, and an audit not just to look for inappropriate money going to glenn Defense Marine but also weaknesses and contracting that would allow these excesses and abuses to work their way in. It was an organizational approach to it, it was not just an effort to grab people on this particular gdma issue. There was another husbanding company which also was sued by the navy around this time period for what the navy viewed as excesses, not merely on the scale that gdma was at. Up vy set it up set dispositionted authority, what in the world is the idea is that justice runs its own investigation, and justice is looking for criminal activity. Justice is not about ethics, it is about criminal behavior. If they have people, they investigated somebody, if they find no criminal behavior and nothing they can charge anybody with, they are done with that person. Thatthen turn investigation over to the navy run consolidated disPosition Authority, consolidated in the sense that there are different entities within the navy that could be investigating this. Why have all of these different units . We will do it one effort consolidated. The navy runs its own investigation on these people looking for ethics violations. You did not break the letter of the law but certainly broke the standards of behavior that you were sworn, and we expect people to adhere to. ,hat has turned into its own that has taken on a life of its own. That has had a major effect on the navy, particularly the officer corps. It continues to have a major effect and has no end insight. T. In sigh people cannot find out what they are investigated for. You cannot confront urich usually accuser. It has become a pernicious investigation affecting hundreds of people and there is no way to quantify it. I know a surprising number of people who appear to be under investigation. Are you still under investigation by justice or has justice turned that over to the cda . It is tough to know. Just might be a little tedious for people watching. , status, rear admiral pleaded guilty june 2016 to making a false official statement. ,riminal sentence pending reduced in rank to captain and retired from active duty. He was an admiral. From the criminal investigation, there have been admirals caught up in this but they are not charged with behavior as an admiral. So people are promoted. , and actually, if i am recalling correctly, they did not charge him with any dma. G with g captain daniel dusek. He is in prison. Former of the uss bonner richard. There he is on the screen. He is a captain, and why is he in prison . He was in the middle of all of this and was part and parcel of some of the worst behavior. He guided ships to ports that were controlled by glenn Defense Marine. Classified information on ship movements. The classified information that is always referred to, as far as im aware of, in almost every case is about ship movements, planned the ship movements in advance. It is not necessarily unusual that we would share such information with a foreign commercial company or partner, but none of this was done through any official channels. This was all just stuff feeding to them. Dusek was right in the middle of them and for a while he enjoyed a pretty good lifestyle. He was routinely at some wonderful, fabulous restaurants, parties,els, big time lots of very expensive booze and cigars and prostitutes. All paid for by . All paid for by glenn defends marine. He had contact with fat leonard. I am going to bring up another fellow, because this story, it is a hard one. The fellow from a little town in illinois, Commander Michael mush of its. Cambodia, brought over to this country by a woman in the u. S. Army, raised in this country, and what happened to him . This photo, that is a really sad photo. At the time of this photo he was the Commanding Officer of the destroyer that made a port call to cambodia, the First Official visit to cambodia since 1975 and he was the Commanding Officer. These were actually family members that came to meet him. This was a terribly touching moment. , i know people who served with him. I actually interviewed him extensively. He was a very well thought of officer. People were stunned when they found out he was caught up with this. Thehe is a good example of kind of targeted individual that gdma would go after. So most of these people did not start off there are some exceptions but most of the exceptions were in the very first wave of arrests. People who were complacent in these complicit in these Ongoing Operations were targeted. Where is he now . In prison for 76 months. Longest, he is the has got the longest prison sentence so far which is somewhat surprising. I think one of them got 12 years. I want to show you some video of when he went back to linn arce, illinois, spoke to his high school. It was a heroes welcome. Just listen to what he had to say. [indiscernible] [ this reminds me of it is ok to be a happy she. Indiscernible] to keep watch, and we will take action to keep the world safe. After he was convicted and sent to prison, when was the last time you talked to him . Just a few days before he reported to federal prison. What was his attitude . He has accepted it. Resentful. Is more he thinks he was really stupid. He still rationalized a good bit of it. He is upset that he thinks other were worse than he was and do not seem to have gotten punished as much as he has. He said there is still lots of people out there who have yet to be arrested. One of the pictures during the trial was him with i think a bunch of japanese women, i am not sure. You can see it on the screen. How important was this whole thing, sexual favors in this process . It was a regular feature of the kind of services that leonard would provide to people who provided him information. , he was approached by somebody who was already compromised. ,hey would discuss with Leonard Leonard was always asking people , find me a good candidate. Is this guy approach a book . Will he work with us . Has he got money problems . Has he got romantic problems, relationship problems . At this time he was actually having relationship problems with his wife. What happened eventually . He was divorced. But that wasnt going well. This is the sort of thing they would do. Suddenly he is at a party. Suddenly there is companionship and suddenly we are having a good time. And he was susceptible to it. They would routinely approach people in all manner of ways. People were constantly being put in compromising positions. This is a great photograph, sort of the ultimate of where this is all going, but it did not take much. Everybody came into contact with him. It was hard for officers to do a western pacific port call way, tove a map, by the show that part of the world. When you talk about the seventh fleet, it is not the entire that a great deal of it. Everything you see there is the seventh fleet. How many ships . Not that many. Ande is the seventh fleet the seventh fleet area of operations, aor. The seventh fleet is based in japan. It is an Aircraft Carrier, a couple of cruisers and some destroyers, and they are based dma port. At a g the flagship blue ridge routinely makes, they do 2, 3month patrols a year and go from port to port to port. The pacific is all about bilateral relationships, so there is no nato in the pacific. It is very important for the commander of the Pacific Fleet and the seventh fleet to constantly be going around to these Different Countries and keeping relationships going with their counterparts in those countries, so they routinely make these port calls, every one of which was an opportunity for gdma. Thatg that was lost is the seventh fleet, they lived there. Everybody that goes there falls under seventh fleet jurisdiction and they would pull into the sports. San diegobased ships, pearl routinelyed ships deploying to the Central Command Operations Area in the middle east, the persian gulf, the red sea. They have to pass through this area. Let me read some more. Naval special agent, criminal investigative service, downloaded and leaked scores of reports about pending criminal investigations into glenn defense. He pleaded guilty to bribery and conspiracy to commit bribery, 12 years in prison. Laptopes taken, cash, computer, airfare, a prostitute from the philippines, threeweek five country vacation in southeast asia. He was ncis. He was the agent referred to by secretary may this. Mavis. Brian i would like to ask you that. How long have you covered the navy . Chris im well into my second decade doing it. Brian put this whole thing into perspective. So, there is this criminal investigation, and there is an ethics investigation. The ethics investigation is falling directly out of the criminal investigation, but this is probably the widest and deepest ethics investigation in the history of the u. S. Navy. The criminal behavior aside, there is ais is criminal investigation that is certainly getting people for doing things they should not have done. They broke the law. Theres no question about it. Theres no question this was bad behavior. Brian i want to read another one, just so people can understand. A guy named paul simpkins, former Navy Contracting send supervisor based in singapore, rigged navy contracts in thailand for glenn defense in exchange for 350 350,000 in bribes and prostitutes. Acted as a secret six or for the firm. His punishment was december 2016 to six years in prison plus 450,000 in fines and restitution. Heres what i found when i went beyond what was reported. He wanted fat leonard to provide him some clean, diseasefree women when he got into port in singapore. Have you sat through any of these trials . Chris no, i have not. They are all in san diego. Brian how typical is this in the navy . Over the years, without being a pollyanna about it . Maybe i shouldnt ask it this way, but chris typical demanding of the guy who you are working for legally, of what kind of favors you want. Anotherm going to go route. Typical of the navy that when they end up in port that there are prostitutes, how big a deal has not been over the years . Is you mean in every part port . I think its effectively. A fact of life. I think its unavoidable. I think its unavoidable to go to a highend hotel and not have someone. I was at a hotel in singapore a in, ago watching guys come clearly with someone of the night, and the hotel are very good at looking the other way. Brian and thats not as unusual as having somebody like fat leonard paying for a prostitute . Itis you just had to order out. You can just say, i hope we have some entertainment, can you send pictures of the entertainment . We are eager to see pictures. Brian heres another one. The former director of intelligence operations of the u. S. Navy and intelligence chief fleet, arrested in california march 2017 and charged with conspiracy, bribery, and making false statements. His case is pending. He has pleaded not guilty. He was just charged. Hes one of the nine who are just charged. Did you know him . Chris i have not met him, no. Brian when will his trial be held if he doesnt flee out plea out . Chris i have no idea. How longm getting at, has this process taken . Chris most of these folks have not had to try they havent had to try to many of them. Misiewiczts wanted to try his case. Brian heres the former Commanding Officer of the uss George Washington and uss blue ridge. Chris thats a flagship. Brian allegedly steered warships to ports controlled by glenn defense and sought to undermine his competitors. Arrested in florida in march and charged with conspiracy, bribery, and charged his status is prepending. Bribes allegedly taken for prostitution and travel. Commander stephen shedd, former Commanding Officer, and planning officer for the seventh fleet, allegedly leaked classified information about ship movements, arrested in colorado and charged with conspiracy and bribery. Case is still pending. I can go on. Chris he is someone interesting. He was a junior officer. As a lieutenant commander, he was on the staff of the seventh fleet, and provided a great amount of information, ship movements, to gdma. Then he came to an end and he was transferred out. He was sent to tennessee. But he missed the lifestyle. New personnel in tennessee and managed to wrangle a return to the seventh fleet and the lifestyle. He came and went, and the attractiveness of the lifestyle that leonard provided these folks was like a drug. They couldnt do without it. It was a lot of fun. And theld go off straight for a little while, and then its time for a party. They gave good information, they expected a good party. A lot of it was based on port calls and ships. Flagship,idge, the francis was always going for operations people. Brian francis is the fat leonard . Chris fat leonard. He emailed these people had direct communications with fat leonard. In many cases, it was not through intermediary. Brian how much money did fat leonard get out of this . Chris millions and millions. Glenn Defense Marine asia routinely charged a lot of money. , agency onehighend of the most comprehensive. You could getant from gdma. Just say it. We will find a way to get it. But you did pay for it. There was a premium. This did not escape a lot of people. There were some investigations. There was one in 2006 that didnt go anywhere. He wanted to know about investigations, and he would put pressure on senior people that he compromised to intern put pressure to get rid of the investigations and make them go away. He would reach out. He would say, can you make this go away . Brian you mentioned there was an investigation into thousand six. Its a very in 2006. Its a very local story in san diego. On the local pbs station they had a roundtable in 2015. There were a couple of things said by laura wingard, who works for the station, and the person who wrote stories for the station. Thatsof the things astonishing about this is in 2006 they had a whistleblower and they didnt act on it. There was a good soldier who said, hey, these charges are in the navyne, ignored it. I think it speaks to the culture of how things are going there. Its astonishing they did not act. Its a larger story how the navy administers and overseas what becomes an expanded program of contracting out to private companies, services and things that the service is used to handle themselves. In this case, in particular it is a big issue. It was not just the one person in 2006. There are under other indications that people were raising their hands. They just couldnt get traction. How much did you know about the whistleblower in 2006 . When did we first know about the whistleblower . Chris i didnt care about it until it broke in 2013. Brian so that kind of thing doesnt become public. Chris and just means i didnt do it. Not necessarily. Criminal behavior is not the primary focus of what i do. Reporting toe news the business, to the navy, to the defense department, to the contractors and all that. While were at it, lets show you what admiral richardson, chief of Naval Operations, this igs Fred Whitlock cra who has not been spotlighted. Heres him in 2016 in may asking the chief of the of operations what he thinks. In the navy, how is this case being felt . What kind of damage is a causing . What sort of reaction is a causing among the officers who dont engage in that kind of the savior, but are seeing a pattern of a problem out there . I think you have categorized it well. Its in progress, so we can only talk about it to a certain degree. Majority ofthe vast our leaders, both in uniform and civilian force, are behaving exactly consistent with that trust and confidence the American People have enough. For that small minority involved in this type of behavior, behavior that nobody can be proud of, we have to let the Investigation Complete and we will respond to the information maintain thatwill trust and confidence. Brian what did you think of his answer, and have they responded . Chris you are touching on a number of things pretty fast. Lets just say right away, that guy you just saw, admiral john richardson, chief of naval the reason that is that title is attached to that guy, because of the fat leonard gdma investigation. Otherwise, he would have been entirely different job, the head of nuclear reactors, which is what he was groomed for. The nr job job is unique in the navy. It is a dual headed job. It is an Energy Department function as well. It oversees all Nuclear Reactions reactors. It is a unique job. It is a six year term. It is a sunset term. In other words, thats it, you retire after that. Its the only sixyear term in the navy. Its unique. Richardson was already nr when this broke publicly. In the navy set up its consolidated Position Authority that was put under nr, john richardson. Richardson, in many peoples viewpoints, was one of the most ethical people in the navy. A nukeget to be a by definition is a person who follows the rules. Its a pretty imposing position. Brian he was put into this position because of this . Chris he was nr. They were already investigating test cheating scandals in the submarine service. The navy felt it had confidence in him. He was the chief adjudicator of the cda. The ethics part of this investigation, the post criminal investigation, now it navy ethics probe, was richardsons. Ailiwick the previous was retiring, this could potentially come under the fat leonard investigation. Apparently, because you cant confirm any theres no Statement Issued that so and so was in an investigation and you found nothing. Nobody gets a clean bill of health. The only thing they find out is if they caught you. Everything is assumed or it appears so, more people heard this. About mike mullen, chief of Naval Operations, and left to become chairman of the joint chiefs of staff. He was a big pacific admiral. He had to have his picture taken with fat leonard, because everybody had their picture taken with fat leonard. Gary ruff was in the same position. , even if itd ties was just that they had their picture taken with him at a party. Potential that you named somebody, and he would come under investigation, and embarrassed the navy again. Ive never had a straight answer admiral greener it was under investigation. I have asked many times. Indson was seen as some ways as a clean alternative. The navy took the unprecedented move of taking him out of nr, the head of Naval Nuclear of this, hes in charge very, very serious engineering that is very specific, he was taken out of that and became chief of Naval Operations. Thats a piece of fallout from gdma right there. Without this investigation, he probably would still be nr. Brian let me drop back 23 years. Weevil show you we show a frank,. K. I want to run this, because this is another time in navys past that was not so stellar. I think the greatest lesson learning is we have to be more attentive to our house and what we do and how we act so we can prevent Something Like this from happening. I greatly regret i did not have the foresight to be able to see actions could occur. In hindsight, i clearly concede that. We need to work harder to people be able to understand the changes taking place and deal with it at an earlier time than to let us get into a case like tailhook, where we have a difficult problem. As you know, this is very difficult. I think this is the end of tailhook. He had to leave as the chief of Naval Operations a couple months early because of this. Did the navy learn anything back then . Chris the navy learned a lot, but some people dont learn anything. Thats true throughout society and still true today. There are toned of people everywhere. Brian but there were 100 people in the navy involved in this. Tailhook tell hook, the Tailhook Association is the professional association of naval aviators. Once a year they have a gathering in nevada, the tailhook convention. They talk about airplanes. They talk about flight operations. They also have a lot of drinks and a lot of fun. That was a tradition at tailhook. Involvedthat behavior sexual behavior with women. A lot of people would consider that sexual assault. A lot of people could be charged with sexual assault. It wasnt just unethical. This was a routine feature of these conventions. They went too far. Somebody may charges. It came out this was going on. It was a major scandal. You are trying to change behavior, but it affected everybody. The Navy Investigation went way beyond the aviation community. People had to sign a paper that said you werent there. Anybody who was there was under great investigation. A lot of people resigned. A lot of people were found guilty of various levels of that behavior bad behavior. It was a really deeply cathartic thats not the right word traumatic event inside the navy culture. Definitely inside Navy Aviation , and how you treated women. Where women sexual objects, or are they your professional peers . Clearly the way the aviators were treating women at the tail hook was not as professional peers. For investigation went on four or five years within the navy. A great many people were caught up with it. A great many people were kicked out. End, asly, the and has happened throughout society, at some point a previously has becomehavior unacceptable. We are not going to do this anymore. 20 years ago, it was routine. Nobody would think you would hope nobody would think of doing these things today, but some people get the message, and some people dont. As with racism, as with discrimination of any kind, discrimination against religions, sexual discrimination , the moresientation change. The things you used to do, you dont anymore. That message is there, especially when the cnl is forced to resign, this is no longer acceptable. You make examples of people. No question that abuses against women have not been stamped out in the u. S. Navy. They have not been stamped out anywhere. Ifan for people listening, they want to get a capsule of how many people have been indicted, wikipedia has a website that has them all listed. Most of the information comes whitlock and the washington post. It is called the fat leonard scandal. I want to read off of that. I want to ask you about this. I counted 31 people involved in some way or another. Chris this is the criminal side. Brian not entirely. Rear admiral adrian jansen, nonjudicial punishment by the navy, and retirement pending. Vice admiral michael h miller. 2015. D in august rear admiral terry kraft. Received center infantry 2015 and was forced into retirement. Chris this is nonjudicial. Brian rear admiral david pimpo. They tell you what they have done wrong. But how often in the history of the navy you said this is thise worst ethics many admirals had to step down . Chris you have to ask the question, how prevalent is this behavior anywhere . This happens to be the navy under investigation. Nobodys looking at the army and nobodys looking at the air force, nobodys looking at the marines. They have their own issues right now with naked pictures online. If theres investigation that ,tarts to turn bad behavior this is a navy centric investigation. I dont know that anyone else has this level of investigation. Brian for anybody that has tuned into this discussion late, please again go over what it is. By the way, is the Company Still in business and does the navy still do business with it . Chris the company is still in business. The navy stopped doing business with them before 2013 with over. Was over. I like the promotional video at the top of the show. They featured all u. S. Navy ships in that, because the u. S. Navy is by far the most valuable customer you could have. But they by no means are confined to the u. S. Navy. Virtually every navy on the coast operates out there and glenn Defense Marine asia. Thats the japanese, the british, everybody. They deal with cruise ships brian which they could easily pay off without criminal activity. Chris its an incredible sophisticated operation. Every ship out there, it is very enormous, very sophisticated. The u. S. Navy happens to be a great customer. Brian let me simplify it for people who dont know how the navy operates. If i were in the navy connected with the seventh fleet, i would pick up the phone and tell fat leonards company we are going to go a certain place, and we are going to do business with you. Or better than that, the blend of glenn Marine Defense says you go here instead of here, running this, and the payoff comes for me, in terms of vacations and hotel rooms. Chris so the cambodian fellow you showed was an excellent example. He was a deputy Operations Officer in the seventh fleet. Leonard had an operation going in malaysia, the part of malaysia on the north west coast of borneo. It is on the south china sea. It has become a rather strategic area. Its a big place. Not small. That was a point directly on the south china sea. Port directly on the south china sea. There was a carrier going to a port of call. Leonard said he was beefing up the whole operation. Its a great place, it will be a great place for liberty, and we have all the concessions. Can you do that . Misiewicz did do that. He managed to change the port call from that carrier. Brian how could he have that much power . Chris you lobby for it. You have meetings. This is a best what is the best part . You are a ways from singapore. They had better beaches out here, whatever. You managed to sell it, they say ok. The u. S. The first time navy was going there, but it was the first time in Aircraft Carrier went there. A00 people were going to have good time. A lot of money, a lot of hotels, a lot of fun. They went to the port. They did a weekend. Everybody was happy. Had a great time. Misiewicz got a letter of commendation for making that happen. I forget what year it was, but commendation,r of and he was actually cited for it when he left the position. Made more than 2 million on that port call. Asiaenn Defense Marine made more than 2 million on that port call. Husbanding services. They made more than 2 million on that. They were paid more than 2 million for that port call. A similar par call to singapore much would have been much less than half. It costs more. Misiewicz rationalized it, and it byvy rationalized saying we have opened a strategic port on the south anda sea, and the ongoing continuing relationship with china, that is something significant. We are not just confined to singapore. That was viewed as a real accomplishment. We paid for it. People were always questioning glenn Defense Marine expenditure bills. Lots of people questioned why we are paying that much. It was a culture within the navy that said, dont worry about it. Its not your job. The ship, before you leave, the last hour before you shove off, you are signing a lot of papers and closing accounts. You have agents onboard, they say they will charge for this, and if you ask what is this for . Brow. Ample, the sometimes the u. S. Navy owns those. We leave them there because we come into it all the time. Why rent one . We just take it over here and use it. Glenn Defense Marine would 10,000, 20,000 dollars, 80,000 for the use of a brow. Instead of the supply officer signing for this, why are we doing that . We own it. Its ours. Told, dont worry about it, we will sign for it. You are our nation a ship. You are supply officer. You have nothing to do with making these arrangements. You are set up with people at the local level. You are just a ship coming in here and using the services, but you didnt arrange for this. You are not an agent. You have the supply officer, executive officer, you have to sign for it. Its half an hour before i shove off, i have to be out of here. We are leaving at 10 00. Papers, i askese what its for, somebody says dont worry about it, its taken care of at flea level. Level fleet level. Now you are under investigation, is this your signature . Did you sign for that . Why did you pursue this further . Brian theres a lot more we couldbrian talk about. Were out of time. Chris kappes of defense news, talking about the navy and the fat leonard case. Thank you so much. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] for free transcripts or to give us your comments about this qanda. Org. Isit us at is also available as cspan podcasts. 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