Transcripts For CSPAN President Trump Orders National Monume

Transcripts For CSPAN President Trump Orders National Monument Designations Review 20170426

onument order. joining the president was the mike peps. this is 15 minutes. >> i welcome the president of the united states. apes teamed members of congress and the department of congress. can tl you growing ep in the est, to review the act is long ercue, as sk i'm stewards of america's greatest treasures and being a good steward is a good neighbor. mr. president, thank you once again for fulfilling your campaign promise at the depiff a local voice. let owe be clear. it grants the president to declare historic landmarks and prehistoric structures and other objects of historic interest. to be sure, it has been an effective tool for preserving our great elfttrishes. he act specifies in law, the president to designate the mallest with proper care and directive. ite this has become the hurm exception . teddy radios vessel velt, and his first monument, the devil's tour was pspavep 1 purks. millions an tense of of acres. and have placed public lands off limits for grazing, fishing, mining, multiple use and even tdoor crecross-examination creation. fita remapeder for the been and than joiment. people. e act has become a tool of political advocacy and easy to see why in some cases are viewed negatively. let's be clear this does no remove anymon youments and the exclusive monument cost not removal. under president obama leadership, i'm looking forward o being an advocate for local, ate and tribal and provide recommendations for and thank you for being here todd and hearing the concerns of our american concerns citizens. and i turn it over to vice president pence, a man of faith, courage and a man who loves husband courage and duty, country, honor. mr. vice president. [applause] vice-president pence: thank soshrkfoo that kind introduction and the leaders galt therd. ayaan i thark you and to serve our country at this important time. you a truman of the west and have someone of your experience and knowledge leading the department of interior. so thank you very much. [applause] it's the greatest privilege of vice to serve as president. president is a man of his word and delivering on the asm can people. fightings for america con jobs. emphasis a renewed and emyou lating. and more than 500 jobs and businesses and consumers are more confident than they have in years and in some measures decades. president trump nominated a our ce in and securing border and taking danger us illegal criminals off of oufer .treets amb of and dramatic and plum has been putting america first. and signing legislation to give our have it rans the care they deserve. and will outline for tax reform will include the largest tax cuts in american history. and thed, he has soined president is delivering on another promise to the american people and will the abuse of the antiquities act to grab land and power. so under his leadership we are going to work with states to restore power to the people. [applause] >> thank you. president trump: great vice president and great hell and everybody loves mike pence. and i thank you for your service. incredible. it's a real pleasure to be at the department of interior where u help preserve the splendor and beauty. and i can tell you the group that is in there right now, they are going to a good job and going to take care of alaska. don't worry about it. and they protect the ability of the people to access and utilize the land which trowl belongs to them and belongs to all of us. secretary zinke is doing an incredible job. he is a detailed person. soon after he was confirmed, had a snowstorm, big within and he was out there on the steps of e linchingon memorial, shoveling the snow. and i did a very good job. and we are proud of him. nd we take the action to liminate wasteful regulations, nothing like it. sometimes i look at some of the things i'm signing, but i'm doing the right thing. and no -- i don't know what you folks dr i will tell you, some politicians would have sawed l said. and we are doing it. and tass for the good of the nation. we are returning power back to the people. so many other and american workers. i'm signing an executive orderer to give that are power back to e states and back to the people. the previous administration used 100-year-old law known as the antiquities act to put millions strict nd water under federal control. have you heard about that? [laughter] president trump: eliminating the apilt of the em. today we are putting the states become in charge. it's a big thing. yimet pleased to be joined by members of congress who have been waiting for this moment including the governor of the utah. who overnor he of maine, weight.has lolvet a and governor of guam. thank you. governor torres from the northern mariana islands. senatorant to recognize orrin hatch, who, believe me, he is tough. he would call me and call me ap say you have to got to do this sm he deesnt give up. and he is shocked and it's the right thing to do. and i have to point you out. people. so many so many people feel so strongly and i appreciate your support and your proding and we are getting something done that people never thought that would . get done and i'm in honor all together, the previous administration, bypassed the tates to place 265 million acres. and illion acres of land water under federal control through themon you mepts designation. largest than the estate of text. ed 1.35state, they assert million americas of. and bear's ears. and i heard it is beautiful. the the profound objections citizens of you ta. and lock up land and water and it's time we ended this abuys i have practice. i have spoken with state and local leaders who care about preserving our land and who are ncerned about this massive land grap ever grab . and it has gotten worse and worse and worse and we are going to fee it up which should have happened. this should have never happened. i'm signing this order and directing the sect to return control to the people, people of utah, people of all of the states, the people of the uents. we are going to push ahead with o put the a.m. can people in charge of their lives. and i groan grat late the secretary and all of the people who have worked so hard of bringing this to this point and tep things are going to happen incredible land and but now tremendous things will happen. i want to thank you and thank everybody for being here. thank you. bless k of thank god america. >> this is a big one. are we ready? [laughter] [applause] thank you everybody. --t a great honor very honor. [inaudible] [applause] as i said, we will see them at the supreme court. [applause] >> tonight on c-span, treasury secretary steve mnuchin announces the tax reform proposal. gop house speaker ryan and leaders on tax reform and health care. after that, house democrats on president trump's first 100 days followed by a panel on u.s. tax policy. the white house unveiled president trump's text proposal which calls for tax codes -- tax cuts and new tax codes. the reduction of tax brackets -- two threen 23 tax.he repeal of the death for businesses and corporations, the administration once a 15% tax rate. here is the announcement from treasury secretary steve mnuchin and national economic director gary cohen. mr. spicer: obviously today we're here to talk about the president's effort to provide tax relief to both our corporations that will help grow jobs and to middle americans two people here to explain it, the director of our national economic council, gary cohen, is going

Related Keywords

United States , Maine , Northern Mariana Islands , Guam , Utah , Alaska , Americans , America , American , Gary Cohen ,

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