Medicare, medicaid and Social Security from the republican economic agenda. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome miss davis. From my parents, former police officer, i learned the value of service. Of dedicating yourself to bettering your community, i learned the important things like hard work, the value of a good paying job and leading a life of integrity. I am grateful that in president bynum, we have a leader focused on families just like mine. Who can give hardworking families across this country more breathing room. As a college student, i feel great about that hopeful about this. Hopeful that i can provide more opportunities for my children. That is due in no spark no small part to president biden. He is fighting every day for people like me. It is now my honor to introduce president joe biden. President biden as my mother would say, please excuse my back. I apologize. I just told ms. Davis that when she is president and they say joe biden is out of the waiting room, she promised she wouldnt say joe who . Do you have seats . I once said that early on in my tenure. I said everybody take a seat and none of them had seats. I tell you what, you guys are impressive. Three of you are really close, close friends. And one is about to become a close friend. My problem is your biceps are little small. I will work with this, see what we can do. Really and truly, thank you, thank you. I judge my colleagues over the years based on not just their intellectual capacity but their integrity. The man you have your have incredible integrity. This is one of the reasons why i got elected. And i share the Eastern Shore of delaware in the western shore of maryland. That whole area in there. I keep telling him it is really part of delaware. David, thank you for being such a great partner. You have been great as well. As many of you know, my wife is a professor at a Community College. Just today, she has an expression. Any country that out educates us will outcompete us. Any country that out educates us will outcompete as. This summer, i traveled to chicago where i spoke about fundamentally changing the american economy. For decades, we awarded those at the very top and left everyone behind who were just on their own basically. When that gives working people in this day and age, a fighting chance. The trickledown economy, we were in poor but we had a little house of four kids. I did not see a whole lot of trickle down in my dads case. But everybody deserves a shot of building the lives they deserve for their families. We had done that for the first time in a long time. We have climbed out of our great economic crisis. We are beginning to work for working people. This station is very rich. Those that have benefited the most have been the very rich. That is not how it should be. They label this as biden mx. That seemed like a complement at first but now i get it. What is by phnom x . It is about investing. I feel like i will not try to repeat some of what my colleagues already set but it is about investing in america. It must america and americans. American people, growing the economy from the middle up and bottom up. Because when the middle class does well, the poor have a ladder up and the wealthy still do very well. I am a capitalist. If you guys can make a billion dollars, go get it. Just pay a little more in tax. Our friends on the other team have a very different vision for america. You have this book in your table i think. Maybe not. Did my staff hand this out . I am the only president who hands out the oppositions economic plan. Protecting American Economic security, fiscal year 2024. It goes on here. This is the mega budget. I want you to look at it. Medic we have other copies of it. Since i have come to office, all they have really done is attacked me and my economic plan. There has been much else. Even though we have crated more jobs in two years than any present has created in a fouryear term. Even though we have the lowest inflation rate of any major economy in the world. The core inflation rate the last two months of 2. 4 . We created 800 manufacturing jobs. Even though america is the strongest economy in the world. America has the strongest economy in the world. But all they do is attack it. You might notice something. For all the time they spend attacking me and my plan, heres what they never do. They never talk about what they want to do. Think about it. They tell you what they are against. It is like they want to keep it a secret what they are for. I dont blame them. Today, i will talk about their plan. We are going to talk about the mega republic economic plan. This is a different deal, all kidding aside, we all work with republicans on the others. Honest decent people other republicans but they were in the deal. They thought the institutions mattered. But our democracy is at risk. Ill think they do think it matters anymore. A country should know the facts. They should know the trust between bidenomics and meganomics. Their plan is more extreme than anything america has ever seen before. Just months ago, they went further than anyone has ever gone. They wanted to default on this we gave them everything they wanted. Up until now, the republicans have given us a failed plan of trickle down economics they did not work. My guess is your story is just like mine. Not much trickled down. Instead, this is what trickledown economics did. They shipped jobs overseas. It is a big thing. Find the cheapest place in the world for labor, send the jobs here and then they hollowed out the main streets of america. They did the same for the middle class. They blew up the deficit. They produced an immigrant if any growth at all. When you have those communities in that factory and that it closes down, youre not just losing jobs, youre losing a sense of belonging. People lose hope, they lose their pride. They lose a sense of pride. The plan they are proposing never works but they decided to make it much worse. The republicans and congress are doubling down with a plan for just three things. They cut Social Security, medicare and medicaid. Number three, it raises costs for families and investment in the middle class. They are going to get another tax cut worth more than two times what the typical American Family makes innocently year. Two times with the average family makes in a year will be the tax cuts they are proposing to give to the very wealthy. What i was able to do, this is the g7 among the nato countries. I was able to get them all to agree and then around the world, all those democracies agree that we are going to have a global minimum tax on corporations. Meaning that you could not offer attacks in the country. That couple newman tax to be the better part of the get done. They want to get rid of them and let corporations go back to shifting profits overseas. Who is going to pay for that . Now we know because the mega republicans have finally released to the budget i just referenced. The rough the answer is seniors and hardworking americans are going to pay for it. They dont talk about the budget. It is literally here. It is all in blackandwhite. And just for your convenience, i thought my staff left a copy on your seats but i guess not. Their budget gives 5. 1 trillion in additional tax cuts skewed to the well the people and big corporations while cutting 700 billion in Social Security. 700 billing dollars from Social Security and a trillion dollars for medicare. Medicare by one trillion. They want to raise the Social Security retirement age. Imagine you work your life. Original paycheck you have. You thought youd be able to retire with a little bit of dignity. The mega Republican Congress also want to take medicare away from more than one million americans with disabilities. If they had not done what they had done the last two years, you might not believe me but i promise you, i give you my word that is what they are proposing. They want to cut medicaid and the Affordable Care act and the childrens assurance Insurance Program by more than half. Tens of noise of americans could lose insurance. Waiting lists would skyrocket. It is because they have nowhere else to go. No family to take care of them. Children would not get Adequate Health care. Theyll think it should be investing in education. Students should know mega republicans want to pell grant. Where the six billy students would be wouldnt be able to afford to go to college. He saw what they did to my attempt to illuminate student debt. Although we are still going to eliminate helluva lot of a student debt. They actually want to cut 1800 food safety inspectors. I am serious. Unless i was in russia, you would nothing this would make any sense. I got my team over here. Theyve invested billions of dollars. We made a commitment. We got cancer in half in 25 years to extend life to americans suffering from cancer in significant numbers. But they want to cut the funding. This would mean 82,000 children would lose access to headstart for low income students and for the preschool. This is to make sure that we are in a situation where we we provide for early education. If you send a child to school, no matter what the background is, not the daycare but to school, the cost is increased by 56 . No matter what background they come from will go through 12 years of school and onto Community College if they choose and be able to do that. 56 . They want to cut 226,000 teachers and staff. Now they are turning their backs on the bipartisan budget deal. Speaker mccarthy met with me a few months ago after threatening to do something, shutting down and reneging on our National Debt which would cause an International Economic crisis. While they are back at it again. Threatening to shut down the government against this month. What they do talk about is claiming all these cuts will reduce the deficit. Lets compare the record when it comes to reducing the deficit. Under my predecessor, your member the selfprofessed king of debt. It turns out he was, he is axley emperor of debt. He created more debt than any other president in one year. I am serious. Before he tracked past that to truly dollar tax cut to wealthy corporations, they did not pay for a penny of it. The end result was this ballooned the National Debt by over 40 . They blended by 40 . I am taking a different approach. You have the best delegation in the country. That is not just because my whole family is from baltimore. You just cut the budget deficit by 100 160 billion. We did it by giving medicare the power to negotiate for lower Prescription Drug cost. I have been trying for our whole careers to take on big pharma. They have intimidated and spent 200 million on having their lobbyists make sure that did not happen. But guess what . It finally happened, we won. Now they want to repeal it. I hope the american seniors are listening. We have made enormous progress here. Lets be clear. We pay more in drug prices than any nation in the world. If you go in and have a prescription, you go into a drugstore here in maryland or anywhere in the United States, if you give the same prescription in paris, france or madrid, spain, youre going to pay somewhere between 20 and 40 less than those other countries. The same exact boat made by the same exact company. It is wrong. We are not going back. I dont get it. Up until now, seniors have been paying. We were just data 35. Theyre still making 350 profit. The guy who invented insulin for diabetes want to do available to everybody to make it and packet. Theyre trying to take that away. They did Something Else you should be aware of. 55 is the Largest Corporation paying Corporate Income tax. I said i would do everything i could to make sure they start paying their fair share. We changed that. Now the biggest corporations have to pay a minim tax of 15 . They dont get away with paying nothing. They are supposed be paying a minimum of 21 . That is what the tax law says. Big corporations i know a little bit about them. I am from delaware. More corporations are incorporated into delaware than any other state in the United States combined. I want them to do well but pay your taxes. There was go back to paying nothing again. Not only are they refusing to take corporations and make them pay their fair share, earlier this week, is reported they are plain to give an additional 1 trillion tax cut. A 1 trillion tax up for big corporations. Doing very well i might add. Isnt believable. To hear mega republicans tell it, give me a break. This is just plain wrong. On my watch, the deficit has already followed by 1 trillion. One trillion so far. The budget i am putting forward this year would cut the deficit by another 2. 5 billion on top of that. We making them begin to pay their fair share. I am talking 24 . How many of you think the tax code is fair . I am serious. Even if youre making a lot of money, we have gone to about a thousand billionaires in america and america. They pay less than 8 in federal taxes. Less than 8 on a yearly basis. They pay a lower tax rate than teachers and cops. How can that be right . My friends came up with an answer. They cut the number of taxes. They cut them. They cut them. It is time that billionaires began to pay at least a minim tax of 25 for god sake. We want to make a tax code more fair, not less fair. No one making under 400,000 will see their federal taxes go up a single penny. Ive kept that promise and i will keep it. There will be millions of middle class families. It is a great benefit to those families. It increases economic growth. All the things we do for middleclass and workingclass increases economic productivity. When you have the childcare, guess what, it means you can get help for your kids and you can go to work. At the same time. Now mega republicans in congress cannot support continuing that extended tax cut. This week, we learned what happened as a result. About 3 million more kids are now living in poverty. It wasnt that long ago that we were losing jobs in this country. Only two president s in American History with fewer jobs the day they left office them when they started. One was president hoover and the other was Donald Hoover trump. Only two president s in American History. My predecessor promised to be the greatest job producer in history. It did not work out that way. He lost 2 million jobs over the course of his presidency. 2 million. We created 13. 4 million new jobs. We added millions more. We have seen record lows of unemployment. I focused on is my whole career. Particularly for africanamericans and hispanic workers and veterans. Workers without high school diplomas. The lowest Unemployment Rate in 70 years. When i got elected, i promised i would want an immense ration like america. I got for women in the cabinet that any president has in history. More women than men in the captain. I put more black women on the Appellate Court in state court and every other president combined in American History. A higher share of working age americans in the workforce then any time in the past 20 years. We are growing the economy. My dad used to have a saying. I am not making this up. He said a job is about dignity and respect and being up to the gherkin in the eye and say honey is going to be ok and mean it. That is bite not mx. That is the objective of it. The Prior Administration promised to revive manufacturing, they failed. I not even sure they try to be honest with you. As a matter of fact, they had a theory, they would ship jobs overseas and import the product. I look back and i have been around a long time. I did not know the result past lives later in 1944 that said when the president is given money by the congress when money is appropriated to spend for the american people, he should only hire American Workers henleys american products. No president ever try to keep that going. I have. Here is the deal. That is what we have grown so rapidly. If we dont have the skill required, you can make an exception and not spend it on an american worker. We are making things in america again. It is just amazing how much has changed. We used to have the largest economy in the world in terms of manufacturing. We are now tracked out the strongest economy for decades to come. Remember infrastructure week . Remember infrastructure month . It never came. A great real estate builder, the former, he did not build a dam thing. Can you believe we used to have the best infrastructure in the world . The best infrastructure in the world rated by all the international agencies. Guess what, we are ranked number 13 in the world. 12 countries have better infrastructure, bridges roads across the board we have. When i signed the bipartisan info structure bill, these guys helped me get through. We are not investing in america again. Our roads, bridges, highspeed internet, removing lead pipes so they have access to clean water. Because you can have the Strong Economy in the World Without the best infrastructure in the world. How can you do both . We are making sure to grow the economy and with that benefits all americans. We were awarded a record 70 billion to Small Business and more black Small Businesses are starting up in any time in American History. We had the lowest inflation rate among the major economies. We have a lot more to do. I am going to get those gas prices down, i tell you. Were living in one of the greatest job creation times in our history. It is not an accident. That is our economic plan and action. There is a lot more know we can talk about. I wish he had a chance to take all your questions. All kidding aside, we have faced some pretty tough times. America never gives up. Ive said it a thousand times. You hear from our friends on the other side, the mega republicans, ever