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Given the fact that you are open about having the tone, did you face any issues well, npr is just a Distribution Network for you. They have problems with it. They have had problems with it. They are kind of used to it now. In the first few years, there would be some squirming. There would be occasional things that would create some discomfort. In all honesty, i think that the entire media landscape has shifted in a way that we do not stand out as much like we used to. Npr, look. Npr is a fantastic news organization, but it has a style. It has a cadence, but it is not our style, and it is not our cadence. You began working there in 1988 . 1987. I was an editor on a show, and then i was an editor on all things considered. Two voices on npr. Can you talk about how they schooled you in that cadence . What is the npr voice speak . Well, for one thing, you lift your soft palate. I will tell you how that sounds. Now, sitting comfortably in my seat, i will say, from new york, i am brooke gladstone. If i was filling in, i would say [speaking in different voice] this is weekend edition. [speaking in regular voice] you see, that is much nicer. But it requires putting air over your soft palate, and that is way too much work for me. There is, you know, i studied acting in college, and i remember my first time on the radio, i went to the university of vermont, and there was a Shakespeare Festival there, and i was doing commercials for the festival, and i would lift my soft palate, and i would say [speaking in different voice] airconditioned and sporting its new seats, the champlain festival offers its most comfortable season ever. [laughter] [speaking in regular voice] there is also the ending phase. Let me see if we have got a final sentence here. Probably not. Try the first paragraph. [speaking in different voice] she has cohosted what i think is one of the most indispensable programs on the air, called appropriately enough [speaking in regular voice] that kind of thing. [laughter] there is a rhythm. You are going across the country, and you want to hear npr, and there it is. You can hear it right away. But, you know, even the shows that are not produced by npr. Fresh air is produced by wnyy. These are nationally produced programs. Car guys was produced in boston, obviously. Wait, wait, do not tell me there is a certain civilized quality that happens. How did it happen . How did it happen . Wow. I think initially, npr was this hippie property that was truly alternative. It did not have a national desk. It did not have a foreign desk. They did not have a show. They did things to find out about life savers at the north pole, would you get a spark, and they did. You do not have to be at the north pole. He was at the north pole. It was ira. But slowly, it became a primary source of news, which made it less quirky, but it also maintained the ability to go longer. I know i was once at a conference, a conference of radio professionals in new orleans, and people were talking about their stories and how they were normally 50 seconds, and someone said, we have had a real breakthrough at our station, because i get 90 seconds for my story, and i was like the last person, and my average story when i was a correspondent for npr, my average story was 7. 5 minutes. Lots of voices sound you can slow down a little. You can write a little. You can bring people with you, and you do not have to harangue them. Is that because of no commercials . Well, i am sure that is part of it. You do not have to be hot, hot, hot. The sound, the way it is produced, it is not as compressed. If you put compression on a radio signal, you will have fewer it will be louder in the center, but you will have less of a dynamic range. This is all pretty wonky, but these are what contributed to that sound, but mostly, i think it is an intention. We are not yelling at you. You can think. I think that was not a conscious decision. It was part of how it evolved. It did not spring full grown from the head of some executive. It built larger and larger, and it brought and created an aesthetic that went with the form of information provided. Hmm. That is a tough one. Any questions . I want to know, brooke, if you wanted to get somebody on, and they refused. Who were they . When Jonathan Klein was the head of cnn. Have you heard that . Jonathan klein was the head of cnn. He said he was going to change the esthetic of cnn, and it was going to be different, and it was going to be about storytelling, and it was going to be about important issues, and then the runaway bride story happened, and we had an interview to talk to him, and then the runaway bride story happened, and i had to deal with the runaway bride story, and it was in some ways the most hilarious interview i have ever done. He was so mad that cnn will not let anyone come on our show anymore, and fox generally will not let anybody on our show anymore, and then people who you would think would want to come on, Seymour Hersh would not come on because he does not want to be edited, and a lot of people who would go on charlie rose would not come on our show. Hersh has sometimes come on our show. You know, for a long time, he would not. A lot of people just do not want to be in my hands. I cannot understand that, but that is the way it is. Yes, whole networks will not talk to us. They are less likely to talk to us they are more likely to turn us down than to talk to us, but somehow, we still fill the hour. The book looks fantastic. Thank you. Congratulations. I emptied my brain in that book. It shows. The graphics look really fabulous. My question to you is a two part question, which is you are so knowledgeable about the media. What do you think is the most influential media machine right now, and where do you go for what you think is the best information, the most factual information . I think that is something we are all trying to figure out for ourselves. Thank you. Well, here is the thing. What is influential for me is not influential for a whole lot of other people. You know, i live in the bubble of new york, and the bubble of bubbles of brooklyn, and the in the bubbliest. I think the New York Times is very influential, but they are not that influential except for reporting. Cable news actually has very few viewers, relatively speaking, but they inform the mainstream media. There is so much cross fertilization going on. There is no single kierkegaard hated the media and was a media critic, and one thing he objected to more than anything else was the notion that there was a public. That there is no such thing as a public, that is the invention of the media to sell papers. Well, you have to sell to someone, and who do you sell to if not the public . So you create it, but the public does not exist anymore. Glenn beck had so many bestsellers. Ann coulter has so many best i know you do not need to sell a lot of books to have a best seller. These people i remember i realized many years ago when the left behind series came out about the rapture. These were the numberone selling books in america, and it was right over my head, and that is when i realized that there is no answer to that question. The second part of it, you know, i like the serendipity engines. I like the browser. I like slate. I love arts and letters daily. I like to go to talking points memo. I go to note for political stuff. Of course, i read the New York Times. I belong to an anthropologist listserv because i care more about neanderthal than anything. [laughter] it is very quirky in strange and i love my twitter feet. It has a lot of people, 20 times more than i do, but it is really good. I want to thank the kierkegaard of our media age for her wealth of knowledge tonight. Thank you so much. Thank you, so much. And i would like to thank both of you for an entertaining and fun evening. Let me also note that there is a book signing at the door as you leave. And the book is great, and i highly recommend it, and it is funny. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2013] talk about the fiscal cliff agreement to avert tax hikes and what needs to be done to address the deficit. Dave camp calls for changes to the tax code. Hi, everybody. Over the past year, as i traveled across the country campaigning for this office, i told you that if i was fortunate enough to be reelected, id work to change a tax code that too often benefited the wealthy at the expense of the middle class. This week, we did that. For the first time in two decades, we raised taxes on the wealthiest 2 of americans in a bipartisan way, while preventing a middleclass tax hike that could have thrown our economy back into recession. Under this law, more than 98 of americans and 97 of Small Business will not see their income taxes go up one dime. We also made sure that millions of families will continue to receive tax credits to help raise their children and send them to college. Companies will continue to receive tax credits for the research they do, the investments they make, and the Clean Energy Jobs they create. And two million americans who are out of work will continue to receive Unemployment Benefits so long as they are actively looking for a job. But all this was just one more step in the broader effort to grow our economy and shrink our deficits. We still need to do more to put americans back to work while also putting this country on a path to pay down its debt. And our economy cant afford more protracted showdowns or manufactured crises along the way. Because even as our businesses created 2 million new jobs last year including 168,000 new jobs last month the messy brinksmanship in congress made Business Owners more uncertain and consumers less confident. We know theres a path forward. Last year, i signed into law 1. 7 trillion in deficit reduction. This weeks action further reduces the deficit by 737 billion, making it one of the largest deficit reduction bills passed by congress in over a decade. And im willing to do more. I believe we can find more places to cut spending without shortchanging things like education, job training, research and technology all which are critical to our prosperity in a 21st century economy. But spending cuts must be balanced with more reforms to our tax code. The wealthiest individuals and the biggest corporations shouldnt be able to take advantage of loopholes and deductions that arent available to most americans. And as i said earlier this week, one thing i will not compromise over is whether or not congress should pay the tab for a bill theyve already racked up. If congress refuses to give the United States the ability to pay its bills on time, the consequences for the entire Global Economy could be catastrophic. The last Time Congress threatened this course of action, our entire economy suffered for it. Our families and our businesses cannot afford that dangerous game again. I congratulate the newly sworn in members of congress, and i look forward to working with the new congress in a bipartisan way. If we focus on the interests of our country above the interests of party, im convinced we can cut spending and raise revenue in a manner that reduces our deficit and protects the middle class. And we can step up to meet the important business that awaits us this year. Creating jobs and boosting incomes. Fixing our infrastructure and our immigration system. Promoting our Energy Independence while protecting our planet from the harmful effects of climate change. Educating our children and shielding them from the horrors of gun violence. These arent just things we should do theyre things we must do. And in this new year, ill fight as hard as i know how to get them done. Happy new year, everybody. Hi, i am congressman dave camp and chairman of the house ways and means committee. Let me be candid i understand the frustration so many have with washington right now. You are right. The government spends and wastes too much. It is time for us to say enough is enough to those who attack and spend even more. That is why republicans took action this week to protect Hardworking Taxpayers from tax hikes. Americans are paying more for gas, groceries, and health care. The last thing they need is to pay more for washington. That is why we made sure a temporary tax cuts were made permanent. Let me repeat that, permanent. Now we can look forward. The American People reelected a republican majority and we will use it in 2013 to hold the president accountable for the approach to promised. That means cutting wasteful spending, strengthen medical medicare and social security, and creating a tax code that creates a healthy economy. The irs tax code is a nightmare. It is too complex, costly, and unfair. There is something wrong when 60 of taxpayers have to hire a professional to do their taxes. It should not mean an army of taxes. We need a simpler, flatter tax cut. That is why we have to work on Real Solutions to return accountability by eliminating specialinterest loopholes. I believe in a simple principle, everyone should play by the same rules. Your rate should be determined by what is fair, not to you know. The simple truth is we are in this miss because washington takes too much of your money and wastes it. That is the real problem. It means a real solution. We have to make sure washington is accountable for every dollar it spends. We have to make sure your money is spent efficiently. The spending problem is giving worse, not better. We have had 4 straight years of trillion dollar deficit. Our National Debt to 16 trillion dollars. We are crushing Small Businesses under a mountain of debt. We are selling their future, and our financial independence, to china. Many democrats do not get it. The president and democrats refused to take any meaningful steps to make washington live within its means. That position is irresponsible and fails to acknowledge what every family already knows, when you have no more money in your account in your credit cards are maxed out, the spending must stop. That is the reality facing america as return our attention on the debt limit in the budget. We must identify ways to tackle Washington Post of spending. As the house returns in 2013, are resolutions clear were committed to making the economy stronger and getting our spending under control by making washington accountable to you, the taxpayers of america. We will fight wasteful spending and deliver the accountability demand. We call on the president to join us in that fight. Thank you for listening. God bless you and United States. Talking about the british policy on exporting arms. And a look at the strength of car sales in the United States. Any discussion about congressional action on funding relief for victims of hurricanes in the. Sandy. Debbie, chairman of the agriculture committee, talks about the farm bill after a small part was passed. Sunday at 10 00 a. M. And 6 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan. I do not know, someone took a shot. I went down. There was Something Like 69 tanks that past. Each one would fire into the group. Put simply, in this town, the 150 were made captive and 80 4 of them were shot down by ss forces. The survivors played dead in the field after they were fired on by machine guns at close range, from the distance from myself to you in the audience. Machine guns were fired at this man. They did not run. They fell to the ground. And american convoy is spotted and captured by german troops. Author danny barker on the massacre, sunday night at 9 00 eastern, part of American History tv on cspan 3. What i like about cspan, it is very thorough. Every program my watch is available on cspan. I enjoy the coverage you have on the floor and the debate on the floor as well as the hearings to cover for the subcommittees and major committees. She watches it on comcast. Created by americas Cable Companies in 1979, brought to you as a Public Service by your television provider. William haygarth testified before a committee on arms export control in december. The committee examine policies on a strategic exports and a licensing of all arms exports. The foreign secretary was asked to update the committee on policy with syria and israel and the implications of the European Union embargo on u. K. Policy. This is about an hour and 10 minutes. Foreign secretary, may we welcome you to export controls once again. Foreign secretary, i am going to start with a question on the foreign arms aid treaty which i gave advance notice in the debate last week. In the debate, i stated the principle of consensus while maybe helpful in getting negotiations under way, that does not always proved to be the case. The principle consensus is not getting talks under way at all. In the context of the arms trade treaty, the history of consensus is that it is the kiss of death if one is trying to reach an agreement on a big multilateral, Multi National agreement. We would not have the land mines convention, we would not have the class of ammunitions convention and so on. The question i would like to put to you is this. If the march negotiations failed if they fail and you told us they would be governed by the consensus principle, what the British Government be willing to state that in order to achieve an arms trade treaty, although we may not be able to give unanimous it would be a huge advance on the present position where we have no treaty to get one signed by the majority of the United Nations. We must take the arms trade treaty back to the United Nations and try to get the largest number of nations to sign up on the strongest possible terms. Bradley, yes. Consensus is not an absolute requirement. Is preferable for reasons i will mention in a moment. If it proves impossible, we do not want to delay an arms treaty indefinitely, if it makes it clear that they will look to the Un General Assembly to take action to adopt a treaty as soon as possible. We will have to evaluate the circumstances of where we are in march. I do not give a categorical assurance about that. We will have to see what the circumstances are. We do not rule that out. If we cannot be achieved by consensus, we will have to do our best to get as many signatures in a different way. The consensus principle is preferable since what we are trying to get to is Global Standards for regulations on the arms trade. There are some major arms exporters we would like to have in it. The other. I would make is consensus is not quite the same as unity. That means the states opposing agreements. Note states opposing agreements. It gives all states reassurance that they can guard their vital interests. I think we can come tantalizingly close to that basis. The recent vote the u. N will have a in the congress with none against, we have come close to conceding by consensus. It is worth continuing to try. The fact there were no votes against is clearly an improvement. I just wondered whether in terms of getting any effective treaty and the national agreement, where do you think the bench. Are . Initially the United States use the argument that president obama did not want to press the gun ownership lobby prior to the election. If you think it might have a positive effect on actually getting agreement from the United States. You mentioned other arms export countries. To what extent are countries like russia or china determine how effective a treaty is . A treaty that involves those countries will be dramatically more effective it. Russia is a major arms exporter, as is the United States. We do want them in it. I think it is too early to say and analysis of u. S. Domestic politics. Last week it may have affected this. We had reached a point in july with the inclusion of ammunitions, which was a contentious point of the United States through article 6 regulating ammunition. The United States are not willing to go a long they are not necessarily opposing that. That is not necessarily a showstopper. There are things we have to do to improve the the text before us could be improved. Removing some of the loopholes that could be argued with greater clarity on public reporting, prohibitive transfers, getting clear the status for amending the treaty in the future so it can be kept irrelevant in the future. A question about ammunition. There are things that are desirable in improving. At the same time we have to remember we were getting close to an agreement in julys talks. Something to add . I appreciate what you just said about ammunition, that is encouraging. They are not resisting it even if they have not agreed to it. I am wondering if they have a relationship with mexico, and if the situation with mexico has had any effect. It spills over their border in cross border traffic, it seems to reinforce a good strong domestic case for their interest and an arms control treaty that they might not have wanted a couple of years ago. But i think that is a very good case. I think we should seek to persuade the United States that this is something they should adopt and support including with improvements. As we all know well, debates about small arms control in the United States is entirely different from any debate in this country or any european country. We will be absolutely doing our best in the runup to the conference in march to persuade other countries to regarded as the vital task did the great opportunity to finalize an arms trade treaty. There are some concerns russian arms sales to syria, would it be exempt under article 5. 2 as it currently stands. I just wonder in the these loopholes that we are trying to tackle. That is something we would like to tackle. We are unlikely able to achieve the absolute ideals of every aspect of this. This is something, an arms treaty we hope will stand the test of time. Some of the current agreements are going to become obsolete. We hope we will be able to i look forward to the day, we do that no when it is, the current regime in syria will not be there in the current arms agreement will come to an end. Article 5. 2 is seen by many supporters of the treaty as a witness. We want to do our best to try to address it. Thank you for your classified letter to the committee and the arms trade treaty, which was helpful. If it would be helpful during the process of negotiations up until march, i would be very happy to keep you informed of the going on said. We like to be kept fully informed. Yes, thank you. Let me just now turn to the process of arms export licenses. There has been a significant increase in the number of strategic export applications. How has this impacted on the time what has been their effect . I do not think it has had any significant effect. We are doing well on time. 99. 8 within 60 working days in the foreign office. That is even with a sharp increase in the ministerial oversight of such applications. We are up to 153 ministerial supposed to 39 the previous year. 295 toward the end of the year. We ministers are relatively quick about our work. That is not contributing to any delays. Can we now move on to a number of questions that we want to ask you in relation to middle east and north africa. Export policy reviews, some have been disappointed they have not been involved in a review of it. Some members of industry have not been involved. Do you have a particular view on that . This was a review within the government. It was asking officials for advice on how we do this differently and better. We had said things we would do in the review, which we have done. In this year, we have had the introduction of everything we decided to include it. It is all internal. I want you to know that we have done the things we said we were going to do. We introduced the extension of categorization, new requirements on fees to report for their concerns. I hope that the presentation of public information, including more information to this committee. I am pleased with the progress we have made. Given the recent history of humanrights abuses, does the u. K. Government have anything in the accord . We signed this on the 11th of october. This provides a framework for current and future defense activity, including training and capacity with by rain. Bahrain. That is to increase the stability of the whole region. Our minesweepers in particular, they are responsible for any crisis. We need to regularly amend our defense cooperation arrangements. We have a long history of engagements with bahrain. There have been export license applications in bahrain which we have recently refused or in the process of refusing. Does not change our approach to export licensing. With a country that is an ally of ours. They have had internal difficulties. But it is an ally of the united kingdom. To the extent it includes benefits and human rights training. It is often argued by those in authority in bahrain that what they need is Security Forces to know what to do, to be trained in how to handle fizz in how to handle civil disorder. This defense clause it does not relate to all export licensing. There is no problem, if you would like to see it on the web site. It is not a secret. It is not secret. [indiscernible] it can appear where you like it to appear. [indiscernible] on the question of saudi arabia, the consequences of a bombing. Are you able to share any of that knowledge with us . We follow that particular situation. This was a in 2009. We followed that closely at the time of the conflict between saudi arabia and the tribes. We do not think british equipment was used inappropriately. Our defense relationship with saudi arabia includes the provision of training. Our military training establishment, which includes training on humanitarian law, human rights, and accountability. We have no reason to believe that our criteria was briefed in this situation. Was breached in the situation. [indiscernible] a very general question could to demonstrate any cases of an officer of new Office Review . We did have the we had the revocation of 158 licenses last year. That was an issue of some controversy. The Committee Held a different view about what the lessons were of that. I suppose it depends and what you mean by an authoritarian regime. The revocation of licenses to countries in the middle east and north africa. There has been a couple in the last year and that syria in syria, the embargo changed. In the case of agreement with the u. K. And some other governments, does it have the same status when it comes to restrictions or controls on arms exports and purchased from British Companies or exported from this country . If they decide to transfer equipment, that would not be under subjection to the same criteria that would apply to the arms exports agreement . Do you mean giving . Yes, a drifting or lending of equipment. Gifting or lending of equipment. We only agreed to requests from foreign governments with our foreign policy. It is consolidated criteria in the same with commercial applications. If you could give us some more information, that would be helpful. Can i ask you about the review in regards to ministers, the number of items of consideration he said it was overseen by ministers up to 295 this year compared to 153 last year and 39 in the previous year. This is presumably in the human rights section. If necessary it would be referred to other ministers. Is that correct . The work is led by the arms exports policy. I think it has led to a very good focus on establishing a particular department. The recommendations that have come to ministers and also come from the embassy, from our human rights department. Ministers are given a variety of views. We want to know of those in a disagreement from different parts of the foreign office. Is this extra ministerial involvement a factor in delaying some of the decisions . From the figures i have given, it is not delaying them beyond and expected time. Ministerial submissions rigid provisions that come to my office are generally done overnight. [indiscernible] i am sure they are quick and other departments as well. With a difficult decision on an arms export license, we like to think about it for a couple of days. They do not sit there for weeks. The officials are very efficient. I believe we have dealt with 98 within 60 working days. One year ago if we look at the table of long outstanding cases, we had seven and now we have none. At that time we had 36 that were outstanding between three and six months, and now we have only 15. You can see the actual numbers of those are taking more than three months are very small. Lets focus on syria. There is an embargo on syria. Can you confirm this applies not just to the regime but also to support for opposition groups or forces . What would be necessary what would be the process required if the Prime Minister said there was to be a change and he said they are looking at what would be required of the u. K. Government to decide to supply military equipment to elements of the Syrian Opposition . To your first question, it applies to all of syria and everybody. It applies to the opposition groups as well as the government. We had just rolled over that embargo from december 1. We decided to do that for three months rather than 12 months. We decided to do that because we do not know how the situation in syria is going to develop a. We think the European Union should give itself flexibility to be able to respond. They have not taken any decisions beyond that. It is now for a eu states coming up at the 12th of march deadline whether or not they want to amend that in any way. It could be an unmanned amended so it would apply to the regime and not to opposition forces. It could be amended in many other ways. It would require the agreement of all member states. I understand we are already supplying equipment to elements within the surreal syria opposition. I am interested to know, that could be military. How strict is this embargo . Is it possible if we are giving Communications Equipment that could be used a in conjunction with weaponry supplied by turkey . Or some other countries to elements within the opposition . It is not military. It is certainly not lethal. The assistance includes things like the deployment of our Response Team to work with their opposition on their future plans. How they are getting help to people with basic needs. We are training through citizen journalist. We are providing Water Purification hits and generators to help civilians. Water purification kits and generators to help civilians. To get their message and reporting out to the outside world. As i have said on the floor of the house, of course you have to balance the need to do that people are in desperate need. It gives them genuine help to send these things. It could be used in the way you described, but i think the balance is heavily on the side of delivering such help. We are not going beyond those things. What about other eu countries . The Prime Minister said as far he was aware, no country was supplying weaponry with the European Union bart embargo. Do other countries have the same strict view of what is to be supplied as far as the embargo . I believe so. Does the government have to report somewhere do we inform our italian partners what we are doing and they inform us of what they are doing . If you if they were to breach the embargo, that would be an illegal act. I have no indication from any there is suspicion that france has been supplying equipment. Is that true . I have no evidence on that. The march 1 deadline, if it was decided because the situation in syria is moving rapidly and it could come to a Tipping Point over the christmas recess, how would that be changed, the three month deadline . Can it be taken by other means . To amended before the first of march, that can be done, technically. It could be done technically at any council of ministers of the European Union. It would require unanimity. All 27 states agreeing on a. There are a variety of views on what to do next. I think it is likely to be unchanged in the coming weeks. We are looking at the first of march. But that is not impossible. [indiscernible] would it be overturned with a u. N. Security Council Resolution . A un security Council Resolution if the United Nations adopted an International Resolution with an arms embargo or say there is no arms embargo. Than it does to any nation or the European Unions to still have it. Does the Prime Minister discuss the treaties with the governments of the middle east . He frequently raises it with leaders of other countries. I an not really able to say the records of the meetings that he has had with specific leaders in the middle east. That is confidential for obvious reasons. The Prime Minister does raise the arms treaty internationally. [indiscernible] what can you say on the Public Record . It is important to bear in mind that no country voted against they are holding a conference at the end of march. The specific attitudes, they have not been the most trouble some countries. Would you like to expand on that . I think there is a generic concern their concern is the treaty would not make it more difficult for them to acquire weapons that they need for giving themselves defense. We have reassure them it would implement criteria closely to what we implement it. The arms treaty would not add anything on top of that. They should be reassured it would not make it more difficult. Could you indicate what level of power the Prime Minister would have on the treaty . The ministers were involved to get to where we got to in july. If we need to call an phone calls to other leaders, when those negotiations come to the final point, he will be responsive and keen to help. He attached a high priority to it. Richard burton. On oure saying, based issues around saudi arabia, you feel the implementation of that if that is the case, i think he alluded to they had not been sufficiently informed not just on the review but the implementation of the review. Would there be any problem what has been done to implement it . I am all in favor of maximum communication. We can do that. We can organize the meeting to do that. Human Rights Advisory Group that covers all subjects wide ranging, but with many key ngos represented on it. I do not agree with everything in that book, but i agree with the idea that the title of social media is a misnomer. It is media and trying to see the whole world that way. Social media is not media at all. It is speech. It is people talking. Its people connecting, relationships. My prediction is easy. Its not that well have a new cool tool. Well have a new whatever. We will use it for speech and connections. We will continue to have threats to that speech. Thats what we have to worry about this year. We already see this happening. We see not only authoritarian regimes in china and iran preventing feedback, but we also see in the u. K. There are people being arrested for tweeting may be some nasty stuff but for their speech. We have an effort to regulate the media. Where is media and where is speech . This is a dangerous dance. In germany, there is fight over whether or not to charge google for linking to sites. If you can do that for media, you can also do that for bloggers like me. We also have the International Telecommunications union, which met in dubai, which refused tunisias efforts to have a statement in favor of rights online, as in life, and i joke you not, ordered the release of a firmly worded press release. Speech is in danger this year. Facebook is a place where we can act and talk. There is a panic going on. I would urge you to recognize that we must get in member of part new toys. We have a necessity to protect this freedom. Government will not do it. They are threatened. We the people must protect the net. Thats not so much a prediction but a wish. Thank you. Jeff might be considered a rock star. I am happy to welcome bonafide rock star. Amanda palmer she started releasing solo albums and now she is perhaps best known as the social media queen of rock and roll. Is known for funding her next item via kickstarter pay what you like for my music model. Please welcome Amanda Palmer for her predictions. I agree with jeff that predictions are bullshit and social media it is also pretty much bullshit. Not so much the prediction that i would make. I have a lot of i did the kickstart which raised over 1 million. All the connected ive done with my audience and my fans. The conversation i hear happening everywhere often between artists and musicians is that people are beginning to measure the cost of constant connection. You have people in your company and in music and management in gauging on your behalf as the artist and the pros and cons are starting to shake out. My uncle is a successful businessman. He runs an Office Furniture and tire. A woman who runs a costume shop. Both of them saying, should we twitter . The big question that jeff and i were talking about is, what is the necessity of cost in connection and are we measuring it correctly . I would argue in an lot of cases that we are not. We are now being defined by how we are conversing and by the tools that we are using. What we have to say continues to be interesting. Were engaged by the volume of how much we are connecting with our audience. This is what i hear everybody talking about. The cost of connection. The human emotional cost of what it means. The vast majority of social media interactions are taking place in the bathroom. When people leave restaurants to go and pee. There is a terror or happiness our lives are being compromised by the constant connection. This is the conversation i see exploding. Thank you. [applause] i asked twitter what i should ask jeff and amanda. Amanda replied, why am i up this early on a saturday . Is there a danger youre being known for social media will overwhelm you been known for music . I do not feel that way at all. It isnt media itself. I was amazed about four years ago when the first person said, i do not love you music but i love your blog. I thought that was flattering. Any kind of connecting is a means i am a constant provider as an artist. They are different ways of bringing people to that constant. No artist cares help people find their work. I feel like there may be people out there who never would have heard of me if i did have a successful kick starter or twitter followers. I do not care. What about you . We write about how twitter is changing journalism. Do you ever want to throw the stuff away . Writing about google or privacy . Is this some danger that is overwhelming . Let me say that amandas album is great. We concentrate on the cool too much. We should be having a relationship with the public. Content fills something. We should see ourselves as servants. We fill columns of type. This internet thing is new. We better regulate it. The first serious discussion of a legal right to privacy the invention of the kodak camera. It freaked us out. When you talk about etiquette, we try to deal with trolls and bozos online. It depends on how you use it. It is merely a tool, like the press. Change my career. I now live in it. We have choices to make. Thats the whole point. Do you mind telling a story . This ties in well with the usage of social media. It bothers me when i hear people say, i did not get twitter. It is photos of their breakfast and inane stuff. I have been a touring musician for a dozen years and i announced i was cancelling an entire season of dates. Thousands of thousands of tickets that left to be refunded. My best friend at home is in treatment for cancer and i want to stay with him. I posted a blog and told my fan base to tell the ticket holders. I woke up. Everything had gone out. First dozen tweets were people that have not heard the information from me. Their voices sounded like teenagers and people in their 20s. My dad is disappointed. That was my birthday present. Then my blog caught fire. Thousands of people came to meet with their own stories about staying by their friends with cancer and how one person that stayed with them change the experience. There was an outpouring of compassion. All these people bring their stories. I found myself thinking, even 10 years ago, the only choice i would have had would have been to send a press release. I engaged in a profound dialogue with my fan base with thousands of people sharing their stories. Im sitting on the subway and crying. What made this possible is astounding. I have to do it. I have to sit there on the train and have the conversation back and forth. It is not enough to say i am engaged in social media. It is about whether you can contain and lead and host a constant conversation, even when it gets negative. Thats something we can talk about for hours. When the bad shit happens, do you run . So much of it is about the story that everybody is able to share. Are you ever just exhausted . The number of hours in the day has increased by 0 in the last thousands of years. Youre on the train. You keep a rock star schedule. Keeping up all these things wears me out. How do you have time for this . These things make you more efficient. They save you efforts. Im reading fewer books. I probably find it harder to concentrate on longer things. I take a thought and it comes back day after day after day. There is some wonderful research about the gutenberg parenthesis. We communicated mouth to mouth. Gruenberg came along and changed everything. Owned, author, set. Now were back out the other side. We are not used to it. I like to take some questions from the audience. The people formally known as the audience. There is a lot of value for you on facebook. I am torn off when youre content is prioritized over your friends or my moms. My news feed is controlled by an algorithm. There is no such thing as neutrality. I want relevance. Relevance those things that are more important to me. I welcome my new overlord. Algorithms are made by humans and they have prejudices. A harvard researcher talks about the duodecimal system. There are a hundred numbers for christianity and 5 for everything else. There is a prejudiced built into all this. You have a proper complaint about that. You start using it less because you hear the bozo. If there is a feedback loop, they will learn. What about cat videos . I love cat videos. The gentlemen here. Social media it is a platform for speech in general. Isnt it true that people hide behind their screens . Speakt change the way we to each other . We talked about the podium. As an artist, that is a sensitive question. I spent a lot of time discussing this with artists and musicians. Criticism is painful when you are sharing personal art. It is one of the most painful things to write a personal song and then read the youtube comments. But she is ugly this is a big conversation. If your conversation with your friends and your livelihood, your ticket sales is polluted by people saying negative things at you, it can be very painful and dicey. Twitter remains in a generally positive place. It is easy to call those people now and say you are not welcome here. Unless you are a troll. Right, but it is difficult to be a toll on twitter. I will hope that the internet moves toward a more twitter like atmosphere in which people are accountable for what they say as at the dinner table, where you would not just sit there and say that guy is an asshole. My hope that it is true, but it is a pain in the ass right now, but i hope we will move toward accountability on the internet. We have one more short question and answer. We know that social media, with the arab spring in the middle east do we need to change the titles of social media . Do you have a suggestion . Revolution media . Political media . Everything in your life media . I dont know. Do you think that the social media, are we going to call it, will play a bigger role in peace in the world and tolerance within cultures and different religions . Do you see there is hope for peace in the world . I am an optimist to a fault. If you do not inherently trust your fellow men and women to be smart and decent, then you do not believe in democracy and free market in education, because they are all a bunch of dolts. Your question about social media is right. It is not a mediator, it is connecting us. It is important to say that those revolutions were not done by tools, they were done by brave people. They have hard work to do right now, and lets hope these tools can help them. But the responsibility is all there. Amanda, i have a question for you. If i were able to produce a ukulele, would you be willing to play us a song . May be. [applause] and a microphone, too. Thank you. Speaking of i love your question and your answer. I want to go on record saying i have never seen a more positive change than hanging out on twitter for the last few years. I think its extraordinary what is happening, especially looking at young people and what they are being exposed to and how they are connecting. I have never called it social media. I think it is musical genres it is someone elses job. You just use it. So this is a song for you. I am not a ukulele player. I am a piano player. You will understand why. Sid vicious played a four string thunder bass guitar and could not sing, and everybody hated him except the ones who loved him a ukulele has four strings, but sid could not play ukulele he would just sit back and probably killed his girlfriend nancy maybe he would have been happy maybe he would not have suffered such a sad end maybe he would have sat around singing the songs to his girlfriend so play your favorite cover songs, especially if the words are wrong because even if your grades are bad it does not mean you are failing the your fruit loops in the dark and bring your at the sketch to work and play your ukulele ukulele brave and peaceful you can play the ukulele, to it is painfully simple. Play your ukulele loudly ukulele save the people ukulele gold from the top of every steeple if only they had given her an instrument and lost the plot completely do not let them sing and scream and now saying the words to kids, automatic handguns it takes someone an hour to teach someone to play the ukulele, about the same to teach someone to build a standard pipe bomb so play your favorite cover song especially if the words are wrong because even if your grades arent bad, it does not mean you are failing do your homework with a fork and eat your froot loops in the dark and play your ukulele you can play the ukulele, too, in london and down under. Tell the children crush the hatred play your ukulele naked if anyone tries to steal your ukulele, let them take it. Now imagine if john lennon had composed imagine for the ukulele, maybe people would have surely gotten the message you may think my approach is simple if you want to change the world, why not quit and feed the hungry . The people for millennia have needed music to survive, and that is why i will not feel guilty to play your favorite beatle song and make the subway fall in love there are only 19. 95, and isnt that good money . Play until your fingers suffer, on your ukulele art is hard, so limit yourself to record do not practice daily with a piece of wood and plastic it is so fantastic play the ukelele eat your froot loops with a fork your mom and dad, your disco stick, your sound track to karate kid, your ginsu knives, your rosaries, your favorite room, your bowie knives, your sousaphone, your ice cream truck, your will to live, your urge to cry, so play your ukulele [cheers and applause] [cheers and applause]

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