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The fact that you identified a small number of who have actually come to the United States and have been investigated and concluded to have participated in a potential terrorist activity is noteworthy. It is quite small. My closing question for you is we on this committee have never ceased to be i should not say appreciative but caucus and of the extent to which al qaeda and others constantly probing and look for opportunities to exploit our system and to introduce acts of terror, not just against our interests in parts of the country, but principally within the United States of america. To what extent can we feel comforted that al qaeda is not looking at this program as a backdoor way to work with somebody to get them in here into our country to plant them is this the way around the traditional way of getting into the United States as one would with a visa or otherwise . I would note in agreement with you that al qaeda and its affiliates have been they have been looking for . In the screening procedures, trying to get individuals into the United States. That is why we have an Intelligence Driven process. We view intelligence on a daily, 247 basis. We tried to effectively identify means by which al qaeda or its affiliates will try to penetrate our defenses and to identify individuals or groups of concerned that require increased screening in detention. That is ongoing. Certainly, we have a comfort in terms of increased security batting that we have in place through the Refugee Program. I will and the size that it is not static program. We will continue to learn lessons. We will better secure our defenses and our programs such as the Refugee Program. Any of the other two panelists have any closing comments or observations to like to share with us . I would just like to say very briefly and we launched largescale processing of the Iraqi Program in 2007, we recognized the compelling humanitarian need, but at the same time, we recognized in anticipation that the actors would try to take advantage of any Immigration Program to the u. S. , whether it is a vis the program are Refugee Program for student visitor program. We have striven over the years to be in the forefront of cooperation and collaboration with Law Enforcement and National Intelligence communities. We know that the program is impervious, and we have tried our best to be forward leaning and ready to innovate and to learn from our experience in order to adopt the best protocols that we can. Dilma. Any closing comment . A brief one. Thank you for your interest in the security screening process is. I would also like to say that the security screening process not only protect the u. S. But also the program and allows this country to provide ongoing protection to refugees who are in need. We thank you for your interest. But we conclude the hearing with the same observation i made at the outset, which is to thank you for the work that you on a very challenging issue in which we balance the interests we have in the continuing to be the nation of refuge for those who we can include while at the same time appreciating the need to fulfil our first responsibility, to protect the citizens of the u. S. Against further harm. You are on the tip of the spear. I dont vote for the diligent work youre doing and the improvements that continue to be put in in enhancing our ability to do so. I want to conclude the hearing by asking the panelists, if there should be for their questioning from your panel here today or others that were unable to participate, they may have written questions. We will keep the record open for 10 days in the event that there will be for the questions. I ask that you be responsive. I am a very grateful for your participation today. Without objection, the committee stands adjourned. Coming up on the cspan, progress towards Arnold Palmer a congressional gold metal, followed by retiring california representative jerry lewis talking about his career. Later, washington journal. Today on washington journal, will talk about the latest on the socalled fiscal cliff with stan colander and joshua gordon. That is followed by a look at president obamas cabinet for a second term. Our guest is david jackson. Then a look at what is next for iraq. We are joined by New York Times correspondent and author michael gordon. Washington journal is live at 7 00 a. M. Eastern. He had to make a plan for the invasion without considering the atomic and on. Bomb. Landing on the coast would cost our men thousands. Grandson, itrumans choose to honor both, both the sacrifice, sacrifice of american servicemen fighting in the pacific and of little girl in japan who died as a result of the atomic bomb. It is unimaginable what that must of been like to be close to that center where that fireball originated. Follow Clifton Truman daniel on his journey to hiroshima. The president s grants and joins us in washington to discuss meetings with bomb survivors. This is on cspan 3. Professional golfer Arnold Palmer received the congressional gold mine gold metal. Many talked about his contributions to the game of golf and his work as a humanitarian. He also received the president ial medal of freedom from george w. Bush in 2004. This is an hour and 15 minutes. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome our honored guest, not members of the United States house of representatives, members of the United States senate, and the speaker of the United States house of representatives. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the honorable john boehner. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the United States capitol. I want to say how much i appreciate you all be near. On behalf of my colleagues in the United States congress, i will ask that you all join me in a moment of silence in tribute to ambassador stevens and the United States personnel who were killed in libya at this morning. Thank you. Since the days of the american revolution, congress has commissioned gold medals as the highest expression of appreciation for distinguished achievements. The first recipient was general George Washington in march of 1776. Today, we will present a congressional gold medal to Arnold Palmer of the commonwealth of pennsylvania. Those of you who participate in these events regularly may notice the stage is set up a little differently than usual. We thought it would be more fitting to do so on this side of the rotunda and honor some of the president s of that arnie knew so well. President gerald ford used to say you know arnies army. President ronald reagan. And of course president eisenhower who did a lot for the game of golf. The story goes that eisenhower i asked to play the winner of the 1968 masters championship. That turned out to be Arnold Palmer. Those 18 holes marked the beginning of a lasting friendship. Welcome and thank you for being here, ladies and gentleman. [applause] ladies and gentleman, please stand for the presentation of the colors by the United States armed forces guard, the national anthem, and the retirement of the colors. Present o say can you see by the dawns early light what so proudly we hailed at the twilights last gleaming whose broad stripes and bright stars through the perilous fight oer the ramparts we watched were so gallantly streaming . And the rockets red glare the bombs bursting in air gave proof through the night that our flag was still there o say does that starspangled banner yet wave oer the land of the free and the home of the brave . Forward ladies and gentlemen, please remain standing as the chaplain of the United States house of representatives, reverend patrick conroy, gives the invocation. Let us pray. God of the universe, but we give you thanks for the wonder of your creation. You have made us all little less than god, and yet give fitness and creativity and industry of our human family is, you have spread generously through a population of billions. But there are those whose creativity and industry lives them above the breath of humanity through two great achievements. Today we gather to honor one such person, Arnold Palmer, whose accomplishments and whose grateful generosity serve as an inspiration to us all. You alone know the multitude of platitudes uttered by many a Pleasant Walk ruined by a around of golf. Many americans owe this to Arnold Palmer, whose extraordinary talents and daring drive popularized the sport. And never allow us to believe we could strike that ball as well. You also know well the thousands of jokes generated by the fascinating diversion gifted to the world by the scots, many of them involving priests. It is a temptation to revisit some, but this is a moment to thank you, oh, god, not only for this man filled with athletic talent, more for the example of the depth of human spirit he has shown. Arnold palmer has used his personal gift fitness and fortune to benefit thousands, focusing primarily on the health of children and their mothers, but in many other areas as well. We are grateful to him for this and for the example its sets for us all to participate as we are able in the healing of your people. Oh, god, help us to aspire to greatness not only in our handicaps, but also in our generosity as arnie has done. Amen. Please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen, the representative of the 18th district of pennsylvania, the honorable tim murphy. Good morning, mr. Palmer, speaker, distinguished guests. I represent Arnold Palmers home, where in addition to my congressional duties come up my main job is to make sure traffic slows down. [laughter] that is across the street from the latrobe country club. You know what i mean. In the country club, there is a wonderful statement on the wall there that says golf is simple and endlessly complicated. A child can play it well and a grown man can never master it. It is almost a science, and yet if is a puzzle without an answer. It requires complete concentration and total relaxation. It satisfies the soul, fortifies the intellect. It is at the same time, rewarding and frustrating. Mr. Palmer, we had your golf partners statute shipped in here, too. I think he just dropped the potter. [laughter] i thought i am not a great golfer, but as a psychologist, i understand the psychology of the sport in that sense. And i thought, since theres probably one our two call first here, i can probably pass on to you what i think is the greatest golf device ever, and it is a story about mr. Palmer and the manager of the detroit tigers. I was having dinner with jim, who is also known to have a colorful word or two when he speaks, and he told me about a round of golf he was playing with Arnold Palmer. He was chipping everywhere but the affair with. I am sure that he had a word or two. After a few holes or so, mr. Palmer said to him jim, which you like a little advice . If any of us had a moment where Arnold Palmer says to us would you like a little advice . It would probably be like the winds calmed. Jim, he said. You are not good enough to get mad. [laughter] that is reason enough to give this metal to mr. Palmer, for giving the greatest golfing device ever. In his home, he has a table with coins for every championship he has won. There is an empty spot. He said, you never know when youll have another claim to fill up one of those spots. Mr. Palmer, this is your day. Thank you. [applause] ladies and gentleman, United States senator from the state of pennsylvania, the honorable patrick toomey. Good morning and welcome to our guest of honor. We all know thats Arnold Palmer is a man of Exceptional Talent and success. One of the greatest golfers of all time. He even has his own soft drink named after him. It is hard to do better than that. He is also renowned for his generosity and kindness and his commitment to his community. Born in latrobe, pa. , he continues to call it home. He is famous for saying that your home town is not where you are from. It is who you are. This is not just something he has said. Is a principle he has lived by. Some many local institutions have benefited enormously from his generosity. The Arnold Palmer regional airport. A cancer survivor himself, he is actively involved in supporting medical institutions. There are many. The Arnold Palmer hospital for children, the Winnie Palmer hospital for women and babies and others. All the contributions he has made it were the product of a dogged work ethic and stubborn determination. He has the same on the wall of his office that gives us insight into his approach for life. Whether he is out on the golf course or in a business meeting or enjoying time at home, his life is defined by a uniquely optimistic determination. The column is called the man who thinks he can and i want to share a few lines with you. Success begins with a fellows will it is all in your state of mind if you think you are outclassed, you are you have to think high to rise goes battles do not always to the stronger or faster man but sooner or later the man who wins is the man who think he can. Arnold palmer symbolizes love for his family and a desire to give back to the community he has come from. I understand that monday was your birthday, so i say happy birthday and congratulations. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the representative from the 43rd district of california, joe baca. [applause] mr. Speaker, leader pelosi, senator mcconnell, senator reid, i would like to thank the speaker who allowed us to have this event, and speaker pelosi. Between the both of you, we had bipartisan working together. Thank you very much. I am very proud to be here. We are here today to recognize a legend. A legend, a giant amongst golfers throughout the world. Arnold palmers golf record is one history will ever remember, and all of us can go back and look. He has set an example for many individuals who aspire to become doctors or professional golfers, because it was not just about winning the golf tournament. It was also about giving back to our communities. And, arnold, not only is applauded come up at caring individual for is family. He set an example for many individuals who want to get into the game of golf, who want to be role models. He is my champion. He is my role model. Not just because he won the u. S. Amateur in 1954 and not just because he won a total of 92 professional events, including four wins at the masters, two wins at the british open, one at the u. S. Open. Not only because he played in six ryder cups and help the United States to victory in the ryder cup, which we have coming up, and the president s cup. His passion for the game is an example of sportsmanship, and i say sportsmanship with the highest caliber for anyone who wants to get in the game. Because he has been a supporter of first tee and what it stands for. Honesty and integrity become very important. Yes, arnold is an inspiration to make. I want to quote him. He once said that it was not the scientific clubs that are being made today. Speaker boehner, everyone has one of these clubs. [laughter] arnie said, it is not the clubs in the persons hand. It is the person who does the job with the club. A lot of the time we think if we buy the equipment it will make us a better golfer, but it is still the individual. He is an example to all americans in every imaginable way. He was born in latrobe, pa. In 1929. Was celebrated his 83rd birthday on monday. He learned golf from his father, deacon palmer, who was a professional groundskeeper at latrobe country club. He succeeded his brother as a superintendent at the club. He began playing at the age of four. Wow. And by the age of seven, he broke 70. Some of those are still trying to break 70. He served his country with honor in the coast guard for three years. Thank you for being a veteran, serving our country. After that, he went to wake forest university. He remained a devoted husband, father, grandfather, who not only cares for his family, but also other families during times of struggle. Arnold believes in giving back. Giving back to those who have helped him, caring about others, especially the lives of many individuals. Arnold palmer served as the honoree National Chairman of the march of Dimes Birth Defects Foundation for 20 years. He helped found the Arnold Palmer hospital for children and women in orlando in 1980. He also helped found the Winnie Palmer hospital for women and babies and the Arnold Palmer prostate center. We are recognizing him for being a humanitarian and what he did. Arnold palmer is also love to round of world for his great work as a businessman, and of course as was mentioned earlier, the Arnold Palmer tea. It probably helped many individuals who were stuck at the 19th hole. Now they can drink tea and drive safely home. The very first golf course he was ordered i say ordered to make when he was in the coast guard was a ninehole golf course while serving their. Since then he has built and designed over 300 golf courses. Arnold has been loved by many. His fans know him as arnies army. Amongst his biggest fans, his good friend president dwight eisenhower. In fact, for a lot of us to do not know and do not have the opportunity, he appeared and spoke at a joint session in congress. How many other individuals get to speak at a joint session in congress in 1990 . Arnold also played golf with president George Gerald ford, george w. Bush, and bill clinton. Arnold even appeared on the ed sullivan show. And on a personal note, i have an opportunity to play golf with arnie along with my son, joe baca, jr. , and we had an opportunity to walk backwards and play, and let me tell you, walking that course and playing with him, it was about a human being, a person who demonstrated caring about individuals. It did not matter where you came from. It was the fact that he treated you like a human being and we were all special to him. Let me tell you. Arnold is a genuine person with a great sense of humor. He is a considerate man with compassion in his heart for others. Although he does not feel comfortable being called the king of golf, he truly is the king of golf. Arnold palmer is royalty, royalty in the eyes and hearts of those he has helped. We thank you, Arnold Palmer, for all that you have done in making others lives a lot better and being that role model and serving our nation. You are a true american who deserves to be honored with the congressional gold medal. I thank you. God bless you and god bless america. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the United States senator from the state of colorado, the honorable mark udall. Good morning. Let me start by thanking the speaker, leaders reid, mcconnell, and pelosi. I have to say to joe baca, i think the only time we will break 70 is when we turn 70 years old. I want to set the record clear. He is one of the best golfers in the congress. That is like saying youre one of the best surfers in nevada. I want to make a confession. My confession as i am addicted to golf. I also want to tell you i blame Arnold Palmer and Jack Nicklaus for that addiction, because i watched them in 1960 in one of the greatest u. S. Open tournament of all time. You know who finished first with a marvelous bar in a still difficult hole. It was the man who finished second who went on to have a fantastic career as well, and he is here with us. But golf has taught me more than i can share. It is a game that cannot be won. But it is a game that can be played throughout your life. Penaltiesrn to call on yourself. It is a game for the ages. Arnold, jack, i want to thank you for helping me become addicted to a game that has taught me so much. I want to tell you i got in trouble after that u. S. Open. I went into the garage. I started swinging at balls in the yard, which meant they would go into other peoples yards. But i was hooked. And you think about golf in two ways. Let politics, you can have two kinds of days. Bad days and even worse days. [laughter] i am a skier. I have never had a bad day skiing or on the golf course. Of course, if you break your leg. But what wonderful, wonderful people we have here today. There is an old quip. What is the difference between golf and politics . The answer is in golf you cant improve your lie. [laughter] Arnold Palmer, thank you for being such a gracious and tumble engaged american. We are in your debt. You have earned the respect and admiration of millions of people all over the world. I have served on the Armed Services committee. You of become a general in more ways than one. Arnies armys battle against Prostate Cancer has been so effective. I am truly honored to be part of today. I would like to end on a couple notes. As i mentioned, golf is the only sport where you call infractions on yourself. Perhaps those of us in the congress should think about mr. Palmers example. We can call more infractions on ourselves and play the political and policy balls where they live. Every two years in the world of golf, the ryder cup. In the end, we all played for the red, white, and blue team. I am honored to be here with you today. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, golf legend, philanthropist, and goodwill ambassador, mr. Jack nicklaus. [applause] hello, speaker boehner, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen. Arnold will tell you when you get to our age, i need a lot of people. You begin conversations with i remember when. It is not uncommon for someone to say a i remember you in the 1960 u. S. Open. I was wearing a green shirt. You waved at me. The only proper answer is how could i forget . There are even more moments that i will never forget, moments that i hope provide a glimpse into the charismatic golfer, and man of unshakable character, father, grandfather, and greatgrandfather that you are honoring today. And he is simply a good friend to me. When i first saw Arnold Palmer hit a golf ball, i was just 14 years old. I had just come off the golf course in ohio playing a practice round. It was pouring down rain. As i went by the practice tee, there was one person on the practice tee. I stood there and watched him. I did not know who he was. Kind of quizzical looking at this strong guy with big hands and broad shoulders, hitting these short irons, driving them into the rain. And i watched for a while and i said, man, is that guy strong. I wonder who he is. At the club house i asked who he was. That is our defending champion Arnold Palmer. I remember four years later, the first time ive played the first time. We had a fourman exhibition that the. Arnold had a fear the. He shot a course record of had a fair day. He shot a course record of. 62. I remember when we played in an event together for the first time. I was a 22yearold rookie. Arnold won the tournament. He just knicked me by 12 shots there. He knew i had a chance to finish second. He put his arm around my shoulder and he said relax. You can birdie it. Take your time. Here was arnold, trying to help young guy while winning the tournament himself. That is the Arnold Palmer i will never forget. My first major, 50 years ago this summer. I was a little 22yearold with blinders on, not realizing i was in the backyard of the great Arnold Palmer. Having no clue. But i do remember we tied for the tournament. Before the playoff, arnold came over to me. It was customary in those days that the winner of the playoff received the mandate of the playoff. And he asked, would you like to split the date today . Here i was, a rookie. I really appreciated it. Ill never forget. I am going to fast forward a little bit, about 50 years. Arnold and gary player and i played an event down in texas in may. It may be the last time we would ever play competitively together. We got to the last green, and we chose a hole about 25 feet from the whole. Arnold putted first. He thought he won the u. S. Open and the masters for the fifth time. Well, you know, to the delight of arnold, to the delight of us, and of course all of arnies army. The manager of ing put together matches and exhibitions all over the world. We traveled together, laughed together, play together and remained close friends. Whether it was oakmont or many other times we competed, arnold always treated me as a competitor, but more importantly as a friend. I am honored to still call him a dear friend 50 years later. We have competed in numerous events. Everything from majors to endorsements, a golf course design, you name it. We have competed. But i promise you, if there was ever a problem, i knew arnold had my back and i knew i had his. That is an Arnold Palmer i will never forget. Arnold palmer was the every day mans hero. From a modest upbringing, arnold embodied the hard working strength of america. Arnold is one of the games alltime greatest competitors, and he came along when golf needed him most. He played a game we could all appreciate. People love when he played from the rough, not like they did come up but they could only dream they could recover like he did. When tv first embraced the game of golf, they have a swashbuckling hero in arnold. Together, we won just over 10 million in our career. Todays players make that in a year. We could not be happier for the. But they should all thank Arnold Palmer. They need to understand what are no bid to grow the game, popularize it, and the foundation he created. Became has given some much do Arnold Palmer. He has given back some much more. For years now everyone in the room will be saying they remember when Arnold Palmer won a congressional gold medal. I hope they will never forget why he earned a congressional gold medal. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the singersongwriter vince gill will now perform youve got a friend. That is a pretty tough act to follow right there. [laughter] i just want to say thank you for the personal invitation from arnie to come sing for your great, great award. You received this award because you are a gentleman, because you have earned it, and you deserve it. You are the most beloved man in the history of sports in my eyes. God bless you. [applause] when youre down and the troubled and you need a helping hand and nothing, whoa, nothing is going right close your eyes and think of me and soon i will be there to brighten up even your darkest nights you just call out my name and you know where ever i am ill come running to see you again winter, spring, summer, or fall all you have got to do is call and i will be there, yeah, yeah, yeah youve got a friend if the sky above you should turn dark and full of clouds and that cold north wind should begin to blow keep your head together and call my name out loud ill come running, my friend you just called out my name and you know where ever i am ill come running to see you again winter, spring, summer, or fall all you have to do is call and i will be there aint it good to know that you have got a friend . They will hurt you, desert you take your soul if you let them dont you let them you just call out my name and you know wherever i am i will come running winter, spring, summer, or fall all youve got to do is call and ill be there youve got a friend youve got a friend [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the democratic leader of United States house of representatives, the honorable nancy pelosi. [applause] good morning. Speaker, leaders reid and mcconnell. Today when congress bestows the congressional gold medal on Arnold Palmer, we will be honoring a living legend. He is an icon of American Sports and a success in all of his endeavors. A humanitarian, businessman, philanthropist. He personifies the American Dream, the idea that anyone can travel as far as their talent will carry them. We think him for his service in the coast guard, for protecting that American Dream for all americans. Born to Humble Beginnings and raised in latrobe, pennsylvania, arnold rose from bluecollar roots to becoming the king, the king of golf. As king of golf, he raised up arnolds army. He always demonstrated etiquette, courtesy and friendship to fans and competitors alike. As arnies army followed him on the course, he taught everyone about perseverance and discipline. He taught us that you can be six strokes ahead, and still lose. But you can be strikes six strokes behind and still win. As he said, he always made a total effort, even when the odds seemed entirely against me, i never stopped trying. That is how arnold played. And that is how he lived. With great determination, tenacity, and the will to win. Arnold palmer hit his peak at the very moment when television started bringing golf and sports directly into americas living rooms. The blend of the emergence of televised sport and Arnold Palmers personal charisma extended calls fan base and the number of golfs fan base and the number of americans watching the game. For years, americans stopped participating in the british open, allowing the british to hold on to the notion that they were superior in the game. That was there view of it because they had invented. But when arnie went back to the open, he won it, putting that i get to rest. He changed the game. Idea to rest. He changed the game. The gold medal is about the work he did to attract young people to golf, a young people who would never have the opportunity economically or in any way exposure to have access to the game. It is about the children he helped by his support of the march of dimes, patients treated at Arnold Palmer hospitals. It is about his character on and off the green and the fairway. As arnie has said himself, success in gulf depends less on strength of body than on the strength of mind and character. Arnold palmers success in life is a reflection of his strength in mind, character, and spirit. He is simply the best. For being the best, for his contributions and achievements, it is a privilege to join my colleagues in awarding Arnold Palmer the highest honor that congress can be still, the congressional gold medal. We do so with great pride and gratitude. And happy birthday to Arnold Palmer. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the republican leader of the United States senate, the honorable mitch mcconnell. [applause] today we honor a man not just for being one of the great sportsman of all times, but for being one of the great philanthropists of our time. Everyone knows of Arnold Palmers exploits on the golf course. You are now aware because others have mentioned it, of his personal generosity of the course. He not only transformed the game of golf, he transformed lives. Donating his time and his resources over the years to literally countless good causes. Arnold palmer has served as honorary National Chairman of the march of dimes. He founded two Cancer Treatment centers, and he founded the Arnold Palmer Medical Center in orlando, home of the Arnold Palmer hospital for children, and the Winnie Palmer hospital for children for women and babies. This is a man who captured the imagination of the american people. He won his first major tournament at the age of 28. The other part is worth retelling, too. It begins at the Agusta National golf course in 1958. That year, soldiers from a nearby army base were granted free admission and recruited to run the scoreboards. Drawn to the charismatic, palmer they followed him from hole to hole, holding up signs and chanting, go, arnie, go. His their efforts helped propel his victory and gave birth to a superstar. After the tournament, one reporter coined the phrase arnies army, and a sports phenomenon was born. Arnies army was a rowdy bunch. At one point, arnie needed state troopers to move through the crowd. His enthusiasm and his following helped transform the sport from a predominantly Country Club Game to one enjoyed by americas growing middle class. In a sport that was high society, hall of fame broadcaster vince scully said

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