Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160910 : c

Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160910

stated that no democrats in aprops would sign onto and that they wanted to vote -- referred to a block grant. this is dealing for zika. for the funding of health services provided by public health departments, hospitals are reimbursed through public health plans. seriously? you're opposed to that? that's what you're fighting over? why people every day and the mosquitoes begin to grow and go beyond state by state, this is what we're fighting over? that $1.1 billion added with the other $600 million took place in june. yeah, we couldn't get to the floor to debate it because you wouldn't give us one microphone. but i'm sorry. i know there's a lot of political that goes around here but this is not. this is the moment, this is the time that we rise above it. the american people do not deserve that. and i say let's put this paragraph out. let the public read what the bill says and i will promise you the majority wants you to vote for it and stop playing games. i yield back. mr. hoyer: i understand the majority wants to vote for what they want us to vote for. they don't want to reach a -- mr. mccarthy: you voted against that. mr. hoyer: i did vote against that. cathy lanier if the gentleman -- the speaker pro tempore: direct your remarks to the -- -- direct your remarks to the chair. mr. hoyer: it's so hard, mr. speaker. mr. mccarthy: if the gentleman will yield? mr. hoyer: i will be happy to yield but i have a comment. mr. mccarthy: mr. speaker, the gentleman across the aisle is true, we work together and on big issues we try to find common ground. in that spirit, will you tell me what in that paragraph you disagree with? mr. hoyer: reclaiming my time, mr. speaker. is the gentleman aware that the major deliverer of health services to women in puerto rico is through planned parenthood? is the gentleman aware of that? mr. mccarthy: yielding? mr. hoyer: i yield. mr. mccarthy: did the president request when he requested money that it get delivered that way? in here -- may i remind the gentleman what i am requesting? the funding goes for health services provided by public health departments, hospitals are reimbursed through public health plan. public health means that's the way the health care is provided, so we are funding the entities that provide the health care. exactly when the president had requested. mr. hoyer: that language -- reclaiming my time, mr. speaker -- was clearly designed as the gentleman knows, as the staff knows and has been publicized to preclude one of the agencies that delivers health care in had puerto rico from doing so. and that's planned parenthood that gets public funds. this is designed, we believe, to restrict it. but let's put that aside. let's say we have a disagreement on that. let's accept that. what the senate said, if we have disagreements on these things, we're going to pass a bill that gets that money out the door, and they passed it 68-30, which means approximately 1/2 of the republicans voted for it because -- and very frankly, a predecessor of yours, mr. blunt, was a co-sponsor of that bill. one of my very close friends, as you know, along with ms. murray. so they achieved the objective in the united states senate of doing exactly what i think you are actually correct, mr. speaker, in saying and that is that the people want us to act. it's not on the schedule this week. it's not on the schedule next week. . and it ought to be on the schedule and both you and i could say that yes, our sides can support this. without, we have some very significant differences, mr. speaker. we all understand that. the american people understand that. and we ought not to try to deal with those as something as critically important. that's what the senate decided to do and senator blunt and senator murray decided to do and 68 members of the senate decided to do. now, just for the sake argument that we have a disagreement on the interpretation of what that does, but if we have a disagreement, that means that we're not able to pass that bill. you may disagree with our reasoning, but that's the fact. and that's what the conclusion of the united states senate came to, mr. speaker. so they did a bill they could agree on in a bipartisan way. i tell you, mr. speaker, i will reiterate once again, bring the senate bill. this is a blunt-murray bill. mr. blunt, the former majority leader and minority whip and majority whip. senator from missouri. republican leader in the senate sent us a bipartisan bill. let's take that bill and whatever other differences we have, let's debate them, mr. speaker. those provisions can be brought to the floor separately and apart without undermining the need to immediately fund the zika public health efforts. i again say to my friend, those two issues -- i might also add perhaps in closing that we ought to be dealing with flint as well, another public health issue that has been pending for over a year. i will yield to my friend. mr. mccarthy: i thank the gentleman for yielding. the only thing i want to clarify here is you believe in debate and have the opportunity for people to air different sides? mr. hoyer: i do. we are asking mr. king's bill to be brought to the floor, so i do believe in that. mr. mccarthy: if the gentleman would yield, i ask the gentleman to join with me requesting that the democrats in the senate, the filibuster denied the bill to come up for debate. so would you not join me in asking the democrats to stop playing politics with the filibuster and allow the bill to come up? if the bill fails, the bill fails. you were always so go with reading articles and i don't know if i ever read one to you but i would like to. if you will indulge, a little fact. this is the organization that looks at what we say and tries to put truth to it. this is the headline. democrats stretch impact of planned parenthood inclusion in the zika bill. this is one highlight. the bill also provides -- provided funds that would potentially help clinic and hospitals in nearly every municipality on the island. could we not agree that that is more important than politics? could we not agree that people are being affected every day and that those who are watching this debate shake their head and wonder why we are even having this fight. in june, we passed the bill. since that time, democrats in the senate will not even allow it to be debated. not even allow to be debated to vote it up or vote it down. one thing americans believe in, fairness. and i don't believe that that's fairness if you deny a bill from coming forward. if you deny the bill from coming forward, you are blocking it. if you want the true definition of what is happening in this zika battle is those on the other side of the aisle in the senate are blocking discussion from even taking place. mr. hoyer: they aren't blocking anything, they passed a bill 68-30. they sent it here. and it was blocked from coming to the floor. and it would have passed. if you believe, as you asked me do i believe, should we consider things, the answer of course is yes. and i said peter king, the former chairman of the homeland security committee has a bill -- two bills that are supported by over 85% of the american public. bring them to the floor, mr. leader, on the premise that we ought to debate, consider and vote. bring them to the floor. bring mr. king's bills to the floor. bring the senate bill. you know the senate bill has 68 votes. and i will tell you, mr. speaker, i will tell the majority leader that had he brought the senate bill to the floor, we were precluded from voting on the senate bill, mr. speaker. majority leader just said we ought to bring the bill to the floor. isn't it the right thing to do. if it's right for the senate and we can control the house and i was the majority leader and i could decide to bring bills to the floor or not bring them to the floor. the majority leader has that authority. bring the senate bill to the floor. if, in fact, as the majority leader just said, we ought to have debate, consider it, if it goes down, fine. if it passes, that's the will. if that is a good premise in the senate, it's even a better premise in the house of representatives. and so, mr. speaker, i ask my friend, the majority leader to bring that bill to the floor. let's vote on it. that's what he said his premise was and what we were committed to, and i agree with him. i don't like the filibuster or the 60-vote rule in the senate. the 60-vote rule undermines democracy. if a bill has 50% and the committee reports it out, it ought to come to the floor. i agree with the majority leader on that. -- eed and i had that discussions on that. if it's good for the senate and it's good for the house. the majority can rule in this house. and if he brings that bill to the floor, it will pass. it will pass on monday. i guarantee the gentleman. and i know we need to conclude -- so in all consideration explaining to me the schedule. but this is serious. and i don't say this lightly. the majority leader and i do work together. let's pass the zika bill and then have arguments on stuff we don't agree on. we do agree on the senate bill, at least at least how it goes. you stripped the confederate flag amendment from the conference report, the milcon bill, because you didn't want your guys to vote on it. that's why it was done. i didn't like that, but it passed the house. stripped out of the bill. not by the senate, but the house. but that's an aside. that's an aside, because you are right, the majority leader is right, doesn't affect zika. hat affects zika is $1.1 billion. and if the majority leader brings it to the floor, we could pass it on suspension. mr. speaker, i appreciate the majority leader's discussion on this matter. we have some critical issues, mr. speaker, that we need to

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Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160910 :

Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160910

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stated that no democrats in aprops would sign onto and that they wanted to vote -- referred to a block grant. this is dealing for zika. for the funding of health services provided by public health departments, hospitals are reimbursed through public health plans. seriously? you're opposed to that? that's what you're fighting over? why people every day and the mosquitoes begin to grow and go beyond state by state, this is what we're fighting over? that $1.1 billion added with the other $600 million took place in june. yeah, we couldn't get to the floor to debate it because you wouldn't give us one microphone. but i'm sorry. i know there's a lot of political that goes around here but this is not. this is the moment, this is the time that we rise above it. the american people do not deserve that. and i say let's put this paragraph out. let the public read what the bill says and i will promise you the majority wants you to vote for it and stop playing games. i yield back. mr. hoyer: i understand the majority wants to vote for what they want us to vote for. they don't want to reach a -- mr. mccarthy: you voted against that. mr. hoyer: i did vote against that. cathy lanier if the gentleman -- the speaker pro tempore: direct your remarks to the -- -- direct your remarks to the chair. mr. hoyer: it's so hard, mr. speaker. mr. mccarthy: if the gentleman will yield? mr. hoyer: i will be happy to yield but i have a comment. mr. mccarthy: mr. speaker, the gentleman across the aisle is true, we work together and on big issues we try to find common ground. in that spirit, will you tell me what in that paragraph you disagree with? mr. hoyer: reclaiming my time, mr. speaker. is the gentleman aware that the major deliverer of health services to women in puerto rico is through planned parenthood? is the gentleman aware of that? mr. mccarthy: yielding? mr. hoyer: i yield. mr. mccarthy: did the president request when he requested money that it get delivered that way? in here -- may i remind the gentleman what i am requesting? the funding goes for health services provided by public health departments, hospitals are reimbursed through public health plan. public health means that's the way the health care is provided, so we are funding the entities that provide the health care. exactly when the president had requested. mr. hoyer: that language -- reclaiming my time, mr. speaker -- was clearly designed as the gentleman knows, as the staff knows and has been publicized to preclude one of the agencies that delivers health care in had puerto rico from doing so. and that's planned parenthood that gets public funds. this is designed, we believe, to restrict it. but let's put that aside. let's say we have a disagreement on that. let's accept that. what the senate said, if we have disagreements on these things, we're going to pass a bill that gets that money out the door, and they passed it 68-30, which means approximately 1/2 of the republicans voted for it because -- and very frankly, a predecessor of yours, mr. blunt, was a co-sponsor of that bill. one of my very close friends, as you know, along with ms. murray. so they achieved the objective in the united states senate of doing exactly what i think you are actually correct, mr. speaker, in saying and that is that the people want us to act. it's not on the schedule this week. it's not on the schedule next week. . and it ought to be on the schedule and both you and i could say that yes, our sides can support this. without, we have some very significant differences, mr. speaker. we all understand that. the american people understand that. and we ought not to try to deal with those as something as critically important. that's what the senate decided to do and senator blunt and senator murray decided to do and 68 members of the senate decided to do. now, just for the sake argument that we have a disagreement on the interpretation of what that does, but if we have a disagreement, that means that we're not able to pass that bill. you may disagree with our reasoning, but that's the fact. and that's what the conclusion of the united states senate came to, mr. speaker. so they did a bill they could agree on in a bipartisan way. i tell you, mr. speaker, i will reiterate once again, bring the senate bill. this is a blunt-murray bill. mr. blunt, the former majority leader and minority whip and majority whip. senator from missouri. republican leader in the senate sent us a bipartisan bill. let's take that bill and whatever other differences we have, let's debate them, mr. speaker. those provisions can be brought to the floor separately and apart without undermining the need to immediately fund the zika public health efforts. i again say to my friend, those two issues -- i might also add perhaps in closing that we ought to be dealing with flint as well, another public health issue that has been pending for over a year. i will yield to my friend. mr. mccarthy: i thank the gentleman for yielding. the only thing i want to clarify here is you believe in debate and have the opportunity for people to air different sides? mr. hoyer: i do. we are asking mr. king's bill to be brought to the floor, so i do believe in that. mr. mccarthy: if the gentleman would yield, i ask the gentleman to join with me requesting that the democrats in the senate, the filibuster denied the bill to come up for debate. so would you not join me in asking the democrats to stop playing politics with the filibuster and allow the bill to come up? if the bill fails, the bill fails. you were always so go with reading articles and i don't know if i ever read one to you but i would like to. if you will indulge, a little fact. this is the organization that looks at what we say and tries to put truth to it. this is the headline. democrats stretch impact of planned parenthood inclusion in the zika bill. this is one highlight. the bill also provides -- provided funds that would potentially help clinic and hospitals in nearly every municipality on the island. could we not agree that that is more important than politics? could we not agree that people are being affected every day and that those who are watching this debate shake their head and wonder why we are even having this fight. in june, we passed the bill. since that time, democrats in the senate will not even allow it to be debated. not even allow to be debated to vote it up or vote it down. one thing americans believe in, fairness. and i don't believe that that's fairness if you deny a bill from coming forward. if you deny the bill from coming forward, you are blocking it. if you want the true definition of what is happening in this zika battle is those on the other side of the aisle in the senate are blocking discussion from even taking place. mr. hoyer: they aren't blocking anything, they passed a bill 68-30. they sent it here. and it was blocked from coming to the floor. and it would have passed. if you believe, as you asked me do i believe, should we consider things, the answer of course is yes. and i said peter king, the former chairman of the homeland security committee has a bill -- two bills that are supported by over 85% of the american public. bring them to the floor, mr. leader, on the premise that we ought to debate, consider and vote. bring them to the floor. bring mr. king's bills to the floor. bring the senate bill. you know the senate bill has 68 votes. and i will tell you, mr. speaker, i will tell the majority leader that had he brought the senate bill to the floor, we were precluded from voting on the senate bill, mr. speaker. majority leader just said we ought to bring the bill to the floor. isn't it the right thing to do. if it's right for the senate and we can control the house and i was the majority leader and i could decide to bring bills to the floor or not bring them to the floor. the majority leader has that authority. bring the senate bill to the floor. if, in fact, as the majority leader just said, we ought to have debate, consider it, if it goes down, fine. if it passes, that's the will. if that is a good premise in the senate, it's even a better premise in the house of representatives. and so, mr. speaker, i ask my friend, the majority leader to bring that bill to the floor. let's vote on it. that's what he said his premise was and what we were committed to, and i agree with him. i don't like the filibuster or the 60-vote rule in the senate. the 60-vote rule undermines democracy. if a bill has 50% and the committee reports it out, it ought to come to the floor. i agree with the majority leader on that. -- eed and i had that discussions on that. if it's good for the senate and it's good for the house. the majority can rule in this house. and if he brings that bill to the floor, it will pass. it will pass on monday. i guarantee the gentleman. and i know we need to conclude -- so in all consideration explaining to me the schedule. but this is serious. and i don't say this lightly. the majority leader and i do work together. let's pass the zika bill and then have arguments on stuff we don't agree on. we do agree on the senate bill, at least at least how it goes. you stripped the confederate flag amendment from the conference report, the milcon bill, because you didn't want your guys to vote on it. that's why it was done. i didn't like that, but it passed the house. stripped out of the bill. not by the senate, but the house. but that's an aside. that's an aside, because you are right, the majority leader is right, doesn't affect zika. hat affects zika is $1.1 billion. and if the majority leader brings it to the floor, we could pass it on suspension. mr. speaker, i appreciate the majority leader's discussion on this matter. we have some critical issues, mr. speaker, that we need to

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New York , United States , Louisiana , Arlington , Texas , Paris , France General , France , Missouri , Iran , Washington , China , California , Virginia , Russia , Michigan , Upton , American Church , Puerto Rico , Mexico , Kenya , New Jersey , Israel , Shanksville , Pennsylvania , Saudi Arabia , Houston , North Korea , Switzerland , Jersey , Americans , America , Saudi , Chinese , Russian , North Koreans , Saudis , North Korean , Swiss , Russians , American , Lyndon Johnson , Jerrold Nadler , Nancy Pelosi , Cathy Lanier , Vladimir Putin , Dan Lungren , Peter King , Edward Armstrong , Dee Smith , Al Qaeda , Ma Lonnie , Charles Schumer , Tony Perkins , Hillary Clinton , Paul Ryan , Pete King , John Cornyn ,

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