Salaried position to hourly positions. What we have seen is an executive branch that issues orders they say they dont have the authority to issue but do it anyway. We see a department of justice that decides which laws they want to enforce and which hay dont. We see a Supreme Court that changes laws rather than sending them back to congress to be changed. And of course we see agencies that carry the rule of law. Ladies and gentlemen, if we truly want to put america on a better way, we need to restore the constitutional balance and put legislative power back where it belongs, in the hands of we the people, and that would be your hands. Thank you very much. [applause] mr. Flores good morning, im bill flores, i represent the 17th district of texas. Im also honored to serve as chair of the republican study committee. Hard working American Families are frustrated and theyre angry with the government oh overreach coming out of unelected, unaccountable, out of control washington bureaucrats. And today were putting forth our plan, a better way to restore constitutional authority. In 2012, the Waco Tea Party contacted me to express concern about invasive informational requests regarding their application to become a 501c4 organization. The information the i. R. S. Was seeking would have been logistically and financially impossible to fulfill in the very short time period that the i. R. S. Gave them to comply. And this was after an extended period that the i. R. S. Set on their application. Our investigation revealed that the i. R. S. Was inappropriately targeting conservative groups like the Waco Tea Party all across the country. I. R. S. Bureaucrats led by lois lerner were abusing their power by putting politics and ideology above the law to threaten the freedoms and the liberties of hardworking americans. This is unacceptable. The federal government must be held accountable to follow the law and to adhere to the constitution. We have a duty to restore americas trust and their trust in their federal government. Today House Republicans are leading the charge to protect hardworking americans against government harassment by reining in unaccountable, out of control federal bureaucrats. Again, we owe it to our constituents to follow the wisdom of our nations founders to restore Congress Constitutional authority by implementing a better way. Thank you. [applause] mr. Byrne my name is baddeley byrne and i represent the gulf coast of alabama. In the gulf of mexico we have a fish called the gulf red snapper. Fun to catch, great to eat. Were blessed to have plenty of gulf red snapper out there. And for most of my life weve been able to go out there on a summer weekend day and go catch some snapper. Now youre limited to two per day but you can catch enough snapper, its good eating, you dont have to worry about just having two. For most of my life you could d it all summer long. Recently, the last several years a federal agency calls the National MarineFisheries Service has come forward and said were going to start limiting your snapper season to nine days. This year that snapper season was interrupted by a Tropical Storm in the gulf of mexico. So let me tell you this federal agency has decided to take away from people that live on the gulf coast something weve done for years. Now they do it because they say there are not enough fish out there. Why do they say that . Because our scientists at the universities of the gulf coast say there are plenty out there. Heres why this agency says that. Because when they go to count these fish, they count them on sandy bottom. They dont count the fish on reefs. The gulf red snapper is a reef fish. If you go and try to find the gulf red snapper somewhere other than a reef, you wont find a red snapper. Now we have brought this to the attention of the scientists that work for this agency and they say we cant figure out how to count them on reefs. But the scientists at the lesser funded state universities find them very easily and have shared their techniques with them and still this federal agency wont odo d wont do it. Heres the kicker. This federal agency receives 900 million. And its an agency that has not been authorized by Congress Since 2000. There is a better way. Theres a rule of the house of representatives that says we are not supposed to appropriate money to unauthorized agencies. Now, authorization is not just some superficial process we go there is a better way. Through. It gives congress and the congress is the representative of the people of the country, an opportunity to provide real oversight to what agencies are doing and not doing. So if we provide that sort of oversight if we give the authorization process exactly the sort of attention it should get, then we can start reining in agencies doing things that they shouldnt be doing and making sure that agencies that have appropriate jurisdiction, that they do their jobs and do it right. If we do that in the case of the National MarineFisheries Service, then well be able to restore an industry on the gulf coast, an industry of charter boats and and people that supply things to people that go fish, we can restore that industry. But more importantly, we restore the liberty of the American People to fish in their waters. And yeah, maybe well also catch a few fish. Theres a better way. Thank you. [applause] mr. Newhouse good morning, im congressman dan newhouse from washington states fourth district. Id like to applaud speaker ryan, conference chair Cathy Mcmorris and work with my colleagues to restore constitutional principles in our government. Im proud to be part of asserting the peoples voice at a time of executive overreach, when americans are frustrated with not being heard. The founders designed our system of government to be balanced. They reserved legislative authority to the peoples representatives in congress. Not unelected officials of countless federal agencies. In my own state of washington, we are seeing firsthand the effects of agencies pushing their own agendas that go against the will of the people through their elected representatives, in this case, the e. P. A. Awarded tax dollars for an antifarm Advocacy Program attacking the Agricultural Industry in direct violation of the law. This kind of government sponsored abuse feeds a cycle of distrust and it shows what happens when the lack of federal government accountability. Today, congress is stepping in to say enough. Americans want to know that we will rein in these kinds of executive branch abuses. And exercise our oversight and Law Making Authority granted by the constitution. We commit to a better way. To restoring the rule of law and the separation of powers that are meant to keep the people in charge and their voices heard. Thank you. [applause] mr. Rogers good morning, my name is hall rogers, i represent kentuckys fifth Congressional District and chair the houses committee. The key to reclaiming the power is to reclaim the pow ore they have purse. Our Founding Fathers spelled it out in the constitution, quote, no money shall be drawn from the treasury but in consequence of appropriations made by law. End quote. James madison described this power of the hurt purse as, quote, the most complete and effectule way to obtain a redress of every grievance and to carry into effect every just and salutary measure. Critical fort is the congress to retain and federalits power over appropriations. It is one of the most basic duties we have of congress people, and one of our greatest responsibilities. How do we bring back power into the hands of the people . Allt, Congress Must pass Appropriations Bills annually. Scedes authority to the executive branch, undermining the principles of our constitution. Both the house and the senate must undertake internal reforms to remove any obstacles to passing these bills, including in thevote hurdle senate. Whatever happened to rule by majority . Next, we must address the real spending problem uncontrollable, automatic, skyrocketing, mandatory spending that makes up two thirds of our federal budget. That could be done through overhauling the budget process to allow congress to more effectively control spending on mandatory programs. Third, agencies and bureaucrats must be held accountable if they spend any dollar not specifically directed by congress. Such actions are violations of federal law and must be treated as such. This also means bring manage outside agencies within the congressional appropriations and oversight process. Finally, we should aggressively and strategically use the tools that we already have, including limiting and conditioning funds, to enforce congressional intent. The recommendations of this task force will help reclaim the constitutional power of the purse. Itll make sure that elected representatives who are accountable to their people and who know the needs of their districts the best are the ones to determine how federal funds are spent, not unelected bureaucrats. These recommendations will help improve the way congress functions. Give the American People a more control give the American People more control over their tax dollars, and ultimately form a more Perfect Union as our Founding Fathers intended because the Founding Fathers saw this as the better way. Thank you. [applause] mr. Stewart fwoorning, im congressman chris stewart, i represent the most beautiful district in the country, utahs second district. I believe our Founding Fathers got it right. I believe they were inspired when they set up three branches of government, one to create the law, one to enforce the law, and one to review the enforcement of that law. They set up a presidency, not a king. And they never intended that our federal regulators would rule over us rather than serve the people. Unfortunately, some of these executive orders and these rules have become muddled in recent decades. The executive branch pushes out rules and regulations and executive orders that have the same force as a law but without the input of the American People. And these excessive rules and regulations hurt hard working American Families. Let me say that again. These excessive rules and regulations hurt hardworking American Families. My district in utah is a great example of that. We have four national parks, two national monuments, millions of acres of beautiful scenery. That millions of americans come to enjoy every year. But because of some of these excessive rules and regulations its made it impossible for those outfitters and guides, buzz of a mandate requiring a minimum wage, many of them are going to close. And its going to hurt americans who want to enjoy the Great American west because theyre not going to have that option any longer. This increase in minimum wage will force many of these recreational outfitters and guides to close their doors. Let me read you a letter from one such constituent. We want to retain our commitment to the public lands. However the costs of compliance created by this rule that it affects our business. We may have to cease Running Trips in national parks. What a tragedy that would be. If we actually close access or make it more difficult for americans to come and enjoy these beautiful places. This is just one example. And there are many more that we could talk about. Repeated stories across utah, across our country where rules and regulations passed a as has been stated here many times, without accountable, do serious harm. And thats why i join with my colleagues in this effort to reclaim the power of article 1 in the constitution. Ill say it again, our Founding Fathers got it right. There is supposed to be a balance of power. The president and federal regulators have claimed power that they simply constitutionally do not have. Its time for the American People to reclaim that power. Article 1, the intent of the constitution, freedom, the people, thats what this is about today. So im pleased to be here. Thank you for giving me this opportunity. [applause] mr. Franks it is a good morning. We are privileged to be in a place loik this. Im trent franks, i have the privilege of serving as chame of the constitution committee. Im especially gratified to Cathy Mcmorris rodgers and those who help her for this invitation an for this gathering. The United States constitution is the greatest manmade charter for human government in all of human history. It does not memorialize the rights of government as do most constitutions. Rather, it proclaims and safeguards the rights of the individual and limits government. It specifically guarantees the rights of life, liberty, and property, of which each individual cannot be deprived without due process of law. And from that foundation has extrapolated the most powerful, the freest, and most noble nation known to man. Our oath of office, sworn before almighty god by members of congress, to support and defend the constitution, sacredly binds each of us to that noble task. Yet certain rules and practices of congress, unconstitutional executive orders and legislating from the bench have become a mortal threat to the constitution. It has indeed threatened our article 1 pows of the purse. No one could possibly and more exquisite he articulate it than did congressman hal rogers this morning. Accordingly, may we all both be inspired and admonished by the words of the great Daniel Webster when he said, hold on, my friends. Hold on, my friends, to the constitution and to the republic for which it stands. For miracles do not cluster and what has happened once in 6,000 years may never happen again. So hold on to the constitution. For the constitution should for this the constitution should fall there will be anarchy throughout the world. I hope this will be a morning when all members of congress will be deeply reminded of our sacred oath to the constitution and each of us will recognize the treasure that it represents to the entire human family. Thank you. [applause] mr. Sessions good morning, pete sessions, representing the 32nd Congressional District of texas, chairman of the house rules committee. When i came to washington, i came to be a part of a grand experiment, of Constitutional Government that i considered to be a responsibility of balance, combined with responsibility to live with and for the United States constitution. You have heard today members of our body who are bringing together the ideas that they hear not just back home but really the pulse of a nation. We believe that the American Dream is in question. We believe that the American Dream should be reevaluated because what made America Great should also be what makes us greater in the future. Making government work for people is what we should be for. We not only look at the constitution as the Guiding Force but we want that balance and responsibility. For nearly four months we have been working as a team. Ideas put forth by speaker ryan made flesh in working by congresswoman Cathy Mcmorris romingers, our conference chair. Weve been working for four months on recommendations, by listening to our members, by taking advice from people back home, and understanding that if we Work Together as a team, we can be successful. Our mission is to restore proacht balance among the branches of government exactly as our Founding Fathers intended. By reasserting the unique constitutional role of congress. We believe that we must, as part of our responsibility, live up to our responsibility. Said another way, we are here to say we are upping our game. To do the things that are within our, not just responsibility, but within the context of what the American People expect. Each two year well, put our name on the ballot, each two years we go and define not only what we stand for but the hopes and dreams of a greatful nation as we move forward. You have heard our members speak clearly about the things which must take place and i will tell you as chairman of the house rules committee, it is my job to work with our members to make sure that these ideas are put into law, that they are put into bills that can be understood by the American People with not only great intent, but purpose to make this great nation even better. You see, we believe there is a better way. [applause] mrs. Black good morning, im diane black, i represent the sixth Congressional District of tennessee, and im honored to be here with my colleagues today to talk about a better way, to give the power back to the peoples house and therefore to the American People. Almost every day i hear from tennesseans who come to me in frustration because their lives and their livelihoods are being impacted by a government rule. Cobbled together behind closed doors, away from public view, by bureaucrats they cant even speak to on the phone let alone vote for. In fact this month, my office met with mayor dale reagan fro