Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160614 : c

Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160614

them, let us all pray and talk about her negative attitude. thought i was making the plate. d the gentle approach and is respectful and i take some level f plide in telling our chinese friends, he is your friend, too ks in dam pping down and what we considered the great injustices. birthday, his 80th the champion of the the ational of tibet and people, richard gere said there standingter way and by with him vowing to keep their cause alive and a beautiful culture it is indeed and to hear s hole anyness, speaking tibetian and have him explain that the language is a beautiful language and specifics in temperatures of explaining uddhism and matters of faith and philosophy and it's very -- it enhances your appreciation of buddhism who hear it in the word f the tibet and language a translated in terms of the language you would need to translate it in another language. this language is important to the faith to buddhism and important to the cult furnish and important to families and again to the education of the children. high any attempts on the part of ands is e and ti bet something would be really wrong, just plain and simple. this morning, his hopiness spoke at the institute of peace. i said you asked me for my blessing and real change comes through action. karma isn't od it, bout faith but taking action and what we believe in and again , every opportunity -- i thank , every l and chair, tom opportunity i get and this is one i treasure on the floor of the house to say what an honor it is to be in the same room, holyness andth the his name is sin none must with erything that is good and we .mphasize to our chinese host and going into another place. in terms of his holyness, it is tomorrow, when he comes to the capitol to the floor to thank him for his leadership, inspiration is an inadequate word of what he is. thank him for sharing the i determination. he was speaking about it today and might take some years. mr. mcgovern, that is a time when the world was completely at ace, when he had special, we hear the despair and we receive the message of hope and how mapt and we feel inspired to make a difference, to make a difference in ourselves and our world. i talked about president bush coming to the gold medal ceremony and the president will be receiving his holyness and the presidents have done it and in relationship between his holyness and our respect and i will close by saying, when his holyness was a little boy, he received a gift from the president of the united states, franklin roosevelt. it was a watch and it had the phases of the moon. my apple watch has it. rm so this was 70 years ago, the phases of the moon and how president roosevelt september this watch and he would become sotch and connection what the connection was among all of those factors, the relationship between an american president and the holyness goes back to when he was a little boy and to persist until his 80's now, something that is now again that brings lust ter to us that we have a beautiful lip fer relationship and spiritual if anything tur. and i look forward to welcoming him tomorrow. you could not vm come to a lgbt loved ones, their familiar less and their community and the grateful to the response of our first responders, and our law enforcement officials. but again, the spirituality that we need to recover and draw strength to go forward to make re that we minimize such actions. mr. that, i'm ploosed to cgovern to be a good championship. and you have a great service to our congress and to our country and we honor our values and the worth of every person that we are all god's children and we have the spark of difference truthnd they are speaking to power and to you, mr. mg govern. mr. mcgovern: i thank the distinguished leader and the because one of the the things that compels ig our continued concern about the tibetian people and whether it is the latest report or whether it's the u.s. state department human rights report or almost any other report by any may jor world organization, we see the organizations that the tibet and people are quite dire. less."entitled "relent the report is based on 7 9 on they are tried for criticism of nd human rights watch included and one important source was the data base that is maintained by the executive commission. ithout going into details, teb t ands are being detained. any of those dabed come from parts from soshte that are not known for diss en. illeagers as well as local onters and singers, i can go and on and i would ask unanimous consent to insert the human rights report. about this congress has weighed n many times and many times on human policy and one of the most significant things we have done and than the 2002 courages dial owing and created the post of the issues within the department of state. last july, the house approved agget 37 which cited the reportsedct the house to hold dialogue in order to address grifeances. we called for the establishment and release sulate a risoners including the monk who died in chinese. he called on the government that ny interference is a violation of the he right to religious freedom. journalists and and we allow sit sedges access to the united states territory, we ask that the international governments, civil society to reinforce the promote of preservation of the national dentity of the tibet and people. and design and implement proper squkts that will comply with the prelts. these principles are meant to ensure that they guide all development. their projects the culture and knowledge and wisdom and the them r migration of into tibet or natural resources. all of these recommendations for what the united states government should be doing are as valid because very little progress has been made. and i say very little, because but ve acknowledgeed the that's about all that is happened. d the if we are not geticing movement. let me suggest other things. we could start a campaign. he article 13 of the universal declaration and residents within the borders of each state and leave any country. dahly me to look for the llama. and basic loy saying that it is the chinese government restricts u.s. governments and we should consider the chinese officials when they visit. nd invite them to every event. the dahly llama is a world leader who should be contributing to debates of countering compleemism. and these are a couple of topics. we could insist that. climate change is one of the few topics that they found common critically t is important and reserves of the the fresh water. but it is absent from the global scommange debate. the high oast levels, conserving the plateau is a shared interest and can be achieved with the tibet and people. and time to find others and time to do something. it is time for us to thill differently and think out of the box in ways we can advance with our dialogue with china. . . madam speaker, many of my colleagues wanted to be here today to speak on this and i would like to ask unanimous consent that their statements be admitted to the record including congressman capuano, congressman wall, and last week congressman chris smith and jim sensenbrenner submitted their statements to the record. in closing, i urge my colleagues to join with the leader and dalai lamaelcome the to washington, d.c. and wishing him good health and praying for reconciliation that -- reconciliation between thity bet tan people and the chinese government happens soon. i yield back my time. i move that the house do now adjourn. the speaker pro tempore: without objection, members are allowed phi days to revise and extend their remarks. the motion is on the question of ad-- on adjourning. those in favor say aye. those opposed, no. the ayes have it. the house is adjourned until 10:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. the speaker pro tempore: the house will be in order. the prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. chaplain conroy: let us pray. dear god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. our nation is again tragically impacted by a mass shooting. may our leaders and we all be mindful of the sacredness of lives lost in violence and not so define the event as to further traumatize those who suffer intimately from it. we ask your special blessing upon the members of this people's house. in these days, give them wisdom that they might execute their responsibility to the benefit of all americans. bless them, o god, and be with them and with us all this day and every day to come. may all that is done be for your greater honor and baghdad, tel aviv, and orlando. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition? >> i seek unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. revise and extend my remarks. the speaker pro tempore: without objection. the gentleman from california is recognized. for one minute. mr. takano: mr. speaker, no words can express the pain and sadness i feel for all those affected by the horrific attack on a gay nightclub in orlando. on too many occasions the lgbt community and our country have been forced to overcome moments of profound loss, but on each of these occasions we emerged stronger and more resilient. once again we will choose love over hate and compassion over intolerance. these are the themes of lgbt pride month and they cannot be lost in this overwhelming tragedy. this attack forces us to confront two unpleasant facts about our country. fact one, hateful rhetoric towards the lgbt people and other minority groups is still far too common and far too easy. fact tue, it is far too easy for dangerous people to access assault weapons. i hope we have the courage to confront these facts and build a safer and stronger america. this is what the victims and their families deserve. the speaker pro tempore: for what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition? >> to address the house for one minute. revise and extend. the speaker pro tempore: does the gentleman seek unanimous consent? >> i do. the speaker pro tempore: the gentleman is recognized for one minute. >> mr. speaker, some time today or tomorrow tis house will hold a mement of silence for 50 massacre floridians who had their bodies torn apart by a madman with a military grade weapon. silence, that is how the leadership of the most powerful cot in the world will respond to this week's massacre of its citizens. if this congress had a single moral fiber we would force ourselves to get to know them. corey james connell, 21 years old and a student. a childhood dreams cut short by a madman with a military rifle. mr. himes: make no mistake, cut short by this congress' fetish to repeatedly meet bloody tragedy with silence. silence. that is what we offer an amrica that supports many of the things we could do to slow the oodbath. silence. not me. not any more. will i no tronger stand here absorbing the -- i will no longer stand here absoar be the complicitness in the blood shed. sooner or later the united states will hold us accountable for our action. as you bow your head when you are asked what you did to slow the slaughter of innocent our hearts go out to the families of those who've been killed. our prayers go to those who been wounded. this is a devastating attack on all americans. that is particularly painful for the people of orlando but i think we all recognize that this could happen anywhere. we feel enormous solidarity and grief on behalf of the families that affected. the fact that it took place at the club frequented by the lgbt community is also relevant. we're looking at all the motivations of the killer. that regardless of race religion or faith or sexual orientation we are all americans. we need to be looking after each other. protecting each other at all times. in the face of this kind of terrible act. with respect to the killer. there's a lot of reporting that has been done. we are still at the preliminary stages of the investigation. there's a lot more we have to learn. the one thing that we can say is that this is being treated as a terrorist investigation. it appears that the shooter was inspired by various extremist information that was disseminated over the internet. all those materials are being searched so we will have a better sense of the pathway that the killer took in making a decision to launch this attack. indicate,r komi will we see no clear evidence that he was directed to externally. it does appear that at the last minute he announced allegiance to isil. there is no evidence so far that he was directed by that group. no direct evidence that he was part of a larger plot. to whatrs to be similar we saw in san bernardino but we don't know. is what is going to be important in terms of the investigation. it also appears that he was able to obtain these weapons legally because he did not have a criminal record that in some ways would prohibit him from purchasing these weapons. it appears that one of those weapons he was able to just carry out of the store. an assault rifle. handgun, a glock to have a lot it.lips and it -- in he was required to wait out for three days under florida law. the director will discuss the somethat there have been investigation of him in the past. the fbi followed the procedures they are supposed to. day this isf the something that we going to have to grapple with, making sure that even after we go after isil and other extremist organizations overseas. we go after their infrastructure. take key personnel off the field. one of the biggest challenges we're going to have this is kind of propaganda and perversions of islam that you see generated on the internet. into the minds of troubled individuals are weak individuals. capturing this extremist ideology -- countering this extremist ideology is just as important as making sure we are disrupting the more extensive plots. we have to make sure that we think about the risks we are willing to take by being so we make a very powerful firearms available. this is something that i've talked about for a very long time. that restrict any use to a debate -- we start getting into a debate that is an either/or debate. either we think of something as terrorism and we ignore problems with firearms or it's all about firearms and we ignore the role of terrorism and the role of organizations like isil. it's not an either/or situation. it is both. we have to go after the terrorist organizations and hit them hard. we have to counter extremist. we also have to make sure that it is not easy for somebody who decides they want to harm the people in this country. .o be able to obtain weapons my hope is that over the next days and weeks we are being sober about how we approach these facts. that are determined by our investigators. reflecting do some on how we can tackle what is going to be a very challenging problem. but just here in this country and around the world. we extend our deepest sympathies to the families. we send our prayers to the survivors and hospitals. in the hospitals. noon the fbind director will be providing you with more of a full briefing. we don't yet know the motivations. organizations like isil or al have or those who perverted islam and created these radical nihilistic vicious organizations. one of the groups that they target are gays and lesbians. they believe that they do not attitudes toward sexuality. we also have these organizations think it's fine to take captive women and enslave them and break them. there clearly are connections between the attitudes of organization like this and their attitudes towards tolerance and pluralism. and the belief that all people treated equally. that is something threatening to them. women being empowered is threatening to them. we will find that there are connections regardless of the particular motivations of this killer. there are connections between this vicious bankrupt ideology and the general attitudes towards gays and lesbians. unfortunately that is something ist the lgbt community -- not to adjust by isil just by isil but by other groups around the world. the fact that we make it this challenging for law enforcement alerted that somebody who they are watching has purchased the gun. if they do get alerted sometimes it is hard to stop them from getting a gun. it is crazy. it is a problem. we have to do some soul-searching. the danger is that it ends up being the usual political debate with the nra and the gun-control folks. and they say obama doesn't want to talk about terrorism. terrorism andout people say why don't you looking at gun-control? if we have self radicalized individuals in this country than going to be very findcult oftentimes to ahead of time. how easy it is for them to obtain weapons is in some cases going to make a difference as to whether they are able to carry out attacks like this or not. we make it very easy for individuals who are troubled or disturbed or want to engage in violent acts to get very powerful weapons. very quickly. that is a problem. it's a problem regardless of the motivations. a young manem for can walk into a church in south carolina and murdered nine people who offered to pray with him. when an angry young man on the college campus decides to shoot people because he feels disrespected. it is certainly a problem when you have organizations like isil or al qaeda who are actively trying to prove violence. and they're doing it very effectively over the internet. because we know that at some point out of 300 million people they're going to be some individuals who find for whatever reason that kind of horrible propaganda enticing. if that person can get a weapon at the problem. -- it's a problem. >> president obama will visit orlando following the mass shooting. he will pay his respects to victims families. and stand in solidarity with the community. director james comey: good afternoon everyone. there here to discuss justice department's response to these unconscionable acts in orlando. our hearts are broken for the unfathomable losses that people in orlando have suffered. as attorney general lynch said yesterday the full resources of the justice department which includes the fbi the atf the national security division at injustice as well as the u.s. attorney's office are all supporting the ongoing investigation. our agents and investigators have been on the ground since yesterday. i want to thank our law enforcement colleagues in florida for their tireless and andaordinary work so far their dedication to the ongoing investigation. withalso been in contact the attorney general who was on her way back from china. express the can't depth of our sorrow with a measure of our grief for losses that have been suffered by those and lives that have been changed forever. what happened was a horrifying act. community pulse was more than just a place to go and celebrate. it was a place the promised inclusion and freedom. .o be themselves the same promise that our country holds for everyone. on our valuesck as a country. and on our national community. it was an attack on who we are as a nation and as a people. our country as a whole stands united in response to this cowardly and despicable act. i will turn things over to the director who provide some additional details. james comey: our hearts are broken and take for those who were lost in our land and those who were wounded. we're so sorry for your loss and your suffering. i want to express admiration for the work of local law enforcement in orlando. professionalism and extraordinaire bravery could save lives. we are very lucky that people like that choose lives of service in law enforcement. nurses and emts the the ordinary citizens. best part of the humanity. federalnow this is a terrorism investigation. the fbi. with the assistance of our stoic state and local and federal partners. there is strong evidence of inspiration by foreign terrorist organizations. we're spending a tremendous amount of time as you would imagine trying to understand every moment of this killer's path to that terrible night in orlando. to understand his motives and to understand the details of his life. you will notice that i'm not using the killer's name. i will try not to do that. part of what motivates us sick people to do this kind of thing orsome sick notion of fame glory. i don't want to be a part of that. for the sake of the victims and their families. and so that other twisted minds don't think this is a path to fame and recognition. i want to give you a sense of what you know so far. we are going through the killer's life especially his electronics. to understand as much as we can about his path and whether there was anyone else involved either in directing him over and assisting him. thatr we see no indication this was a plot directed from outside the united states. we see no indication that he was part of any kind of network. it is not entirely clear at this what terrorist group you want to support although he made clear his affinity for isil. he made 911 calls from the club during the attack at about 2:30 a.m. on sunday morning. there were three different calls. he called and he hung up. he called again and spoke briefly with the dispatcher. and then he hung up. and then the dispatcher called him back and they spoke briefly. there were three calls. foraid he was doing this the leader of isil who he named and pledged loyalty to. to claimeemed solidarity with the perpetrators of the boston marathon. and a florida man who died as a suicide bomber in syria. the bombers of the boston marathon and the suicide bomber from florida were not inspired by isil. which adds a little bit to the confusion about his motives. are working to understand what role as i gain bigotry may have played in motivating this attack. an attack that occurs during the recognize and celebrate our lgbt brothers and sisters. it is early. we are working hard to understand the killer and his motives and his sources of inspiration. we are highly confident that this killer was radicalized and at least in some form through the internet. that is what we've been doing. let me tell you i can about the fbi's prior contact with the killer. infirst became aware of him may 2013. he was working as a contract security guard at the local courthouse. made some statements that were inflammatory and contradictory that concerned his coworkers about terrorism. first he claimed family connections to al qaeda. he also said that he was a which is aezbollah shiite terrorist organization that is a bitter enemy of the so-called islamic state, isil. he said he hoped law enforcement would rate his apartment and assault his wife and child so he could martyr himself. office opened a preliminary investigation. over the next 10 months we try to determine whether he was possibly a terrorist. something we do in hundreds of cases all across the country. our investigation involved introducing confidential sources. recording conversations with him. and reviewing transactional records. searching all government holdings for any possible connection. we interviewed him twice. he admitted making the statements that his coworkers reported. he explained that he did it in he thought his coworkers were discriminating against him because he was muslim. after 10 months of investigation we closed that investigation. 2014onths later in july the killer's name surfaced again in an indirect way. our miami office was investigating the florida man who would blow himself up for the front in syria. -- an al qaeda group that is in conflict with isil. knewarned that the killer him casually from attending the same mosque in that area of florida. our investigation turned up no ties of any consequence between the two of them. that he'ds told us once been concerned about the killer because the killer had mentioned certain videos. thatitness had concluded he later got married and had a child and got a job as a security guard and so he was no longer concerned about him. our investigation again turned and interview the killer to see whether he had any significant contacts with the suicide bomber. we determined that he did not. the inquiry continued focusing on the bomber with no further focus on the orlando killer. look forwardnue to and backward. we will leave no stone unturned. we will work all day and all night to understand the path to that terrible night. we will look hard at work to see if there was something we should have done differently. so far the honest answer is i don't think so. we will be transparent about it. our work is very challenging. we are looking for needles in a nationwide haystack. to we are also called upon figure out which pieces of hay might someday become needles. that is hard work. if we can figure out a way to do that better we will. we will also be transparent about what we find going forward consistent with our need to do an investigation in a good way. we will tell you as much as we possibly can. lenny close by saying something else. we know that this killing is upsetting to all americans. hope that our fellow americans will not let fear become disabling. that is what the savages want. we hope that instead you will channel this sense of anxiety into something more positive. an awareness of your surroundings and the seeking of opportunities to help your fellow americans. as we saw the tremendous lines of people getting blood in orlando. if you channel that anxiety into awareness you can live your life and allow those of us who are paid to investigate and to stop terrorists to do their work while you lose the full life of this great country offers you. if you see something tell us so we can look at it. somebodyard cases always see something they should of told us and they didn't. please don't let them make you work into a state of anxiety that is disabling. find ways to channel that into a healthy awareness of your surroundings and to live your lives. we will keep you posted on what we learned. thank you for much. -- thank you very much. >> immigration officials will testify about trying to prevent these overstates. -- visa overstays. >> we are going public. we will be watched by our friends and people across the country. i would hope as i said before that the senate may change. it may become a more efficient body. because of televised proceedings. byrd: the proceedings of the united states senate are being broadcast to the nation on television. millions of americans have sat in the galleries. and observe senate debate. today you can witness the proceedings in your homes. charles mathias: the audiences in the galleries. we haven'tons today fundamentally altered that situation. we have enlarged the galleries. >> hillary clinton talks about the mass shooting in florida. >> ladies and gentlemen please welcome ohio senator sherrod brown. [applause] sherrod brown: thank you. what a moment for cleveland. this is a different kind of a rally. from what we first heard on friday about what this would be about. we thank everyone in team wendy for welcoming us today. [applause] our hearts are heavy as we mourn 49 lives lost in the horrific act of terrorism and hate in orlando. we are grateful as we always are to the first responders whose bravery saved lives. [applause] continue to keep the law enforcement still investigating and the medical personnel in our thoughts. ohio stands united with the people of orlando. we are united with the lgbt community worldwide. [applause] we stand united with our entire country. with people of all faiths. muslims, christians, jews, hindus, people of all faiths. [applause] our president said yesterday that an attack on any american is an attack on all of us. [applause] our country together must not let this or any other heinous act of terror to divide us. we know america is strongest we are united. now is the time to unite behind smart effective strategies to go after terrorism wherever it exists and to keep america safe at home and abroad all while that madethe values the united states of america the greatest country on earth. [applause] now is the time to finally muster the political courage to say enough is enough. [applause] it is past time to pass commonsense laws to keep guns out of the hands of terrorists and out of the hands of violent criminals. [applause] sunday's violence was fueled by hatred. it has no place in our country. horroratched the news in my wife connie and i couldn't help but remember how very different we felt almost exactly one year ago. we stood on the steps of cleveland city hall celebrating the historic marriage equality decision. [applause] that day we joined the community of lgbt americans and are straight allies in one joyful celebration. want our lgbt friends and neighbors to know that america stands with you in your grief and your outrage just as we stood with you in celebration one year ago. [applause] you are not alone. you and we will not tolerate hate in our country. [applause] while we grieve standing here at team wendy i am reminded of the resilience of our country. grief and they turned it into action. to protect other daughters and with the equipment that you all in this plant make here in cleveland ohio. in doing so they and everyone at create good manufacturing jobs contribute to our local community and save lives and what is better than that? [applause] this is the american spirit. these are our values that we see every day every single day in hillary clinton. [applause] these are values that i saw from a distance and then beginning in 2007 what i came to the senate and had the good luck of having my office right across the hall from senator clinton of new york . these are the values that i see in hillary. is the values that i trust in hillary clinton. [applause] wisdom clinton has the and the resolve to keep our to the safe and conviction and the strength to refuse to let america be intimidated by terror. she has the courage to fight for commonsense laws to protect americans from gun violence. she has the compassion to stand with lgbt americans and all americans who are the target of hatred. she has the strength to unite americans to fight back against hate and violence with tolerance and love. now more than ever america needs a commander-in-chief with the strength and the experience and the wisdom to unite us by appealing to our shared values not appealing to our fears. [applause] i believe hillary clinton is that later. i trust her. that, it is my honor to introduce the former first lady the senator's secretary of state and the most qualified person to run for president of the united states in my lifetime, hillary rodham clinton. [applause] [applause] mrs. clinton: thank you, thank you all. thank you. thank you. i'm absolutely delighted to be back in cleveland and be here at the industrial innovation center. i had a chance to learn about the great work you do here. i especially want to applaud team wendy for everything you do to protect our troops, first responders. [cheers and applause] and others from traumatic brain injury. it is so important that we continue to support those who protect us. [crowd chanting] thank you, thank you all. [cheers and applause] it is good to be back in cleveland. i can tell you that. i want to thank your extraordinary senator, mr. brown, for -- \[cheers and applause] for his leadership, for that very kind and generous introduction. you are very fortunate to have him representing you. i want to thank your congresswoman, marcia fudge. \[cheers and applause] who is both indomitable and indefatigable. she's such a tenacious advocate for the people she represents. i want to acknowledge the mayor, mayor jackson, who is here. county executive. and i particularly want to recognize the passing of george voinovich. he devoted his life to serving the people of ohio, as mayor of cleveland, as governor and senator, and we send our prayers and sympathy to his family. i also want to thank dan moore, the owner and founder of this company and team wendy, for his belief in cleveland, for his commitment to create jobs. i can't wait to work with him to do more of what he has accomplished here. [applause] you know, originally i had intended to come to cleveland under very different circumstances. we are heading into a general election that could be the most consequential of our lifetime. but today is not a day for politics. on sunday americans woke up to a nightmare that's become mind-numbingly familiar. another act of terrorism in a place no one expected. a madman filled with hate, with guns in his hands, and just a horrible sense of vengeance and vindictiveness in his heart. apparently consumed by rage against lgbt americans, and by ex tens the openness and -- extension the openness and diversity that define our american way of life. we will learn more about the killer in the days to come. we know that he pledged allegiance to isis, that they are now taking credit and that part of their strategy is to radicalize individuals and encourage attacks against the united states, even if they are not coordinated with isis leadership. but there's a lot we still don't know. including what other mix of motives drove him to kill. the more we learn about what happened, the better we'll be able to protect our people going forward. in the days ahead, we will also learn more about the many lives he viciously cut short. many of them young people just starting out in their lives. they were travel agents and pharmacy techs, college students and amusement park workers, sons and daughters, brothers and sisters, and they had one thing in common. they all had a lot more to give. we should take a moment today amid our busy lives to think about them, to pray for everyone who was killed, for the wounded, those who are fighting to regain their lives and futures, for our first responders who walked into danger one more time. as a mother, i can't imagine what those families are going through. but let's also remember the other scenes we saw on sunday. we saw the faces of some of those first responders who rushed into danger and tried to save as many people as they could. we saw survivors like chris hanson who risked their lives to help others. people gathering outside hospitals to comfort anxious family members waiting for news of their loves ones, and waiting too to learn more about what they could do to make sure this never happened again. religious leaders condemning hate and appealing for peace. people lining up to donate blood. americans refusing to be intimidated or divided. yesterday i called the mayor of orlando and offered my support and my appreciation for the leadership that he and the other officials have shown. this is a moment when all americans need to stand together. no matter how many times we endure attacks like this, the horror never fades. the murder of innocent people breaks our hearts. tears at our sense of security. and makes us furious. now we have to steel our resolve to respond. and that's what i want to talk to you about. how we respond. the orlando terrorist may be dead, but the virus that poisoned his mind remains very much alive. and we must attack it with clear eyes, steady hands, unwavering determination and pride in our country and our values. \[cheers and applause] i have no doubt, i have no doubt we can meet this challenge if we meet it together. whatever we learn about this killer, his motives in the days ahead, we know already the barbarity we face from radical jihadists is profound. in middle east isis is attempting a genocide of religious and ethnic minorities. they are slaughtering muslims who refuse to accept their medieval ways. they are beheading civilians, including executing lgbt people. they are murdering americans and europeans, enslaving, torturing and raping women and girls. in speeches like this one, after paris, brussels and san bernardino, i have laid out a plan to defeat isis and the other radical jihadist groups in the region and beyond. the attack in orlando makes it even more clear, we cannot contain this threat, we must defeat it. and the good news is that the coalition effort in syria and iraq has made recent gains in the last month. so we should keep the pressure on ramping up the air campaign, accelerating support for our friends fighting to take and hold ground, and pushing our partners in the region to do even more. we also need continued american leadership, to help resolve the political conflicts that fuel isis recruitment efforts. but as isis loses actual ground in iraq and syria, it will seek to stage more attacks and gain stronger foot holds wherever it can, from afghanistan to libya to europe. the threat is metastasizing. we saw this in paris and we saw it in brussels. we face a twisted ideology and poisoned psychology that inspires the so-called lone wolves, radicalized individuals who may or may not have contact and direction from any formal organization. so, yes, efforts to defeat isis on the battlefield must succeed. but it will take more than that. [applause] we have to be just as adaptable and versatile as our enemies. as president, i will make identifying and stopping lone wolves a top priority. [applause] i will put a team together from across our government, the entire government, as well as the private sector, and communities, to get on top of this urgent challenge. and i will make sure our law enforcement and intelligence professionals have all the resources they need to get the job done. as we do this, there are three areas that demand attention. first, we and our allies must work hand in hand to dismantle the networks that move money and propaganda and arms and fighters around the world. [applause] we have to flow, we have to stem the flow of jihadists from europe and america to iraq, syria, afghanistan and then back again. the only way to do this is by working closely with our partners, strengthening our alliances, not weakening them, or walking away from them. second, here at home we must harden our own defenses. we have to do more to support our first responders, law enforcement and intelligence officers who do incredible work every day at great personal risk to keep our country safe. \[applause] i have seen firsthand how hard their job is and how well they do it. in orlando, at least one police officer was shot in the head. thankfully his life was saved by a kevlar helmet, something folks here at team wendy know a lot about. \[applause] it's often been said that our law enforcement, our intelligence agencies, our first responders have to be right 100% of the time. the terrorists only have to be right once. what a heavy responsibility. these men and women deserve both our respect and gratitude and they deserve the right tools and resources and training. too often state and local officials can't get access to intelligence from the federal government that would help them do their jobs. we need to change that. we also need to work -- \[applause] we also need to work with local law enforcement and business owners on ways to protect vulnerable so-called soft targets. like night clubs and shopping malls and hotels and movie theaters and schools and houses of worship. now, i know a lot of americans are asking how it was possible that someone already on the f.b.i.'s radar could have still been able to commit an attack like the one in orlando. have to see what the basement covers. if there is something we can do it, we must do them. we already know resources for this fight. the professionals that keep us safe will be the first to say we need better and intelligent to disrupt terrorist plots for the be carried out. that is why i have proposed an intelligence search for capabilities across the world for state arts. even though we need to make sure they could prevent attacks, it is essential we stop terrorists from getting the tools they need to carry out the attacks. [applause] that is true when it comes to assault weapons like those in orlando and san bernardino. [applause] i believe weapons of war have no place on our streets. [applause] we should agree -- if the fbi is watching you, or a suspected circu terrorist link, you should not be able to buy gun. yes, if you are too dangerous to get on the plane, you are too dangerous to get on a plane in american. . now, i know some will say it has nothing to do with terrorism. but in orlando and san bernardino, they use the assault weapons. ar-15's, they use it to kill americans. that was the same as sullivan to kill those little children in sandy hook. would have to make it harder to people who should not have those weapons of war. shootingnot stop every for every terrorist attack, but bonds and save lives and protect our children. the third area that demands attention is preventing radicalization and countering effort by isis and other international terrorist networks to recruit in the united states and europe. for starters, it is long past time that the saudis, and the kuwaitis and others to stop their citizens from funding extremist organization. and they should stop supporting radical schools and mosques around the world that have set to many young people on a path towards extremism. we also have to use all our capabilities to counter jihadist propaganda online. this is something i spent a lot of time on. as president i will work with our companies in silicon valley to set up our game. jobave to do a better tracking and analyzing social media posts and promoting provide voices that can alternatives. there is more to do. [applause] they are the most likely to recognize the insidious effects of radicalization before it is too late and the best position to help us block it. we should be intensifying context in those communities, not scapegoating or i signing them -- isolating them. [applause] last year, i visited a pilot program in indianapolis that helped parents, and teachers, professionals and others recognize signs of radicalization in young people and work with law enforcement to intervene before it is too late. i have also met with local leaders pursuing innovative approaches in los angeles and other places. we need more efforts like that in more cities across america. as the director of the fbi has pointed out, we should avoid ng trust in the community which would only make long as the jobs more difficult. inflammatory, anti-muslim .rhetoric as well as the millions of .usinesspeople [applause] the saying that we have to start special surveillance on our fellow americans because of coincidenceon is no that hate crimes against american muslims and mosques have tripled after paris and san bernardino. that is wrong and in his dangerous. it plays right into the terrorist hands. still, as i have said before, none of us can close our eyes to the fact that we do face enemies who lose their distorted version of islam who can justify slaughtering innocent people. they take us back to the stone age if they could just as they have in parts of iraq in syria. the terrorists in orlando targeted lgbt americans out of hatred and bigotry and an attack on any american is an attack on all americans. [applause] i want to say this to all the lgbt people grieving today in florida and across our country. millions of allies who will always have your back. and i am one of them. from stonewall to laramie and now orlando -- we have seen too many examples of how the struggles to live freely, openly and without fear has been met by violence. we have to stand together, be proud together. than is no better review the terrorist and all those that society open, diverse with assets in the struggle against terrorism, not a liability. it makes us stronger and it makes us more resilient to radicalization and this raises a larger point about the future of our country. america is strongest when we all believe that we have a stake in our country and our future. this vision has sustained us from the beginning. the belief that yes, we are all created equal and the journey we turn that into reality over the course of our history. that we are not a land of winners and losers, that we should all have the opportunity to live up to our god-given potential and we have a responsibility to help others do so as well. [applause] as i look at american history -- i see this has always been a country of we, not me. we stand together because we are stronger together. many one have seen us through the darkest chapters of our history. coloniese 13 wobbling who decide their disagreements and united because they realize there were going to rise together or fall separately. generation after generation have to and marched and organize widen the circle of dignity and opportunity, ending slavery, securing and expending the rights of voters. the right open education and building open the greatest middle-class the world has ever seen and we are stronger when more people can participate in our democracy. and we are stronger when everyone can share and the rewards of our, any and contribute to our community. when we bridge are divide and lift each other up and set of tearing each other down. we have overcome a lot together and we will overcome the stress of terror and radicalization and oliver challenges here in ohio , i listen toerica people talk about the problems that keep you up at night. the bonds that hold us together as communities that one national community are strained by an economy with too much inequality and too little upward mobility. like social and political division that has diminished our trust in each other and are our confidence. i have heard the mall. i want you to know as your president i will work every day to break down all the barriers holding you back and keeping us apart. we will get an economy and works for everyone, not just those, we will forge a new sense of connectedness and shared responsibility to each other in our nation. finally, i remember. felt and thew you day after 9/11. i bet many of you do as well. lifecans from all walks of rallied together with a sense of common purpose on september the 12th. the days and weeks and months that followed. we had each other's backs. i was a senator. there was a republican president, a republican governor and a republican mayor. we did not attack each other. we worked with each other to protect our country and to rebuild our city. president bush went to a muslim community center six days after to send the message of unity and wantedity, to anyone who to take out the rancor honor muslim neighbors and fellow citizens he said, that should not and that will not stand in america. it is time to get back to the spirit of those, the spirit of 9/12/ .,let's make sure we keep looking to the best of our country because democratic and republican presidents have risen to the cajun in the face of tragedy. that is what we are calling to my friends and i am so confident and optimistic that is exactly what we will do. much!you wall sall so [applause] [applause] [no audio] ♪ i ♪ ♪ we proudly gives 72 of our delegate votes to the next president of the united states. [applause] [applause] >> donald trump called for a temporary ban on immigrants from areas where terrorism is prevalent. his remarks were in response to the shooting in orlando. he spoke to supporters in manchester new hampshire. ladies and gentlemen, the next president of the united states, donald j trump. [applause] donald trump: thank you everybody. thank you for joining me today. this was going to be a speech on and all of the ar bad things that are going on. especially help or she would do as president in these very troubled times. of radical islamic terrorism. even her former secret service agent who was seen her under stresse and at times of has stated that she lacks the temperament and integrity to be the president. there'll be plenty of opportunities to discuss these important issues at a later time. i will deliver that speech very soon. today there's only one thing to discuss. the growing threat of terrorism. inside our borders. the attack on the pulse nightclub in orlando florida was the worst terrorist strike on our soil since september 11. shooting int mass our country's history. dead.y people so we people gravely injured. so much carnage. such a disgrace. horror is beyond description. the families of these wonderful people are totally devastated and they will be forever. andwise our whole nation indeed the whole world is devastated. we express our deepest sympathies to the victims and the wounded and their families. we mourn as one people for our nation's loss and pledge our support to any and all who need it. i would like to ask that we all observe a moment of silence for the victims of this attack. [no audio] thank you. our nation stands together in with the members of orlando's lgbt community. they have been through something that nobody could ever imagine. this is a very dark moment in america's history. a radical islamic terrorist target of the nightclub not only because he wanted to kill americans but in order to execute gay and lesbian citizens because of their sexual orientation. strike at the heart and soul of who we are as a nation. on the ability of free people to live their lives and love who they want and express their identity. it is an attack on the right of every single american to live in peace and safety in their own country. we need to respond to this attack on america as one united people. with force and purpose and determination. but the current politically correct response cripples our ability to talk and to think and act clearly. we're not talking clearly. we've got problems. and smart, get tough and do it fast, we are not going to have our country anymore. there will be nothing left. the killer whose name i will not use was born in afghan of afghan parents who emigrated to the united states. his father offered support for the afghan taliban. a regime that murders those who don't share the radical views. the father even said he was president of afghanistan. the only reason the killer was in this country was because we allowed his family to come here. that is a fact and it is a fact we need to talk about. we have a dysfunctional immigration system that does not permit us to know who we let into our country. it does not permit us to protect our citizens properly. we have an incompetent administration and if i am elected president that will not change over the next four years. we have an administration that will not change. if i get in there it is going to change quickly. are going from totally incompetent to just the opposite believe me. [applause] with 50 people dead and perhaps more ultimately and dozens more wounded we cannot afford to talk around issues anymore. we have to address these issues head on. i called for a ban after san bernardino and was met with great scorn and anger. i was right to do so and although the pauses temporary we must find out what is going on. we have to do it. whenll be lifted this ban we are in a position to properly and perfectly screen these people coming into our country. they are pouring in and we don't know what were doing. the immigration laws of the united states give the president power to suspend entry into the country of any class of persons. it is to be determined by the president. for the interest of the united states. or she deems inappropriate. hopefully it is he in this case. [applause] i will use this power to protect the american people. when i'm elected i will suspend immigration from areas of the world where there is a proven history of terrorism against the united states, europe, or our allies. we fully understand how to end these threats. [applause] we have no choice. after a long overdue security assessment, we will develop a responsible immigration policy that serves the interests and values of america. [applause] allownot continue to thousands upon thousands of people to pour into our country many of whom had the same thought process as this savage killer. many of the principles of radical islam are incompatible with western values and institutions. [applause] remember this, radical islam is anti-woman, anti-gay, and anti-american. [applause] i refused to allow america to become a place where gay people, christian people, jewish people are targets of persecution and islamiction by radical preachers of hate and violence. [applause] this is not just a national security issue. it is a quality-of-life issue. if we want to protect the quality of life for all americans, women and children, gay and straight, jews and christians and all people, then we need to tell the truth about radical islam and we need to do it now. [applause] we need to tell the truth about how radical islam is coming to our shores. and it is coming. we are importing radical islamic terrorism into the west through a failed immigration system and through intelligence community held back by our president. even our own fbi director has admitted that we cannot effectively check the backgrounds of the people we are letting into america. all of the september 11 .ijackers were issued visas large numbers of somali refugees triednnesota have to join isis. the boston bombers came here to get political asylum. the male shooter in san bernardino was the child of immigrants from pakistan and he brought his wife the other terrorists from saudi arabia through another one of our easily exploited visa programs. immigration from afghanistan into the united states has increased nearly fivefold in just one year. , 99%ding to pew research of the people in afghanistan support oppressive sharia law. from otherny more countries in the region and they share these oppressive views and values. we want to remain a free and open society. if we do, we have to control our borders. we have to control them now, not later. [applause] yes hillary clinton for months and despite so many attacks repeatedly refused to even say the words radical islam. it's a challenge for yesterday. and guess what. .he will probably say them she probably has said that but let's see what happens. she really has no choice. she supports so much of what is wrong with this country. and what is going wrong with our country at our borders. she has no clue what radical islam is and she won't speak honestly about it if she does in fact know. in total denial after continuing reluctance to even name the enemy broadcasts weakness across the entire world. true weakness. [applause] this,t know if you know before theeeks shebernardino slaughter explained her refusal to say the words radical islam. here is what she said, exact quote. muslims are peaceful and tolerant people and have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism. that is hillary clinton speaking. solution is to ban guns. france whichat in has some of the toughest gun laws anywhere in the world. and 130 people were brutally murdered by islamic terrorists in cold blood. her plan is to disarm law-abiding americans. abolishing the second amendment and leaving only the bad guys and terrorists with guns. no good. not to happen. going to happen. [applause] she wants to take away americans guns and then admit the very people who want to slaughter us. let them come into the country. let them have all the fun they want. i will be meeting with the nra which is given me the earliest endorsement in a presidential race. to discuss how to ensure that americans have the means to protect themselves in this age of terror. i will be always defending the second amendment. [applause] thank you. that hillaryne is supports policies that bring the threat of radical islam into america and allow it to grow overseas and it is growing. in fact hillary clinton's catastrophic immigration plan will bring the vastly more radical islamic immigration into this country, threatening not only our society and our entire way of life. when it comes to radical islamic terror, ignorance is not bliss. it is deadly. totally deadly. the obama administration with the support of hillary clinton and others has also damage your security by restraining our intelligence gathering and we have no intelligence gathering information. we need this information so badly. he stopped it. support of thehe law enforcement system because obama is not letting them do their jobs. being allowed to do their jobs. they can do it well, better than anybody. we needed new leader. we need a new leader fast. [applause] they have put political correctness above common sense, above your safety and a ball of all else. beefused to politically correct. [applause] i want to do the right thing, i want to straighten things out and i want to make america great again. [applause] ignorancef deadly will and. they will end soon if i am elected. as president i will give our intelligence community law enforcement and military the tools they need to prevent terror attacks. they don't have those tools now. we need an intelligence gathering system second to none. second to none. that includes better cooperation between state and local and federal officials and with our allies. i will have an attorney general and the director of national intelligence and the secretary defense who knows how to fight the war on radical islamic terrorism. they will have the support that they need to get the job done right. not like it is now. we also must ensure the american people are provided the information they need to understand the threat. the senate subcommittee on immigration has already identified hundreds of immigrants charged with terrorist activities inside the united states since september 11. nearly a year ago the senate subcommittee asked president obama's department of justice and state and homeland security to provide the immigration history of all terrorists inside the united states. these departments refused to comply. nobody even knows why. they refused to comply. president obama must release the full and complete immigration histories of all individuals implicated in terrorist activities of any kind since september 11. it is so important. knowublic has a right to how these people got here, how they came onto this great land, why are they here. [applause] we have to screen out to know whether they are affiliated with andupporting radical groups beliefs. we have to control the amount of future immigration into this country. we have to prevent large pockets of radicalization from forming inside america. not complicated. even aingle event single individual can be devastating. all you have to do is take a look at what happened in orlando and what happened in other cases. just one person. can you imagine what they'll do in large groups? which we are allowing outcome here. our president doesn't know what he's doing. and he hased us failed us badly. under his leadership the situation will not get any better, it will only get worse. as in saying that for a long time. each year the united states permanently admits 100,000 immigrants from the middle east and many more from muslim countries outside the middle east. our government has been admitting ever-growing numbers year after year without any effective plan for our own security. clinton's state department was in charge of the admission process for people applying to enter from overseas. nothing fromd these attacks? she now plans to massively increase in vision without a screening plan including a five indred percent increase syrian refugees coming into our country. tell me, how stupid is that? biggeruld be a better more horrible version than the legendary trojan horse ever was. plan, youclinton would be admitting hundreds of thousands of refugees from the middle east with no system to vet them. or to prevent the radicalization of the children and their children. they are trying to take over our children and convince them how wonderful isis is and how wonderful islam is and we don't know what happening. the burden is on hillary clinton to tell us why she believes immigration from these dangerous countries should be increased without any effective system to really screen these people. why don't we have an effective screening system? we are being left out all around the world. the burden is on hillary clinton should admity we anyone into our country who supports violence of any kind against gay and lesbian americans. the burden is on hillary clinton to tell us how she will pay for it. her plan will cost hundreds of millions of dollars long-term. would this be money better spent rebuilding america for our current population including the many poor people already living here. , we have poverty all over, and this is how we are spending billions of dollars. we have to stop the tremendous flow of syrian refugees into the united states we don't know who they are. they have no documentation. we don't know what they are planning. we won't unless we have proper supervision and proper leadership. in which case they are out of here. what i want is common sense. i want to mainstream immigration nolicy that promotes america values. that is the choice i put before the american people. origns to benefit america hillary clinton's radical designed topolicy benefit quickly correct special interests. that's all it is. toughe to get smart and and vigilant and we got to do it now. later is too late. it will be too late for our country. the media talks about homegrown terrorism. and themic radicalism networks that nurture it our imports from overseas. whether you like it or what you don't like it. there are many can radicalize people already inside our country as a result of the poor policies of the past. the whole point is that we will , it will be easier to deal with our current problems if we don't keep on bringing in people who add to the problem. that's what they're doing. we're letting all these people, hundreds of thousands of people come in and all they are doing is adding to this incredible problem that we have. the controversial mosque attended by the boston anders had as its founder immigrants from overseas charged in an assassination plot. orlando was the child of an immigrant who supported one of the most repressive regimes on earth. why would we admit people who support violence and hatred? hillary clinton can never claim to be a friend of the gay community as long as she continues to support immigration policies that bring islamic extremists into our country. and they suppressed women and gays and anyone else who doesn't share their views or values. [applause] she can't have it both ways. she can't claim to be supporting these communities are trying to increase the number of people coming in who want to oppress the same communities. of does this kind immigration make our lives better? how does this kind of immigration make our country better? why does hillary clinton want to bring people in who do not agree with our values? why? tell me, who is really the community?he lgbt donald trump with actions or hillary clinton with words? with the better friend is and someday i think that will be proven big-league. [applause] mr. trump: baidu the way, what has happened to the lgbt community is so sad. to be thinking about where their policies are what this administration is a disgrace to that community i tell you right now. written wants to allow radical islamic terrorists to pour into our country. theyenslave women and murdered days. i do not want them in our country. [applause] mr. trump: immigration is a not lead and we should to anyone into this country who does not support our communities. all of our communities. every single one of them. has already admitted four times more immigrants than any country on earth. four times more at least, because we do not even know who is coming in a end we continue to admit millions more with no real checks or scrutiny. not surprisingly, wages for our workers have not budged in almost 20 years. get theer why we crowds. you wonder why we get this tremendous support. you wonder why i have got more votes than any republican in the history of the republican party? take a look at that. take a look at the security. take a look at the wages. they have been stagnant and even gone down. so whether it is for financial security or other security, we cannot afford to keep going on like this. we of $19 trillion in debt and no longer have an option. our communities from all backgrounds are ready for relief. this is not an act of offense against anyone. it is really an active defense. all, all of us, to work together. partnershipormat a with our muslim communities. we of muslim communities in this country that are great and we have do for the partnership. now, the muslim community so importantly, they have to work with us. they have to cooperate with law enforcement and turn in the people they know are bad. they know it. in they have to do an end they have to do it forth with. i want to fix our schools, our bridges. our jobs market, we're going to have it rocket again. we will have great trade deals. but i want every american to succeed, including muslims. but the muslims have to work with us. they have to work with us. they know what is going on. they know that he was bad. they knew the people in san bernardino worked out. but you know what? they did not turn them in a and destruction. hillary clinton was to empty the treasury to bring people into the country that include individuals who preach hate against our citizens. i want to protect our citizens. all of our citizens. the terrorist attack on pulse nightclub demands a full and complete investigation into every single aspect of the assault. in san bernardino as an example, people who know what was going on, they knew exactly, but they used the excuse of racial profiling for not reporting it. they said, oh, we thought so but we did not want to use racial profiling which was probably the excuse given to them by their lawyer said they do not get into trouble. we need to know what the killer discussed with his relatives. parents, friends, associates. we need to know if he was of the leading with any radical mosques ifradical best and what, any, is their immigration status. we have to know and we have to know fast. we need to know if you traveled anywhere into he traveled with. toneed to know and we need make sure every single last plan, involved in this including anyone who knew something but did not tell us is brought to justice. so people if they know what is going on, if they do not tell us and we have been attacked and people die, these people have to have consequences. big time consequences. [applause] do muchp: america must more to protect his citizen, especially people who are potential victims of crimes based on their backgrounds or justl orientations, as you saw in orlando. it also means we must change our foreign policy. the decision to overthrow the regime in libya and then pushing for the overthrow of the regime in syria, among other things, without plans for the day after, have created a basis for isis to expand and grow like nobody has ever seen before. with ourions, along disastrous iran d.l. have reduced our ability to work in partnership with our muslim allies in the region. that is why our new goal must be to defeat islam mike terrorism. not nationbuilding. no more nationbuilding. it is never going to work. and, by the way, we have spent on most trillion dollars over the years on trying to nation itld in the middle east and has been a complete and total disaster. we are further away now than we were 15 years ago. for instance, the last major nato mission was hillary clinton's war in libya. isismission helped unleash on a new continent. i said nato needs to change its focus and stop terrorism. we have to look is on terrorism. since i have started that, it is ok, i got no credit but that is minor details. announced a new initiative on the front page of the wall street journal focused on just that. america must unite the whole civilized world in the fight against islamic terrorism. [applause] >> yes! mr. trump: pretty much like we did with communism during the cold war. we try to president obama's way. it does not work. he gave the world his apology tour. we got isis and many other problems in return. that is what we got. remember the famous apology tour. we are sorry for everything. i would like to conclude my remarks today by again expressing our solidarity with the people of orlando love, under this horrific attack. when i am president, i pledge to protect in to defend all americans who live inside our borders. wherever they come from. wherever they were born. i do not care. all americans living here and following our laws, not other laws, will be protected. [applause] mr. trump: thank you. thank you. going to retire. we are going to be smart. we are going to do it right. america will be a tolerant and open society. america will also be a safe society. we will protect our borders at home. we will defeat isis overseas. we have no choice. will ensure every parent can raise their children in peace and safety. we will make america a rich again. again. make america safe we will make america great again. thank you. thank you very much. thank you very much. thank you. thank you very much, everybody. a prescient. thank you. -- appreciate it. thank you. [applause] announcer: at, this headline. republicans on the hotseat over gun control as senate democrats pressing for another vote that from are terrorists purchasing firearms. joining us is jake sherman, senior writer for politico. as your story points out, congressional democrats waiting no time going after republicans. what will we see this week? will seehink what we as members of congress file back into town, democrats will up the pressure. they want to, obviously, increase regulation into tighten gun laws. very --ans have been congress should focus on radicalization. carlos should focus on what they isieve is a problem, which the cancer of medical islamic extremism and not gun laws. their point, republicans that is, their point is that new gun laws would not prevent a motivated terrorist from finding a way to kill americans. but with donald trump at the top of the ticket and the control of congress up in the balance the next couple months, this will be a difficult political issue for both sides, especially vulnerable senate republicans and many states. new gun laws tighten astrictions on guns, it is popular position. we'll see this ever the next couple days. all ofor those of congress closely, this came up in december and especially 45-54.on a party vote of did the shooting in orlando ever the we can change the dynamics? not think it did. we will see because a lot of republicans will probably say it is a tough argument to hold to say that terrorists who are suspected are not allowed to be on airplanes in have all sorts of other restrictions against him, it is a difficult argument to hold but they should be able to go into a gun store and buy a gun. the dynamics have not changed. one of their own was shot in the .ead by a crazed gunman gabby and in arizona and a number of children were mauled at a school in connecticut and none of this kind of loose and the tight grip of the gun lobby from which they and the political position republicans have help for decades. , should not institute new restrictions firearms. host: this comes at the same time of the house speaker paul ryan meets with his own leadership. tomorrow house members will give a briefing that will include fbi director and secretary of homeland security. what new do you think we will learn in the next one for hours and members of congress will learn as they attend the briefings? bee: i do not think it will much new. administration officials are very hesitant to give out details because they know members of congress like to discuss what they hear behind it . it is difficult for the administration which is trying to conduct a high level and extensive investigation. i think what we will see is how paul ryan will react. ryan, kevin mccarthy, the rest of the republican leaders feel like they need to have some kind of response on the floor legislatively or politically to get into the right position when it comes to keeping guns out of suspected terrorist hands. my guess is republicans will focus narrowly on the issue of combating isis and being careful about immigration laws and who the country lets into our country, into our borders. that is where republicans will focus their energy and they will say no gun laws can prevent a motivated individual from getting a gun. host: we're talking with jake sherman, a senior writer for liquor. let me ask you about a piece your colleague wrote. donald trump's victory lap. what is this about? j: what glenn was arguing in the piece, is that donald trump immediately turned the conversation about the tragedy in orlando, try to turn it into his own political benefit. he said he had been right on islamic extremism from the beginning. he has been saying the country needs to get smart, get tough on extremism and that is kind of want his takeaway was. i was right, thank you very much. we saw a little bit of that in his speech. he went very hard and his speech in new hampshire this afternoon and he said hillary is unfit, unable to be the commander-in-chief and donald trump expanded his remarks, basically barring anybody who was from a country of a suspected terror. which is a broad expansion of his previous proposal to ban muslims from the country. the point glenn is make and is then insert of focusing on the sorrow of the country and bringing people together, donald mated about himself. a lot of people have been saying over the past 24 hours and donald trump has reacted to the attack in orlando. host: and yet, what about the long-term impact of what happened in orlando, lord of. change resonate to or the direction of the trouble or clinton campaign? it will further heightened sensitivity and the narrative. which is about keeping our country safe. donald trump is taking a different approach, which is what he wants to do is bar all muslims or people from countries that have terrorist ties from the united states, which would be an overhaul to our immigration policy like we have never seen before. hillary clinton's point is that that is not what our country is about and i think this will sharpen the focus on homeland security, immigration policy and keeping our nation safe and that is a big issue heading into november. host: all of the details available online at jake sherman, thank you for being with us. jake: thank you. announcer: the dalai lama led a prayer for the victims in orlando. his remarks are next here on c-span. after that, we hear from president obama and fbi director james comey on the shootings. >> immigration and homeland security officials testify tomorrow about trying to prevent visa overstays and potentially creating a new visa entry and exit tracking system. coverage starts at 10:00 a.m. eastern on c-span three. ♪ c-span's washington journal live every day with news and policy issues that impact you. coming up tuesday morning, three members of congress discuss the mass shootings in orlando over the weekend. representative eric's while well talks about the role of u.s. intelligence today and in the future. then, the chair of the homeland security subcommittee on pennsylvania representative scott perry on domestic terrorism issues. and to senator tom harper of delaware, member of the department of government affairs committee discusses threats to the united states is security. be sure to watch c-span's washington journal at 7:00 a.m. tuesday morning. join the discussion. lama said the massive shooting at a nightclub in orlando was a very serious tragedy. the spiritual leader, who is in washington, also talked about the role of religion and the need for nonviolence. the u.s. institute of peace hosted this event will dalai lama: i am very much impressed to see you from this troubled area. really. wonderful. at the beginning, because of serious tragedy. [indiscernible] dalai lama: a silent prayer. ok. [silent prayer] dalai lama: thank you. one with this monk, quite skeptical. about the effects of prayer. [laughter] this has really changed if it comes to action. then, while we carry some seriously, some serious action. continuously in spite of some difficulties and obstacles. without losing our determination or courage and making effort. then, on top of that, some prayer. that is ok. no harm. is action the result just to sit in prayer, prayer, prayer. [laughter] dalai lama. thank you. >> thank you your holiness. thank you everybody for joining us this morning. heavy gathered with a heart after this weekend's events but with a conviction that the mission in division of a world without violent conflict is more important than ever. name is nancy lynn born, i am the president of the united states institute of these. it was founded by congress 30 years ago with a vision of a world without violent conflict and dedicated to the proposition piece is possible, practical, and absolutely essential for our global security hand we are very honored to have been able to work in partnership with you, your holiness, with bringing a group of 28 youth leaders from 13 different countries that are at the did bike conflict to a dialogue. about thess, to talk ways to maintain, build, find inner peace and compassion to keep that conviction of peace-building going even as you live in and work in a troubled world. and i think the events in orlando have underscored for us how important that is globally. thank you for joining us this morning. what i would like to do before asking you to make a few comments is show a quick video if i might, that gives everybody a sense of those who participated in the dialogue in and the importance of that kind of journey to find the inner peace that enables one to go forward. so if we could show the video. [start video clip] ♪ >> i read the dalai lama, and everything goes like, this is a junk mail so just ignore it. >> this program is different from any i have ever seen. an extraordinary moment. for 28 youth leaders from conflict zones of around the world. they came together to be mentored by the dalai lama and how change happens. >> i want to learn how to forgive and how to love. for about 15ing minutes or maybe more and when his holiness walked in, it was a gracious moment. drugs when his holiness entered the hall, it just seemed like -- be optimistic. dalai lama: it be optimistic. no matter how difficult it is. we should be more optimistic. bunch of young people who had experienced deep tragedy and lived in areas of great conflict and they chose to use that energy, that conflict, that fear for their old life in hand it into something incredibly constructive. >> we are facing an identity crisis and young people are not hopeful anymore. dalai lama: basically, violence is silence. utilize this trust between people and we live just leaders to bring peace between the tribes? >> we should be at the in society. eggs i've fail empowered that the dalai lama is interested in youth. >> what he said was how encouraged he was by meeting with these young people. >> not only his holiness from this program, they are our family. they risked their lives. they are sisters. >> after meeting his holiness, it gave a kind of energy. that we should make the same inside. >> this is a group of determined, passionate, committed, action-oriented leaders who are building peace. love been deeply inspired by our two days. lot ofally got a encouragement. so, very, very encouraging. >> i feel like my spirit is enriched. brought confidence in us. our words, our actions can make a difference. he believes in our abilities to make a difference. >> now that i have met the dalai lama, i am going to share the compassion we have shared. the love he is shared. in my community. ♪ >> that was a powerful dialogue that we shared with you from many countries leaders. today we are here with two of and we haveaders michael with us who was hard of the trip. from the washington post. we have talked a lot about your vision of the 21st century as being the century free from violent conflict. our vision and mission as well. how to find the tools. how to reach the people who will be the builders of peace for the next century. we are very honored to have you here with us to continue that dialogue and search. leadersask our youth and michael to make a few comments but we would like to ask you first to share some reflections with us. dalai lama: 430 years, i have serious discussions -- four 13 r 30 years, i had very serious discussions with educators and scientists. on one occasion, a scientist mentioned according to an experiment, a very, very young infant. a child. five or six months old. language not yet developed. showing --ant child two young children helping each other. , to children with negative attitudes. so, their response. the first quadrant, the infant child. i saw pictures. smiling. cheerfulness. the second quadrant showed that negatived with a resentment. like that. day this scientist concluded basic human nature is more compassionate. that, i really feel now is real hope. own experience. trouble i think child.those infant it's human beings. everyone has some kind of problems. [chuckles] dalai lama: so we have common experiences of problems. some kind of fear. a common experience. big differences. in mental attitude. like the immune system. if your immune system is strong, then violence may not disturb you. is weak, immune system then small violence can create a lot of trouble. similarly, your mental attitude if it is stable and healthy, on athis problem, you see service level, yes, some disturbances and fear. but you are not disturbed. not at the deeper level of your mind. so, that is very helpful to a secure physical health. so just, i think, i also mentioned 30 years yesterday at the heathrow airport, london, my came there and so they, his faith.xpressed earlyks, still, like the 60's. old. in t asked me, what is your secret? and i responded to him, my secret is something i do not share. laughter] dalai lama: then, my life, you i lost my own freedom. own andd sort of time situation. a lot of problems. i became a refugee. a lot of work to have preservation of our own culture. inside, a lot of problems. it is a veryibet sort of lot of hope. but a lot of problems. levely mental [indiscernible] -- may i say so, peace of mind. inside some albums. not, i think, because of me. [indiscernible] lama: my mind quite sharp. [chuckling] dalai lama: many of my friends said many scientists really appreciate sharpness of my mind. so, you see, but still. i can keep developing peace. no matter. so, i told him, that is my secret. peace of mind. so according to my own emphasise, i always the same human being. i had never considered i am some kind of special person. we are the same. mentally. emotionally. physically, we are the same. who can carry -- that i think confirmed our meeting. some individual story. some are terrible. desperate. such a desperate moment. but developed a determination to do something for peace. wonderful. so that shows we all have the same potential. like that. so there are more. peace of mind. it is a very, very useful for individual interests. that peace of mind, a more compassionate mind. some people say, people deal compassion is something good for other but not necessarily oneself. is totally wrong. [indiscernible] -- goes to oneself. one sort of my story. [chuckles] germany -- your neighbor. italy. so, i think italy dropped it, like that. german hard-working. no, serious. -- one meeting, one late evening, quite dark. so, and i was on the road. or habit whenure i met some people on the street. usually i'm smiling. so, i am passing through the street. one young lady coming down. so, as usual i smiled. to show i am human brothers and sisters. that lady seems to have some suspicion. why? why is this a person something strange hat. smiling. thought -- had somethingrt of looks uncomfortable feeling. so, that shows my compassionate attitude of myself. happy. feel easy. but, the other person, that lady gets more suspicion. like that. compassion,tice of first the benefit is for your self. and constantly thought that way, you really get peace of mind. and then, no matter how troublesome your life, but still you can keep peace of mind. that brings more healthier. obviously, more peaceful mind, more compassionate mind, you get lot of friends. you need friends. so, therefore, like that. so therefore, you see, compassion mind is really very, very helpful. creates friendship. entirely based on trust. trust based on, if you show general concern. then trust come. so, i really admire. these people. you see themeast showing interest. so, now with your interest you should implement as i mentioned earlier, you should carry action. firstly, your own. then, you see, one individual. you see share with your own circle then each carry same sort of effort. then, 100 people. then 1000 people. then 10,000 people. god is the way we change humanity. >> than 7 billion people. dalai lama: yes. >> i would like to invite michael gershon to come up to comment. and for those watching us online #dalaig twitter, it is lama u.s. ip. we are streaming over social media right now. michael garson. michael: almost exactly 50 years ago, one of my heroes, robert kennedy, went to the university of cape town. said, each time a man stands up for an idea or acts to improve the lot of others and strikes out against injustice, he sends forth a tiny ripple of hope. in crossing each other from a million different centers of energy and daring, those ripples build a current that can sweep down the mightiest walls of oppression and resistance. it was in extraordinary experience for me to spend time with 28 centers of the energy and daring. as a writer, i found their individual different stories from south, nigeria, afghanistan -- fascinating. what they hold in common is most impressive. each in one way or another has witnessed horrors. eithere refused to be bystanders or combatants. instead, they have chosen to be instruments of healing. asserting a common humanity in the midst of conflict. during our time, we saw them develop a sense of community. principle,tand for at least at the beginning, can be a loan. they can work for many years in relative isolation. it was moving to watch these men and women find the shelter of one another. to watchso inspiring them be inspired by someone who has known their struggle. if they are ripples of hope, his holiness is able to earth thrown into a pond. i do not think anyone will forget the generosity of his attention, the depths of his insight, his good humor, into his tireless focus. the participants were interested in the techniques of movement-building. but the dalai lama process primary message was spiritual. a practice of tolerance and compassion requires a healthy mind and body. how a genuine smile, not when you call a diplomatic smile, can express respect and build trust. it is hard to describe what happened before us. but for these young people, it was a graduate-level seminar in loving kindness. a master class in being fully human. i am involved in a lot of think tanks. sponsoring a lot of conferences. they are fine in their own way, but this work by u.s. ip was what real influence looks like. i saw the passing of wisdom and passion to the next generation of leaders. leaders of movement. the future leaders of their own countries. a endame away changed to i was privileged to witness it. thank you. [applause] >> we have with us one of the youth leaders. two of them. but first, one who is here from morocco. >> hello. hello his holiness. dalai lama: it good. oh yes. am from casablanca, morocco. i work at a community center that was created by someone in 2007. in the largest slum in morocco. in 2003, in its 2007, the city of casablanca was shaken by horrific terrorist attacks. .ll came from -- our center was created in 2007 togive the opportunity vulnerable youth to become good culture,through art, education, and various trainings in peaceful things and conflict resolution. experience to deepen our work. and now, ladies and gentlemen, let me share with you what i learned from my experience. my experience had me look deeper in my soul. sparked new things that did not exist before. the things that were burning already. by sharing my story with his holiness the dalai lama and peace holders, i learned how to share things that terrify me. and can grow and experience slurs. i learned to be more honest with myself. parts ofe weakest myself. and with all the acknowledgment i learned that we do not have to back our to peel layers and open ourselves to love. because we are all the same. members of the same human family as his holiness. learned that to love, gratitude, and compassion are not really made. it is not something we do. it is something we are. it is at the core of our existence. we are love. we are peaceful. this is why we are here and it is what we'll need and want. it is what brings us richness, meaning, and fulfillment. love is only real when it is shared. and now, i know that it is our youngs these builders, priest builders and citizens of the world, to build a generation of people who choose peace. who choose peace every day and who choose again and again. thank you. >> it wonderful. wonderful. [applause] >> thank you. i would like to invite victoria who is joining us from nigeria, who was also with us at the meeting. >> my name is victoria and i come from nigeria. in november 2013i started an organization for my community. to realize true self identity and work for peace. this was deeply inspired by my background. growing up in a violent community and living in that community as a vulnerable girl-child. so this is about self identity, self regularization. that people realize even though they come from a violent community they have a choice to work for peace and also to make the choice to change the situation surrounding them. -- anme was indeed unforgettable experience for me meeting at his holiness and learning from my fellow youth. we, the use, have the heart of the community and deep roles to play to ensure the world becomes peaceful. deeply inspiring to hear the stories of youth from afghanistan, nigeria, and 10 yeah and more. we can continue to work for peace asian people and we the youth of a role to play to encourage our peers to work for peace and put an end to violent extremism. p this very possible. it is essential. if weit as a joint effort all come together to change the narrative. take us starting from our communities, families, workplaces. using religion to promote peace. thank you very much. [applause] >> wonderful. >> thank you, victoria and michael. these are the voices that give us so much hope. to continue the conversation here today. i have a number of questions from people who would like to you onceand i want again give you #dalai lama u.s. isbut the first question from madeleine from the state department and marie from action aid. they have the same question, which is, as a self-proclaimed feminist, what message do you have four girls growing up in environments of violence and extremism? girlsat role do you see in and women playing in countering violent extremism? dalai lama: since many years, i have a sort of view and [indiscernible] i many years ago human thenation quite small and up ideology.ts set they said religion and communism. ownership of that. [indiscernible] -- so at that time, no cultural leadership. then gradually the population increased. a farming system developed. then, poverty. ownership. crimes alsoe happened. so then leadership,. at that time, no educational role. so, in order to become leadership, that is the start that made dominance. even some religious tradition. even some value from that sort of society. from that. male dominance. then education come. education bring the more equal. very powerful sort of female leadership also happen. education must warmmore effort for heartedness. biologically sensitive about other thing. levels of some scientist say investigation do their research they found. time, weore, at the need the special effort for promotion of compassion, love, female. should take more active role. that is why you saw my [iend a few minutes -- chuckles] so, therefore, it involves 200 different nations to the majority of the leader of the nation, female. maybe less trouble. most violence. females,, some ladies, are gentlemen. so, it equally some very compassionate. biological i think better. so therefore that is my view. female should take more active, more effort to promote human love. human compassion. so mainly, as i was mentioning, within the present circumstances in government, very difficult. like this. in the middle east [indiscernible] in the same case in the name of religion and many innocent people are dying. terrible. unthinkable. thethen, when we saw inuation of each individual different. seriouslyhen we think alsois sad event, this some recalled, these are research or syndrome of certain cost. so now, fundamentals of cost here. too much so. self-centered attitude. oneness ofse of human brothers, sisters. entirely separate human beings. actually, him brothers and sisters. so we really need a sense of oneness of human beings. that kind of conviction, then practically also. each continent, their future depends upon other. that is the reality. like ancient times. in ancient times, more or less self-sufficient. independent. now, totally interdependent. global economy. globally, global warming also creates more and more native disaster. so now, time come for human being act. united. collectively. otherwise, distant century can be miserable century. so as i mentioned earlier, more compassionate. we have to hope intel to build love andne universal the basis of the sense of oneness of human beings. education. this is not saying god. 7 million human beings. you see. lot of albums which we are facing. is actually our own creation. nobody want a problem but because our mind too much biased. too much short-cited. the bias. look at that. so this, through education. through awareness we can reduce these things. you attempt organization and make effort now, i think and of this century could be more compassionate. in europe more and more people express their global sentiments. wonderful. carry the global spirit. therefore, i think circumstances compel us that now we have to act as one humanity. also we have to think along that line. [indiscernible] i suppose i give some sort of encouragement and something to learn to teach you but i learn more. wonderful. really wonderful. really wonderful's yes. >> this builds on what you just said. but we have a number of questions from some of our media guests today, all of which are events ined to the orlando and they are specifically asking, especially related to the role of religious ideology, religious especially in the situation is our lgbtrgeting brothers and sisters, how do we transform that? how do we transform that? lama: my second government 's promotion of harmony. seven years. i live in india. india most populated democracy country. ancient country. a

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