Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160305 : c

Transcripts For CSPAN Key Capitol Hill Hearings 20160305

John kasich win ohio, rubio wins florida, ted cruz wins the states that he can. In that sense, you are part of their strategy to make that come about and have a floor fight at the convention. Gov. Kasich you have to leave it to the voters to decide what they want. I dont depend on any strategy. My wife, i get strategy from her. Not so much about politics, but thats where i get my orders from. Let me Say Something about donald trump. You will not beat him by smearing him. You will beat him by having a vision and showing people the who are frustrated. Who are they . John hannity im one. Im frustrated. Gov. Kasich im talking about the underemployed. There are so many insecurities out there, and i get it. I grew up in that town. You grew up there, right . The key is, whos got the record and the vision, and not just political gibberish like, im going to do this, im going to do that. Ive already done these things. I want to go back and do them again to get the country moving. [applause] john i want to talk about your record. Gov. Kasich you like a positive campaign instead of negative . [applause] im frustrated for two reasons. Lot of kids are doing the right thing to get their education, they go home and live in mom and dads basement because theres no jobs available. 50 million americans in poverty. Here is why im even more frustrated. Republicans in washington. Im not talking about republican governors. I know your record in ohio. Republicans in washington have been weak and ineffective. They have sought to keep their own power. They would not use the power of the purse to stop obamacare. They wouldnt defund executive amnesty. Are you all frustrated about that like i am . Thats part of the frustration. I think people want to hear from you about why people feel as angry as they do. Gov. Kasich they keep electing people and theyre not getting whats promised. I have to be careful to not make big promises i cant keep. Heres what i believe. The reason why we have a poor economy is we over regulate, we are choking small business, we are raising taxes, and we are blowing up the budget. What do you do to fix it . Commonsense regulations with an eye on rewarding Small Businesses. Secondly, cut the taxes for businesses. Cut individual rates. Make it simpler, like reagan did. And have a path to a balanced budget. When special interests come yelling and screaming, say we are going to get this budget moving. If we dont do these three things and work on workforce, we will fall short. Heres what the congress needs. It needs a dose of leadership from the white house. Paul ryan will be a good one. He was an aide when i was budged committee chairman. I cant wait to get there. If you dont have a seat belt in the first 100 days, i will give a plan to freeze federal regulations, reduce taxes on businesses and individuals, we are going to fix Social Security, we are going to fix the border, we are going to have immigration taken care of, we are going to restore relations with our allies. Thats what were going to do. That is the first 100 days. Buy a seatbelt. [applause] gov. Kasich we need shock and awe. We need to say to congress, this is where we are going. When i talk about working with democrats, i work with the blue dogs. They are more conservative than a bunch of republicans. They dont exist. Gov. Kasich any of those blue dog types that want to come and bring a conservative side to support us to fix these problems, they are welcome. But theyre not going to call the tune. John hannity we had 15 contests. Walk the people in the audience through your path you see that will get us the nomination to 1237 delegates. Gov. Kasich i dont think anybodys going to get that. Im going to win ohio. Let me put you in my shoes. Nobody covered me. No one knew who i was. I had to fight for every second. I have not raised a lot of money. Im not doing a lot better. Cannot get any attention. They thought, he will never get on the stage for a debate. Then they said, hell never make it to new hampshire. Then they said he would not survive super tuesday. Im the last governor standing, theres only 4 of us and we are the little engine that can. Believe in us. [applause] gov. Kasich and now finally, finally, finally the country is beginning to get a little bit of who i am. I will take this every day as compared to one of those debates. This is the way we ought to run it. Coming out and talk to people. [applause] mr. Hannity do you think it is going to be a brokered convention . Gov. Kasich i do. Mr. Hannity lets say you get to the convention and candidate a does not get there, and candidate b is significantly behind. With a brokered convention, do you think candidate a supporters will be angry if another candidate gets the nomination . I think they will be angry. Gov. Kasich it has to be done fairly. I was there as a young man in 1976 when reagan tried to derail jerry ford. As crazy as this year is, and there is nobody who would not say this is nuts, can you think anything cooler that a convention when we learn how America Works and our kids will learn more about american politics than they are from the kardashians . Not that i have anything against the kardashians. You have to do it right. You cannot have a bunch of people in the smokefilled rooms, who are the establishment, and you and i have never been the establishment, ok . My only fear of the convention is that these connected interests would dominate, and we are going to have to prevent that. Mr. Hannity you think your only path to the nomination mr. Kasich i have to win ohio. I have to win 68 of the remaining delegates. Ted is around 59 or 60. It is unlikely. If nobody goes to the convention with enough delegates, we are going to have to meet they told me that convention will be held in cleveland. That is interesting. [applause] mr. Hannity what about your background . That is truth to what you say about a lot of people do not know you, and maybe i am showing my age, but i remember you and bill clinton was president and Newt Gingrich became the speaker of the house, and you guys took on a sitting president , you did get to a balanced budget, you did get to a surplus, but now we have 20 trillion in debt, and the numbers are much bigger. How do you duplicate that . Gov. Kasich of course. Let me remind you of something that is sad. When i left washington, we had a projected 5 trillion surplus. I said you cant spend that. We could have had private accounts for young, which would have given them to grow with the ability of the strength of the economy. Who controlled congress . A republican house, a republican senate, and a republican president. No one remembered the people. They blew 5 trillion. We have to think about this. We have to think about this. At the end of the day, if we cannot control this fiscal policy, if we cannot reduce the taxes or control regulations, we will drift and we will have a lousy economy, and these young people who want to realize their purpose will be denied it. What politicians worry about to much is being popular. If that is your goal and you worry about the next election, get out, go away, do something else. You are there to raise everybody and make hard choices. This is not rhetoric. Check my record. A lot of people run away from their record. Please go check my record and you will see it is true. If we stand together, we will have victory in this country. Mr. Hannity Chris Christie said there is no way to balance the budget without dealing with entitlements. Gov. Kasich correct. Mr. Hannity he said to me, he goes, politicians are already stealing your Social Security. It was never put in a lockbox. Do you raise the eligibility age to one day before i die . Does that mean you will meanstest it and the government gets to confiscate all the money that you said they would give you back in later in your life . Is that the only way to do it . Gov. Kasich there is no third rail. If you think there is a third rail, do not run. You go in there to do something, and can we fix Social Security . Yes. It will mean you if you are wealthy throughout your life, you will still get Social Security, but not as much. Those who depend on it, will get. Mr. Hannity and you legalize the government will be stealing money from some people . Gov. Kasich i had a plan 17 years ago that would have fixed this plan for 75 years and they did not deal with it. And i do not want to get the details, but there are ious. The problem is we have a lot of retirees living longer, and fewer workers. This is a demographic issue. Lets be as fair as we can. Medicare and medicaid, i believe we can have a system that gives us better quality care at lower prices. I took medicaid in ohio from a 10. 5 to 2. 5 growth, and we did not take one person off the rolls. We innovated. Everything in america, give me that smartphone here, ok . When my kids were about 10 or 11, they said, what is that box over there . That is where superman changes his clothes and mom and dad used to put coins in that thing. They went no way. Lets uberize the federal government. Lets bring the speed of business in everything we do. Lets have some guts. To give you a good example, uber doing a great job . We all like uber. You realize in cities that politicians are lining up to snuff it out . We need to welcome innovation and change. It makes us fresh and new. [applause] mr. Hannity i want to talk about homeland security. We have people chopping off peoples heads, burning them alive. They are saying convert or die, and it raises questions about the safety and security of every american. Isis is the modernday evil in our time. Is this an ongoing war and we have the ability to work without boots on the ground . Gov. Kasich no. Just like we did to push Saddam Hussein out of kuwait. You get the arabs and egypt and jordan and saudi arabia, and bring our western allies, who are sitting there. We got to go in the air, on the ground, and destroy isis. Mr. Hannity were going in back on the ground . Gov. Kasich win it, destroy them, settle it, and come home. Let them draw their map. Mr. Hannity why are they not doing it on their own . Gov. Kasich because they wont. It just will grow in deeper. The fbi heads the Counterterrorism Task force along with homeland security, state, and local officials, and that is good. They do a great job of disrupting. For everybody, if you see something, call somebody, please. We got this big fight going on between apple and our intelligence community. If i were president , i would take apple and the intelligence community, lock them in the room, and say you are not coming out until you figure it out, and when you will not talk to the press, and we will not put on the front page of the paper, we will just make sure we are secure. That is what a leader does. I might put hannity in the room there with them. Mr. Hannity what i would like to see, we all watched ramadi, and it is now in the hands of isis, because just like vietnam, once we politicize a war the way this president has, our sons and daughters died there, and i worry that i think we have got to advance and develop a technology where we do not have to send men and women over to fight and win wars. Are we on the verge of cuttingedge technology that will allow us to fight wars without going door to door to door and dealing with gov. Kasich youre right about that, because technology can play a good role, but theres not going to be a substitute for people at least in our lifetime having to be on the battlefield. I served in defense for 18 years, and rumsfeld called me in after 9 11, and i helped out there. I have to tell you the reality of it, and i think people are prepared for this because we looked the other way. No negotiation with isis. They hate our existence. The key is to not be a nation builder and do not think you can convert these people to our way of life. It is not going to happen. Mr. Hannity are we fighting wars too politically correct . Them,uz said carpet bomb donald trump wants to bomb the living out of them. If america is too concerned we care about human life, we are pro life, but are we overly concerned about Collateral Damage to the point where we have tied our hands . Gov. Kasich you do not fool around with it, and unfortunately, you cannot win this from the air. [applause] gov. Kasich you have to take ground. It is the way has to be. Mr. Hannity we got to wrap up. Gov. Kasich the United States should never get involved in a civil war. We also really fouled up in libya. When you think about hillarys time as secretary, the whole world the whole world started doubting america. Now she wants to be that commander in chief. Give me a break. It is an absurd consideration. Mr. Hannity do you think she will survive what is going on with the fbi and all the news states evidence was just turned in, that the guy who built the server was offered the fifth. Do you think she is in legal trouble . Gov. Kasich i would not like to be in her position. Mr. Hannity i would not want to be married to bill either. Governor kasich, there are some really hot chicks over there. That is my bill clinton immitation. Gov. Kasich i just wondered if hannity had lost his mind. I know your wife. I will have to give her a call, if she just gets part of this. Mr. Hannity you have done a good job when you were on house budget committee. What was your deficit when you took over in ohio . Gov. Kasich 20 in the whole of our operating budget. A deficit of 8 billion. We created over 400,000 jobs, cut taxes more than anybody in the country. And we killed the death tax. We are working on killing death. We still have not made a lot of progress. [applause] mr. Hannity republican governors have governed conservatively. If Washington Republicans could learn something, it would be good for our country and help these kids that we care about. Give it up for governor john kasich. [applause] we will route to the white house coverage of the John Kasich Campaign on sunday when the candidate holds a rally in his home state of ohio. He will be joined by former california governor arnold schwarzenegger. Watch our live coverage here on cspan. Republican president ial candidate ted cruz appeared at the second day of the conservative legal action conference, being held just outside of washington dc. He talked about immigration policy, and the fight against isis. He is interviewed by sean hannity of fox news. This is 40 minutes. [applause] sen. Cruz god bless cpac. Donald trump is skipping cpac. I think someone told him megyn kelly was going to be here. [laughter] sen. Cruz or even worse, he was told conservatives would be here. [applause] sen. Cruz or libertarians. Or worse, young people. [applause] none of you have a university. Trump the men and women here are a grassroots army. The men and women here love liberty. As dire as things are, people are waking up all over this country. [applause] sen. Cruz and help is on the way. This election is going to be about three things. Jobs, liberty, and security. Lets start with jobs. You know, it is easy to talk about making America Great again. You can even print that on a baseball cap. But the question is, do you understand the principles that made America Great in the first place . [applause] sen. Cruz the heart of the economy is not washington dc, it is Small Businesses all over this country. [applause] sen. Cruz you wanted to crush the economy, hammer Small Businesses like we have done the last seven years. Anyone to unchaining the economy, lift the government off the back of the neck of Small Businesses. [applause] sen. Cruz if i am elected president you will be. [applause] sen. Cruz we will repeal every word obamacare. [applause] sen. Cruz we will pass Commonsense Health care reform to make Health Insurance personal and affordable and keep government from getting it between us and our doctors. And we will pass a simple flat tax. Where every american can fill out their taxes on a postcard. And when we do that, we should abolish the irs. [applause] sen. Cruz now i understand a lot of people in this country are angry. I get being angry. I am angry too. For far too long they have lied to us. They make promises on the trail, and the go to washington and dont do what they say. No issue captures that better than immigration. Immigration is a Law Enforcement matter, but at its heart is an economic matter. When you allow 12 Million People illegally, you take away millions of jobs from u. S. Citizens from illegal immigrants, and you drive down wages for everybody. [applause] sen. Cruz now, in a republican primary everybody says they oppose illegal immigration. The question to ask, was in 2013, when the battle over the gang of eight amnesty bill was being waged, where did you stand . Did you stand as far too many, with barack obama, the democrats pushing amnesty on millions of americans . Or did you stand him as i was out to stand with millions of americans saying we will not have amnesty . [applause] sen. Cruz and you know, i am told that it donald trump talks a fair amount about immigration. There is a natural question to ask. During the gang of eight battle, where was donald . Sadly worse than nowhere. He was funding the gang of eight. He gave over 50,000 to five of the eight members of the gang of eight. And last night, on stage for he promised all of us to be flexible. He said that over and over how flexible he was. Flexible is code word for the gets ready to stick it to you. [applause] sen. Cruz have you noticed every time there flexible, it benefits the giant corporations, benefits wall street from benefits the special interests, and working men and women of this country get left in the cold . [applause] sen. Cruz here is what were going to do. If i am elected, we are passing a flat tax, we are pulling back the federal regulators can we are stopping amnesty. We are securing the borders. Millions and millions of highpaying jobs, young people coming out of school, getting two, three, four, five job offers. It will be morning in america. [applause] sen. Cruz the second critical issue in this election is freedom. For all of us, Justice Scalias passing just two weeks ago underscored the stakes of this election. I was blessed to know Justice Scalia personally for 20 years. Justice scalia was a lion of the law, and he ferociously protected the bill of rights for all

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