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Proxy forces, misdirection plays, propaganda, a different way of exerting power . Sec. Carter exactly right. And we need to counter that, too. And we need to fortify our european allies to counter that. So weve got a lot to do, and thats just another way of saying that we need to continue to be innovative. We innovated a lot when it was came for iraq and afghanistan. They were new kinds of one of the things im really proud of in our Defense Department is a long history of innovation. It goes back you know, i started my career in science and technology. As you said, we were doing stealth at that time. We were doing a whole lot of stuff in space. Missile defenses, all those were new capabilities. And those of you who are in High Technology industry know im trying to reach out to our industry, building those bridges. Mr. Seib i wanted to ask you about that, as a final thought before we take questions. But but you have spent a lot of time in silicon valley, which is not a normal place for a secretary of defense to go, necessarily. You want to build bridges for the benefit of the Defense Department to silicon valley. Its not a place that has traditionally been comfortable with either Big Government bureaucracies in general or, dare i say, your government bureaucracy in particular. Are you knocking down those walls . Sec. Carter yes. Weve got to knock down those walls. The wall is too big between defense and nondefense. And it has gotten that way over time. And when i started in my career, it was much of a reflex for people to consider the defense and i understand thats not believe me, im not going to ask anybody to adapt to us. Weve got our own issues to deal with in terms i ask our tell our people, weve got to think outside our fivesided box. We do need to think. We need to be less bureaucratic. They dont need to be more like us. Im trying to make us connect to them. But you have to understand theres a generation of people who havent been subject to the draft. And they need but my experience is they understand the mission. Theyre inspired by the mission. Weve just got to give them a way to connect with us. Maybe they dont want to join the military, maybe they do, maybe theyre willing to come in for a year or two. When i started my career, i thought i was just going to do it temporarily. And then i found that it was one of the most meaningful things that i can be doing. There are lots of people like that. Im looking for ways of giving people the opportunity to come in and out, to make us more permeable. And so that this new generation, and these new technologies are something that we are userfriendly for. That is going to require us to change. I dont expect the big world of technology out there to change. We dont control that anymore. When i started my career, we were the big dog. Now were a big dog. But not all Technology Comes out of the government. And not all Technology Comes out of the United States. Mr. Seib its kind of reversed in fact, right . I mean, they used to need the products of your research, you now need the products of their research. Sec. Carter right. And so and were not going to get that by standing there with our arms crossed across our chest and asking people to do it our way. And so weve got reach out. So i want to create those channels that allowed our people to learn from one another, allow people to go back and forth, allow careers to be different, including careers in government. You know, for those of you who have older companies, you remember the old Hr Department of vintage days, right . Everything done in paperwork, they decided where you were going to go, then they sent you there. Life was, you know, kind of an escalator where you got on and then you waited and it took you up. Kids dont want to live that kind of life now oh, it was also, by the way, and this is worth noting, it was the place one of the only places where female executives could get ahead. That was the Hr Department of old. Well, we cant have that in the uniformed or the civilian side and still have what we have, because we talk about technology, but the thing that makes us the finest fighting force the world has ever known isnt our technology, its our people. Our people are amazing. And ive got to make sure now i got that from my predecessors as secretary of defense. Ive ive got to leave to the people after me, 10 years, 20 years from now, as good a group of people and as good at connection to American Society as i enjoy today. And like Everything Else, ive got to work on the future. Im working on isil. I work on russia. I work china. But ive got to be thinking 20 years ahead also because ive got to hand this treasure over to the future so that we are still protecting our people, were still sticking up for the things that we think ought to be stuck up for. Mr. Seib ive got time for a couple of questions, and secretary carter has agreed to take them. We can do one there and one there. Question yes, secretary, my name inaudible from germany. What do you think about german policy or more their policy maybe of Angela Merkel concerning the refugees . Especially that we encouraged them to come to germany, also against National Security . Sec. Carter well, to answer that, you would need to unpack the refugee flow a little bit. The picture you get casually, im sure you know better, is that they all come from syria, they dont. Theyre coming from a lot of places. Theyre not all women and children, although tragically theres women and children in there. Most of them are young men looking for work. Now, you ask about germany, and germany, there are differences of opinion, i think, is the honest way. And chancellor merkel is trying to balance these. Theres a view that we cant absorb many more of these people, that theyre a welfare burden, theyre possibly a terror burden. But theres another view also which is that germany is demographically aging and needs young professional people. And whether theyre coming from syria or libya or afghanistan, sadly, these are some of the most best professionals in those societies, who have decided to bail, that theres no future for them, which is a whole other problem for those societies. But for germany, i talked to a german executive a few months ago. I wont name the company, but they had recruiters at the train station. And they were taking people off and bringing them in to their company. So this is complicated. And i think that chancellor merkel is trying to work all of that. I think europeans are having to rethink in general the eu policies. And, you know, how open open can be and still be safe and do right by the people who do come. I was down in italy, take another example, so not just to single out germany, because all the countries are i was down in italy with my counterpart, the italian defense minister down in sigonella, where we happen to have a base, and we work with the italians and others out there. I was visiting our folks, our guys down there. But i went with her, the italian defense minister. And we were looking at what was happening in the mediterranean. Now there they are, you know the boot. It pokes right out there in the mediterranean. Libya is not far away. Libya is obviously in turmoil. And there are plenty of people who are just getting on a boat in libya and going over to italy. Now on your one hand, your heart goes out to these people. And you dont want Somebody Just floating up and saying, well, go away, you know, and try to get home. So you have to do the humane thing. At the same thing, theres a limit at the same time, theres a limit. And so the europeans are trying to strike that a balance. But i do observe in germany that in the Business Community there is some ambivalence about this because there is a side to it which meets labor needs that german business has because its an aging society. The United States doesnt have the same demographic challenges that many do. Japan, china, russia, europe. These are places where demography, which is, how we say . Theres the one predictable aspect of human life is demography . And demography is a big issue for lots unfortunately our society, generally speaking, doesnt labor under the same burdens going forward. Mr. Seib well take one other question here. Question thank you, gerry. Thank you, secretary carter. As you were going back to you observations on the war on terrorism and islamic terrorism, American Leadership is going to be pivotal in this time which is an era of extraordinary opportunity and of perils. The question i have for you and want your thoughts on is, if this leadership is entirely characterized or driven, to a certain extent, by fear at the perils, and not focusing enough on the opportunity and in the process giving short shrift at times to what i think are critical judeochristian value systems of humanity and compassion. I think we might win in the short term but perhaps weaken ourselves in the medium term. Sec. Carter well, i mean, sure, i mean, fair point. I one of the reasons why we are popular partners, magnetic in terms of being able to build and have that leadership role is because of what we stand for. There is no question about it. You see that from asia to europe to the and im incredible y proud of that on behalf of the united so i think we do operate out of more than fear. We operate out of loyalty to our friends and to what they stand for, to what we have stood for talked about the asia pacific and peace and security in the long run. So its not just fear, and its not just about us. And the fact that we dont just operate out of fear. One of the reasons why people want to work with us. They dont want to work, i mean, with some of the other countries ive named. Theyre not attracting new partners. Theyre attracting anxiety. The United States isnt like that. I think thats a fantastic thing. And ill just close on one thing, is i am also very even though youd say, well, youre in the business of dealing with threats im also in the opportunities i feel great opportunities for our country, you know, i really do. We have lots of things going for us. We have this tremendous innovative culture. I mentioned we have good demographics. We have strong character and value built into lots of we have problems, sure, in our society, and so i you know, my really, all of our roles as leaders is, you know, is not just to protect what we have, which has to be done, but its also to capitalize on the really bright opportunities that our country has and our people have. And if you get people to feel that as well as the fear and a lot of folks do that. You know, thats why they join. They want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to want to wake up every morning and say, you know, wow, i was, you know, part of a great cause. Thats why i hope a lot of folks will work with now our traditional Defense Industry folks do feel that way. And i always tell them, youre part of the force, as far as im concerned. You know, we dont do i always tell people, we dont build anything in the pentagon, right. You can go in there, you know, were not building no airplanes being built in the pentagon. We buy all this, thats the american way. The soviet union tried a different way, and didnt work out very well for them. And so we depend on private industry, but at the same time a lot of those people get inspired to come in and be part of this great future opportunity. So im not a pessimist at all, weve got a lot going for us. And so its not all a defensive game at all. Mr. Seib secretary carter, its been very nice to spend some time with us on a busy day and a busy week. And i appreciate it very much. Sec. Carter i appreciate you having me. Mr. Seib and were blessed to live in these Interesting Times is all i can i say. So anyway, thank you again. Sec. Carter thank you. Moderator thank you you all. Good to be with you. Appreciate it. [applause] announcer thursday, officials from the state department and Immigration Services testify about Syrian Refugees seeking asylum in the u. S. And security concerns in the wake of the paris terrorist attacks. We will be live at a house judiciary subcommittee meeting starting at 9 a. M. Eastern on cspan3. The Senate Homeland security many examines the threat posed by isis, and the president s plan to settle Syrian Refugees in the u. S. We will be live thursday at 2 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. It is called the crossroads of new york state. And this weekend, our city tour will explore the history and literary life of syracuse, new york. On book tv, we will visit the special Collections Library at Syracuse University. And learn about the antislave movement in the area, the papers of abolitionists. Local authors discuss their books. Which explore the links between School Suspensions and incarcerations in the u. S. Then we will talk about with jack hemsley, about his book going viral. Itwhen something goes viral, is a process of social sharing. A can to think of viral like viral video, video the gun million views. But actually, it is more the process by which that happens. Is what happens when people share content, usually into their own networks. And oftentimes, somebody who is a lot of following, a lot of people who are paying attention to them, like an important blog, also spreads the content. And then it reaches a wide audience. On American History tv, we will visit the Erie Canal Museum to learn how it influenced the growth of syracuse, Central New York state, and the nation. Then is off to herriot tubmans home, where she acted as a conductor and caregiver to numerous people as part as the underground railroad. It also takes us to the matilda home, one of the nations first womens rights champion. Her speech in 1852 at a convention, launched her into prominence on womens suffrage. She was 26, had four children grade she learned the attention would occur. She travels to syracuse, bringing her oldest daughter with her. Not contacted any of the organizers. She was not on the program. She had not asked lucretia mott. May i be involved in this . She just shows up. And she waits in the crowd. Is a quietere moment, she marches up on stage and trembling, takes the podium and begins as big. ,nd she gives this incredible moving speech. From that moment, she goes on to become a leader in the womans movement. Announcer watch saturday beginning at 8 p. M. Eastern on book tv. And on sunday afternoon at 2 00 on American History tv on cspan3. Working with our cable affiliates and visiting cities across the country. Order, questions for the Prime Minister . Mr. Speaker, the Prime Minister. Cameron i had meetings with ministerial colleagues, and i still have further such meetings later today. Speaker, may i associate myself, and i hope the whole others fromhat the the government has said about the attacks in paris. No man or woman is an island. Those murdered on the beach, they bled red white and blue. Those killed by the terrorists in france, my concerns are about labor, policing, security being threatened by these cuts. It is a formula that has been admitted as flawed. Reflectk him to on the words, when facts change, i change my mind. Perhaps this isnt the time to jeopardize it with arbitrary targets. All, i thank the gentleman for what he said. About paris and the importance of the whole house coming together over this issue. Perhaps they would like a brief update. One British National they had a gun who was killed at the bataclan. Officer willgn provide support. We make sure we provide all the support for those injured and traumatized by the events that happen. There has been some progress this morning in france in terms of terrorist arrest breed perhaps i can say more about that later on during the session. On policing, what i would say to the honorable gentleman is that we have in this parliament protected counterterrorism policing. We will do that again in this parliament. What we have done in terms of policing otherwise, we a few an increase in neighborhood officers of 3800 over the parliament. And we have seen a 31 cut in crime. Police, notnd the just the Counterterrorism Police, but all of them for what they do. And we will advance our proposal next week. Mr. Speaker, as our hearts go out to the people of france at this time. What the Prime Minister agree with me in the first duty of her majestys government must be to protect from harm. We need to take immediate action to secure our borders from those who threaten our nation. Sovereigntycomplete over our british orders from the European Union. David cameron i think my honorable friend raises an important question. In answering, i want to explain an important point because the uk is not in the schengen area, we already retain full control over who enters our country and can check all entrants at the border, including eu and European Economic area nationals. The house might be interested to know that, since 2010, we have refused entry to almost 6,000 eu nationals, more than 3,800 of these were stopped at our juxtaposed border controls in calais. Since 2010, we have denied entry to nearly 95,000 people. Of course, one of the principal reasons for not letting people in, be they eu or noneu nationals, is National Security concerns. We are in that situation already because we are not in schengen. Jeremy corbyn. Thank you mr. Speaker. Start by expressing the horror of all opposition members at the events in paris on friday evening, and our continued solidarity with the victims and all those affected by conflict and terrorism, whether in paris, beirut, ankara, damascus or anywhere else in the world. Nothing can justify the targeting of innocent civilians by anyone. We know that at least one British National has been killed, and many more injured. Many british people live and work in paris, and millions visit paris and france every year. Can the Prime Minister continue what he was saying in response friend, the member from blackpool about the support , given to British Nationals affected by the attacks, and will he say what the governments latest advice is for those travelling to france, and speak about our need to show the best possible normality in our relations with the french people . David cameron first of all, i thank the leader of the opposition for his remarks, and it was a pleasure to be with him last night at the englandfrance football match where there was a tremendous display of solidarity. I am sure that they can sing the marseillaise louder in the stade de france, but i think we did a pretty good job yesterday, and i was proud to be there. I think he is absolutely right to say there is never any justification for terrorism, and we should be clear about that right across the house and at all times. He asked specifically what more we can do to help british people who are caught up in these problems, and peter ricketts, our ambassador in france, has done a brilliant job with his staff. I have been keeping a close eye on the consular situation, and i think that everything that can be done is being done. In terms of our travel advice is all on the Foreign Office website, but i agree with the most important thing is for people to carry on with their lives. It is important that the eurostar continues to function, that flights continue to go, and that people continue to travel and to enjoy london and paris. We must continue going about our business. As we do so, yes, we need enhanced security, and that is happening in the way that the police are acting in the uk and elsewhere. One way to defeat terrorism, however, is to show the terrorists that we will not be cowed. Jeremy corbyn thank you, mr. Speaker. We know that, sadly, after atrocities such as those we have seen, intolerance such as islamophobia, antisemitism and racism often increase. Does the Prime Minister agree that it is vital that everyone in public lifeparticularly we as politiciansmust be careful how we discuss these issues . Will he join me in making it clear that the dreadful terrorism in paris has nothing in common whatsoever with the 2 million british muslims in this country who are as appalled as anyone else by the events in paris last friday . David cameron i am happy to join the right honorable gentleman in that, and some of the strongest and best statements following the paris attacks have been made by a series of british muslims who come together to say that these attacks are in no way carried out in their name. I do think, we talked about this yesterday, that this raises an important issue, because it cannot be said often enough that these butchers of isil are no reflection of the True Religion of islam, which is a religion of peace. Time, we do have to recognize that whether these terrorists are in tunisia, egypt, paris or london, they spout the same bile that they claim comes from the religion of islam. That is why we must take apart what they say and prove that that is not the case. It is not good enough to say that there is no connection between these terrorists and islam. They are making a connection, and we need to prove that it is not right. As we do so, the support of muslim communities and scholars is vital, and i commend them for their work. Jeremy corbyn thank you, mr. Speaker. Surely a crucial way to help defeat isil is to cut off its funding, its supply of arms, and its trade. May i press the Prime Minister to ensure that our allies in the region, all countries in the region, are doing all they can to clamp down on individuals and institutions in their countries who are providing isil with vital infrastructure . Will he, through the European Union and other forums if necessary, consider sanctions against those banks and companies, and if necessary countries, that turn a blind eye to financial dealings with isil that assist it in its work . Weme minister David Cameron do play a leading role as i said , yesterday, we play a leading role in ensuring that the supply of money, weapons and support is cut off. However, we should be clear about where isil got its money from originally. Because what happened was that because we did not have a government in iraq that effectively represented all their people, and because in syria there is a leader who is butchering his own people, isil was able to get hold of oil, weapons, territory and banks, and they have used that to fund their hatred and their violence. And so we cannot dodge forever the question of how to degrade and destroy isil in both iraq in syria, and that is why i will be setting out my response to the Foreign Affairs select committee. So yes, we should go after the money and the banks, and cut off supplies to isil, but we should not make that a substitute for the action that is required to beat those people where they are. Jeremy corbyn next week the chancellor will present his autumn statement to the house. Can the Prime Minister clarify something about the source of the necessary extra funding for the Security Services, which we support. Will it come at the expense of other areas, either within the Home Office Budget or other areas of public spending, from the reserves, or from new funding . Does he want me to go on longer so that the chancellor can explain the answer to him . [laughter] Prime Minister David Cameron we will set out in full our decisions next week, but we have already said that we will fund an increase in the Security Services of 1,900 personnel. We we will safeguard the counterterrorism budget and we will see an increase in aviation security. All that is part of an overall spending settlement. At the same time, as funding our security and increasing our defence spending, we have to make decisions that eradicate our budget deficit and keep our economy strong. We do not do that just for the current generation. We do it for our children and grandchildren, because none of these thingsnot even strong defense, istrong possible without a strong economy. Jeremy corbyn i am not absolutely sure where the money is coming from following the Prime Ministers answer, but no doubt it will come. Mr. Speaker london has been , targeted by terrorists before, and this weekends events in paris have focused attention not just on london but on other cities throughout the whole of britain. Policing plays a vital role in Community Cohesion, gathering intelligence on those who might be about to be a risk to all of us, but that is surely undermined if we cut the number of Police Officers by 5,000. Does the Prime Minister agree with the commissioner of the metropolitan police, sir bernard hoganhowe, who said quote, i genuinely worry about the safety of london. If the cuts go through on this scale . Prime minister David Cameron the gentleman asks where the money comes from . On this side of the house, we never forget that every penny we spend comes from taxpayers. Borrowed money is simply taxes that are deferred, and that is why it is so important to eradicate our deficit at the same time as making sure that we fund our security and Intelligence Services and police properly. As i have said, we are protecting the counterterrorism budget. We saw a 3,800 increase in neighbourhood Police Officers in the last parliament, at the same time as a 31 cut in crime. The his shadow home secretary has said that a 10 efficiency target for the police is doable. Is the leader of the opposition saying that he does not agree with the shadow home secretary . There does seem to be a little bit of disagreement on the opposition front bench today. Jeremy corbyn i have a question from a taxpayer, actually. His name is john and he time, at a when we are experiencing the greatest threats from terrorism ever faced, our Police Office numbers and their resources are being cut and that demands on the police have been increasing steadily as budgets are slashed, increasing stress on officers. Couple that with detrimental changes to their pay, terms, conditions and pensions, its no wonder that morale in the police force is so poor that 1 in 3 are considering leaving. Will he be able to tell us whether Community Policing and other Police Budgets will be protected or not in next weeks autumn statement . David cameron let me tell the gentleman again. Neighbourhood policing numbers have gone up by 3,800. In the capital city, we have seen a 500 increase in neighbourhood policing. We have also, because we of cut bureaucracy we have also put the , equivalent of an extra 2,000 police on the street. But i will tell the leader of the opposition something. As well as wanting resources, the police want the appropriate powers. Has it not come to something when the leader of her majestys opposition is not sure what the polices reaction should be when they are confronted by a kalashnikovwaving terrorist . Is not sure the reaction should be. Gareth johnson thank you, mr. Figure. The attacks on paris were quite clearly an attack on all of us. Does the Prime Minister agree that our resolve must be unbreakable and that we should hunt down isil wherever it is operating, wherever it is planning, wherever it is plotting, and if that means shoot to kill, so be it, and if it means action in syria, so be it . Prime minister David Cameron i think my honorable friend is right. What i have said is that in order to respond to this very Severe Threat that we face, we need to focus on counterterrorism here in the United Kingdom, giving our intelligence agencies the laws they need and our police the powers they need and ensuring that we are vigilant. We need counterextremism, as we discussed earlier, emphasising the importance of stopping the poisoning of these young minds, not least by radical preachers on the internet. But we also need to stop the problems at their source. We we know where much of this problem is coming from it is. It is isil not just in iraq, but in syria. I told the house yesterday that i will prepare a detailed response to the Foreign Affairs select Committee Report to demonstrate that we have a Clear Strategy of bringing in the neighbourhood powers and the regional powers, building a future for these countries and stability in the middle east. I believe that part of that is taking action against isil wherever it is. Angus robertson mr. Speaker in , the wake of terrorist outrages and the ongoing civil war in syria, it is very welcome that there is significant diplomatic progress in trying to find a solution to the syrian crisis. The uk joined the us, france, russia, and iran at talks in vienna at the weekend, and all signed a communique committing to progress through the United Nations. Will the Prime Minister confirm that he will support a Un Security Council resolution on this before seeking to intervene militarily in syria . Prime minister David Cameron i am grateful to the right honorable gentleman for asking this question. The point is that russia has different aims from us and has repeatedly threatened to veto any such resolution. Now of course, it is always preferable in these circumstances to have the full backing of the Un Security Council, but what matters most of all is that any action we would take would be both legal and help protect our country and our people right here. Said yesterday, outsource to a russian veto the decisions we need to keep our country safe. Angus robertson thank you, mr. Speaker. The first survey of uk Public Opinion on syrian intervention since the paris attacks, conducted by survation, has shown that 52 believe that the uk should engage with all countries to coordinate an appropriate response, military or otherwise, backed by United Nations resolution. And only 15 believe that uk should independently launch air strikes. Will the Prime Minister give a commitment to secure a Un Security Council resolution, which the uk agreed to and which russia agreed to as well . Prime minister David Cameron i could not be clearer with the right honorable gentleman. Of course, it is always preferable in whatever action we taking whether it be lifting people out of the mediterranean, flying air patrolling missions over baltic countries that feel a russian threat or taking action in the middle east is alwaysil it preferable to have a Un Security Council resolution. However, if such resolutions are vetoed or threatened with a veto over and over again, my job as Prime Minister is, frankly, not to read a survation opinion poll but to do the right thing to keep our country safe . Richard fuller mr. Speaker the , french armed police who stormed the bataclan and killed those vile, murderous scum are heroes, and so are the British Armed police who protect our public spaces and the people. Will the Prime Minister send a note of unequivocal support today to those officers on patrol, and ensure that in next weeks review, they have the resources they need to keep us safe . Prime minister David Cameron. I absolutely agree with my honorable friend. We ask the police every day to take risks on our behalf. Let me thank the police who policed so effectively the game at wembley last night. In terms of what the French Police have done, i think the house would welcome an update. We have seen the news of a Police Operation in paris this morning. Two terrorist suspects died, including a female suspect who blew herself up. Seven arrests seven arrests are reported to have been made. This operation has now finished. As the French Interior minister has said, we should all acknowledge the bravery of the French Police in dealing with what is a very challenging situation. I hope there can be consensus across the house, i mean right across the house, on this. If we are confronted with a situation like this, the British Police should not be in any doubt. If you have a terrorist who is threatening to kill people, you indeed, you must, use lethal force. Phil wilson in a recent Financial Times article, president obama said, i have emphasized the importance of tax credits to help working families afford childcare and keep twoearner families in the workforce. Does the Prime Minister agree with the importance the president of the United States has attached to tax credits . Prime minister David Cameron i think it is important that we do the best we can to help lowpay people. That is why we are taking people out of income tax. 3 million of the lowest paid taken out of income tax since i became Prime Minister. We are going to be setting an £11,000 threshold before people have to start paying tax at all. We are helping working families with childcare. We are helping with a National Living wage of £7. 20 starting next year, something i suspect president obama would love to introduced to the u. S. We are doing it right here. Grahm brady integrating health and social care will be a great prize for devolved cities and regions, but without effective democratic and clinical oversight things can go badly wrong. Already, in manchester a Major Hospital reorganisation is awaiting judicial review. May i urge my right honorable friend to ensure that proper safeguards are in place so that local authorities retain a last resort power to refer nhs changes for independent clinical review . Prime minister David Cameron i will look carefully at what my friend says, but i think this does go to a larger point, which is that we are currently changing the way our country is run. These big devolution deals, first to Greater Manchester but now, with the announcements yesterday, to liverpool and to the west midlands, mean that we are going to have powerful metro mayors who are accountable to local people for the decisions they make. That is a very direct form of accountability and that is why we can be confident of devolving health and social care to those authorities. For too long, our country has been too centralised. The great cities of manchester, birmingham, liverpool, and ds, i hope lee hopewill benefit from these massive devolution deals, but if we devolve the power and we devolve the money, we have to devolve the trust and the accountability too. Andy mcdonald against the backdrop of a tidal wave of local job losses, the teesside collective for industrial Carbon Capture has the very real potential to secure a major step change in our industrial renaissance. Ahead of the paris conference, will the Prime Minister meet me and the industrial leaders driving this project so that we can secure these immense Climate Change gains with the uk leading this new industrial revolution, and make this initiative a reality for teesside and the uk . Prime minister David Cameron i know how important it is that we all work on behalf of teesside, not least because of the difficulties there have been in redcar. That is why we have the taskforce and why the Additional Resources are going in. I am i am very happy to look at the project he talks about. It may be best for him to meet the energy and Climate Change secretary, because we have to make important decisions about all these technologies in the runup to the paris conference and beyond. Racey in my constituency, manufacturing is thriving thanks to innovative Small Businesses such as powerkut and naysmith group, which are creating high quality local jobs and apprenticeships in the engineering sector. Given the challenges that these types of Companies Face in finding Traditional Bank and funding support, what assurances can the Prime Minister give that this conservative government understands the importance of our innovators and will continue to provide initiatives, such as the annual investment fund, to ensure british businesses continue to lead the way . Prime minister David Cameron we want to rebalance the british economy not just in terms of the devolution of power i have just talked about, but to see a thriving manufacturing sector. Manufacturers have told us that they want continued investment in the catapult centres, which do a good job of making sure that technology is taken up. They want strong support for the Apprenticeship Programme, and we have set a target of 3 million apprentices during this parliament. But they also want to make the annual investment allowance permanent, and it will be permanent at £200,000 throughout this parliament so that Manufacturing Companies and others that want to make investments know they can do so in a way that will be profitable for them. John mahn my niece ruby is safe and well after being caught up in the aftermath of the paris attacks. She has been a student in paris for three years, and she wants to know whether this country will be safe on her return. She she has a question for the Prime Minister. She is worried about the cuts to the ambulance, police and Fire Services here, and whether those cuts will allow us to have the preparedness that was shown by the Emergency Services in paris. And i also want to know why we are not joining the russians in calling for a un mandate to remove isis from syria. Prime minister David Cameron first, let me say how glad i am niece is safe his after those terrible attacks. Let me answer her question very directly. We are doing everything we can to make sure that this country is say. After receiving intelligence some years ago about the potential for a marauding firearms attack at multiple locations, perhaps in our capital city or elsewhere in our country, we have run exercises and we have done research. We we have looked at everything we can do to make sure, for instance, that ambulances and their crews will be able to go into a socalled hot zone and recover casualties, that we have the right number of armed police in the different parts of our country, and that we can respond in ways that will include using other forces in all the ways that we can. We have looked carefully at what the french have done in surging troops on their streets and have made sure that that can now happen here, and that all the permissions are given. There is never a 100 guarantee of safety in any country, but i think we are doing everything that we possibly can. Norman in that spirit, i warmly congratulate the Prime Minister on the new funding that has been announced for special forces equipment, but may i draw his attention to the plight of david and maria summers, in my constituency, who have struggled to obtain permanent residency for maria despite having been married for 45 years . May i ask the Prime Minister to encourage officials to look at the case again . Prime minister David Cameron i shall be happy to look at the case again, but, given the constituency that he represents his question gives me an , opportunity to Say Something about a group of people we say very little about because we do not comment on the amazing work that they do. Hereford is a very important part of the nations security, both domestically and overseas. Very, very brave people work there, and we should all give credit to them. Siddiq a constituent of mine was a soldier in iraq and afghanistan, and is currently training to be a doctor in london. He tells me that with the proposed Junior Doctors contracts, morale in the nhs is lower now than it has been at any time during his time on the front line. Does the Prime Minister agree that low morale among our Junior Doctors and nurses is a threat to Patient Safety . Prime minister David Cameron i would say to the honorable ladys constituent and all Junior Doctors should please look very carefully at what the government is offering before they decide to go on strike. What is on offer is not an increase in hours, indeed for many doctors it will mean less long hours, and it is not a cut in the pay bill for Junior Doctors. It is actually an 11 basic pay increase. It will also mean better rostering of doctors, including at weekends, and more support for consultants. I would say to her constituents as i would say to others, look , at the department of healths website, look at the pay calculator, and see how you will be affected. We have given a guarantee that anyone who is working legal hours will not be worse off under the new contract. It is good for the nhs, good for doctors, and good for patients. Even at this late hour, i hope that the British Medical Association will call off its damaging strike. Lopresti fundamental to the success of the good friday agreement was a spirit of peace and reconciliation that saw dozens, or even hundreds, of convicted terrorists released from prison. Many had been found guilty of murder. Yet in the last week, we have heard the alarming news that a 66yearold former paratrooper being arrested in connection with events that took place in londonderry 43 years ago. In a in a week when we are all having to once again contemplate sending our young men and women into harms way, with our Security Services and police are on high alert, what message does the Prime Minister feel that that sends to our armed forces, our police and our Security Services . Prime minister David Cameron i would say to my honorable friend, and i understand his concern and the feelings that many will have on seeing this news, but the truth is that one of the most important things about our country is that the government do not decide who is prosecuted and who is not prosecuted. We have the rule of law. We have independent prosecuting authorities. This is something that people across the world cry out for and we have here, and we have to support them even when they take decisions that sometimes we would want to question. Let me just in that context, let me make a broader point. Yesterday, the principal parties in Northern Ireland came together and agreed a deal to make sure that the devolved institutions can continue to work. That deal involved people who have lost loved ones to terrorism, and who have been opposed to each other all of their lives, sitting down and working together to try to deliver Good Government for this part of our United Kingdom, it is that spirit we should look to for the future. Hussain mr. Speaker, the decision last week to close its offices in the bradford district will mean the loss of over 2,000 highskill, highwage jobs, £1. 2 million in Business Rates and almost £12 million of the districts retail spending. This this will have a devastating impact on bradfords families and economy, so will the Prime Minister give me assurances that hmrc will meet bradford mps to consider the clear economic and social case for keeping those offices in bradford open . Prime minister David Cameron first of all, i am happy to ask the financial secretary to meet the local mps. Secondly, we will make sure that jobcentre plus and all the support is there for people who potentially are losing their jobs. The point i would make in bradford more broadly is that the claimant count is down by 26 in the last year, so jobs are available. But let me also make this point, because it is a difficult and important point to make. Everyone in this house wants to see hmrc raise more money and make sure that people and companies do not avoid their taxes. That does mean reform, and it means making sure that hmrc is even more effective in raising the taxes on which our Public Services depend. Haselhurst acknowledging that sport can , as wasnation together demonstrated at wembley late last night, will my honorable friend ensure that, in addition to the welcome extra investment in the police and Security Services, investment in sports such as cricket will be maintained because they are a tool to help us face longerterm challenges in integrating communities . Prime minister David Cameron i am sure that over the next week the spending requests will quicken as we get closer to the spending review. I think it is important that we have put in place the School Sport Premium for primary school. It is making a real difference. But of course there is a role , for the sporting bodies to play themselves. Many of them receive large amounts of money from the television contracts, and if more of them can use that money to invest in Grassroots Sports to make sure we are bringing on the young stars of tomorrow, that will be absolutely vital. Jonathan reynolds thank you, mr. Speaker. As the new leader of the antiausterity movement in oxfordshire, will the Prime Minister tell us how his campaign is going . [laughter] Prime Minister David Cameron what i said to my local council is what i say to every counsel. Youve got to get more for more. Ot less for as i said, on this side of the house we want to make sure that every penny raised in council tax is well spent, and if the council would like to come in and get the same advice, i will gladly oblige. Grieve thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, at a time when my right honorable friend so rightly emphasises the need for our solidarity with france, will he see what he can do to ensure that the francobritish council, set up over 40 years ago by both nations governments to promote Civil Society partnership, can continue to do its important work in fields as diverse as defence and Community Cohesion, because without a very small amount of funding from both governments, it will not be able to do that . Prime minister David Cameron i am very happy to look at that proposal. France and britain have a lot to learn from each other, and we should enter into these discussions in that spirit. We have a lot to learn about how we try to integrate people in our country, how we have effective counterterrorism policing, and how we share intelligence, and i am very committed to making sure that we pursue all those things with our french friends. Fovargue Wigan Council has had a cut of over 40 in its funding over the past five years and lost a third of its staff. Does the Prime Minister advise that i should write to the leader of the council regarding the consequent reductions in services, or should i place the blame firmly where it belongs . In the hands of his government . Prime minister David Cameron i think if the honorable lady is looking for someone to blame, she might want to blame the labour party, which left this country with the biggest budget deficit anywhere in the western world. And as she does so, the advice i would give her about her local council is to look at its overall spending power. It is the combination of Business Rates, council tax and grantand ask what money it has to provide good local services. Senator gary peters of michigan, a member of the Governmental Affairs committee, on the u. S. Strategy against isis. In a look at chin Climate Change. Washington journal, live every morning at 7 a. M. Eastern on cspan. You can join the conversation with your calls and comments on facebook and twitter. Thursday, officials from the state department and citizenship and Immigration Service size testify about Syrian Refugees seeking asylum in the u. S. A well be live at a subcommittee hearing starting at 9 a. M. Eastern on cspan three. Sunday on q a. I am the first woman to reach the rank of four stars in the navy. Id had only been a threestar, oh gosh, maybe 11 months. I was driven through town, i was down in norfolk. He asked to see me. I presumed it was about my next job. And that is when he talked to me about, we are looking at you for being a fourstar. There is an opportunity where we think you would do benefit. Vice chief of naval operations, she talks about become the first female fourstar admiral in the history of the navy. She also discusses her career prior to her appointment, including a mission to rescue captain Richard Phillips, was captured by somali pirates in 2009. I became head of the Counter Piracy task force. And todays in the job, the captain was kidnapped. It was ours possibility to get him back, get him back safely. And that was obviously a surprise challenge. We got him back. Sunday night at eight eastern. French president Francois Hollande spoke with french mayors on tuesday, saying his country would honor the commitment to accept 30,000 refugees, despite the terrorist attacks. Those attacks left 129 dead, and over 300 wounded. This 30 minute speech is courtesy of france 24. President Francois Hol Lande madam mayor of paris, city of light that has been attacked, we are with you. Ladies and gentlemen, through france has been brought together. Brought together during hardship. United through resolution. Resolving to fight. The circumstances are exceptional at the moment. As i speak before you, a Police Operation, a particularly. Perilous Police Operation has just ended. The aim was to neutralize last nights terrorist set up. In st. Denis, terrorist with ties to the perpetrators of the attacks that occurred on friday night. Two of the terrorists died during the attack. And people were arrested. I can imagine the concern of the people. And i would like to commend the levelheadedness. I would also like to express my solidarity with the mayor of saint denis. Because the attacks on friday night happened in his constituency, and once again he was alongside the Police Forces as the assault was given. And finally, i would like to express our gratitude, our admiration for the forces, the policemen, the people who launched this operation. They were aware of the danger. They maybe underestimated the violence they would be faced with. But they saw the mission through. Many of them were wounded. I am also thinking of those Police Officers Police Officers who went into the ba taclan and neutralized them once again. Dear mayors, france is proud to be able to call on your strength and quality to protect its citizens. [applause] these acts show once again that we are at war. We are at war against terrorism. Terrorism which declared war on us. It is the daesh jihadist organization. It has the army, financial resources, it has oil. It has a territory. It has allies in europe, including in our country, with young, radicalized people. It commits atrocities there, and wishes to kill here. It has killed here. During the night of the 13th of november, at least 129 people lost their lives. Our thoughts go to them. To these men, to these women who were cowardly killed, traumatized. Our thoughts go to their families. Who are now grieving. Denis, but they affect all of the french people. It is the entire country that was attacked. Because it represents what it stands for, its values, its fight to eradicate terrorism. Quite simply, for what we are. What the terrorist attack is the very idea of france. What it represents. What it has been throughout the generations. For the freedom that it proclaims for the universal rights that it defends. That is what was attacked on the night of the 13th of november. Because these barbarians, in their blind, violent attack, the french people in all their diversity without concerning , themselves with ethnicity and religion. It is the youth of france that was targeted, because the youth represents vitality, freedom, quite simply life. , the emotion is huge and so is the anger. Each and every one of us is experiencing compassion for the victims of the attacks. And we want action to neutralize the perpetrators of these attacks, and those who give the orders. The aim of these terrorists is to terrorize us, to divide us. We need to be sure to guarantee within each commune of france, the unity that is our strength. The levelheadedness that is our dignity. You are elected officials of the republic. You represent the diversity of our country. And you also represent all of the causes of our country. But when faced by a terrorist threat, we are all the same. All of the regions are the same. There is no longer political strife. There is just men and women with a duty. Elected officials who know their responsibilities for the republic. And i know that you want to show that will. Before both chambers of the parliament on monday, i expressed the responses that i wished to bring to this terrorist threat, which attacked us. First of all, at the international level, the syrian operations have been ramped up. The Aircraft Carrier has arrived. In the eastern mediterranean, it will be able to triple our attack capacity. I called the International Community. I called on them to become involved in what must be a common action. The eradication of daesh. On tuesday, i will be going to washington, and thursday, to moscow to speak with barack obama and Vladimir Putin to discuss the coordination of our action that is required so that we can work and act decisively and quickly to achieve our goals. We need to create a large coalition. A coalition to decisively strike daiish. Because it is, daiish the issue. We must show unity among the International Community. I know that there are differing interests between countries. They have different points of view. They dont necessarily have the same allies. But what we need to do is annihilate an army which is a threat to the entire world, not just some countries. This is a mission i shall undertake. France, through its armed forces will play a major role in the , resolution of this conflict. At the military level, and also at the diplomatic level through its policies. Domestically, on the very night of the tragedy, i decided to reimplement border controls. This was in compliance with our european commitments. I decided on a state of emergency throughout the country. I decided with the overseas ministers that the state of emergency should be applied wherever a threat is present. A bill shall be presented to the parliament this evening which would allow to extend the state of emergency over three months. This bill will also clarify this exceptional procedure. State of emergency, it is true, means certain restrictions of freedom. But by using this tool, this enables us to reestablish those freedoms, fully, later on. Administrative measures are being implemented and house arrests have been handed down. These are with a particular goal in mind, to identify accomplices, to dismantle networks, to isolate radicalized elements in society. To put an end to smuggling, which provides money and logistic capabilities to terrorists. That is what we mean by emergency. But we must go even further. This war has been raging for years already. And it will take time to see it end. So we need patience and , firmness. I took the necessary decisions to enable countries to join the fight within respect to the rule of law and international conventions. Our administration and legal structure has been reinforced since 2012. Antiterrorist laws have been passed intelligence laws have , been passed. There are still lessons to be learned from the day to day activities of our services. And enabling our legal institutions, enabling our policeman, creating tools so that no emergency situation does not have an answer. Thats what we must do. I also called for an amendment to the constitution. You need strong reasons to which to change such a fundamental text. We need a robust Legal Framework that will not let us face such exceptional circumstances. This is not the transfer of civil power to domestic power to military services or the transfer of full powers to full powers with article 16. We must envision all options, because, in the spirit of unity, i have not turned away any suggestions, even though some of them do go against our international communities. With the Prime Minister, i i wanted i wanted a counselor of the state to be brought in on this issue and make suggestions on what would be useful to us. The government will work closely with the parliament. I will make sure of that with the Prime Minister. Finally, i decided to ramp up recruitment for the Security Forces for the justice department, for border controls, and 8000 new jobs will be created in the civil administrations. No job will be lost in the coming years. This means more policeman. More of these people deployed in the communes in france, and better equipped and better armed. The president suggested that we should think about what we can do to work with the local authorities to improve our vigilance. The state, as you know, as international commitments. We wish to uphold our commitments, but the state must also be able to protect itself. Given this, given that the road ahead is long, i want all of the powers of the state to be made available to our citizens. I know i can count on your support and the support of the 3900 local police services. I would like to commend their role in helping the National Police services and the gendarme s. I know they are also at risk. I have not forgotten the death of that young municipal Police Officer killed on the eighth of january. The government will help you better protect our fellow french people, and also better protect municipal Police Officers by financing their meant there equipment, and also providing to the mayor who so desire, weapons from the national armory. We will also ramp up security through better means that will enable us to act with more strength. I am very attached to the participation of the mayors of france to actions that we carried out in a framework of this state of emergency. Particularly, the prohibition from traveling to certain areas, only mayors can help with that. I am also thinking of the protection of public buildings which could be potential targets for terrorists. Here again, we need your help. The interior minister has asked for organization in each department. Meetings with mayors to inform them on the nature of the terrorist threat, the presence of dangerous individuals, and the security measures that the state will implement. I also know that mayors and their teams in some cities are involved in the management of priority security concerns. Priority security zones. Here again, we can act to continue to fight against smuggling in certain areas using the appropriate means. You are also actors in the surveillance cells for radicalization created in each department. This is a vital mission. Tragically, today, we are seeing how important this is. We need to make sure that young french people do not become a danger for themselves, and also for the country where they live. The country they belong to. Day by day, dear mayors, you fight so that our differences do not become points of conflict. True terror, daiish wishes to, through massacres, poison us with stigmatization, fear, and division. Let us not give in to isolationism. Let us not give in to fear. Xcess. To e our social cohesion is the best answer we can bring. The National Unity shows this. We must be unwavering in condemning any hateful act. Antisemitic, xenophobic, antimuslim acts must be tolerated. If individuals wish to honor terrorists in groups and communities, then the bill, which was presented this morning to the council, will allow dissolution of these groups. They will immediately be dissolved. I would also like to call on your vigilance. Because you, mayors of france know better than anyone, your , population, your region, your constituents. Mr. President , you expressed your position regarding principles and your position honors you. That is to talk about refugees. Some wish to link the terrorist threat to the influx of migrants. The truth is that link exist. The people who are running from iraq and syria because they are attacked by the very same people who are attacking us today. The great majority of these refugees are going to northern europe, germany, and the United Kingdom. France, in all of its sovereignty, has decided to join in the effort in helping these refugees. 30,000 refugees will be taken in the coming years. I wish for this policy to be carried out in collaboration with the mayors. Interior minister brought together those who wish to the involved in this initiative, that was the 12th of september this year. Many of you did answer the call. Many of you are already welcoming migrants and i would like to express my gratitude to you. The government can help you. We will set up a support mechanism to communes that will help create these sites. We have duties towards the migrant, but we also have a duty to protect the french people. I know the concerns of held by the concerns upheld by some. France must answer these. We stand by the countries where the refugees are including , jordan, turkey, lebanon. And france must also make sure , before people enter the european soil, that there is no risk for our country. We will therefore carry out the necessary tests before we allow refugees on our soil. This is what we have been doing in the past, and we will continue to do. The reform on asylum candidates will enable us to refuse asylum status to anyone whose presence on french soil is a threat. This is how we will guarantee the safety of the french people with increased border patrols , while remaining true to our values. Ladies and gentlemen, mayors, i know you. I know what you do day by day. I know what you do for the constituencies. For the citizens, for their wellbeing and safety. I know what your idea of the republic is. You want your fellow citizens to be members of the nation. You want them to share your republican ideals. I know you, i know you are attached to secularism. The French Republic is a society in which anyone is free to believe or not believe. The state does not recognize any religion, but allows anyone to have any religion they so desire. Secularism is a rule for all public institutions. And it protects privacy. Secularism means everyone has a place, but nothing threatens it. It is this trust and our shared principles, in our shared project beyond any diversity. It is this unity that makes us all french and proud to be french. Terrorists take away the lives of innocents. But they also wish to attack our own lives. France shallis remain a country of freedom, of movement, of culture, and an active, valiant country. A country that never backs down when faced with terror. Life must go on. What would our country be without these cafes, without these sporting events, without these concerts. What would be our cities without the daytoday bustle . What would be our villages without fraternity . The world has once again showed its solidarity with us. It has colored the greatest world monuments in red white and in red, white, and blue. The world has been looking to france, because we are freer than elsewhere. France needs to remain true to itself. Our duty is to ensure that life goes on, that our businesses can work, that our cultural buildings are open, that are tourists are welcomed, that french people can move around , can travel that the french , people can trust in their own country. Our duty is to guarantee safety and guarantee freedom. It is to protect and to continue on with life. I know i can count on the mobilization of the mayors of france. On the 500,000 locally elected officials. This great, National Avant garde. I know i can count on all of the means of the nation so that in this war, france survives. Long live the republic and along and long live france. [applause] coming up on cspan, secretary of state john kerry of the paris tax. The paris attacks. Then, remarks by ca director john brennan. Later, House Speaker ryan on for refugees seeking asylum in the u. S. On the next washington journal, senator gary peters on the u. S. Strategy against isis. Then, a look at Climate Change with a professor at the university of miami rosenfield school of marine and Atmospheric Science. Live atton journal, 7 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. 7 a. M. Eastern on cspan. The Senate Homeland Security Committee examines the threat posed by isis and the president s plan to resettle refugees in the u. S. Live thursday at 2 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. First of all, i was elected. I wasnt elected. I did notice the difference between being the Vice President s wife and the president s wife was huge. The Vice President s wife could say anything, nobody cared. The minute you say one thing is president s wife, it made the news. During george h. W. Bushs presidency, barbara bush used the office of first lady to promote literacy, raise awareness about aids and homelessness. She also earned her way into the history books by becoming only the second first lady besides Abigail Adams to be both the wife and the mother of a president. Barbara bush, this sunday night on cspans original series, first ladies influence an image. The public and private lives of the first ladies and their influence on the president. From Martha Washington to michelle obama. Next, remarks by secretary of state john kerry at the overseas security Advisory Council. Earliery was in paris this week and spoke about the paris attacks and stressed the importance of combating isis. Grexit is obvious that secretary kerry needs no introduction. It is worth mention that he is the son of a Service Officer in that entered his own tour of duty in vietnam followed by a 28 year career in politics, during which time, finishing up at the head of our Senate Foreign relations committee. Then, to our great benefit, coming on as the 68 secretary of state, john kerry. [applause] sec. Kerry thank you very, very much. Good morning to everybody. Thank you all for taking time to be here. Your, not just introduction, but you are outstanding leadership of the Diplomatic Security service. I want to thank anne from andheon and my home state, the 34 member organizations of osac, for your tremendous contributions at a moment when of what George Schultz thought of doing 30 years ago or so has a lot more meteor impact. Meetingy, a lot more or impact. I returned from paris, where, as Everybody Knows friday, thest forces of darkness tried to take that light away, replacing it with fear, with terror, with death, chaos. Obviously, this tragedy came on the heels of terror strikes in nkara, andghdad, a the explosion of an aircraft in egypt that as we now know from the russians, they have deemed to be a terrorist act. Last weekend, as i think most of you know, i was in vienna, where we brought together and broadly brought together a broadly representative International Group and agreed on the outlines of a plan to try to break the syrian war to an end. Know,rian war, as we all is a combination of things. It is a civil war, but it is also a proxy war, regrettably. That has to end. Is why the president commissioned me, particularly, to seize the initiative and go out and try to bring the parties together. The first time, we were able to bring all of the parties to the n and russia. Ng ira some criticize that, but i have to tell you, i dont know how you end the war if some of the biggest states arent at the table trying to find a political solution. Now, it is complicated, no question about it. That are forces at play have been asked play long before the United States of america became a country. That doesnt mean that they are irreconcilable or impossible to deal with. There were a lot of sunni and shia living together quite before the middle over in theo boil way that it is today due to a lot of different factors. Not just the iraqi war, though that obviously played a key role. Nobody can hide from that fact. Culture andclash of modernity. Of it a process that has the building for some period of time as certain players have supported certain philosophies and ideologies and spread them, investments into different countries, those are coming back to bite people today. But in the end, i do believe that the vast majority of people vast majority of people, i r this wherever i go absolutely totally committed in an unprecedented way to come together across ethnic, religious, political, cultural lines to fight for decency, and stability, and a future that is not based on creating chaos and violence. Daiish does not have a platform, folks. Folks. Arguing about health care or infrastructure or schools, they dont want schools. Whatever degree, they dont want an educated, they want them educated exactly by what they believe. Y kill people because they they kill christians because they are christians. People need to understand this, there is no negotiation. There is nothing to negotiate when you license rape as a form of daily life and collect the will of god. Show me a religion anywhere, including islam which teaches that. This is a complete aberration. Ideologues runre amok, but a lot are criminals run amok, and people for whom this is an adventure. It is a great opportunity to go out and be paid to do whatever you want, rape, pillage, and plunder. This is a bullet for all of us, let me make that clear. This is a generational moment, a moment in history where we all have to collectively stand up and say, no, we will not accept this, but also we will not be intimidated. We will not be somehow cowered in our pursuit of daily life and the values which drive us as a country and as a people, as human beings. We have worked too hard and too world wars, and through the cold war, and the creation of the United Nations and all that comes with it, and all of our efforts to try and carry values and interest that talk about resolving things through rule of god rule of law and living peacefully together and promoting tolerance, tolerance. That is one of the most important words words and like today. It is one of the most important organizing principles in any decent society. That is our obligation. We need to absolutely make clear , our willingness and determination to stay together, to protect each other, to show that we are not intimidated and we will never allow these terrorist to achieve their vile aims. Let me make my point as clearly as i can, there are no grounds of history, religion, ideology, psychology, politics, economic his advantage a disadvantage, or personal ambition to justify the slaughter of unarmed civilians. The bombing of public places, or indiscriminate violence towards innocent men, women, and children, and such atrocities can never be rationalized, and we can never allow that. There is no excuse. They have to be stopped. That is precisely where the Advisory Council is playing an indispensable role and where you can play a larger role going forward. Let me make this clear, we do not have any illusions about how complicated this is. Think that do not another invasion by americans, and yet another in yet another was an country in which the local citizens are not prepared to fight back and hold the land that you then gain makes a lot of sense. Which is why our strategy, and there is one, it is clear, it is working, not as fast as anyone would like, but working. We have liberated communities in iraq and syria. Tikrit which was taken over by sunni comeen 100,000 back and rebuild. A refinery is back in the hands of iraqis. The forces of iraq where they have lost 200 people are fighting to retake ramadi. And they will. Related over the weekend. Just in the last few days we have taken on their oil revenue, which is where they are early getting there money to pay for this these tentacles reaching out. We destroyed over 151 oil trucks, that will continue. The campaign to stop them from into iraq and turkey from which they get hundreds of millions of dollars. In addition we have shut off three quarters of the border from Northern Syria to turkey. Kilometers is a operation we will engage and together with the turks in order to shut that off. And kurdssyrian arabs who are starting to put pressure on iraq a and b last few days we have seen russia and france increase the bombing level. We will see greater effort. There is another side of the coin, why do all these fighters come there . Where did they come from . Assme to fight song ad. They came to fight because he and his response to the arab spring was to send his bones to beat of the young people who went out to demonstrate for jobs , and opportunity, and future. When the parents of those young people saw what had happened to them, the parents went out and mistreated demonstrated. They were met not with loads, but with bullets and bombs. Now you have over 300,000 citizens of a country who have been killed, errol bond, tured, starved, gassed beryl bond, tortured, starved, gassed, which is against international laws. And three quarters of the country has already voted with their feet. They are displaced people. 4 million refugees. The rest of them displaced within the country itself, seeking refuge and shelter from the man who supposedly leads the country. 65 sunni majority country. Me that evenlling the United States wanted to keep them he could not do it. Those folks will not stop fighting because what he has done. That is the other couple getting factor. Daiish, and asad. For the first time we had people sit down at the table and everyone, including iran and russia signed on to a communique that says we all want the united syria. We all want a secular syria. We all want a syria in which they minority the minority is fully protected. All of the signed on to that, acluding signing on to transitional process of governance, where you put together a governing capacity that can take some of the power d currently has in order to put together a constitutional reform process which everyone signed onto, and ultimately have an election. Now they have signed onto Something Like six months to try to do the political process, and a year to be able to have 1. 5 years to have the election. That is unanimous. Difficulty will become will come in the application. I will you i think every country there understands this is dangerous, and it is empowering evil people. Hopefully common sense can prevail. We have seen a lot of that in the last few days, happily. It has been hard to come by. I think people are prepared to show it. Dayse over these next few constantly open to figuring out how we can qualitatively apply more pressure, do a better job. The president has make radical decisions. He critical c decisions. He is putting more feet on the ground to enable people to target and learn how to do things more effectively. Withcertain that working everyone, if the political process works, the theory of the case is simple if you can get a transitioning counsel, if you can begin to move power to an excepted entity, then you have the ability to bring everyone in the region together to go after isil, that includes the Standing Army of syria. That is how much hangs in the balance right now on this political effort. To see if diplomacy can actually succeed in creating the transition, and indeed empowering all of us together. What is notable about the situation as every single country in the region is opposed to daiish. Every country in the world, every civilized person. Clever,vinced if we are creative, patient, tenacious, steadyent, and study we will have the ability to be able to destroy daiish, and in doing that send a message to any that the the world world will stand united against barbarism, and against an attack on her very purpose and reasonableness itself. Our embassy as you know has been working around the clock delivering the full range of consular assistance to everyone who is in france. All americans in france. We will continue to help however we can. I will thank you today profoundly for the work. Behind the scenes you have performed the role that you are conceived to play. As a point of contact for our private sector in a moment of crisis, and the source for intelligence and security for u. S. Organizations abroad. Osacthe very first night, created a website for the country counsel, that was available to over 150 people in the area. Since then, they have been in constant touch with private sector constituents in and around paris, offering advice, and sharing securityrelated updates with u. S. Organizations and businesses. Sac also reached out to California State University whose student, sent advisories to other americans who are studying in france. State connected postprivate sectors and do attack reporting and analysis that will help everybody be able to prepare for the future. All of these efforts frankly combined remind us why George Shultz was precient when he established the structure. He knew from his own experience the world was growing more dangerous, even as it became more interconnected. He knew that it is going to be very important for our diplomats and citizens to Work Together and have each others back. The events of the past few days speak to the essential need for government or business or nonprofit or elsewhere to stay ahead of the curve in assessing new risks and taking protective measures to respond to them. We obviously cannot afford to be slow in sharing information because information that comes late or not at all is the precursor to disaster. We have to be knowledgeable enough about local conditions and circumstances to discern the difference between an empty threat in a real one and a real one. Would have to stay in touch so that if an emergency arises as in paris last week, we know where you are and what you need. Since friday night, there has been a great deal of discussion ,bout socalled soft targets cafes, restaurants, sporting events, a concert venue, soccer stadium, so forth. The types of places you would not automatically expect to be a prime target for a global terrorist organization, which they are today. These targets are viewed as anonymous destinations chosen almost at random. And mapn a google maps it out pretty easily these days. The ultimate purpose of the attacks is to do what the name terrorist implies, to scare everybody. Shopping malls, restaurants, anywhere. The idea is to make us believe that we are always going to be in such grave and imminent danger that we have to stop a we are doing and change our choices and our way of life. The work you are doing is important. You are building infrastructure. You are conducting business. You are leading local projects. You are providing needed services and participating in Civil Society. You are helping build the opposite of everything that these people want to destroy. Pretty stunning when you think about it. A professor in syria who spent his life curating and caring about our and was the most knowledgeable person about the palmera 83 yearsinea old, they took them out to the square, chopped his head off, and then they destroyed the roman arch that was a simple of his community. Nobody the witnesses that kind of destruction and that kind of should have any right of doubt in our heart forgot about how critical it is for us to stand up. We have stood up before, my friends. Stood up to the fascism of world war ii, stood up to the horrors of the holocaust, stood up to the extraordinary moments of challenge. Paris had worst moments that had last weekend, and it came out of it. I assure you we will come out of this. We will continue to expand and brought in our commercial and academic connections overseas. We will visit and invite visitors. We will do the right thing by refugees. How is it somebody can suddenly say that a 50 road woman with her grandchildren is going to be a threat . And that we cannot process people adequately to keep faith with our values in this country . We will continue to be proud in this department to represent the united is america. Make the mistake the United States of america. Make no mistake, every single one of you is an ambassador when you travel abroad. That is what you and your companies represent everyday as you bring with you a set of Business Practices and set hopes and opportunities and jobs that help shape this world. It matters enormously that you carry that role of ambassadors seriously because in the process, you win friends for our country, you explain to people we are not telling anybody what they have to do. We give people a choice. We do not punish people if they do not make the choice we do not wan want. You can earn respect to those values. In all of this is multiplied when you reply to acts of terror with affirmations of courage and pension and support courage and friendship and support. That is why osac is so vital and why we are happy o to have you here today. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do to keep americans safe around the world and to enable america to continue an individual americans themselves to continue to contribute to international prosperity, to development, to democracy, and to justice. My message today is also one of encouragement on to of the past 30 years and to continue inengthening our partnership helping us to make progress in the years to come. Thank you very very much. Appreciate it. [applause] that will conclude our morning session. We will reconvene at 1 25 we will be live in a house in judiciary subcommittee hearings starting at 9 a. M. Eastern on cspan three. The Senate Homeland Security Committee examines the threat posed by isis, and the president s plan to resettle Syrian Refugees in the u. S. We will be live on thursday at 2 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. Cia director john brennan spoke at the overseas security Advisory Council. Spoke to the governor saying they refuse Syrian Refugees in their states. This is about 30 minutes. Robert good morning, i am deputy secretary for threat investigations and analysis. This morning, i have the pleasure of introducing our first keynote speaker, the honorable john brennan. He is an accomplished security leader with an extensive history of public service. In march being sworn in 2013, director renin spent four years as Deputy Director for Homeland Security and counterterrorism, an assistant to the president. He advised the president on counterterrorism strategy, and help coordinate the u. S. Government approach to Homeland Security, including his policies responding to terrorism, cyberattacks come network disasters, and pandemics. He began servicing government at the cia, where he worked from 19802005. He spent his early career in the analytic farm. Specializing in the near east and south asia come before directing counterterrorism analysis in the 1990s. In 1994 and 1995, he was the intelligence briefer for bill clinton. As deputy executive director of dhe cia in 2013, he had le an effort which will the National Counterterrorism center. After retiring from the caa and me and, please join will the director of the cia, the honorable john brennan. [applause] [applause] brennan thank you very much, robert. Good morning everyone. I appreciate this invitation to have an opportunity this morning to talk to all of you because of the importance that i attach certainly to osac. That partnership between the private sector and the u. S. Government and particularly here at the department of the state is so important and i do want to take a moment to express my great appreciation, gratitude, and aberration for the Diplomatic Security here and original Security Officers and assistant rsos around the world who do a tremendous role in job andeeping u. S. Diplomats Intelligence Officers say and do a great job making sure u. S. Citizens are kept a safe as they could be. I juste interaction, want to be able to say our half of the cia we greatly appreciate the tremendous work and sacrifices of our state Department Colleagues. I dont believe there has ever been a time for a Stronger Partnership between the public and private sector. Just looking out over the last 2. 5 weeks and the tragic attacks that took eighth in paris took place in paris, the airline taken down an agent, the bombings of beirut, all of them interpreted to isil. 400 dead. 500 injured. Caliphate,ocalled is just the latest manifestation of what is a blind adherence to a twisted and contorted ideology that could lead to such bloodshed around the world. I think we all know what al qaeda has been able to do over the last several decades. It was nearly 20 years ago when i was in saudi arabia dealing with al qaeda. Andas in the early stages looking at what it was able to do on our homeland here. Esh as the isil, da arab acronym it is known by, it is a different phenomenon in my mind. Some ofe that has taken the al qaeda and other terrorist models and expanded it significantly. It has deep roots in iraq and , being al qaeda in iraq and syria in years past. It has branched out beyond iraq and syria into other parts of the middle east, africa, asia, and beyond, spreading his pursuit of intolerance, subjugation, and violence well beyond its early areas of occupation and activities. Just taking a look at what happened in paris demonstrates their commitment to random violence in terms of going after the most horrible targets and carrying out as much mayhem and reading as much death and as muchion wreaking death and destruction against innocents. The have taken advantage of the freedoms and liberties we are so proud of in much of the world. They also have taken full advantage of social media, using that as an environment to indoctrinate, to communicate, brainwashed, direct, guide, train, and also presenting a very misleading narrative and oppression of what is going on inside iraq and syria. They have been able to use these great advances in technology to further their aims. Certainly, they have been aided by much instability and political upheaval and sectarian tensions throughout the region. They have been able to take advantage of that. They are able to advance their goals and objectives. I started out the National Security intelligence in 1980. I must say, i have never seen a time when we have faced more serious and consequential issues confronting our National Security around the globe. Carrie and myself and others spent much time in the white house in the white house situation room with president obama and others to address these issues that span the globe that are of such intensity and consequence as well as so quick to develop as well as to have impact around the world that there has been never a time that i think the u. S. National security challenges have been greater, nor the requirement for the United States to be actively involved in trying to address these many challenges. I have spent a good part of my life working on living in, studying in the middle east. I must say the middle east and the islamic world is going through some very challenging times. Fromg a transition authoritarian governments and regimes to try to move forward with democratic principles and reforms is certainly very challenging. Because of the embedded obstacles to those reforms to include on the economic front moving away from centrally planned economies to a premarket capital system where individual opportunity is rewarded. Unfortunately, in many of these societies and countries, corruption remains rampant. Weak is still very institutions of government, governance. Displaced people, refugees, great unevenness division of wealth. When i look out over the next decade or more, and i see this territorynsive in the middle east, africa, asia, i think we will be facing serious challenges as we move forward. These challenges are compounded by the new environment that we are dealing with, which is the Digital Domain, the cyber environment that can be used for great good and to advance the interests of prosperity and freedom and liberty, but also can be used as a domain in an environment for ill and to do harm. Swear in a new class of cia officers every month, i say this unsettled Global Landscape will demand their expertise, dedication as we go forward working a Strong Partnership with our diplomatic enforcement military partners here as well as abroad. Despite the unsettled nature of the Global Landscape, i believe the u. S. Is still look that by the overwhelming majority of the worlds populations as well as governments as something that is very special. Our commitment to universal progress, tocial economic prosperity, to individual freedoms and liberties are much admired and o. Dely aspired tp i think as importantly is the strong reputation and capabilities and potential of the u. S. Private sector because the u. S. Private sector still is seen as the world leader in innovation, entrepreneurship, education, medicine, technology, science, and so much more. So i think this is the time for us to be able to stand tall among each other, stand tall with our allies and partners around the world as we face that arellenges wit serious that we will be injuring at least for a wild weekend in fact deal with the challenges that lie ahead in a collective and constructive way. Osac i believe plays a very Important Role in helping keep the u. S. Dream alive here in the United States, but then worldwide. I am committed to making sure and Intelligence Community does Everything Possible to work with our state Department Colleagues and the private sector to ensure that we do our utmost to be able to optimize the safety and security of americans and American Companies and enterprises around the world. Earlier this week, i gave some remarks at the csis here in washington. Rather than repeat, i would just invite you to take a look on the website. I invite you to look at what i that has been unfortunately misrepresented in some corners. With that, i would welcome the opportunity to address the questions you might have in the remainder of my time. We have microphones on either walk forward, ask your question, and he will be happy to respond. Thank you very much for your presence here today. We hear quite often in terms of intelligence sharing internationally about the i5, but we do not hear much about what is happening between us and france. Of course, others in the western world fellow economic societies that are all the target of this threat you describe for us. I would like to hear it i could what exchange is taking place on a broader scale. Thank you. Director brennan when i look back over the last 14 years or so since 9 11, there has been determined his progress in the United States as well as internationally as far as putting together the architecture that is required to be able to share and access information in as rapid a fashion as possible. As we have come to realize in the states, a lot of the departments and agencies have different Information Technology systems. We have different authorities. We have different responsibilities as far as handling different types of information to include u. S. Citizens. We have come a very long way over the last 14 years. In addition, it is not just what we have been able to do here within the United States or within the federal government. I think there is a lot of good and robust hearing. We are trying to and we have made a lot of progress internationally. The information sharing systems with the i5 are rooted in traditional information sharing practices and systems. Our information sharing practices and mechanisms with other countries are as strong as what we have been able to do. You have the mechanisms to shut information, we share it electronically because we want to make sure it gets to the recipient as quickly as we can. Sometimes, we still have to provide some hard copy of the information, but the real challenge is to make you take the information and maybe derived from very sensitive sources, whether it be human or technical, and whatever it might be acquired around globe, it could have applications for somewhere else and to move the essence of that information through a system that will enable the person on the other end with the entity to receive it. For example conference. We have for example, france. We have had a strong interaction with them about what it is we need to continue to do as far as sharing the information, but also sharing strategic approaches at what our policy courses are that we are able to deal with this challenge that we all face. It does span the gamut of partners around the globe. I mentioned the session on monday that over the last five weeks or so, i have had a number of conversations with my russian counterpart. Despite the policy difference we may have in syria and ukraine, these have been discussions about how we can in fact share more information about this threat from iisl and what we and to do to have isil what we need to do to have the procedures in place so if we have threat information, it will get to them as quickly as possible. We take very seriously within the u. S. Government our duty to warn responsibilities. We have information about a threat to a particular entity, person, or whatever, we make sure we move it very quickly. As you know, a lot of times, information that comes in is broad, vague. Sometimes the ultimate sourcing is uncertain. Whentime particularly now there is concerned, there could be operations that are somehow underway. That threshold is as low as it can be. One of the challenges we have as an Intelligence Community working with our partners is trying to separate out this time. In the aftermath of these terrible attacks, there is always a spike in terms of people who will be reporting bogus threat information. It is really up to the professionals within the government as well as the private sector to be able to take the information that is available. I do distinguish between a strategic warning in terms of a barometric pressure. We know that there is something brewing. We dont know a setting where it will hit or when, but there are things you can do in light of what the intelligence portends. It is when you have a more specific intelligence, then you can take some preemptive action that is going to try to disrupt the plot underway. Every day around the globe, Law Enforcement Security Intelligence agencies are taking action that disrupt the plans and intentions and activities of these terrorist organizations. Nfortunately, some get through this is what we have seen over the last several weeks. I can tell you and i am sure you consult the same thing that these types of incidents only redouble the determination of Security Professionals to make sure we do the best jobs we can and we hope to do that. Surely i have not answered all of your questions. [laughter] maybe i can pose a question. Our audience is a bit shy this morning. Since fridays attacks, there has been a lot in the media of the threat from refugees from syria and other countries may impose. Can you comment a little bit on how you see this security situation pertaining to the refugees that are coming to . Urope and the United States director brennan that is one of the biggest questions as well as the Biggest Challenges we are facing right now with the tremendous displacements of individuals from these warring lands, whether it be iraq or syria. It is approaching 50 of the operation has been internally displaced or moved across borders to neighboring countries or migrating them to europe and beyond. I do think it is important for us to do a number of things. Country the i a believe prides itself on its tradition of welcoming people from around the globe. There is no other country on the face of the earth that is more than a melting pot than the United States. We want to make sure we are able to maintain our commitment to those values and the things that made this country great, which is why we do not want the terrorists to succeed in terms of what it is they are trying to do. I think it time, makes it even more incumbent on the Security Intelligence professionals to make sure that we are able to look at individuals who are coming into e to country with an ey what we might know about individuals or ways that service sneakzations might try to people into these networks and refugee flows. One of the things i certainly am determined to do and working in concert with my fellow partners abroad is what we can do to strengthen the system that allows us to have as best insight as possible into the background of these individuals as well as what their intentions might be. What we need to do is strike that balance. As i noted earlier this week, there are a number of challenges from a legal policy political standpoint that makes striking this balance challenging. We need to make sure we are able to how the government play what i think is certainly its rightful role in protecting its ableenry to have the government play the rightful role in protecting its citizenry. For many years, decades, centuries, weve had experience means to bet domain. In the physical maritimeir ma, on the domain. The aviation donation. Digitaldomain, the domain is different as far as history and experience. We need to understand the government in the demain. Theres a great debate about what the governments role is in the debate. Great debatee the about what it is that we need to do in order to ambulance rights and civil liberties. What is the role for the government to protect the domain citizenries. I dont think were there yet. Is one of the all of us history, ansic Digital Domain. We jumpur atm cards and gas and check in to a hotel or get on an airplane. We create that forensic history. Havelso from groups that. He capability to understand we have to understand what the role is in the domain. I say the government should not play a role in it. I think this is one of the fundamental challenges the country is going to face in the coming years. Im certainly determined had what i can to be able to explain as thoseerspective challenges, those threats, those risks, as well as those opportunities. I think to the, course of our history, we need to strike that proper balance between the great and individual freedoms for the privacy right that is we embrace and love and want to keep near dear. We are also making sure that our children, neighbors, communities, and the International Community is kept from what those who could cause us harm. In terms of visibility to operate within the Digital Domain. Because the Digital Domain is the web and operated in the private sector. It needs to extend beyond the beyond theain and borders. Because the Digital World and respect thoset sovereign noises. You can move things around the world and around so many countries. Unless theres going to be some type of International Understanding about what is appropriate and acceptable domain, wereital going to face a world of hurt in the future. What ive been able to understand what our adversaries, those who want to tose us harm, those who want kill and maim in the streets of paris as well as around the can operatehey within that environment. We need to understand what we expect the government to do and is obligedvernment to do in order to make sure our theof life is maintained in future. Yes . David smith of the guardian. What impacts do you think Edward Snowdens revelations had on talkeding that you just about in the debate over privacy, and secondly could you current asisesment of the threat level to the u. S. Homeland in the wake of the attacks. Any authorized raise theirthat hands and attested to undermines the individuals and security. Have done that over time [applause] i heroizing such individuals unfathomable what it is as far as what the country able to do to keep it safe. A lot of people who are speaking out there about what some individuals have done and have nong it what it is. G of make sure the balance between individual rights and sacredes and the obligation needs to be instruct. Anybody else . One over here. Scot brian. Thank you for your time today. A lot of young people in the group who are in Government Service and also in security companies. My question is this, given your the government and what youve done for years, do hope for the future . If so, what gives you that hope. Thats a fair question. In terms of what i just talked about. Absolutely. I am hopeful not only hopeful, i am optimistic. Because as weve looked back country,history as a we have had to deal with some tremendous, tremendous challenges. Nazi germany in terms of rolling over europe. In each one of the instances, dark and theoked future looked bleak. Because of what it is that the havery is founded upon, we always risen to the occasion. What i really want to have about then i talk Digital World and the cyberworld, i dont want to have to see the United States to endure the equivalent of a 9 11. Be able to take these preemptively, preventively, prophylactically. When i think about the internet going to be more dependent on the worldwide web, we need to be mindful of not opportunities are but then what the vulnerabilities are and dependencies on security. When i talked to our new recruits as well as student groups that i go out, i pursue theirm to dreams of being involved in interNational Security, andrnational affairs, intelligence. Because i tell them this is such a historic time for so many reasons. The Global Landscape thats changed, technology thats a daily basis. They are coming in on a time of great opportunity if you are a National Security intelligence specialist. But for students i also give them a world of caution and warning. Say that once you get in to the realm of security and National Security, it gets into your blood. It is something that drives you. You become addicted to making sure you are doing your level best, and you are the absolute achieve what it is that your mission asked of you, which is to keep the safe. Y strong and with athe past 35 years sector, itim private is certainly something that has motivated me to work with professionals, not just at cia, but across the u. S. Government around the globe for the people who are really determined to make sure this country is heightsobtain greater in the future. So i encourage people young are here who are part of this effort. Type ofave a new challenge that we have to face. This is a time, as i said, that stand tallbe able to and to let those who want to do us harm know that we are the of america. S we can stand up to this. Were going to get through it. Were going to do it in partnership with our goo squad to go. I wish you well. For your work and your service. I look forward to being able to work with you in the future. Very much. [applause] brennan. You, mr. And later defense secretary Ashton Carter on the paris attacks and what it means for u. S. National security. On the next washington journal senator jerry peters a member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee on the u. S. Strategy against isis. Then a look at Climate Change with ben kirkman at the rosensteel school of marine and Atmospheric Science. Washington journal live every morning at 7 00 op cspan and you can join with your comments on facebook and twitter. Its called the cross roads of new york state. And this weekend our cspans citys tour joined by time warner will join the literary life of syracuse, new york. On book tv, well visit the special Collections Library at Syracuse University and learn about the Antislavery Movement area through the papers of abowlish nist garrett smith. Martha weisman discusses her book prelude to prison. Then well talk to mr. Hemsly about going viral. When something goes viral theres a process of social sharing. We tepped to think Something Like a viral video. But itsly its more the process by which that happens. But so its what happens when people share content usually into their own networks and oftentimes somebody who has a lot of followers who a paying attention to them also spreads the con tept. And many reaches of wide audience. On American History tv, well visit the erie canal music to see how it influenced Central New York state and the nation. And then were off to ar yet tubmans home as she was a caregiver to numerous people as par of the under ground railroad. Our trip to syracuse takes us to Matilda Jocelyn cages home. Er speech in 1825 launched her to prominence on women suffrage. She learns that the convention is going to occur. She writes the speech and she travels to syracuse bringing her oldest daughter helen leslie with her. Now gauge hadnt contacted any of the organizers. She wasnt on the program. She wrote to her and said i want to be involved. She just shows up. And she waits in the crowd. And when theres a quiet moment she marches up on stage and trembling takes the podium and begins to speak. And she gives this incredibly her nameeech sustained from radicalism. From that moment she goes on to become a leader in the womens movement. Beginning on saturday at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. The cspans cities tour working with our cable affiliates at visiting cities across the country. President obama has said the United States would accept 10,000 refugees including syrians this year. Thursday the u. S. House is expected to vote on legislation to dont strig requirements for Syrian Refugees coming to the country. Next remarks by speaker ryan on the bill and others on the paris terrorist attacks. Attack. The world stands with the people of paris this week. All of us were shaken. We know whenever terror like this strikes, the World Community will rally together. Terror will not prevail. Should serve as a reminder that theres still evil out there. We cannot ignore it. Cannot contain it. We must defeat it and protect our people. The country is uneasy and unsettled. Every right to be. Not because of what they are hearing from politicians, but with their ownen eyes. All of us here, republicans and hearing these concerns in our offices. The plight ofand those fleeing the middle east. They also want basic assurances this country. Of we are a compassionate nation. Always have been and we always will be. But we also must remember that our First Priority is to protect people. Ican we can be compassionate and we be safe. Thats what the bill that were bringing up tomorrow is all about. A new standard of verification for refugees from syrian and iraq. A pause in the program until we can be certain those any doubt that coming here are not a threat. Its that simple. Dont think it is asking too much. I also want to point out that we will not have a religious test. Only a security test. If the intelligence and Law Enforcement community cannot presentshat a person no threat, then they should not be allowed in. This is common sense. Is our obligation. Let me also say to members and to the country that we cannot lose sight of the bigger threat in syria. The refugee crisis is just a failed policy a in that region. The ultimate solution is a plan isis. Eat thats why we are sending to the president a bill this week that requires him to finally propose strategy to deal with syria and the terrorists threat in the region. This threat is not going away until we have knowledge and confront the real danger that exists. Theres a long road ahead. For this moment, i urge all of my colleagues to support the legislation tomorrow and to help keep america safe. I yield back the balance of my time. Mr. Speaker, last weeks attacks inrrorists terrorists were a disturbing reminder that the war on terror radicalng and that islamic extremeism represents a clear and present danger to all freedomloving civilized people. The time since 9 11 has been difficult. We have spent time fighting in the middle east. Were made ines afghanistan, iraq, and libya. Understandably a war we weary people. We were reminded that the consequences of inaction or weak action are far greater than any associated with making a unwavering commitment to confronting and defeating radical terrorists. Isis is not a problem to be managed or contained. This ambitious terrorist organization is a dangerous the United States and our allies that must be eradicated. Fight isis ono their home turf, well have to streets ofin the paris and maybe in our own community. Just as the private administration recognized that its iraq strategy was failing nowneeded a jolt, it is time for president obama and his National Security team to show are serious about destroying this dangerous threat to the stability of the world our own very lives. Mr. Speaker, i have cosponsored a resolution authorizing the use of military force introduced by illinois, my from friend, adam kenzie. President uarantee the and our military every tool necessary to defeat isis. Resolution deserves a vote so that we can fight to win a to that we cannot afford lose. Mr. Speaker, since the the president s policy with cuba in december of 78 year, weve witnessed a spike in the number of cubans arriving to our country. An untold number have been lost to the sea. Coming byarent only sea. Thousands of cubans are illegally entering Central American nations, making the long trek north through mexico entering via our southern border. Mercy offer at reprehensible Human Trafficking rings. Cubansport the number of entering their country illegally has grown from 5,400 last year to 12,166 so far this year. Become soem has costa ricanthe government had to temporarily close the border. Im concerned about another overwhelming our nation, particularly south florida. This is a matter of the National Security. The president s immediate attention. Cubans on the island seem to be administrations new policy with desperation and lives andng their their safety to escape the cuba. That is castros speaker, today i rise in support of the administrations provide an providers whor develop computer coding boot camps. It can help challenge traditional creditors to put ofe focus on the success students after graduation. This could be the ground work alternative to accreditation that would not replace the traditional system. Would enhance and allow other successful models to toess Funding Resources replica and extend their reach. Creditors maintain an Important Role within Higher Education. Canver alternative models help deal with segments that traditional creditors may not be able to address effectively. As a large number of students enroll in noninstitutional programs, we should encourage the growth of successful models that are providing students with past to successful and rewarding careers. Outputs is an important step forward in helping the system of Higher Education in the United States evolve. As we continue our work toward reauthorizing the higher act here in the house, i look forward to collaborating with my colleagues to ensure helping prepare students for success. Does notion, one size fit all. This step, by the one in theion, is right direction. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield back. You, mr. Chairman. I want to today and discuss the issue of the Syrian Refugees in the Islamic State terrorists who coming across our southern border and in relation to this refugeece of loop pohl. T also i commend the house and our speaker for speaking out and taking inaction to condemn the attacks. This administration has its intention to refugees10,000 syrian within the United States in fiscal year 2016. Want you to think about that number. 2016. In the year they will go to resettlement all across the country if the administration its way. It is important to note that the resettlementugee or the orr as it is called does simply resettle refugees from overseas. Fact the o. R. R. Has been resettling. They have been resettling thousands of illegal aliens southernross our border. I want to read to you from their 2013 report to congress, and im quoting from the report. Other categories eligible for services, certain other persons admitted to the u. S. Or granted status under immigration categories also are eligible for refugee benefits in addition certain deemed to be victims of traffickingm of though not legally admitted as o. R. R. S are eligible for benefits to the same extent as ending quote. Thats corrects. The o. R. R. Resettling illegal aliens not classified as refugees providing another potential gateway for the Islamic State terrorists. Morely, we would know about the o. R. R. Activities if their annual reports 413 a. Ofd in section the immigration and nationality act and did in a timely fashion. We have fromrt them is from 2013. It is not transparent. It is not accountable. And it cannot be trusted. I know this firsthand, mr. Speaker. Birdwellecretary twice. I have been investing them since traveled to a uac. I would like to submit the letters for the record. We know there are more than mexicans and Central Americans coming across the southern border. Are here, the o. R. R. Has no way of tracking them and keeping up with them. Watchil, a judicial report cited a mexican army and inspector who adviced they were operating training bases in close proximity. Another report advised that media traffic indicated that isis was planning to southern border in order to carry out a terrorists attack. Allto the findings, all of our Resettlement Services suspended. Porarily i am currently working on a solution with several of my colleagues to address the loophole that allows nonrefugees to be resettled. In the past three weeks, the Islamic State has bombed a russian jetliner, committed bombings in beirut, and massacred massacred french in paris. They are now exporting their terror. Theres simply no method that allow us to determine with syrians orcy whether illegal aliens that we resettle u. S. Are really isis jihadist. Mr. Speaker, is the isis threat contained . No. Can we guarantee that Syrian Refugees will not commit acts of terror against americans . No. People are . Ho these no. Are they properly vetted . No. To bringbe responsible Syrian Refugees into the country after the attacks in paris . The answer is no. Do americans across this country want the administration to resettle Syrian Refugees into the u. S. . No. Is the administration dangerously naive on this policy . Absolutely. I encourage my colleagues to look closely at the issue. Back. D the gentleman lady yields back. The chair recognized the from new york for five minutes. Thank you for this opportunity, mr. Speaker. I would just like to join with americans that feel heartbased sympathy for in losses of our friends europe and france and paris. Of course to give sympathy to are hysterical to evidence, even though theres no evidence at all that it was refugees that responsible for it. This type of unprovoked attacks does cause fear and many times behalfnsible behavior on of people as they attempt to fear in all people to extext that it shatters the principles of what the on. Try was built theres enough of us to be concerned about. Theres enough for us to be fearful about. There has to be concern as to what are we going to do about it. People are saying we cant win the war against isis until we the military on the Ground Fighting against the government. We talk about sending troops overseas to put their lives in though it is just another Foreign Policy decision of congress can any regard at all to the constitutional toponsibility we have ourselves and to bid example for the world. Whenever the great nation is threatened, whenever our National Security is threatened, the president should be coming to the house of representatives and share with us our other threats to National Security and when it abundantly clear that we have to call upon our military way, we should have a declaration of war for the the president has given to us. To ourponsibility constituents is to share as much information as we can to tell them that war means sacrifice, loss of life, and yet today we havent had a declaration of war since franklin roosevelt. Tens of thousands of americans died. 1 s recent crisis less than of the eligible americans have themselves in harms way because of executive allowance of the congress allowing this to happen. 7,000 american lives just in iran and iraq that some funeralse to go to the and explain the best that we can att even though were not war, that american lives are lost in foreign countries. I submit to you that if we believe that our National Security is threatened, we should have a declaration of war. We should have a draft. Should have a way to pay for that we would know that it is not easy sending your abroad and not even know the reasons that they are is there. Seem to me that as every one heard the president of they are at war if we are at that war against isis, whatever country they are representing, be brought to the American People and brought to the congress and the president war. D ask us to declare but it is just totally not fair for people in the house of representatives to come here and that americans should be sent overseas to fight an unknown enemy, to put their jeopardy, and perhaps their families in jeopardy able to say that they are fighting a war for to preserve democracy in this country. Me that whether on thel them no feet ground but boots on the ground, but if someone is coming back flagdraped coffin, we should be able to say they america, they died for america, and we are fighting war that to end the has yet to be declared. The gentleman from new york yields back. We now recognize mr. Barr for five minutes. Thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today in strong support of our allies. People of france and in strong condemnation of the attacks in paris, france, carried out by the Islamic State this last friday. The people of france have been our allies since the american revolution. Having traveled to knorr bandy and seeing the flag over omaha beach, it underscores the Important Alliance weve had of france. Ople ever since we have been united. Was anack on friday barbaric the values by terrorists. We grieve for the massive loss of life of not just for the familiesople but the across the globe. We join the voices from around to condemn the attacks but condemnation is not enough. Saw first hand while visiting iraq and afghanistan last month, the president s andtegy of withdraw containment is clearly not working. Estimating the threat, referring to isil as the j. V. Team, declaring that isil has been detained just hours before attacks in paris, president obama has allowed this radical islamic cancer on to fester and grow. The key to the trip to the middle east is that american retreat has made the world a and much morele dangerous place. The weakness the president s Foreign Policy and u. S. Withdraw from the middle east has allowed our adversary, isil, russian, the taliban, al qaeda, to grow stronger and become a greater threat to the homeland and interest. Ally, israel,ur jordannians, government of iraq, government, the unit government of afghanistan, they have all become more threatened and more vulnerable. Not a single place in the world which is safer or more stable today or where our adversaries are weaker or where our allies are stronger than on obama tooksident office. The president has in recent days lectured his critics to come up with their own plan and attacksated his tired s nationaldecessor security policy. If theres any lesson to be learned from the president obama contrastedraq has with u. S. Policy after world war germany, it is once you win at war, do not residual Security Force and continued diplomatic engagement to prevent sectarian divisions that would have prevented the rise of isil. The president said the critics lead us to another war. We dont need to fight the iraq war again. Weve won the war. We do need to do more to combat isil. Authorizing use of military force that doesnt commander in chief which is what the president sent us. Ally,nt we do what our president obama aye bad dee and has asked us for which is more air power and u. S. Operators on the ground for air campaign, more funding for the train and equip fund. We must do more. The ground to take back the territory controlled by isil. We must address the surge of refugees. Are in desperate need of help. The answer is not to resettle them halfway around the world here in the u. S. An openended Resettlement Program is, in fact, an admission of defeat that the homes will never be safe for them to return to. Assimilate them to new languages and new culture. Thats not the best solution for the refugees. Because we know that at least one of these terrorists involved in the paris attacked entered with thoselending in trying to flee isil, we could Security Risk to the u. S. We shouldnt take the indigenous antiisilway from the campaign. Protectlets actively them in their home country by helping them defeat isil and win the war. Can do foring we these people is to defeat the enemy and end their reign of terror, death, rape, and oppression. We need a new strategy not to eliminateil, but to them. The refugee issue is a simple matter of common sense. Problem is larger than the refugees. As we were reminded so friday in paris, failure to con train terrorists and radical ideologies abroad an opportunity to grow and spread an attack here at home. Lets grieve and pray for the people of france. Lets do more. Lets rise up with them to our shared commitment to liberty, security, and freedom. Thank you. I field back. Mr. Speaker, america has a long tradition of opening its people fromess around the globe. While the human rights of those flees terror and destruction must be respected, it is vital that ourork to ensure nations safety is in place in mile andof tour unrest. The United States cannot self totely close its the stark realities of the world. Nor should we accept tens of thousands of people without proper screening. Thats why ive called on pennsylvania governor, tom wolf, efforts to bring efforts to bring Syrian Refugees to pennsylvania until there are mechanisms to place. To facilitate theres screening needed. Legislationng prompting the department of Homeland Security in coordination with the director National Intelligence and the fbi. Provide assurances and a weeping review of the security gaps. This measure addresses both short comings in the interesting and ensures a role for congressional oversight. The refugee crisis the World Symptom of a larger problem. Wanting islam to stabilize and destroy others. We need a longterm solution to the problem. Defeating isis. Speaker. Ack, mr. Headlines,ur recent aheadeaders race to get of the refugee issue. Why is the race . Attacks,ter the theres a fever to figure out how to best respond. Theres a passport found by the bombers. Now theres been an uproar figures out how they should be brought in to the United States. Recently president obama 10,000 new Syrian Refugees will be brought in next year. The house has a bill thats up that would add greater scrutiny and essentially have a on that Resettlement Program. So the republicans are bringing up that bill in the house amorrow and then theres question of whats going to afterwards. E senate host now the bill is authorized Michael Michael chair, mchale. He said it is reasonable to stop refugee process until we can be sure that our government can keep terrorists out. How are refugees currently being vetted . How would the stricter check work . Alex the administration has again whatain and the syrian refugee Resettlement Program is now is of the most get through. So far theres only been around refugees that have been brought in over the past four years in the conflict. They have to go through a multiagency process where you interviews,on biometric and biographic checks with Law Enforcement and agencies, thats from the referral United Nations refugee program. Ist the house bill would do essentially make a 100 assurance that none of the refugees that we brought in are terrorist threat. Now the administration has already put a white house veto threat on the bill because they is completely unnecessary and not adherent to american values. Will see how Many Democrats in the house vote for it tomorrow. The blue dog caucus and some of the more moderate democrats have already singled their support. The Democratic Leaders will most likely oppose. I spoke with the house and Ranking Member, congressman schiff from california. Oppose it as well. Host you mentioned the democratic pushback. A Ranking Member on the tweetedion subcommittee the bill would immediately shutdown Refugee Resettlement in the syrian and iraq region and handicap future refugee settlement. Democrats have any involvement in crafting the bill . Might they offer an alternative . The house gop leadership conferred with the Democratic Leadership. Will unclear where they move forward after tomorrow. Mitch mcconnell and Speaker Paul Ryan have both said they would approve of a pause in the program. Going tolear what is happen next. Host what are you hearing about thebills chances in senate . Alex senator mcconnell hasnt said yet exactly what chambers plan is going to be. Chuck schumer has said that he may be in favor of a right now on thursday night. Theres an all member briefing the law members and enforcement intelligence agencies to give Greater Light a complicated process. It is unclear whats going to happen. Host alex rodgers is a professional reporter for national journal. You can read him at nationaljournal. Com. Thanks for being with us. Ex thanks for having me. Talked after aer u. S. Securitye and the aftermath of the paris attacks in paris. This is 15 minutes. We had about a two and a half briefing that ranged from things that may be happening in syria to dealing refugee issues, discussions, candid things like program whichr obviously has created some degree of concern. Theres again information thats going to be developed around that. It was a very good briefing. Think that a lot of information that was shared that and, you know, i a result of the terrible things that have happened in paris that were going to see much more robust in syria by countries throughout europe. Well see what happens. Obviously there are commitments im aware of. Hat im hopeful that as these issues move to the u. N. Security council and other places that a possibility for greater engagement and greater condemnation of isil and what and are doing in syria other places. Senator, weve heard from senators of both parties come out and say they have much more confidence in the syrian refugee vetting program that they did doing in. Youve been critical of the program no havent beeni critical of it. What i have stated is that it incumbent upon the administration to share with us the americanh people the voracity of the program. Long wayhink went a toward that. One of the things that i tried end withhere at the some of the briefers is they have a tendency because of what basis ton a daily concerns thatown average americans have who are raising their families and going to work. They are just they care about their familys security. I think that again ill say it one more time. I think it is incumbent upon the just to talkn not about values which obviously are of us, but toll talk about the actual technical aspects of what is taking place know, thereat, you arent gaps. Did i leave here thinking still there were not gaps . I cannot say that, because, you know, the fbi was not here to testify. They will be at the all briefing, all members briefing tonight at 5 00. Been some statements fbi publicly by the director relative to the fact that if someone hasnt create add ripple in the pond in the past then there would be no way to actually know of what their background is. Clearly int to say think part of americas values is accepting people in need. Camps visited the refugee in turkey and jordan and seen are in desperate situations. It is pitiful to see what some the conditions that people are living in just to get away from the barrel bombing thats been taking place. Thats why ive been so upset tot we havent done more stop the barrel bombing in the places that these people are out from. En at the same time, lets face it. Our number one responsibility here is security. You know, there are legitimate concerns. Do think that by this evening there are going to be answers to questions about whether the same individuals that were involved operations in syria me in paris some of them were french citizens, obviously. Way to think that under normal circumstances they our toave traveled country. We want the answers. I think what you are saying is is a round about of all of the issues. A concern by i will say both sides of the aisle that we have answers to those. We understand that. Certainly again that the American People understand how these processes work. Us details about the concerns of the Visa Waiver Program . Yourfew more details about concerns about the Visa Waiver Program . I think again the concerns the lack of understanding. So the concerns are a lack of understanding. Meaning that i think, you know, whats happened as a result of when you realize again some of the people who conducted this heinous activity in paris were french citizens. Does that mean exactly . Do we have systems in place that travellike that cannot to the United States . The answer to that right now. Sense is some of that was covered at the briefing will be sure they canake answer the questions. Senator, you had a chance to review the legislation with the house. With thehare those desire for a shortterm act . So, you know, we did read it last night. I met with my staff this morning. Thates appear to me speaker ryan is attempting to hit the sweet spot. Thether words to not stop intake of refugees but to have that, in fact, the program has integrity. Again i think tonight because we from theave witnesses fbi and the fbi seems to be the agency that their leader have expressed the greatest concern of people that i heard. I think tonight there will be hopefully some clarification on whether Something Like what the house is proposing is something that can actually work. What did you discuss beyond refugees . Refugees. T of the senator corker questions like the type of explosive utilizeed. Was is it the type that would have goingetected if you will through our own systems here . Yet noes no clarification. Materialsjust the that were all reading public and public materials. Size. S the class we understand the explosive verye may have been very, small. So do we have, in fact, you know, the process that you are with that. Those people and those types of people were knocked in this year. A homelandmore of security type issue. Certainly the type of issue that the meeting. P in let me say this, a big part of on meeting also focused russia. You know, specific activities that russia is involved in. Where thats coming from and things like that. Russianomb on the plane. Yeah, im sorry. I apologize. I just left the briefing. Know im speaking with extreme consciousness here but relative to the russian plane that was down. Is there going to be opportunity for cooperation with russia . Corker i hope that. I think again the one issue this is almost becoming a cliche, i dont know. The one issue that would prevent further cooperation is not to an agreement at some point on the future of the assad. You look at the driving elements relative to isis syria, you know, assad is one of those. Withreally been a deal isis or daesh or whatever you wish to call them. Deal with that issue. It is just fundamental to syria of isis in the first place. Appearsoping that it to me that as we as you read the details of some of the conversations that are taking place, what were trying to do is sort of narrow the gap over time. It is my hope that at some point fully onose the gap that particular issue. It is the one that, i think, from being able to isis. Ully cooperate with we have concerns about the intelligence saytor corker let me this. I want to add when you see much of the activity killing folks our friends that are not part of isis in the actions, you know, we know what they are doing. What they are doing. It doesnt speak to the fact yet they are really committed to being full partners in isis. If they are really committed to full partners from isis, they have to understand that again, is a big part of the motivation around isis in the first place. Obviously, you know, a rational response could be to deal with the motivation one of the motivations thats causing isis to do what hes doing. They were attacked as well. Senator corker they were. Goalsave conflicting here. Where we dont. 1 they haveal is conflicting goals because of assadinterest in themselves. Yup. States persian authorities had thought the master mind of the attack had been in syria. Now it turns out hes in paris. Does that to you raise concerns levelthe quality and the of intelligence that had been ascertained about the attack initially . Corker look, i dont know that i can speak fully to that wehe intelligence have. I dont sit on that committee. I think there will be a much readout this evening regarding that. Look, i i dont want to look in the Rearview Mirror too much. Was so discouraged by the fact hamper theld try to nsas ability to have helpful to usats in this regard. I realize you are not speaking nsa here. I think that, you know, we have think further. We have the event that happened that the nsa was doing things the they were not doing, by way. Somehow we ended up, you know, a legislation that in my opinion took us in the wrote direction relative to the very essence of what it going to save us from these kinds of things. Thats not just vetting people were they come to the country, but the Intelligence Community having the tools, appropriate respecting civil rights, to deal with it. Speakt know that i can fully to the french intelligence. Senator, the president was very critical of the critics here on the hill, saying they were dealing with concerns about widows and orphans. I wonder as you are grappling with the issues here on the senatorthat corker i wish it is interesting. We had a briefer inside that was sort of conducting themselves in manner. R it is just i tried to explain know, people in america are busy. They want to raise their families. Have responsibilities. They are busy. They just want to know that they are safe. Speak down to someone because they have a question and concern to say they are irrational or who we areunderstand as a nation or or Something Like that, it doesnt help. I mean it hurts. What would help, and i think this is something that the meetingl method in the we just had, is on both sides of the aisle, i might add, is that needs to explain clearly to the American People the processes that we go through s. Fore we admit refugee to brow the people because they are concerned about their kids a productive process. Them though because you are able to lay out all of the details that we go through the vetting process and have the fbi agree. Obviously thats a very respected entity in our country. That would be helpful. That goes back to my responses in the hallway. Incumbent. It is incumbent upon the withistration to clarity, ensure that the American People and all of us just to be candid, i i spent a lot of time with folks 30 days ago the issue. Athink that most senators handful or less even understood until this morning the processes that we go through. So it is incumbent upon the assure people to and to assure all of us that we have systems in the u. S. House returns to take aboutjust legislation syrian seeking asylum in the United States. It could require new security checks as investigation into each applicant by the Intelligence Community. On the next washington journal, senator gary peters of michigan, number of the Homeland Security and government Affairs Committee on human strategy against isis, and a look at Climate Change with ben kirkman. Of the university of miami school of environmental science. The conversation with your calls, and comments on facebook and twitter. Cspan has the best access to congress, watch live coverage of the house on cspan on cspan2. What is online, or on your phone at cspan. Org, listen live anytime on our cspan radio app. Can access by following cspan and our capitol Hill Reporter on twitter. Radio,th cspan, cspan and cspan. Org for your best access to congress. Events i could Ashton Carter spoke of the ceo Council Meeting on tuesday. In paris, the involvement to defeat isis, the russian,fugee crisis, and china. This is 45 minutes. [applause] secretary formr. Being here. Busy day, i can only assume. Mr. Secretary it was, indeed. You know, i would say at the outset that secretary carter comes to his job well equipped. Was deputy secretary of defense. Before that he was undersecretary of defense. Before that he was assistant secretary of defense. We hadportantly for me, lunch together after you left secretary ofdeputy defense. Mr. Secretary uhhuh. To me. As encouraging you are a physicist by training. You lead me to believe you can a degree in physics and have a productive job. Son has is degree in physics. Im grateful for that. Whatever we were going to talk a week ago, i changed it because of what happened in paris. Im curious of what you have about isis in the last three or four days that you didnt know exists. Secretary i wouldnt say anything was surprises to me. This is an enemy that needs to defeated. Will be defeated. Opposite ofr the everything that we stand for in for. Ized people stand obviously im sad that it happened. Thats a terrible tragedy for the french people. Has had the effect of galvanizing our cooperation with france. Thats one of the things that over then doing weekend, strengthening our intelligence cooperation with them. Took some strikes last night. They will take some strikes again this morning. Europeanat other nations in the same light. This now weve been at for a year. Were looking to do more. Were looking for every opportunity that we can to get and go at isil. Know, need others to, you we can help those who help themselves. We need others to get in the game as well. That this tragedy has the effect of galvanizing others galvanized the french and really throughout europe. Beenber europe has participating in part in isil. Ions against not notably. So far. Them in syria also of course separately but judgment not in my spending enough in general on their defense. Thats important. They need to get in the game also. They share civilized values with us. A history with us. They need to get in the game protecting our people from this of thing. I wasnt were determined we defeat isil. Will. Gerald theres been a change in the french attitude and strategy in dealing with the threat. The u. S. Anged in hours . In the last 72 how has this changed what were going to do . Mr. Secretary it is easier to whats changed in the last several weeks. This isnt the change of mind or heart. Were looking for opportunities. Examples,you some just in the last few weeks we john. Hadi their nest,ead of their metastasized nest in libya. We started some sustained strikes on Oil Infrastructure which is one of the ways they andrevenues in both syria iraq. And aidingtifying able and capable and motivated ground force there is. This is an important point, itald, because the if were just us versus isil, we could defeat them. Learnedlem is as weve in iraq previously and in afghanistan is sustaining the defeat. For that purpose, we need ed localand motivate forces who can keep the place running without extremeism after isil has been defeated. Now they are hard to come by in syria and iraq. Do exist. In iraq we have the kurds in the north who have been very effective. Weve been helping them. There are elements of the iraq Security Forces, the counterterrorism forces, certain elements of the iraqi army that are affected. Sunnies in thegh fight there over in syria. Warously theres a civil going on. There are syrians there, some arabs, in the south, some along jordanian border. In all of the places, we are enables them. They are making progress. You an example, the road that connects mosul over in and raqqa in syria for those who know the geography, isils the heart of representatively in the two key countries. With our help, some Kurdish Forces have managed to seize that road. An important piece of strategic geography. In syria. R we are aiding some forces that are heading toward rac request. Raqqa. Our intelligence gets better. Just in the last youll see us continue to do this. Opportunityiesor to get at them. Gerald defeating them means on the ground. The forces that you have seem weak. The iraq armies has been disappointed. The kurds, while very effective, it creates problems for others andhe region, including especially the turks. Malicious shas look like the stalk forces. Create a ground force of sunnies who have a stake and or isilely defeat isil and keep them down in the long run . Groundo you get that force . Mr. Secretary this is one of the sad realities in iraq and syria. To find that you would like. The situations have similarities. Iraq still remains an integral state. A multisectarian. We are supporting Prime Minister baddy in his efforts. It keeps them in the phrase he uses decentralized simply the alternative is sectarian war. Path leads. E that said that Prime Minister abadi, ive spoken to him a trying to does, is the right thing. Bad tag is a complicated place. Particular, we have gotten all of the authorizations for sunni force that is we need. Isil the sunni area where is. Those communities and those people need to decide to participate in the fight and territory. We can enable them and help them. They need the will to fight and the capability the will we can embolden them, but we cant create will. We can create the capability and the conditions under which they succeed. We cant substitute for that. We know otherwise well be there forever. We need to we need to enable them. Thats the strategy. Isiltrategy is to destroy in its hat of iraq and syria protecting our people and protecting our borders and working their finances and fighters, lone wolves, the whole deal. Metastasizes it worldwide, including in our own country. Ithave to not only destroy in its heart which we must do, but notecessary sufficient. We need to do everything around the world also. Russians are the obviously engaged in syria has we are. For what seemed to be a dramatically different purpose. They are engaged to protect the assad regime and reserve it. Defeat isis and get rid of assad. How do we come in the midst of the threat . Secretary theyve made a mistake. Ive told it very clearly to my and the counterpart. Their strategy is doomed to fail has the effect as you said supporting assad. Warh fuels the very civil that produces the extremeism which may rightly fear. I mean they rightly fear. History in the caucuses and czechens. Form ofe tasted the terrorists. They said they are going to come in to fight isil. They did. What it is possible, just possible, sure, the not secretary of state is discussing this with them that they can get side of things here which is promoting a political transition in assad and in syria which has to include some of the very people they started to bomb when they came in. These people who have to be part of the opposition have to be the future of syria. Then it is fine if they get in the game. They came in saying they were fight. O thats not what they do. They fought moderate opposition. Off. Were way way off track. Basically a strategic error on their part. We could not associate ourselves with that. Which is why we didnt cooperate coordinate with an accept dealing with making sure they incidents in the because they syria were wrong headed and backwards approaching it. View, from our point of can we put up with assad in order to defeat the Islamic State . Mr. Secretary there has to be a transition. Assad receding. He has to be willing enough to slogging itw, keep out here and slaughtering people and creating refugees and all of stuff. There to be a enough of the structures of the that the place isnt a complete mess at the end of the civil war. We want something of the to tedirt of syria here. Thats important. Who can pursue him to go . Russians wouldhe be hell helpful. They get on the right side of this, it would be trying to move aside andto keep the structures of the state moderate move the opposition in to that and try to put some decent decency back the nest in syria. Thats the path were behind. We hope since they have such influence, they will use it to good. Commitment toe assad or the regime . Syria theyvision the are happy about . Mr. Secretary they say they dont have a commitment to him personally. They keep the structures of the state as they way they put it going. If their actions match those words, then that would be something we could associate ourselves with. They need to see they are on the theg side of things, get on right side because they could persuadive with assad. They and the iranians have the most influence. If you gauge for us, could, the level and the trajectory of the Islamic State here. Ist threat what we saw in paris raises a whole new set of concerns, not for people in europe, but for people in the u. S. Whats your own view of the trajectory of the threat . Well, weve been concerned about it since it started last summer. They say from the aspiration to come here. Is not what ity is in europe. There isnt that that much geographically. We dont have some of the population that has longstanding terrorists inclinations that are in the some of the european countries. So the most it is a very serious matter for me. There were six of our service killed. That were who did that . Kid whos born there. Ooga and born he went on the losers lost kids, went on the internet, got bought a firearm, went out, and killed people. Now we cant have that. Some of that is just protecting and the find of protection that you do against people all the time anyway. Here you have a particular cause. We need to show thats not a successful cause. Civilized people are determined to defeat us. Talkingtime, ive been a lot about what we do in syria and iraq. This is the time that people are they need to be on defeating isil. A multipronged thing. We also have to do the and intelligence work that i know has been controversial. Were trying to protect our country and protect our people. The use of social media by the guys and use of encryption, we need to find a way thats consistent with being free and allowsternet, but also us in the and the Public Officials to protect our people. And watch ourp borders. Fighter flow. We have to Pay Attention to the financing. Get others around the word. There are guys in southeast asia. Southeast asia. Not many. Ther little nests of metastasis of this as well as the apparent tumor, syria and iraq. We have to do all of that. I guess the border question, if you rise above the nowils, where something is going to chance not just in the way france is approaching this, the way the u. S. Is approaching it. Are we on a path to do more of the same . An inclination to do something more and different . No. Dotainly an inclination to more and consistent with the strategy that i described which day, therend of the have to be people in syria and iraq that are keeping a lid on won. The war is were looking for new ways of doing things all the time. I an example of in a detail on this. Were going after Oil Infrastructure there. Well, one of the we were ways of doing that. We get better and better at this all the time. Way for twine a clever me. Mr. Secretary be careful. I dont want the guys to know whats going on. Youhinking well, know, i think jihadi john hisably overestimated safety. Seems so. Put thattary let me t that way. Gerald the guys driving the oil trucks over the weekend. Secretary yes. That was an example i loathe to use. We want to do it again. Imhinking this is just one guy. I got 2. 8 Million People who are there for a reason. They care about the mission. Particularly those who just popped. Like i was just telling gerald name andtunity to recommend to the president five new joint chiefs since ive been secretary of defense. Bench is amazing. Didnt get to the top like none of you did without ability. They are tremendous experience, tremendous ability there. If you think back, you know, think of the wars in iraq and afghanistan, i know people there. Was all the time ive been there all in for them. Right . We have people fighting there. Have people. Im all in. Thei got to tell you ingenuity of the people in those those were new kinds of war and the counterinsurgency thing. Hises a captain, a kid in 20s running a town sophisticated politically, economic, social issues as well military craft and applying his military craft in a form,hin an art counterinsurgency which is different from all of the other kinds of military more traditional military things which they are good at as well. Im just so proud of them. Think theres no other military in the whole world that as ours is. And so they are going to adapt also to the isil thing. Adapting to Everything Else going on. Ukraine. Ctivity in asia pacific. Weve got lots of things to do. Is a pretty capable crowd. Ask one finale question on the isis isil space. Wonder when you in net where we underestimated the b ch and ability of isis and on whether they are better at maybe wedetection than thought. Mr. Secretary theres no question about the second part. As far as the first part is concerned, they represent a new phenomenon. Im not the first one to say this. Was the first internet terrorist group. Social media first internet group. So just like, you know, people are amazed at how things go virus and craze has happened and so forth. Then the forests space. Veryis turned out to be a ugly capability for people like this to have. Now were trying to climb on top that in every way that we can. Theres no question that it represents a new phenomenon. Organized, civilized, society has to figure out how to from this kind of stuff. Is that a work in progress . You bet it is. Well do it. New you know, that is a phenomenon. Gerald you mentioned asia. I wanted to pivot a bit to china. Youve spent more time than most about the issue in the last couple of months. In particular the department of decided in recent chinese challenge the claim to the artificial islands it has created in the south of china sea. Which you did by running ships bewhat they claim to territorial waters. I wonder since you did that if in have detected any change chinese behavior or any change in the kind of dialogue, if thats the right word that you have, the chinese on the subject. Did andetary what we well continue to do isnt new at all. We have been sailing the united navy in the South China Sea for decades and decades and decades. So we did that. Were going to continue to do that. Noting that . Y even they are not noticing it because the United States is doing anything new. They are noticing because china is doing something new. China is making extravagant plans. They are not the only ones who are doing that. Are other claimants as well. Trying to settle those claims not by talking about them, but going out to redredging them and building airstrips on top. A lot ofgotten attention. And in turn has caused people to notice were still doing what weve been doing. I want to be clear, you called it a challenge. Were doing what weve been seven years. Why is that important . Thee been talking about middle east and so the middle east is in the newspapers every day. The asia pacific where half of humanity live and half of the Economic Activity which is far e cons sensible consequential for americas where most of the growth theets for all of businesses in the room will reside. Hugely consequential. God there isnt conflict there. Why is that . The single most influential factor financial seven decades has been the pivot role of the power. N military theres no nato. Theres nothing that keeps the peace. The stabilizing presence of the u. S. Military forces. We aim to keep that going. Now if the chinese think about will the chinese do think about it. They say thats the area theyve been able to do their thing. Southinese miracle and korean and taiwan and now india and china. Of that. In fair system. S to be a we talk about something called the balance. Toething we can begin rethink where we put our defense resources that we make sure resourcesing enough in the region to keep a good thing going out there. Thats what were doing. Ours the meaning of presence. Gerald if the chinese benefit atmosphere of stability that you just referred to, why do they seem to eager to challenge it in various ways right now . Contradiction there . Mr. Secretary theres no question about it. One of the people who believe that the conflict is likely something desirable. Peace is not a birthright. That are two thoughts coexist. One, things have been pretty good for us. Weve been able to develop in a remarkable way. Nobody isanybody molested them as theyve done of thats a pretty good deal. Thats one thought. Weve beenhought is down for hundreds of years. Now it is our time to rise and sign. That kind of hubris is dangerous. If that, you know, gets out of hand so to speak, it will lead a direction thats not good obviously for the region. Will check that. But also it is not good for china in the long run. Think thats the dominant trend. It is there. Is to as far as china is concerned, is to strand. E the better but this is important. China is not only audience here. Everybody else lived there. I just came back from the region. In a meeting with everybody. Chinese behavior is having the effect of driving everybody to seek more relationship with the othermilitary and security relation. We have incredibly strong allies out there. All getting stronger. Japan, south korea, the australia, thailand, were doing more with malaysia. I was out with the Malaysian Defense minister. Hyfongonths ago i was in hear bonn. Thats vietnam. Single thing thats galvanizing the drive to us is chinasern about future. Thats not smart. Divide in toing to our camps and their camps. Thats not our policy. Inclusive one. Gerald go back to the starting the South China Sea in the islands there. In a way i think what you are saying is that the challenge my word and not yours. I accept that. The action that you took seems to have not produced a response from the chinese. Response; right . See. Ecretary well again thats not the only audience. It is everybody else as well. That not only i think, and i experience the andng and growing desire the secretary. They come to me all the time. Do you exercise and train with us . We buy your equipment . Can we send people to your economies . Thats an enormous demand signal out there for the what provided for 70 years. The know thats whats kept lid on in an area where the wounds of world war ii never heeled. Animosities. You dont have to scratch very hard for not just between and other countries. Among our friends and allies, it is no secret, for example, that things have been tense over time allies and korean japanese allies. Allies. E both our the region is filled with the claims. South china sea is just one. Gerald let me touch on a couple more areas. Then i want to leave time for questions from the audience. We were talking about russia and president putin in the syrian context. More broadly, you have a president in russia now embarked on a strategy that clearly the u. S. Government is unhappy with in syria. Factory in ukraine has been a continuing problem for a couple of years. Theresa sense that a challenge under way. Part of its political and part of sec. Carter well, weve got to respond to it. And we are. You know, this is something that for a quarter century we had not since the cold war ended been as concerned about. So we are making adjustments in our own investments and our own posture, to take into account russian moves, and make sure we stay ahead. And were also working with nato to strengthen natos posture. And that involves a number of things. Were positioning heavy equipment in nato allies, working on new schemes of defense, both of territory and against the little green men phenomenon, socalled hybrid warfare. And i think youve used that phrase here. Its not just the old fulda gap, for those who remember the cold war issue of tanks crossing over. Its the little green men phenomenon, as well. We need to fortify our european allies. And this is a new playbook. This isnt the fulda gap of old. This is a new playbook. And its to maintain peace and stability in europe. Mr. Seib hybrid warfare being proxy forces, misdirection plays, propaganda, a different way of exerting power . Sec. Carter exactly right. And we need to counter that, too. And we need to fortify our european allies to counter that. So weve got a lot to do, and thats just another way of saying that we need to continue to be innovative. We innovated a lot when it was came for iraq and afghanistan. They were new kinds of one of the things im really proud of in our Defense Department is a long history of innovation. It goes back you know, i started my career in science and technology. As you said, we were doing stealth at that time. We were doing a whole lot of stuff in space. Missile defenses, all those were new capabilities. And those of you who are in High Technology industry know im trying to reach out to our industry, building those bridges. Mr. Seib i wanted to ask you about that, as a final thought before we take questions. But but you have spent a lot of time in silicon valley, which is not a normal place for a secretary of defense to go, necessarily. You want to build bridges for the benefit of the Defense Department to silicon valley. Its not a place that has traditionally been comfortable with either Big Government bureaucracies in general or, dare i say, your government bureaucracy in particular. Are you knocking down those walls . Sec. Carter yes. Weve got to knock down those walls. The wall is too big between defense and nondefense. And it has gotten that way over time. And when i started in my career, it was much of a reflex for people to consider the defense and i understand thats not believe me, im not going to ask anybody to adapt to us. Weve got our own issues to deal with in terms i ask our tell our people, weve got to think outside our fivesided box. We do need to think. We need to be less bureaucratic. They dont need to be more like us. Im trying to make us connect to them. But you have to understand theres a generation of people who havent been subject to the draft. And they need but my experience is they understand the mission. Theyre inspired by the mission. Weve just got to give them a way to connect with us. Maybe they dont want to join the military, maybe they do, maybe theyre willing to come in for a year or two. When i started my career, i thought i was just going to do it temporarily. And then i found that it was one of the most meaningful things that i can be doing. There are lots of people like that. Im looking for ways of giving people the opportunity to come in and out, to make us more permeable. And so that this new generation, and these new technologies are something that we are userfriendly for. That is going to require us to change. I dont expect the big world of technology out there to change. We dont control that anymore. When i started my career, we were the big dog. Now were a big dog. But not all Technology Comes out of the government. And not all Technology Comes out of the United States. Mr. Seib its kind of reversed in fact, right . I mean, they used to need the products of your research, you now need the products of their research. Sec. Carter right. And so and were not going to get that by standing there with our arms crossed across our chest and asking people to do it our way. And so weve got reach out. So i want to create those channels that allowed our people to learn from one another, allow people to go back and forth, allow careers to be different, including careers in government. You know, for those of you who have older companies, you remember the old Hr Department of vintage days, right . Everything done in paperwork, they decided where you were going to go, then they sent you there. Life was, you know, kind of an escalator where you got on and then you waited and it took you up. Kids dont want to live that kind of life now oh, it was also, by the way, and this is worth noting, it was the place one of the only places where female executives could get ahead. That was the Hr Department of old. Well, we cant have that in the uniformed or the civilian side and still have what we have, because we talk about technology, but the thing that makes us the finest fighting force the world has ever known isnt our technology, its our people. Our people are amazing. And ive got to make sure now i got that from my predecessors as secretary of defense. Ive ive got to leave to the people after me, 10 years, 20 years from now, as good a group of people and as good at connection to American Society as i enjoy today. And like Everything Else, ive got to work on the future. Im working on isil. I work on russia. I work china. But ive got to be thinking 20 years ahead also because ive got to hand this treasure over to the future so that we are still protecting our people, were still sticking up for the things that we think ought to be stuck up for. Mr. Seib ive got time for a couple of questions, and secretary carter has agreed to take them. We can do one there and one there. Question yes, secretary, my name inaudible from germany. O you think about german policy or more their policy maybe of Angela Merkel concerning the refugees . Especially that we encouraged them to come to germany, also against National Security . Sec. Carter well, to answer that, you would need to unpack the refugee flow a little bit. The picture you get casually, im sure you know better, is that they all come from syria, they dont. Theyre coming from a lot of places. Theyre not all women and children, although tragically theres women and children in there. Most of them are young men looking for work. Now, you ask about germany, and germany, there are differences of opinion, i think, is the honest way. And chancellor merkel is trying to balance these. Theres a view that we cant absorb many more of these people, that theyre a welfare burden, theyre possibly a terror burden. But theres another view also which is that germany is demographically aging and needs young professional people. And whether theyre coming from syria or libya or afghanistan, sadly, these are some of the most best professionals in those societies, who have decided to bail, that theres no future for them, which is a whole other problem for those societies. But for germany, i talked to a german executive a few months ago. I wont name the company, but they had recruiters at the train station. And they were taking people off and bringing them in to their company. So this is complicated. And i think that chancellor merkel is trying to work all of that. I think europeans are having to rethink in general the eu policies. And, you know, how open open can be and still be safe and do right by the people who do come. I was down in italy, take another example, so not just to single out germany, because all the countries are i was down in italy with my counterpart, the italian defense minister down in sigonella, where we happen to have a base, and we work with the italians and others out there. I was visiting our folks, our guys down there. But i went with her, the italian defense minister. And we were looking at what was happening in the mediterranean. Now there they are, you know the boot. It pokes right out there in the mediterranean. Libya is not far away. Libya is obviously in turmoil. And there are plenty of people who are just getting on a boat in libya and going over to italy. Now on your one hand, your heart goes out to these people. And you dont want Somebody Just floating up and saying, well, go away, you know, and try to get home. So you have to do the humane thing. At the same thing, theres a limit at the same time, theres a limit. And so the europeans are trying to strike that a balance. But i do observe in germany that in the Business Community there is some ambivalence about this because there is a side to it which meets labor needs that german business has because its an aging society. The United States doesnt have the same demographic challenges that many do. Japan, china, russia, europe. These are places where demography, which is, how we say . Theres the one predictable aspect of human life is demography . And demography is a big issue for lots unfortunately our society, generally speaking, doesnt labor under the same burdens going forward. Mr. Seib well take one other question here. Question thank you, gerry. Thank you, secretary carter. As you were going back to you observations on the war on terrorism and islamic terrorism, American Leadership is going to be pivotal in this time which is an era of extraordinary opportunity and of perils. The question i have for you and want your thoughts on is, if this leadership is entirely characterized or driven, to a certain extent, by fear at the perils, and not focusing enough on the opportunity and in the process giving short shrift at times to what i think are critical judeochristian value systems of humanity and compassion. I think we might win in the short term but perhaps weaken ourselves in the medium term. Sec. Carter well, i mean, sure, i mean, fair point. I one of the reasons why we are popular partners, magnetic in terms of being able to build and have that leadership role is because of what we stand for. There is no question about it. You see that from asia to europe to the and im incredible y proud of that on behalf of the united so i think we do operate out of more than fear. We operate out of loyalty to our friends and to what they stand for, to what we have stood for talked about the asia pacific and peace and security in the long run. So its not just fear, and its not just about us. And the fact that we dont just operate out of fear. One of the reasons why people want to work with us. They dont want to work, i mean, with some of the other countries ive named. Theyre not attracting new partners. Theyre attracting anxiety. The United States isnt like that. I think thats a fantastic thing. And ill just close on one thing, is i am also very even though youd say, well, youre in the business of dealing with threats im also in the opportunities i feel great opportunities for our country, you know, i really do. We have lots of things going for us. We have this tremendous innovative culture. I mentioned we have good demographics. We have strong character and value built into lots of we have problems, sure, in our society, and so i you know, my really, all of our roles as leaders is, you know, is not just to protect what we have, which has to be done, but its also to capitalize on the really bright opportunities that our country has and our people have. And if you get people to feel that as well as the fear and a lot of folks do that. You know, thats why they join. They want to be part of something bigger than themselves. They want to want to wake up every morning and say, you know, wow, i was, you know, part of a great cause. Thats why i hope a lot of folks will work with now our traditional Defense Industry folks do feel that way. And i always tell them, youre part of the force, as far as im concerned. You know, we dont do i always tell people, we dont build anything in the pentagon, right. You can go in there, you know, were not building no airplanes being built in the pentagon. We buy all this, thats the american way. The soviet union tried a different way, and didnt work out very well for them. And so we depend on private industry, but at the same time a lot of those people get inspired to come in and be part of this great future opportunity. So im not a pessimist at all, weve got a lot going for us. And so its not all a defensive game at all. Mr. Seib secretary carter, its been very nice to spend some time with us on a busy day and a busy week. And i appreciate it very much. Sec. Carter i appreciate you having me. Mr. Seib and were blessed to live in these Interesting Times is all i can i say. So anyway, thank you again. Sec. Carter thank you. Moderator thank you you all. Good to be with you. Appreciate it. [applause] sunday, on q a. On the first woman to reach for stars in the United States navy, maybe 1011 months . It was traveling through town i was down in norfolk and he asked to see me. I presumed it was about the next job i was going to. That is when he talks to me about looking at you for being a fourstar and he was a couple of different opportunities will be think you would do well in benefit the navy. Shedmiral michelle howard, talks about becoming the first female fourstar admiral in the history of the navy. She also discusses her career prior to her current appointment including leading the mission to rescue captain Richard Phillips who is captured by somali pirates in 2009. I became head of the Counter Piracy task force, todays onthejob captain phillips was kidnapped and so it was our responsibility as a task force to get him back, and safely. That was a surprise kind of mission, and a challenge but we got him back. Sunday night at 8 00 eastern on cspan to q a. Prime minister David Cameron took questions from the members of parliament. [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] min. Prime minister. Thank you, mr. Speaker. This morning i had meetings and i should have further such meetings today. Mr. Speaker, may i associate myself and i hope the whole house and others from the government have said from the attacks in paris, for those killed by the terrorists in france. Now, mr. Speaker, various concerns to Prime Minister about neighborhood policing and security being threatened and formula which is now been admitted. Can i ask him to reflect on the words when i change my mind and police local intelligence can be crucial to terrorists, perhaps this isnt the time to jeopardize it with [shouting] i thank the gentleman for what he says about paris and the whole house coming together over this issue. Perhaps the house would like a brief update. As i said, one British National was killed at bataclan theater. The red cross are providing support. We make sure we provide all the support to those injured and traumatized by the events that have happened. There has been progress in france in terms of terrorists arrests. On policing, what i say to the honorable gentleman what we have is protected counterterrorism policing. We are going to protect it again in this parliament. Weve seen increase in neighborhood officers of 3,800 over the parliament and seen a 31 cut in crime. Let me commend the police. Not just the Counterterrorism Police but all the police. [shouting] mr. Speaker, as our hearts go to the people of france at this time, will the Prime Minister agree with me that the first duty of government must be to protect british citizens from harm, so he will he take immediate action to secure uk borders from those who threaten our nation and on security grounds alone restore complete sovereignty over our british borders from the European Union . I think my honorable friend rages a very important question. I want to explain and answering a very important point. Because the uk is not in area, we already retained full control over who is entering our country and were able to check all entrance at the border even nationals and the house might be interested to know that we refused entry to almost 6,000eu national and weve denied to nearly 95,000 people. One of the reasons, principal reasons not letting people in our country is National Security concerns. We have that situation already. [shouting] thank you, thank you, mr. Speaker. I want to start, mr. Speaker, by expressing the horror on this side of the house of the events on friday evening and solidarity by the people affected. Nothing can justify targeting innocent civilians by anyone. We know that at least one British National has been killed and many more injured. Many british people live and work in paris. Millions visit paris and france every year. Can the Prime Minister continue what he said saying earlier in response about the support given to British Nationals affected by the attacks and advance on traveling to france and best possible no, nomality. Can i thank the minister for his remarks and what pleasure it was to be with him in the football match. I thought it was a tremendous display of solidarity. I think we did a good job yesterday and i was proud to be there. I think hes absolutely right. Theres never any justification for terrorism. He asked specifically about what more we can do to help british people caught up in the problems, i think our embassador in france has done brilliant job with staff and ive been keeping eye on constant situation and everything that can be done is being done. In terms of travel, everything is on our website. The most important thing is for people to carry on with their lyes, flights continue to go and the people continue to travel, enjoy london, paris and carry on going about our business as we do so, yes, we do need enhanced security and that is happening with the ways of the police are asking here in the uk and elsewhere but one way to defeat terrorism is to show them that we will not be cowed. Will the Prime Minister agree with me that its vital everybody in public life particularly in politicians are careful how we discuss the issues and also join with me in making clear that terrorism in paris have nothing in common whatsoever with the 2 million british muslims in this country who are appalled by anyone else by the events on last friday. Strongest and best statements have been made by a whole series of british muslims coming together saying that these attacks are in no way carried out in their name. But i do think and i talked about this yesterday, raises an important issue, it cannot be said enough, no reflection of the True Religion of islam which is a religion of peace. That is why we have to take apart what they say and prove thats not the case. Its not good enough to say theres no connection between terrorists and islam. They are making a connection. We need to prove thats not right. As we do so the support of muslim communities, i commend them for their work. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Surely a crucial way to help defeat is cut off funding, supply arms and trade. Ia are allies doing everything they can and will he through the European Union and others forms as necessary consider sanctions against those banks and companies and if necessary countries who turn a blind eye to financial dealings with isil . We do play leading roles as i said yesterday that the supply of money and weapons and support is cut off. I think we should be clear about where isil got their money from originally. What happened was because we didnt have a government in iraq that effectively represented all of its people and because in syria you have a leader who is butchering his own people. Isil was able to get a hold of weapons, oil, weaponry and that that they have been able to use to fund their hatred. We cannot dodge forever on how to destroy isis both in iran and syria and i will be sending my response to Foreign Affairs committee. Yes, go after the money, cut off the supplies but dont make that a substitute for the action thats required to beat these people where they are. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Next week the chancellor will present to the house. Extra funding to be set out for the Security Services which we support. When it comes to expenses of other areas, all from the reserves, all from the funding, can the chancellor explain the answer too . [laughter] we will send out in full the decisions next week. There will be funding in Security Services of 1900 personnel. We will be safe guarding the budget and increase in terms of aviation security. This is part of an overall spending security. We have to make decisions and keep our economy strong. We dont do this just but none of it possible without a strong economy. Im not absolutely sure where the money will come but it will come. London has been targeted by terrorists before and the events in paris focus attention not just on london but other cities throughout britain. Plays a vital role in cohesion, gathering intelligence but this is shortly undermine if we cut the Police Officers by 5,000. Does Prime Minister agree, i generally worry about the safety of london if the cuts go through. Where does the money come from . We on this side of the house every money that comes from is taxpayers. [shouting] now, said, we are protecting the counterterrorism budget. We see 3,800 increase in neighborhood Police Officers in the last parliament. 31 cut in crime. A 10 efficiency target for the police is doable. Is the leader saying that he doesnt agree with shadow that does seem to be a little bit of disagreement. I have a question from a taxpayer. [shouting] his name is john and he says at the time [shouting] at the time, and he said, mr. Speaker, at the time when we are experiencing the greatest threats from terrorism ever faced the Police Officers are being cut. He goes onto say, demands have been increased, changes to paid terms, conditions and pentagonos, its no wonder that morale in police force is one and three considering to leave the workforce. Would you be able to tell us to protect it or not in next weeks autumn statements. Neighborhood Police Officers have gone up. Weve seen 500 increase in neighborhood policing. Weve also cut bureaucracy put extra 3,000 police of the street. Ill tell the leader of opposition something, the police wants the appropriate powers and the leader think that is the police when confronted waiving terrorists isnt sure what the reaction should be. [shouting] the attack on paris was clearly an attack on all of us. Does the Prime Minister agree that we should hunt down isil wherever it is operating or noting, if that means shoot to kill, sobeit. If that means action in syria, then sobeit. [shouting] i think my honorable friend is right. What ive said that in order to respond to this very Severe Threat that we face, we need focus on counterterrorism on the United Kingdom given the powers they need and making sure we are vigilant. We need counterextremism as we were discussing earlier, stopping poisoning of young minds but we also need to stop the problems at the source. We know where much of this problem is coming from. It is isil not just in iraq but isil in syria, what i said to the house yesterday, i will prepare a detailed response to the foreign aair force Committee Report to demonstrate we have bringing in regional powers and building a future for the countries but i believe part of that is takeing isil wherever it is. Its very welcome that theres significant diplomatic progress. Would the uk join u. S. In viena on the weekend and committing progress through the United Nations. Will the Prime Minister confirm support on this before seeking to intervene in syria . Im grateful to the gentleman that asked this question. Of course, it is always preferable in these circumstances to have the full backing of the United Nations security council. What matters most of all that any action we would take would both be legal and would help protect our country and our people right here. You cannot as i said yesterday outsource to a russian veto the decisions we need to keep our country safe. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. 52 believe the uk should engage with all countries to coordinate an appropriate response militarily or otherwise backed by United Nations resolution and only 15 believe the uk should launch air strikes. Would the Prime Minister give commitment to secure a Un Security Council resolution . [shouting] [inaudible] i couldnt be clearer with the gentleman. Of course, its always preferable, and whatever action youre taking, whether we are lifting people out of the mediterranean, patrolling missions over countries that feel a russian threat, if we are all taking action in the middle east against isil its preferable to have a Un Security Council resolution, but if they are vetoed or threatened with a veto over and over again, my job frankly as Prime Minister is not to read a salvation opinion poll but to do the right thing to do our country safe. [shouting] the french armed police who stormed bataclan and killed those mud murderers, scums, will the Prime Minister send a note of support to those officers on patrol and ensure that in the review next week they have the resources they need to keep us safe. I absolutely agree with my honorable friend. We asked the police every day to take risks on our behalf and thank the police who police effectively gained at wembley last night. Two terrorist suspects died. This operation has now finished. As the french minister said, we should acknowledge a very challenging situation. Iif we are confronted with a situation like this, the British Police should not be in any doubt if you have a terrorists who is threatening to kill people, you can, you must use lethal force. [shouting] in a recent Financial Times article president obama said i emphasized the importance to tax credit to working families for child care and keep families in the workplace, mr. Prime minister do you agree with tax credits . What i think is important to help locate people and thats why we are taking people out of income tax. 3 million of the lowest paid taken out of income tax since i became Prime Minister. We are going to be setting an 11,000 threshold before people start to paying tax at all. We are helping working families with health care and helping with National Living wage, 7 pounds 20 starting next year. Something that president obama would love to introduce in the United States. We are doing it right here. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Social care would be a great prize for cities and regions, without effective democratic and clinical oversight, things can go badly wrong. Already in manchester a Hospital Organization is waiting judicial review ensure proper safe guards are in place so the local authorities retain a last resort power to refer nhs changes for independent clinical review . I will look carefully of what my honorable friend says. This does go to a larger point which is we are currently changing the way our country is run. The big deals first manchester to liverpool, means we are going to have powerful metro who are tangible to local people for the decisions that they make. I think thats a very directful accountability and thats why i think we can be confident of deinvolving health and social care to those authorities, if too long our country has been too centralized, the great cities of manchester, burr [shouting] against title wave of local job loses, its a very real potential to secure emergency step change. Ahead of the paris conference, will the Prime Minister meet with me and the industrial leaders dragging this project so we can secure immense Climate Change and make initiative a reality . Well, i know how important it is that we work on behalf of tea side, not just because of the difficulties, and thats why we have the task force and Additional Resources are going in. Im very happy to look at the project he talks about. It may be best to meet with the energy and Climate Change because we have to make important decisions of all of technologies in the paris conference. Thank you, mr. Speaker. In my constituency manufacturing is thriving thanks to Small Businesses who are creating highquality jobs in engineering sector. Given the challenges that it faces by Traditional Bank and funding support, what assurances that understands the importance and continue to provide initiatives such as annual investment since businesses continue to lead the way . What i say to my honorable friend is rebalance the british economy not just in terms of devolution of power i just talked about but also thriving manufacturing sector. Manufacturers have said to us that they want to continue investment into the centers that do a good job of making sure technology is taken up, they want to see strong support for Apprenticeship Program and we targeted 3 million during parliament, but they also want to make the annual investment permanent and it will be permanent so manufacturing and companies and others that want to make investments know that they can do so in a way that itll be profitable for them. A safe and well having been caught up in the aftermath of the paris attacks and talking to her, she wants to know as a student after three years in paris whether this country is going to be safe on her return. She is worried the ambulance, police and fire service in this country and we have the preparedness shown by Emergency Services in paris. I also want to know why we are not joining with the russians to get un mandate to get isis from syria. First of all, im glad to hear that the niece is safe after attacks. We are doing everything we can to make sure this country is safe. After the intelligence we had some years ago about the potential of firearms attacks at multiple locations and perhaps the capital city elsewhere, we have run exercises, weve done research and looked at everything we can to make sure that ambulances and crews will be able to go in hot zone and recover casualties and we have the right number of armed police in the different parts of country and respond including using other forces in all the way that is we can. We look carefully at what the french have done in terms of surging into the streets. Theres never 100 of safety in every country but we are doing everything that we possibly can. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. But may i draw his attention to the plait of david and maria summers. May i ask the Prime Minister if you encourage officials to look again at this case . Prime minister. Im very happy to look again at this case but gives me the opportunity given the kansas city he represents to Say Something about a group of people that we say very little about because we dont comment on the amazing work they do. Its very important part of the nations security both domestically and overseas. Very brave people work there and give them our credit. [shouting] my constituent was soldier in iraq and afghanistan and currently training to be a doctor in london, with the doctorate contract moral is lower now than at any time, our Junior Doctors and nurses are threat to Patient Safety . What i say to the honorable ladys kansas city is please look very carefully at what the government is offering before you decide to go on strike, because what is on offer is not an increase in ours, if many doctors it would mean less long hours. Its not a cut in the paid bills. Its an 11 basic pay increase. Itll be the better of doctors including at weekends with more support for consultants. I say to her constituent as i say to others, go on the department of Health Website and see how you will be affected. Weve given a guarantied that anyone working legal hours will not be worse off under this contract. This is good for nhs and good for doctors and patients and even in this late hour i hope they will call the damaging strike. [shouting] thank you, mr. Speaker. Many have been found guilty of murder. Took place 43 years ago. Feel the Central Armed forces are not secured. [shouting] but the truth is about our country is the government doesnt decide who is prosecuting and who is not prosecuted. We have the rule of law. We have security authorities. People across the world and we have here and we have to support them even when we make decisions that sometimes we would want to question. Let me end the context that yesterday the principal parties came together and agreed the deal to make sure that the institutions can continue to work. And that deal involved people who have lost loved ones to terrorism, sitting down working together to try and deliver Good Government for this part of the United Kingdom demand that spirit we should look to the future. Mr. Speaker, the decision last week to close offices in the district would mean the lose of over 2,000 highskilledwage jobs. Almost 12 million of the spending. Can the Prime Minister give me assurances that hrmc will meet to consider the clear economic care for keeping those officers [shouting] first of all, im happy to ask to meet with the local mps, second thing ill say is make sure that job center and all the support is there for people who are potentially losing their jobs. The point i make is, of course, the claim is done by 26 in the last year. Jobs are available. Im sure over the next week the spending request will quicken as we get closer to the spending review. I think it is important that we put in place and School Sport Premium for primary schools and is making a ripped difference. But, of course, theres a role for the sporting bodies to play themselves. Many of them receive large amounts of money from the television contract. And the more than that can use the money to invest in Grassroots Sports to make sure we are bringing on the young stars of tomorrow, that is absolutely vital. Jonathan reynolds. The new leader of the antitrusantiasturdy movement, e minister tell us how are things going . What i [shouting] what i said to my local council is what i say to every council, which is youve got to get more for less, not less for more. As i said come on this side of the house we want to make sure that every penny that raising council tax is well spent the end of his council like to come and get the same advice, ill gladly oblige. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, mr. Speaker, the time whe why friend so right emphasized the need for austerity with branscum could ask him if he could see what he could do to ensure that the Franco British Council set of over 40 years ago by both governments to promote Civil Society is a partnership can continue to do its important work to fill its Community Cohesion . Without a very small amount of funding from both governments it will not be able to do that. I am very happy to look at the proposal. I think frankly france and britain have a lot to learn from each other and we should into into these discussions in the spirit. Weve got a lot to learn about how we try to integrate people into our country, a lot to learn about health we have effective counterterrorism policing, a lot about how we share intelligence and im very committed to making sure we pursue all those things with our french friends. Thank you, mr. Speaker. The council has cut funding over the past five years and lost a third of its debt. Does the Prime Minister i advised to the leader of the council, or should i place the blame from and where it belongs, in the house of his government . I think if the honorable lady is looking for some googling she may want to blame the labour party that love this country with the biggest budget deficit anywhere in the western world. And as she does so the advice i would give her about her local council is look at its overall spending power. Its the combination of Business Rates, council tax and grant today officials from the state department and citizenship and Immigration Services testify about Syrian Refugees seek ago sigh lum in the u. S. And security concerns in the wake of the terrorist attacks. Live at a house judiciary subcommittee hearing starting at 9 a. M. Eastern. So after the attacks in paris on friday theres been a fever in congress to try to figure out how to best respond. There was a passport found near the body of one of the suicide bombers in paris. Now theres been an uproar to figure how they should be brought in the United States. Recently president obama announce that had 10,000 234u Syrian Refugees will be brought in next year. So the house has a bill thats coming up that would add greater scrutiny to that process and would essentially have a pause on that Resettlement Program. How are refugees currently being vetted . And how would this strictor background check and certification process work . So the administration has repeated again and again that what the Syrian Refugee Program is now is of the most difficult to get through. So so far theres only been around 2,000 syrian refugee that is have been brought in over the past four years in that conflict. They have to go through a multiagency process where you have inperson interviews. You have biometric and biographic checks. With Law Enforcement and intelligence sages. That is after the referral from the United Nations refugee program. What this house bill would do is essentially make a hundred percent assurance that none of the refugees that will be brought in are terrorist threat. Now, the administration has already put a white house veeto threat on this bill because they think its completely unnecessary and not adherent to american values. So well see how Many Democrats in the house vote for it tomorrow. The blue dog caucus, some of the more moderate democrats have already signaled their support. But the Democratic Leaders will most likely oppose. I spoke with the house Ranking Member congressman shiff from california earlier today. Hes going to oppose it as well. You mentioned the pushback on the bill. Zoe love gren, the Ranking Member on the immigration subcommittee tweeted house g. O. P. Refugee bill would immediately shut down resettlement and handicap future refugee settlement. Did the democrats have any involvement in crafting this bill and might they offer an alternative . So the house g. O. P. Leadership has said that they conferred with the house Democratic Leadership earlier in the week but its unclear where the process will move forward after tomorrow. Senate Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell and Speaker Paul Ryan have both said they would approve of a pause in the program but its unclearly whats going to happen next. What are you hearing about the bills chances over in the senate . Senator mcconnell hant said yet exactly what that chambers plan is going to be, senator Chuck Schumer has said he may be in favor of pause right now on thursday night. Theres an allmember briefing with top members and the Law Enforcement agencies to give Greater Light on a complicated process. So its unclear what will happen. You can read him at national journal. Com. Thanks very much for being with us. Thanks for having me. All came pain long cspan takes you on the road to the white house. [applause] welcome back i hope you enjoy dinner. Seven years ago you may all remember a 40something firstterm senator with a charismatic member and an inspiring life story was elected president of the United States running in a campaign against a candidate from the other party who was a solid generation older than he was. In the course of the next year we may get a chance to find out whether history repeats itself in such close proximity. So ladies and gentlemen, please welcome to the stage senator from florida and republican president ial candidate marco rubio. [applause] thank you. Good to see you again. Thank you very much for being here. I want to start obviously with the news from paris and the atrocity that took place there on friday and the reaction to it. I was watching tv today and literally on the split screen was the french president and resident obama speaking. The french president was incredibly forceful. He said france was at war, he declared this an act of war. He called for changes to the french constitution to take probust action to prosecute this war. French war planes have been in action. He called for a different approach for how we deal with this problem. President obama by contrast essentially said we continue with the same strategy. We do what were going to do now. Were going to intensify the trategy. On this issue of whether or not france on d in friday requires a fundamental change and a fundamental strategic revision of what were doing or whether or not we can just continue to do what were doing where do you stand . Rirt its required it for the better part of the yearandahalf o if not two years. I think the problem the president finds himself in is domestic politics. He ran very clearly as part of his mandate he felt was to extract the United States from further entangment of the middle east. He want it had end to be i got us out of afghanistan, iraq, and did not reentangle us. But of course Global Affairs and history doesnt stop. Has uth is as this issue gotten worse and worse it will take a more robust u. S. Engagement in order to begin to turn the corner on this conflict. And the president either wont make that commitment and in fact literally wont make that as well. Youve seen tactical changes that have borne some fruit but by and large the u. S. Still does not have a well defined strategy. And in the absence of an american strategy towards isis and jihadism in general you wont be able to pull together a Global Coalition thats effective. Only American Leadership can provide the outlines of such a strategy and only an American Leadership can lead. Such a coalition. So the president is constrained y his ideology but also by the domestic political conversations of not wanting to reentangle us. But the truth is were entansled and the choice is do we confront it while it remains largely based in iraq, syria, and libya. Or do we allow it to copt to expand the way it is now doing. What would you if you were president in a year ds term you could well be president elect. What would you do specifically . Let me go back. Know we cant do this but ilt like to go back to what i was talking about in 2012. It was the argument that this uprising was not cause bid the United States. We did not start the Syrian Civil War. The Syrian Civil War was a function of sunnis rebeling against the assad regime let to this uprising. I said at the time if we do not find members of that uprising that we can work with, this onflict is going to create a vacuum and that vacuum will be filled by what its always filled with. Radical jihaddists. Vacuum will filled by what its always filled with. Radical jihaddists. Thats why i believe we needed to do that at the time. As a result youve seen this play out. It is my belief that ultimately isis can only be defeated by sunnis themselves. They must be rejected ideologically and mill tarnle. I believe sunnis will have to be the predominant force on the ground. But i believe that only has a chance of success if the United States pulls together. In the short term i think will require high profile American Special operations that target isis network he that quite frankly videotape all of this and publicize it. Much is a propaganda war. They conduct attacks, operations and use the propaganda to create an imagery as an unvincible unstorm watchable force. And this is what is attracting fighters. So the they have already authorized. He authorized 50 which i believe is an insufficient number. How many . Ultimately the numbers need to be set by the tacticians. Their job is to come up with a strategy to carry this out and tell us the numbers are required to do so. Much more than 50. I dont believe thats 50 and i dont believe military commanders will tell you 50 is sufficient. I think we need to continue to increase our air strikes. That includes moving more of our basing of those aircraft not just to turkey but potentially to iraq if they will allow us and they should allow us. The fact that we have to travel these long distances means theres less strikes. You need operators on the ground to make those more effective. Process of doing this i think we must also begin to empower both sunni tribes in iraq and syria but also our sunni allies in jordan, begin t empower both sunni tribes in iraq and syria but also our sunni allies in jordan, saub, and ask more of them in the providing of forces that will provide the bulk of a ground force that drives isis from the role theyre playing but it has to be a predominantly sunniled effort. The kurds can hold their territory and we should help them. This is a complex issue. We are going to have an issue with the shia militias. You can anticipate a greater coal ensance presence on the ground will trigger attacks. So we have to anticipate that. And i dont believe any of this is possible as long as the assad regime remains in power. They continue to be one of the primary irritants that have created this sectarian strife which allowed isis to find Fertile Ground so their removal has to be a key zponents. Thats why the presence of russia in syria complicates this. So assad has to go. Absolutely. You saw what president alan said today which called upon if assad lets say you defeat isis and assad is still in power. Next youll be dealing with almussra or some other group. Im not telling you that syria canada any become time in our lifetime or in the near future. I am saying that there is greater stability necessary and in particular our primary National Security interests is not to allow there to be any safe operating space from which these groups can grow. You see whats happening in libya largely underreported up to this point. Libya has now become the primary space where they recruit and bring foreign fighters. It is perfectly positioned to conduct operations into signi egypt and europe as well. And i think libya is a gring problem as well. So you would authorize more forces in the region perhaps in syria as well as in iraq. And in libya. Who is the principal enni in this war assad or Islamic State . I think theyre interrelated assad and his treatment of sunnis in particular have served as one of the irritants that created a sunni instability. Isis forces and others have taken advantage of. But isis right now is the one conducting these attacks. As long as theres an assad regime in power the irritant will be there that will need to another radical sunni movement. It is not our job to put syria back together but we can certainly ensure there are elements on the ground that prevent the creation of these safe haveance which elements can organize coralest train fund raise and conduct. Russians say assad is the only plausible alternative to Islamic State. That is you are going to strengthen and get more and more attacks. I dont think assad has been successful at all in targeting the Islamic State and neither have the russians for that matter. Look at the russian conduct the vast majority of the strikes have been against nonisis nonjihaddist elements on the ground because thats precisely the outcome putin wants. Putin wants to find himself after he wipes out all the nonisis fighters and turn to the world and say theres only two groups left assad and isis. Whose side are you on . Im not sure he is weded to assad personally but the regime some sort of pro russian regime that allows him not just a land basing but the sea base as well. And the geopolitical foothold that he has been able to establish is a key component of his strategy for that region. Because for putin this is multifaceted it allows him to show his country and the world that he is a power broker on par with the United States. It allows the world to be distracted. You see no disf discussion of ukraine and allows him to appear as a strong leader which he hopes that nationalism covers up for the catastrophe of the russian economy. So you reject this common cause which is the islamic fubbedmentalism . As long as the russian strategy is what it remains now i dont know how we find common cause. By and large the strategy has been to wipe out a nonisis fighter and then force the world into a false choice. I think that further scomplicatesdz our ability to work with them. You called for a no fly zone. The president ridiculed that today and said the Islamic State has no air capability and that assad has been using very limited air forces and that would lead to a direct confrontation potentially with the russians. For the thousands of People Killed by assad barrel bombs, im not sure they would agree its been limited. A safe zone is important for two points. One to allow refugees to find a place to go that doesnt involve the dangerous journey and unstable journey into europe. The other is to allow a place where nonassad syrians can organize themselves as an alternative to assad long term but also as an effective fighting force, sunnis removing a sunni jihaddist Movement Like isis. They need a safe operating space. The only people with a safe operating space is libya, what the Islamic State has been able to establish. One more point about isis. They are growing in influence in afghanistan. They are in an open competition for the taliban to attract sunni fighters away from the taliban towards them. They are starting to percolate in pakistan, which is a Dangerous Development given the fact that pakistan is an Nuclear Armed state. I think youre going to see greater engagement in their part in the sign ny and egypt. And they have a clear goal targeting the kingdom in saudi arabia and jordan. This is a group that is not contained and is growing in its capabilities in the region and has already shown in its capabilities in external operations as well. Russians are flying many sorties a day. This could bring the United States into direct confrontation with the russians. Youre comfortable with that . I think that we would immore than capable of discouraging the russians from conducting those attacks. I dont think it will get to that point but that would be their choice. We have a superior military capability that the russians do in that region number one. Number two theres no excuse for them to be bombing a no safe zone made up of refugees and nonassad rebels there to reclaim their country. If in fact russias fight in the region is against isis they would have no region to fly over a no fly zone. What needs to be done here in the United States . Its clear again friday showed how palpable this threat is and how real this threat is from most of these seem to be french citizens. There was the issue of a migrant or two. What more how vulnerable is the United States domestically to this kind of attack and what would you do to deter it . We are vulnerable. What happened in paris could happen to a major American City at any time. Not that theres a specific threat that i share or know about. We know this is true that there is in fact elements that sook to strike us here in the homeland and have the capability to do so. Its just a question of whether we can carry it out. And we have disrupted plots. The danger is multifaceted. It is external operators who could be sent here. Its also lone actors. This is the other facet of the external op ration of isis. From publicications put out how to conduct an attack to inflict maxium casualties. Weve seen efforts of that as well. Thats why intelligence programs are important. Its a distinctive issue of debate. At least two of my colleagues in the senate aspiring to the presidency, senator cruz, in particular, have voted to weaken the intelligence programs in the last monthandahalf. Leaves america vulnerable. And that is exactly what has happened. We have weakened the u. S. Intelligence capability through a combination of disclosures by a straitor Edward Snowden and also through the weakening in our own laws of important programs that now are being phased out and as a result will cause us the ability to gather actionable intelligence. One issue is this issue of surveillance and some of the Technology Companies, apple in particular have been very, very emphatic in making the point that they want to protect their users privacy and that their privacy is important. And as we know, and will find out from france and elsewhere, there are all kinds of communications now that literally cant be accessed because of the change that is have been made. Would you force the Technology Companies to make more of that Information Available . The number one obligation of the federal government is to provide for the National Security of the United States. If someone has found abusing these programs and authorities they should be fired and prosecuted for having done so. That said, we need to have realtime access to any actionable intelligence that would allow us to save american lives. The United States government has neither the confidence money nor the time to spy on every american. That is not happening. But we need to have access to this information in order to save lives especially in an exigent circumstance. So we need the technology but ultimately the authority of the United States may be necessary. At the end of the day the number one obligation is to protect us from the threat. Like any we have ever faced this is a unique threat. When you mention about the technologies youre talking about encryption. As these groups have improved thr capability they have gotten better at how they communicate with each other they have learned both from the disclosures of snowden and others but also from failures in the past. We need to stay ahead of that. Will that guarantee that were going to prevent every possible attack . It will not. Sadly no matter how good we get this threat is so unique and so multifaceted we will not be able to prevent every single one. But i believe the weakening of the current programs have left us unnecessarily vulnerable to the attacks. What about this issue of the syrian of the migrants . The president has said the u. S. Will accept 10,000 syrian migrants. I think today as many of 11 state governors have said they wont accept migrants in their own states. Where do you stand on this . This is a tough issue because it goes to the core of what weve always been as a people, a nation that stands as a beacon of hope. The sflip side is we have to provide for our own National Security and nothing can superseed that. My problem with the migrant situation is not that we dont want to accept them. Its im not sure we can. Im convinced we can at this stage because you cannot accurately do a background check on 10,000 people. You canned call their government and find out who somebody is. Its not that the documents people are bringing are reliable. Theyre easily forged. Its not easy to conduct a background check from someone in that part of the world. You allow 10,000 people in. 9,999 is legitimate. 1 of them is an isis fighter. Its not that our heart doesnt break. By the same token what if we get just one of them wrong . The consequences could be extraordinary. Thats why i think a better approach is to create the havens within the middle east where some of these are ancient communities that have been present in the region are being driven from their ancestral Homeland Security. It would be better to leave them there in safety than drive hundreds of thousands of people permanently away from a region that they go back millenia. Lets go back to many of the hot button issues. Immigration following on from that. A few years ago you were part of the gang of eight republicans and democrat to Work Together to come up with a plan which was approved by the senate to allow a pathway to citizenship for the Illegal Immigrants here in the United States. Youve changed your views since then to some extent in important respects with regard to citizenship. And youve been attacked by the likes of senator cruz in particular and others for having essentially supported amnesty in the past and have now changed your position. Where are you now and how do you respond to that charge . Let me clarify a couple of points. Everybody running for the nomination supports legalizing people that are here legally. Donald trump wants them to leave before he legalizes them and then he is going to legalize them and bring them in. Everybody has supported in the past or supports now legalizing through some criteria. And that includes senator cruz who not only sponsored amendments. If he he changed his position he has a right to. And i think he should be asked. He expanded the program. He wanted a 500 increase in the h 1 b program. But he wanted to bring people out of the shadows and legalize them. Has a right to change his position. He should be asked to clarify his position. I think this country needs to deal with it. I felt at the time we had an opportunity to produce the best possible bill out of the senate and hope that the house would further improve it and offer the president a choice. The democrats had the majority for two years in 2008 and did nothing on immigration. They have no standing to criticize republicans on it. What i learned from that experience is this. The American People have zero trust in the federal government to enforce the law. The American People recognize we need to deal with this issue. We need to fix what we have. We need to deal with the people here in a responsible way. But theyre not willing to do it unless they can be assured that this is never going to happen again. Just passing a law that says were going to enforce Immigration Law is not enough. They want to see it done. That was an extraordinary revelation that it is not enough to just pass a law. They want to see it in place and working before theyre going to allow you the Political Support to do anything else. So the only thing ive changed is to say look the only way were going to be able to move forward is proving to the American People that the position is under control. From this moment forward illegal immigration is substantially lowered. And we know what it takes to do that. Not just more physical security on the border but in employment verification system thats cost effective, an exit entry tracking program that allows us access in real time to the name of those in this country illegally. Its almost half the people in this country illegally. The second step is modernizing our system so that bureaucratic more efficient but more importantly merit based so that the primary criteria used is what can they contribute economically not whether or not they have a relative living here. Once weve done those two things i think the American People will be very reasonable about what do you do with sbhon has been here ten years who has not otherwise violated the law. I think the process is you come forward. If you cant pass the background check you have to leave. You have to learn english pay taxes pay a fine and get a work permit. Thats all youre going to have for ten years. And apt the end, i this is not a majority position in my party but i am personally open to allowing people to apply for a green card like anybody else who went through the process. Ed others say leave it at the work permit. I dont think that should allow us to not allow us to move forward. I personally am open to the idea of allowing people to apply for a green card after the tenyear period. But i dont think you can do his all at once. Its been tried three or four times over the last decadeandahalf and each time it has met with failure. There is no comprehensive approach to Immigration Reform that has a three or four times over the last decadeandahalf and each time it has met with failure. There is no comprehensive approach to Immigration Reform any time in the near future. But youre striking a different tone both from a couple years ago and in the debate last week. Where both governor bush and casic were very emphatic in responding to ted cruz and saying its inhumane. This is not the american way. There are people here who have been here for many, many years. Were not going to send them away. Were not going to pull parents away from their children. They were very passionate about the humanitarian consequences here. Even then i was too. Because my point is that there is no right to illegally any country in the world. Go i understand the human aspect . Yes. Thats what makes it a difficult issue. Some have very compelling stories that will break your heart. Others have taken advantage of the system. I see it all. Immigration is not something i read about in a book. Its not a front line episode i watched. Its something i have lived. My family are immigrants. My wifes family. Every single one of my neighbors is either immigrant or first generation. I know every aspect personally. And i know the good the bad and the ugly of this whole system. I believe if we deal with people in this country we do so because theyve appealed to our compassion and also to our common sense and whats good to the country. But there is no right to illegally imgrate to the United States. If we deal with this issue we best ecause its in the interest of america. I believe people will be reasonable. I also understand that we are not going to grant blanket amnesty to 11 Million People. Its unfair to those trying to come legally and undermines our ability actually encourages more people to come in the future. That its under control and modernize our system i believe most americans share my view and are willing to be realistic and responsible about what to do with those who have been here a significant period of time. Let me ask about the economy. Taxes. All candidates are offering tax reform and deions. Theres much less concern this time as compared with whether there was with mitt romney in 2012 about revenue neutral. Youre all offering tax plans even with some dynamic scoring would in the short term increase the deficit. Your plan you dont cut the top rates of personal taxes much. Just bring that rate down to 35 . Would you emphasize a massive expansion to child tax credits . I asked you last week. The various estimates have come up wards of 150, 170 billion dollars for the expansion of tax credit. The evidence is that once you expand these kind of tax credits they become very hard ever for and theyre refundable too so there as a permanent fixture. They become very hard to reduce. And i said, its just another Big Entitlement Program that youre creating for low income families. Tax policy is not an entitlement because tax policy can be reformed and changed. I would ar argue a couple points. You cant just look at the top rate in a vacuum. We take all business income including that of pass through Companies Many paping on their personal rates, can be 39 and lower all business incomes. To a flat rate of 25 . We allow for immediate and full expense of all investment in a business which does away with the need for extenders and loopholes. We move to a territorial system of taxation. I believe we remain the only Major Industrial nation in earth that now taxes on a worldwide system. These are dramatic changes. Repat ration of corporations. 2 trillion of American Cash overseas. The g. D. P. Of russia. We wont get all back but a significant portion if we move to territorial system of taxation. The issue on the personal side. You ask about the tax credit. I want to talk about the debt because its related to the issue of revenue neutrality. I think that the tax credit i propose is not just pro family, its pro work. Because you cant get the tax credit if you dont work. You have to pay payroll tax to qualify for the refundable portion of it. So its a pro work tax. It takes into a account a unique 21st century reality. It is expensive to raise a family. There are significant costs associated with raisings children. For working families the tax code should reflect that by allowing people to keep more of their own money for saving for college, for paying for child care. At least 30 out of 50 states is as if not more expensive than going to college. Things like the fact that i know im raising four kids now. You can buy shoes for them in january and by march or april you have to get new shoes. These are real expense that is face families. Its pro family and pro work endeavor that tries to reflect the tax code for a growing number of americans. On the issue of the debt, we need to understand the debts importance is not just the sheer dollar. If italy had a 5 trillion debt it would be a catastrophe. We wouldnt even be talking about the debt because we have an 18 trillion economy g. D. P. Our goal is to bring the debt down to a sustainable level as a percentage of the overall size of our economy. There will always be some level of debt but it has to be a manageable level. How do you do that . Number one you grow your economy through robust growth which is what the business side of the plan tries to do in taxes along with Regulatory Reform because the growth comes from the business side of the tax code. And the second thing is you must tackle entitlement programs. I am from florida. There are a lot of people on medicare and Social Security. Thats not well known but there are a lot of people. Weve seen them driving cars. My mother is one of them. He said that not me. My mother is one. She is 5 years old. I dont want anything bad for her. We still have time to save these programs that brings it under control without disrupting anything for current beneficiaries but we need a president and Public Officials who are zpwoik to be honest with people like me. Im 44 years old. My medicare and Social Security is going to look different than my mothers. It will either be facing a crisis or be a change. I will have to retire at 68 instead of 67. My benefits may not grow as fast. My benefits could be the option of taking my medicare money and purchasing a private plan. These are not unreasonable changes and they begin to bring stability long term that were designed for 16 workers and are now headed to two workers. Youve got to do both. You cant do the tax plan. You must do the entitlement reforms or you will never bring this debt under control and you will have a dealt crisis that is unavoidable outcome. I want to gave chance to ask more questions. I try to filibuster. Youve answered lots of questions very directly. All candidates have been critical of the federal reserve. Very, very critical of the policies of the federal reserve. And in particular of janet yellen. Can i ask you if youre president in 2018 youll get a chance to renominate. Would you . I will not. Weve become fed obsessed. Whats the fed going to do . Thats no the the wall street journal wont have anything to say. Hopefully youll have a debate about fiscal policy. The fed has no substitute. Fiscal Economic Opportunities that create an environment conducive to growth. The fed trying to compensate ends up making policy that is dramatically alter the economy in negative ways. Do you have somebody in mind . Maybe in this room. I dont. Its presump shs to talk about this. My problem is the fed is overactive and believes its its job to manage the economy. Easy money done hard to america and main street now. The ease of money has allowed them to borrow money at zero interest and buy back shares and goose up the stock market for mergers and acquisition but has made personal savings for individuals negative. It has in many ways negative impact on the lives of everyday americans. My problem is i think weve reached thats why im a strong believer in some sort of rules based fed policy because it provides some level of certainty as opposed to this sort of instinctive we are going to get in a room and debate for a couple hours about what we should do but not based on any sort of metrics that you can predict. And the result is maybe its good for those who cover Financial News but its this onslaught of constant speculation about when are Interest Rates going to go up and the impact thats having on the uncertaintyty is counter productive. We need a fed that is what its supposed to be a central bank that allows us to smooth out the ebs and flows. But growth in our economy is is due to a private sect that are has the confidence to invest in the future. Quick question on trade. The president just conclude add deal with 11 other pacific countries in the Transpacific Partnership one of the biggest trade opening deals thats been signed in this region in a very long time. They published the details of the deal a couple weeks ago. Im sure you havent ahead all 55 pages yet. Im sure youll have plenty of chance. But this will be a hugely important issue. Every republican president since hoiblet hoover has supported measures. Would you vote for the tpp . I support free trade. I support a tpp. Whether this specific one i will support we have to review. We just got it a week ago. We have a 90 day review period. I want it to succeed. I hope theres noth something i cant be supportive of. Not that i expect it to be perfect. I think this trade deal is important. Number one because 40 to 45 of Global Commerce is occurring in this part of the world and america cannot be locked out from it. I think the impact of its failure should would be catastrophic. It plays into the hands of china. That they are going to set the rules of the road which would completely unsettle everything that this world has arrived on since the end of the Second World War that has created Global Growth and prosperity. We are allowing the chinese if this fails to set the rules of the road for the fastest and most important region of the world. So i think its critical that we have access to these emerging markets. We are a le tariff country at the end of the day. No one benefits more than we do. We are already a low tariff country. The ability to export services manufactured goods and agriculture to develop the economies like japan as an example could be a net incredible positive for the business climate. It has to be structured in a way that is right. It has to be fair. Thats why i need to review the deal. In general i do believe we need not just a Transpacific Partnership but one that allows america to be an influence. Hillary clinton has come out against it. She used to be for it. You said you were for trade. Is that also she came out against it before the deal was announced what was in it. So shes obviously catering to labor constituents and other voice that is have forced her far to the left. I supported Fast Track Authority because i believe its important to conclude this. Its an extensive deal thats complex and i want to understand all the details before i can become a champion of this particular deal. But i do believe we need a free trade deal including many here in the western hemisphere. I think its important for this country both from a geopolitical perspective and economy. It sounds like youre inclined to support it. I want to support it. It has to be a good deal. Thank you. Questions from the audience. Theres the microphone which john is going to circulated. You have a few minutes with the man who may be the next president of the United States. Its so much easier to answer when theres not 90 seconds of debate. I see tim. I can i apologize first of all. Youve had one brit interviewing you and now another asking the question. President obama has said that he would like britain to stay part of the European Union and i wonder whether you have a view yourself. Its a big issue for many of us and we wonder whether america would accept open borders with its neighbors as britain currently have with other judges from other countries deciding your laws. And some of us would perhaps like an american president to be more open to the possibility that an independent britain free from being part of it. Part of being a strong ally particularly of britain and the u. K. Is for us to respect its sovereignty. And its right to make its own decisions about whats in the right and proper interest. Its a vibrant democratic country who has leaders who make these decisions held accountable. So i dont think its proper for an american president or candidate to tell the u. K. What is right for them any more for the u. K. To tell us they want us to sign some other agreement. So in that realm that irrespective of what the u. K. Makes well have respect whatever decision and they will continued to be certainly our best friend in the world and one of our strongest alliances either way but thats up to the leaders of that country. Either way its not going to change the nature of our relationship. We have companies that represent many millions of employees here. Im sure there are concerns of life. An aussie. Another great friend in the world. Talking about syria. Looks like the outcome with the russians coming in looks like the balkanization of syria. What would you do about that . I think i dont want to make headlines with this but what the heck. I think the border of syria and iraq has largely been erased by this conflict. Whether thats a permanent status i dont know. But its already. You have an enclave in areas near damascus. You have a massive sunni population, kurds up north. And a shia majority in the central part of the country around areas like baghdad and the central part of the nation. Christian communities that have been driven from different regions but still represent a substantial portion of the population that hopefully can return to homelands. And you have artificial lines that are drawn without any thought process to all of this. Now, ideally we would want in an ideal world the nation state elements would remain in place but its difficult to envision how thats going to happen any time in the near future. And some was touched upon by the comments ive given here today. That is the need to work more closely with our sunni allies because i think they must be the ones that defeat isis. But that will drive in some respects a potential wedge with some of the shia groups that largely sponsor and direct from tehran. So i think the region is already increasingly and has been, quite frankly, for a significant period of time in many respects before the invasion of iraq some of these elements on the ground. So thats what i alluded to when i said i dont think youre going to see syria turn nood cant da any time in the near future. Not ensuring neat nation states reform. We would love to see that stability come because it would be good for the people of that region. But our National Security interest is ensuring in the process of all that instability that i just outlined there is not created vacuums. Safe operating spaces for radical jihaddist groups with external desires and external ambitions to organize and thats whats happened. This whole instability that i described and you alluded to has created vacuums and space that is have been filled and where theyve been able to create these safe haveance. In the absence of safe haveance these groups cannot conduct the sort of groups we now see. Al qaeda needed safe haveance and isis needs them its had in libya to conduct the attacks we see them conducting. Its in the National Security interest of the United States and the west to prevent those from taking root. Obviously one of the best ways to prevent them is to have nation states that govern their territory. But the challenges is going to be extremely difficult. One more question and then weve got to wrap up. Yes. Im not from overseas. Im nom snapon tools from wisconsin. What part of australia is that in . Hard to say. Look, i would say over the past several iterations of state of the unions weve beheld foolish agendas from president s. Yet i think over years weve also seen the limits of Political Capital and the difficulty of accomplishing things in washington. So if you were elected president what would be the two or three things you would want to accomplish for sure . The highest priority things. I think thats an excellent question. In fact thats one of the things i point to quite often. President s take office with a limited amount of Political Capital and theres no interest. In other words you either spend it or lose it. You should know that as you run for president. So the president the current president spent his Political Capital on doddfrank and obamacare and the stimulus an a slew of other things. There are two major threats that we face to the country. One is National Security issues. So i think wee building, giving our nation a clear Foreign Policy of moral clarity which leaves our allies trusting in us and our adversaries respectful of us combined with the rebuilding of our National Security security. I understand you will hear later from the secretary of defense he will share with you how catastrophic this defense sequester is to the long term viability and strength of our National Security apparatus in this country. It is the most important thing the federal government does. The other priority is Everything Possible to ensure that america fulfills its potential in the 21st century economy. We are now engaged not just in a rapidly evolving economy. What we face now is not an economic downturn it is a massive restructuring of the essence of the economy and changing faster than ever. An economy global that requires us to complete at a global level. Thats why the second priority would be an agenda allows us to tackle tax reform and some form makes us more competitive, the full utilization of our Energy Resources in a responsible way. Like entitlement reform to balance our budget and repeal of the obamacare the Health Care Law and the replacement with a free market alternative. These would have to be the two priorities. Rebuild our National Security and rebuild our International Economic competitiveness. I would add a third one if i have more capital. We must modernize Higher Education. It has to be faster, easier to access. A renewed focus on career training. Some of the best jobs require more than traditional high school. But less than four years of college. It involves alternatives to things like more competency based learning that allows people to get credit for what theyve learned on their own. Through Life Experience and work experience. And package the rest through a variety of sources. Thats why ive proposed alternative models. And alternatives to the traditional student loans. Including grad watsfuents to go to Investment Groups to pay for their students loans. Before you take out a student loan schools will be required to tell you how much somebody makes when they graduate from that school with that degree. So thats a lot of Political Capital but these are the essential issues before our country that i hope we will confront in the next presidency. I think you all know the senate has a busy schedule that takes him all over the country in the next months. Welcoming in me in him and wishing him good luck. Thank you. [applause] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] did it jeb bush was at the Citadel Military College in South Carolina today. He discussed defense policy. He commented on the terrorist attacks in paris and outlined his plan for [applause] [applause]. National security is a very to the state of the republican and especially to those of us who plan on entering the military after graduation. I am uttered and excited to have the 43rd governor of florida here to speak with us today. It is a is a great concern to many cadets that the majority of the front runners in the race of the nomination do not have the experience to handle the threat we face with radical islam. Today, we have the opportunity to hear from someone who is strong on National Security, committed to protecting our country. Governor jeb bush, is a man who travel and experience have evolved the kind of leader he is today. From this time is a 17 euro college euro College Students studying abroad in guadalajara, mexico who he met his beautiful wife over 40 years. To his expenses a successful businessman businessman to his incredible feat of becoming the first republican to turn governor of the state of florida, governor bush is a man of strong leadership and sound judgment. As governor, is referred to as veto because he vetoed over 500 items items in the budget concerning wasteful spending. His leadership oversaw the creation of over 1. 3 million new jobs. Unified state in shambles after experiencing four hurricanes and 44 days. A compassionate conservative, governor bush spent countless hours tending to the needs of the fourth largest state in the nation. Governor bush is a champion of domestic issues, Strong Military and conservative principle. He will bring compassion, integrity, hard work to washington. Here to speak on the vital issue of National Security, ladies and and gentlemen, please join me in welcoming governor, jeb bush. [applause]. Thank you thank you. [applause]. Thank you so much. Grant, thank you so much, who knows grant is going to be going to have a semester abroad to mexico, you may be as lucky as me. Get mary, i have been married 42 years. When i went to lyon mexico, it was love at first sight, i know the kid at something that is possible, trust me, it is. It was a life changing event and i hope you all have lifechanging events as you go for it in you go forward in your life but ive been blessed to have. Thanks so much for allowing me to come. I really appreciate the hospitality of the citadel and the privilege of addressing members of the corps of cadets. It is great to be here and i am proud to report that in the citadel spirit i have got to the parade deck around 6 00 oclock this morning and went on a run with the guards. The next time a president ial candidates come by here, tell them that jeb set a new precedent. From now on, you, you cannot give a speech to cadets without first doing some pt. All of us, and for all of us what a privilege it is to be here this morning in the presence of war heroes throughout this room. For me, to be here in the presence of Major General James Livingston is an incredible honor. And the president s of general livingston, you do not need reminders for me about military virtues. His character, and the character of our military is summed up in that one word on the metal he earned, valor. This marine did more than could ever be asked, gave it more than could ever be repaid, and i am incredibly honored to have his support. General livingston, it is always a blessing to be with you. [applause]. As we gather today, we do so with memories fresh from the atrocities in paris. The indiscriminate murder of people sitting outside the cafe, the slaughter of innocents outside the National Soccer stadium. Or at a concert hall. The merciless killing of women, children, and on armed citizens who only had the crime of living in freedom. Our hearts are broken for the people of france. They are our oldest and first allies and we are joined together by shared values. Like france, we we know the deep sorrow of innocent life loss due to terrorist brutality. What happened on the streets of paris on friday should not come or have come as a surprise. After all, all, we have seen isis expand its deadly reach in recent weeks to lebanon, egypt, and to turkey. To say nothing of the daily horrors faced by those who live under their control of syria, iraq, libya, and afghanistan. This brutal savagery as a reminder of what is next state in the selection. We are choosing the leader of the free world. If these attacks remind us of anything it is that we are living in serious times that require serious leadership. The free world needs to act. The last seven years under president obama has taught us that problems do not take care of themselves, in the absence of American Leadership. During the state of the Union Address he declared we were stopping the advance of isis and soon they took from adi. Last friday, he, he repeated the delusion that isis is contained just hours before they murdered 129 innocent people in paris. Hours afterward they killed dozens in beirut. America has had enough of empty words, of declarations detached from reality, of an administration with no strategy, or no intention to win. Here is the truth, you will not hear from our president. We are at war with radical islamic terrorism. [applause]. It is the war of our time, a struggle that will determine our faith of the free world. Three months ago at the Reagan Library i warned that we needed to defeat isis, i am i the clear and serious strategy to eradicate it. The action i call for remain critical. We we must unleash the power of our air force by removing selfimposed restraints , enforce the nofly zone, create safe zones in syria, allow, allow our special Operation Forces to target terrorist network and arm the Kurdish Forces. Since the attacks in paris the demand for action to stamp out isis has right to lagrone. The United States should not delay in leading a Global Coalition to take out isis with overwhelming force as the words of french president has make clear, the United States will not be alone in galvanizing this global effort. Militarily, we need intense fire efforts in the air and on the ground. While air power is essential, it cannot bring the results we seek. The United States in conjunction with our nato allies and more arab partners will need to increase our presence on the ground. The scope of which should be aligned with what the military generals recommend, not politicians. To be necessary to achieve our objective. [applause]. The bulk of these Ground Troops will come from local forces that we have built workable relationships with. Finally, to take out isis we messed and asides brutal attack on his own people. If you want to deal with the refugee problem properly we need to create a safe and secure syria. Let there be no doubt this is not point to be easy. Some of of you in this room will serve on the front line of that fight against isis. Against radical islamic terrorists. You will sign up for an uncertain fate on foreign fields of battle, because your country and the cause of freedom are calling you. For generations, americanled alliances, american diplomacy, American Military power and american credibility defended the piece and deterred the violence. This is the way forward in our time as well. But for the United States, who is going to help our friends and allies in the middle east gain the upper hand against radical islamic terrorists like isis, al qaeda, and has block . But for the United States who will lead the effort for once and for all to stop irans bid for Nuclear Weapons capability, his, his support for terrorism and its Ballistic Missile proliferation. But for the United States who will defend christians, religious minorities, and other persecuted people in the middle east and across the world . Who will be the dependable friend of israel standing with them against the worst, if not the United States of america . The fate of millions, the security of our own people and the cause of freedom itself all depend on the decision we make in these coming years. Bad things, and sometimes it really very bad things happen when america steps away from hard challenges. It is time for americas leadership again and that leadership requires a change in course. Defending our National Interest always involves risks. The greatest risk of all is the risk of military inferiority. Today, today, that is the direction were headed. The next president will take office after an eight year drawdown of military power and careless chronic neglect by the president and congress. You would would be hardpressed these days to find any soldier, sailor, airman, or marine feels that washington is doing right by the military. And i agree. In a span of one decade our government will have had held 1,000,000,000,000 dollars from our national defense. There is no security rationale for these cuts or any kind of strategic vision. They are completely arbitrary. Imposed by a process that everyone in washington claims to dislike but no one in washington has the courage to stop. In these years, we have seen cuts in defense that not only are automatic but also systematic, not only relentless but irrational. We are going from the cutting edge of military power to at the Army Secretary calls the ragged edge of readiness. The active army has 80000 fewer soldiers, half of our stateside marine units are not ready to fight. Twelve air force planes qualify for antique license plates in virginia. The b52, the backbone of our bomber fleet took its first flight when harry truman was president of the United States. As for the entire naval fleet it has shrunk to half the size it was at the end of the cold war. Sometimes the big problems are summed up in one anecdote, heres a story that caught my attention. To conduct training exercises under our nato applicant agents in europe, American Forces have been borrowing helicopters and other vehicles from our allies. Really . We do not have enough of our hardware equipment even for training purposes. So the the brits are spotting us choppers. That is not just unsafe, that is embarrassing for the greatest country in the face of the earth. Whatever challenges we face in europe or else or where we are not going to meet them with borrowed equipment. Others are not following our example of military downsizing, china, to take the most obvious example has for years been spending heavily on warships, submarines, long range attack aircrafts, Missile Systems Missile Systems and other capabilities that threaten americas strategic position in the pacific. Whatever chinas designs are in all this we can safely assume it is not in our interest to draw down as they build up. President obama does not see a reason to change course. Here in South Carolina couple of weeks ago Hillary Clinton said that her Foreign Policy would be no more aggressive or forward leaning than his. Let me tell you something, i reject that diminished view of americas role in the world, in my Administration Security for the United States will mean gaining and keeping the edge, in every category, old and new. [applause]. Whether it is our command of the seas, the land, land, or the air, the space, or cyberspace, americas goal should be technical logical superiority beyond question. My plan is to maintain a force with such a forces needed but we must understand that sometimes deterrence fails. In such circumstances ideally after elements of american influence and power has been utilized, when the threat we face is an urgent one, and defeating it is in our National Interest we must be prepared to use force. When we do use force it must be effective and our objective must be well defined. So that one deployment does not lead to endless others, or leave the job undone. Any use of force will be purposeful. Aimed only towards a victory and always with a heavy thump of american power, resources, resources, and resolve on the skills of war. [applause]. I have a plan for 21st century military to project that force. To prevail in conflict or better still to deter enemies and do deter conflict we must have the instant, readiness, and equipment to meet any challenge from any adversary. We do not need to be the worlds policeman but we must restore our place as the leader and indispensable power of the free world. [applause]. This is how we get there. No Service Branch has taken deeper personal cuts in recent years than the army which will soon have an active duty force of just 450,000 soldiers. That is not nearly enough to protect americas interests. So, as president i would as congress for an increase of 40000 activeduty soldiers. [applause]. Under my plan the marines will be restored to an in strength of 186,000 fighters. Imac because in a crisis, everything cant turn on the speed, well act to ensure dominance in air and naval forces. We will not allow our pilots to fly 20thcentury aircraft into the face of 21stcentury air defenses. We must continue to invest in America Special operations command. In this complex fight against radical islamic terrorism they have demonstrated time, and time again their ability to capture and kill senior terrorists. To embed with, train, and enable local forces so a larger commitment of American Forces is not required. Like our military, americas intelligence agencies are overstretched and struggling to respond to technological advances by adversaries and harmful links of and leaks of sensitive information. I will give our corporation intelligence professionals, who too often go unrecognized, everything they need to support the war fighter and to get the job done. I believe in the principles that the greater our superiority in military power, the less likely it is that we will have to assert that power or be provoked into using it. Our best president call that peace through strength. This principle applies through capabilities of every kind to which all require fourth site and sustained commitment. Beginning immediately as president , i will work with congress to rebuild our military forces starting with our most urgent needs. A new generation of aircraft so our planes are not older than our pilots. A naval fleet, a larger one so that our sailors patrol in the strongest and safest shift ships on the seas. An acceleration of of our submarine program so that america will always be a quiet whisper in our adversaries here. Improve missile defenses to do that and the growing threats against iranian and north korean missiles. Cyber community occasion against anything against them so that we find threats before the threats find us. I will fight to restore the patriot act Metadata Program to ensure we have the ability to connect the dots between known Foreign Terrorists and the potential operatives here in the United States of america. [applause]. Look, if theres ever time for such a Product Program it is now. Yet too few in congress were courageous enough to defend this program when it mattered most. I have also laid out a plan here in South Carolina just a few months ago to address the virginia scandal and it is a scandal. We need to modernize the department and empower vets with as many choices as they need to ensure those who serve our country are treated with the dignity they deserve when they return home. [applause]. These are among the goals of the 21stcentury military plan that i will put before the next congress. Not because i seek war, but because we all seek peace. I believe the best policy for creating the conditions for pieces to develop the capability to wage a war with crushing force. However, we cannot and will not simply throw money at the problem. We need to reform the pentagon shedding over head from a different generation and adapted to our 21st century challenges. Potential hackers and cyberthese government oregon state players need to understand what sort of response they will face should they attack as part of making good on this new doctrine we are required to develop our own capabilities that americas retaliation to a cyberattack would be certain and of stateowned davis one dash devastating. America has a policy some up in a single word. First, president kennedy explained i do not mean if or but or when but period. [applause] if they were to take command of our future we must ensure the military is first period once again. In the armed forces need to know support for the military is not another partisan issue and the commander in chief is not just another politician. In every circumstance to shortchange our military and our troops need to be certain the commander in chief has there back. [applause] i am mindful to have great traditions in charleston has a great history of a city where the civil war for shots were fired and the president Abraham Lincoln did so with humility. Even knowing the greater price of surrender and as we gather in the aftermath medicis said this generation knew the cost of four but the even greater cost of acquiescence that this is no coexistence. To declare war on the western world you cannot negotiate with this threat we have one option to defeat [applause] we can take inspiration from the courage of france said those who liberated more than 70 years ago of the coast above the beach those of americans age one died to stop the evil of their time they traded their future for hours those grave markers would face west to the america they would never return not only at the price of freedom during our time some of you will protect that freedom from the evil we face today it is my mission that shaggy be sent into harms way that you would be given every two will to wage war with these the bill for city efficiency. To have the support from washington as the American People as resolute as i will be to defeat radical islamic terrorism wherever it appears. Protect our vital interest to defend the innocent so let us accept the task the Senate Homeland security examines the threat posed by isis and the president s plan to resettlele refugees in the u. S. Ive today 2 00 p. M. Eastern on span3. Well learn about the antislavery move nment through the papers of gareet smith, local author discusses her book pray lewd to prison which explores the link between School Suspensions and incarcerations in the u. S. Then well talk with jeff hemsly about his book going viral which looks at why events go viral on line. Reality is a process of social sharing. We tend to think of a viral, a video that got a million views but its more the process by which that happens. So its what happens when people share content usually into their own networks. And oftentimes somebody who has a lot of following, a lot of followers or a lot of people paying attention to them like an important blog also spreads the content. And then it reaches a wide audience. On American History tv well visit the museum to learn how the canal influenced the growth of syracuse, Central New York state and the nation. Then on to hair yet tubmans home where she acted as a conductor and care giver to numerous people as part of the underground railroad. Our trip also takes us to the one of the nations first womens rights champions. Her speech at a convention in 152 launched her international prominence. She was 26 at the time and has had four children already. She learns that the convention is going to occur. She writes a speech. And she travels to syracuse bringing her oldest daughter with her. Now, gauge hadnt contacted any of the organizers. She wasnt on the program. She hadnt asked mot written to her and said you ought to be involved. She just shows up. And she waits in the crowd. And when theres a quiet moment she marches up on stage and trembling takes the podium and begins to speeg. And she gives this incredibly moving speech. Lets syracuse sustain her name with radicalism. From that moment she goes on to become a leader in the womens ovement. Next, republican president ial candidate Donald Trump Holds a Campaign Rally in massachusetts. Its an hour. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. So nice. So amazing. So amazing. So amazing. By the way, do we love tom brady . Love tom brady. Great guy. He as great guy. A great guy and a great winner. Oure lucky to have him. So were going to talk for a long time. And you know, sadly there are about 3,000 people outside coming in now. How about waiting about an hour until they get in . A good idea . No. Well just say they were late, its their problem. Heres my great friend, my great veteran friend. Are you ok . Everything good . Good. Were going to take care of our veterans. I want to tell you that. Big league. Big league. So a few things. We just came down, and i just heard massachusetts they keep saying the press. Look at all those they keep saying the press, look at all those guys back there, all the time. The massachusetts poll, 48 for trump. [cheering] 9 for somebody else. They would come out and say i started and my wife says he know if you run you will win . I say why do you say that, and she says because people know you want to see good things happen. I dont know if she meant it or not, but its very smart. Totarted at three and i went six, then nine, then 16. Every time it went up, these talking heads on the different shows would say, will you know, hes plateaued. At 48 , i hope i plateau. I want to plateau. Period. Een an amazing look at the people pouring in. This has been a movement, no matter where i go, and i dont even know if it for me. Its for the message, we want to win again. We want to win. [applause] fox came outago, with their poll, and its brandnew. 27 , rubio, second place, 13 . Carson, 9 , hes going down. Got a know about Foreign Policy. When you think of rubio, hes a nice guy. He stood next to me at the debate. Made a lot of mistakes. Hes got the worst voting record in the United States. If i was from florida, i would be very angry. Today he is in california, fundraising, and they have voting and its interesting because its a vote its more ,han almost more important theyre getting ready for Homeland Security issues in votes. He is in california, whats he doing . Raising money, always money with these politicians. Im self funding my own campaign. I dont have to raise any money. Very interesting. I said to somebody, i was in iowa and i said what you think the response is going to be . Can i take millions of dollars its being offered to me all the time. I could make jeff pushs jeb bushs fund look like peanuts. These super pacs are a big scam and the super pacs control all the candidates. The people that get the super pacs money control the candidates. Sent out letters, i had like nine or 11. Everybody was setting up a donald trump super pac and 25 were legit and the other ones wanted to take the money and who knows what they do with it. We disavowed. We dont want super pacs. [cheering] i said to the folks. That was important to me. I said to the folks in iowa, lets have a deal. Its so important to me. Dollarsake millions of and i promise it wont affect me. Can i do it . And they went nuts, no. Because you cant do it. We all know when somebody likes me like me, i used to get fortunes. All these lobbyists giving money, i know many of them. ,hen they give 5 million believe me, they have total control over their politician. [cheering] they dont care about the country. Some of them represent other countries. Some of them represents businesses from other countries. They dont care about the country. They want to get their client the right vote. You have special interests, lobbyists, they have total control over these people running for office and nobody knows it better than me. Ive been there. I was totally established. They would come to my office. 250,000 to the republican governors association. Thereafter toly the republican governors association. Millions of dollars you spend. When you call, they treat you so nicely. Stuff see negative you will be so proud of me. Its going to be so vicious. It,ne way, i hate saying that in another way its smart. So far, ive spent less money than anybody else, and i have the best result. [cheering] in one way, people said we would like you to save more money. The press says it all the time. I havent had to. In every single poll, national, now iowa just came out. Reading big in New Hampshire leading big instant in New Hampshire. Leading in South Carolina and nevada. Leading with hispanics in nevada. [cheering] leading with africanamericans at a point at which nobody is ever gotten. 25 . 25 ofy said if you got the africanamerican vote, as a republican, dont forget, im a republican. If you get 25 , the election is over. Then they came out with pauls today, north carolina, South Carolina, other races against hillary. We are killing hillary in all these states. [cheering] lets talk a little bit about our country. The time were finished, they will hear the final sentence which will be, make America Great again. Thats what it will be. I was so focused look at her, how beautiful. So nice, thank you. Focused for the last number of months, im doing great on trade because we are being ripped off by every country we do business with. All you have to do is look at the iran deal that was signed. [booing] one of your own got it done. Kerry. He did not , makes one of the worst deals that ive ever seen of any kind. 150 billion going to iran. How about the self policing aspect . Other form of policing is 24 days, which takes a long time or you even get there. They have been inhibited number of days before you can inspect. What about our prisoners . Billion and we dont even get our prisoners back. They did not want to do it. They didnt want to do it because they said we dont want to complicate the negotiation. Can you believe this . All you have to do this thing has taken forever. You say at the beginning, we want our prisoners back before we start. We want them back. We wantt need them, them, its going to set a good tone. You end up making a better deal, give us our prisoners back. Their people dont even know you have them. We did not ask. I guarantee that if i were negotiating that deal, even as secretary of state, within a short time, we would have them because of the fact that i wouldve left the room if they said no, which they probably would have. I wouldve doubled up the sanctions and within three days they would of called and they we have your prisoners, would you and say we have your prisoners, would you like them . [cheering] unbelievable. Ive been so involved with trade because when you lose when you have a trade imbalance with almost 500 billion. Met with some smart people, im not going to say who because it would be embarrassing to them. I said you dont believe in free trade, i said we have an imbalance of 500 billion with china. We have it in balance of 70 billion a year with japan. We have an imbalance of 45 billion a year with mexico. We will build the wall. Believe me. We will build a wall. It will be a great wall. [cheering] [chanting build the wall. ] ive been talking about the wall for a long time. We will build it, it will be real. Its going to be a wall thats going to be way up there. Its going to be strong and powerful and its going to look good. [booing] they are so misguided, they dont get it. [cheering] they dont get it. Wall. L build the its going to be great, and its going to be paid for by mexico, 100 . We are not paying for it. Times, when im on the stage with these guys im running against, some are nice. Everybody has that attacked me so far has gone down. They have gone down, badly. Kerry attacked me at 5 and went down to zero. Walker attacked me viciously and he got out. Think of what i could do to the for the United States. Somebody attacked, they went down. Bobby jindal, he was vicious to me. I never even met him. I never met him. I watched it last night and he said i decided to get out of the race. Stepbystep, we are getting there. We will turn this thing around so fast. Turn it around so fast, you will be so proud of the job i do. You will be proud of yourselves. Much. Going to win so were going to have a military that is going to be so strong and powerful that nobody is going to mess with us. Nobody. [cheering] [booing] [cheering] [chanting usa] you. Isnt a truck rally more exciting than these other moredates a trump rally exciting than these other candidates . That kind of stuff only adds to the excitement, its incredible. You know whats happening, no matter where i go, its incredible. You cant hear, get over here. Thats terrible. You have lousy seats. In real estate, you would go bust. [laughter] he just cant hear. Are you ok . I understand. They are still coming in. Country, this is whats happening. , youd think, but we go to alabama with 35,000 people. We go to the mavericks arena in dallas. 20,000 people, we had four days to fill it up. It filled up within the first day. We wentr where we go, to oklahoma and had over 20,000 people. Every place in New Hampshire is packed. Extra room is set aside. It is so beautiful to see. What it is, is love in the room. A couple of people in the room without as much love, thats ok. I will tell you truthfully, its love in the room. Ive been talking very much and strongly about trade. When i announce it took a lot of courage ive always read when you are a successful person, you cant run for president. , becauseys heard that you get treated badly and unfairly and i understand that. We get people that are not successful running for president , that is not good. That is not the mentality we need to get rid of our debt or make great trade deals. Its not the mentality we need. Who the hell knows whats going to happen . Whatever it is, im so proud of the fact that ive done it because your member the famous escalator seen right come down lonnie waving gently. The press was down there. I announce that im going to run in new york city at trump tower. In there, i talk about illegal immigration. That its a tremendous problem in this country. Did i get hit by the press. You wouldnt hear me talking about illegal immigration it would not be a big subject. It turned out to be the biggest subject. Francisco,ve in san beautiful kid, gets shot in the back by an illegal immigrant who crossed the border at least five times. Manhave a wonderful young going to college on a football scholarship and he gets shot in the face by a guy that just walked up to him and shot him in the face in front of his home. His father is a friend of mine. He said his life is over. His son, the apple of his eye, the most beautiful young guy, and hes dead, viciously killed for no reason. You had aan veteran, 66yearold woman. Four, sodomized and killed weeks ago in los angeles. Thousandsundreds and of other incidents. Terrible, they are taking jobs. More importantly, i want people to come in to the country, but they have to come in legally. Do it through the system. [cheering] we are not only talking hispanics. The static people are with me like 1 the hispanic people are with me like 100 . The ones that are here legally, they dont want their jobs taken. Obama, we just had [booing] we just had a great court victory. We had a victory at the lower court and it was just upheld where obamas executive order that just just come on in and take our country, walk right by the great and they are terrific people. Border patrols. Stand down, they are told. They stand there, they are tough and strong and they want to do their job, they are not allowed. Obama has been a disaster for this country. Unless we get going, and unless we get smart, we will not have a country. You need borders to have a country. If i win, lots of things are going to happen. Lots of things will happen. Immigration, we have gangs in los angeles and chicago and other places were they are all Illegal Immigrants. They are gone, they are out of here. [cheering] i will tell you, we have some people in this country, not supposed to be here. We are not putting them in our prisons so we can take care of them for the next 40 years. We are bringing them back where they came, they are never coming back, and that their country take care of them. We are not paying the bill. This all blends now because that was one of my big point. I think trade is my biggest point because im tired of seeing our country lose jobs and money. Right now, because of whats happening and what happened in paris. Think of this. Nobody wants to say it. If it the truth, because does not work, its ok. Im doing something that i feel is important. Im not doing it for myself, im going around from place to place. [cheering] thank you. Because first of all, we dont have much time left, but second of all, i believe we can make our country greater than its ever been. With common sense and intelligence, we can be greater than its ever been. Whats happened on immigration is its all blending in now with the migration. The migration is a catastrophe. You have hundreds and thousands of people that want to pour into these countries. You have to see whats happening in germany, they are having riots. They are having tremendous crime what they did not have any. They are having villages overrun. This could be the great trojan horse of all time, because you look at the migration, study it. They will start infiltrating with women and children. Im looking at is the first one to bring it up. Three weeks ago, i say that the shame. Then i said to myself, well, they are all men. They were so few women and children. Not only are they men, young men and they are strong. I say whats going on . Then you look at what five or six people did in paris. We have to get smart. I had a press conference. I said, we have to get smart. , he isid the mastermind scum, hes not a mastermind. [cheering] the press plays right into their hands. They are calling the leader of the pack in paris a masterminds all these kids sitting at home in new york and california or massachusetts they say oh the mastermind, hes not a mastermind, is a lowlife. This is a lowlife guy. Hes a bum. I bet he does not have a 90 iq. They talk about him being a mastermind. I said you have to stop calling these people masterminds. We have to take back the internet because we have a president that does not have a clue. We have a president that says isis is contained. The only thing contained is us. We have no leadership. We have to take back the the internet is ours, but theyve taken over the internet and are using it better than we do. They are using the internet and they are recruiting people. Than the people go out to fight for isis. Then we left them back into the country. Let them back into the country. How stupid are we . When they leave the country, when they go to fight prices or al qaeda or whoever, they never come back into this country again, ever. [cheering] we have to take back the internet, because they are taking people. They are literally brainwashing people. They are brainwashing our youth and getting them to say this is what they want to do. We cant let that happen. We have innocent youth that are misguided. Then they hear the press talking about these people like robin hood. We cant allow the press to do that. We cant allow it to happen. We have to take back our country. We have to take back our intelligence. We had to take back the internet and we cant let this happen. [cheering] recently, jeb bush [booing] its over, i dont want to waste a lot of time on him because its over. I think hes a nice person, who cares . Said Donald Trumps tone is very tough. Thats what we need, a tough town. Tough tone. [cheering] we have people in the middle east and all over having their heads cut off. James foley, who was an amazing guy, i got to know his parents. They are incredible people. Their sons head was cut off. That is the beginning. They chop off heads of everybody. We have not this has never happened, maybe since the middle ages, since medieval times. Used to read about it. Theres never been anything like this. I said dont go into iraq, i was right. That i said we have to knock the shit out of these people. We have to do it. [cheering] [chanting usa] we can do it fast and furious. We can do it well. We can win, again. I talk about it all the time. I see the generals being interviewed on television. I dont want generals interviewed on television. I want to be unpredictable. We are predictable. I want to be unpredictable. You hear them say they would be the best at the military or fog or Foreign Policy, which is interesting. Times read the new york today, they said the ben carson is under im incapable of understanding Foreign Policy. It was a devastating its all over the place. Weekend,tched over the you would understand what they were talking about because it was devastating when you watched the interview. He is unable to comprehend Foreign Policy. I think hes a nice guy, who knows . I dont care. When eads a that sharp and tough and smart and can your it out, fast and can we need somebody that is sharp and tough and smart and can figure it out, fast. We dont have the luxury of going through what we gone through for the last seven years with this guy. He was not suited to be president. [cheering] i talked about then the other day ben, the other day and someone said im too tough. Its not a question of being tough. He wrote a book, he said he has pathological disease. Ok. Thats a problem to me. He said he hit or tried to hit his mother over the head with a hammer. I did not. No way. He said he tried to stab somebody with a belt buckle. The strong guy goes like this, its going in, its not stopping. A littlebe detoured bit. He said he had a good friend of his in the face with a padlock and did a lot of damage. Thats why they want to elect him. Hes trying to prove that he did it. Was him iying if i would try to prove i did not do it. I do not get the whole deal. What are we coming to . We need sharp, smart, didnt, tough really didnt, brilliant, tough. We need the right guy. We need trump] today, the come out with the times story. Many other papers. They are talking about how he cannot comprehend whats going on. Thats really bad. Can you imagine if some of the goes in office and you realize he does cannot figure it out . We have a problem. We have obama, thats right. Then we have others. They are running. They are not the right people. I made a tremendous amount of money, i built a great company. Member when they said he will never run . Then they said he will never file form a . You basically sign your life away, i signed it. Oh, well he will never file his financials because they could take forever and you get all these delays. They said he will ask for the longest delay. I have the biggest Financial Statement ever filed any history of the federal elections, ahead of schedule. You are given 30 days to file, then any extensions and everybody said, he will just keep extending and dropout because hes not as rich as people thought. I filed it, and it turns out im much richer. The press was devastated, they could not believe the numbers. Pages, almost 100 pages, most politicians are about one page. I did this tremendous thing. What they dont know is i did not even know if i was going to run. When i came down at deep breath and i said to my wife, look at that, the press was like crazy. You ever do this where you have something were just not 100 and you say oh should i be doing this . And i wentthis like this, lets go. Thats what happened. We went down that famous escalator. We went down and here we are. Know is that if i did not run, i was going to file the financials anyway because im proud of them. Assets, unbelievable buildings in manhattan, wall street, 5th avenue, 6th avenue. The bank of america building a big chunk in san francisco. Many things. Land all over the place. There is little debt, tremendous cash flow. Boxesad one guy, you have and you check them. Insays, 1 million, to dollars 5 million, actually it starts with 5,000. 50 million or more. I have many buildings worth much more than that. You check 50 million or more. I checked the box. Advocates like 24 boxes. We have a couple of i think its like 20 boxes. I have a building thats worth a billion and a half dollars. There is no category, its worth more than 50 million. I and up with a net worth of all those boxes times 23 or 24. But it did nott matter to me because the real people understood, then it was also reported fairly by some. I would have put in the financials anyway. Nobody knew what it was worth because its a private company. They dont know what im worth. Now they do because they saw the financial disclosure. Filed with the federal government. The reason i talk about it is not to brag, its simple. We need that thinking in this country. We need the thinking in the country. [cheering] we need somebody thats not going to allow in a run deal to deal to bean iran made. Many of the people want me to win because they know im really good at this stuff. Because to you this way thats the mentality, whether im nice or not. I think im nice, but whether or not, we have to take our country back and turn it around. We need that kind of thinking whatever it is. Give i use at all the time, its not a financial deal, although you could say it is. We cant get a dirty rotten traitor, and give them five of the greatest killers on earth that theyve been after for nine years, but thats the deal. , and six youngr great people were killed going after this bum. There is myays, man, standup, what do we do with traders traders 50 years ago traitors 50 years ago . Boom, hes gone. Six People Killed looking for him, and we give five people to get him back and we knew he was a traitor. A general and colonel go in interview all the soldiers he dealt with and they said he deserted. They knew. We cant do things like that anymore. I see the other day, no time, they dont want to give him any time, they are letting about. They will not only not shoot him, they let him out. They said hes been through a lot. People died looking for him. Hes recommended to get nothing, zero. We cant let that happen anymore. When i talk about myself, because i had an amazing life. The apprentice became one of the great shows and television. I left. The apprentice has been so great, everybody watches. , the head of comcast came to my off my office and said please, do it again. I said i want to run. Nbc,eople at comcast and and they said please do it again. Takes a renewal, you will be like the only one that did not. I said i want to run because i think i can do a great job. When i filed my financial disclosure, certified numbers. Million doing the apprentice. Think of it. 213 million. Its what i put on my statement. They did not believe it until they saw the numbers. Settle hem on msnbc does not make any money with the apprentice. Think of it, i made all that money. They want to extend, or 28 shows. Im notm not going to do it. These politicians dont give up anything. They run, they lose, they win, thats all they do. There nothing they are nothing. They cant bring us to the promised land, they cant do it. Talk about corporate inversions. Companies are leaving our country. They used to leave new york for florida. They would leave massachusetts. They would leave for mexico. That was pretty stupid, i will say. They used 20 left new plenty left New Hampshire. Companies will leave our country with thousands of jobs left behind an abandoned because of the tax code. Because of the complexity. Trillion offshore, they cant get their money back because of the complexity of the code and the amount they have to pay. They are going to go to the money and leave all the jobs. We cant let this happen. I talked to these guys on the stand. They dont know what im talking about. They are politicians. They are good at one thing, getting reelected. I see these people. I look a rubio, hes a lightweight. Some people say hes the next reagan. Hes not reagan, i know that. My hair is better than his hair, that i can say. Im a little older. These people are not going to bring you they are knock when to take us where we want to go. They are politicians, all talk and no action. They are controlled by special interest. Its not going to happen. Its not going to happen. Its time to really bite the bullet and do it right. We have to do it right. I want to be tough and i want to be strong and i want to do these things because of we dont do it, we will not have a country left, we will not have a country. Its not going to happen. Obamacare, a disaster. [booing] 55 . Care, premiums up the duck doubles are through the roof. You dont even get to use them deductibles are through the roof, you dont even get to use them. Keep your planan and your doctor, even the democrats relied to. They would have never approved it, but the president kept saying they dont have to use it. The politicians dont have to use it because they dont want it. We are going to repeal it and replace it with something great. [cheering] so sad. When you look at it and see it. Remember the website . One problem with politics, it has a two week life. Everybody forgets how bad. The 5 billion website that did not work . Gone. Days are i wouldve gotten microsoft. I wouldve gotten somebody. I wouldve gotten 10 Different Companies that are the best in the world. They would have done it for nothing. They wouldve been so honored to do it. We spend hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars doing a website that does not work. Everybody forgets it. Obamacare has to be repealed. In 17, its going to cost our country and absolute fortune. Its going to be useless as far as you are concerned. Deductibles will be so high you cannot use them. The cost is going to be prohibitive. They are already saying they have to go back to congress in 17 and redo it. We will get rid of it and get something good. You know who made the money . Other than the fact that the people who designed websites were very close to need to you know who. You know who made the money . Insurance companies. They made a fortune with obamacare. Take a look at these companies. They are raking in billions of dollars with obamacare and nobody even knows it. We will get rid of it and come up with a plan. Will begood ideas, it good and you will have your doctor and your plan. You will have what you want. The other day, i was watching the democratic debate. Democratled the debate. I watched hillary, who does not have the strength or stamina to be president. [booing] does not have it. She does not have the strength or the stamina. We need strong right now. She is exhausted. If she pulls it off, i think her greatest achievement ever will be getting out of the email scandal. I think that will be her greatest achievement. I think she will do it because shes being totally protected by the democrats. They destroy general betray us iut General Trias think she will get a free pass. I think the democrats are protecting her because they think you cant vote for 30 did yous attacks hear this one . The paris attacks are caused by, according to bernie sanders, according to global warning global warming. The other guy, he should not even be on the stage, the mayor of baltimore. Issues. Out of 93 Million People the labor force. It. You hear 5. 2 , forget when you add the real numbers, you probably have more than closer to 25 . This place is packed, those poor people are going to be so angry when im finished and they keep coming in. Can you believe people are still coming in . Give those people a hand. [cheering] we love those people. They are going to say how did mr. Trump do . They are going to say i dont know, we never got in. We have 93 Million People out of the labor force. 50 Million People in poverty. 43 million and now its going to be closer to 50 million. 50 Million People on food stamps. I will tell you what. If we had a real hello. [booing] [chanting we need trump] its amazing. I mention food stamps and that guy who is overweight went crazy. Its amazing. [cheering] site. An amazing heres the bad thing. We had three little protests. Each person, one of of their, one of her here, one over there. We had three people tonight. Three people. Three people, and the press will say protests at trump. People, and they will take three. They will take those three and say oh, the protests were unbelievable. Its like saturday night live. Anybody see that . It was good. I heard about the protests. I said this will be tough. I sent one of my guys out and i heard every newscast. There will be major protests in front of nbc at rockefeller center. The protest will be unbelievable. I said we better go in from the side. We looked, there were like 20 people outside. [laughter] i told my guided check again he said 21 people. He found one. Just before i went out, i told him to check again, there was nobody. They went home to watch saturday night live. [cheering] the press was reporting massive protests against trump. Its horrible. Honestly, you are talking about three people. They werent even in a group because who would help wants to be in a guy like that with a guy like that . Nobody. Nobody will have him. Tomorrow, when you go home or tonight when you watch the broadcast. You will hear about protests. You will hear about them outside. I saw thousands of people trying to come in. That line was four blocks long, five deep. You will hear about protests. Just remember what i said, its all a big lie. Its a terrible lie. Its a terrible lie. Veryt to close by saying shortly. You are fired. [cheering] ive given up a lot to do this, a tremendous amount. Ive given up a lot of deals and economics and shows and other things. What i want to say is, we will win. We will win on trade. We will win with isis and boy are we going to do it with them and do it fast. We will win with our military. We will take care of our veterans. We will take care of our veterans. We will do great with our health care. Its going to be the finest in the land. I can only say this, you have to remember this night. You are going to have something special. We are going to bring back our country. I used to say the silent majority. Its not silent. It used to be. This is a very vocal majority. You have to keep it going. We are going to have victories. We will have victories economically. We will have victories on trade. We will put our people back to work. We will not let other countries still our jobs. Its not going to happen anymore. They will have great health care. Dead, butan dream is we will make it vigor and better and stronger than ever before. [cheering] americaoing to make great again. I love you. I love you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you, everybody. All campaign long, cspan takes you on the road to the white house. Unfiltered access to the candidates, town hall meetings, news conferences. We are taking your comments on twitter, ace book and by phone. Every Campaign Event the cover is available on our website at cspan. Org. Today, officials from the state department and citizenship and Immigration Services testify about Syrian Refugees seeking asylum in the u. S. And security concerns in the wake of the paris terrorist attacks. We will be live at a house judiciary subcommittee hearing starting at 9 00 a. M. Eastern on cspan3. The Senate Homeland Security Committee examines the threat posted by isis and the president s plan to resettle Syrian Refugees in the u. S. We will be live today, 2 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. All persons having business before the Honorable Supreme Court of the United States. Coming up on cspans landmark cases, we will discuss brown versus the board of education. Certificate kansas thirdgrader, linda brown, separate but equal a busa six walk walk to that would drive her onemile to the allblack school. Her Father School sued the school board and their case made it all the way to the supreme court. The case andne explore racial tensions that the times, the personal stories of the individuals involved, and the longterm impact of the decision. Thats coming up on the next landmark cases, live monday night at 9 00 eastern on cspan, cspan3, and cspan radio. For background on each case, what your copy of the landmark cases companion book, available for 8. 95. Live today on cspan, washington journal is next. The u. S. House returns at 9 30 a. M. Eastern to debate a bill raising restrictions on any Syrian Refugees entering the United States. Going up and 45 minutes, senator gary peters of michigan. A member of the Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committee. At eight 20, a look at Climate Change with ben kirkman. The university of miamis rosen dale school of marine and Atmospheric Science professor. Host good morning, it is thursday, november 19. President obama threatened to veto legislation aimed at freezing the syrian and iraqi refugee program. The threat comes as the white house prepared the house prepares to vote on that. We will talk more about the bill in the program today but we want to begin this morning by talking with refugees only in this country. Butjust from syria and iraq if you have come here to the United States seeking political li

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