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While raising my brother and me, which was a challenge in and of itself. American people are working harder today than ever before. That is a fact. More hours, more productive, and yet, real wages are not any higher today. That is a disgrace. Virginia, west philadelphia, and most of our country. The more we can focus on those issues, i think the better off we will be. Host representative brendan boyle. Democrat from looking at a live picture hotel in Downtown Washington dc. We are waiting from a briefing from father Federico Lombardi. He is the vatican spokesman. It will get underway soon. We will have it for you life. Ve. The pump arriving two hours ago, around 4 00 p. M. Eastern time. The book now at the vatican mission, which is like an embassy on massachusetts avenue, kitty corner of the Vice President s residence. Here are some of the schedule coming up. A 40 5 a. M. , a welcoming ceremony on the south lawn of the white house. Andave that on cspan and then at 4 00 p. M. In the afternoon, a mass of the National Shrine of the immaculate conception. On thursday it is a 10 00 a. M. Joint meeting of congress. Friday the travels to new york for a 10 00 a. M. Speech to the human General Assembly. In a multireligious 9 11 Memorial Service in all that is covered live on cspan, if you miss some of it you have it on our website. While we wait for this News Conference we had a chance to eat with an author who has written a biography of pope francis. United states. What do you think is the goal of this visit of the pope . Guest two things. One is there are international events, the world meeting of families is the immediate cause. He was to talk to the u. N. About climate change. He has the whole raft of issues like the refugee crisis, social and equality that is just one side of it. He wants to balance that bite fisting the poor, immigrants, thirdgraders in harlem. He wants to have two messages. One for the leaders, one for the people. Host the idea that he is addressing politicians, such as the addressee will make in congress, he will meet with the president. How does that compare with previous popes, as far as the political visits . Guest he is more overtly political. Previous popes would have those conversations behind the scenes. This pope is very frank. When he met with president obama in the vatican, he said, im speaking to you not as pope, but as a lot american, and we will for out cuba. He is more politically engaged. Pope benedict was a theologian who put ideas forward in a scholarly way, and hope that people would read his books. This pope is out there in the political marketplace. Host you brought up cuba. Does the pope ever will in the current warming of relations . Guest absolutely. He wrote a secret letter to obama and the cuban president urging them to move forward. They had eight secret meetings and canada. When the negotiations stalled, the pope said to both of the men, come on, trust me to get you to trust one another. He wrote another letter. He has been a really big figure and this. He has tried to play a down, but he has been a big wheel. Host paul vallely is here to talk about the popes visit and themes and his book. If you want to ask of questions about it, as the pope arrives in washington today, 202 7488000 for democrats. Im helen osman, the media coordinator. We are honored to have with us father Federico Lombardi, people spokesperson and head of the office. Father lombardi will be providing daily briefings to the media across the three cities that the pope visits this week in the United States. We are all drawn it also honored to have with us to archbishop of galveston, houston, and Vice President of the u. S. Conference of catholic bishops. Representing the local church, the auxiliary bishop of the archdiocese of washington. The format for this evening will that each of our printable say a few opening works, and and over the floor to questions. Father lombardi, which like to start . Very much. U i think you all for being here and were working for the coverage of the papal visit. That in the first meeting of the pope on the plane with a journalist leaving from rome, he said to the journalist for thelight thank you service you will do in helping me in my mission and spreading peaceews and the news of that is essential in this visit to cuba and the u. S. And the end of the greeting that he has said to all of the journalist on the plane, he has had please say to all your colleagues that i would say the same to them. Thank you for your work in the coverage of this visit, and please help me to give good news of the peace that is in the world. You, notthis also for only for the group that is flying with the pope. The pope comes from cuba, as you know. His visit happy about in cuba. It is good as always. Here now, happy to be with the president ial family as you have seen. In his characteristic motorcade, with all these cars, and then there is this pope. Very easy to recognize where the pope is because he is the smallest car of the motorcade. [laughter] when the pope arrives from cuba, having done in the past toth another important visit america. This means that in some months visits five lands of the american continent. Latin america to Central America and to the u. S. Not america. I think it is good to reflect on how the pontificate proceeds. Way in the entire world aong the pope has begun with visit in brazil, and then the visit to a land in europe, in the balkans. Then he visited asia. And now he comes back to america , latin america, and north america. Month ine next november he will be also in africa. This means that the experience of the universal pastor is growing. It is growing not only meeting bishops from every part of the world of people coming from every part of the world, but also traveling in different parts of the world and inerstanding the problems mankind of today. I feel that the pope is now ready to address global done in the he has catholic seat. Doing it is less in the last months, and latin. Merica and now here now havehat the pope the experience and the moral andority to bring answers questions to the most important assemblies of the world of today. Therefore, the speech you will in front of the congress of the United Nations assembly will be very interesting because it speaks of a person that has authoritygrate moral and is able to interpret the question that comes from the global mankind. And to try to give orientation of thewers to the people entire world. And the occasion in particular here, and washington and in new york with these important speeches, obviously in their expectation of every one of us, our inclusion in this way of the service of the pope for the peace in the world. This orientation and solidarity of government, and the most important western of today. Question of today. The popes year for the first time, as you know. And this is an attitude of humility, of respect, of interest, because he will speak but he will also learn. He speaks always of ofcounter person persons. For him this is a grate occasion of new encounter. I think he is also in the attitude of someone that comes to receive, not only to give. This is very interesting. We expect very much from him, but he is also always open to what he can receive from others, and attitude of the dialogue. This is what i had in mind to the first reflection. The problem of the visit is already in your hands. I do not need to do all these. We have tomorrow morning, the visit, the reception at the white house. It is obviously very important, and will also be the first t speech in english of the pope. Things weat the other will address later. Thank you. Thank you, father lombardi. Cardinal . First of all we are excited to welcome pope francis to washington. Across the country, even to use a personal association. He is been visiting these cities, that this is an apostolic journey to the entire church in the united days. Term incomes past. S a shepherd messagea clarity of the he is bringing. Tois coming as a shepherd support his people and to reach out. He is inviting us all to rise above whatever may divide is culturally and politically, and toward Greater Service toward one another. In short, he comes to speak the mind and the heart of the gospel. From the point of view of myself and the episcopal conference, role is to step back and leave room for the message of the holy father to be received in all of its fullness. Thank you, your evidence. Bishop . Thank you. Ofbehalf of the archbishop washington, we are thrilled with the visit of his holiness, pope francis to our archdiocese. We have been preparing for quite a long time. To duringing forward his words of the joy of the andel and all that he says his charity that we see over these couple of years. We will witness them within the archdiocese of washington. With all of these months of operation i want to war a moment cause and express some things to a number of individuals and groups who have been very involved in the planning and assisted us in the archdiocese of washington. We are very grateful to the secret service and all the help they have given towards security and the officials who have been a part of the process from the beginning. Mayor, the city officials, the chief of police, the metropolitan police, and the fire and Emergency Services in the city as well. Andppreciate of the police all the people of washington. We anticipate more in the coming days. To express thanks to the staff. I start speaking about thanks, endeavor in denver blessings. Winter of the microphone, give us your name, the name of the outlet you are present, and to whom your were addressing the question. Hello, my name is michelle from the washington post. To clarifyatlanta something that was quoted from the plane for those of us who were not there. There will be a lot of interest in this comment, about the pope talking if he is to the left. Can you explain what he was asked and what he meant . He was asked in a context about economics. Can you clarify what was said . Father Federico Lombardi i think that he has answered the question that already in other times and occasion was done. Answer is if his what is less or more in the teaching of the church. I am in this line, in this tradition. Im not going to Say Something is more left or more right than what is even in the compendium of the doctrine of the church. Obviously this is true. Someone asked him after the via inleby bolivia, you are proposing directions in the engagement of the social service in the church. Do you think that the church will follow you . Is not to, the church follow me, i am following the church. Following with the vision of the church is in the social teaching. This is what i am doing. That are not many people know the complexity and the richness of the teaching of the church and interpreted in a limited way. Is in this clearer tradition. To match thees team of the solidarity. Expression, heme speaks now from social friendship. Solidarity, and the intention to the order in building together. Something to do with the friendship of what human amongons, what concrete persons. Classical presentation of that social thinking of the church. Last yearso in the , addressingeaching in particular new questions of like the today environment that are now more crucial than in the past. Always in the direction of the tradition of the vision of the church. This is what he has stressed again today during his conversation. Thank you. My name this is a question for you. Ou probably know Mother Teresa and you give a testament to the plight of macedonia . Theer Federico Lombardi a clear agendat of the visit for the next year. Either known or public. There is no fixed agenda. The only trip that is clear and decided our africa in november, other trips are not decided. That the pope, for the visit in europe, has chosen slovenia, and macedonia. A particular attention to this region. I cannot exclude this in the , we will be attentive to this request. There is no project of a visit to macedonia. Gretchen crowe, our sunday visitor. Father lombardi, the world meeting of families began today in philadelphia. Pope francis mentioned this morning in his meeting with families, he asked everyone to pray for the world meeting and for the upcoming senate. How will be a holy father be monitoring the event in philadelphia throughout the week them and how will he be emphasizing family life . Thank you. Father Federico Lombardi he is surely very interest did. As you know, the first decision of this visit to the united world was due to the families day in philadelphia before the invitation of congress, before the invitation of the United Nations. It is surely very important for him. See theave to participation of the pope to world family day in the context family. It will begin exactly one week after the conclusion of the the encounteray with the family this morning in wassantiago, cuba. Precisely fored the United States. Think the speech that the pope has given this morning in santiago is really very wonderful and interesting. You have to take it as a document for the meeting in philadelphia. I think the pope is informed of what happens, and will follow also in these days, the first days of the meeting. , thee will come to the end contribution with all his heart. Obviously. Veryhis morning, it was impressive. It is a way to express the importance of the family as a formation of humanity. In many concrete aspects. Ilcil you to read the text because it is fantastic. Good afternoon. [speaking spanish] my question is, the vatican, before arriving to havana there were arrests and everything. Are you aware of this oppression in cuba . I think there is information that arrived to the vatican, and the pope. He follows what is happening. There is information in this sense. There was also information of 3000 or more people that were days as a sign of goodwill, in the preparation of this visit. I think there were these ambiguous signs. But yes, there is awareness of the problems. , the pope has traveled to cuba and has given an important contribution to help the church to be alive in a difficult situation, and to encourage it to be contribution for the renewal of society. Really an is totitution that can help move forward, to change and in the creativity direction of the development of a society. Dialogue andd reconciliation. If you listen really well to the speech of the pope in cuba, you will find several clear references to these encouragements of the pope to go forward in this direction. Aware that heways has a specific responsibility that is more religious and not directly political. That fromesses always their faith, everyone has to develop his responsibilities, and his creativity to contribute to the wellbeing of society. Sense, i think the pope has given contribution. I think that we are also witnessed that something is happening here with the renewal of contacts between cuba and the United States. Otherwise we would not have this new element. Pope decided to have this trip from cuba to the United States and to stress the situation and encourage progress. Is angela, i am from spain, and my question is for father lombardi. You mentioned before that the pope came in a humble attitude to receive. What is he expecting to receive from america . We will listen to what the pope says. I am not a prophet. [laughter] i am always encouraging to listen. Expresshe will ofreciation for the history the american nation and the American Church. Expressese appreciation, it means that he receives anhurch exchange of gifts from the American People that are grateful. Anthis sense, there is impressive work of charity and education. I think you would know better aspects. Ese positive this is surely a contribution for the problem of the world of , and of the life of the church. I think the question we have to address is one of responsibility. In this land there is a great power of intelligence, of science, of the economy. Many aspects of creativity in enterprises. If this is put to the service of the common good, the service of or inople that are poor, difficult situations, in the appeals tothe pope can be put here to the service of the common good of mankind. Hi, this is for father lombardi. Know if we are going to see at some point the end of the u. S. Economic embargo on cuba. And what will be the main topics of conversation he will have with president obama tomorrow . Rev. Lombardi as i have said, i am not a prophet. I cannot anticipate what will happen or what the pope has to say about the problem of the embargo. Has a reference that he will not address specifically this point in his speech. That does not mean he does not progress of the renewal of the relations, but not concretely the embargo. O, because there are now talian] yes, there contactscts, bilateral to solve problems. The pope does not take a particular concrete policy or solution. But hehe dialogue, encourages always the processes together. As i havealled, recalled many times, that the position of the Catholic Church about the popes question of embargo is clear. It is criticized clearly as a choice of suffering for the people. This was already said by the predecessor of pope francis. It is a position of the church. That does not mean he will address that specifically in the next days. , i would like to go back to the question of to, ism, father lumbar father lombardi, thank you for your answer before. Stuck in ahad been position that was not considered by many to be in favor of , but i wonder what the American Church thinks of those opinions. We have read several opinions that we are worried about defining capitalism as the devil or a culture of idols. That 80 million american catholics would think the same thing, and i would also like to hear from Cardinal Dinardo what his position or of the American Bishops are of some positions that have been answered extreme. Considered extreme. Rev. Lombardi my commentary is that the sense of the briefing is not to discuss the content of the doctrine in particular, this is to give you information in a short time about what will happen. These questions are obviously addressed in the content of the speech, and the document of the pope. You can read and allow that to now an, i cannot give substantial answer to your question, but as i have said, is inpe stresses that it line with the tradition of the social doctrine of the church. He thinks it is not driving in the best direction, the substantial tradition in this sense. Thank you for your question card. Dinardo thank you for your question. It is certainly true that the United States is a place of intense Financial Investment finance, economics. We have new york city as a symbol when it comes to that. The United States is not monochromatic in its appreciation and understanding of the various things that happen in the economy. The bishops of always pointed out that what we deal with in the marketplace is important that we cannot lose sight of the human person. And how we deal with the poor. Disparity at times between the rich and the poor. Inmay not be as angular, that sense, but we have always been aware of the poor. Importance of the Financial Community to sense that working and helping those who are poor, to have a decent wage and decent living across the board is good for the economy. , but to myeconomists the United States in many ways in its culture, finances and mode of governing has a lot of tensile strength. As monochromatic as sometimes people present it. Stateshops of the united are very intent that we be particularly in our culture today weather is such a growing disparity of rich and poor, without going into all the details i myself do not feel confident going beyond those general, but important statements. Jennifer, i am a reporter with the northwestern university. My question is for father lombardi. Earlier, you stressed the holy fathers desire to communicate the idea of peace. Hethat note, seeing as how is about to speak with both president obama and the congress, i was wondering if you could talk to us about whether the holy father plans on addressing the issue of american involvement in iran, syria or iraq in any way . Rev. Lombardi yes, as i have said before, you have to listen to what the pope will say. I cannot anticipate what he will say. Otherwise there is not a prize no surprise. See whichd you will problems he will address explicitly, and which problems he will address not so explicitly. I think it will be very interesting. I think we have time for one more question. I am victor ramos, a reporter from new york. Iother anticipatory question, know you cannot go into specifics, but can you tell us maybe what are the top issues on the agenda of the pope . There has been talk about immigration, about furthering the agenda on the environment, on the impact on the poor. Are we getting it right in predicting that those are the top issues . And can you tell us a little bit about the exchange today between the pope and president obama . Well, i think ,hat if we take together address to the congress and the United States, we will find a lot of issues. I think it is rather obvious in the address to the United Nations, the question of the environment, or immigration will come. This is clear. Such fundamental questions of today. It is not possible that the pope comes and speaks about i dont know about what. Obviously he will speak about the environment and about immigration. We will see how and when and in which terms, but it is clear he will speak about this. I think the and manyencilica, it is made of many addresses of the pope and if you read the encyclical, you can find why there was the range of questions , or what has been mentioned. Wonderful, this scientists and the different aspects of the environment and social crisis and the economy. This is really wonderful. A cause ofl find these aspects in the speech of the pope in the next days. For the meeting with president obama, i dont know. Areally these encounters also private. I have seen this in a because popec way, charisma in his encounters with other persons and big political leaders. A approaches the other as complete person, not so much as apolitical leader that has but as ar ideology, complete person. And the person meets the pope as a complete man. And is Something Wonderful very often, this is another way to approach the big question, and to find a way to solve something. If you have a personal approach, and a personal feeling and sympathy. It helps to understand the credibility or the sincerity of the order. I think that, every leader that has a meeting with the pope, it is a personal encounter. I think this is maybe more wouldant than our agenda indicate. They will speak and talk about something, this is obvious, but what is more important is not the concept of the conversation, andthe personal encounter the appreciation of the personality of the order. Int can bring a good result the following times. Can the pope send a letter to someone proposing to do something new . Built a personal relationship that can be the premise for him to ask or propose something new to happen. I dont know if this is clear. Thank you, father lombardi. I know that we have many more questions but we will have the opportunity for another briefing tomorrow after the mass canonization at approximately 8 00 p. M. Agreed to bedi has with us again and he will be joined by archbishop joseph kurtz. A couple of other housekeeping notes, please remember that the text of the speeches will be posted at media. Uspapalvisit. Org. We will have those available online. We are not distributing paper copies in the press room. They will be available digitally. Note, we housekeeping continue to distribute credentials. Tomorrow at the Union Station room, if colleagues have yet to pick up credentials, they need to do that tomorrow. We will not be distribute in credentials on thursday distributing credentials on thursday. That is a change in the initial release. The name of the bishops conference and thanks to all of you, but we are asking for blessings on the jewish community. Kippur,the day of yom we pray for them in this day of atonement that the lord will continue to bless them. Everyone. Ou, [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] the popes upcoming visit to the u. S. Cspan has live coverage from washington. On wednesday, pope francis will visit the white house, starting with the welcoming ceremony on the south lawn. Then in meeting with president obama. On thursday he makes history on capitol hill becoming the first pontiff to address both the house of representatives and the senate during a joint meeting. Live on tv or online at cspan. Org. Now, look back to pope john to thethe second speech United Nations in 1995 here on cspan. [applause] [applause] your holiness, this is the second time that the General Assembly of the United Nations is honored with your presence. I feel especially privileged in being able to welcome your holiness today, where your presence clearly deserves the mark of distinction on our organization. Holiness, more than any of your predecessors, has traveled to all the corners of the world in your wish to bring to each of ones,ven the most distant your message of peace, understanding, tolerance and justice among men. Your visit here today, more than , is a of celebration strong sign of encouragement for s activity. Zation throughout its existence, United Nations has come to believe that for the ideals of peace to take root deeply among men, they must be based on economic, social and Cultural Development as well as the primacy of justice. In all these fields, the United Nations has performed with persistence and dedication, with the best of human abilities. Success and the compliments have not always been achieved. As wes not surprising take into account the difficulties that are many and the means which in most cases are few. Are endure always. On this 50th anniversary, an occasion to celebrate and reflect, we are facing many criticisms on the form and performance of our organization. We should take these into account that we must not allow them to paralyze us for the benefit of mankind. While the errors have been many in the life of the successes and victories achieved in that period. For each success in the area of help, in the protection of children, in support for refugees, in the diffusion of culture and the guaranteeing of peace, it is not just the United Nations which has kept its commitment and justified its existence, it is also humanity which has become richer and noble and lonelier because someone lovelier, because someone on its behalf did the good thing in the disinterested way hoping for nothing in return. As your holiness can well testify, sitting in these rooms are the representatives of almost all the countries of the world. Members of different ethnic and religious groups. Nonetheless, all are united in their respect for your holiness and the attention they will pay to your words. Due to thet this is example that your holiness has given throughout your pontificate of a complete readiness to go and meet all of those who truly seek to realize the fullness of human potential, the wealth of human existence, spiritual and material. Express a like to holiness the words are used before this assembly 16 years ago still rings true today, and will do so for the next 50 years. Hope that the United Nations will ever remain the supreme forum of peace and justice, the authentic seat of the freedom of peoples and individuals in their longing for a better future. End of quotation. Thank you. Now to thefloor secretarygeneral of the United Nations. Thank you. Greatestity is the gift to humanity. Touched by have been faith. Belief in a higher reality revives a common bond among nations. Horrors that we witnessed today deny the values of the spirit. There are examples on every continent that tell us to deny our spiritual nature. It is to diminish our humanity. It is to forget our gods. The crisis of the human spirit is taking place and it accounts for many of the major problems of our time. Possible forit people to regain their faith. Created as a bond between peoples and nations. If u. N. Is essential humanity is to rebuild its spiritual foundations. The holy father is a reminder of the spiritual dimension of the United Nations. The United Nations was created so that hope could conquer the horror of war. It was created so that compassion, the compassion that all religions share, could conquer the despair of poverty, disease and injustice. Hope enables us to continue our mission under the most adverse conditions. It enables us to continue the dialogue to pursue negotiation, even when the situation seems hopeless. Love enables us to continue the development to reach out to the less fortunate of our brothers and sisters. Ii has reflected ofply on the complex issues our time. Withessage comes to us. Larity and conviction it is the kind of comprehensive vision which we require. Is related. Done in we do is combination that our work is inspired by something far greater than ourselves. Excellencies, distinguished colleagues and friends, with us today is one who has felt these issues in the depths of the soul and will express them in their essence to the world. Like the angel in the goner garden, be not afraid. Can and musthat we solver fear if we will the problems of the planet and its people. All of us who serve the peoples of the knighted nations, welcome to this chamber. Ii. Holiness, Pope John Paul [applause] i think the secretarygeneral for his statement, may i now invite his holiness john paul generaladdress the assembly. Pope john paul ii mr. President , ladies and gentlemen, it is an honor for me to have the opportunity to address this National Assembly and to join the men and women of every country, race, language and culture in celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding of the United Nations organization. In coming before this distinguished assembly, i wish to express my heartfelt gratitude in the first place to the secretarygeneral, dr. Boutrosghali, for having warmly encouraged this visit. And i thank you, mr. President , for your cordial welcome. I greet all of you, the members of this General Assembly, i am grateful for your presence and for your kind attention. Ladies and gentlemen, on the threshold of a new millennium, we are witnessing an extraordinary global acceleration of that quest for freedom which is one of the great dynamics of human history. This phenomenon is not limited to any one part of the world; nor is it the expression of any single culture. Men and women throughout the world, even when threatened by violence, have taken the risk of freedom, asking to be given a place in social, political, and Economic Life which is commensurate with their dignity as free human beings. This universal longing for freedom is truly one of the distinguishing marks of our time. It is important for us to grasp what might be called the inner structure of this worldwide movement. It is precisely its global character which offers us its first and fundamental key and confirms that there are indeed universal human rights, rooted in the nature of the person, rights which reflect the objective and inviolable demands of a universal moral law. These are not abstract points; rather, these rights tell us something important about the actual life of every individual and of every social group. They also remind us that we do not live in an irrational or meaningless world. On the contrary, there is a moral logic which is built into human life and which makes possible dialogue between individuals and peoples. If we want a century of violent coercion to be succeeded by a century of persuasion, we must find a way to discuss the human future intelligibly. The universal moral law written on the human heart is precisely that kind of grammar which is needed if the world is to engage this discussion of its future. The moral dynamics of this universal quest for freedom clearly appeared in central and Eastern Europe during the nonviolent revolutions of 1989. Unfolding in specific times and places, those historical events nonetheless taught a lesson which goes far beyond a specific geographical location. For the nonviolent revolutions of 1989 demonstrated that the quest for freedom cannot be suppressed. It arises from a recognition of the inestimable dignity and value of the human person, and it cannot fail to be accompanied by a commitment on behalf of the human person. Modern totalitarianism has been, first and foremost, an assault on the dignity of the person, an assault which has gone even to the point of denying the inalienable value of the individuals life. The revolutions of 1989 were made possible by the commitment of brave men and Women Inspired by a different, and ultimately more profound and powerful, vision the vision of man as a creature of intelligence and free will, immersed in a mystery which transcends his own being and endowed with the ability to reflect and the ability to choose, and thus capable of wisdom and virtue. A decisive factor in the success of those nonviolent revolutions was the experience of social solidarity in the face of regimes backed by the power of propaganda and terror, that solidarity was the moral core of the power of the powerless, a beacon of hope and an enduring reminder that it is possible for mans historical journey to follow a path which is true to the finest aspirations of the human spirit. The quest for freedom in the second half of the 20th century has engaged not only individuals but nations as well. Fifty years after the end of the second world war, it is important to remember that war was fought because of violations of the rights of nations. Unfortunately, even after the end of the second world war, the rights of nations continued to be violated. To take but one set of examples, the Baltic States and extensive territories in ukraine and belarus were absorbed into the soviet union, as had already happened to armenia, azerbaijan, and georgia in the caucasus. At the same time, the socalled peoples democracies of central and Eastern Europe effectively lost their sovereignty and were required to submit to the will dominating the entire bloc. The result of this Artificial Division of europe was the cold war, a situation of International Tension in which the threat of a Nuclear Holocaust hung over humanity. It was only when freedom was restored to the nations of central and Eastern Europe that the promise of the peace which should have come with the end of the war began to be realized for many of the victims of that conflict. The universal declaration of these rights spoke of the international agreement. But no similar agreement has addressed the rights of nations. This situation raises urgent questions about justice and freedom in the world today. Istudy of these rights if wenly not easy, consider the difficulty of defining the very concept of nation, which cannot be identified a priori and necessarily with the state. Such a study must nonetheless be made, if we wish to avoid the errors of the past and ensure a just world order. A presupposition of a nations rights is certainly its right to exist. Therefore no oneneither neither a state nor another nation, nor an International Organization is ever justified in asserting that an individual nation is not worthy of existence. This fundamental right to existence does not necessarily naturally implies that each nation enjoys the rights to its , whichguage and culture i would call its fundamental spiritual sovereignty. In extreme circumstances, such as those which occurred in the land where i was born, it is precisely its culture that theles a nation to survive laws of political and economic independence. Therefore, has also ownright to have its traditions. Excluding the abuse of basic human rights and in particular, the oppression of minorities. Nation has the right to provide an appropriate education for the younger generation. During my pastoral logo , i have pilgrimages been able to enter into dialogue with the rich diversity of nations and cultures in every part of the world. Unhappily, the world has yet to learn how to live with diversity as recent events in Central Africa have painfully reminded us. The difference and the reality of the other can sometimes be felt as a burden, or even as a threat. Amplified by historic grievances and exacerbated by the manipulations of the unscrupulous, the fear of difference can lead to a denial of the very humanity of the other, with the result that people fall into a cycle of violence in which no one is spared, not even the children. We are all very familiar today with such situations. At this moment my heart and my prayers turn in a special way to the sufferings of the sorely tried peoples of bosniaherzegovina. From bitter experience, then, we know that the fear of difference, especially when it expresses itself in a narrow and exclusive nationalism which denies any rights to the other, can lead to a true nightmare of violence and terror. And yet if we make the effort to look at matters objectively, we can see that, transcending all the differences which distinguish individuals and peoples, there is a fundamental commonality. For different cultures are but different ways of facing the question of the meaning of personal existence. And it is precisely here that we find one source of the respect which is due to every culture and every nation. Every culture is an effort to ponder the mystery of the world and in particular of the human person. It is a way of giving expression to the transcendent dimension of human life. The heart of every culture is its approach to the greatest of all mysteries, the mystery of god. Our respect for the culture of others is therefore rooted in our respect for each communitys attempt to answer the question of human life. And here we can see how important it is to safeguard the fundamental right to freedom of religion and freedom of conscience, as the cornerstones of the structure of human rights and the foundation of every truly free society. No one is permitted to suppress those rights by using coercive power to impose an answer to the mystery of man. We need to clarify the essential difference between an unhealthy form of nationalism, which teaches contempt for other nations or cultures, and patriotism, which is a proper love of ones country. True patriotism never seeks to advance the wellbeing of ones own nation at the expense of others. For in the end, this would harm ones own nation as well, doing wrong damages both aggressor and victim. Nationalism, in its most radical forms, is thus the antithesis of true patriotism, and today we must ensure that extreme nationalism does not continue to give rise to new forms of the aberrations of totalitarianism. Ladies and gentlemen, freedom is the measure of mans dignity and greatness. Living the freedom sought by individuals and peoples is a great challenge to mans spiritual growth and to the moral vitality of nations. The basic question which we must all face today is the responsible use of freedom, in both its personal and social dimensions. Our reflection must turn then to the question of the moral structure of freedom, which is the inner architecture of the culture of freedom. Freedom is not simply the absence of tyranny or oppression. Nor is freedom a license to do whatever we like. Freedom has an inner logic which distinguishes it and ennobles it, freedom is ordered to the truth, and is fulfilled in mans quest for truth and in mans living in the truth. Detached from the truth about the human person, freedom deteriorates into license in the lives of individuals, and, in political life, it becomes the caprice of the most powerful and the arrogance of power. Far from being a limitation upon freedom or a threat to it, reference to the truth about the human person a truth universally knowable through the moral law written on the hearts of all is, in fact, the guarantor of freedoms future. In the light of what has been said, we understand how utilitarianism, the doctrine which defines morality not in terms of what is good, but of what is advantageous, threatens the freedom of individuals and nations and obstructs the building of a true culture of freedom. Utilitarianism often has devastating political consequences, because it inspires an aggressive nationalism on the basis of which the subjugation, for example, of a smaller or weaker nation is claimed to be a good thing solely because it corresponds to the national interest. No less grave are the results of economic utilitarianism, which drives more powerful countries to manipulate and exploit weaker ones. Nationalistic and economic utilitarianism are sometimes combined, a phenomenon which has too often characterized relations between the north and the south. For the emerging countries, the achievement of political independence has too frequently been accompanied by a situation of de facto economic dependence on other countries. Such situations offend the conscience of humanity and pose a formidable moral challenge to the human family. Pope john paul ii yes, distinguished ladies and gentlemen, the International Economic scene needs an ethic of solidarity, if participation, economic growth, and a just distribution of goods are to characterize the future of humanity. The International Cooperation called for by the charter of the United Nations for solving International Problems of an economic, social, cultural, or humanitarian character cannot be conceived exclusively in terms of help and assistance, or even by considering the eventual returns on the resources provided. When millions of people are suffering from a poverty which means hunger, malnutrition, sickness, illiteracy, and degradation, we must not only remind ourselves that no one has a right to exploit another for his own advantage, but also and above all we must recommit ourselves to that solidarity which enables others to live out, in the actual circumstances of their economic and political lives, the creativity which is a distinguishing mark of the human person and the true source of the wealth of nations in todays world. Pope john paul ii as we face these enormous challenges, how can we fail to acknowledge the role of the United Nations organization . The United Nations Organization Needs to rise more and more above the cold status of an Administrative Institution and to become a moral center where all the nations of the world feel at home and develop a shared awareness of being, as it were, a family of nations. The idea of family immediately evokes something more than simple functional relations or a mere convergence of interests. The family is by nature a Community Based on mutual trust, mutual support, and sincere respect. In an authentic family, the strong do not dominate instead, the weaker members, because of their very weakness, are all the more welcomed and served. Raised to the level of the family of nations, these sentiments ought to be, even before law itself, the very fabric of relations between peoples. The United Nations has the historic, even momentous, task of promoting this qualitative leap in international life, not only by serving as a center of effective mediation for the resolution of conflicts, but also by fostering values, attitudes, and concrete initiatives of solidarity which prove capable of raising the level of relations between nations from the organizational to a more organic level, from simple existence with others to existence for others, in a Fruitful Exchange of gifts, primarily for the good of the weaker nations, but even so, a clear harbinger of greater good for everyone. None of this should appear an unattainable utopia. Now is the time for new hope, which calls us to expel the paralyzing burden of cynicism from the future of politics and of human life. The anniversary which we are celebrating invites us to do this by reminding us of the idea of United Nations, an idea which bespeaks mutual trust, security, and solidarity. Inspired by the example of all those who have taken the risk of freedom, can we not recommit ourselves also to taking the risk of solidarity and thus the risk of peace . It is one of the great paradoxes of our time that man, who began the period we call modernity with a selfconfident assertion of his coming of age and autonomy, approaches the end of the 20th century fearful of himself, fearful of what he might be capable of, fearful for the future. Indeed, the second half of the 20th century has seen the unprecedented phenomenon of a humanity uncertain about the very likelihood of a future, given the threat of nuclear war. That danger, mercifully, appears to have receded and everything that might make it return nds to be rejected firmly and universally all the same, fear for the future and of the future remains. In order to ensure that the new millennium now approaching will witness a new flourishing of the human spirit, mediated through an authentic culture of freedom, men and women must learn to conquer fear. We must learn not to be afraid, we must rediscover a spirit of hope and a spirit of trust. Hope is not empty optimism springing from a naive confidence that the future will necessarily be better than the past. Hope and trust are the premise of responsible activity and are nurtured in that inner sanctuary of conscience where man is alone thus, and the us perceives that he is not alone amid the enigmas of existence, for he is surrounded by the love of the creator. Hope and trust these may seem matters beyond the purview of the United Nations, but they are not. The politics of nations, with which your organization is principally concerned, can never ignore the transcendent, spiritual dimension of the human experience, and could never ignore it without harming the cause of man and the cause of human freedom. Whatever diminishes man harms the cause of freedom. In order to recover our hope and our trust at the end of this century of sorrows, we must regain sight of that transcendent horizon of possibility to which the soul of man aspires. As a christian, my hope and trust are centered on jesus christ, the 2000th anniversary of whose birth will be celebrated at the coming of the new millennium. We christians believe that in his death and resurrection were fully revealed gods love and his care for all creation. Jesus christ is for us god made man, and made a part of the history of humanity. Precisely for this reason, christian hope for the world and its future extends to every human person. Because of the radiant humanity of christ, nothing genuinely human fails to touch the hearts of christians. Therefore, as we approach the 2000th anniversary of the birth of christ, the church asks only to be able to propose respectfully this message of salvation, and to be able to promote, in charity and service, the solidarity of the entire human family. We must overcome our fear of the future. But we will not be able to overcome it completely unless we do so together. The answer to that fear is neither coercion nor repression, nor the imposition of one social model on the entire world. The answer to the fear which darkens human existence at the end of the 20th century is the common effort to build the civilization of love, founded on the universal values of peace, solidarity, justice, and liberty. And the soul of the civilization of love is the culture of freedom the freedom of individuals and the freedom of nations, lived in selfgiving solidarity and responsibility. We must not be afraid of the future. We must not be afraid of man. It is no accident that we are here. Each and every human person has been created in the image and likeness of the one who is the origin of all that is. We have within us the capacities for wisdom and virtue. With these gifts, and with the help of gods grace, we can build in the next century and the next millennium a civilization worthy of the human person, a true culture of freedom. We can and must do so, and in doing so, we shall see that the tears of this century have prepared the ground for a new springtime of the human spirit. [laughter] [applause] Pope John Paul ii i should say a small greeting in the arabic language and in chinese [speaking foreign language] Pope John Paul ii Pope John Paul ii the United Nations sayse and the prosperity of the human family. [applause] i wish to the ii whole world and all peoples freedom and peace in living together. And i hope that the entire world can live in freedom and dignity and a truly achieved peace. Thank you. [applause] on behalf of the General Assembly, i wish to express our deep appreciation to Pope John Paul ii for his inspiring statement. I request the representatives to while theough secretary and i call his holiness out of the assembly hall. Following this, the meeting will be adjourned. [applause] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2015] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] announcer the popes visit to the u. S. Cspan has live coverage from washington, d. C. The first stop from the tour. The welcoming ceremony for the pope as the obamas officially welcomed the pope to the white house. 4 00, starting at cspans live coverage begins from capitol hill as cup Francis Pope Francis makes history becoming the first pope to address a joint congress. Later, the pope speaks to the United Nations General Assembly on cspan3, cspan radio, and cspan. Org. At 11 30, the pontiff all hold a service at the 9 11 Memorial Museum world trade center. Follow coverage of the popes historic trip live on tv or online at www. Cspan. Org. Announcer here is thehill. Com in their headline senate gop takes lead to prevent Government Shutdown. Tell us what the debate will look like and what issues will come up on thursday. Est thanks for having me. What happened today is Mitch Mcconnell file closure on a government funding bill that would defund planned parenthood. This bill would last until about middecember. Most senate republicans, including Mitch Mcconnell, have all kind of a knowledge that a deal that would defund planned parenthood would fail in the senate because Senate Democrats would filibuster the bill. Even if it made it to the white house, to president obamas desk, it would certainly veto it. The next step that people are expecting is that on thursday, after pope francis addresses both houses of congress that morning, Mitch Mcconnell will again file another government be ang bill that would socalled clean funding bill, which would kid did you funding would continue funding planned parenthood and last until middecember. This entire strategy is a way to prevent the Government Shutdown next thursday. Both the house and senate only have about five legislative days left in session until that funding deadline. It looks like the majority leader is getting support within his conference. You retweeted a colleague saying that kelly ayotte says that mcconnell should not waste time with a showboat and moved to a clean cr. You also tweeted that ted cruz said to wrap the iran deal into a funding fight. Republicans are dealing with other issues than just planned parenthood. Guest that is true. Ted cruz and others have suggested that they should tie something regarding the Iranian Nuclear deal to a Government Spending bill. Democrats, most of whom have supported obamas nuclear deal, say that it should not be attached to any Government Spending bill because it could actually risk a Government Shutdown. Considered cruz is considered the architect of the 2013 shutdown, when it closed for 16 days to years ago. I am not sure we will see a repeat of that next week, but it will also depend on what happens in the senate and if the house can pick up whatever the senate passes. Co clean or authorized how much does it fund, what is the dollar figure, and how long would it lasted . Guest it funds the government at the overall sequestration level for the next fiscal year, which begins next week. 1. 017 trillion. To therying to adhere socalled sequester level spending cap. Democrats and president obama want to lift those spending ceilings. The idea of having this Government Spending bill expire in middecember is so that both republicans and the my crafts the hill will have a 2. 5 month and theegotiate democrats on the hill will have a 2. 5 month window to negotiate. You tweeted that House Republicans will hold a Weekly Conference meeting on friday morning. Government funding expected to be discussed. They are in this week after the pope. What are we hearing about their potential schedule on the cr . Guest at this point, we are expecting house gop leaders to doors afterclosed the popes visit on thursday. As you mentioned, the entire gop conference and the house will meet behind closed doors on friday morning. Usually, there is a lot of drama coming out of those meetings and it will likely be the last meeting before the house has a take a vote on a spending bill next week. We might see one more meeting before that time, but as far as timing goes, it is a little unclear at this point as to whether the senate will pitch the Government Spending bill to the house and had the house passed that if thats the case, we might see a final vote in the senate on a clean spending bill early next week. And it could come down to the wire, as it always does, and the house may vote on the bill on wednesday. If it is a clean spending bill, we are expecting Speaker Boehner to reach out to democrats to help pass that bill with democratic votes. Thereis it possible that will be weekend war . Guest it is possible. If Mitch Mcconnell decides to file that clean spending bill that continues spending for planned parenthood either thursday or friday, and i could set up procedural votes to move forward on that bill over the weekend. Members ofrequire the media to come to the capital this weekend. Host you can read more at the. Com and thehill follow her on twitter. Guest things for having me. Up, ther coming arrival of pope francis in the United States. We will show you his arrival at joint base andrews on my his arrival at the vatican embassy, and a briefing on the popes visit. Following that, dated the tray about u. S. Foreign policy in the middle east. David petraeus talking about u. S. Foreignpolicy in the middle east. Later, Christine Lagarde on foreignpolicy. Announcer pope francis arrived this afternoon in washington, d. C. President obama and family were joined by Vice President biden to greet the pontiff on his arrival. Afterwards, pope francis traveled to the vatican embassy, where he will spend the night before a welcoming ceremony at the white house; 40 5 a. M. At 8 45 a. M

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