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Occasions our willingness to maintain with the government of the United States a respectful dialogue based on the principle of sovereign equality in order to address a wide variety of topics in a reciprocal manner without detriment to the National Independence and Self Determination of our people. This was a position expressed to the u. S. Government both publicly and privately on on severalfidel occasions during our longstanding struggle with the aim of addressing and resolving our differences through negotiations without renouncing any of our principles. The heroic cuban people has shown in the face of aggression, serious dangers, adversities, and sacrifices that it will and has always been faithful to the ideals of independence and social justice, strongly united throughout the last 56 years of revolution, we have maintained our unswerving loyalty to those who fell in defense of our principles, dating back to the beginning of our wars of independence in 1868. Despite the difficulties, we are now embarking on the task of updating our economic model with a view to build a prosperous and sustainable socialism as a result of dialogue at the highest level, which included a phone conversation that i had yesterday with president barack obama. We have been able to make progress in resolving some issues of mutual interest for both nations. As fidel promised in june 2001, when he said, they shall return. Today, geraldo, ramon, and antonio have returned to our homeland. The enormous joy of their families and of all our people who have tirelessly fought for this goal is shared by hundreds of solidarity committees and groups, governments, parliaments, organizations, institutions, and individuals who, during the last 16 years, have conducted continuous and unrelenting efforts seeking the ir release. We convey our most profound gratitude and commitment to them all. President obamas decision deserves the respect and recognition of our people. I wish to thank and acknowledge the support of the vatican, most particularly the support of pope francis in his efforts for improving relations between cuban and the United States. I would also like to thank the government of canada for facilitating the highlevel dialogue undertaken between both nations. In turn, we have decided to release and return to the United States a spy of cuban origin who was working for that nation. In addition, and for humanitarian reasons, today we have also returned to his country the american citizen alan gross. Unilaterally, as has been our practice and in strict adherence to the provisions of our legal system, the prisoners concerned have received reduced sentences that includes the release of these individuals that the government of the United States had expressed an interest in. We have also agreed to renew diplomatic relations. This in no way means that the key matters have been resolved, the economic, trade, and financial embargo, which has led to enormous human and economic damage to our country must cease. Although the measures of the embargo have now been codified into law, the president of the United States has the executive authority to modify its instrumentation. Implementation. We propose to the government of the United States that it adopt mutual steps to improve the bilateral atmosphere and work toward normalizing relations between our two countries based on the principles of International Law and the United Nations charter. Cuba reiterates its willingness to maintain cooperation in multilateral entities such as the United Nations while acknowledging our profound differences, mainly in areas relating to national sovereignty, democracy, human rights, and Foreign Policy. I reassert our willingness to dialogue on all of these issues. I call upon the government of the United States to remove the obstacles hindering or restricting ties between our people, families, and citizens of both countries, particularly those restrictions related to traveling, direct postal service, and telecommunications. The progress that has been made in our exchanges shows that it is possible to find solutions to many challenges as we have reiterated, we need to learn the art of coexisting in a civilized manner with our respective differences. We will continue to talk about these important issues at a later date. Thank you very much. Florida republican senator obamarubio opposes the administrations changes in policy toward cuba saying the u. S. Should not normalize relationships with cuba until it is democratized. He spoke for toy five minutes at a capitol hill News Conference shortly after the president s address. Thank you for being here. As a cuban immigrant one of my greatest hope is to see the nation of cuba and its people become free and open and democratic. That is exactly why todays announcement from the white house is so profound a ly disappointing. It is a victory for the oppressive cuban government but a serious setback for the repressed cuban people. The white house has conceded everything, and gained little. They gained no commitment on the part of the cuban regime on freedom of press, or freedom of speech, or elections. No binding commitment was made to truly open up the internet. No commitment was made to allow the establishment of political parties, or to even begin the semblance of a transition to democracy. And in exchange for all of these concessions, the only thing the cuban government agreed to do is free 53 political prisoners, who could wind up in jail tomorrow morning if they once again take up the cause of freedom, and to allow the United Nations and the red cross to monitor conditions on the island. The same United Nations that did nothing when cuba, last year, was caught helping north korea evade United Nations sanctions. This entire policy announced today is based on an allusion. On a lie. The lie and the illusion that more access to goods will translate to Political Freedom for the cuban people. All this is going to do iis give the castro regime which controls every aspect of human life the opportunity to manipulate, to perpetuate itself and power. These changes will only lead to greater wealth and influence for the regime. Especially the military, which controls most if not all of the cuban economy. And controls all of its oppressed people. These changes will lead to legitimacy for a government that shamelessly, continuously abuses human rights. But it will not lead to assistance for those whose rights are being abused. It is just another concession to tyranny by the obama administration, rrather than a defense of every universal and an inalienable rights that our country was founded on it stands for. In short, with these changes are going to do as they will tighten this regimes grip on power for decades to come. And it was significantly set back the hope of freedom and democracy for the cuban people. Now, i am overjoyed for alan gross and his family. He has been a hostage kept against his will for far too long. Our prayers are with him and his family because he was not just a prisoner, he was a hostage. But this president has proven today that his Foreign Policy is more than just naive. It is willfully ignorant of the way the world truly works. This Administration Just last agreed, after months of congressional pressure, to impose sanctions on the venezuelan officials were were violating human rights. A government who has spent all of 2014 killing, jailing, and oppressing their own people. And yet, we make historic concessions that supports and is behind the tierney in venezuelan. Tyranny in venezuela. The cuban government is influential at the highest levels of the regime. This policy contradiction is absurd. And it is disgraceful for a president who claims to treasure human rights and human freedom. This president is a single wish negotiator we have had in the white house in my lifetime. He has basically given the cuban government everything it asked for, and received no assurances of any advancement in democracy. Let me close by reminding everyone that god bestowed on the cuban people the same rights that he did on every other man, woman, and child that has ever lived. The inalienable rights spoken about in our founding documents. The cuban people, like all those oppressed around the world, they look to america to stand up for these rights. To live up to our commitment to the godgiven right of every person to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. These rights exist not disreputable one in the not just for people born in the continental United States, but for people everywhere. It is unacceptable that people who do not know democracy for more than five decades is the people of cuba. That should be our overriding objective to do all we can to bring about political openings in cuba. Then a free cuban people can decide whatever economic model they want. But the measures taken today will do nothing to bring about that day and, in fact, i fear significantly set it back. Today by conceding to the oppressors, this president and this administration have let the people of cuba down. Senator you have laid out some things here about what you think might happen, which is continuing to happen based on this policy. We have seen other critics towards camp david and so on. Those things worked out pretty well. Why you so confident, in this case . Because i know the cuban regime and its true nature better than this president and anyone in this administration does. This is a regime that manipulates everyone to their advantage. They deliberately chose to allow people to come to this country, but forced them to leave their families behind. That way, they would guarantee that these people were sent back remittances to cuba. When groups travel to cuba, they deliberately stage what they want them to see and deny access to others. This is a regime that singlehandedly manipulate opposition. Time and again, the cuban government has manipulated every single concession this administration has made to their advantage. The number one goal of the cuban government and of this regime is to remain in power. And anything we do will be to urned by them into a mechanism for remaining in power. The cuban government will never let any changes that will threaten their ability to maintain a grip on power. We have seen that time and time again, and you are going to see that again in the months and years to come. You call the president the worst negotiator. He said a short time ago that he wants to work with congress to do the things necessary to normalize relations. What, specifically, can congress to in response . Well, my sense is that i anticipate i will be the chairman of the western hemispheres subcommittee of foreign relations. And i anticipate we will have a very interesting couple of years discussing how to get an embassy funded. And an ambassador nominated. About the exchange with the three remaining cuban spies, this has been rumored for months, maybe even more, that this was in the works in order to get alan gross back. What is your reaction to that . I am glad that alan gross is back. He never should have been there to begin with. Let me just take this moment to point out something that the president said that is factually incorrect. The president said that cubans do not have access to advanced, 21st Century Technology because of the u. S. Embargo. That is false. The reason why they dont have access to 21st century telik telecommunications like smart phones and access to the internet is because it is illegal in cuba. The reason why alan gross was taken hostage was because he was trying to help a small Jewish Community in cuba have access to that equipment. So for the president to say that it was because the u. S. Embargo is categorically false. The second point out make to the present is the cuban government is going to control the internet, the same way the Chinese Government control the internet and the north korean government controls the internet. This notion that cuba is going to allow the cuban people to to access any website they want is ridiculous. They are not going to allow that to happen. My last point on it is that im glad mr. Gross is back with his family. I am always concerned anytime that we trade legitimate spies for innocent americans because it sets it actually now in creates an incentive. But, i am happy he is with his family today. And i focus my remarks here today and make criticisms on the unilateral changes the president has made in policy toward cuba which i think will have a , dramatic impact on freedom on the island. [speaking in spanish] yes, maam . [speaking in spanish] [speaking in spanish] senator rubio our , understanding is that the present is doing this his remarks towards the pope. I am curious because you are , does his remarks have any influence on how quickly you might decide to run for president . I think that my understanding of the influence that his holiness has on the release of i would also ask his holiness to take up the cause of freedom and democracy, which is critical for people to truly be free. I think the people of cuba deserve the same chances that the people of argentina have had, where he comes from. Half, people of italy where he now lives. Obviously vatican is its own state, but very nearby. My point is that i hope that that people with that sort of prestige on the world stage will take it out for the cause of freedom and democracy. The cuban people are the only people in this hemisphere who have not been able to elect a leader in more than 55 or 60 years. For this government, under barack obama, to give up everything is unacceptable in my mind. This is unrelated to anything prior. Im not going to discuss that today. Do see this move as yet another unilateral move done by the present without speaking to the congress . We will study whether any of these measures contradict the spirit of the law with regards to the cuban democracy act. I would say that i would can see that many of the changes have been made today fall within the purview of the presidency. My criticisms are largely based on the fact that these are unwise decisions. The fact that i now know, for fundamental truth, that this is going to make the day when democracy comes to cuba even further away. What is going to happen here is they are going to utilize these changes to create more wealth, more funding for their repressive regime. What will happen as American Companies will become deeply invested in the cuban economy, and in a few years, youre going to see them here in the halls of congress to lobby. I saw that this week when we tried to pursue and pass a bill that supported democracy protesters in hong kong. My office is getting phone calls from companies that do business in china asking us to back off. You are going to see that here now, too. We are happy to see alan gross released from prison, but that, of course, goes handinhand with the change in policy. Would you have rather seen him remain imprisoned . According to the white house, they do not go handinhand. According to the white house, mr. Gross was released on unitarian grounds, and the interchange between the United States and cuba on the three spies with a american held in prison here, the three spies that were in u. S. Custody were not benign spies going around cutting up newspaper clippings. At least two of them were involved in direct information given to the cuban government that led to the murders of american citizens who were patrolling the streets in florida trying to save the lives of cuban rafters. President obama alluded to young cubanamericans, saying that they accept more normal relations. Which is quite different from what you are saying. How do you explain that the Younger Generation partially, because while im 43, i feel 44, and partially because, look, this is not a political thing. I dont care for 99 of the people believe we should normalize relations with cuba. I believe that before we can normalize relations, democracy has to come first. Or at least significant steps towards democracy. I think we share including the individuals that the present president discussed generationally freedom for cuba. I would say that if you want the majority of if you went to the majority of the people out there and said we are going to recognize them, were going to open up the banking sector, we are going to increase remittances and in exchange, all , cuba is going to do is release 53 prisoners they can put back until next year. Most people would say, well, that is not the idea we had in mind. Let me be clear, i am in favor of normalizing relations with cuba. But for that to happen, cuba has to be normal. Cuba has to be a democracy. The day cuba takes significant steps towards democracy, i will be the first one to stand up here and say now is the time to change policy. That day is clearly not today. You have been told that the administration would not move forward on anything regarding cuba without consulting congress. Did you consult congress . A couple points. I was aware of these measures last night, not from the administration. I chose not to discuss it at the time because i did not want to imperil the safety and wellbeing of mr. Gross, who, as i understood, was in route or potentially in route. I was not consulted by anyone in the administration until about 10 00 a. M. This morning, when secretary kerry placed a call to me. I expressed a secretary my belief that they are being incredibly naive, if not willfully ignorant about the impact that this is going to have on cuba. All of a sudden democracy is going to spring. That is outrageous and ridiculous. The notion that somehow this is going to lead to a second cuban revolution as a result that cubans will be able to buy more goods from the United States. It is ridiculous. I interact with people who have been oppressed by it every single day. These changes will do nothing to change their behavior toward cuban people. It will be just as impressive a repressive a year from now as it is today. You say that congress was not consulted well, i do not know that they consulted other members of congress. I was not consulted. I spoke to no one in the administration about it until 10 00 a. M. This morning. What specifically can you do here in congress, talking about the nominations and what else, and also 2016 . I am not discussing 2016 today, out of respect and the gravity for this issue. I will say that, in congress, were going to do everything we can. It is something that i am personally committed to being a part of. By the way, im also committed to liberty, freedom, and democracy in venezuela in north , korea, and hong kong, and china which is why i have been an outspoken critic of the Chinese Government. Cuba is close to home for me, because of my heritage and the community that i live in. Ofnow literally hundreds people that have lived under this oppressive regime. I know, firsthand, how this oppressive regime manipulates families for purposes of perpetuating themselves in power. I know what they are capable of doing to people who speak out against the regime. None of that is going to change. None of the measures taken today they will do absolutely nothing to change the course. [speaking in spanish] translated this is the worst leader i have seen in my life. He has change basically nothing. [speaking in spanish] i just wanted to ask you about how committed you are to blocking the funding for an embassy, and blocking the nomination of an ambassador, given the fact that you have actually a lot more power. Have you made a decision on how you are blocking at . I am committed to do everything i can to unravel as many of these changes as possible. Have you figured out yet which would you can unravel . Which ones you can unravel . Obviously, it has been just a few hours since this announcement has been made. It is up to the president to implement policy and execute policy. Time and again, you have seen that he has forgotten it. But ill use everything under my authority to see this unraveled. I do this not out of animosity, toward the administration but , out of animosity towards the cuban governments regime and oppression of their people. [indiscernible] i have never analyzed this issue from an electoral perspective. This is how passionately i feel. Quite frankly, it is irrelevant. As i told you earlier, i dont care of 99 of people in polls disagree with my position, this is my position. And i feel passionate about it. I am glad that im on this side of human rights and freedom. I hope that we can have the conversation turned congress to overturn these policies today. The president says that if you do the same thing over and over, it doesnt work. The you agree with him that the policy of the last five decades has not worked . In fact, that is a good point. I think we should increase the measures that we take against cuba. For example, the violation of human sanctions. Last year, in the panama canal, a ship that left cuba was intercepted. On that shift was illegal items. On that ship was illegal items. The government did nothing. And it should have. This government has been slow to criticize cuban Human Rights Violations over the past few months. This government accepted cubas attendance at the summit, a summit that was put together by a collection of democracies. It was never intended to include a communistic dictatorship, which is what cuba is. I actually think he is right in that, but i disagree in what he has done about it. This argument that somehow the embargo has not worked, therefore lets try something completely different. It sounds good on paper, but heres the reality. Just because we change our policy towards cuba, does not mean cuba will allow us to do whatever we want. Yes, maybe there will be more Telecommunications Companies in cuba. But what people are able to view on the internet and who they will be able to call is going to be completely controlled by the cuban government. Yes, there will be more remittances allowed, but where people are going to spend that money is completely controlled by the cuban government. Yes, more ships are going to be allowed. But that is going to be completely controlled by the cuban government. They are not going to agree to anything that destabilizes their grip on power. The sooner the administration realizes that, the less problems will have. [speaking in spanish] translated i think that the government is a dictatorship. Last year, they they support a dictatorship. I will answer cubas stance. I think cuba is a terrorist government. I will answer that question. I think north korea is a terrorist government whether , they are kidnapping celebrities or otherwise. It is a criminal syndicate. In the panama canal, a ship was intercepted from cuba that violated sanctions. That sounds like a sponsorship of terrorism to me. In a statement a few moments ago, the president said it made no sense, and the 21st century, for country like you were to be like cuba to be on the list. It sounds to me like the president has already made his mind up. Can you talk about the prospects of congress being able to actually listen . This congress is not going to lift the embargo. Thank you. We heard from alan gross, the usaid subcontractor release from a cuban prison after five years. Upon his return to the United States at joint base andrews in maryland, he made a statement to reporters. This is great. Happy holidays to you, today is the first day upon a cut, and it is the best it is the isst day of hanukkah, and it the best i will be celebrated for a long time. Obama forpresident everything he has done. I want to knowledge the extraordinary efforts of my wife, judy. Last four and half years we have an married, and my lawyer and personal moses, scott gilbert. And their efforts to restore my freedom. They have mike in list gratitude, love, and respect. The relentless and often intense efforts by judy and scots, the partners and associates and staff of gilbert llp law firm, that is where we are right now, they made me take the jacket off. I did not want to take it off. Tim research capitol hill, gilles simon of s k knickerbocker has been inconceivable. Senator Patrick Leahy of vermont has been instrumental in shepherding the arrival of this day. I want to thank all of the members of congress from all , such asthe aisle representatives Chris Van Hollen and barbara lee, and numerous others who spoke up or visited me, subjected themselves to my ranting and helped me regain some of my weight. Ms in cuba, m melting your mouth, not in your hand. For all of you who tried to visit me and not able to, thank you for trying. I am at your service as soon as i have new teeth, and i hope they will be Strong Enough to make a difference. Confusedde and community, ron helprin in particularly nsf at the jewish council, all of his staff and synagogues, schools, and other jewish, christian, and nationwide,nities thank you and god bless you. It was crucial to my survival knowing that i was not forgotten. Your prayers and your actions have been comforting, maria reassuring, and sustaining full stop and to my extended family, especially my sister bonnie, my cousins, friends, group, bruce, our shabbat , so many others who exemplify the true meaning of friendship, thank you. I do understand there are many others who actively participated in securing my freedom, of whom at thisominally aware juncture. I promise i will express a more direct and personal gratitude just as soon as i know who you are, but ultimately, ultimately the decision to arrange for and secure my release was made in the oval office. To president obama and the nsc staff, thank you. In my last letter to president obama, i wrote that despite my fiveyear tenure in captivity, i would not want to trade places with them, and i certainly would not want to trade places with him on this glorious day. Five years of isolation , i did not need daily briefings to because the scent of what are undoubtedly incredible challenges facing our nation and the global community. I also feel compelled to share with you my utmost respect for and fondness of the people of cuba. In no way are they responsible for the ordeal to which my family and i have been subjected. Or at leastos, most of them, are incredibly kind, generous, and talented. It pains me to see them treated so unjustly as a consequence of two governments mutually belligerent policies. Five and a half decades of history show us that such belligerence inhibits better judgment. Two wrongs never make a right. I truly hope that we can now get beyond these mutually belligerent policies, and i was very happy to hear what the president had to say today. It was particularly cool to be sitting next to the secretary of state as he was hearing about his Job Description for the next couple of months. In all seriousness, this is a game changer, which i fully support. In the meantime, i ask that you respect my wishes for complete and total privacy. Claro . A judicious lesson i have learned from this experience is that freedom is not free, and it by scott and our entire team. We must never forget the two covenant oses freedom and responsibility. I am incredibly blessed finally to have the freedom to resume a positive and constructive life, but for now i will close with a quote from one of nelson demilles characters it is good to be home. Thank you, and i wish you all a happy holiday season. Thank you. Do you have any wishes for immigration, alan . I support the president. Thank you very much. Happy hanukkah. Nukkah. Y on ha next, president obamas announcement that the u. S. Will lift many travel and economic sanctions that will be in place that have been a place against the caribbean nation. He spoke following the release of usaid worker alan gross and an unnamed u. S. Intelligence agent. This is 15 minutes. Good afternoon. Today, the United States of america is changing its relationship with the people of cuba. In the most significant changes in our policy in more than 50 years, we will end an outdated approach that, for decades, has failed to advance our interests, and instead we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries. Through these changes, we intend to create more opportunities for the american and cuban people, and begin a new chapter among the nations of the americas. Theres a complicated history between the United States and cuba. I was born in 1961 just over two years after fidel castro took power in cuba, and just a few months after the bay of pigs invasion, which tried to overthrow his regime. Over the next several decades, the relationship between our countries played out against the backdrop of the cold war, and americas steadfast opposition to communism. We are separated by just over 90 miles. But year after year, an ideological and economic barrier hardened between our two countries. Meanwhile, the Cuban Exile Community in the United States made enormous contributions to our country in politics and business, culture and sports. Like immigrants before, cubans helped remake america, even as they felt a painful yearning for the land and families they left behind. All of this bound america and cuba in a unique relationship, at once family and foe. Proudly, the United States has supported democracy and human rights in cuba through these five decades. We have done so primarily through policies that aimed to isolate the island, preventing the most basic travel and commerce that americans can enjoy anyplace else. And though this policy has been rooted in the best of intentions, no other nation joins us in imposing these sanctions, and it has had little effect beyond providing the cuban government with a rationale for restrictions on its people. Today, cuba is still governed by the castros and the communist party that came to power half a century ago. Neither the american, nor cuban people are well served by a rigid policy that is rooted in events that took place before most of us were born. Consider that for more than 35 years, weve had relations with china a far larger country also governed by a communist party. Nearly two decades ago, we reestablished relations with vietnam, where we fought a war that claimed more americans than any cold war confrontation. Thats why when i came into office i promised to reexamine our cuba policy. As a start, we lifted restrictions for cuban americans to travel and send remittances to their families in cuba. These changes, once controversial, now seem obvious. Cuban americans have been reunited with their families, and are the best possible ambassadors for our values. And through these exchanges, a Younger Generation of cuban americans has increasingly questioned an approach that does more to keep cuba closed off from an interconnected world. While i have been prepared to take additional steps for some time, a major obstacle stood in our way the wrongful imprisonment, in cuba, of a u. S. Citizen and usaid subcontractor alan gross for five years. Over many months, my administration has held discussions with the cuban government about alans case, and other aspects of our relationship. His holiness pope francis issued a personal appeal to me, and to cubas president raul castro, urging us to resolve alans case, and to address cubas interest in the release of three cuban agents who have been jailed in the United States for over 15 years. Today, alan returned home reunited with his family at long last. Alan was released by the cuban government on humanitarian grounds. Separately, in exchange for the three cuban agents, cuba today released one of the most important intelligence agents that the United States has ever had in cuba, and who has been imprisoned for nearly two decades. This man, whose sacrifice has been known to only a few, provided america with the information that allowed us to arrest the network of cuban agents that included the men transferred to cuba today, as well as other spies in the United States. This man is now safely on our shores. Having recovered these two men who sacrificed for our country, im now taking steps to place the interests of the people of both countries at the heart of our policy. First, ive instructed secretary kerry to immediately begin discussions with cuba to reestablish diplomatic relations that have been severed since january of 1961. Going forward, the United States will reestablish an embassy in havana, and highranking officials will visit cuba. Where we can advance shared interests, we will on issues like health, migration, counterterrorism, Drug Trafficking and disaster response. Indeed, weve seen the benefits of cooperation between our countries before. It was a cuban, carlos finlay, who discovered that mosquitoes carry yellow fever, his work helped walter reed fight it. Cuba has sent hundreds of Health Care Workers to africa to fight ebola, and i believe american and cuban Health Care Workers should work side by side to stop the spread of this deadly disease. Now, where we disagree, we will raise those differences directly as we will continue to do on issues related to democracy and human rights in cuba. But i believe that we can do more to support the cuban people and promote our values through engagement. After all, these 50 years have shown that isolation has not worked. Its time for a new approach. Second, ive instructed secretary kerry to review cubas designation as a state sponsor of terrorism. This review will be guided by the facts and the law. Terrorism has changed in the last several decades. At a time when we are focused on threats from al qaeda to isil, a nation that meets our conditions and renounces the use of terrorism should not face this sanction. Third, we are taking steps to increase travel, commerce, and the flow of information to and from cuba. This is fundamentally about freedom and openness, and also expresses my belief in the power of peopletopeople engagement. With the changes im announcing today, it will be easier for americans to travel to cuba, and americans will be able to use american credit and debit cards on the island. Nobody represents americas values better than the american people, and i believe this contact will ultimately do more to empower the cuban people. I also believe that more resources should be able to reach the cuban people. So were significantly increasing the amount of money that can be sent to cuba, and removing limits on remittances that support humanitarian projects, the cuban people, and the emerging cuban private sector. I believe that american businesses should not be put at a disadvantage, and that increased commerce is good for americans and for cubans. So we will facilitate authorized transactions between the United States and cuba. U. S. Financial institutions will be allowed to open accounts at cuban financial institutions. And it will be easier for u. S. Exporters to sell goods in cuba. I believe in the free flow of information. Unfortunately, our sanctions on cuba have denied cubans access to technology that has empowered individuals around the globe. So ive authorized increased telecommunications connections between the United States and cuba. Businesses will be able to sell goods that enable cubans to communicwith t United States and other countries. These are the steps that i can take as president to change this policy. The embargo thats been imposed for decades is now codified in legislation. As these changes unfold, i look forward to Engaging Congress in an honest and serious debate about lifting the embargo. Yesterday, i spoke with raul castro to finalize alan grosss release and the exchange of prisoners, and to describe how we will move forward. I made clear my strong belief that Cuban Society is constrained by restrictions on its citizens. In addition to the return of alan gross and the release of our intelligence agent, we welcome cubas decision to release a substantial number of prisoners whose cases were directly raised with the cuban government by my team. We welcome cubas decision to provide more access to the internet for its citizens, and to continue increasing engagement with International Institutions like the United Nations and the International Committee of the red cross that promote universal values. But im under no illusion about the continued barriers to freedom that remain for ordinary cubans. The United States believes that no cubans should face harassment or arrest or beatings simply because theyre exercising a universal right to have their voices heard, and we will continue to support Civil Society there. While cuba has made reforms to gradually open up its economy, we continue to believe that cuban workers should be free to form unions, just as their citizens should be free to participate in the political process. Moreover, given cubas history, i expect it will continue to pursue foreign policies that will at times be sharply at odds with american interests. I do not expect the changes i am announcing today to bring about a transformation of Cuban Society overnight. But i am convinced that through a policy of engagement, we can more effectively stand up for our values and help the cuban people help themselves as they move into the 21st century. To those who oppose the steps im announcing today, let me say that i respect your passion and share your commitment to liberty and democracy. The question is how we uphold that commitment. I do not believe we can keep doing the same thing for over five decades and expect a different result. Moreover, it does not serve americas interests, or the cuban people, to try to push cuba toward collapse. Even if that worked and it hasnt for 50 years we know from hardearned experience that countries are more likely to enjoy lasting transformation if their people are not subjected to chaos. We are calling on cuba to unleash the potential of 11 million cubans by ending unnecessary restrictions on their political, social, and economic activities. In that spirit, we should not allow u. S. Sanctions to add to the burden of cuban citizens that we seek to help. To the cuban people, america extends a hand of friendship. Some of you have looked to us as a source of hope, and we will continue to shine a light of freedom. Others have seen us as a former colonizer intent on controlling your future. Jose marti once said, liberty is the right of every man to be honest. Today, i am being honest with you. We can never erase the history between us, but we believe that you should be empowered to live with dignity and selfdetermination. Cubans have a saying about daily life no es facil its not easy. Today, the United States wants to be a partner in making the lives of ordinary cubans a little bit easier, more free, more prosperous. To those who have supported these measures, i thank you for being partners in our efforts. In particular, i want to thank his holiness pope francis, whose moral example shows us the importance of pursuing the world as it should be, rather than simply settling for the world as it is. The government of canada, which hosted our discussions with the cuban government, and a Bipartisan Group of congressmen who have worked tirelessly for alan gross release, and for a new approach to advancing our interests and values in cuba. Finally, our shift in policy towards cuba comes at a moment of renewed leadership in the americas. This april, we are prepared to have cuba join the other nations of the hemisphere at the summit of the americas. But we will insist that Civil Society join us so that citizens, not just leaders, are shaping our future. And i call on all of my fellow leaders to give meaning to the commitment to democracy and human rights at the heart of the interamerican charter. Let us leave behind the legacy of both colonization and communism, the tyranny of drug cartels, dictators and sham elections. A future of greater peace, security and Democratic Development is possible if we Work Together not to maintain power, not to secure vested interest, but instead to advance the dreams of our citizens. My fellow americans, the city of miami is only 200 miles or so from havana. Countless thousands of cubans have come to miami on planes and makeshift rafts, some with little but the shirt on their back and hope in their hearts. Today, miami is often referred to as the capital of latin america. But it is also a profoundly American City a place that reminds us that ideals matter more than the color of our skin, or the circumstances of our birth, a demonstration of what the cuban people can achieve, and the openness of the United States to our family to the south. Todos somos americanos. Change is hard in our own lives, and in the lives of nations. And change is even harder when we carry the heavy weight of history on our shoulders. But today we are making these changes because it is the right thing to do. Today, america chooses to cut loose the shackles of the past so as to reach for a Better Future for the cuban people, for the american people, for our entire hemisphere, and for the world. Thank you. God bless you and god bless the United States of america. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] the economicor of committee, Jeffrey Zients will be on it 8 10 eastern on cspan to come in at 1 00 p. M. Eastern, the director and chief of u. S. Army aviation gives us an update on the armys aviation restructure plan. We will join that event at the center for strategic and International Studies live at 1 00 p. M. On cspan2. Month is the 10th anniversary of our sunday q a, and weram are featuring an Encore Program ,f one q a from each year from 2005, kenneth feinbergs interview on the symptom or 11th Victim Compensation compensation fund. From 2006, lonnie bunch. From 2007, robert novak on his 50 years of reporting in washington. From 2008, the value of Higher Education in america. And from 2009, conservative 10, atator q a at decade of compelling number stations. Live today on cspan, washington journal is next. Thats an apply km, it is the what to expect from the 114 congress on economic and tax policies. At 2 00 p. M. , Energy Secretary ernest joins the conversation on energy policy. And then a look at u. S. China relations. In 45 minutes on washington journal, former acting cia director for the george w. Bush administration John Mclaughlin on the cias enhanced interrogation techniques. At 8 30 a. M. Eastern, David Rothkopf with Foreign Policy magazine talks about his book national insecurity. At 9 30 a. M. , a look at the impact of the medical device tax included in the Affordable Care act. Our guest is mark leahey, president and ceo of the medical Device Manufacturers association. Good afternoon. Today, the United States america is changing its relationship with the people of cuba. In the most significant changes in our policy in 50 years, we will end an outdated approach that for decades has failed to serve our interests, and instead, we will begin to normalize relations between our two countries. Good morning, everyone on this thursday, december 18. That was president obama from the white house yesterday calling for a full restoration of diplomatic relations with cuba,

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