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In the region dating back from left thesethat have countries weak. With the militarization piece, has not been the best way to move forward. Especially if we are talking about the issues of development and security. We also see sort of the united involvement and approach toward latin america specifically in terms of providing military support, providing more weapons. United states provided a lot of weapons, and they have scattered out into the hands of the gangs or people who should not have them. Another big sort of struc wealthauses inequality. Wealth has been concentrated among the rich and is squeezing the poor into higher levels of poverty. Just very few opportunities for you can follow all of this online at www. Cspan. Org. We will take you to a discussion on immigration, and particularly on the executive order issued by president obama as 12, known as finally, as you have also seen, we are recording and lives streaming live streaming, so please be sure to use the microphones at both sides of the room. To formally begin, it is my pleasure to introduce a veteran executive here at who runs our government performance Apartment Department to provide us with a welcome. [applause] and welcomernoon, to the Pew Charitable trust. I am pleased to welcome you to that Panel Discussion we will have today. Is a nonpartisan organization, established in 1948, by the children of the Sun Oil Company founder. We are guided by the values and the vision of those founders and their direction to tell on the truth and trust the people, and that shapes our commitment to research and analysis that can inform a look policy and policy change. Pew operates programs, and our mission is to inform the policyand inform public has led us to a broad range of issues, ranging from economic growth, the Economic Security of the american family, food, drug, and medical vice safety and innovation. We have a long history of working with states on fiscal and Economic Policy issues, and recently have begun to look more deeply at the federal, state, Fiscal Economic relationship. Our project began a year ago focuses on the intersection of federal and state immigration laws and policy. At the anniversary of the daca hadn, what we had a we an opportunity to look at its impact across the country. The discussion today is not only timely, but highlights the Important Role that state and local actors play and are often overlooked in programs. I would like to thank our panelists for joining us this afternoon. I think all of you for joining us as well. With that i will turn the program over to the projects director adam hunter. Thank you. [applause] great. We have a stellar panel this afternoon, so we want to get to it. I want to make some brief introductory remarks here. As sue mentioned, our project focuses on the intersection of federal, state, and local immigration laws and policy. We provide nonpartisan insights and analyses to inform policymaking at all levels of government. Up until 10 weeks ago i was in federal service as the acting chief of staff at u. S. Citizenship and Immigration Service within the department of Homeland Security. I worked during that time on the daca program. Hasnted to knowledge there been a lot of immigration in the news as of late, particularly around two the issues. One, the ongoing crisis with the children coming to the southwest border. Many without their families. This is not our focus today. These individuals are not able to qualify for daca. The second pertains to do now having gone on summer recess that congress has not sent a president and immigration bill with reforms he would like, and as he stated earlier this summer that he intends to take executive action within existing laws to fix as much as we can. The administrations approach in is thoughtca process by many people to be a Model Program the president may be considering for possible changes or expansion. Pew does not take a position on any current or proposed immigration related legislation or policy proposals. The nexus for our project is to examine federal programs such as daca to highlight the role of states and localities have played and why policy makers at all levels should consider the these roles when concentrating contemplating other changes. Let me provide background on daca and who is eligible. Two years ago this week on august 15, 2000 12, u. S. Citizenship and Immigration Services began accepting requests for daca. Daca was created for individuals who at the federal governments discretion were deemed low priority for removal from the United States and thereby met several criteria. He had to be under 31 when the program began. They had to have come to the United States before their 16th birthday. They needed to have been here continuously present in the United States since 2007. This is why none of the children on the border could qualify. They need to either be in school, have completed school, or served in the armed forces. Importantly, they need to not have any serious criminal history. As an act of discretion, daca are not gaining legal status and did not have a pathway to citizenship, but for the nearly 600,000 who are in the program, what they get is a twoyear renewable reprieve from deportation and the ability to work lawfully in the United States. The idea of estimating who might actually be eligible for daca is a challenging one for many reasons. There are not the data available, but last week i will note that Migration Policy Institute published a report where the estimated 1. 2 Million People were to be eligible for daca at the outset of the program and they recommend they recognized that 55 of those have since made the requests with u. S. Cis. Turning to the panel, we will not be able to focus on the pros and cons of the policy choice or to recognize administrative approaches, but on what we can learn from the daca program about the unique roles states and localities have played in this traditionally federal policy arena. We will highlight where states and localities have played a role, looking at specific state examples. We will then assess the programs impact nationally and across key metro areas and states, and finally we will turn to how the public views daca in light of other proposals on the table, and generally how the public views migration in america. At your panelist bios seats. I will briefly introduce each panelist as they come up for the discussion. I am pleased to start with michelle who manages our agenda at the immigration in the states project. Michelle has come from the policy center where she is the author of many studies and reports on immigration policy and is a frequent commentator in english and spanishlanguage media. Michelle, we look forward to your observations. [applause] thank you very much. Thanks to all of you for being with us here this afternoon. We generally think of immigration as a federal issue, and especially when it comes to Something Like Legalization Programs or a Deferred Action Program because it is only the federal government that cant protect someone from deportation S Immigration status. States also have Important Roles when it comes to implementing these programs. Thatd to first point out this is now an issue that all states need to be thinking about , because today there are many more on authorized immigrants living in nontraditional immigrantreceiving states. Here on this map in dark blue you see california and illinois, new york, ford, texas, new jersey these are your traditional immigrantreceiving states. Green,tes here in including nevada, north carolina, arizona, these are the states that saw the largest growth in their on authorized population between 1990 and 2010. Texas and new jersey fall into both categories. You can see there are more unauthorized immigrants living in the states. We are seeing that the largest numbers of people applying are in the states, but other states like georgia, north carolina, virginia, are also seeing large present people applying for daca. We will hear more about these numbers in a bit. Paperil, pew released a which looked at two programs. The Immigration Reform and control act that was passed in 1986. And we looked at daca. Looking at these two programs, we identified for potential roles four states if there was to be a new Legalization Program or some kind of Deferred Action Program. These roles are outreach in Public Education, recommendation, education, and protecting immigrants from fraud. Lets look at these on by one. Outreach and education. States and localities cant and do play an Important Role in educating communiques about educating communities about how to apply and assisting with the application practices. We found when the program was being limited, local officials publicized the Legalization Programs. Office created task forces, and there was a legalization information hotline that was funded jointly by the city, the state, and the federal government. Now with daca we are seeing the same thing, that some states and localities are doing town halls, conducting community meetings, organizing application workshops, creating informational materials in multiple languages, and trying to educate the community about daca and the application program. I think amalia is going to talk about this in a bit. The second role is documentation. This is key. This means states and localities are often the source of the documents that applicants need to prove that they have met the eligibility requirements. This includes proof of a high school to agree, proof they have been living in the United States for a certain number of years. During the documentation, schools, state and locally, operated utilities and other government agencies, provided documents like school records, tax records, and utility bills that helped applicants prove they have been living in the United States for the required amount of time. For daca we are seeing that Public Schools are very important because they are involved in providing transcripts to students so they can prove they have met the education requirements by completing high school or by giving their ged. Third is education. Schools and Community Colleges may all be providing education that applicants need to meet the programs educational requirements. Or if the Program Requires additional education, like did, states and localities may be providing englishlanguage passes or other education as well. Applicants had to meet english language and u. S. History and civics requirements come and states and localities were a big heart of providing this class is that the applicant needed to fulfill those requirements. Under daca, applicants have to have a High School Diploma or a ged or must be currently in school. Jobrelated courses or other Adult Education courses can also be applicable, and these are things that are often coordinated by states and localities. Some are going above and beyond. In new york the city council created additional Adult Education slots and prioritized unauthorized immigrants that were applying for daca so they can get the education courses they needed to fulfill the requirements. Protections from fraud. Retention from fraudulent or predatory Immigration Legal Service providers. This means that states and localities can play a role in protecting immigrants from people who try to target them forcharge exorbitant Fees Services that they may or may not be able to provide. Auditoryhese types of practices are common when there is a new Utilization Program or even when there is rumor of such program might be passed. At least 29 states have laws that are specifically regulating the unauthorized practice of immigration law. In 2013, california passed a new law that makes it a violation for attorneys to charge immigrants in advance for any Services Related to Legalization Programs before that Legalization Program has actually been passed by congress. Last week new york enacted a law that creates new crimes and penalties for immigration assistance fraud. There are a couple of other areas were states and localities could play a role in implementation, including coordinating all the efforts taking lace amongst walkable and witht agencies nonprofit organizations that we know are doing a work with implementation as well. States and localities are monitoring the implementation and assessing ongoing needs, and they may be also assessing the future deeds of a newly legalized population. We also recognize that all states and localities have not been actively promoting or implementing daca and devoting their resources to this. There is a Rate Variation among states runt of funding or other resources that they are allocating to create outreach materials, reach out to their communities. And beyond the initial of limitation, states and localities make other decisions regarding the broader implementation of the program. So what types of benefits and services will Daca Recipients be eligible for down for example, s are issuing drivers licenses to Daca Recipients, at least two states announce they have chosen not to issue drivers licenses to Daca Recipients. It is important to recognize that the roles and responsibilities of states and localities are somewhat determined by the federal government, but even if the federal government does not include explicit roles and responsibilities for states and localities, the details of the theram really do influence level of involvement. And the federal government really needs to be aware of this and take states and localities into account as they move forward. These things include the eligibility requirements. Nts are going to have to prove that i have lived in United States for a time or receive a certain level of a cage accused certain level of education, paid taxes, and they need documents to prove these requirements, and states and localities may be the source of the application that applicants will be. Timing is important. The length of time that applicants have to get their materials together and turn in their application is likely the same amount of time that states and localities will have to prepare for their roles and get their materials in order. Daca was implemented very quickly, just 60 days between the announcement and the first application. Year to meetd one the english language and u. S. History and civics requirement. There is a real possibility that states and localities could be completely overwhelmed if there is a large number of people looking for these documents or services in a short time. The federal government needs to meet other providers adequate time to prepare. In finally, funding. We recognize that funding is an issue. There is a president for congress to include funding for states and localities for implementation. Included grants that partially reimbursed states and localities for english language classes and other services that they provide. The federal government needs to take all these things into they aref and when designing new programs. I want to quickly point out that the immigration in the states is currently working on another program, looking at implementation of drivers licenses programs. We are looking at states that allow us to issue drivers licenses to people who cannot prove that they are lawfully present in the United States. As part of this process, what were are finding out is states are already verifying identity documents, including foreignissued documents. S and other agencies are meeting with consulates to discuss the security fa eatures. Some states are requiring drivers license applicants prove they pay taxes for a time in the state. These states have set up a system to verify tax payments. Are reaching dmvs out to the communities in multiple languages, working with communitybased organizations, providing materials in multiple languages, and they are handling large numbers of applicants and long lines at dmvs. What were seeing is we think a lot can be learned from the state experiences with issuing drivers licenses to unauthorized immigrants that may be applicable to future immigration programs. Finally, in conclusion to all states and localities need to be thinking it out this and preparing for how they might respond if there is a new Legalization Program or some program. Xpanded daca some states and localities are already playing a role in implementing daca. Some states are already issuing drivers licenses to unauthorized immigrants, and they are providing them with information on how to apply, and providing documentation that applicants need. Theyre preparing for their roles and responsible lives in case of a future legalization or Deferred Action Program. We know policymakers have choices, and when the federal government makes choices, those decisions affect states and localities. We hope that todays presentations are our first step in helping policymakers from all levels of government make informed decisions. Thanks. [applause] thank you very much for the astute overview of the different roles that states and localities can choose to play. I would like to turn out to a guest who joins us from illinois where she is the deputy chief of staff to illinois governor pat quinn. Her charge is to charge across thee agencies to set agenda, and is important to note that illinois is an example of a state that has a real policyanding immigrant agenda. Without we look forward to hearing about her experiences. Enqueue. You. Ank think you, adam. Im happy to be here. I want to thank the Pew Charitable trust for addressing this issue. Twos hard to know it is years and it is hard to think back about what has happened. In illinois we are a proimmigrant rights state. Governor quinn prides himself in ,eing the most welcoming state and that is really true, and we have legislative and executive action to back that up. Is give you a do quick overview what illinois did in response to daca. One of the first things we did we looked at areas there might individualseligible in obtaining employment. We realized there were no barriers. Theres no requirement to be a citizen or be a permanent president to get a license permanent residence to get a license. There were to know no concrete barriers, but on the other hand on our part we did a lot of Public Education in letting people know they should be applying. Community part of the effort in making sure that individuals know they have all these other options as well. The governor created the Illinois Dream Fund commission. A little bit. Daca what it is is a commission that is created by the governor. Although Board Members are appointed by the governor. They are charged with creating a nonprofit that raises private dollars to [no audio] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2014] [captioning performed by national captioning institute] audio] [no audio] we have had problems with the audio and video from our discussion at the pew general trust, who have been discussing orderthat 2012 executive by the president that provides temporary protection from deportation. We apologize. We are trying to fix the situation. If we can, we will take you back live when we are able. We want to let you know that this evening we will be focusing on Veterans Health care. The issue getting a lot of attention in congress, particularly with the latter end as the house passed a bill last week. Our coverage gets underway at 8 00 p. M. Eastern on cspan. And for a preview of tonights programming, one of the hearings features a woman whose son was denied treatment for severe illness and later committed suicide. We want to give you a preview of that hearing. Brian was evaluated, diagnosed with ptsd and exciting. At this time i would like to refer to the documents that you received. It is a document that brian cannot remember the questions asked and the therapist during the interview. He was discharged and told to follow up. How in the world you can ask someone who cannot remember the questions asked to follow up with the da is beyond me. Brian deteriorated quickly from 2011,er 2010 to may 27, when he took his life. He could not stand how he would depressed, anxious, but he did not know how to compare. It took a toll on his relationships. The v. A. Assessed brian for a suicide risk, it was their responsibility to treat him. He was unable to wait. One of a number of hearings mental health. We will show you a portion of those hearings. Confirmation hearing tonight of the new v. A. Secretary tonight, all of that getting underway at 8 00 eastern. His primary today in connecticut, and the soda, and wisconsin. This morning we talked politics were a bit. We will show you as much as we can. If able, we will take you back to the pew discussion. Host we are back with bob cusack, thank you for being here. Guest good morning. Host the frontpage story on your website, hillary shows her hawkish side. We were just talking about this with viewers. What do you think of her move in the atlantic . A bold move. As she has been distancing herself from the president , whose Approval Ratings remain in the more but she has done it subtly until now. You get the sense that she is gearing up for a run. A couple of people said maybe but i think that those are head fakes. Friction going on between obama and clinton, which is a big change. We have not really seen friction since they ran against each other. Even at the state Department Things went well. But now it is a different story. Knows, however, that the president s Approval Ratings are low. President obama also knows that on the campaign trail with in red states, he knows he cant win with his numbers in the 40s. There is politics going on, but we will certainly be seeing more asked abouthe is president obama, his record, is he a great president. She will be asked those kinds of westerns and this will be a theme going forward. Host president obama dealing with iraq again, looking for statements on the call for the new Prime Minister there. Politically, what kind of position is the president in . Guest this is a huge one, there is no easy solution. As far as what the president can do, he has some powers under the , he can continue airstrikes but only for certain amount of time. Certainly than many on the left who fret about what is going on, as well as those on the on, and someone the right, the war politics have changed over the last 10 years, they are going to say, to continue this, we are going to need congressional approval. This solution, and the president was saying this yesterday, it is not going to happen in days or weeks. It is not going to be solved. It will be a tough battle. This is your story. Obama is walking a fine line on the strikes. He has the legal authority. At what point does it run out . Guest it is one of those questions with how much power the president has, which has been an issue throughout the presidency. Republican saying he is using too much of his power in libya. Got involved in toppling a dossey, that went on for more than six months. , that went kadaffi on for more than six months. A this goes on, there will be call for congress to approve this. The president wanted to go to congress to get approval for strikes in syria and Congress Said no way. That did not happen. Could getou think he approval for continuous strikes in iraq if more help is necessary . Going to be difficult, especially amid the warweary public. It comes down to the question of he is going after i says to make the United States safer, then he can get the vote. They have to make that case. Will it be a tough of though . Absolutely. Host what about to the American People . Tough sell. A a lot of these visuals are important. These visualst of of the people trapped on the mountain and they are being rescued, that can change the whole dynamic. You are going to need the visuals and need to make the therehat our involvement makes you safer here. Isis has made a clear threat against the united date in recent weeks against the United States in recent weeks. We need to get involved. Host the Editorial Board endorsing the president to move on iraq, saying he had to make it, he had no choice. Does that put republicans in a corner or is it easier for them to take a vote yes, lets give them the authority . Been he should have involved earlier. There is doubt of whether airstrikes are going to get this done. Whether it is al qaeda or isis, this is not going to go al qaeda has been around for more than a decade. Isis is not going anywhere any times and. This is going to be a serious threat. From a republican standpoint, they will probably make the case that the president is at fault because he did not get involved earlier. Host Congress Comes back for how many days . Guest there is debate on how many days they will be here. They will be here for most of september after labor day. There are rumors they can cut that shorter because the campaign trail awaits. Question is, will the senate flip to the republicans. Democratic leaders may not want to give the republican challengers and adage. An edge. They have to have a government funding bill. The house is looking to move john stills energy bill, sibly a healthcare bill Kevin Mccarthy reminded the people about the president s promise, if you like your health plan you get to keep it. The house has it is not clear whether they will act on it. A lot ofwmakers them do not want to fix the law. They want to eradicated. It remains to be seen if mccarthy and boehner will get votes on them. Host a memo was sent out saying this is what we are going to be doing. Obamacare on the agenda. Past itemse must they must mass items they must get to as well . Guest the Tea Party Factions are opposed to this bill. Paul ran has come out against it. Has been a huge critic of it. The white house, in recent weeks has been talking about how important the Export Import Bank is to the economy. What i think you will see is the white house will send a list of must provisions in the Government Spending bill. The white house is going to say unless you send me the reauthorization of the Export Import Bank, i am not going to sign any kind of funding bill. He has not done that yet. We have seen steps he might. That is where democrats think they have the upper hand. The bank does have bipartisan support. A couple of years ago it was supported by more than 300 votes in the house. Can they pass a government funding bill and will the provision be in there . Host arnold, go ahead. Hillary clinton is a politician trying to run for president. You see all of them thinking they are going to get into the race. Paul when they got king up there in kansas and he jumped up from the table and ran. Youe was a lady who called and said she was a and i think that is immoral. I cannot believe she would call to say stuff like that over the phone. I am a 63yearold black man. Same age as robin williams. Does ihysical act became physically active when i first became able to vote. It is imprinted behind my eyelids, but forever i vote for a republican. Host lets talk about 2014. Republicans outreach to minorities. Tried to they need to try . How are these districts drawn up . Has beene outreach lacking. There are some republicans who represent large populations of hispanics. You have to go into their communities. You may not get all of their votes, but you have to talk to them. Some republicans have not done that. In 2014, as far as the hispanic vote, it is not a top polling issue. 2014, republicans feel the Senate Passed the immigration bill. If House Republican leaders that we could lose a house and they try to pass it, and they have not. Host they passed a the Senate Passed a comprehensive immigration bill, the houston not. It was a bit of a debacle. They could not get the votes for an initial version of the bill. The president requested 3. 7 billion dollars. Senate democrats tried to push their own version. That was blocked. They are nowhere. The lawmaker said lets see what happens in august and come back in september. Both parties could get blamed. Bill and he will not sign the bill. Big issueing to be a when they come back in september. As far as getting a bill, it will be tough to get a bill signed into law. Host here is a headline. Brothers are helping fund a conservative outreach to hispanics. They are offering english classes and courses to help spanish speakers earn High School Diplomas. Picking up part of the tab, charles and david koch. Guest they are not public figures. They have been attacked for the money that they are putting into races. Republican strategists, they know the demographics for this country are changing and changing rapidly. Get 35republicans can percent to 45 , democrats are going to keep winning the white house. Lets say republicans take back the senate. This party has to change and you have to support minorities. Host our guest for newsmakers last week, a few mystic, go to cspan. Org and you can watch it there. I wanted to comment on something president obama said at Marthas Vineyard press conference. Yesterday. , if you statements listen carefully, he will say the military cannot do and then fill in the blanks. He is the commander in chief. I find that disturbing. A lot of your liberal audience will think that is just an asshole republican. If you take someone like angelo dundee, the trainer for mohammed ali. If he were to tell the sports world that his fighter cannot win this upcoming fight because of a fill in the blank, that is kind of what he is doing. We have a fighting force and he is making these statements to the world of what our military cannot do. I do not think our commanderinchief should ever do that. As far as the gentleman who called in, an africanamerican, always voted democratic i would like to ask him how did that work out in detroit for the population. Look at that city. It is in shambles. Has this hill headline. John kerry says there are no plans for more u. S. Troops in iraq. He is in australia with the defense secretary holding a News Conference in australia. That is what some republicans have said. You are only going to use airstrikes and in the debate is can airstrikes get this done . Can they really we can isis. Ary have the war we public to does not want this. This president was elected because of his opposition to the war in iraq. Far as the narrative, it is getting messy for the white house. Terrorism is messy. There are no easy solutions. Democratssignal from to their fellow democrats to say dont worry, we are not going to go further into it. A month ago, there were not airstrikes. Democrats on capitol hill were very concerned about airstrikes in iraq and they did not get a lot of attention, but there was legislation that passed by an overwhelming bipartisan majority that sought to restrict the money the administration could use in iraq. Using for are you these contingent airstrikes . Host u. S. Airstrikes will not we can isis. There is a limit to this approach. Experts are saying do not underestimate isis. Take this administration by surprise . It seems that way. It caught the Intelligence Community by surprise. They were deemed too radical for al qaeda. We are seeing al qaeda recruits are leaving their affiliates to join isis. Isis is interested in governing. We have not seen that in a while. A strongerning foothold. Overall, yes, i do not think three months ago american policy makers could foresee this. Host vic are, independent caller. Independent caller. Caller american journalism is the freest and most protected in the world. Defend it at any time. American journalism this program, you are sitting there like that is silly. Does Hillary Clinton have a thing against obama . Who cares . The election is 18 months away. Somebody who has never been heard of qualified to run. I could run for president in four months. Host we will take your point. Guest whether it is rand paul or Hillary Clinton, they are gearing up. After this election, they are candidates running for president. Hillary will probably wait until early next year. Hillaryr question with clinton, democrats are wondering when is she going to be on the campaign trail. You see mitt romney on the campaign trail a lot. Warren,seen elizabeth who says she will not run against Hillary Clinton. I think Hillary Clinton will be on the campaign trail, but some democrats wish it would already happened. Obama hurting midterm democrat chances. Guest hillarys numbers are better now. When youre president , your numbers will always take a hit. Overall, Hillary Clinton is viewed as an asset. And there was indication that was going to help grimes. She is going to be on the campaign trail. Postlabor day is when the Campaign Season heats up. The other thing is that Elizabeth Warren, viewed by many as liberal in the senate, she went into kentucky, a red state, to help out and also went into West Virginia to help Natalie Cummins against her republican opponent. That was interesting. That was surprising that those candidates said yes, Elizabeth Warren invited her in. She is a magnet of the left. She is great at fundraising. Even though she is a liberal, she wants to strike deals and she has been willing to work with republicans on legislation. Jason, henderson, nevada. They are basically called down to the jewish lobby in the country. None of them can make a decision without the consent of the jewish lobby. Do you make that claim . What evidence do you have of that . Caller the iraq war. I was there. Have rocks, did not let alone anything else to throw at us. Permission in the advice of richard perle. That is your link, making that claim. We will go to raymond, duluth, georgia. The war in iraq, when we talk of the bush family, to not get in there. Bush and reagan told them not to go in there. Now we are debating this problem, we bring it back. They destroyed this country. 99 of all of the time, the bush to war inwhy we went iraq. The second question is, we blame obama for everything that has happened, but we have the most in the entire world. The resident do his job. They are greedy about money. They only care about money. Host Eugene Robinson has in his column we are still paying for bushs mistake. Guest george w. Bush made the call to go to war with iraq and a lot of democrats voted for it. Its voted no, but 40 voted yes. Democrats in the senate or more in favor of it. Said my legacy cannot be defined now. It can be defined decades down the road. The legacy of iraq is not looking good now. We sit back and we listen to how the clintons, we blame everything on bush, but we blame nothing on clinton. The war in iraq is bushs fall. We do not blame the housing th market on the clintons. The media never says anything about this. We only talk about bush and what bush did. Say sheary clinton to had no responsibility for any of the Foreign Policy put into place today is ridiculous. Sittinge remember her in the Housing Committee when four guys at benghazi died . Media allows this to be put out there, they only attack republicans. The Housing Market was destroyed by the clintons. If you want to do that again, vote her back in. The housing and financial implosion happened in 2008. There have been questions about the oversight from democrats at the time. There was a housing boom and we have seen tech booms and eventually they fail. Ones an enormous thing you will see from president obama is he has said i 2008 mass. They have had missteps along the way. Gettingomy has been better in the last few months, but it has been inconsistent under obamas watch. Is when is obama going to take responsibility for this economy that is certainly not where anybody wants it, though you have seen the Unemployment Rate go down in the last couple of years. Host heading into november, is the new con amis is the economy the number one issue for voters . Think it is the issue. Health, obamacare, that it paid over that. You have not heard the white house talking a lot about it. There is contention from the democrats as long as the Affordable Care act is not in the high lines, in the headlines, it gets a little more popular. When it is in the headlines, it is less popular. Up, butseen premiums go overall, the economy, jobs, whether you have a relative who does not have a job, you look at the big picture. 2008, we will we had an election. Republicans came back and won the house. 2012 was not a wave election, but it was a good election for democrats. 2012 was a mixed. Historically speaking, this is where republicans are going to pick up seats in the senate and the house. Host need to pass a continuing resolution to keep the government running. Possibly they could attach other provisions to the fight over the exportimport bank. How much does the average voter really know about the workings of the xm banks so as to make it a consideration in their votes. Is if there is another Government Shutdown, addressed that. Who gets the blame in time for november . Very few people will go thinking about the xm banks in november. If it causes a Government Shutdown, i do not think you will. Republicans know they will get the blame. They followed an illfated strategy trying to kill obamacare. They did not have the votes to do it. Overall, republicans know that. They know they are looking at a good election. Good going to be a election for republicans. It is my question of whether the house is going to flip. It will not flip. That is the big picture. The Government Shutdown could change the whole situation. Democrats are going to push their leverage. If you want to shut down the government, go right ahead. Host nine james, republican caller. You are on the air. I got three comments ive like to say. Via nonveteran. I was in vietnam in 1960 six and 1967 when it was real bad. Into a place and we got got hurt a lot of us and killed going down to do this job. There were bags and bags of rice and all of the bags had dallas, texas on them. That shocked us all. They are dropping this food and water up to these people who need it bad. I live this side of the mountains. If i had to go up on top of the mountain to get water and food, i would get it, no matter what. Host we will move on to john. view, illinois. Caller i agree with the folks on the Elizabeth Warren run for president. I wanted to respond to a couple of comments about Hillary Clinton. What experience did she have . Besides being a senator for a while, secretary of state other than governor is the number one position as far as getting into the presidency. Itt i am going to leave there because our connection with you is lousy. Guest that is something she was stressing in 2008. She said she has 35 years of experience. Voters were not looking for experience. They were tied to the bush administration. Iraq was a problem. Hurricane katrina. This time around, i think she will be stressing experience because she has been a secretary of state. She has been a first lady. Overall, she needs to come up my three biggest achievements. That will be challenging because we had a couple callers mentioned benghazi attacks and the house is putting together a special committee on that. The challenge is not to make the case that she has the experience. Track record . What does she do at the state department. Winding answers on them. She has to have two or three major accomplishments and that is going to be she is going to be asked about that. She is also going to be asked about how she would lead. Different would be than obama. Historically speaking, it is hard to win three president ial elections in a row. Her tof democrats want not play it safe. They felt like she played it safe in 2008. You do not play it safe and when the white house. You have to let it slide. Host the Benghazi Special Committee Investigating this, what is the timeline for that . That is a very good question. They areeard that roughly 90 plus staff. Do they do investigations, do they start doing beast behind the scenes investigations or do they have hearings in the fall . I would bet that they do not have hearings. They feel like there has not been an investigation. It remains to be seen what the committees plans are. The relationship between congressman gaudi is a good one. It is very different. Betweentionship cummings and gallery is much better than the relationship on the government reform committee. Host lets talk about primaries and go to hawaii. That area. Orms in this is the headline in the hell. Guest we have had he was put into office by the governor of hawaii. Abercrombie just lost his primary. That senatorings dan in a way his dying wish was that Colleen Hanabusa would replace but he said am not going to do that and appointed schatz. This has been a huge split in the Democratic Party because schatz is an incumbent. Most senators are supporting him. We have this storm situation. The storm was preventing people from voting. These voting will be continuing in our story says on hannah , and looks like schatz will survive and now will stay. Look at the advertiser out of hawaii. A legal battle could loan. The decision to hold a oneday vote on friday with this one area that could not vote does colleenwell with the hanabusa campaign. Theres always can be some type of legal challenge. Politically, if you lose the race, unless it is close, the voters get tired of legal challenges. We have seen that in prior races, including when al franken narrowly won. Storyline. To be a host what about upcoming primaries . Begich is the democratic incumbent, the favorite in alaska is sean sullivan. By thebasic supported establishment, but a couple of other candidates, including joe miller, who ran and won the republican primary a few years back. Lisa murkowski had a right in campaign. She was able to defeat joe miller. All the primaries for the most part are over. Stretch of the real who is going to win the senate. Wild ride. To be a n erion caller robert, high. Hi. We get too carried away candidates who stand out, it is almost a popularity contest. Hillary Clinton Clinton will have to come up with specifics. I think she spent an awful lot of her time representing corporations and her husband. I have some ideas about candidates that have not been considered. Out of the st. Louis, missouri, and bernie sanders. Patriots. Le are they can reach across the aisle. They can reach across racial divides. They are patriots. Joe biden is another one that is a bad deal. Claire mccaskill, bernie joe biden,ive any of those would make wonderful Vice President. Elizabeth warren, i like her. To get she is not going along with republicans. I do not think she has the experience yet. She is a reasonable Vice President candidate. Guest there will be a challenge to Hillary Clinton. How formidable the challenges remains to be seen. Bernie sanders has said unless someone steps up from the left, i am going to run. He knows he will not win the nomination, but some on the left do not want Hillary Clinton moving to the middle. They want her moving to the left. This can be argued there is a perfect storm against Hillary Clinton. Iraqi is back in the headlines and that reminds everyone of her vote. Another issue is financial services. People are upset that Hillary Clinton has been giving paid speeches. That is where she needs to put some distance between her and obama and her and wall street. That is the concern from some democrats and they want her to our the nomination. Contenders, ir think joe biden is going to be ready to run. She is up 50 points. There is a long way to go. There were some missteps, but nothing that has hurt her in the polls for democratic nomination. The key question is, will she get an easy ride for the nomination . In some ways, it would help because she would not have to spend a lot of money. Can look at it two ways. One of the few things the obama people say is that winning the primary made him a better canada and can sell it clinton. Host back to 2014, this headline. Five things to know. The main event is a way to determine which republicans sands in the way of mark second form. The second thing is, the senate shakeout. Mike mcfadden was trying to start his political career at the top. State rep jim adler decide declined to step aside. That race is interesting. Going back to whether this is a republican ripple election or is it a tsunami . If al franken loses, it is a tsunami. That is one of the races republicans have been talking up, but it is not a toptier candidate. Al franken has been raising owners and celebrity friends. Inthat race is close october, it is going to be a big night for the gop, even if mcfadden does not win. Overall, republicans are looking at other races in red states. Arkansas. Alaska, those are their main targets. Host keith, you are on the air, go ahead. Let me move on to leicester in las vegas. Leicester l ester in las vegas. He delivered. We do not want to be and more. He is doing everything he can to keep us out of war. We give them all of this aetoric about how bad president , but he is delivering what we want. Is he correct . The American Public tend to swing away from war . That is one of the things president obama has been saying for months. Tworomised and it did end wars. We are back in two iraq and it is a messy situation. One of the things troubling democrats as he has not gotten the balance. After the 2012 election, he thought the gop fever would break and he would be able to get stuff done. The problem is, he did not get he did notol get gun control done, immigration. The leaders do not get along on capitol hill. The relationship between Mitch Mcconnell and president obama is nonexistent. Mitch mcconnell could be majority leader in a few months. That has been part of the problem. If you are not signing highprofile bills and foreign notcy is troubling, that is the president s fall, but you have got to respond and respond forcefully. That is why i think his numbers have gone down. The nsa scandal hurts his numbers on the left. His numbers are always going to be down with republicans. They have taken a little bit of a head on the left. Robert, independent color. Im glad you talked about that. Nextresident coming in the future, i do not understand how we are going to be productive in a situation where the two branches continue to go at each other. The gerrymandering and everything, what do you see is going to be the outlook in the next 10 or 15 years . Guest it is going to require some candidate to take a lead against gerrymandering. That helps both parties. Maybe they have to worry about it in a primary, that is both on the left and the white. Hill, we write about relationships, whether it is between leaders or blank and file members. That is important. Inthere is a lack of trust relationships, that is why deals are not getting done. Changing that, it is probably going to require a changing of leaders. We could have a whole slew of new leaders. Right now, if you do not have trust come he cannot get anything done. Host baying our last our last caller. Mr. Cusack represents the press and that is what is wrong with america. Why we dont trust you. Ever printede you anything about ambassadors seized ambassador stephens denying when he was killed in libya. There was testimony made before in theate Committee Second thing, that individual that called in earlier and blame the clintons for the housing crash, he forgot to mention that the hud report in 2004, bush moved people off of rental assistance into housing ownership. Is working exactly the reaganomics wanted to. It is to triple down economy. All of the money is going to the top. A lot there. You will find a lot of articles we have written about benghazi. Take a look. We are a nonpartisan publication. Thehill. Com is free, so take a look at it. Host what is happening with your website . Guest it is growing. Take heat from the democrats and the republicans. We are basically the political referees. It will be continuing, whether we want to become better. If youre not improving, why are you doing it . Host bob to set, the editorin wednesday, a look at some of the Supreme Court decisions regarding womens rights. We will speak with eleanor smeal. Then a look at the immigrant. Risis along the border an washington journal is live every morning at 7 00 eastern here on cspan. Tonight, a look at Veterans Health care. We will show you last weeks Veterans Health care bill signing. Among those who testified, a woman whose son was denied treatment for severe Mental Illness and later committed suicide. Here is some of her testimony. Returning from the second deployment, he was diagnosed with the tst, depression and anxiety. It is documented that bryan could not remember the questions asked from the therapist during the interview. He had extensive back pain. He could not sleep. He felt profound guilt. He suffered low selfesteem. He was a risk for suicide. He was in nearly discharged and told to follow up. How the world can you ask someone who cannot remember the upstions asked to follow with the v. A. Is beyond me. In 2011 when he took his life. He could not stand how he would the angry, depressed, anxious. He did not know how to cope. It took a toll on his relationships. Was their duty to treat him but he received nothing. He applied for disability but was unable to wait. The Veterans Program gets underway tonight at 8 00 p. M. Eastern here on cspan. Senator bob mikulski says, in announcedwith funds to combat domestic maryland. Jim mcgovern says join National Park service for each were this morning. Keep up with members of congress twitter. Com cspan. Here are some of the highlights for this weekend. A history tour looking at the civil war. Saturday, the communicators. Buchanan. T 2, books on Hillary Clinton, barack obama and edward snowden. Saturday, on afterwards, daniel halpern. Sunday we toured casper, wyoming. Then the negro League Kansas city monarchs. Then the depiction of slavery in movies. America, aneal interview with president herbert hoover. Let us know about the programs you are watching. Cost. Ery nation. Cspan commerce the federal Communications Commission voted 32 on andiring Wireless Companies messaging applications to allow cell phone users to send text to 911 by the end of the year. Wireless companies have until december 31 to comply with the new law. The commission debated and ruled on the new bill on friday. This is what our. To the wireless bureau, roger, sue, michael, paul, and anybody else who participated in bringing this forward. Thank you to diane and her task force. There will be more of these kinds of streamlining initiatives forthcoming. With that, i will call for the vote. All in favor say aye. Ayes have it. Thank you very the bureau for all your activities, the request you made for editorial privileges is granted. Madam secretary, will you lead us to the next act . The last item will be presented the Public Safety and Homeland Security bureau. Texts to 911 and other security applications. Thank you very much. Andrew, are you driving this morning . Yes. David, over to you. Thank you. Today, we present a second report and third notice him proposed rulemaking that advances the commissions core mission of promoting safety of life and affirms the commissions commitment to access Emergency Services to all americans. Todays item ensures that the changes that have resulted in wide use of texting as a primary Communications Tool will also preserve consumers access to cripple lifesaving services. Mobile Wireless Communications play central role in the daytoday lives of americans with a good deal of daily mobile usage centered around texting. I believe my own family is representative of many. My daughters will not answer my phone calls very [laughter] calls. [laughter] sorry, we cannot deal with those kind of personal issues your. [laughter] finds bureaus analysis that most parts of our country, if you send a text message to 911 during an emergency, it will not be received. Ofyoure one of the tens millions of americans with a hearing or speech disability, textto911of inhibits your ability. Very recently, a woman in bartholomew county, indiana, after being prevented from leaving her home by her boyfriend, she was afraid to make a voice call to 911. She texted instead and successfully summoned police to intervene. This is one of the many Success Stories that are today preventing that situations from being tragic. Stories such as this one are possible because the four major wireless carriers took action in their voluntary commitment to implement text911. They completed the work they agreed to with nina and apco. Piecethen, a number of apps have requested that these carriers carry 911 texts. Textto911 vendors, several more are in the textto911eploying in the next few years. This establishes a basic set of requirements for stakeholders in the industry to make sure that all text providers become text capable but end of this year and the key and Begin Service in 2015. Establishes a clearly defined onramp. With this certainty, states and lower and local jurisdictions can fund a limitation for apps. Clear benchmarks and an operational framework provided flexible path that acknowledges the investment and work by the four major carriers. It establishes a process to ensure that, if text messaging evolves 911 use along with it. Close with thanks to the Jefferson Parish peace app director. In new orleans, i met with him and his talented staff. They have a superb call center and dispatch operation with highly integrated tools enabling his uniform peace app team to Service First responders and the First Responders. They are ready to go live after completing the checkout and training. I applaud their leadership on this. They put their most experienced veteran, charlene stein, on the transition task. Originally, she happened to be the guest skeptic of textto911. Having led their integration project, she is now their biggest proponent. She gets it. Shirleysment in voice was clearly evident as she demonstrated to me not only the of testsl completion but to improve some aspects of their interaction with the public they serve. This is the innovation, spirit and determination that will lead us not only to the benefits of textto911, but to the realization of next generation capabilities. We appreciate the coordinating efforts of many on the commission. I would like to give special thanks to our Beauty Bureau chief and the senior legal advisor. To thank our chief. Echnologist, normally, it is the tradition to have the junior person who works on an item to present the item. But today, with the importance of this item, we bring in a real veteran, david seal. It marks his dirtiest year in service to the commission his 30th year in service to the commission. Throughout, david has been a resident Senior Expert on all matters 911. Comprehensive understanding of rules and andlations, textto911 access to those services for persons with disabilities has been an invaluable contribution to ensuring this bureau provides a commission with the best guidance and recommendations for preserving public safe on the side of. I would be remiss on this item. I would be remiss in not mentioning that is most relevant and important fact is that he started his career in the u. S. Navy as an intelligence officer. David, over to you. Thank you. Good morning, mr. Chairman and commissioners. Submiteau is pleased to a proposal in the textto911 and nextgeneration textto911 dockets. It includes all mobileradio services and entered and interconnected text providers to support textto911 and deliver requesting piece apps. The third notice seeks comments on proposals for further enhancements to textto911 services as Technology Evolves and improved. Textcapable deadline, they must be prepared to include identifying a method and orvery, identifying entering into any necessary contractural arrangements, and implementing budgetary plans necessary to provide for delivery of textto911. The rules adopted in this order apply to all cms providers as well as providers text messaging services, services that enable consumers to send Text Messages to and receive Text Messages from textcapable u. S. Phone numbers. Theorder does not require position of textto911 by noninterconnected providers. Also, the order does not require delivery of 911 text the stooges that originally from wifi locations or are transmitted from devices that cannot transmit a cmr s network. ,nce they have met the deadline they will have until june 30, 2015, or six months from the request, whichever is later, to implement textto911 for that peace app. They may mutually agree to an alternative time frame without the need to obtain a waiver from the commission. The order provides for the commission to establish a centralized database in which piece apps may register and provide notice that they are text ready. Adopts ad report technologically neutral approach and does not mandate any particular model for implementing text to 911. With respect to interconnected text providers, the order anticipates that many will choose a seeming a cmr s based solution as an interim measure. To facilitate the use of this method, the order requires that cmr s providers allow access to networks but not to reconfigure their sms networks. May migrate from sms to new technologies provided the new technology continues to support textto911 for their subscribers. Seeks commentce on proposals for further enhancements to textto911 service as improved and future technologies are implemented. Arrent Sms Technology is mobile of routing emergency text to the appropriate peace app but does not provide enhanced location information. The further notice also proposes that covered text providers be required to support roaming for textto911 no later than two years from the Effective Date of final rules. It seeks comment on these proposals as well as the potential cost and feasibility of the proposed time frames for implementation. On the, it seeks comment cup abilities of future Texting Services and whether the conditions should extend textto911 requirements to additional services. It seeks comment on the potential to provide textto911 messages through Wifi Networks textoninterconnected applications, realtime testing. The bureau recommends adoption of this item and busts editorial privileges. They give. Requests editorial privileges. Hq. Thank you. Said alone,ler once we can do so little. Together, we can do so much. When you step away from all the technical details, this item is simply about relevant takeovers putting their principle into action. The ability to send messages, photos and video clips as well as other innovations and Broadband Technologies can improve what 911 communications for all americans. Text messaging plays a vital role in protecting life and property, when making a call is either dangers or possible due to transmission problems. This Technology Enables the more than 40 million americans with hearing and speech disabilities to use their mobile phone to effectively access Emergency Services. Mayout textto911, they possess the ability to make the call, but remain unable to express what type of help they need. This is why the commission has been trying for several years now to promote the deployment of textto911 and other nextgeneration technologies. The reality is that the Wireless Industry and public agencies have found it difficult to deploy these advanced medications services. Communications services. The first breakthrough occurred in december 2012 thanks to industry collaboration. The four nationwide carriers agreed to deploy textto911 on a nationwide basis by may 15 of this year. That agreement helped accelerate progress to more than 90 of the nations wireless customers. Wider ability availability of these services is also spurring Public Safety answering points or piece apps to upgrade their networks so they can adopt textto911 messaging availabilities. It is great to see the ease entities work closely. We build on that momentum from that 2012 on terri commitment with this item. The order makes clear that textto911 benefits should crms to consumers of all providers and those who are interconnected through those top x messaging services top text messaging services. The further notice released in january of this year expressly sought comment on the detail over the top Service Messages can use to send Text Messages. Companies offering this service supported the Technology Neutral approach. That it issserted technically feasible to set december 31, 2014, as the deadline for overthetop Message Services to comply with the textto911 mandate. I am pleased to see that the Commission Also established a centralized database through which peace apps may register as text ready and notify all relevant covered text providers of their ability to accept texts. This can help the silicate wider deployment of textto911 networks. And it askst important questions about delivery of these messages through more advanced technology. It seeks to comment on a proposal to require enhanced information when a 911 text is delivered. It also asks technical questions about delivering these messages over wifi only networks and telematics services. When i left the building last last night, i was prepared to endorse this enthusiastically. But i was troubled. A task force that would inquire into a number of issues. I agree that it is appropriate to form a task force to examine the structure and architecture of our nations peace apps and they couldhether promote efficiency of operations, safety of life, and cost containment. I must dissent however from the proposal that came to my attention less than two hours ago that the task force inquiry diverther states that funds should be ineligible to participate on various fcc councils and other community groups. Doing so unnecessarily prejudice is the issue and create avoidable friction with our state partners that have worked for many years to improve. Thoser, today, i commend parties who have been working constructively with the Commission Staff and relevant stakeholders over the years. Vital to aoration is Successful Transition to next generation 911 technologies and i would like to thank admiral system, admiral simpson and david firth and others in the Homeland Security bureau for working so diligently on this item. Inoin you, mr. Chair, offering mr. Siehl and happy anniversary. Earlier this week in new orleans, i had the chance to help the association of Public Safety Communications Officials mark their 80th annual conference. It turns out the fcc is not the only 80yearold on the block. Speaking directly to First Responders about 911 brings into sharp focus the importance of our nationwide emergency number. So does traveling around the country and talking directly to Public Safety officials on the front lines. Have been ao say i 911 calling centers from arkansas to alaska, from new york to nevada, from california to colorado, and many, many more places in between. Every visit is striking because made. Ncy operators are when crises mount and calls come in, the answer with steely calm and help ensure that help is on the way. Every visit also reminds me that the ways we communicate our changing. It was not that long ago that emergency calls to 911 came only from landline phones. Expanded 911, we service to mobile phones. An essential911 feature of interconnected voice service. So times change. Technology marches on and we find new ways to bring the ways we communicate into the 911 fold. That is what we do here with texting. Texting has become Second Nature to millions of americans, especially young people. Many of us use our phones more for texting them for speaking. We use texting to reach out to friends and family, to confirm our plans, to vote in contests online and on the air, and to contribute to charities and campaigns. That is why i support the efforts today to cut of five policies to make sure that providers of tax messages have systems Text Messages have systems capable for 911 service. That means that Texting Services that have become so essential to so many of us can be there when we reach out in crisis. The servicesitical can be because i know texting to 911 can save lives. It already has in vermont where i had the privilege of seeing the service in action in burlington. That textingi know to 911 can be a game changer for those who are deaf or have speech difficulties. And fact, i had to the in fact, i had the privilege of seeing this up close in frederick, maryland, where the service is available and where the Maryland School for the deaf is located. I also know that textto911 can bring new complications. Lets be frank. Voice calling still offers a speed and response that is superior to texting. As countless Public Safety officials have told me, it offers the ability for a recession that a dropdown menu or responses to an emergency text does not. So educating the public matters. We will Work Together on outreach. In times of crisis, we all need to understand the best way to call for help. While we look to the future with texting, there are other 911 issues that require our attention, tooo. Of 911 calls 70 are made from Wireless Phones. This number is only going to grow. In fivehly two households right now, their Wireless Phone is their only phone. Here in the district of columbia, that number is even larger as one in two households. Despite this nationwide change in calling practices, our rules that provide First Responders with information about where we are when we call 911, well, they are stranded in the last centuries calling practices. They help First Responders find you when you call from a landline phone. Ins is First Responders locating you when you call from a Wireless Phone outdoors. But if you call from a Wireless Phone indoors, i would recommend you hope and pray because no location accuracy standards apply. This gap needs attention. When you call for emergency help, above all else, you want First Responders to find you. To close this gap, i think we should start with the four essential press bowls that probably safety officials, equipment manufacturers, and wireless carriers have come together to support. Efforts must be dispatchable, verifiable, lexical, and deployable flexible, and deployable in real time. Back to texting, i see why am i. We update our rules today and lay the foundation for making textto911 more widely available. So this has my support. Thank you. We certainly agree with your observation of location. We appreciate the four points you have enumerated and work out with the various players. We have a proceeding under way to deliver on that. The fcc has no higher purpose than promoting the safety of life and property through the use of medications. It is of communications. One taken seriously during my time on the commission. Earlierred my inquiry this year to make sure whenever someone calls 911 he or she reaches Emergency Personnel. Thanks to the tireless efforts of hank hunt, Mark Fletcher and many others in our the nations lodging industry, we are seeing in connecting those with need connecting those in need with those with help. Unfortunately, it encourages the public to dive into textto911 functionality clan, in reality, there is hardly any water in the pool. I believe the order is sure to result in massive consumer confusion and will endanger rather than advance Public Safety, i respectfully dissent. Feelgood headlines following this decision will note doubt lead consumers believe that they cannot text 911. Look at what has already happened. Jimmy kimmel recently informed millions of viewers that textto911 should be accessible everywhere by the end of the year. Jimmy fallon recently told viewers that the fcc rolled out a new service that lets people text 911 for help. There are countless reasons why all of this Media Coverage and the coverage that will follow todays action is and will be misleading at best. Let me start with the fact that was mentioned nowhere in this order. Less than 2 of our nations 911 call centers, known as Public Safety answering points or peace acceptxcept Text Messages. In over 98 of the country, you will not reach Emergency Personnel no matter what application you use. Willng in this order change that fact anytime soon. The order claims that peace apps are not accepting texts because carrierss not required for it. The four wireless carriers make textto911 available to over 90 of the wireless consumers. The problem is clearly not the private sector. Even in a few areas where p saps are accepting text, theres no guarantee. Arehere peace apps accepting text, theres no guarantee. Roaming, a data plan that allows you to text but no sms subscription, your textto911 wont go through. If you havent agreed to let a texting app access your phones location, your text will fail. Todays mandate does not even cover some of the most popular and growing texting apps like whatsapp. To 911 using text those apps, you will not reach First Responders anywhere in the country regardless of your phone settings. Put simply, we are adopting today a patchwork approach that exposes consumers to numerous pitfalls. When a Domestic Violence victim is desperate, when someone who is deaf or hard of hearing is in expect them to navigate the intricacies of these rules, to somehow intuitively processing mode of their phone or to know whether their app is interconnected as defined in the fcc rules. That is why we adopted ounce pack rules last year to mitigate consumer confusion. We need to keep our 911 rules current with changes in technology and consumer usage. But we must do so guided thai fund mental principle that dates back to the hippocratic era. First do no harm. This order doesnt meet the standard. Will wasteericans precious seconds during an emergency attempting in vain to text 911 because of it . Seconds that could make all the difference. I fear the answer will be too many. But frankly, just one is too many. Another casualty of this order and an ironic one is that it will delay if not disrupt the proconsumer transition of Public Safety technology from sms to ng 911. The next generation 911 is not a stone sms but rather the internet protocol or ip. By allowing ipbased text will benefit 911 consumers. They are built with redundancy in mind and the use of ip allows widespread interoperability. Delta andl have capabilities that will allow all consumers, including those with speech or hearing disabilities, to have reliable, realtime text communication with emergency responders. In short,ng 911 is truly a lifesaving advancement. Congress, Public Safety organizations and industry alike have all urged the commission to focus its efforts on accelerating the deployment of ng 911. The Public Safety component of the overall ip transition, a cause close to my heart. In contrast, sms has inherent limitations that, for 911 purposes, render it for anything other than an interim stopgap measure. As Text Messages can be delayed, they can be lost or delivered out of sequence, i have experienced that when i have sent sms messages. These limitations might not matter for everyday communication. But they can have serious consequences when it is an emergency, when it counts. Own Communication Security and reliability board highlighted sms limitations in detail at the beginning of our rulemaking process. It observed back then that the remains there remains disagreement over whether this method of axis should even be considered for 911 because of its unreliability and other factors. Small wonder then, that when we launched a proceeding in 2011, we did so with the clear purpose of accelerating the development and deployment of ng 911. Sms texting then, to 911 was an unsatisfactory technology to 911. Where have we ended up today . We have lost sight over the forest for the trees. The order says little about the ng 911 transition and does less to advance it. The proposed rulemaking portion compounds this error by seeking comment on how we can grasp additional or even more detailed requirements onto the sms network. This will serve consumers while. The record shows that diving down this rabbit hole will only impede the ng 911 transition. This approach takes industry off the path to ng 911. Another said that requiring carriers to divert resources in this manner will only serve to delay the deployment of nextgeneration Emergency Services, including robust textto911 services. The Emergency Number Association echoed this concern. In short, this order will serve to frustrate not further the aployment of ng 911, 21stcentury Public Safety technology that will enable text and multimedia messaging. Consumer confusion and delay of ng 911 are not the only flaws in the order. The costbenefit analysis is another. It overstates the benefits by assuming that textto911 is currently available nationwide, something we know is not the case. On the other side of the ledger, the analysis does not account for the tragic cost that will result from consumer confusion. Nor does it contain any discussion of the costs internet did costs interconnected providers will incur which requires an use and pay for other Companies Software and networks. Additionally, this orderlies far too many technical russians, some of them quite fundamental, unanswered technical questions, some of them quite fundamental, unanswered. Will any reply messages from ap sap the delivered to the ott app or go instead to the devices access messaging app . Do they need to press send twice, once they use the ott app and when it invokes the native sms . Will the fcc allow a migration from sms to ipbased messaging . It is the only feasible method. Guidancesion offers no at all on these and many other technical issues. And we cannot step away from them. Moreover, the orders Legal Foundation is flawed. Explains the statutory basis for the mandate, that thirdparty apps be given access. Ae emmett the sms api is set of instructions that tells the phone cap Software Components should interact with each other. How do we have the authority to developerat an app get access to a Manufacturers Software . Not optimal to say the least way serious and substantive changes to the item are made with little notice and with no opportunity for public input. Order penalizes the four nationwide wireless operators who volunteered to develop a textto911 solution without a mandate. This decision rewards those voluntary efforts, efforts we should be encouraging with strict regulatory mandate and the cold comfort that those new rules are generally and this, as in other areas, the message to companies under the f. C. C. s purview is clear. Doesnt matter how well you behalf or what commitments you voluntarily under take, there will be no escape from the f. C. C. s regulatory playground. When it comes to Public Safety, we all share the goal of making 911 more effective, responsive, and accessible to every american. I do not for a minute question the sincerity of those supporting this order. But adopting new rules that will confuse consumers during emergencies, that will delay the ng911 transition, that will leave many key questions

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