That fax machine . That did . Dded yes you can. Described that for me. We work with maximus which is a company that covers personal information. They work in medicaid and many states. They are a very big company that has tough policies. They do it in a bunch of states. The final question i have is the number of enrollees. As a part of your measurement of the success of your exchanges, do you have a cost per enrollee . 100ryland has spent. Ision to build the website that right . About 2000 per enrollee . We have enrolled 295,000 people. Years look over several this is how to get coverage. They previously had coverage. The vast majority of them did not. These are people who have gained coverage since january 1. The individual market is getting access to insurance. Isnt it not a fair measurement . They could have had access previously. No. They couldnt. The vast majority of people in maryland like single adults did not have coverage. Ow they have coverage gr single adults did not have medicaid coverage. I dont object to my colleague having extra time. I disorder make sure that equal time is granted. I just want to the record to show. If the gentleman was here to see mr. Cummings, i am being less greedy with the time. Mr. Cummings was appropriately useful with his time. With the gentleman yield . I used the exact amount of time. Back. Ill yield but to chairman it, thank you for your generosity. I was not objecting. I was trying to make sure that the minority was given equal time. I am going to do some thing out of order. You have been seated for two and a half hours. She is going to get the next question. A short recess just to be able to stand. Next Arms Services committee. , your calls and comments on washington journal. Intelligence officials regard the 2015 Defense Authorization request or intelligence activities. The budget includes 45. 6 billion for intelligence programs. Here are the Opening Statements. The rest of the hearing was hot held behind closed doors. This is 30 minutes. Today is the first of to events the subcommittee is hosting related to the Defense Intelligence budget. From theear undersecretary for defense. Will hold a second session with Senior Intelligence officers of each of the military services as well as special operations command. Ourocus on making sure that war fighters have the best possible intelligence support. We are support combat agencies. Their them to describe efforts to support military operations and help the dod anticipate future conflicts. Each of these agencies is part of the Intelligence Community and has responsibilities to the government and the department of defense. Bothis a delicate balance. Missions are could go to our nation. We have been presented with numerous challenges. This is the Current Crisis in ukraine or terrorist groups or mitigating serious compromise of classified information, intelligence and the protection of it continues to be one of the most important parts of our national defense. I will yield to the distinguished Ranking Member for any opening comments he would like to make. I want to thank our witnesses for being here today. I want to organize Jim Thornberry for organizing this important hearing. I hope the discussion will be productive and constructive as we continue to exercise oversight responsibility. First and foremost, i am concerned about the implications to the apartment from the leaks of the nsa contractor. Information. Assessmentssential and a very sobering one indeed. I want to get a better idea of what we know now and what we dont know and what we are going to do about it. As dni clapper testified, this has nothing to do with nsa surveillance or collection but instead has dire impact on dod. I am concerned about the damage of the leaks on our men and women in uniform who are at risk each day. Just as important, we certainly dont need to scrap every operation plan. Shiftingdue to look at the priorities and policies. I appreciates picking to the magnitude of what we will face in the coming years. I am also interested in the progress of the Clandestine Service and its ability to meet strategic defense priorities. Clandestine service but it hasto the, enhanced capabilities and we are looking forward to an update on that. There have been growing pains. Continuee the dod must to have a clandestine unit. That is a challenge in the Intelligence Community. How are we improving our capabilities and refining the requirements moving officers where they can be most effective and integrating and coordinating with others in the Intelligence Community. Money budget perspective, of the budget is given back largely to the services. This putsge strain on agencies like yours. As your partners on the hill, we want to avoid the breaking point and manage your risk wherever possible. Ofwant to enjoy the benefits other parts of the department that would impair your activities. Hearing, i like to discuss the overall defense strategy. With the department looks out over the next decade, is the apparatus postured to meet our priorities . Is it correctly aligned to cover the globe and operate where we need to sustain our counterterrorism operation . I want to thank you for holding these important hearings. Thank you again to our witnesses and your service to the nation. Forward to a continued and productive relationship to ensure the best intelligence posture for the nation. Thank you joan. I want to thank welcome our witnesses. We will start with unclassified Opening Statements from each of our witnesses and then reconvene in a classified setting next door where each witness will then be able to make lassa fied remarks followed by questions. Dr. Vickers. I appreciate the opportunity to come before you today and year 2015e fiscal budget request for defense and intelligence. I am pleased to be here with mike tesh and rick. We testified yesterday before the subcommittee. While the unclassified nature of our opening remarks keep us from discussing in detail many aspects of intelligence, we look forward to meeting in private and discussing more fully. Givesorms policy and precision operation. It is our frontline of defense. The challenges we face are increasing and becoming more complex and our resources are declining. We miss to make the best use of resources given the challenges we confront. As the u. S. The i and the Program Executive and have oversight over the programs that constitute so we call the battle space portfolio. Bass boat request for creations is 13. 3 billion, this does not include contingency funds overseas. It includes significant resources. Defense intelligence collectively encompasses the defense portion of the National Intelligence program and the ba portfolio. By close relationship with to workallows us seamlessly and manage resource and apply our intelligence capabilities in pursuit of our National Security objectives. Defensefive intelligence priorities. Counteringterrorism, the proliferation of wmd and delivery systems, countering oppressive governments against their people such as in syria, state on state aggression, and countering. The gaps in these priority areas, we are enhancing intelligence capabilities in five areas. Enhancing lobo coverage, improving our ability to operate and antiaccess aerial environment, sustaining counterterrorism, continuing to develop our Cyber Operation capability, and strengthening our counterintelligence capabilities and reforming our security clearance ross us to minimize Insider Threats. All four of us are committed to working with the congress to find the best way to continue to deliver intelligence advantage to our nation and our war fighters. Thank you for the opportunity to address the subcommittee today i turned to my colleagues. Chairman thornberry, members of the subcommittee, i what to say thank you for your invitation to present our budget request. Let me begin by saying i support the priorities undersecretary vickers outline. Ourou have heard from generals in their appearances before the committee this year, the need for more intelligence continues to exponentially grow. Persistent crisis of the middle east and developments in crimea and Central Africa and asiapacific underscore the constant drumbeat for more war and specialized understanding and insight into the countless threats around the world. Both you and i have a responsibility to our men and women to make sure smart decisions are made and take risk where we must and maintain investments which will ensure our security into the future. Dia has made significant changes to manage risk and ensure we will meet the increased operational needs and strategic challenges that threaten our military advantage. During my testimony this morning, i will highlight for priorities in a request. Intelligence collection operation, analysis, investment in our workforce for professional the moment, and how we have reshaped much of our Business Practices and processes. First, ensuring the success of the defense by dustin services a priority not only of the dia but also the Defense Department and Intelligence Community as a whole. Us which arehelped as a human intelligence capability and make progress in support of all defense. Weve experienced a marked increase in performance. In terms of counterintelligence, this is a critical investment. Thatt events remind us things can come in a accessible cost. Investments create holistic fortegies counterintelligence and increases Network Monitoring and improves Insider Threat identification and fortifies a security conscious culture in our workforce. Analysis is the core mission of dia. It is one of the largest portions of our budget. We are implementing new solutions to implement global coverage. We are forging closer ties with combat and command operations. Our integrated centers use analytic and collections work for maximizing support for decisionmaking answer to the policy. Following in the first year of operation, our performance in response to ukraine and the South China Sea and sub Sahara Africa and the ongoing civil war in syria highlight the benefit of multifaceted integration and collaboration as well is a strong combat and command. Third, we have increased our forstments in our workforce festal develop the program as well as career broadening experiences. 21 separateted offices into one academy of Defense Intelligence, this was a cost savings of 3 million. Additionally, we have reemphasized training for our analytic workforce through a new Career Education program. In terms of career broadening experiences, we rotated 200 and 25 personnel overseas and plan 320 further integrating the enterprise. To further prepare our workforce for an uncertain future, we have consolidated three of our Military Reserve offices and over 1200 reservists. The impact of all these changes is already seen an improvement in production and a decrease in theract instructors and number of days we get out of our component. We are taking steps to improve our contracting business process with a strategy. It reduces risk and shortens the livery time by six to nine months and mitigates the too big to fail trap we get into. We are proud of our work with Small Businesses very and they generate the original ideas need for the future. Small Business Contracting is less than 25 , we have nearly doubled our investment in Small Businesses reaching a new high of 31 . Every three dollars we invest is invested in small business. Youou review our request, will find we made hard choices and the right investments to ensure that our Intelligence Team is equipped with the right training and technology strengthened by partnerships across the whole government and around the world. We will continue to provide intelligence when ever and where ever required. Thank you for your support and we look forward to questions. Good morning chairman thornberry. Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the National Geospatial program. Thank you for your continued support to enhance Defense Intelligence. We are pleased to appear before you with dr. Vickers. Than 30 years in working in the Defense Intelligence, the cooperation and collaboration has never been a stronger. Thepatial intelligence is analysis of information from a number of unique and highly technical sources that describe and visually depict physical features and geographically referenced activities on earth. We have been enter go in and look terry operations around the world and today it is one of the drivers for intelligence integration. Everything in the world is someplace. At some time. Provides critical information to the Defense Community and military commanders and Decision Makers and troops in harms way and first responders. Our content analysis and Services Enable mission planning, combat operations, strategic warnings, precision targeting, counterterrorism operation, counter proliferation, gps, and humanitarian assistance and disaster response. Nga produces and sustains global aeronautical and maritime information for ella terry flight crews and sailors as well as civil mariners. Records onlectronic more than 45,000 airfields and 116 million square miles of ocean and managing data on topographic features worldwide. Without this information, our ships would stay in port, our pilots would not fly, and our Ground Forces would not leave garrison. The second example is the integrated spatial view of the battle state that we provide. Forcentifying capabilities, location, patterns of activity, relationships, and infrastructure around the globe, holdlp commanders emissaries at risk. Adversaries at risk. We participate in mission planning, execution tom and followup. The intelligence we provide every day is critical to the planning and operation of intelligence agencies and military units fighting to protect all americans. In the broadest terms, the vision that drives us is putting the best geoin the hands of our servicemen. Have new value for war fighters. Looking ahead, ngas budget request includes funding for expanding our in linux our analytic capabilities. We went to anticipate National Security threats. We want to have a skilled and diverse workforce. These investments are aligned with the number of longterm Strategic Initiatives that nga is pursuing to improve our contribution to the war fighter and the Intelligence Committee as a whole. We provide better access to our tradecraftnhancing to discover key unknowns hidden in the masses of data. Initiativesto these which focus on the longterm we have a the agency, close eye on immediate risks like iran, north korea, china, syria, afghanistan, and Counterterrorism Operations as well. I want to mention our progress towards financial auditability. We are going under our first full audit. It the result will help us identify areas requiring additional remediation as we move toward our goal of achieving an unqualified opinion of our financial statement. On behalf of the women and men of nga, thank you for your support. Thornberry, distinguished members of the subcommittee, thank you for the opportunity to address you today. On behalf of the National Security agency, thank you for support. Your support makes it possible for us to provide intelligence and Information Assurance to our Diverse Customer set, especially the combat and commanders in harms way. , we will support continue to do all we can to protect the nation and its allies. 2015 represents hard choices are addressed in an era of declining budgets. The budget we face will be more complex and present a new set of challenges. Advertiseks well give adversaries. To sustainend on nsa our understanding of foreign communication even as encryption becomes more automatic and more prolific. We must support our war fighters and policymakers today while preparing for the future to the development of nextgeneration capabilities all while protecting imus he ancillaries. Budget keeps us on the path to accomplish these goals. We recruited and retrained and a talented workforce. We are leveraging our Human Capital by providing people with the most ideologically sophisticated and innovative intelligence capabilities. Securityt in cyber will expand across the enterprise to meet the demand and speed of action required in todays world. Executes threea funding streams. Ccp, the Information Systems security program, and the military program. Let me describe them. Ccp and nobles enables us to bring the global christological system to bear. Our Global Intelligence infrastructure, and reporting mechanisms have been developed over time and resulted in the Successful Mission requirements. I look forward to giving nsa has anamples. Investment plan for the challenges of getting Security Solution