Pro tempore on this day. Signed, john a. Boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 3, 2013, the chair will now recognize members from lists submitted by the majority and minority leaders for morning hour ebate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and the minority whip each, to five minutes but in no event shall debate beyond 11 50 a. M. The chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. Blumenauer, for five minutes. Mr. Blumenauer mr. Speaker, we begin the second week of the republican Government Shutdown. The approximate cause was the republican effort to stop denial to delay money for the government needs to fund to stop the Affordable Care act. Well, its also the second week of the Affordable Care act, which clearly now will not be repealed, defunded or delayed. Just this last weekend, we all approved legislation that would pay all of the federal workers on furlough the salary they lost by being sent home, making them whole, which is important because they had nothing to do with this travesty. But now were paying them not to work. One wonders why were still in the middle of this exercise. Is there any way out of this culdesac . I find it encouraging that some of my republican friends are willing to negotiate. We have been waiting six months for negotiations to begin on the budget, so hopefully republicans will appoint conferees and we can get down to cases about what level of spending we want, need and can afford. But maybe we can help things along dealing with another area to come together with the looming deficit of infrastructure. Americas Civil Engineers tell us that more than 2 trillion is needed over the next five years for roads, bridges, transit, sewer and water. These defisheses create un deficiencies create uncertainty, safety and health problems. Why dont we come together to address this problem . Ronald reagan supported a nickel a gallon gas tax increase in 1982 when that was real money. The clinton clan that led to our only balanced budgets in 40 years included our last gas tax increase. And remember the simpsonbowles deficit plan . That called for a phasein gas tax increase of 15 cents. Now, since the last increase in the gas tax, the purchasing power of the Highway Trust Fund has dropped by 2 3 due to inflation and greater vehicle efficiency. If we want to bring americans together, lets work with the huge coalition that stands ready to work with congress in taking this action. It includes people in the construction industry, obviously, but local governments, professions, architects, engineers, truckers, bicyclists, everyone from the aflcio to the u. S. Chamber of congress acknowledges that its past time for congress to act and they will work with us if we take action. The failure to address this loss of purchasing power is a source of the budget deficit. Since the last big transportation bill expired in 2005, weve had to make four Major GeneralFund Transfers of approximately 50 billion just to prop it up at its current inadequate level. And its going to get worse when the transportation bill expires in 51 weeks. I would urge my colleagues to join me in averting another fiscal cliff, this one with the Highway Trust Fund. Lets work with the vast array of interests that want to rebuild and renew america. Dont ignore this deficit. Instead, lets act responsibly in fixing the trust fund, putting hundreds of thousands of americans to work at family wage jobs, rebuilding and renewing americas infrastructure, making a safer, healthier and more economically making us safer, healthier and more economically secure. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentlewoman from North Carolina, ms. Foxx, for five minutes. Ms. Foxx thank you, mr. Chairman. Just because the president and senate refuse to talk to the house of representatives doesnt mean were going to stop doing the peoples work. Well continue to make the case that theres no rational or acceptable reason for the president and senate to deny working families fair treatment under obamacare. Just as the president decided to give big businesses one year to ready themselves for all of obamacares drastic changes, the American People should have that same year. Its basic fairness, and while the senate refuses to meet with us to work through our policy differences to reopen government fully, the house of representatives will continue building Common Ground with House Democrats to restore as Many Services as we possibly can. The senate should consider these proposals. Opening parks, funding the n. I. H. , ending veteran benefit application delays, funding fema and the f. D. A. And restoring w. I. C. Are things we can agree on. Lets not squander these opportunities for Common Ground. Lets pass policies we can agree on and work through our differences together. Regardless of the senates nonnegotiation policy, North Carolinaans deserve to have their voices heard at the capital. One of my constituents got a letter from his insurance provider. He tells me, quote, my Insurance Premium will double for the upcoming year. It also appears that theres nothing i can change with my current insurance provider to make it more affordable. Ive been attempting to log on to the president s website, healthcare. Gov, without success. I understand that i may be able to get a tax credit if im eligible. To my understanding, this will not help me in making my monthtomonth bills. If this change goes through next year, ill not be able to afford to feed my children, much less Purchase Health insurance. This needs to stop now, end quote. Angie from clemons, contacted me to say, quote, obamacares already adversely affected my family in several ways. My son and daughterinlaws Family Health policies are rising dramatically. They both are already working fulltime jobs and each one has parttime work also, end quote. Robert from lewisville wrote, my 21yearold son, david, bice Health Insurance through Blue Cross Blue Shield of North Carolina. His cost is 111 per month. He received a letter from blue cross saying his current policy is being canceled due to the Affordable Care act, obamacare. Davids new cost is going to be 288 per month. He works hard and does not take handouts from government. How is obamacare helping people like him . End quote. Jeffrey from boonville told me his story too. Quote, i went on to Blue Cross Blue Shields website this morning. If i buy Health Insurance this morning the cost will be 266 a month but come the first of the year the same plan will be 566. How is this affordable . I have not checked yet to see if i can get a subsidy. Even if i was eligible one, its not the responsibility of other americans to subsidize my familys Health Insurance, end quote. Susan from knoxville wrote to me said, quote, i had Affordable Health care. I paid Blue Cross Blue Shield 181 a month. Now they said if i keep this insurance it will now be 464 per month. This insane. Obamacare is affordable for who . Please, who can i contact to have some kind of inurns fluence . End quote. Mr. Speaker, we share susans concerns in the house of representatives. We want susan to be treated fairly and to have the same oneyear break from obamacare that president obama chose to give to big business. And on susans behalf, House Republicans are trying to contact a body with some influence, the United States senate, to find a way to reopen government and ensure obamacare is implemented fairly. But the senate isnt willing to budge. They wont sit down to talk. Theyre not interested in making sure the president s unworkable law is at least applied fairly. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the lady yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Quigley, for five minutes. Mr. Quigley thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, just days before the United States government reaches its statutory borrowing limit, lets be clear. This is not new spending. This is agreeing to pay the bills we already accrued. Senator alan simpson said it best. If you are a real conservative, an honest conservative without hypocrisy, hed want to pay your debt. Eight days ago, a minority faction of the congress chose to shut down the federal government. This was touching the fire. To refuse to lift the debt ceiling is to place our entire hand into the fire. A reagan economist called this debate, quote, playing with matches around gasoline. Yes, thats the same president Ronald Reagan who raised the debt ceiling 18 times without the accompanying brinksmanship. And lets remember, during the 2011 debt ceiling debate, the mere threat of a default scared the markets and drove up Interest Rates. Retirees lost 800 billion in assets as markets tumbled. Homebuyers lost 100 a month as rates spiked. The harm this time could be much worse. We need to pay our bills so we can start solving the real problems facing this country rather than fixing ones we caused ourselves. And mr. Speaker, what is most extraordinary about this fiasco is this i thought budget negotiations were supposed to be about funding levels. But this nations most contentious budget fight in 20 years isnt about funding levels at all. Its about using the budget as leverage to repeal or delay an existing law. Despite the destructive effects of sequestration, in an effort to compromise, we gave into demands of the majority and accepted their 986 billion spending limit. Just put this into context. He 986 billion level is 17 below fiscal 2010 spending and 10 less than the original ryan budget. It is below simpsonbowles. If thats not compromise, i dont know what is. Those on the other side of this aisle dont know how to take yes for an answer. We agreed to deeply slash government spending. Please, accept a victory, restart the government so we can get back to the real work of this body. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Fitzpatrick, for five minutes. Mr. Fitzpatrick mr. Speaker, i rise once again this morning to thank the men and women of the federal Law Enforcement community as well as those brave soldiers, sailors, airmen and marines for what they do to protect this great nation both abroad and here at home. Certainly were thankful for them each and every day for protecting us in our nation. Recent events again remind us of their importance. After the lockdown last week, Capitol Police and others sprang into action to protect the building and those inside. In their rush to service, im sure none of them thought about the fact that as we continue in a partial Government Shutdown that they may not be paid, even though for some that may have been the case. While theres uncertainty about the nations fiscal path in washington, that uncertainty should never be passed along to our Service Members and our federal Law Enforcement officers. The strengthening homeland security, intelligence and essential Law Enforcement departments, or the shield act of 2013, would alleviate that doubt. This simple Bipartisan Legislation that ive introduced prioritizes and protects pay for soldiers and Law Enforcement personnel if borrowing limits are reached. Or there is an interruption in appropriations, like there is right now. In our most difficult hours, we rely on our Law Enforcement officers and our military for the protection of our life, liberty and freedom. No Service Member or critical officer protecting the United States at home or abroad should have to worry about their paycheck in the event of a Government Shutdown, nor should bargaining as a chip in debates. Pay for our troops was secured early through a bipartisan vote, and i applaud the president for agreeing to it. However, the shield act would codify the measure into law, meaning paychecks would never again be threatened and action would never have to be taken to protect this very basic principle. This bill already has the strong support of organizations like the federal Law Enforcement officers association, which represents dedicated first responders. And just as important, it is commonsense legislation that Everyday Americans understand and expect from a congress that often stumbles in its responsibilities. Mr. Speaker, we owe it to the brave men and women who protect us, both abroad and in our communities, to make sure their pay doesnt become a political pawn at the whim of battling ideologies. No member of our federal Law Enforcement community or Armed Services should have to worry about the financial situation of their family back home while they are on the job, nor should we let our financial problems rest on the backs of those who selflessly serve the American People. By ensuring funding for our officers and troops, we are allowing them to sustain a strong Law Enforcement and military presence at all times regardless of fiscal conditions. Mr. Speaker, i urge support for this commonsense, Bipartisan Legislation and call for leadership in both parties to consider the shield act for quick passage. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The chair recognizes the gentleman from oregon, mr. Defazz heo, for five minutes mr. Defazio, for five minutes. R. Defazio day seven, a bizarre new twist on the Republican Tea Party trip down the rabbit hole, on saturday the house of representatives voted unanimously to pay retroactively every federal employ hee. Those who are working, Capitol Hill Police, those who are being kept from working like the aviation safety inspector i talked with yesterday who was quite concerned about what might happen with a long lapse in aviation safety inspections, but hes not allowed to work. And thats a bit bizarre. Hes thankful he will someday might be paid for not working, but he would rather be working, actually. How is it in this weird world that Mad Hatter Tea Party that they explain to their people back home, well, we have shutdown government sort off, we have shut down the services, but well pay people for the work they are not doing. We are going to let the Social Security applications pile up and not be processed. We are going to lock people out of the National Wildlife refuges during hunting season. Well keep the crabbing fleet grounded in alaska because we cant issue their permits. We are not going to continue to do the surveys for the next fishing season off the northwest coast. We have withdrawn all that. All those people are sitting around at home frustrated by law, cant even access their official email, but they are going to be paid. The republicans say, we have made it good. We are going to pay them. What about the American People getting the services . It reminds he me of wimpy jay wellington from popeye, he said ill glad you repay you tuesday for a hamburger today, but somehow tuesday never came, and repayment was never made n this case perhaps someday when they stop their games we will repay people, but what about the people of automatic withdrawals and their living paycheck to paycheck and their mortgage is coming due today or next week . What are they going to do . I see the Credit Unions offering zero percent loans, thats nice. But wouldnt it be better if we put people back to work and you pay them and declare vicktry. You have victory within your grasp and you are refusing it. Is it about obamacare . You know that was an impossible goal. That victory is not within your grasp. If its about the deficit, which is what gingrich put the government out of work for, then you have victory within their grasp because Speaker Boehner and the majority leader reid agreed weeks ago to a sixweek continuing resolution which is what has been customarily done around here for the 27 years i have been here when the two bodies cant agree on the budget. Out of 27 years, twice have we got it done in time. In 23 of those cases we have continued. In this case senator reid agreed to continue running the government at lower levels of spending. A major reduction. Back below the 2010 levels. All Speaker Boehner has to do is bring that bill to the floor of the house and it will pass. There are enough republ