Transcripts For CSPAN Interview With Representative Donald M

Transcripts For CSPAN Interview With Representative Donald McEachin 20170505

he talked with c-span about his legislative priorities and the importance of family and public service. congressman, why did you decide to run for a house seat? >> i looked at the chance to run for a house seat as the ability to take some of the things i have worked on at the state level to the national level. issues, especially involving the environment that can only be addressed at a -- and a comprehensive way at the national level. this was the primary reason that i did this. >> what is the biggest difference in your mind with your work at the state legislature where you served many terms and now, being here, not too far from the virginia assembly, but here in washington? >> the biggest difference is the amount of latitude you have as a congressman. you have staff that can dig into an issue for you. the virginia legislature runs up for a shorter period of time so it is more regimented. in the congress, you make it what you want it to be. i want to dive into environmental issues and issues of national defense. i am able to do that. and i am at my leisure. >> what are you doing in washington on the environment? >> today, we are announcing a climatece to deal with and environmental justice along with two of my other freshman colleagues. force.forming this task is theve the environment most important issue of the 21st century. if we get it right, and we have to get it right, we will control our climate, pushed back against climate change. it is about jobs. in my district, i have a lot of military bases threatened by rising sea levels. and talking about manufacturing jobs, we need to be building solar panels, wind turbines and all of that can happen if we get this green economy right. >> where did your interest in the environment came from -- come from? by in 2005, i went to seminary at virginia university in richmond. i came across the notion of creation care. and how we are meant to be stewards of this earth. stewardship isf how we are supposed to treat our earth. that has been such an enlightening experience with me and it resonated with me. >> it comes from a place of faith. >> yes. i have a masters of divinity. --were you able preacher you a preacher? lawyering arend very much alike. i tell people that it is the same skill set but a different boss. i am happy to sit at my home church. >> did you practice law? >> i am a trial lawyer since 1986. >> how has that helped you hear? >> it is about advocacy and about thinking quickly and clearly. i think the notion of representing people before court and representing a group of constituents in a legislature is very much the same skill set and it has helped me immensely. >> you were born in germany. >> i was born in germany though i do not speak ending german. -- i did live for a while in vicenza, italy. but when my dad got out of the military, i was in third grade. i grew up in richmond, virginia. inwhat did your dad, being the military, teach you about public service? >> i think it was because of him that i wanted to be a public service. no child likes to bounce around as an army brat. --hink what occurred is that i would ask my parents why we were doing this and they would teach me about nato and congress and those sorts of things. that is how my aspirations began. i would like to think that when i had more maturity, i believe that is where it terminated. --what were your parents what would your parents think about you being in washington? only child and my parents are gone. i think they would be very happy. >> proud? >> yes. >> tonight on c-span, supporters and critics of president trump on foreign policy during the first 100 days. speakers include breitbart news senior editor joe pollock and former u.s. ambassador to germany, john emerson. that is tonight at 8:00 p.m. eastern here on c-span. c-span's washington journal. every day with news that policy issues that impact you. coming up saturday morning, liberal pro-labor reporter, marianne levine discusses the april jobs report. and then reuters tech and telecom reporter david jefferson will talk about the fcc's attempt to roll back that neutrality protections. and a washington examiner politics editor examines trumps consent -- trump -- president trump's executive order. the senate returns a monday to continue debate on three of president trump's nominees. heather wilson to be air force secretary. scat gottlieb to be commissioner. and robert light hazard to be u.s. trade representative. off the floor, senators are working on health care legislation after the house approved its health care law replacement built yesterday. gop senators they will -- has said they will write their own legislation. kaiser health news talks about what consumers can expect going forward. >> at our table this morning, here to take your questions and comments about the republican , revise theace affordable care act. julie, a veteran health care reporter in washington. chief washington correspondent for washington news. and she has written a book. with, doesus begin , does this revised and repeal the affordable care

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Vicenza , Veneto , Italy , Virginia , United States , Germany , France , Washington , Richmond , French , German , John Emerson , David Jefferson , Marianne Levine , Donald Mceachin ,

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