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Gratitude that we thank you for the privilege of being called americans. With humility, let us realize the responsibility this privilege entails. Let your presence in us be the light that causes this nation to shine bright in the world. Grant your favor, wisdom and protection to our troops here and abroad. Place within our leaders and representatives here in the house and senate. May our president be guided by your truth and our differences let us seek you first. Please give each of us in this place and every citizen of this nation a contrite heart and a willingness to follow your way. N christs name we pray, amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rule 1 the journal stands approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gentleman from new york, mr. Higgins. Mr. Higgins i pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of america indivisible, with liberty and justice for all and to the republic for which it stands, one nation, under god, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. The speaker pro tempore the chair will entertain up to 15 requests for oneminute speeches on each side of the aisle. For what purpose does the gentlelady from North Carolina the gentlelady from North Carolina is recognized for one minute. Alicia fox thank you, mr. Speaker. The ms. Foxx thank you, mr. Speaker. The socalled Islamic State, isis, is disamating villages, persecuting religious minorities and massacring the innocents, including the brutal public beheadings of two american journalists. The e past two months, president has been vay casing, golfing, fundraising for partisan allies. The president initially admitted that he doesnt have a strategy for dealing with isis, a brutal group he once compared to a j. V. Team. He then indicated his goal was to remove isis to a manageable problem. This wont do. Tonight the president addresses the nation. I hope he uses the opportunity to make a change. I hope he uses his speech to provide a clear strategy. I hope he provides long overdue leadership on this issue. The American People and the world are waiting. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . I ask permission to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Speaker, i rise to mourn the passing and recognize the life of tom mccormick, he was a loving husband, father, marine, man of great faith and dedicated Public Servant to the city of dublin, california. Falling graduation from high school, he joined the u. S. Marines and served honorably in the korean war where he received a purple heart. Tom loved dublin deeply, serving 17 years as an elected representative to the dublin district where he pushed and was one of the first in the state to push for water recycling systems. Mr. Swalwell we can also thank tom for his role in helping to create the dublin Heritage Park and he also had a big heart. In 1975 he and his wife claudia took some of the last of the South Vietnam refugees. Tom will be missed. I send my condolences to his wife claudia of 42 years who served as a dublin city councilmember, his sons marshal nd tom and daughters melinda daughter melinda. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from South Carolina rise . Will gilbert mr. Wilson to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Wilson millions are dropping out of the work force. A clear symbol of the president s failure is the 14 million more people are forced to get on food stamps than when the president took office. The article explains that families are hurting as a result of the president s failed job policy. Harvest food bank is serving an increase of needy families. C. E. O. Denise hollins said when we open the lines are waiting for us all the way to the road. The people suffering from hunger have not seen an improvement in their financial condition. House republicans have passed over 40 jobcreation solutions which were blocked in the senate. The president should take course so we should work for Job Opportunities. In conclusion, we should remember september 11 and the global war on terrorism. Sympathy to the families of leesville. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois seek recognition . I ask permission to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the entlelady is recognized. Ms. Duckworth i want to tell the story of a 20 of mine constituent of mine. While his father was off fighting in world war ii, joe led his family in eastern europe. It was extremely challenging and he eventually lost his leg at the age of 15. His family was able to leave austria and arrived in the United States. Without speaking a word of english, he set out working as a tailor. He finally lived his team when he founded joes tailor shop at age 50. His Small Business provided for than 20 families. As a resident of hanover park, illinois, he was part of his community. He met catriona schaefer, who was also an imingredient. They had three children and three grandchildren together. The family was blessed to be able to celebrate joe and catrionas 60th anniversary in february. Unfortunately, joe passed away recently, but his American Dream and love for his country and family will live on forever. I send my condolences to his family and especially to herm and his son who continues that tradition of the American Dream and leading manufacturing in our district, adding to the strength of this nation. Thank you. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania eek recognition . Mr. Pitts to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, vad mir putin lives in an alternate reality, one where the state is still allpowerful and can control reality for its citizens. In the 1930s, stalin could make people disappear by sending them to the gulags, and then erasing any mention of them in state archives. By controlling all information, he could pretend that black was white and up was down. Today in russia, putin wants to pretend that the ukrainian insurgencey is homegrown, that russian soldiers on the other side of the border are lost or just volunteers. He wants to pretend that kiev is controlled by nazis. His stateowned media dutifully report these fictions as fact. The soviet union hasnt existed in more than 20 years. It collapsed out of weakness and russia remains weak and wholly dependent on Energy Exports today. Putin can pretend all he wants, but the reality is that he does not have the power of the secretary general or the czars. Lets not let him turn his dreams into reality by abandoning our friends and nato allies. We must stand up for their freedom and support them more vigorously. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from new jersey seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i ask permission to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Payne mr. Speaker, i stand today to remember the more than 200 girls who were abducted from their school on april 14, 2014. It is hard to imagine the fear, pain and the anguish theyve suffered at the hands of the monsters who kidnapped them. As a father, i understand what these girls families are feeling. I have not forgotten these girls and i will continue to work with my colleagues for their safe return and for the elimination of the terrorist group boko haram. The world and Mainstream Media has mostly moved on from the events in nigeria. But amid all the horrors regularly that regularly compete for the worlds attention, this one should not be forgotten. Among these missing girls are future lawyers, doctors and teachers, women who could someday lead their country. I call for my colleagues not to forget these girls and come together to combat boko haram, al qaeda and isil. Thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from colorado seek recognition . Request unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in observation of the oneyear anniversary of the horrific needs that hit the state of colorado one year ago. Starting on september 11, floods ravaged communities and wiped away homes, schools and businesses. Mr. Gardner the widespread damage was not anything ive seen in my time in colorado. I joined neighbors and leaders to survey many of the damaged areas and we worked together to make sure that we provided the muchneeded relief. I saw Railroad Tracks ripped and tangled. I saw vehicles laying upside down and garages filled with mud. I also saw people working in the spirit of community striving to recover of the recover, helping each other. I could not name all those that responded. I want to name a few. Shawn cronin has provided invaluable resources to Water Companies and Ditch Companies to help provide for agriculture. John and stan of the central weld county Water District worked to get Water Systems for places like fredrick and firestone back in operation. Local fire districts like hygiene, johnstown and others were on the front lines of the flood response. In the year since the disaster we made tremendous progress but theres a lot more work to be done. Communities in weld, morgan, logan continue their work today. With the great resilience of the people of this state, i have no doubt well come back stronger than ever and continue working together for the good of our great state. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentlelady from illinois seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized. I had the pleasure of meeting with businesses and workers across my district as part of my Second District manufacturing tour. I was fortunate to witness firsthand the creation of products made in illinois and had the privileges of hearing from workers about what congress can be done to support americas work force. The Second District is made better by those like medberg machine company. Ms. Kelly the future of our economy is made brighter by members of the Kankakee County chamber of congress who i met to discuss economic development, jumpstarting the middle class and the future of american business. Speaking of americas future, i must acknowledge our national champion, Jackie Robinson west Little League team from the great state of illinois. They are a shining example of how far hard work and teamwork can get you and what happens when you have the opportunity to pick up a ball, a pen, a book or a skill. As we return to business, i urge my colleagues to follow the examples of this Little League and business heroes because hard work, teamwork and innovation make us all better. Lastly, i salute the heroes of 9 11. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. Furred the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Mr. Johnson i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. This summer america has witnessed the horrific actions of isis as it marched into iraq as part of its mission to create an Islamic State. As a 29year air force veteran i know trouble when i see it and so do the American People. Isis is a direct threat to america and our democratic way of life. Congress and the American People want, need and deserve a clearly defined strategy from our president to defeat isis, t a strategy to degrade or contain or manage, a strategy to defeat isis. Tomorrow, americans remember the 13th anniversary of the 9 11 attacks. As we remember all those we lost that day, let us also remember the hard lessons the attacks taught us, that we must always be vigilant in protecting the american way of life and all that we hold dear. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from new york seek recognition . The gentleman is recognized, without objection. Mr. Higgins mr. Speaker, in my western new York Community there is no shortage of pride for the buffalo bills. This was apparent yesterday en it was announced that the pagulas will be the new team owners. Theyve had ownership in the buffalo sabres, financing of the new Harbor Center development in buffalos inner harbor and now owners of the bills, keeping the team in western new york where it belongs. This is excellent news for the teams future. S. E. C. Chairman wheeler announced plans to consider repeal of the sports blackout rules at their next meeting. The commissioner was recently in buffalo recently advocating for the same and it appears that momentum is gaining for fans that support their team and end blackouts once and for all. The federal government certainly should not support such outdated and unfair practices and im hopeful that the f. C. C. Will end the backing of the nfl brackout rules on september 30. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from missouri rise . Seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to drees the house for one minute, revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Long mr. Speaker, over the last few decades the federal government has regulated activities of the American People and increasingly minute detail. It was the founders desire to protect our individual liberty by having a government which was energetic in its ability to perform the duties and trusted in it but is limited in its scope. A concept incompatible with the current degree of overregulation. The result is diminished Job Opportunities and higher costs for the american for the average american. When jobs are lost, when new businesses never open, it is the lowskilled, the young, new worker and those already suffering from chronic unemployment who are harmed the most. The story of america is a story of someone starting out with nothing and achieving the American Dream. The secret to our success has always been our free and Dynamic Society that enables everyone to fulfill their unique human potential. It is time for congress to decide whether it values paperwork or people. Dont regulate the American Dream out of existence. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentlelady from california rise . Ms. Hahn i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Hahn thank you, mr. Speaker. About five months ago we were shocked and disturbed by the news that 200 school girls were kidnapped from their beds in nigeria by the militant terrorist group boko haram. The bringbackourgirls raised awareness around the world of the polite of these innocent victims plight of these innocent victims. Boko haram continues to terrorize families across nine, attacking villages, gunning down civilians and burning churches. Kidnappings and beheadings have become commonplace. Boko haram has been responsible for the deaths of more than 900 men, women and children in the last three months. The people of nigeria are living in a state of fear. And i cant imagine what the kidnapped girls are facing in the months of captivity. We will not rest until every girl is home and safe. Mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from tennessee seek recognition . Mrs. Blackburn to address the house for one minute, revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlelady from tennessee is recognized for one minute. Mrs. Blackburn thank you, mr. Speaker. Today i rise in honor of lynn who is retiring after 26 years of service to the federal government and is currently the chief of the maternal and Pediatric Infectious Disease Branch at the ewe necessary Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Childrens Health and human development, National Institutes of health. W, i have a full list of her accomplishments and her prestigious and wonderful resume for the record but just a couple of points. She received the 2012 federal employee of the year award from the partnership for Public Service. The award is one of nine Samuel Heyman service to america medals bestowed on Public Service who make highimpact contributions to the health, safety and wellbeing of americans. She was recognized for playing a pick of toll role in preventing the aids epidemic among u. S. Children through an effective means of preventing pregnant women from passing h. I. V. On to their infants and for dedicating her career to conducting research on h. I. V. , which has influenced and informed national h. I. V. Policy. She has continued to work with her colleagues in this country and around the globe to reduce mothertochild h. I. V. Transmission and to improve the treatments for children with h. I. V. Infection. Please join me in honoring the lifelong work of this extraordinary scientist. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Ms. Frankel i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute, revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Frankel mr. Speaker, in june i joined colleagues on a trip to nigeria, the focus of the journey was the kidnapping of 270 innocent young girls at the hands of boko haram terrorists. Its now been five months since they were taken from school and from their families off to unimaginable circumstances. Since then boko haram has only become more brutal and more vicious, continuing its rampage in nigerian villages, killing, torturing, kidnapping, raping, burning and announcing the creation of an Islamic State in northeast nigeria. Their reign of terror has been overshadowed on the world stage by events elsewhere. Overshadowed but not forgotten. Boko haram must be stopped and the girls must be brought home. Thank you, mr. Speaker, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania eek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, today i rise to recognize a true american treasure and one of my constituents who still spends his summer months in his native youngstown, pennsylvania, Arnold Palmer. Today arnold celebrates his 85th birthday and he continues to serve as an inspiration to me and the millions who make up arnies army. He rose from Humble Beginnings and has achieved remarkable things in his life. Taught the game of golf at the age of 3 by his father deacon, who was a golf pro at a country club, arnold made a name for himself in the amateur ranks. Mr. Murphy his promising College Career was cut short when he enlisted in the coast guard in honor of a friend who died. After he fulfilled his military service, arnold returned to wake forest and won the u. S. Amateur championship in 1954. Arnolds achievements on the golf course are nothing short of legendary. Seventime major champion, 1960 and 1962 p and g player of the year, and 92 overall professional victories. Perhaps arnolds most enduring legacy, however, lies in his decades of philanthropic work. He has raised millions of dollars for a hospital for charitable care. He helped to build a 30,000squarefoot Cancer Center and sponsored construction of a Nature Research for all of Westmoreland County to enjoy. Im honored to call Arnold Palmer a son of western pennsylvania as well as my friend and i ask that all members wish him a very happy birthday. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from florida seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognizes the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Wilson mr. Speaker, while the world and Mainstream Media focuses on other world events, the boko haram terrorists continue to bomb, pillage, rape and behead innocent men, women and even children in nigeria. Yesterday i met with some of the girls who bravely escaped from their captors. As the girls relived their nightmare, a trauma of this experience was visible on their faces. I reassured them that congress has not forgotten them and that i will be reintroducing legislation to help safely return their friends and family members and to eradicate boko haram. Mr. Speaker, when i visited nigeria a young woman told me that boko haram beheaded her husband and put his head on the bed next to her as they raped her. Mr. Speaker, boko haram is using kidnapped girls as suicide bombers. Boko haram is beheading men, women and children. Let me repeat, and children. They must be stopped. Tweet today, bringbackourgirls and joinrepwilson. Tweet, tweet, tweet, tweet. Tweet all day. Tweet all night. Tweet all week. Tweet all month. Tweet, tweet, tweet. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentleladys time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from montana seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Daines mr. Speaker, when the president was trying to sell obamacare to the people of montana, we were promised that if we like our Health Insurance, we could keep it. But millions of americans, including 38,000 montanans, were forced out of their Health Care Plans and president obamas promise was named the lie of the year by politifact. The promise he made to montana should be honored. The Employee Health care protection act, h. R. 3522, will protect the Health Care Plans of 50 million americans who get coverage through their employer and provide relief for workers who could see their outofpocket costs increase do you to obamacare. I urge my due to obamacare. I urge my colleagues to support this and help ensure that no more montanans see their Health Care Costs rise or are forced out of plans that they like and that they choles. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from maine seek recognition . Without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Pingree thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, at a time when we were finally increasing access to Health Coverage for millions of americans, those who need it the most are left without. Nearly every day i hear from constituents in my state of maine who are suffering because they are caught in a political battle over the expansion of medicaid. These people are our friends and neighbors and many of them have chronic conditions, injuries or Mental Illnesses that prevent them from working. But because they live in states that have chosen not to expand the program, theyve been left without any affordable options. Instead, people are putting off health care until their needs are critical. Hospitals and Health Centers end up picking up the tab and our economy continues to be strained. In maine almost 70,000 people are struggling without health care because medicaid hasnt been expanded. I call on governors across the country, including my own, to think about these people rather than politics. When they make decisions about health care in their states and expand medicaid now. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. For what purpose does the gentleman from texas seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman from texas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Smith mr. Speaker, the president should listen to the voters and not grant amnesty to Illegal Immigrants by executive order. A recent survey by the Polling Company found that 3 4 of voters want the president to work with congress to change immigration policies, not act on his own. This overwhelming opposition to unilateral executive action is bipartisan. 93 of republicans, 81 of independents and 56 of democrats want the president to follow the legislative process. Voters also support immigration policies that put American Workers first. Supermajorities from all demographic groups say that americans who need work should have the opportunity to do the jobs now held by Illegal Immigrants. They believe that the government has a responsibility to protect American Workers from competition with illegal workers. The president should listen to the voters and put the interests of americans first. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from georgia seek recognition . Mr. Johnson address the body for one minute and to revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from georgia is recognized for one minute. Mr. Johnson thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise today as a member of the safe climate caucus, to urge this donothing congress to acknowledge the dangers and the reality of climate change. This week we got startling news that once again is falling on deaf ears. Here in the house of representatives. The world media Meteorological Organization announced that atmospheric carbon levels reached a record high in 2013. And the Autobahn Society found that nearly half of all bird species in north america, but unfortunately not including the ostrich, are at risk of severe population decline due to climate change. But despite the clear and present danger to the species, the oz terrorismlike members ostrichlike members of this body, have their heads buried in the sand of denial. We can no longer ignore the science. The time to act is now. I support the president s decision to reduce Carbon Emissions and i urge my republican colleagues to take their heads out of the sand so that together we can address this global threat. And i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from illinois seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman from illinois is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. Today i have the honor to stand on the floor of the United States house of representatives to wish my hometown of taylorville, illinois, and my home county of Christian County a happy 175th anniversary. Mr. Davis i was only 7 years old when my parents moved our family to taylorville where my mom and dad were opening their very first restaurant. And while my family has called taylorville home for 37 years, i can say what made taylorville and Christian County a great place to live when we first moved there still makes it a great place to live now. My parents wouldnt have been able to achieve the American Dream without the support of friends and neighbors in taylorville and Christian County. And without a doubt i would not be standing here today if it werent for the help and friendship of so many people throughout my years in taylorville and Christian County. So as taylorville and Christian County prepare to celebrate their 175th anniversary, it is an honor for me to be able to stand here today and offer my congratulations and best wishes. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from rhode island seek recognition . Mr. Cicilline i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlelady from rhode island the gentlelady the gentleman from rhode island is recognized for one minute. Mr. Cicilline its time to get to work on the priorities of the American People but i rise today with serious concerns about the republican agenda which has failed to tackle important issues that would grow the economy and strengthen the middle class. Such as raising the minimum wage, making education more affordable and guaranteeing Women Equal Pay for equal work. Instead of ignoring the challenges facing hardworking americans, we should be investing in their future and in so doing, in the future of our great country. We have a plan that will get the middle class back to work called the middle class jumpstart. This legislative action plan will raise the minimum wage, guarantee Women Equal Pay for equal work, make education more affordable, invest in rebuilding our country and reinvigorating american manufacturing. In order to move our country forward and build ladders of opportunity, we have to invest in our greatest asset, hardworking middle class families. And we have to take action now. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania seek recognition . To address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized for one minute. Mr. Speaker, i rise to recognize the Beaver County Vietnam Veterans of america. I join them in thanking them to our service to our nation as well as the effort to bring the wall that heals, a traveling vietnam memorial, to beaver ounty for the second time. Mr. Rothfus it is a half scale of the memorial in washington, d. C. , and provides greater access that may not be able to visit it. And more at more than 600member strong, it is the largest chapter in pennsylvania and the Third Largest in the nation. Thanks to their efforts, the wall that heals will be in darlington from september 24 through september 28. Mr. Speaker, i can my colleagues to join me in hobbing the service of all vietnam honoring the service of all Vietnam Veterans and thank the Beaver County Vietnam Veterans of america and once again bringing the wall that heals to Beaver County. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized without objection, is recognized for one minute. Mr. Costa mr. Speaker, i rise today because we must pass a longterm reauthorization for the Exportimport Bank of the United States. The exim Bank Provides small and large u. S. Businesses more jobcreating opportunities to sell their products internationally. By providing loans and financing, the exim bank has helped u. S. Businesses compete in International Markets that has generated over 266 billion in export value. Since 2007, businesses in californias 16th district in e san joaquin valleyry which i represent has valley which i represent has provided millions of dollars in loans that helped create jobs in the valley. It supports american jobs and helps level a Playing Field in the face of fierce competition that we experience from countries in asia and around the world. Rather than kick this can down the road, we must pass a longterm reauthorization for the Exportimport Bank. This issue has never been a partisan issue and nor should it be so today. We ought to be dob our jobs and working together doing our jobs and working together. Thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from florida seek recognition . Sorry, texas . I ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend my remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Thank you, mr. Speaker. For the last month i have traveled up and down my district in texas. Mr. Williams they are fed up th washingtons outoftouch recognition when it comes to their money and taxes. Thats why we need to quickly pass a tax extenders bill and focus what they do best, create jobs. Since texas doesnt have a state income tax, texans need to know if they can deduct their sales tax from their income taxes. Business owners need to know if they can continue taking risks and innovating with r d credit and Companies Need to know they are not the target of tax bias by extending the bonus depreciation credit permanently. Ensuring these incentives is a first step to true tax reform. These are sound policies that my constituents want and our economy needs. Lets give america the certainty they need and pass tax extenders and remember the 9 11 victims. In god we trust. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman seek recognition . Without objection, the gentleman from florida is recognized for one minute. Haste haas thank you, mr. Speaker. I mr. Hastings thank you, mr. Speaker. I support my colleague Frederica Wilson in the effort she has undertaken to bringbackourgirls, addressing the horrors of boko haram having extracted these girls from their lives. We also in addition to that responsibility have an exacting responsibility with reference to ongoing circumstances that the president will address tonight. On august 14, nearly a month ago, i wrote to the president asking him to be mindful of a letter that i include in my remarks to speaker boehner. What i said is i respectfully call upon you to Bring Congress back into session so we can meet our constitutional responsibility to address the ongoing crisis in iraq. As you know, the situation there is becoming increasingly more complex and continues to defy easy resolutions. Theres no doubt that the Islamic State will continue to tare rise the people of iraq, terrorize the people of iraq, including the increase of refugees who may be driven from their homes. We must ask exercise, congress our constitutional responsibility. We must ask congress, exercise our constitutional responsibility. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise . Mr. Thompson to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for one minute. Mr. Thompson i recognize Suicide Prevention day which is recognized on september 10. Suicide is a tragedy that touches more than us than you might realize. In addition to an alarming suicide rate, half of soldiers who first attempted it attempted it before enlisting. A large percentage had never been deployed in a combat role. Today as we draw attention to the issues of Prevention Strategies that might save one life or more, im proud to say the house in may passed Bipartisan Legislation that would improve the militarys approach to suicide detection and prevention. While currently the department of defense does a thorough physical assessment, no Mental Health evaluation is performed. The medical evaluation parity for Service Members act will have the enforcement of a Mental Health assessment for incoming military recruits. On Suicide Prevention day, im calling on the senate to pass this important legislation. Our Service Members deserve as much. Thank you and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. For what purpose does the gentleman from tennessee seek recognition . Mr. Cohen to address the house for one minute and to revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for one minute. Mr. Cohen thank you, mr. Speaker. Today in emancipation hall, the United States congress and United States government honored the Fallen Heroes of 9 11 with the congressional gold medal ceremony. Three gold medals, one for the individuals who died in shanksville, pennsylvania, one in pentagon and one for new york. More than 3,000 innocent victims of radical islam. Radical islam and al qaeda continues this day in isis. The president will address the nation tonight about the dangers isis presents to the world, to democracy and to the United States. I plan to support the president in his request for us to join him militarily, economically and in other measures to see that isis does not hit our homeland, attack democracy and create a caliphate that will be dangerous to freedomloving people all over the world. I attended the 9 11 National Memorial museum two weeks ago. Its stirring. It made me think of the heroes, the firemen, the policemen, First Responders and the people on that airplane, but also made me think of the hate of al qaeda and isis. We must respond. We are america. God bless america. Thank you. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. For what purpose does the gentleman from kansas seek recognition . To address the house for one minute and to revise and extend. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from kansas is recognized for one minute. Mr. Yoder mr. Speaker, recent insecurity throughout the world is a reminder that we must be ever vigilant in defending our nation against those who wish to attack us and destroy our american values. Tomorrow is the 13th anniversary of the september 11 attacks and once again we pause to remember the innocent lives lost at the World Trade Center and the pentagon and the heroes on flight 93 in pennsylvania. We also pay tribute to the brave men and women who answered the call of duty and have courageously joined the arm forces to serve our nation and fight the global war on terror. September 11, 2001, changed our great nation. It awakened us to the everpresent threat by those who wish to attack our country and its citizens, but it also stiffened our resolve and unified our nation. Immediately after the horrific attacks, we came together as a nation, the american spirit running high and we remain determined and strong as ever before. As we combat todays threats, our american spirit is enduring and our leadership in the world is the strongest tool we have against terror. God bless america, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. For what purpose does the gentlelady from nevada seek recognition . Ms. Titus i ask unanimous consent to address the house for one minute. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentlelady is recognized for one minute. Ms. Titus earlier today, the republican members of the House Veterans Affairs committee, with one notable exception, voted to deny lgbt veterans the federal v. A. Benefits they have earned if they happen to live in a state that does not recognize marriage equality. The Defense Department provides for lgbt soldiers and their families, regardless where they live, but not the v. A. While theyre wearing a uniform they and their families are covered but once they take it off and become a veteran, too bad. If they live in florida or texas or nevada, too bad. Doesnt matter that they fought to defend this country, not a particular state. Doesnt matter that the v. A. And the v. S. O. s support giving them benefits. Doesnt matter how brave they were, how much they sacrificed or how long and honorably they served. Too bad. They get nothing, according to the republicans. This is unfair and unjust and they should be ashamed for lacking the courage to do the right thing by our nations heroes. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman yields back the balance of her time. The chair lays before the house a communication. The clerk the honorable the speaker, house of representatives, sir, pursuant to the permission granted in clause 2h of rule 2 of the rules of the u. S. House of representatives, the clerk received the following message from the secretary of the senate on september 10, 2014, at 9 22 a. M. That the Senate Passed senate 1934. That the Senate Passed senate 898. That the senate agreed to Senate Resolution 539. With best wishes, signed sincerely, karen l. Haas. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from texas rise . Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, by the direction of the committee on rules, i call up House Resolution 717 and ask for its immediate consideration. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 138, House Resolution 717, resolved, that upon adoption of this resolution it shall be in order to consider in the house the bill h. R. 3522, to authorize Health Insurance issuers to continue to offer for sale Current Group Health Insurance coverage in satisfaction of the minimum essential Health Insurance coverage requirement, and for other purposes. All points of order against consideration of the bill are waived. An amendment in the nature of a substitute consisting of the text of rules Committee Print 11356 modified by the amendment printed in the report of the committee on rules accompanying this resolution shall be considered as adopted. The bill, as amended, shall be considered as read. All points of order against provisions in the bill, as amended, are waived. The previous question shall be considered as ordered on the bill as amended and on any further amendment thereto to final passage without intervening motion except, one, one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on energy and commerce and, two, one motion to recommit with or without instructions. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is ecognized for one hour. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, i yield the customary 30 minutes to the gentleman from colorado, mr. Polis, pending which i yield myself such time as i may consume. During consideration of this resolution, all time yielded is for the purpose of debate only. Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, House Resolution 717 provides for consideration of h. R. 3522, the employer Health Care Protection act. The rule provides for one hour of debate controlled by the committee on energy and commerce, equally divided between the majority and minority. Clarifying amendment has been included to specify the Group Health Plans for the upcoming year can be covered under 2013 plans. The minority is afforded the customary opportunity to offer one motion to recommit should they so choose. This is a fair rule to allow us to give some relief to americans who want to keep their Health Insurance plan but are being told that because of the Affordable Care act they may not. Mr. Speaker, it seems that the president has quickly forgotten some of the promises he made about the American People to the American People about this law. In 2009, in june, in a speech before the American Medical Association, president obama, addressing the house of delegates, said, we will keep this promise to the American People. If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor. Period. If you like your Health Care Plan youll be able to keep your Health Care Plan. Period. No one will take it away, no matter what. In march of 2010 the president said, your employer its estimated will see premiums fall by as much as 3,000 which means they could give you a raise. Its obvious that both statements were not only nonoperational, they were completely false. Individuals and businesses have experienced or will face in the future the loss of current Health Insurance if it does not comply with Affordable Care act coverage requirements. The Affordable Care act is quite simply a job killer. Employers are reducing hours and limit pay increases just to keep up with the demands of the law. Just a few weeks ago the Federal Reserve bank of new york reported that over half of employers are changing insurance in response to the Affordable Care act. These changes arent being done for the benefit of the employees. All across the country employees have lost doctors, seen premiums rise, seen hours cut or had their coverage dropped. This will continue as long as the Affordable Care act continues with the benefit mandates, burdensome taxes and unreasonable regulation. In fact, employers are paying more in outofpocket costs than ever before. Premiums have skyrocketed under the Affordable Care act and access to doctors has narrowed. Today h. R. 3522 offers a solution to this problem. This bill would allow employersponsored plans that were available at any point in 2013 to continue to be offered. This bill would also help protect both employers offering these plans and their employees enrolled in them from the Affordable Care acts costly taxes and penalties. The president recognizes that there are serious flaws in his Signature Health care law. A law that he championed and in fact was written down at the white house. Since the law was passed, the president has signed seven bills into law that repealed parts of the Affordable Care act. Bills that passed both the house and the senate, went down to the president for his signature and he signed them. In addition to these statutory changes, there have been attempts to fix this broken law through a series of unilateral executive orders and regulations. Can we really expect the same administration that wrote this disastrous law to now fix it . Last year the president unilaterally decided to delay the employer mandate. Even the administration doesnt believe that businesses and their employees can handle the burdens imposed by the Affordable Care act. H. R. 3522 is offering the American People a legal solution to get out from under the crushing demands of the health care law. The law would grandfather in employer plans that existed before the law wept into effect , with the passage went into effect, with the passage of this bill before us today, no employee would have to lose their coverage or have their outofpocket costs soar because of the Affordable Care act. Its clear that h. R. 3522 offers the only feasible life line to millions of employees who want to keep their Health Care Plan. It is congress job to protect the American People. I urge men and women on both sides of the aisle to pass this law so that americans will have the opportunity to keep their plans and their doctors and reduce their outofpocket costs. To be clear, this law before us, this bill before us today, if signed into law, will not fix the Affordable Care act. No piece of legislation short of a full fledged repeal could ever achieve that. The bill were voting on today serves to stop the hemorrhaging that is occurring as a consequence of this illconceived government takeover of the American Health care industry. As a physician i know that sometimes its important to just stop the hemorrhage if youre going to save the patient. Thats what the house of representatives will do today. I hope all colleagues from both sides of the dice will support this dias will support this. I encourage everyone to vote yes on the rule and the underlying bill and stand with millions of americans who are losing their employer Health Coverage and access to their doctors, despite what has been promised to them repeatedly by this disastrous law. Mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from colorado is recognized. Mr. Polis i thank the gentleman for yielding me the customary 30 minutes and i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Polis thank you. You know, im hearing quotes given about what people promised when and whats happening now and yet under this very rule that were nsidering, i fail to see how its consistent with promises that our current speaker has made. Our current speaker in january 5, 2011, promised, quote, you will always have the right to a robust debate and an open process that allows you to represent your constituents, to make your case, offer alternatives and be heard, end quote. Furthermore, to my friends on the minority, i offer a commitment, openness. And yet how ironic that this very rule is the 75th closed rule of the 113th congress. What is a closed rule . A closed rule means that even if democrats or republicans have great ideas about how to improve, amend a bill, theyre not even allowed to be discussed or voted upon on the floor of the house. A closed rule means the only say that i get as a member of congress and my friend gets is to say yes or no. We dont get to improve upon the idea, we dont get to make it work better for our country, we dont get to offer changes that will reduce costs to taxpayers or improve the efficiency of the bill. We had a commitment from this current speaker to have an open process and yet here we have before us the 75th closed rule. This is the Diamond Jubilee of closed rules that we are celebrating here on the floor of the house today. With this 75th closed rule that doesnt allow my democratic or republican colleagues to bring forth simple, commonsense ideas to improve the bill before us and make it work for our country. In addition to the Diamond Jubilee of closed bills, we also have the 53rd attempted repeal of obamacare, of the Affordable Care act. Now, we get that. Our friends on the other side want to repeal the Affordable Care act. Weve heard that. This is the 53rd time weve heard that. Whenever our colleagues on the other side are serious about rolling up their sleeves and working in a bipartisan way to improve the Affordable Care act , to make it work better for our country, to increase competition, to reduce costs, we are happy to have that discussion. Myself, im the sponsor of several bills to change the Affordable Care act, as are many of my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. But instead of having that discussion, were having the 53rd vote to repeal the Affordable Care act, under the 75th closed rule of the current congress. Now, i think the American People are learning no longer to be surprised by these kinds of maneuvers. We wonder why the Approval Rating of congress has a record low of 12 . There was a commitment from our speaker to allow us to represent our constituents, to allow us to make our case, to allow us to offer alternatives. Now, were going to do that under the previous question, were going to do that on the motion to recommit. But in terms of actually being able to amend this bill, the process has been closed. Not only for my fellow democrats, but from the many fine republicans who have ideas to make this bill better. And make health care more affordable. This Congress Deserves better and i know we can do better. Now, i know that under this rule my colleague, mr. Burgess, managed to have his amendment included. A selfexecuted amendment in the rule. That means by passing this rule theres a special amendment that actually becomes part of the bill. But we dont even have the opportunity to debate the merits of that amendment. Whatever they are. But any other ideas, from democrats or republicans, closed down for the 75th time, not even able to bring them forward. Now, my colleagues have a lot of ideas for improving the Affordable Care act. Im the sponsor of a number of bills. Rather than bringing forth the 53rd repeal of the Affordable Care act, lets move forward. The countrys ready to go. Lets make sure that americans that have used the Health Care Marketplace tone roll in affordable, highquality health care are able to finance doing. So lets make sure that we improve the Affordable Care act rather than end it. Instead of rolling back protections that benefit millions of americans, lets get back to work on the issues that matter, like reducing costs in health care, like fixing our broken immigration system, like raising the minimum wage and like and making sure that we can get our economy going with an infrastructure investment. For instance, on Immigration Reform alone, this bodys failure to act continues to cost taxpayers money every day. Theres a bill that passed the senate with more than 2 3 majority, its not easy to do over there, if that bill was simply allowed to come to a vote in the open process that the speaker promised, allow us to vote for our constituents, i think it would pass. We have a bipartisan bill in the house. Its called h. R. 15, its a version of the senate bill. We can bring that bill forward under a rule. Lets do it. It will pass tomorrow and address our broken immigration system, save taxpayers over 200 billion over 10 years, create hundreds of thousands of jobs for americans, secure our borders and make sure that the rule of law in our country is restored. The longer we put that off, the worse that issue becomes and the harder it will be to address it. So again, while this bill is an anniversary of sorts, the Diamond Jubilee of closed bills and the 53rd attempt to repeal the Affordable Care act, it doesnt offer anything new to the American People and it doesnt allow democrats or republicans who have thoughtful ideas for improving the Affordable Care act to bring them forward at all, to be discussed on their merits or voted on here in this body. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado reserves. The gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, ill reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from colorado. Mr. Polis thank you. Id like to yield two minutes to my colleague, the gentleman from connecticut, mr. Courtney. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from connecticut is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Courtney thank you, mr. Speaker. And i rise in opposition to the rule. Again, mr. Polis i think very powerfully stated again how this majority once again is denying a free and open amendment process or even a limited amendment process with this totalitarian version of debate. But i also want to speak in opposition to the underlying bill. We heard a lot about skyrocketing premiums. I come from a state where a governor actually embraced the Affordable Care act and what we saw just a few days ago with the new premiums that are released for 2015 was reported on by kyser Family Foundation, which is the Gold Standard for health care reporting in this country, is that the state of connecticut is going to see a 4 reduction in the plans sold through the Affordable Care act exchange. My friend from colorado is one of the real lucky states, theyre looking at a 15 reduction in terms of their silver plans that are sold through the exchange. Again, this chart, which we have prepared for today, shows that rather than skyrocketing premiums, what were seeing in state after state after state in terms of premiums for next year, were seeing either reductions or very modest increases. The bill that we have were going to be voting on later today would actually damage the progress thats being made in a lot of these states because it basically expands plans that protect discriminating against people with preexisting conditions, which sadly is what the Insurance Market looked like before the Affordable Care act was passed. It allows cherry picking plans that picked healthier populations as opposed to what were seeing with the plans that have been implemented and now are high functioning. 256,000 people enrolled through the exchange in the state of connecticut last year, shattering all the projections that h. H. S. Had set forth, because we had a high functioning website, kudos to the governor, but also because people voted with their feet. When they got the facts and had a chants to look at what chance to look at the coverage that was being offered and the price that it was going to cost, they again shattered all the projections and we are poised to move forward again next year. Can i have another 30 seconds . The speaker pro tempore is recognized for an additional 45 seconds. Mr. Welch since the enrollment ended for the individual market, the shop exchange, the small market is called, tripled in terms of Small Businesses in the state of kentucky that enrolled, again, with protections so that people with preexisting conditions who were born with diabetes or arthritis are not going to be shut out of the market which these old plans that the cassidy bill seeks to enshrine and enlarge under the provisions that of provisions of that legislation. We need to talk about ways we kimm prove the law. This is a huge, terrible step backwards which for all these states which are seeing rate reductions for 2015 would be lost. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yield back. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Burgess i yield myself two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, its an interesting recitation. I wanted to draw my colleagues attention to bloomberg view, an article from september 9 of 2014. Just a couple of paragraphs in the article. Talking about reissue rates. The prices are not being based on claims data. She points out the Companies Began studying these rates, and im quoting, the Companies Began setting these rates a few months ago after open enrollment closed. Because so many people bought in the last few weeks, they had no meaningful idea of what their expenses would be. That is the Insurance Companies, and further quoting, the companies that are coming in are looking to gain market share and not make a profit. Continuing to quote, the other reason we cannot learn much from these data right now is that for the next year insurers are operating under the expectation of large subsidies from the Obama Administration via the various reinsurance provisions in obamacare. Hese provisions expire in 2016 continuesing to quote, right now its not very risky to write a policy that loses money, because your losses are capped. Starting in 2017 all that changes. Insurers are going to need to price policies with the expectation of making money and the fear of losing it. Mr. Speaker, what the what megan is saying is right now you dont really know much about the renewal rates on insurance policies because there is distortion in the market because of the reinsurance provisions in the Affordable Care act. I will share this with you, about insurance in the texas federal fallback exchange. I bought a bronze plan on blue cross blue shield. Most expensive insurance i ever had in my life. Trying to plan and trying to budget for next year, i cant, because here we sit, september 10, and i do not know what the renewal rates are going to be. In all likelihood i will not know until around election day with very little time to plan. Ill reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from colorado. Mr. Polis if we defeat the previous question ill offer an amendment to the rule to bring up two pieces of legislation. The first is the stop corporate inversions act of 2014, and the second is a constitutional amendment to address the issues surrounding Citizens United. To discuss our proposal i yield four minutes to the gentleman from florida, mr. Deutch. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for four minutes. Mr. Deutch thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank my friend from colorado for yielding. I rise to urge the defeat of the motion on ordering the previous question on this rule. Most americans would be outraged to see the 113th congress on track to be the most Unproductive Congress in this nations history. Return from a five week recess only to waste more time. Yet thats whats happening today with the g. O. P. s 53rd attack on the Affordable Care act. We could be doing so much more. We could stand up against special interests and advance the American Peoples priorities. We could raise the minimum wage to prevent big corporations from paying workers starvation wages. We could stand up to the gun lobby and pass background checks to stop criminals from buying guns online. We could stand up to companies that use fancy corporate inversions to skirt their responsibility to pay taxes towards american infrastructure, american schools, and american research. Yet these priorities will just as suredly ignore this 113th congress as they did in the 112th. Mr. Speaker, its no coincidence we are not dealing with the peoples business today. Since the 2010 zort decision in Citizens United, congress has become mired in disfunction. The peoples house is now paralyzed by the threat of attacks from corporations and a handful of billionaires with their super pax and secret front groups. When members spend more time fundraising and dodging superp. A. C. Attack ads, working on Bipartisan Solutions and championing their constituents priorities, our democracy is dysfunctional. And that dysfunction is a form of corruption. Its money from the left and the right and it is only getting worse. This year the Supreme Court ruled 54 in mccutcheon that the wealthy have the right to hold more influence over elected officials than actual voters. This idea threatens our entire system of elected selfgovernment and we have an opportunity to take action today. I urge my colleagues to do the courageous thing. To do the right thing, join me to support the democracy for all amendment, h. J. Res. 119, to amend our constitution and overturn these destructive Supreme Court rulings. In the senate this week, our colleagues are considering senatorue. Calls companion to my constitutional amendment. While the senate has this important debate about money and politics, this house is rehashing tired old attacks on obamacare that everyone is sick of. The democracy for all amendment is simple. It says that the American People have a right to pass laws protecting the integrity of our elections by limiting money and politics. Its time to get money out and voters in and end this pay to play democratcy. I urge my colleagues to vote against the motion ordering the previous question to allow consideration of the democracy for all amendment to overturn Citizens United and allow the American People and not the special interest to once again set the agenda in washington. Mr. Speaker, our bill of rights guarantees free speech, but free speech is not free. If only the wealthy can afford it. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado mr. Polis the gentleman from florida, mr. Deutch, certainly convinced me, mr. Speaker. I hope he convinced you as well, that rather than preeling the Affordable Care act for the 53rd time, lets take this body back from the special interests and return it to the people of this country. And his motion will do that if we defeat the previous question. Mr. Speaker, to discuss the other proposal if we defeat the previous question, im proud to yield 2 1 2 minutes to the gentleman from michigan, mr. Levin. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for 2 1 2 minutes. Mr. Levin i urge we defeat the previous question for two reasons, and i want to speak to one of them. Right now corporations can move their tax address overseas and avoid or lower their u. S. Taxes. Middle class and other typical families cannot do that at all. They cant simply change their address and lower or eliminate their taxes. Since the beginning of this year, more than a dozen large corporations have announced their plans for inversions. And yet they will continue to benefit from being headquartered in our country. Taking advantage of everything this country has to offer, whether its our wealth of educated workers, government funding of basic research, tax credits like r d, or other robust financial markets. And they will pay less in u. S. Taxes. So much that the american tax base is expected to lose 20 billion over the next 10 years if we do nothing to address the issue. And who will make up this difference . Basically middle class taxpayers. And the republican answer . To do nothing. Leave town next week. Or some say to wait for tax reform at some undetermined time. Republicans are taking the president to court for use of executive authority, his executive authority. At the same time, republicans in this house failed to use their own authority, failing to do their job. Addressing this issue cannot wait. This is an immediate problem that requires an immediate legislative solution. Voting no on the previous question provides all of us an opportunity to do just that. And will allow us to bring up legislation to address this problem. If you vote to move the previous question, essentially youre ying i rubber stamp this inversion process where corporations essentially move their address and lower or eliminate their taxes. No one should be doing that. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, i reserve at this time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas continues to reserve. The gentleman from colorado. Mr. Polis thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from maryland, mr. Sarbanes. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Sarbanes i thank my colleague for yielding. I urge a vote no on the previous question as well so we can allow consideration of the democracy for all constitutional amendment, which would allow us to put some reasonable limits on this outside spending, these huge expenditures of funds by super p. A. C. S and outside groups crowding out the voices of everyday citizens. When i go around my district, when i talk to people, the average person feels like their voice cant be heard. When they go in to the political town square to try to make their views known, theres a megaphone being held by these super p. A. C. S and these outside groups thats drowning out the voice of everyday citizens so that their opinions, their perspective cant be heard. If you go to a town meeting, usually the way they organize it, is you sign up and everybody gets a chance to talk for five minutes. The way the systems headed with these super pax, because there is no p. A. C. S because there is no limits on the amount of speech they can buy, if you go down to the town hall meeting now, in a sense, you get there and you find out that some super p. A. C. Has reserved 59 minutes out of the hour of time for talking on the issues. And everyday citizens only have one minute left. Thats why we need some reasonable limits because the big money is taking over the microphone. And they are not letting anybody else have their opinions heard. A constitutional amendment, the democracy for all constitutional amendment, i want to salute my colleague, ted deutsch of florida, for leading the effort on this. Would put reasonable limits in place so that everybody can have a voice. So that everybody can participate in a pluralistic Democratic Society where all voices are heard. I urge that we vote no on ordering the previous question to allow consideration of this important constitutional amendment to give a voice back to everyday citizens out there in our country. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, i reserve at this time. The speaker pro tempore continues to reserve. The gentleman from colorado. Mr. Polis thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Yarmuth. The speaker pro tempore without objection, the gentleman from contract contract is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Yarmuth i thank the gentleman for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise to oppose the previous question and to urge support of the democracy for all amendment that we intend to offer if the question is defeated. The last thing Congress Needs is more special interest candidates who dont answer to the American People. The Supreme Court decisions in Citizens United and mccutcheon have opened the floodgates of unlimited spending on campaigns, protections against special interest influence on our elections have steadily eroded along with Public Confidence in government. The result is campaigns dominated not by ideas, thoughtful debates, or visions for the future but by television ads, mostly negative, and mostly funded by unaccountable outside groups. In my state of kentucky, Mitch Mcconnell and his special interest allies have spent more than 8 million running nearly 26,000 tv ads in our commonwealth. The vast majority from outside groups attacking mr. Mcconnells opponents, many bend the truth and intentionally mislead connecticutans, which is a lot easier to get away with if the attacker isnt accountable to votes. Under our current political system, these groups are allowed massive influence over our campaigns, much more than any average citizen or group of citizens could ever exert. Its a system riddled with loopholes, lacking meaningful disclosure, and more washington corporate influrens than ever. In kentucky, mr. Mcconnells race is expected to cost 100 million that. Would pay the annual salaries of about 2,000 public schoolteachers in our commonwealth. While senator mcconnell and others supporters of the Citizens United decision call this freedom of speech, its actually the freedom to deceive. To be fair, dishonest ads are coming from both sides, by both parties. These are ads made possible by Citizens United. And if the Washington Post fact checker had to present real pinocchios for all the dishonest ads made possible by Citizens United, gentleman peto would be japetto would be the busiest man in america. Thats why we need to pass this amendment to put a stop on run away special interest campaigns and return congress to the people it was meant to serve. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas. Mr. Burgess i reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado. Mr. Polis thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to yield two minutes to the gentlelady from maryland, ms. Edwards. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from maryland is recognized. Ms. Edwards thank you, mr. Speaker. I thank the gentleman from colorado for yielding. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in support of defeating the motion on ordering the previous question. The g. O. P. Has put forward h. R. 3522, which would undermine the Affordable Care act by putting Insurance Companies back in charge of health care for everyday americans. Thats right. I mean, its not a surprise. Putting corporate special interests instead of the interests of the American People ahead. And so instead theyre now taking the 53rd vote to undermine the Affordable Care act. We could be enacting a commonsense constitutional amendment, as my colleagues have said, that would better serve the peoples interest. The democracy for all constitutional amendment seeks to address the failure of our current political system. Where the megaphones of moneyed interests are now drowning out the voices of ordinary americans. Since the Supreme Courts decision in 2010 of Citizens United, which struck down the limits on independent Campaign Spending by corporations, we have actually seen those with deep pockets threaten our democracy. Spending unlimited hidden amounts on our elections. And it gets worse with each passing election. Two years ago outside groups, including more than 1,200 socalled superpacs, spent 970 million in our elections. Thats nearly 1 billion in secret dark money. And its not fair. And the American People know it. 123 mfl unanimous cash was also spent million of unanimous cash was also spent. Spending totaled nearly 7 billion. And earlier this year, in another Supreme Court decision, which struck down decadesold caps on the total amount that any one individual contributed to federal candidates in a twoyear cycle, now those individuals, and there are only a handful of them across the United States, can contribute unlimited amounts from their own pockets into elections. And the result has only increased the role that money plays in american politics. Undisclosed political spending will once again reach record levels in this november election. Recently the center for responsive politics announced poll policy yield another minute to mr. Polis i yield another minute to the gentlelady from maryland. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady is recognized for an additional minute. Ms. Edwards recently it was announced that dark money has already exceeded 50 million million. Seven times that was accrued at this time in the last midterm election. Just as Justice Briar wrote, where enough money calls to the tune, the general public will not be heard. While we are not being heard and thats exactly the position that we find ourselves in today. Because as the Republican House votes to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care act for the 53rd time since its enactment, they have given us a choice. The republicans want us to choose corporate insurance special interests or we can choose the interests of the American People by passing a constitutional amendment that would restore democracy, government and our elections back to the people of the United States. Its time that we pass this constitutional amendment, mr. Speaker. I urge my colleagues to defeat the previous question and let us begin to address the interests of the American People. Thank you and i yield. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, ill yield myself two minutes. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas is recognized. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, i just want to address the issue of the Insurance Companies. They have never enjoyed the type of unprecedented power that they have today until the passage of the Affordable Care act. The Insurance Companies, executives from the Insurance Companies meet regularly down at the white house with the secretary of health and human services. Were not privilegey to those discussions. We have no earthly idea what goes on in those meetings. But we do know that Insurance Companies are enjoying unprecedented profits right now, since the passage of the Affordable Care act. Their profits have increased. Their stock prices have increased. And why is that . Because of the individual mandate that was included in the Affordable Care act. No longer does an Insurance Company need to be interested in a longitudinal relationship with their insured. Youve got to buy what theyre selling. Dont even get me started on their own networks. Narrow networks which can confine a patients ability, restrict a patients ability to see a doctor or dep to a hospital, see or go to a hospital, see who they want, buy the medications that they need or be reimbursed for the medications they need. A lot of that has gone out the window. Talk about people with preexisting conditions. Most of us buy on price. Since we buy the lowest cost price on the bronze plan we find ourselves confined by narrow networks. Whos really now prejudiced against a person with a preexisting condition under the current arrangement . This bill today does not undo the Affordable Care act but it provides one little more measure of sanity for patients who wanted to keep their insurance policy before this regime took over. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from colorado. Mr. Polis thank you, mr. Speaker. Id like to yield two minutes to the gentleman from tennessee, mr. Cohen. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from tennessee is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Cohen thank you, mr. Speaker. I appreciate the time. This is a tremendously important topic because this congress unfortunately, and our government, is affected so much by political contributions. One man, one vote, because of baker v. Karr, exists, but that one vote is not equal to the voice of corporations or individuals with unlimited amounts of money. The fact is, those people, those corporations have got more voice than any one persons vote. Most members of congress spend a great deal of time raising money when they should be studying issues, listening to debate, participating in debate. Listening to constituents. The amount of money thats in and determines who comes in this body is beyond anything the framers of the constitution ever imagined. The amendment that we offer would allow the congress to put limits on the amount of money that can come into this system. That perloins the idea of everybody being equal and one man, one vote, and thats representing people equally. It simply gives congress the power to put limits. Why . Why anybody in this congress would object to giving congress the power to set limits on corporate spending involving campaigns and taking away the fundamental aspects of democracy that each person is nsidered to have a voice and their perspective presented on this floor and an equal opportunity with those that are the most wealthy. Theres nothing that affects this house in a more adverse wathan money. This amendment way than money. This amendment can help this house to be more representative of the great democracy that we represent and intend to represent and make it the democracy that its supposed to be. And it simply gives congress that power. Mr. Polis i yield an additional 30 seconds. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Cohen so i urge us to allow this amendment to be considered and voted on, to uphold the idea that each individual in their position is sacred and equal and that money is taken out of the system to the best possible ways and the corporations dont continue to have the extraordinary influence they have on this body. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, ill reserve. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from texas reserves. The gentleman from colorado. Mr. Polis i yield to the gentleman from texas for the purpose of unanimous consent. Mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent to place in the record statement opposing h. R. 3522 and ask unanimous consent to do so. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Polis id like to inquire of the gentleman if he has any remaining speakers because ere ready to close. Mr. Burgess no, i have no additional speakers. Im prepared to close. Mr. Polis ok. Im prepared to close. I yield myself the balance of the time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Polis instead of focusing on rolling back protections for the benefits of millions of americans for the 53rd time, this house should get back to work focusing on real problems like the need to overhaul our broken immigration system and replace it with one that works for our country. Instead of solving immigration problems facing our nation, the house continues to vote on bills that take our country backwards. Before we left for recess five weeks ago, the house voted to deny dreamers the ability to stay here and subject them to deportation proceedings. This bodys continued failure to act on comprehensive Immigration Reform means that the president must act instead and for more than a year ive come to the house floor to decry the fact that House Republicans have failed to move any Immigration Reform bills to the floor this entire congress. Any bills to secure our border. Any bills to provide provisional work permits. Any bills to require workplace authentication. Not a single one has been brought to the floor of the house. Now, im deeply disappointed that the president has put off taking action on this bill until after the november elections. But the president will have no alternative if this Congress Continues to fail to act. Sadly, over the next two months the Current Administration will continue to deport tens of thousands of hardworking mothers, fathers, sisters and brothers because of the lack of courage of this body to act and because the president has continue continues to refuse to act with the authority thats already granted to him by nature of his office. Now, im hopeful that the president s failure to act right now means hell go big and bold tomorrow. But the truth is, the president cant do it all alone. He needs congress. If were serious about securing the border, it will take an appropriations, it will take resources from this body to secure the border. Im confident the president will do whatever he can with the money and resources he has to do it. But if this body is serious, we need to require the president to secure the border and make sure the president has the resources to do that. Im hopeful the president will use his powers to reform our antiquated visa program that restricts employers ability to hire key talent and only provides an additional incentive for companies to prove move overseas so that they can hire the people they need. These are issues that the president can and should address now, not just when politically convenient. Unite families, make america more competitive and challenge congress to get Immigration Reform done. Of course any relief the president provides would be just a temporary fix. Only this body can find a permanent solution by rewriting our immigration laws to restore the rule of law with regard to the 11 Million People who are here illegally, to reform our visa and green card systems going forward, to secure our borders, to ensure workplace enforcement and make sure that we can facilitate legal commerce between mexico and the United States. But once again, rather than addressing the issue that came up the most of any issue in my 10 town halls, Immigration Reform, instead of doing anything to address that issue, e are faced with a 53rd repeal of the Affordable Care act and the 75th closed rule. The Diamond Jubilee of closed rules that dont allow democrats or republicans to offer a single amendment to this bill, even amendments that are germane, that improve the Affordable Care act, that have bipartisan support, consensus support, are not even allowed to be discussed for even 10 minutes on the floor of this house of representatives. I ask unanimous consent to insert the text of the amendment in the record along with extraneous material immediately prior to the vote on the previous question. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Polis mr. Speaker, i strongly urge my colleagues to vote no and defeat the previous question. Vote no on the underlyinging bills. And i underlying bills. And i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back the balance of his time. The gentleman from texas. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, i yield myself the balance of the time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Burgess mr. Speaker, in 2006 the democrat manifesto, a new direction for america, states, quoting here, bills should come to the floor under a procedure that allows open, full and fair debate, consisting of a full amendment process that grants the minority the right to offer its alternatives, including a substitute, end quote. The fact remains that when the democrats took control of the house, they did precisely the opposite. Throughout the 111th congress, the final two years of representative pelosis time as speaker, the first two years of the Obama Administration, the house never considered a single bill under an open rule. That is the definition of a closed process. Under republican control, the house has returned to consideration of Appropriations Bills under an open process, with 22 rules. With 22 open rules. This year the house has considered 404 amendments, 189 of which were offered by the democrats. When you compare the record of the republican majority, the most recent democratic majority, any fair analysis will show that the republicans are running a more open, transparent house of representatives. One word on the previous question, defeat of the previous question would not allow any of these proposals that weve heard about today to be considered because they would not be germane to the rule. So i do urge my colleagues to support the previous question. Todays rule provides for the consideration of a critical bill to protect millions of americans who are facing the loss of their employersponsored Health Insurance and that they were promised, a promise is a promise, they were promised they could keep. I thank dr. Cassidy for his thoughtful piece of legislation for his work in this effort. For that reason i yield back the balance of my time. I move the previous question on the resolution. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The question is on ordering the previous question on the resolution. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the ayes have it. Mr. Polis mr. Speaker, on that i request the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore the yeas and nays are requested. Those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. Al a sufficient number having arisen, the yeas and nays are ordered. Pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this question will be postponed. The speaker pro tempore the chair lays before the house an enrolled bill. The clerk senate 231, an act to reauthorize the multinational Species Conservation funds emipostal stamp. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause b of rule 20, the chair will postpone further proceedings today on motions to suspend the rules on which a recorded vote or the yeas and nays are ordered or on on which the vote incurs objection under clause 6 of rule 20. Record votes on postponed questions will be taken later. For what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition . Mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill s. 276. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk senate 276, an act to reinstate and extend the deadline for commencement of construction of a Hydroelectric Project involving the American Falls reservoir. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Whitfield, and the gentleman from new york, mr. Tonko, will each control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from kentucky. Mr. Whitfield i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material in the record on the bill. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Whitfield mr. Speaker, at this time i would yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Whitfield s. 276 requires the federal Energy Regulatory commission to reinstate the license and extend for three years the deadline for commencement of a Hydroelectric Project involving the American Falls reservoir. Hydropower a critical component of our all of the above Energy Strategy and this bill will help facilitate the construction of an affordable and reliable source of domestic electricity. As many people around the country understand, many members of the house and senate have very strong differing views with the president and his administration over the direction that we are going on energy in america. Particularly the impact that regulations are having on the electric Generation System in america. It looks like hes going to be creating a lot of chaos. But when we have projects like this hydroproject and American Falls reservoir, i think theres unanimous agreement that we need to move forward expeditiously on these types of projects. And this bill passed the u. S. Senate and i would urge all the members of the house to support it. At this time i wouldle it reserve the remainder of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Tonko mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Tonko thank you, mr. Speaker. I support the American Falls reservoir hydropower legislation. Introduced by senators risch and crapo of idaho. The bill would authorize the federal Energy Regulatory commission to reinstate the license or a Hydroelectric Project involving idahos American Falls reservoir. It gives the project three additional years by which to begin construction. This bill allows ferc to get this project licensed expeditiously while ensuring that the appropriate environmental analyses are completed and considered. The noncontroversial legislation before us today has passed the senate by unanimous consent in two consecutive congresses. With that i urge my colleagues to support this measure and i yield back the balance of my time. It the speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from kentucky virginia tech. Mr. Whitfield i also yield back the balance of my time on this legislation and urge its passage. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass senate bill 276. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, it the gentleman from kentucky virginia tech. Mr. Whitfield i object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and make a point of order a quorum is not present. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on this uestion will be postponed. For what purpose does the gentleman from kentucky seek recognition . Mr. Whitfield mr. Speaker, i move that the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 5057, as amended. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title. The clerk h. R. 5057, a bill to amend the Energy Policy and conservation act to permit exemptions for external Power Supplies from certain efficiency standards, and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the rule, the gentleman from kentucky, mr. Whitfield, and the gentleman from new york, mr. Tonko, each will control 20 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from kentucky. Mr. Whitfield i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to evise and extend their remarks and insert extraneous material in the record on the bill. The speaker pro tempore without objection, so ordered. Mr. Whitfield mr. Speaker, at this time id like to yield five minutes to the gentleman from colorado, mr. Gardner, who is an important member of the energy and Commerce Committee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from colorado is recognized. Mr. Gardner i thank you. I thank you, mr. Chairman, for your leadership on the energy and power committee. I certainly appreciate the work you have done on Energy Independence. Mr. Speaker, i rise today in support of the e. P. S. Service parts act of 2014. This bill simply seeks to achieve congressional intent of the Energy Independence and security act of 2007 regarding exemptions for Certain Service parts. Id like to thank my colleague, congressman tonko, for working with me on this legislation. Id also like to thank chairman upton and Ranking Member waxman for bringing this bill to the floor. In the 2007 Energy Independence and security act, congress recognized the need for manufacturers to continue to produce and distribute service and spare parts to be used with older, out of production products that didnt comply with the new energy efishen regulations produced by the 2007 bill. The most common forms of e. P. S. Products are laptops, desk tops, tablets, printers, and network products. Products we use every day. Congress anticipated issues surrounding older Service Parts. The 2007 bill provided that from july 1 of 2008 through june 30 of 2015, the Energy Standards would not apply to e. P. S. Made available as service or spare parts before end use products manufactured before july 1, gate. The reason for this legislation is to make a technical correction to provide explicit authority for the department of energy to create a similar exemption when the department of energy updated their e. P. S. Standards. The existing language in the 2007 bill, according to d. O. E. , has the opposite effect. It prevents d. O. E. From extending its exemption in his rule making on e. P. S. Efficiency standards. The Service Parts act is in line with the original intent of the 2007 energy bill. It allows for continued production and distribution of replacement e. P. S. For equipment manufactured before february 10, 2016. The Effective Date of the new d. O. E. Efficiency standards. By passing this legislation the bill will benefit both u. S. Consumers and manufacturers. It will allow manufacturingers such as dell or hewlettpackard to maintain and distribute supplies for older equipment. It also allows for warranty and contract compliance by these manufacturers. Without this, the manufacturers would be required to qualify service on spare e. P. S. Parts at significant expense solely to support products that are no longer in production. Manufacturers would also be forced to destroy existing inventories. They would have to be destroyed that were intended to support Service Spare parts. Also in addition to Meeting Energy efficiency standards, the redesigned parts would also need to be recertified to all the applicable safety, he a fishency, and environmental specifications. Because of the low volume of service and spare parts, this would be a very costly and job costing undertaking for manufacturers. Companies have estimated increased costs in the millions of dollars with no corresponding benefit to Energy Savings for the consumer. This bill has the support of the Information Technology industry council, the alliance to save energy, the American Council for energy efishen economy, the association of Home Appliance manufacturers, the Consumer Electronics association, the National Association of manufacturers, and the national and the Natural Resources defense council. The bill saves money and avoids a Regulatory Overreach not intended by but accidentally instigated by a previous congress. And i urge my colleagues a yes vote on this bill. Again thank you to my colleague from new york, mr. Tonko. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from kentucky reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Tonko thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Tonko thank you, mr. Speaker. I rise in support of h. R. 5057, the external power supply Service Parts act of 2014. I thank my colleague, representative guard next and chairman upton, and Ranking Member waxman for their cooperation and support in bringing this measure to the floor. External Power Supplies have become regular fixtures in homes and workplaces around the world. As we have expanded our use of rechargeable batteries to power the many electronic products we use every day. Because these products are so common, lowering their power consumption translates into substantial Energy Savings for consumers and savings for businesses. Earlier this year the department of energy finalized a rule to strengthen the Energy Efficiency standards for these products. I support that rule. H. R. 5057 is not intended to undermine the new standard. H. R. 5057 simply creates a shortterm, targeted exemption to enable a smooth and orderly transition to the new standard for both manufacturers and for the current owners of equipment purchased prior to the adoption of the new standard. This narrow exemption enables manufacturers to continue to provide service and Replacement Parts for existing equipment. It allows owners of equipment to keep it functioning for the full intended life of that given product. The bill ensures the exemption included in this legislation will not result in a significant delay in reaching the new Energy Efficiency targets, or e. P. S. Equipment. The bill provides d. O. E. With the authority to establish a reporting requirement to track the number of parts that are shipped and of those that do not meet the efficiency standard. If the Department Finds that this exemption is undermining the Energy Savings that are projected under the new efficiency regulations, the secretary can issue a rule to limit or rescind the exemption. H. R. 5057 strikes an appropriate balance, i believe, that keeps us moving forward on efficiency goals for external Power Supplies while providing manufacturers and owners of current products the assurance that service and spare parts will be available. Again, i want to thank my colleague, representative gardner, for working with me and working with our colleagues on this bill. I urge all members to support the legislation. With that, mr. Speaker, i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york reserves. The gentleman from kentucky is recognized. Mr. Whitfield mr. Speaker, i also want to thank mr. Tonko and mr. Gardner for being the cosponsors of this legislation. Thank mr. Waxman and mr. Upton for working with all of us to bring it to the floor. As well as the staffs on both sides of the aisle. As both mr. Tonko and mr. Gardner stated, this bill is a technical correction to existing law that will allow external power supply manufacturers to continue to sell Service Parts compatible with Older Technology to the benefit of consumers and manufacturers. Its a good piece of legislation and i would urge all the members to support this legislation. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from kentucky reserves. The gentleman from new york is recognized. Mr. Tonko mr. Speaker, we have no other speakers. With that i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new york yields back. The gentleman from kentucky virginia tech. Mr. Whitfield i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The question is, will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill h. R. 5057, as amended. So many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed no. Mr. Whitfield i object to the vote on the grounds that a quorum is not present and i make a point of order that a quorum is not present. The speaker pro tempore ok, in the opinion of the chair, 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, however, pursuant to clause 8 of rule 20, further proceedings on the question will be postponed. Pursuant to clause 12 guest the last one is the most powerful of the four. Sometimes we live it live around it all the time and are not aware of its reality. But electromagnetic pulse has been something that military planners have had to consider for years. Clear back into the cold war. Had se soviets electromagnetic pulse weapons designed to create a pulse above the atmosphere or at least significantly high in the atmosphere. If that would disrupt electronics and other crucial equipment. And we have since then probably spent now in the billions of dollars hardening our military apparatus, our nuclear triade, our Nuclear Defense mechanisms, our missile defense, so that we can survive in an e. N. P. Laden environment. Yet our civilian grid is unprotected. And our military depends upon that grid for about 99 of its electricity needs without which it cannot really affect its mission. We are being completely derelict when it comes to our civilian grid which is vitally important to not only our military compapibility but our way of life and even life itself. Host Economic Impact as well. Guest the Economic Impact is almost immeasurable. I think the big issue we need to consider is what would our Society Look Like if we lost our grid for months or years . If you look at it carefully and really think through it, it becomes almost an unthinkable scenario. Ost electromagnetic pulse attack, e. M. P. , as you said. Explain how that type of attack would work on the civilian grid. Guest first of all there are two types of electromagnetic pulse. There is the manmade and natural. The natural e. M. P. Is something that comes from a minimum wageor reaction from the sun. We first learned about that back 1859 when a gentleman saw sunspots and saw later a major lse that interfered with photograph all over the world. If that pulse would hit society, we engineered ourselves into a major vulnerability. We have become sort of victims of our own sophistication. Thats one. July of 2012 there was a minimum wageor action that missed the earth by about two weeks that could have been catastrophic to our society. The second one is manmade, electromagnetic pulse, thats by High Altitude magnetic pulse which is generated from the gamma ray emission of a Nuclear Warhead that creates a massive rush of ionize particles toward the earth and overloads equipment and power lines. And then there is the third really its a subdivision of the manmade and thats the i. E. M. I. Thats where we create electromagnetic interference with instruments or generators of that sort. Host is the manmade option that you talk about, the nuclear type of attack on our electrical grid, what evidence do you have that that is a real threat, and who is making that threat . Guest the reality is that you always have to deal in potentials here. There are two components to every threat and thats intent and capacity. Certainly there are people out there that have the intent to hurt america in the worst possible way. The question is, do they have the capacity . And there are certainly people who have the capacity to hurt america in the worst possible way and the question is do they have the intent . If you look at russia now, they would have the capacity to hit us with e. M. P. Attacks that would be devastating. The hope is they dont have the intent w a group like isis, they certainly have the intent. The hope is we can prevent them from vgget capacity that some country like iran might get Nuclear Warheads. Isis and iran are at odds with each other, but the truth is that if jihad itself gets ahold of Nuclear Weapons, then the implications are profound. Host what are you saying needs to be done . Guest we need to harden our grid. I have two bills in the congress. One theres a good chance well be hearing from as early as next week. Its called the Critical Infrastructure protection act. And essentially it insin waits into our National Planning scenarios. E. M. P. Like we do with hurricanes, tornadoes, earthquakes, and that helps us use our space monitoring to try to know if something potentially dangerous is coming. And secondly, to try to prepare for it in every way we can. Finally, to try to recover from it. The second thing it does is it creates a Major Research and sort of Development Effort to develop the ability to harden our grid against the third, createse, is that it ii a report back to congress so that we know what they have done, which is really what the agency, the Homeland Security department, is meant to do in the first place. Host is the house going to vote on this . Guest i think the committee will mark this up probably next week. Thats the plan. But you know theres a lot of things that are vying for that time. The second bill is the shield act, which is really the important bill. It sets a National Standard for how hard our grid should be or impervious it should be to electromagnetic pulse and creates a commitment that we will use hardware based solutions to make it hardened. Host who should foot the bill . Should it be the federal government or these companies . Guest the truth is to fix this grid in terms of being able to provent a worst Case Scenario. Its not meant to have a comprehensive fix and make sure that all the cell phones and radios work. But be able to make sure we have a supply of electricity. We dont have that catastrophic situation. Its not an expensive situation for 20 cents a year for the average rate payor. We can host the consumer would pay. Guest the consumer would pay, but the cost would be so minimal to each consumer that its almost negligible. Host how much does it cost in general . Whats the price tag for hardening the grid . Guest for about probably 3 billion over the next five years we could harden the grid where we wouldnt have to worry about a major catastrophic kind of rolling blackout. That would be the main kesh i would have. A comprehensive fix is much more expensive than that. If we Start Building into whether its our controls or all of our electronics, hardening as we go forward, its not expensive. It adds about 10 to the average Electronic Component of any system. But the main thing right now is that our grid, major components, like our g. S. U. s and our transformers are the things that im concerned about because if those are destroyed or damaged, we dont have the industrial capability to recover quickly. Host lets get to calls. Elizabeth up first. Pennsylvania, democratic caller. Hi. Caller hi. Just wanted to that i really appreciate what hes saying. Normally when a representative, whether republican or democrat, all they do is bicker. And talk against each other or usually the president. Hes actually working for something thats going to help American People. That is just so refreshing. I thank you. My second point very quickly is if 10 centsnd here and sew cents there for gas, food, and the other starts to add up. Aybe split it. Companys profits and some come from the consumer and some come from the government so we all share a piece of it. Thank you very much. Host congressman . Guest first, i appreciate the tone and disposition of the caller. Its kind of nice to get somebody thats being kind once in a while. The last point she makes is a good one. But its important to keep in mind most of these utilities are public utilities. So they are their costs are built in and passed along to the customer either way. The cost of it is something that really helps the utilities in the long run. If they are hardened effectively, then many cases they can run their grid or their grid assets or components at a higher capacity, which more than pays for the hardening. Its not something that we should look at as a cost burden because it really isnt a big burden. Its not free. But we buy insurance on our homes thinking that they will probably never burn, but we still buy the insurance. In this case this is an insurance policy. When you have an enemy out there that is aware of this vulnerability to maintain that vulnerability is to invite attack. And its something that is long overdue. And i see all of the major decisionmakers finally coming together on this. We have been working together on this a long time. The e. M. P. Commission came out and spoke to the Armed Services committee in 2000 i believe it was 2004, and they have spoken to us again since. I for one am very grateful for their work because now its beginning finally to man fest in what i hope will be significant policy changes to mitigate the problem. Host pikesville, maryland, lewis, independent caller. Caller thank you for taking my call. On the art bell show, coast to coast the other night, they announced there may be a massive c. M. E. In the next few days. I just noticed 10 minutes ago my tv, i can only get to be announced. I cannot get any index of future programs. All i see is to be announced. It i wonder if we have a mass ejection now happening. Secondly, if you harden the military and government grids, and you dont harden the civilian grids, doesnt this give the government an upper hand . I appreciate your taking my call. Thank you. Guest i thank you for the call. I think that in terms of predicting chrome mass injections, we dont have the ability to do that in a way that would give us longterm warning. There are it some abilities to observe the sun and see what its doing and see where there might be growing sunspots. But its something that we have doll empirically, but about every 105 years is the general consensus we have a major, or approaching that kind of intensity. And the hope is it doesnt hit the earth. Or the hope is that somehow the earths atmosphere is polarized in such a way its more protective of the earth. In terps of the government wanting to get the upper hand here, i just wish they would Pay Attention to the vulnerability itself. I think that would take care of it. I think that would be the greater problem. Im not so concerned about the government plotting to take down the civilian grid while maintaining their own capability. Believe me if the civilian grid is taken down, there will be enough chaos to go around. Host we are talking about representative trent franks, republican of arizona. Hes got two pieces of legislation dealing with hardening the nations civil electrical grid. Thats our topic here this morning. Could be a potential threat from another country. Manmade or from a terrorist group or natural threat as the congressman was just talking about. Chris next in brooklyn, new york, a republican caller. Hi, chris. Caller dwoom. Tax free. Currently there is a utility within the state but thats the way to fund it without having a national way. I just say this that hawaiis is different is and there are different people that are providing energy in different ways. Id really like to see more federalism in this. Thank you for taking the call. Guest well, id like to tell the caller that im in complete 100 agreement. I think that these efforts should be as much as possible in the private sector and to try to use the competitive free market to come up with the best solutions. That is certainly my effort. I struggled with the shield act to try to get it passed for a long time. We had it up in committee. But its primary premise is to look to the private sector to come up with both the standard of protection we need and the type of equipment. Its rather agnostic. If its a good answer thats what well go with. Im a free market republican and believe that the free market has a better answer almost all the time than a collective approach. Republican. I believe very much if the free market has a better answer all of the time, then the approach. St but the challenge weve had that bill really bottled up for time. G when the Critical Infrastructure protection act, cipra came to open up re able the field of discussion. Because the Homeland Security committee. Importantly, the chairman of the rules committee, sessions, joined as an bill. Cosponsor of this it made all of the difference in the world. Respected around congress. Hes a senior member. Hes led the Republican Party in ways. Different so his involvement in this has in all of the difference the world. Were starting to see significant movement. Im hopeful. Host karen, chester, pennsylvania pav, democratic caller. Thank you for cspan. Epresentative, thank you for doing. No disrespect intended, but people in America Needs to wake up. Happens, we will not have audio. Utility for many years. I know what it looks like. If this happens, we have no no water. Gas, food. They have no idea what youre talking about and what the severity of it would be. Host lets talk about that. Guest i appreciate the the callers heart. Because its easy to pass this ff for something a few overwrought citizens are concerned about. True. Not this is a very grave concern for our country. Again her scenario of not having the ability to move food and water and electricity, all things that the electric infrastructure supports is a inaccurate one. There are about 16 what we label as major Critical Infrastructures. And the electric grid is vital of them. 14 or 15 its one of the things that we engineered themselves. Its the 1600s, im not sure. 90 london fire it burned of london. It wasnt that they didnt know about fire at the time. Began to buildey their houses too close and become a little too arrogant bout what scenarios could potentially ensue. This fire caught them by surprise. Hey had themselves in vulnerability like we had on a totally different scale. It was devastating. Is the price tag for a blackout. How long might a blackout last . Example i , the only could give you in recent days had. Ne in quebec that we because of a mass ejection. I believe, in the billions of dollars, i think nine or ten hours of a blackout. The reality is this is far less expensive to fix than it is to try to remedy. Host natural or man made or ck on the civilian lectrical grid in this country could last hours . Weeks . Months . Guest thats the danger. If we do have a worst Case Scenario. I want to choose my words here. The effort we impede to fix this is for somehow for people to think were overstating it. The truth is in a worst case a major if we have effect impulse of that magnitude, it could see our irreparably for months or years. And i dont even know how to what that means for our Society Given the way we agregrian. O longer greatest of outlooks. Whats the outlook . Matter of priorities, understanding, im encouraged see in re starting to the United States congress i hink the cipra if its given a chance will pass. We had a act here part of a much version. But it passed the house unanimously. It went to the senate. The senators have different ways of looking at things every once in a while. Thats the part that stopped the bill. But im hopeful that there are that i dont want to have to describe or understand lockedeps the shield act senate. E host hear from danny next in florida. Republican caller. For thank you so much attacking this topic. Because i know when i talk to it, they look at me as though im an alien or alarmist. N but i live here in florida, i know one of your other callers problems here in florida regarding our electric companies and how they operate. Like to see more federal control here of that. Question is, with washington actually in a grid ock, how are we going to take care of our grid . And get these bills passed . Host i believe guest thats a good question. Theres no pun include there had wa being grid locked. One encouragement i have is this seems to be largely bipartisan. Democrat support for this for legislation like it in the past. I dont think partisanship will issue. I do hope the white house will respond effectively to this. I dont want to take this in partisan direction here. But i am dumbfounded that the hite house has not been more forthcoming this area. They talk some about the natural but they talk almost never bout the potential of an enemy exmroilting this vulnerability, especially in the 911 world that lived in. And in recent events of the world, terrorists dont have to to a Nuclear War Head damage our grid. I dont want to get into too much detail, but its been in in the open now in the could t that Terrorists Attack our grid with kinetic bombs, major weaponry if done coordinated right could be very, very serious. Host tomorrow, the 13th 11,iversary of the september 2001 terrorist attacks. Talking about this here in the washington journal tomorrow as obamas speechnt that he will be giving to want, 00 p. M. Eastern time on the threat posed by isis and how he plans to combat that threat. Congressman franks. You want to hear from the president . Well, you know, im trying so here. Hough be bipartisan this is an area where i think he president has failed the country in the most profound way. If the president had listened even to the warnings of george ush, george bush said, you know, if we withdrew from iraq he said this is not an exact quote. Station andnge this others to look at his words. If he withdrew before the it was time to do so, then we would face horrific mass killings. Only have to uld see american troops return. And confront an enemy that was more dangerous. That sounds almost prophetic as here. Ts happened a few members, 55 members and i, bout three months ago before isis had done all of the damage that theyre now guilty of doing, wrote a letter to the telling him how this s this was because administrations known about isis for years. They put out reports showing the damage theyve done trying to gain financial support. Its like a corporate report. Astonishing, i think its annual. Makes a difference. But this should not have caught the administration by surprise. You know there isnt there is a moment in the life of almost every problem when its be seen and still addressed. Gh to be and when isis first started to come to iraq, it would have to keep them e out. But this president simply ignored this situation. Crisis. Ace a it appears to me well see, plans topears to me he follow the george bush model hat he criticized so vociferously of putting together a major coalition and going after the bad guys which is do. Ctly what we should he owes george bush an apology of the most profound nature. Host president obama does . Guest absolutely. Chaney met behind closed doors. Hes talking about the danger of isolationism. In the new man york times talks about the conversation that the former ice president had with the republicans. He said Vice President cheney id not discuss the fact that many isis leaders wither former Iraqi Military officers who were mprisoned by the american troops nor did he dwell on the sectarian divisions and blood american nce the 2003 invasion. The crux of the argument centered not on mr. Obama but isolationist voices on the rise of the party in the 2016 president ial campaign. Lot of convoluted meaning there. Vice president discounting the significance the vice resident in my judgment is correct in trying to suggest were in re in if isolationist mode that we are in danger in this country. I believe that. Trotsky that said you may not be interested in war, but war is interested in you. And so the president the vice suggest and criticize isolation. I believe that. That they are going through Something Different is hysterical. Hats always the blame game we see the friends on the left doing, blaming america it wasnt americans that were at the airplanes that hit those buildings. And this is something that comes ideology that feels transsen dentally justified in innocent people to further their religious goals. Eradicated n if not from the country and human devastating e a danger and heart ache for a long time to come. Cspan radio telling our audience moments ago before we president will not ask for boots on the ground. Do you agree with that decision . Guest i hear that phrase all time. I wonder what the special operators and advisors are going to be wearing. To be wearing ballet shoes . The notion is that the boots on have some seems to special meaning to the president. Withdrewhe fact that he precipitously that advanced isis into iraq. That beggars my ability to articulate within the confines of the english language. Yet, this president will along, skate across it and act like hes got nothing o do with it in the world in the Public Policy choices. Were facing isis now because president vacillated and ignored reality and was so busy criticize george bush for dealing with a real problem that he he overlooked it himself. I think that somehow this wants us to take a vacation from history and thats want to do ins to his answer to everything is just another speech. Matter isng to really if he will have the courage and the commitment to do whats dismantlenow to to and destroy isis. Ecause if he doesnt, america could face very serious concerns and problems in the future. Pennsylvania, n independent caller. Thanks for hanging on the line. Go ahead. Caller hi, good morning, greta, good morning representative french. Good morning, sir. Caller i Vice President been on here for quite a while. Was, i spoke i with a young fellow from washington, d. C. I dont know what department he worked in. Subject came up about istrolling the weather which going to be an issue next year for subsidizing the running for campaigns. But my point is today, representative, there is a book brought it up before, written by dr. Nicholas beggage, activist physician from alaska. Is a alaska, there tation up there and also in puerto rico that has the capability of doing exactly what youre talking about. This technology was invented the and modified at tesla technology. It was modified in the 80s. Of star wars t that the that the ronald about. Had talked and atlantic Power Technology a subsidiary of invented refinery that these products. 10 patents came off of it. Can modify weather. That was my subject with the young fella. But modify weather. Host have the congressman weigh in. Uest i cant speak to the Weather Modification aspect of it. I can suggest to you that you correct in that theres Significant Research and emp lopment in the area of generation. The two things we need to understand in detail is the intensities we face from electromagnetic pulse from a warhead or the sun. We have to know what those intensities will be. We have to understand what those impact those intensities will have on our grid, for how long, how destructive those will be and mitigate accordingly. Host we go to lake placid. Good morning, richard. Caller good morning, gretta. Good morning, representative franks. Guest how are you . Caller a couple years back, maybe less than that, senator Lindsey Graham made a comment if we did not go to war with syria that charleston, South Carolina, would be subject to a Nuclear Attack and he was talking about e. M. P. Type or whatever. Also, there was a brunch of stories floating around the internet about Government Units trying to get possession of Nuclear Weapons from Nuclear Storage facilities. To get units trying possession of Nuclear Weapons Nuclear Storage facilities. This happened but the military and responsible commanders from navy and the army and the intervenewere able to and retake the possessions of the Nuclear Weapons which, you of custody and all sorts of securitytype stuff. But these types of stories were floating around the internet. You please comment on what senator graham meant when he aid if we did not go to war with syria, there would be possibly a Nuclear Attack on charleston, South Carolina. Guest Lindsey Graham is a very close and valued friend of mine. I dont know his exact words. So i have to inject my interpretation. Point, syria was Building Plant that could have allowed them to have plutonium production capability. Replica, ost an exact a mirror image, i should say, as in pyongyang in nock north korea. Continue wed that to to be built, perhaps syria could ave regained a Nuclear Weapons capability at some point. Thank god the israelis, that plant was destroyed. E should be grateful to our ally, israel, that had the courage to do that. The did a Great Service to whole world. But what senator graham is terroristsf we allow ponsoring nations or nations that are willing to use a blackmail or terrorism to effect their goals, that at some point we could have a in one of our american cities, and i think million. On that. S correct host sherry from arkansas, independent caller. Caller good morning. Host good morning. Caller i live out here in rural southern arkansas. And i have been such. Ing up on emps and oh boy is it scary from what i read. So we have started to prepare. Im wondering, ask the congressman, does the do you in the government have any ind of publication that we could order or anything out we could get our hands on to educate the american potential o the devastation of Something Like this . Host yeah, okay . Congressman . Is there . Guest there have been 11 major government studies now, on the g the commission electromagnetic pulse that have in depth died this that civilians can order and look out. I would suggest you take a look of the xecutive summary Emp Commission report. Very act judgment rate. I was going to suggest people contact the heritage foundation, theyve done extensive study and policy. Rity they have excellent studies on it. The American People are more esponsive to this issue than government officials have been. Has been b a major the drum, especially in military at first. The military is doing a great job. Theyre doing what they should do to harden the assets. I applaud them for it. Purview over the civilian grid. Hey need it badly for their missions. So theyre kind of in a difficult situation. To the people are responding this. The reasons we sometimes had trouble wrapping our minds in a long time ago, someone said to deal with this comprehensively, you would have harden every element of our electric infrastructure, every tr, refrigerator, even, every car. Those are all important considerations. If we had to do that comprehensively, its a job big for us. Rick maintain oure likt grid, the ability to have electricity, we can deal with inconveniences. If we have to do without electricity the way we have society, its a devastating thing for us. I have 6yearold twins that me than i could possibly express. And people wonder are you creating some sort of underground facility or and or trying to beready to recover survive Something Like this . The answer is no because i see a worse Case Scenario so bad that think that all of my time should be on should be spent on preventing it. Thats what were trying to. O host cdog on twitter said representative franks, its time for a smart grid. Waste 30 of our electricity, europe wastes 6 . Ill get joseph and then you can respond. Host republican caller and last. You can respond to both. Guest okay. Caller i have a question. Here fighting with isis and theyre want to come to s, iraq has their money and theyre ready to revalue the urrency, why does mr. Obama keep telling them to hold off, hold off. If thai get their own power, help fight can themselves. Overpricedy is it was and overinflated. To revalue or reconstitute the raqi currency is not going to have a tremendously Significant Impact on their economy or their ability to fight. Thats one thing. Related to the previous question about a smart grid, our smart problems. Ne of the im all for the smart grid because it we have we do have smart grid technology. And it allows us to share load throughout the different grid in the country where we have a number of different power grid companies. Nd its very important that we do have that. But the problem is is that smart the grid to grated such an extent if theres a outage, one system can affect the other. Its not just a minor effect. One can throw load to another. And we can take out the entire grid now. Is wet weve done, again, outsmarted ourselves. Nd i would just say that ultimately, this is a in some ways, what the israelis call a attractive problem. It has great serious ramifications. Its a tremendous threat. But its fairly straightforward to address. Ive and i believe its time we get on with doing that. Is paying white house attention. Oth to isis and to the things that relate to our civilian infrastructure. Nd that we Work Together to make sure that our children get to continue to walk in the li the house remains in recess subject to the call of the chair. Sources are saying that votes are a little bit delayed due to a member briefing on isis. When they return theyre expected votes on a Health Care Related bill and efforts to defeat that bill. Tomorrow, theyll extend government funding past the end of the month. Well have live house coverage when they return on cspan. And the president will give a speech to the nation on strategies to defeat isis. That starts on the cspan networks at 9 00 eastern following your phone calls, participation, tweets. Again, that starts at 9 00 eastern on the cspan networks. While we wait for the house to return, a discussion from this mornings washington journal, Domestic Violence. Washington j. Moore andre with gwen she has been a lead voice in the house on Domestic Violence, sponsoring a reauthorization act of 2012. What is your initial reaction to the ray rice video and the nfl response . My reaction was why did we have to see the video to understand that this was , againstagainst women a woman. Reports were that she was rendered unconscious. That was enough for me. I did not need the visual to understand how devastating this injury was to her. Have done whatd any ray rice case . Much i am baffled by so discussion, this great indictment of the nfl, the ravens team, i am wondering, as a legislator, what happened to Law Enforcement here . What happened . She was arrested instead of being taken to the hospital . If ray rice had been hit on a football field and rendered unconscious for two minutes, he would have been airlifted off of the field. The best medical facility in the region and given an mri immediately. I have not heard any reports that there was any medical treatment given to janay. I find that appalling. Were the advocates . Where was the da . Where was the court system . My understanding, greta, is that basically, ray rice does not have to face any further Law Enforcement activities. Talking about what the ravens should have done, with the nfl should have done, and he is not going to experience any legal consequences for his behavior. Host what should have happened . What are the laws on the books . Guest i can tell you that he was arrested. She was arrested as well. They left and went home. Think what shouldve happened, there should have been a real assessment about the danger that she was in to have been rendered unconscious. There was a great deal of anger and rage and i would be concerned about them leaving and going home together. Someone did spend the night in jail. Of a how prevalent situation is Domestic Violence . Prevalent. S very it has decreased substantially by two thirds since we passed the violence against women act. The violence against women act has provided resources to womentes, shelter for escaping from abusers. It has brought together the best practices of Law Enforcement, the district attorneys, court system, even the medical profession. When women show up at a hospital, they are routinely there areher or not suspicious injuries. The violence against women act is the 20th anniversary today. It has raised the consciousness although threend women a day die at the hand of an abuser. Host 64 reduction in Domestic Violence since the violence against women act was passed in 19 94. Todays the 20th anniversary. You were the lead sponsor of the reauthorization of that act. What was added to the law under the reauthorization . Guest it was difficult to get it over the finish line, but we added protections in for native qmerican women, and for lgbt women. Reauthorization, a native American Woman did not have the protection on tribal lands against a nontribal member. We have heard reports of stories of how men would drag native women back onto tribal land to beat them, rape them, knowing they could do it with no consequence. Women had been victims notiolence and they were taken seriously. Often they were not admitted to lgbtqrs because of the status. We remedy that with the reauthorization. We work hard to enhance opportunities for immigrant women who are often held hostage reallyr status and looked at enhancing protections for young women, collegeage reauthorization. A time when women are strictly vulnerable. Host a usa today editorial says major institutions like the nfl have a role to play in the message that the send. Themessage they send is message they send to society. They should get serious about this type of issue. Enator of connecticut riceor blumenthal said ray firing is not enough and that maybe the nfl should get some special scrutiny from congress on this. What message does it send it to a young boy who might aspire to be an nfl player, to know that the consequences for smoking a joint is more consequential than rendering your wife or girlfriend unconscious . That workplaces, not just the nfl, ought to have some code of conduct for their employees. Especially something as visible as the nfl. Should be Congress Give nfl extra scrutiny on this . I am not sure that congress ought to do anything. Seennk the nfl we have it is very capable of creating a code of conduct that is ofmiserate with the status the organization, with the kinds of salaries that these men render. If they can have a policy , theying use of drugs know what the local laws are. I think they ought to respect the laws on Domestic Violence. He should not have been playing a game the day after rendering his wife unconscious. Do anot think we need to congressional eye for them to realize that is just tone deaf. Host you think companies should be able to fire an employee if they have committed Domestic Violence . Guest there are many hot to a franchise like the nfl. If you are married and you have a Health Insurance plan, presumably, your wife and children would be covered by that plan. It will cost you greater premiums, there is a cost to a company for having a violent employee. Noticecently, i got a from my Insurance Company saying we will no longer in sure you if you have a pit bull in your house. If you have a pit bull on the job, that would bring consequence to the company. Host caller hi, how are you this morning. Hank you for taking my call host good morning. Caller i think that your host you got to turn the tv down. Just listen to me through your phone. Caller okay. Im sorry. Host there we go. Problem. Caller i think that from the nception of the first incident hats reported, that something eally needs to be done at that juncture. Because most of the time the women who are affected by this i know this firsthand. Grew up in the house hold, there was nobody there to help us. The thing is that the police to called, the person went jail. Then the person went released. Then it happens all over again. The person thats being abused, something is given to them where theyre not made to feel guilty, nothing is going to change. It is a selfesteem and selfrespect issue for the individual. Nothing short or nothing long about that. So if that person lacks those themselves, s about they have an issue. Host can i ask, what would abused selfesteem . It caller that has to come from within. A family come from structure. Not everybody has that in place, unfortunately. The thing is we are who we are matter what we do in this life. You either feel good about yourself or you dont. Been a victim of this kind of a house hold as a child, my confronter which turned out to be my father. E used to beat my mother constantly. And i faced him until one of the aser relatives, his brother, a matter of fact, challenged him, whether or not i was going to have him arrested. I n it was my turn, challenged my own father. After that, things changed. Not on behalf of my mother, it was on behalf of me and my uncle. It has to start from the beginning. Theres just too much of it. I see it every day. Okay. Patricia . Ris congresswoman . Guest i was not at all the way that jada rice reacted from the very beginning, victim. Him as the she took responsibility for it happening. Im sorry about my role in making this happen. Then her latest host posting on instagram . Guest yeah. Instagram about how everyone is victimizing her husband. For one thing, according to all news reports, she shes a stay at home mom. Shes economically dependent upon him. And this is this is the story of a victim. This i dont think that is something that patricia that is necessarily innate. That the role of the violence against women act and he Advocacy Services that are provided really can help her esteem issueshose o get to a place where she can stand up for herself. You know, shes done everything she she has a real stake at keeping her family together. It wont workr to take llow him to the victim stance. She is the victim. That til he acknowledges he did wrong. And that she is in fact the victim, and he gets the right counseling and the right, you know, righting im afraid that their family may not last. Host is there something more . Congress . The government can do . S there more needed in the victim the the violence against womens act . Need well, we always more resources. Always there are theres tremendously more need than there are resources. And, you know, the the izations occur best practices of Law Advocates are rought to bear on what what the next reauthorization ought to include. Need to be able to their men deal with economic imprisonments, show to speak. Mean, there ought to be transitional housing, lowercost retraining for women. Because so many women stay in the ships because of because of the Economic Impact. Obviously has access to more income than do other other women. At whatever k point, you know, if this relationship is not going to ought to enforcement be there to make sure she has to kind of Economic Freedom so that she doesnt have to stay in this relationship. You know, i would venture to risky to think its say this, patricia, but i would time is is not the first he hit her. Host carol on twitters said i poor, tand the extremely abused spouse who feels as if way out. O but one who is married to a rich man could leave. Thelaura says, is it really nfls responsibility to deal with crime . Kelly in rome, georgia, republican caller. Hi, kelly. Caller hey, thank you so much for taking my call. Yes. Agree a lot with what your guest is saying. Has upset me is miss rice is definitely a victim. I do not want to revictimize her again. Most problem is that women do tend to stay with the with with on based on financial reasons. My problem is whats going on in media and everything is that continue to look at her as pathetic person lied. She she about what happened in there. She knew the video. Have resources. She could be a strong woman now to come out and stand up. She married him. No, im not ve said oing to marry you right now until you go through intense counseling. She could have had a big platform. She has his child. Access to a Million Dollar player that would have supported her and her child. Host kelly, paul in pennsylvania, democratic caller. Your thoughts. Greta. good morning ms. Host good morning. Gwenn. Good morning miss guest hi. Aller i would like to commend you for your persistence on this issue. It needs to be addressed. Ts a major problem in this country that people tend to overlook, so to speak. I have a childhood friend who relationship for many years, many she had a circle warnednds, a family that relationship she was in. Of ended up being the victim a murder suicide. It was an eighthour standoff police. Scene. Just an ugly its something that people need to wake up to. I commend you for your ctions on this so host okay, congresswoman . This unfortunately, happens too often. Known personally known several women who have lost their lives. And like i say, you know, the perpetrator doesnt wake up one day and kill you. Signs that there are friends and relatives that see all the time. I think its extremely important people who are around these women to warn them. It doesnt go from zero to murder. Not in one day. Ith regard to jay in as behavior, i do think that she doesnt necessarily see she has Resources Available to her. And she feels not married to he man until the day after was indicted. Of legal s a lot finagling to be able to have her nowhusbands money. So i do think that she just of thousands of women stay in relationships ecause of certain economic dependency. But it is incumbent upon friends advocate ves and the community to try to support so that they can see their way through. Would hope the best for their relationship. Perhaps there are some sort of occur. Ntions that can wakeup callis a huge to mr. Rice. It is possible that he could eal with his anger in a professional way. Just janabe more than signing off on the intervention to get his job back. Something he will take seriously. This piece is on the website. Instead of asking women why they why theyshould ask men hit. He whyistayed is well intentioned but a good answer to a bad question. And she writes that its a good impulse, but a bad question. Why did you leave is to domestic what is why were you out so late is to rain. It puts the focus on the victims choice to stay rather than the abusers choice to hit her. Julia, portland, democratic caller. Hi, julia . Hip, i was just basically wanting to call in because i am Domestic Violence. The video, i was really taken back, it brought back a lot of memories. So i i dont know why i stayed for as long as i did, but honestly say that this young woman needs to get out of that relationship. And this man needs counseling. I ause it does i mean, didnt care. When i seen the video, i didnt care how much money he had. This young woman and her life. Host can i ask you, what you,rces were available to legally, police . Advocates . Uest the police were all the police were always very kind. Remove him always from the house. E would always break in in the middle of the night. Scaring my children. My husband, he was being very abusive. Blaming. Cusing and and just not being absent pretty much and accusing. Just, you know, always just a really violent type of behavior. And thats what ive seen in the elevator for this young woman. Host did you know about the violence against women act . Caller i am aware of it. I just recently decided to get my literally, just leave the person because it ou know, where the person couldnt contact me or call me or anything. Hides a you know, love multitude of faults. I dont care, give the money up. Get safe for you and your children, you know . I mean thats basically what it down to. It doesnt come down to money or this mans career. To this man literally violated this woman. Host congresswoman . Its so true. You know . But its so much easier said than done. You know, i was so appalled that they they were arrested, both went home. I would have been terrified to get in the ack and same bed with this man who just unconscious. An attempt sort of to resuscitate her, revive her, just drug her out of the elevator. At risk now. Hes lost his job. So im very, very concerned safety now. His se to the extent that career is on hold or perhaps ruined. Uest they didnt have a quote unquote policy. And part of what enables Domestic Violence to the shame waited is and the silence. You know . Ad jada not been in that elevator, had she been rendered unconscious at home, no one would even know about it. Abusers, k, you know, rapists, really rely on women coming forward. In order to be able to continue it. This is a silent crime. Host based on that point. Edwin on twitter wants to know whats your evidence, act, the oman that the violence against women act has reduced violence. Reported show 23 are and less go to court. Guest well, my evidence is numbers of women that are rescued from situations they called hotlines, they they get out of relationships. Get job training. There are men who are renewed and restore their families that are saved. And to the extent that women have options and alternatives, they they dont allow it. What might have been five, of accepting an abusive relationship, women get out of it right away. Home, north in carolina. Tom, independent caller. Caller yes, maam. Host good morning, tom. Caller good morning. I was i served ten years as a olice officer and i went through a number of Domestic Violence calls. Case, it seems that very, very low selfesteem and the man controls way. N every problem is even though we separate them, the to owing days, she refuses sign a complaint form and the handcuffed. Is the reason ray rice married her assure you he did not have the protection of spousal privilege. Cantg can be said she be compelled to say anything against him now. Thing is prior bad acts . Ray rice t the same that was ten years ago who was on trial for was a criminal accomplice in a murder for hire . Host we we dont know that. Tom. Nt know that, husband s point about and wife privilege, congresswoman guest i you know, they had been together since 2008. That passionate moment that so many women look asks d to when the man them to marry them, it occurred the day after he was indicted. Im just saying host but legally, is that a comes up that often for women of Domestic Violence, compelled y cant be to testify against guest yeah, that is a that protection for the men. What weve been saying all greta, is that jada has like the typical victim. And shes been protecting him, protecting his career. Trying to prevent him from enduring the legal consequences behavior. And not looking at herself. Protection. Even her medical health. Host is that a common occurrence of women with Domestic Violence . Guest verier, very common. This is not an outliar. The pattern for for women. And the the Police Officer is correct. Know, maybe we do need some lays and this is not necessarily congressional act, but in state need some s, we do laws where, you know, under some circumstances, this is not sign off for women to on a complaint in order for them to take legal action. Rendered n youre unconscious. Like i said before if ray rice were lying out there on the unconscious for two woulds, trust me, the nfl have put all of their resources getting him medical treatment. Why is it that she can be dragged out of the elevator and off to jail. And the d. A. Said you didnt complain. Go on home now. If thats the policy. Guest boy. Host what about the guest i thinkid its extremely important to know that victims of Domestic Violence are victims and there are predictable behaviors with regard to not reporting. Regard reporting. I was outraged when jillenbrand wrote a book talking about how she was a victim of sexism. Prove dy jumped on her, it. Who was it . Who was it . This is why women dont report. Dont report because people immediately blame them. Immediately indict them. You know, question, what their involvement was. Jana was drug out of the employees he hotel thought, oh, shes drunk. Assumed the ely worst of her. I think i heard kim gandy say, know, just this morning that have this tant to discussion discussion. This is the biggest discussion weve had about Domestic Violence. Hope its going to be an opportunity for america to look at this case and realize this is for the for the predicament that women find themselves in. Are economically dependent. A narrative n into of blaming themselves, trying to rescue the perpetrator. Perpetrator not taking responsibility. I think is occasion, one of the reasons people have upset about the nfl and the ravens is because they resources l of these around him. Lawyers and statements. Minor at occasion. Jana . Ho was there for not even a person to make sure was okay after having been rendered unconscious. Marlboro, maryland. Ann is watching us there. Democratic caller. Hi, ann. Caller hi. Im glad to get in. Im an elderly lady, probably than miss moore, however, there is another side of Domestic Violence. When women deliberately have they out of wedlock, and pursue these men because they see a potential or a career, and its all of this money. They do it for money. Court system is skewed toward the woman where no atter whats happening to the mans health or whatever, then hey demand certain amount of money and this is the he has to take care of her, even though to marry the other. I understand from the tabloids that this there was a fight outside of the elevator. And they were boxing each other of the elevator. I understand they were both drunk. So the falling down in the elevator didnt have to be with the strike. Be with the strike and the alcohol. She spat in his face and ran up in his face. You can see that on the video as him. Gh to hit so theres more than one side to this Domestic Violence. Host congresswoman . Guest well, you know, theres more than one side to every story. Her. Ould not are hit i have two sons, they had better not hit any woman. Know . Unless shes ready to take his life or something. You know . Hes a football player. Of so i dont know what kind boxing she was doing that threatened him. No excuse to beat a woman. No excuse. That youe bad behavior talked about, you know, she got regnant on purpose, you know, tried to trap him into a marriage. He didnt want to marry her. May not be may or true. He should not have punched her lights out. South bernice, columbia, carolina. Independent caller. Hi, bernice . Columbia, South Carolina is the number one state in the nation for domestic for the and counted ten most murders of women of their usbands, their fiances, their boyfriends. We are subjected to so much iolence even after calling the police and the investigators, i begged them, i called the military hospitals. Called everyone. I had a i have a career. Nurse. Registered but i also got really, really sick. The hen someone knew about case, knew about the rape charges. Even submit it to the solicitors office. I had a restraining order. I did everything i could. I called help lines; i called i called i. D. No one would help me. You know what theyre telling me . Dont talk. Be quiet. Dont say anything. Things are going to change. Its not going to change. Im not from here. Im here based on military. I supported my husband from him being an e6 to a commander when a nurse. And i worked, i was beat up. From iraq. E back posttraumatic stress. I stayed with him. I prayed. Life. In fear of my i have two beautiful children i have a son at west point. Have a daughter in college on a scholarship. Beautiful children. I have a career. I am independent. I got out, ut when another abusive relationship with the city, the county, the nvestigator who has been talking to me the whole time, who knew about it. But when i protected myself when you tonight lling because no one would take his house from me. He would say this. Is going to take my bars from me. No one is going to help me. Because public defender i have no money. But my disability. I had to switch apartments. Is scared to death. My son is saying thank god im west point because theyre wonderful up there. Host what help did you get military . Aller i got no help from the military. I gottcalled the v. A. Well leave the rest of this to go live to the nours a few votes, including one involving the health care law. Following o. Ordering the previous question on House Resolution 717, adoption of House Resolution 717, if ordered, the motion to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 2678, if ordered and the motion to suspend the rules and pass h. R. 4751, if ordered. The first electronic vote will be conducted as a 15minute vote. Remaining electronic votes will be conducted as fiveminute votes. The Unfinished Business is the vote on ordering the previous question on House Resolution 717 on which the yeas and nays are ordered. The clerk will report the title of the resolution. The clerk house calendar number 138, House Resolution 717, resolution providing for consideration of the bill h. R. 3522, to authorize Health Insurance issuers to continue to offer for sale Current Group Health Insurance coverage in satisfaction of the minimum essential Health Insurance coverage requirement and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is on ordering the previous question. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a 15minute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 227, the nays are 196. The previous question is ordered. The question is on adoption of the resolution. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The the gentleman from colorado. Mr. Polis i request a recorded vote. The speaker pro tempore a recorded vote has been requested. All those in favor of taking this vote by the yeas and nays will rise and remain standing until counted. A recorded vote is ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 233, the nays are 187. The resolution is adopted, without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. Would members clear the aisles, clear the well . Take your seats . For what purpose does the gentleman from california seek recognition . I ask unanimous consent to speak out of order for the purpose of an announcement. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Mccarthy mr. Speaker, just a short time ago i, along with other leaders, Committee Chairs and Ranking Members, received a classified briefing from the administration regarding a significant piece of the president s strategy to confront the International Terrorist organization known as isil. This piece involves a request for Additional Authority to be included in the continuing resolution. Tonight the country will hear from the president of the United States as he addresses the nation on this situation. Additionally, all members of the house will receive a classified briefing from the administration tomorrow morning on both the threat and the strategy to confront it. I think i speak for my colleagues on both sides of the aisle when i say that we stand ready to listen and work with the president to confront this growing threat. Now, given the severity of the situation and the need for all members to properly evaluate the president s request, the house will postpone consideration of the continuing resolution which was originally scheduled for tomorrow. However, votes on other measures will still take place tomorrow after the classified briefing and all members are encouraged to be in attendance. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore without objection, fiveminute voting will continue. The Unfinished Business is the question on suspending the rules and passing h. R. 2678 which the clerk will report by title. The clerk a bill to designate the facility of the United States Postal Service located at 10360 southwest 186th street n miami, florida, as the larcenia j. Bullard post office building. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill. So many as in favor, say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair the gentleman from washington. Mr. Hastings i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 422. The nays are two. 2 3 having responded in the affirmative the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 422. The nays are two. The bill is passed, and without objection the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The Unfinished Business is the question on suspending the rules and passing h. R. 4751, as amended, which the clerk will report by title. The clerk h. R. 4751, a bill to make technical corrections to public law 110229 to reflect the renaming of the Bainbridge Island japanese american exclusion memorial and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the question is will the house suspend the rules and pass the bill, as amended. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, 2 3 having responded in the affirmative the gentleman from washington. Mr. Hastings mr. Speaker, i ask for the yeas and nays. The speaker pro tempore those favoring a vote by the yeas and nays will rise. A sufficient number having arisen, yeas and nays are ordered. Members will record their votes by electronic device. This is a fiveminute vote. [captioning made possible by the national captioning institute, inc. , in cooperation with the United States house of representatives. Any use of the closedcaptioned coverage of the house proceedings for political or commercial purposes is expressly prohibited by the u. S. House of representatives. ] the speaker pro tempore on this vote the yeas are 422, the nays are zero. Twiffereds 2 3 2 3 of those voting having responded in the affirmative, the rules are suspended, the bill is passed and, without objection, the motion to reconsider is laid on the table. The speaker pro tempore for what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Pitts, seek recognition . Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, pursuant to House Resolution 717, i call up h. R. 3522 and ask for its immediate consideration in the house. The speaker pro tempore the clerk will report the title of the bill. The clerk union dal calendar number 430, h. R. 3522, a bill to authorize Health Insurance issuers to continue to offer for sale Current Group Health Insurance coverage and satisfaction of the minimum essential Health Insurance coverage requirements and for what purpose does. The speaker pro tempore the house and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore the amendment in the nature of a substitute consistent of rules Committee Print 11556 modified by the amendment printed in house report 113584 is adopted. The bill as amended is considered read. The gentleman from pennsylvania, mr. Pitts, and the gentleman from new jersey, mr. Pallone, each will control 0 minutes. He house will be in order. Members, please remove onversations from the floor. The chair recognizes the gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, i ask unanimous consent that all members may have five legislative days to revise and extend their remarks and to include extraneous material on h. R. 3522 and i would like to include an exchange of letters between the committee on energy and commerce and the committee on ways and means. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is roused. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, i recognized. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, i rise today in support of h. R. 3522, the Employee Health care protection act of 2014 of 2014, sponsored by my good trend and colleague and important member of the Health Subcommittee, dr. Bill cassidy of louisiana. This bill is a necessary tool for americas workers that will allow for Health Insurance coverage in the Small Group Market during the 2013 calendar year to be continued to be offered through calendar year 201. In other words, if you 2018. In other words, if you like your group Insurance Plan, you can keep it. It has been over four years since the Affordable Care act was enacted and we are still hearing from constituents, Small Business owners and employees who are continuing to struggle with the adverse effects of this law. Here is what roger from columbia, pennsylvania, wrote to me last year. Quote, i am the Third Generation family owner of a business. We have 32 employees and have been providing Health Insurance for our employees and their families for over 25 years. This week we received a renewal notice from our current provider which is 40 to 50 higher premium than our current contract with less overall benefit coverage. If we choose to renew early, before the a. C. A. Takes effect, our premiums will increase 11. 4 . Our president told us that the a. C. A. Would decrease Health Insurance costs, end quote. My constituents, businesses as well as individuals, have bitterly conveyed to me the myriad of concerns they face. Eastern Lancaster County School District announced it would outsource about 100 of its support staff workers to private companies to avoid possible penalties under obamacare. Inal againy county, pennsylvania, in algainey county, pennsylvania, 400ed a ject employees would be cut so they wouldnt have to pay 6 million in obamacarerelated fees. From franchises ive been told they have put their growth plans on hold, hiring has been pushed off and they may not no longer be able to afford to provide employee insurance coverage. In 2012 they experienced a 19 increase in insurance premiums and a 30 increase in 2013. Heres what tom and rose mary had to say. Quote, ive been crunching numbers to prepare for obamacare and this is what i face. Close my doors december 31, 14, or pay 40,000 a year to sure my employees or pay a insure my employees or pay a fine of 2,000 per employee per year over the first 30. At the price of 166 per month per employee over the first 30. So, now the 10 that have insurance, as well as my husband and i, will no longer be insured because the penalty is more affordable than the coverage. This is ridiculous. Im outraged. End quote. Mr. Speaker, we can do better than this. We can enact patientcentered, free market reforms where private insurance in insurers engage in robust competition and create the same kind of marketbased inducements to reduce prices and improve services that occurs in most other parts of the american economy. And we can start by enacting h. R. 3522. I urge my colleagues to support this important legislation. American workers who like their Health Care Plan should be able to keep it, just like president obama and the supporters of the Affordable Care act promised. Thank you and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pallone mr. Speaker, this bill is nothing more than another political attack on the Affordable Care act. In fact, i think this bill serves as House Republicans 53rd vote to repeal or undermine the health care law. If enacted this bill would allow Insurance Companies to discriminate against Small Businesses if they have an older work force, more women in the work force, or if any of their employees or their children have preexisting health conditions. The impact is taking away from millions of workers key protections and puts Insurance Companies back in charge of their health care. Even worse, i believe it gives Insurance Companies the best of both worlds. Millions of new customers through the a. C. A. , but the ability to continue to cherry pick employers with young, healthy work force. In fact, according to the center on budget and policy priorities, the bill would have serious adverse effect on premiums, closing them to rise substantially for many small firms. And the c. B. O. Agrees, this bill causes serious harm. Now, republicans are claiming this is just another effort to help people keep the coverage they have. But lets be clear. If your insurance starts covering your child to the age of 26, youre not losing your old coverage, youre coverage is simply getting better. If your insurance starts covering Preventive Services like annual physicals and vaccinations and cancer screenings for free, that is not losing your old coverage, that is your coverage getting better. There is no evidence employers are dropping coverage en masse. So republicans are left to claim people are losing their coverage when their coverage is actually getting better. And this is again the republicans mis the republicans misleading the public. Mr. Speaker, when the a. C. A. Passed, employers and Health Insurers had the option to grandfather their coverage. They could keep that coverage the same and it would not have to comply with the new a. C. A. Reforms. They could even raise premiums and cost sharing and still stay grandfathered. For plans that did not grandfather, a host of important new Consumer Protections went into place after before 2014. For example, plans had to limit their profits and overhead to 20 of the premiums they collect. If they fail to meet this standard, they must pay rebates to their customers. As a result, Small Businesses have saved a total of 2. 5 billion on their premiums since 2011. So, mr. Speaker, in november, 2013, the president announced that individuals and Small Businesses who were not yet ready to transition into the new, more fair, secure Health Coverage guaranteed by the a. C. A. Could remain in their existing plans for another year. In march of this year, the president extended that policy so that individuals and Small Businesses could keep their plans into 2016. But this bill goes much further. It allows these plans to be sold to new customers. So were not talking about people keeping their plans, were talking about selling old, lousy plans, discriminatory plans, to new customers. Since the a. C. A. Was passed, a. C. A. Was passed, weve added key new benefits and protections to employers coverage, but weve added 10 million jobs, weve helped 10 Million People get Health Coverage, weve seen premiums rise at historically low levels and weve extendeded the life of the trust fund by 13 years. This is amazing progress. We should not turn back. And thats what the republicans would have us do with this, another repeal of the Affordable Care act. Turn us back to the old days where the Insurance Companies reigned, where discriminatory practices reigned and where preexisting conditions were a basis for not getting coverage. I urge members to vote no. This should not be. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, im pleased to yield three minutes to the gentlelady from tennessee, the vice chair of the energy and Commerce Committee, mrs. Blackburn. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from tennessee is recognized. Mrs. Blackburn thank you, mr. Chairman. I thank chairman pitts for his diligence on this effort and on behalf of the American People, to allow them the choice and the options that they are seeking in their health care. My colleague is concerned that we are looking at repeals and that we are looking at replacements and we are looking at allowing choice and options for americans. And were going to continue to do that. Because what we have found, mr. Chairman, what we have found is that premiums are rising. In my state theyre going to go up another 18 to 20 this year. We have an insurance product in the marketplace that many of our constituents tell us is too expensive to afford. We are seeing narrowed networks, people have an insurance card but guess what, they dont have access to the queue, they cant see the doctor. Were hearing from our hospitals that theyre seeing their Emergency Rooms crowded. So, yes, indeed, i rise in strong support of h. R. 3522, the Employee Health care protection act. It is the right thing to do. You know, if you like your Health Care Plan, under this bill, you would be able to keep your Health Care Plan. We would be helping the president to fulfill a promise that he broke. Lets get become on track and lets fulfill that promise. This is what the American People want. Right now, by the administrations own admission, these arent my numbers, its the administrations. Up to 80 of the Small Business health plans would not make the obamacare cut because they are not government compliant. Now, the operative word here is theyre not government compliant. Government is forcing people into a plan that they dont want, dont like, cant afford. Now this is the administration admitting this. Admitting this. Theyre taking away options and choice in the marketplace. We have heard from Small Business owners all across our districts who are struggling to find ways to provide Health Insurance to their employees and still manage to stay in business. What theyre looking for is a way to provide jobs and increase wages. And obamacare is making it more and more difficult. We have heard from our constituents about how their insurance premiums and their copayments are escalating. The complaints they have from employees because they dont like the obamacare plans. And we have heard that they do not understand why they are forced into purchasing government compliant insurance which does not meet their needs. Mr. Pitts i yield the gentlelady an additional minute. Mrs. Blackburn h. R. 5122, the Employee Health care act, will provide some relief to the Small Business community by allowing them to maintain their current Health Insurance plan. If you like the Health Insurance plan you have, you would be able to keep it. It is fulfilling a promise. It is what Small Business employers want. It is what the American People want. I urge passage of this legislation. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time the gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone i yield three minutes to the gentleman from washington, the Ranking Member of the ways and means Health Subcommittee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Without objection. Mr. Speaker, i rise today to ask a very simple question when will the republicans accept their share of responsibility in guaranteeing the Health Security of all americans. Mr. Mcdermott the bill under consideration today, h. R. 3522, is really nothing more than a senseless, heartless, 53rd vote by the republicans to eviscerate the Affordable Care act. Has historically provided Health Insurance for americans, this is a stumble backwards to days when the Insurance Companies could exploit the American People with impunity. When the a. C. A. Promotes Womens Health and security this bill allows Health Insurance companies to charge more to women for their coverage than they do for men. Where the a. C. A. Extends the rep takes away the reprehensible practice of price gouging this act allows insurers to charge more for those with preexisting conditions. This would allow insurers to impose annual limits on coverage, meaning that Health Security will run out for Many Americans when they get sick. A tragic, very tragic state of affairs that often results in folks going bankrupt in the face of a pile of unpaid medical bills. This legislation sends us back to a dark day when too Many American families had to choose between a roof over their head and food on the table or paying their health care bills. The a. C. A. Passed into law to protect hardworking americans, in part by making bad, exploitive Health Insurance plans a thing of the past. The fact that theyre wanting to add more people to it is really reprehensible. This legislation allows insurers to sell the same bad Business Plans that they had before to more people than had it in 2013 until 2018. Republicans have been in charge and havent proposed any alternative whatsoever. This legislation jeopardizes the Health Security of American Families by rolling back vital insurance protections made into law by the a. C. A. Mr. Speaker, i ask again, when will the republicans act on behalf of Health Security of the American People . When will they stop having these p. R. Campaign events just before were going home so they can send out press releases to say theyve done something when they have done absolutely nothing except try to remove the a. C. A. When will they care about the people . Sadly, not today. This bill is an embarrassment and demands a no. The speaker pro tempore the gentlemans time has expired this egentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Pitts im pleased to yield three minutes to the gentleman from louisiana a valued member of the Health Subcommittee and prime sponsor of the legislation, dr. Bill cass dism the speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for three minutes. Mr. Cassidy this legislation is about keeping a promise and doing right by the American People. Its a bipartisan bill that allows American Workers, they choose to keep their employer sponsored Health Care Plan that they depend on for Health Care Security. Im amused my colleagues across the aisle seem to think that the American Worker doesnt know what best for herself, her family, or for their business. It amazes me they have so little regard for the average american. They feel like they must tell the average american what is best for them. They cannot make their own decisions. Frankly, i am disappointed that this legislation is even necessary. President obama and congressional supporters of obamacare made unegive cabble romises does unegive cabble romises unegive oakable promises. Louisianans lost their health care in the individual market. Now a thousand more now thousands more in the group market are in danger of losing their plans unless we pass this bill. Now the president apologized to americans who lost this coverage saying, that, quote, sorry they are finding themselves in this situation based on assurances they got from me, end quote. If the president were truly sorry he, would call senator reid and tell him to pass this bill and provide relief from obamacare to the millions of americans who relied on a false promise. He would then work with this body to repeal and replace obamacare with marketbased solutions that give the power to the patient, not the washington bureaucrat. I urge all my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to vote for this bill. The Employee Health care protection act allows American Families to save money on health care, increases access to Affordable Health care choices, and will raise wages for workers. On top of that, it will decrease the deficit by 1. 25 billion over the next 10 years. It is a common sense bill that provides relief to millions of americans. Mr. Speaker, lets keep the promise to middle class workers, ensure that if they like their Health Care Plan, they can keep it. With that, i yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield two minutes to the gentlewoman from illinois. The speaker pro tempore the gentlewoman is recognized for two minutes. Ms. Schakowsky h. R. 3522 marks the 53rd vote to repeal or undermine obamacare but worse, it means taking away guaranteed benefits for the consumers you seem to be so concerned about. Does anyone really believe that americans want Insurance Companies to be able to deny them coverage or charge them more due to a preexisting condition . Do they want Insurance Companies to be able to refuse to pay for their lifesaving treatments because theyve hit an annual limit . Do they want Insurance Companies to be able to not cover Maternity Services for pregnant women as so many plans did . I believe we can all agree the answer is no. And thats why we have to reject h. R. 3522. And all other efforts to repeal or undermine the Consumer Protections of obamacare. Americans simply cant afford it. They cant afford to have Insurance Companies back in charge of their health care. This isnt about consumer choice. This is about turning over the decisions to Insurance Companies that want to cut the benefits. I want to end my remarks by just mentioning one story of why the Affordable Care act is so important to constituents. This is from john, and he says, i wanted to share with you the good news that by accessing Health Insurance coverage through the Affordable Care act, my little business a law firm, was able to avoid a substantial increase and obtain the same coverage at reduced copayments and add dental care for thousands a month less than our old premium cost, which we had just been advised was about to raise be raised approximately 14 . Ive been practicing law for over 37 years, always felt a responsibility to provide full Health Care Benefits for all my employees, including clerks and staff, paying the total premium. My firm expanded to seven associate lawyer, multiple staff that we now are able to provide insurance for. Thanks for your efforts. Thanks for the Affordable Care act. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Pitts im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from georgia, another valued member of the Health Subcommittee, dr. Gingrey. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Gingrey i rise in strong support of h. R. 3522, the Employee Health care protection act, and i would like to begin with the words president obama first said to the American Medical Association in june of 2009, before any committee in Congress Held a markup of what later became the Affordable Care act. He said to that group of physicians, and repeated on many occasions after that, that if you like your Health Care Plan, youll be able to keep your Health Care Plan, period. No one will take it away from you, no matter what. And thats ending the quote. Unfortunately, mr. Speaker, like many assurances that were delivered to the American People about the president S Health Care law, this has been nothing more than an empty promise. Since the enactment of the Affordable Care act, obamacare, millions of americans have been notified that their Insurance Plans have been canceled. I commend chairman pitts of the Health Subcommittee of energy and commerce for holding numerous hearings, numerous hearings, to examine this very issue. And that is precisely why we need to pass h. R. 3522. Mr. Speaker, this common sense legislation would simply allow Health Insurance companies to continue to offer Group Coverage that was in effect in 2013. And i commend our colleague from louisiana, my physician colleague, dr. Cassidy, for his leadership on this legislation. If the president will not keep his promise to the American People that if you like your Health Care Plan, youll be able to keep your Health Care Plan, then we need to do it for him. H. R. 3522 accomplishes that goal. Mr. Speaker, i ask all of my colleagues to support this important legislation and i yield back my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pallone its frustrating to me because again, we have just another effort to repeal or undermine the Affordable Care act when we should all be working to implement the Affordable Care act. Just to show how what a waste of time if you will that this debate is today, i wanted to read a statement of the president s policy, president obamas policy that was issued today with regard to this legislation. It says, the administration strongly opposes house passage of h. R. 3522 because it threatens the Health Care Security of hardworking middle class families. The nation is experiencing the lowest rate of Health Care Price inflation in nearly 50 years, and exceptionally slow growth in other measures of health cost which have combined to slow the growth of Small Business premiums. With Health Care Costs rising in low rates and choices for Small Businesses improving through the Health Insurance marketplace, this bill would be a major step backwards. H. R. 3522 would roll back the progress made because of the Affordable Care act and allow insurers to deploy practices such as charging businesses more when a worker has a preexisting condition or when it has more workers who are women than men. It would allow insurers to go back to capping the amount of care enrollees receive or limiting payment for proven care. Its transition plans allow states and insurers do to the do just that. Take away s that health care from americans are not the solution. The congress should work with the administration to improve the law and move forward. If the president were presented with this bill, he would veto it. So again, this is just a waste of time. We have so many other things that we need to work on. Before we adjourn. Particularly jobs and the economy and instead, were trying to repeal, again, the same legislation that actually has created more jobs and kept Health Care Costs low and its just, again a complete waste of time. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Pitts im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentleman from florida, mr. Bilirakis. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from florida is recognized for two minutes. Mr. Bilirakis thank you, mr. Speaker, and i thank the chairman for his leadership on this piece of legislation, also the sponsor, dr. Cassidy, for his leadership on this particular piece of legislation. I rise today in support of the Employee Health care protection act. When the president said, if you like your plan you can keep it, that was deemed politifacts lie of the year. Then millions of americans across the country and the individual market received cancellation notices. They felt that the impacts of the broken promises of the president S Health Care law. Now the specter of cancellations looms again. Up to 50 Million People who get health care through their employers could have their plans canceled or disrupted because of rules and regulations in the president S Health Care law. That is one in six americans, mr. Speaker. If one of my constituents wants to keep their plan, they should be able to. Support this bill and make the president keep his promise to the American People. Tau thank you, mr. Speaker, and i thank you, mr. Speaker, and i yield back. The speaker pro tempore members are reminded not to engage in personality about the president of the United States. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone ill continue to reserve, mr. Speaker. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, at this time im pleased to yield two minutes to the gentlelady from North Carolina, another member of the Health Subcommittee, mrs. Ellmers. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady from North Carolina is recognized for two minutes. Mrs. Ellmers thank you, mr. Speaker, and thank you to chairman pitts for his leadership and to my colleague, bill cassidy, for this wonderful bill, h. R. 3522. This bill is very simple. It will allow people to keep the Health Insurance they had before obamacare took it away. Their choice. 80 of those people in this country are women who have made those choices in health care and this would put it back in place. President obamas in president obama infamously stated, as my colleague before me stated, if you like your doctor, you will be able to keep your doctor, period. If you like your Health Care Plan, youll be able to cope your Health Care Plan, keep your Health Care Plan, period. However, many plans offered prior to the a. C. A. Were not compliant with the numerous requirements this law required. As a result, millions of americans were no longer able to purchase their old plans. One of many of the businesses that provide Health Care Coverage for their employees are right there in my district. Mr. Steve lizinski who runs a small sparkle and Shine Cleaning service, called me just the other day concerned about this issue. Steve has about 240 employees. And he will be forced to lay off 31 of them because of the obamacare mandate. Mr. Speaker, it is because of employers like steve who take care of their employees, who consider them family, and want to do the right thing, it is because of them and every american and every family in this country that we need to pass h. R. 3522. Thank you and i yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentlelady yields back the balance of her time. The gentleman from new jersey. Land mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield myself such time as i may consume. Mr. Speaker, this bill represents a direct assault on the Health Security of American Families. The bill would allow Insurance Companies and their Small Business health plans to charge more for womens coverage, meaning workers in Small Businesses with more women than men have to pay more. And it would charge more for coverage for those with preexisting conditions, meaning workers in Small Businesses that have more people with preexisting conditions have to pay more. And these Small Businesses would face higher premiums and would continue to see their premiums spike year to year if an employee had an accident or got diagnosed with cancer. Under the legislation, Insurers Group plans could also impose annual limits on coverage, meaning that insurers could cease to provide any coverage after an individuals care reached a certain overall cost and impose extensive waiting periodses before an employee could enroll in coverage. Now, if the republicans were serious about helping americas Small Businesses, they would be bringing up instead a bill to expand access to the a. C. A. s Small Business Health Care Tax credit. As actually proposed by the Obama Administration. The president has proposed allowing Small Businesses with up to 50 workers, rather than the current 25, to qualify for the credit and adopting a more generous phaseout schedule. Furthermore, instead of strengthening the Small Business tax credit, republicans have actually voted to repeal the tax credit three times and republicans are completely misrepresenting what this bill does. Calling the bill, section 2, if you like your group Health Insurance plan you can keep it. Well, first of all, the bill does not require that insurers keep selling these group policies. Insurers discontinue policies every year and theres nothing in this bill that prevents them from doing so. More important, the bill goes well beyond the issue of people keeping plans they have now. Instead it allows insurers to sell group plans that do not include a. C. A. Consumer protections to new customers through 201. Once again, the republicans 2018. Once again, the republicans are misrepresenting what this bill does and theyre simply trying to repeal or undermine the a. C. A. Which has been so successful in expanding insurance coverage, keeping down costs and eliminating discriminatory practices. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from pennsylvania. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, may i inquire on the time remaining for both sides . The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from pennsylvania has 13 1 2 minutes remaining. The gentleman from new jersey has 16 1 2 minutes remaining. 16 minutes remaining. Mr. Pitts thank you. Mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, Congressional Democrats constantly say that the a. C. A. Is not a perfect bill and that they want to make changes. If theyre sincere about that statement, they should join us in supporting h. R. 3522, a bill that received bipartisan support at energy and commerce to protect American Workers who will lose their plan under the Affordable Care act. 39 democrats joined us last year and voted for a similar bill to let americans keep their plan in the individual market. We should Work Together to provide that very same protection to the tens of millions of American Workers who depend on employersponsored Health Coverage. Last fall millions of americans all across the country had their health plans canceled, despite repeated promises from the president , his allies in congress, that if you like your Health Care Plan youd be able to keep it. And so in the fall of 2013, health plan cancellations were concentrated in the individual market. Sadly, millions of americans with employersponsored coverage, group plans, will also face plan cancellations because of the Affordable Care act. And some experts have testified before the energy and Commerce Committee that approximately 50 million American Workers with fully insured coverage face plan cancellations or disruptions because of a. C. A. Requirements and regulations. Forbes warned last year, and ill quote, starting in october, 2014, many employees of Small Businesses will start getting the same notices that are now being mailed to individuals, informing their existing health plans are also being canceled, end quote. Well, mr. Speaker, americans rightly feel misled by the president , by Congressional Democrats, their false assurance that americans could keep their Health Care Plan, was recognized as the 2013, quote, lie of the year, end quote. So we have this legislation before us this year to apply to the group plans, as long as they were in existence in 2013 they could be available today. And i urge members to support the legislation and i reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves the balance of his time. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield five minutes now to the gentleman from california, mr. Waxman, the Ranking Member of the energy and Commerce Committee. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from california is recognized for five minutes. Mr. Waxman mr. Speaker, i rise in opposition to this bill. Its bad for consumers, its bad for Small Businesses. The only beneficiaries for this bill are the Health Insurance companies that want to sell bad policies, charge higher premiums for women, for children, for people with preexisting conditions, and who want to put limits on Health Care Coverage when people need it the most. I want to take a minute to go back to the time before the Affordable Care act and remind my colleagues why we passed that Health Care Reform in the first place. Before the a. C. A. , consumers were seeing Health Insurance premiums rise by double digits each year. Not anymore. This morning the kyser Family Foundation released a new report on small employer premiums. The report found that since the passage of the Affordable Care t, premium increases for Small Business coverage had slowed considerably. This past year premiums barely budged. Before the a. C. A. There was no requirement for how much of your premium dollars to an Insurance Company, how much of that had to actually go for your health care. Your premiums could be used to pay for exorbitant executive salaries, lavish conferences and other expenditures that had nothing to do with the Health Coverage for the insured. Now consumers are saving billions of dollars from the new requirement that insurers actually spend premium dollars to provide health care. Before the a. C. A. , parents could find that they had no coverage at all for a childs preexisting conditions. Even something as common as asthma. Today all parents are guaranteed the peace of mind that their insurance will cover their childrens medical needs. Before the a. C. A. , an individual struggling with cancer could find that the Insurance Plan would impose annual coverage limits and simply stop paying for care. Today this is no longer the case. Before the a. C. A. , Small Businesses had few choices and no leverage with Insurance Companies. The a. C. A. Put consumers and Small Businesses back in charge. And it did so in a way that is Cutting Health cost growth and providing coverage to millions of previously uninsured americans. So what do we have on the other side of the aisle . From the republicans . Sour grapes. We took a republican idea, implemented by the very own president ial candidate massachusetts in massachusetts and we took that idea and made it work for the entire country, made it work for families, made it work better than even the most optimistic supporters had expected. And republicans are mad. So rather than work to implement the law, they have been working to thwart it. Sour grapes. And this bill is just another example of that mentality. It will not help Small Businesses. To the contrary, Small Businesses that wish to grandfather and keep their old coverage already have that opportunity. This bill will let Insurance Companies sell nona. C. A. Compliant policies to any business. Policies that do not protect against benefit limits, rate hikes, discrimination against women or against children with preexisting conditions. The bill would allow Insurance Companies to cherry pick, offering the low rates for inadequate barebones policies for some groups and then discriminate against, charging higher prices or offering weaker coverage, for others. Mr. Speaker, the center on budget and policy priorities yesterday released a new analysis of the bill and what it would mean. The analysis concluded that it would, quote, likely cause premiums to rise substantially for many Small Businesses and undercut health reforms, Small Group Market reforms and Consumer Protections, unquote. Im opposed to this bill. Its not about helping businesses, its not about helping families this bill puts Insurance Companies back in charge and returns the Insurance Markets to the days where they could discriminate with impunity. Im not for that i hope my colleagues are not for that. I urge a no vote. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman from new jersey reserves. The gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, i yield myself such time as i may consume. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, the president not only made a promise that if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor he said if you like your Health Care Plan, you can keep your Health Care Plan. No matter what. Period. He also promised reductions in premiums. Of 2,500 per family. Well, americans are not seeing the 2,500 reduction in premiums that the president promised under the a. C. A. Instead, americans are seeing higher premiums and deductibles under the president S Health Care law. Some of the premium increases are outrageous and the deductibles, i dont know how a family could save 10,000 or 15,000 for their deductible. Some of us are telling us thats what theyll have. The administrations own actuaries have confirmed that premiums are going up under the a. C. A. , earlier this year, actuaries from c. M. S. Estimated that 65 of Small Businesses will see premium increases under the Affordable Care act. Middle class americans working for these 11 million Small Businesses will see higher premiums, meaning less takehome pay for working americans. The American People want real Health Care Reform. But the a. C. A. Is making things worse. The president S Health Care law has led to canceled Health Care Plans, fewer choices, higher premiums, higher deductibles for middle class families. Ultimately, the law needs to be replaced with Better Solutions that lower costs and provide Better Health care choices. However, lets be clear about what h. R. 3522 actually does. The bill does not repeal the a. C. A. Weve heard the mantra of how many 50something votes to repeal. Instead, what this bill does is simply let American Workers keep their Health Care Plan and expands coverage options. Congressional democrats constantly say that they want to change parts of the a. C. A. That dont work. Well, if theyre sincere about that pledge, they should join us in supporting 3522. S that bipartisan bill to this is a bipartisan bill to protect American Workers who will lose their plan under the health care law. As i said last year, when we had a similar bill for the individual market cancellations, 39 democrats joined us. And voted for that bill. To let americans keep their plan. In the individual market. Congress should Work Together to provide the same protection to the millions of American Workers with Group Coverage. And thats what the Employee Health care protection act does. Families, not washington, should decide if they want to keep their Health Care Plan. I reserve the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new jersey is recognized. Mr. Pallone thank you, mr. Speaker. I yield three minutes to the gentleman from new york. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Engel i thank my friend from new jersey for yielding to me and i rise in strong opposition to this bill. My friend on the other side of the aisle says that this doesnt repeal the Affordable Health care act but in reality it does. This is the 53rd time. When i was a little boy, i went to p. S. 53 in the bronx and i feel weve now reached that level of 53 and no end in sight. I wish that both sides of the aisle could put our Heads Together and fix what we dont like. Keep what we like, fix what we dont like. All the major bills that have ever been put into effect be it medicare, medicaid, the civil rights bill of the 1960s, alm these bills had to be tweaked because when you have an omnibus bill you dont know what its effect is going to be until you roll it out and see. And then you make changes. That happens with every major bill. The problem is that most of our friends on the other side of the aisle hated the law and never really wanted it to succeed. So if you dont want it to succeed and you throw roadblocks in its path, you have a situation where republican governors are refusing to expand it, youll have failure because if you dont want to work with something and you dont want to make it better, it wont get better. So in my home state, where we embrace it, its worked. And it hasnt worked in every single instance but in a vast majority of instances. So again, we should change what doesnt work and keep what works. In new york, this years insurance rates were on average heres another 53 53 lower then rates in 2013 for lower than rates in 2013 for comparable coverage. And next years rates will continue to be 50 lower than ethey were before the exchange was established. According to the kaiser Family Foundation and Health Research and Educational Trust annual Employer Health benefit survey, individuals obtaining Health Insurance from their employers are generally facing, quote, similar premium contributions and cost sharing requirements in 2014 as they did in 2013, unquote. So furthermore, we know that these individuals are often benefiting from more quality comprehensive coverage. Mr. Speaker, i dont want a return to the bad old days where Insurance Companies were permitted to discriminate against Small Businesses that employ large numbers of women, older individuals, or those with preexisting conditions. I dont want a return to the bad old days where you couldnt keep your child on your premium until that child was 26 years old as you can under the Affordable Health care act system of i urge my colleagues to vote against this legislation and i urge my friends on the other side of the aisle to sit down with us, lets put our Heads Together and lets once an for all help fix this bill. Theres a lot of good features in it. We should expand on those and the things that we think need change, we should change. But please, lets not ever vote to repeal again. We dont need to have a 54th time. Enough is enough. I yield back. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. Mr. Pitts i reserve the balance of my time and im prepared to close. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman reserves. The gentleman from new jersey. Mr. Pallone is the gentleman prepared to close . Then ill do the same. I yield myself such time as i may consume in order to close the debate. Mr. Speaker, the frustrating thing for me and for so more of so many of us on the democratic side of the aisle, we know how successful the Affordable Care act has been and yet the republicans continue to negate the positive aspects of the a. C. A. And seek to undermine it with the repeal or legislation like this that would seriously undermine the goals and success of the Affordable Care act system of i just wanted to point out in closing that since the Affordable Care act was enacted in march of 2010, 9. 9 million private sector jobs have been created. According to the latest estimates from c. B. O. , the overall number of americans receiving employerbased coverage is expected to grow 166 156 million in 2014 to million in 2023. And the number of uninsured is expected to fall by 26 million americans. Also, since massachusetts enacted Health Care Reforms that were almost identical to those in the a. C. A. , the percentage of employers offering coverage has increased from 72 in 2007 to 77 in 2010. So since the a. C. A. Was enacted, the nation has seen four years of the slowest Health Care Spending growth since recordkeeping began in 1960. Slower growth in Health Care Costs translate into Slower Growth of Employers Health benefit costs, helping businesses and workers save money. Indeed, employers hourly benefits costs rose just 1 after adjusting for inflation over the year ending in 2014. Near the bot. To of the historical range. In addition to slowing down the rate of growth of health care spend chg is benefiting employers, they are producing premium savings for americas Small Businesses due to its 8020 rule. That requires that insurers spend at least 80 of premiums on medical care rather than c. E. O. Pay, profits and administrative cost. If an insurer fails to meet this standard, it must pay rebates to its customers and as a result of this rule, according to a recently released report, americas Small Businesses have saved 2. 5 billion on their premiums since 2011. The bottom line, mr. Speaker, my colleagues, the Affordable Care act is delivering on the promise of affordable quality and dependable Health Coverage for millions of americans. But that doesnt stop the republicans who cant shake their obsession with undermining the law. Thats what theyre doing again with this bill. The vote on this bill will be the 53rd g. O. P. Vote to repeal or undermine the a. C. A. And i urge my colleagues to vote no. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. Mr. Pitts mr. Speaker, at this time im pleased to yield whatever time he may consume to the chairman of the energy and Commerce Committee, the gentleman from michigan, mr. Upton. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman is recognized. Mr. Upton thank you, mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, i do rise in strong support of the Employee Health care protection act a bipartisan bill authored by our committee, particularly dr. Bill cassidy, the prime sponsor, to protect the Health Care Choices for millions of American Workers. Last fall, we learned the harsh reality that president s of the e oftenrepeated promise that if you like your Health Care Plan you can keep it, we heard that today, was not true. Many were shocked to learn their individual policy was being canceled because of the president S Health Care law, they didnt like that at all. Sadly the wave of canceled plans under the president s broken promise has not ended. The back bone, the very back bone of americaS Health Care system, employersponsored coverage, provideS Health Care security to about 170 million American Workers and family members. The president S Health Care law now threatens the Health Care Plans of many of americas middle class workers who rely on employersponsored coverage. Many with employersponsored coverage will face the same plan cancellations that millions of americans received for their individual policies last fall. So this legislation provides a thoughtful solution and relief for the president s broken promises. The bill before us simply allows americas Small Businesses and workers to choose from Health Care Plans that were in effect in 2013. The bill also would allow other Small Businesses and workers to choose from more Affordable Group Health Care Plans available before the president S Health Care law. Americas workers and families know that their Health Care Needs they know better than members of congress or officials at the department of h. H. S. This bill empowers americans with more choices. The same choices that they were promised. The americans if americans like their Health Care Plan, they should be able to keep it, period, end of story. The nonpartisan c. B. O. Confirmed that this bill would lower the deficit by more than 1 billion. Provide more Health Plan Options with lower premiums and, yes, raise wages for American Workers. Weve all heard firsthand the struggles facing middle class americas families because of the health care law. Tom harmon from my district and workers at American Waste in a little town called union, michigan, are seeing their Health Care Premiums more than double. Sadly, their deductible is much more much higher to boot, forcing them to deal with higher Health Care Costs. Rather than make life easier, washington, through this the president S Health Care law, has in fact made life more expensive for tom and the working famloifs American Waste in southwest michigan system of im proud to say in conclusion that this bill, h. R. 3522 is a bill dedicated to helping workers across the country who are struggling with the costs and consequence of the president S Health Care law. I would urge my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support dr. Cassidys bill. Americas workers deserve the chance to pick their Health Care Plan that best suits their needs, not lose it. I yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. The gentleman from pennsylvania is recognized. Mr. Pitts i urge all my colleagues on both sides of the aisle to support h. R. 3522 and yield back the balance of my time. The speaker pro tempore the gentleman yields back. All time for debate has expired. Pursuant to House Resolution 717, the previous question is ordered on the bill as amended. The question is on engreasment and third reading of the bill. Those in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. The ayes have it. Third reading. The clerk a bill that authorize Health Insurance issuers to continue to offer for sale Current Group Health Insurance coverage in satisfaction of the minimum essential Health Insurance coverage requirement and for other purposes. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to clause 1c of rule 19, further consideration of. R. 3522 is postponed. For what purpose does the gentleman from pennsylvania rise . Mr. Pitts i ask unanimous consent that when the house adjourned today it adjourn to meet at 9 00 a. M. Tomorrow. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Under the speakers announced , the of january 3, 2013 gentleman from wisconsin, mr. Pocan, is recognized for 60 minutes of the minority leader. Mr. Pocan mr. Speaker, i appreciate the time and im here on behalf of the progressive caucus and well be joined by some other members of the progressive caucus to talk about issues that are important to this country, issues that are important to have a debate about for the public. This is the first week back after five weeks being at home in our district. Theres a lot to get done in this congress. So far this week we have not exactly risen to the occasion. We have important things to do regarding a continuing resolution. We have important things to do regarding situations overseas. We have important legislation that this congress simply has not got done. And instead another week has gone by without addressing some of the most important issues of the day. One of those issues that i think is at front and center of peoples minds is what is going on overseas, what is going on with isil in iraq, perhaps syria and what does that mean for the American People . And i am here today asking many of the questions that i get from people in the district. The president is going to address the nation this evening. Hes going to give us his vision for where he thinks this country should go. Im asking the president to please come to congress before military action is taken against isil, because its so important that we are a part of this debate. We are the closest to the people of this country, and Congress Needs to be involved. I have some questions that i would like to see members of Congress Debate and the president to help us in addressing as we decide this extremely important issue. I want to give props to rachel, i thought did an excellent job on her program, looking at some of the questions we should be debating in this body to make sure that we do the right thing by getting involved and that weve got the thought ahead of time going into it. I think what weve done previously when weve gone into iraq as a country. So some of the questions that we would like to have answered and we would like to have assistance with, one why should the president seek congressional authorization and debate for military action against isil . Well, for one, its in the constitution. The constitution, article 1, section 8, Congress Shall have power to declare war, grant letters of mark and reprisal and make rules concerning captures on land and water, to raise and support armies but no appropriation of money to that use shall be for a longer term than two years. Directly in our United States constitution is the power that this body, congress, has to be involved if we are going to get involved in what would essentially be seen as war. I think the debate that we have to have is, what are we looking at as we look at the situation in iraq and perhaps syria . John nichols from nation magazine, it is out of the healthy respect for the complex, geopolitics of the region, combined with the regard of the wisdom of the system of checks and balances and the principles of advice and consent outlined in the u. S. Constitution that we have a say. Those are the words from john nichols. This congress in july before we left to go back to our districts voted 37040. We dont get many 37040 votes in this house for House Resolution 105. It was a bipartisan resolution, had overwhelming support that said that the president , quote, shall not deploy or maintain u. S. Armed forces in a sustained combat role in iraq without specific statutory authorization. Thats the resolution that was passed overwhelmingly in a bipartisan way by this body just weeks ago. And were facing these questions today and the president s going to present to the nation this evening exactly what he would like to see us do and hopefully congress will have a say in because clearly the situation has escalated, that needs a debate. The beheadings have kernel caught the attention of the country, but we want to make sure that the intention is on our behalf, not the intention of we dont fall into the hands of doing the reaction that some people would hope that we would do to engage in a region that could be very complex. After this country has had so many unfortunate failures in iraq, twice in my adult lifetime we have gone into this region with very limited success. We have gone into afghanistan, and we owe it to the American People, to our veterans, our service men and women and their families whove gone in and put their lives at risk following 9 11 to have this rigorous debate in this very body before us. This is a complex situation, but given the failures we had previously going into iraq, whether it be the lack of debate, the lack of buyin from other nations and partners, specifically in the region, and quite honestly the faulty intelligence that we had were told at the time has put us in a bad situation in the past in this region. In fact, one of the reasons we have to have this debate is there are a number of members who are write now authorization for us to go in. There is one from representative frank wolf from this body that would be the authorization for the use of military force that could authorize force anywhere with no Expiration Date and no specific target. I can tell you when i talk to people across wisconsin, when i talk to my colleagues in this room and they talk to their constituents, i think people want better answers than that. I know a year ago when we had the debate about whether or not we would get involved in syria, within two weeks in my district received 2,200 responses. 97 3 who are leery of us getting involved in syria. While the situation is different from a year ago and the situation is different from a month ago, i think the public still has questions. We need to have this debate in this body in congress. Two, what do we want from the president in a new authorization . Well, i think theres three things that should be in that. One is that congress has a say. Again, we have the ability to have a vote. We are elected and accountable to our districts and these decisions are not just made behind closed doors without the advice and consent of congress. We will have a stronger effort if we have that public debate so thats one. Two, that we have a narrow scope. We simply cant bomb our way into success. Let me just go a little bit of the timeline just in the very few months since isil has been out there. Let me just talk a little bit about that time lyme. Back on june 16 of that timeline. Back on june 16 of this year, they would send over 200 military personnel to protect the embassy in baghdad. They announced 300 military advisors would collaborate and train soldiers. Three days later. They announced the deployment of 200 more troops to iraq. On august 7, the president authorized air strikes in iraq. On the 12th of august, the administration announced 130 additional u. S. Military personnel to assess the scope of humanitarian the humanitarian mission. On the 26th of august, the president authorized surveillance flights over syria. On september 2, the administration announced the deployment of 350 additional military personnel to iraq, bringing our total to 1,100 u. S. Troops now deployed in iraq. And in the last month alone, there have been 153 air strikes in iraq. Thats just in the little bit of time that this has occurred thats what weve seen happen, and i think we need to be very specific in the limited scope of what that is going to be so we dont have us led into more involvement than we thought would happen in the beginning. Third, i think, and others i talk to think its important we go in with a coalition, that we are not doing this either alone or largely alone and that were doing this with partners from the region. Right now there are 10 other countries that i know of that are involved and saying theyll commit to help work with us, but we need to build a moderate sunni support. Specifically, to help us in this region, because right now this is a regional situation and we need to have partners within that region to make sure we can accomplish any goals. There are many questions that we continue to have and i think there are many about what that strike would look like, what exactly does it mean to have that involvement . I just mentioned who are some of the allies that were going to have, but what are some of our shortterm goals . What are we expected to accomplish when we decide were going in . What will we carry out in military action . Its one thing to say we wont have boots on the ground, but clearly were having pilots in the sky. Ight now we have attack, fighter and drone doing attacks within that region. So you already have a presence that, well, i dont like the term boots on the ground, because these are people with families, sons and daughters, nephews and nieces, brothers and sisters that we have who are overseas and we need to know exactly what that means. There has been potentially a request to aid some of the moderate Syrian Rebels that may come out of the conversations, and once again, i think there are questions this body has to have a debate. Steve sotloff, the journalist, who was the second person that was beheaded that we followed very closely as an american citizen. His family recently said that it was moderate Syrian Rebels who essentially sold access to isil to get steve sotloff. Who is it that were going to provide assistance to and what does that assistance mean and who are the people that could potentially be doing that . What is our longterm commitment to military action . If we asked this question years ago when we looked at iraq and afghanistan, i dont think anyone would expect to hear a 13year commitment to afghanistan. We have more than 2,000 americans that have been killed in afghanistan. More than 4,000 in iraq. The cost has been estimated to be 4 trillion to 6 trillion in that region just since that last action was called years ago. As i mentioned, 150 air strikes, 153 air strikes just in the last month. How many more air strikes will it take to say that thats enough . So we need to have more meat put onto this, to have an idea what that involvement is if were going to be authorizing something. And finally the question i would ask is, how do we define mission, accomplished . What is the end goal that were going to have and where does that end happen . I certainly hope the end goal is not flying in military gear on an Aircraft Carrier with a banner behind you that says mission, accomplished, because we all know there was no Mission Accomplished at that time. We need to have clear and definite goals of what it means to defeat isil and to make sure that that region could have some stability after the instability of so long that its had. So the president , in conclusion, has a constitutional obligation, i feel, to work with congress before engaging in extended military operations. The public is still very warweary, and while right now polls may say people think we should get involved in iraq and syria with limited air strikes, we have to have that much longer debate. Clearly the public beheadings of two american citizens has raised the ire of the American People and i think many people in congress. Its a different situation than it was a year ago. Its a different situation than it was a month ago, but at the same time we have to be sure were not falling into doing something that could be counterproductive because clearly isil did that to provoke a reaction. I think that needs to be a part of the debate we have. After being intangled in a global conflict for 13 years, we owe it to the American People and to the service men and women, their families and the veterans whove already made tremendous sacrifices in support of our country that we have a transparent and thorough debate on any action that would happen with isil in syria or iraq. Those are my hopes, those are my questions. Im looking forward to hearing the president tonight, and im hoping that this body will be able to have that full debate so we know everything that we could possibly have for information prior to financing and perhaps enhancing any actions there. Now, im very proud to be joined by other members of the progressive caucus. We have one of the most senior members of this body who has become a mentor and a friend to me and i would like to yield some time if i could to mr. Charlie rangel from the state of new york. Mr. Rangel looks like its going to be pretty lonesome in this house. I have been looking since i returned from the recess to see how a nation that is about to embark on another military intrusion, what concerns we would have to have and to explain when we go home and tell our constituents that weve done this because of you, that your was ns security threatened. I agree with the gentleman that when we see these atrocities committed, something should be done. But by us . Havent we suffered enough . Havent we sacrificed enough . So few members of congress have to attend the funerals of those dedicated men and women, less than 1 are making the sacrifice. Theres no financial sacrifice being made, no tax being put on the war and people think that people are volunteering to put themselves in danger. Well, the families dont always feel the same way about it. And i have been involved in being a part of getting citizenship for people who have come to this country and enlisted and fought and died for this country, and i give the family a little flag. Now, it wasnt too long ago that america was under the impression that enough is enough. We have lost and sacrificed enough. We have to get iraq on its feet. Stabilize the government. And then well get on and deal with syria. Now in the old days, when i was in the army, we knew who the enemy was. They had uniforms. They had flags. But as i understand the fluid situation that came to our intelligence during the recent recess, it seems as though that sis is worst than al qaeda and all the other evil terrorists that we have been involved with. And that now some of them have acquired weapons that we have cults that e of the were our friends, but somehow, the weapons have been taken and in the hands of people that im not certain which ones are our friends. Now, i know the president has said that no boots on the ground. I dont know what that really means that we dont expect to lose any american lives. I dont know what that means that only drones will be used and that we can rest assured that no american in uniform is going to be fighting anybody in that part of the world. But since the threat to our National Security appears to be so uncertain and since the president believes he already has the power, constitutionally, enter this stage of engagement with this threat to our National Security, and since i know that polls notwithstanding, very few americans are going to have a problem going to sleep tonight thinking about isis. It would seem to me that one of the ways that we can discuss and debate this is a part of what i was saying when i introduced a draft bill. I dont want to see our young people having to serve in the military. I think its good to have some type of Public National service, but i dont think people should be trained to kill, but i know one thing. If the security of this great nation is at risk, it shouldnt be less than 1 of america that has to be placed in harms way. So even though most of the lives that we lost started off with not troops going in initially, but consult ant, advisers, and those who are going to instruct our friends to defend themselves, but ultimately, the number gets larger and larger and larger. So im going to submit some kind of way that one criteria that members can use when going back home when their voters ask, well, what was it that impressed you so much after all our country has suffered in getting involved . All the trillions of dollars, the 6,000 lives, what did they say that caused you to believe that our nation was threatened . And you might say that we had attached to that a draft bill. And we said that if it appeared as though our nation was going to embark on a military excursion in another country, every american must be registered between certain ages, men and women if theyre able, to say, our security has been threatened and we should be proud as americans to say that that is the reason why weve done that. I bet you one thing. If thats what we were talking about this recess, Neither Party would be anxious not to have a vote on this. And we wouldnt be getting out of here tomorrow or the next day or the day after if we have to explain why someones son, husband or brother or sister may have to be involved in Selective Service because we felt in our hearts that our nations security was threatened. So, i, like you, want to hear what the president has to say. When republicans come to the floor and say they are going to join with democrats to support the president , thats something i havent heard of in years. So i do hope that the president s able to bring us together with a better understanding as to we, as members of congress and representatives of the nations itizens and noncitizens, that we can come together not as republicans and democrats but as members of the house of representatives. Where the people govern, and all of us would feel better in knowing its not an easy choice, but were convinced it was the best choice. So thank you so much for taking the time out. And i only hope that 435 of our members will be doing the same thing so i can leave more secure in knowing that ive done the right thing. Thank you so much for the opportunity. And i yield back the time that you so graciously extended to me. Mr. Pocan thank you, representative rangel. You have been outspoken advocate for equality within the draft and making sure that everyone understands that there is an expense that goes into war. And someone who had nevada fuse involved and plenty of nephews and plents of constituents, thats why we should have that debate. One of the other issues that is extremely important that this body get done before we leave is addressing income equality and addressing how we can help those who need help the most, those who are aspiring to be in the middle class and helping the middle class. One of the best ways and one of the priorities of the democrats in this house is to give america a raise, to raise the minimum wage through a bill that we have to make sure that people have more money in their pockets and when that money is in their pockets, they will spend it in the community and lift the economy and create more jobs. Thats exactly what we need right now. For too long we have not raised the minimum wage. And if the minimum wage was the same, it would be well over 10. 67 an hour. And we are not. We are at a much lower rate and we need to have that. One of my colleagues from california has been an outspoken advocate for raising the minimum wage and i would love to yield some time to my colleague from the great state of california, mr. Lowen that will loan that will. Mr. Lowenthal i will be talking about the minimum wage and it was an honor to listen to congressman rangel and talk about what is probably the most important issue before us in temperatures of how we, as a deliberative body, deal with issues on war and peace and where our nation is going. I, too, hope as we have as this goes on, a thoughtful discussion, as you have laid out for us tonight. And i hope we follow up with what the president says later on tonight and that we when we reconvene that we talk about this in a very, very thoughtful way. But im also concerned about how working families and individuals are struggling to make a living on our current minimum wage of 7. 25. Thats why i think congressman pocan and my colleagues and i are discussing this issue. Its a key component of raising this minimum wage, closing the opportunity gap and building an economy that works for our working families. You know, we spend a lot of time in this body talking about building the economy. Spend time about discussing tax breaks for large corporations. But really, what we should be about is how do we rebuild the middle class, how do we give people the opportunity to join the middle class and raising the minimum wage is a critical component. You know, we would lift not by raising it from 7. 25 to 10. 10 an hour, we would lift 900,000 americans out of poverty. Do we raise it into wealth . No. We just take the first step. And this is a minimum step. It would raise it for 28 Million People, including more in my home state, 2. 7 million californians live below the poverty level. Working californians live below. 70 of them are women. And the average age is not as is often told us, young people 1825, but the average age of a person on minimum wage is 35 years old. That is a significant year. 1. 3 think i meant to say million californians in my state. s going to raise it for 2. 7 million and of those almost 1. 5 million are women would be impappingted by an increase. Impacted by an increase. This is a bill that was put forward by senator tom harkin and congressman George Miller, and its going to have a tremendous impact on job growth. We hear, if we raise the minimum wage, were going to lose jobs. But if we get through the scare tactics and listen to what people who are experts and studied the issue have said, that a recent analysis by the Economic Policy institute has calculated that a higher minimum age within three years creates 85,000 new jobs and it has a boost of almost 22 billion into the economy. So when we raise the minimum wage, we are talking about protecting families, protecting individuals. We have we as a congress, i think, have the responsibility to support those families who are the foundation of our work force. And now it is not time to turn our backs on the people who are raising the next generation. We are talking about working families. We need to help the men, women and children who provide the foundation for our economy. And our country. Who are raising the next generation. You know, if we cannot provide an adequate wage for americans who are living in poverty and working, why are we here . What is our role . Our role, i think, is to listen to those working americans who are desperately trying to make ends meet, who work two and three jobs and say, we hear you, it makes economic sense for the nation. We will support you and we should not leave this congress until we take the first step and that is to raise the minimum wage to at least 10. 10 an hour. Its a minimum raise raise of the minimum wage. With that, i yield back my time. And i thank you for providing me this opportunity to speak. Mr. Pocan if i could ask you a question before i go to mr. Rangel for a comment. The leadership in this house, the Republican Leadership has refused to schedule a bill that would raise the minimum wage. We have one other device to do that called the discharge petition. Mr. Lowenthal yes. Mr. Pocan id like to ask the gentleman if you signed the discharge petition so we can force a vote on this house to raise the minimum wage in the remaining weeks we have before we finish the session this year . Mr. Lowenthal absolutely would i sign a discharge petition. One of the most important things we can do and weve done it over and over, all were asking for is a right to vote. I still remember when the president came in his state of the union speech and it was really just after my first year here in the congress and he was talking about the horrible episode that happened at sandy hook and said, give the people the vote. Just give us a vote. Thats all were asking our republican colleagues. Let us vote on raising the minimum wage. Thats all. Thats the democratic way and thats the american way, give the people a vote. Mr. Pocan again, thank you, mr. Lowenthal. Thats the problem. Weve been told the speaker wont schedule the vote, but there are other ways. We can sign every Single Member of this body can sign a discharge petition and if we get a majority of us, 218 of us to sign that it will come to this body. There are no excuses not to get this done. Id like to yield some more time to my good friend from new york, mr. Charlie rangel. Mr. Rangel we were talking about war and peace and to me we are still talking about a moral issue here in this great nation, the richest in the world, were asking people to work 40 hours, many without sick leave, many without vacations or vacation pay and at the end of the day end up in poverty. Theres something terribly wrong with that picture. It seems to me that it goes beyond just doing the right and the moral thing. Even churches and sin gogs and synagogues and mosques should understand their membership is going down because you cant buy your food, rent and still give to the religious institutions. Beyond that, what are they going to do with the money . I tell you. Theyre going to be able to get nutritional diets for their kids. Theyll be able to buy clothes for their kids. They can aspire that their kids get a better education and be able to get higher jobs and higher ambitions. They can make america more productive because they have more selfesteem because being poor is not the worst thing in the world if you feel that you can come out of that poverty and you have an opportunity to do it. And theres something worse going on in this country today. I was privileged years ago to sponsor a bill that we all know as the earned income tax credit. And the earned income tax credit says this shouldnt happen. If you have a family and if you follow the federal formula and youre still poor, well give you a check. You wont owe taxes. Well give you a refundable check. Guess what, some of the people that are hiring these people at very low wages also hire accountants that advise the potential applicant how to become eligible for their earned income tax credit. So they give a little bit. The government gives a little bit. And the people still end up poor. It just seems to me this is not a democratic issue. Its not a republican issue. Its an issue what this america stands for. Where is the equity involved if were not going to allow our country to be pumped up by the middleclass people who made this country great . Were not a country of rich and poor folks. Its middle class that have demands that want to go to the local store so they can sell and hire people and have communities that feel proud of themselves. I know one thing. With the rent that is going up in communities all over this country and people who used to consider themselves middle class, you miss one or two payments of your rent and judge judy doesnt want to ask you what were the circumstances. If you didnt pay your rent youre going to get evicted. If you dont have resources, if you have no place to go, you can go from a plateau that you thought was middle class into a homeless shelter and getting out of that situation and seeking employment is almost impossible. How much does it cost . Hundreds of billions of dollars in social costs because you wouldnt give americans an opportunity to earn a living wage. So its lonely down here with you guys, but i do hope before we leave that we can have not just democrats but all of the members be able to go back home nd say it was late Getting Started but we do have issues that will make you proud. Thank you so much for taking the time, to allow us to express what we know. Most people believe but politically they cant support. Mr. Pocan again, thank you, mr. Rangel. One of the things i look at is Pretty Simple math to someone like me, coming from americas heartland, you know, when productivity is going up and wages are flat, the money is going somewhere. 1988, the average c. E. O. Made 40 times the lowest paid employee. Now its like 354 times lowest paid employee. Now, if you put extra money in the pockets, raising the minimum wage, of someone whos in the middle class or aspiring to being in the middle class, it will go back in the economy. If they can go on vacation in the Wisconsin Dells in my community, that c. E. O. Cant take 354 vacations to make up for it. So clearly when the money goes into the pockets of those who need it the most, its going to go instantly in the economy, help create jobs and help do everything that we need to to stimulate the economy to the point where we can be as great as we can possibly be. To me its a nobrainer. I think to the constituents i talk to its a nobrainer. Youre articulate in talking about the problems people going through trying to just get by. Its another thing this body simply has to take up before we leave. If we dont take this up before november, quite honestly, those who didnt try to take it up shouldnt come back because we need people who will take it up because its the will of the people. Democrats, independents and even republicans are looking at this as an issue thats important and has to happen. Again, thank you so much for all your work on this for so many years. Alan lowenthal and i are freshmen here, were newbies, were taking up the fight. Youve been a mentor to so many of us. Thank you, mr. Rangel and thank you, mr. Lowenthal. Mr. Rangel thank you. Mr. Lowenthal thank you very, very much. Mr. Pocan mr. Lowenthal went through the numbers of the state of california and it has the same effect in my state of wisconsin. You know, when you look at it, if you raise that minimum wage 10. 10, as the bill, senator harkin and representative George Miller of this body, not only 28 million of this country that will get a raise, but its half a Million People just in my home state of wisconsin, a half a Million People. One of the things i heard sometimes when you talk to people, if you raise the minimum wage, all youre doing is giving extra pocket money to teenagers who are living with their parents. Thats one of the great myths thats out there. Because heres the reality. The average age of a minimum wage worker is 35 years old. 35 years old. When you look at the exact breakdown of who it is, 90 are over 20 years old, and more than half of them are older than 25 years old. Youre not talking about a teenager living at home. Youre talking about people who are living independently in the community trying to get by on 7. 35 an hour or close to 15,000 a year in a job that often has no benefits, health benefits, pension, etc. 55 of the people on minimum wage are working full time. 44 have some type of college education, associate degree or bachelors degree or other higher education. Thats the reality of the minimum wage worker in this country. It is not the myth of a teenager living at home looking for some pocket money. These are hardworking people trying to get by often on two or three jobs without the benefits, without that ability if they miss their rent, they get evicted and then theyre homeless. As mr. Rangel said, these are some of the same people that didnt show up on our health plans that states provide for being low income. You is subsidizing the salary . We all are. Every single individual whos a taxpayer pays into those programs. While that employer may not offer a wage they can live on, we subsidize it so they can get something as basic aS Health Care. So theres a real need to pass the fair minimum wage act that is proposed. We have tried and tried in this body to get a vote on it. We have signed a discharge petition and virtually every democrat in the house of representatives has signed that and we need those republicans, especially those republicans who are on record supporting a minimum wage to also sign that so we can get a vote before we leave in a few weeks before the november election, before the end of the year. Because i think the question i would want to ask my representative when i see them in the community in the coming weeks before the election, what have they done to help make the middle class stronger . What have they done to help people who are aspiring to be in the middle class . What have we got done in congress . Theres a congress in 1948 that was called the donothing congress because they got so little done. The first year of that session they passed 350 bills. Last year, this body, passed 88. And here we are sitting on another week back in congress and we havent raised the minimum wage, we havent passed equal pay for equal work so that men make women make just as much as men do and we havent done anything about the affordability of higher education, allowing students to refinance their loans. Simple issues that arent partisan issues, not democratic, republican, liberal, conservative. Its about whether or not youre fighting for the middle class and those who aspire to be in the middle class or whether youre here trying to help out special interests and the lobbyists who represent the special interests. Its really that simple. So we need to pass a raise for the American People and that means you pass an increase in the minimum wage. As other members have said, it will lift so many people out of poverty and give a raise to so many people to help stimulate the economy. So the progressive caucus is fighting each and every single day while were here for a variety of issues raising the minimum wage, trying to stop wage theft in this country, trying to extend Unemployment Insurance so that everyone whos out of work can still get some benefits while theyre looking for work so they can get that job, because we all know the best social program is a job and we want to make sure that everyone can get that job. We need to continue to do the things that Congress Needs to get done and we have not got done. So the minimum wage is one issue that we wanted to talk about today. As we have the president speaking to us this evening, we want to make sure that this body has a very full and rich debate as we pass in a bipartisan way 37040, we need to have a real debate and have real questions answered before we get involved so that we never again have what happened the last time we got involved in iraq because were back again. There was no Mission Accomplished. A banner and a flyin in military gear is not a Successful End to an involvement. We need to make sure whatever we do this time is thoughtful, done with consultation of congress, with narrow scope and with partnership with other nations, specifically in the region to make sure that we are doing this not alone or not largely alone. So with that, mr. Speaker, id like to yield back any time that we have and the progressive caucus appreciates this time this evening. The speaker pro tempore the ntleman yields back. The speaker pro tempore under the speakers announced policy of january 3, 201, the gentleman from texas, mr. Gohmert, is recognized for 60 minutes as the designee of the majority leader. I appreciate my mr. Gohmert i appreciate my colleagues talking about pushing for a raise in the minimum wage, because thats what a party does after their party has totally devastated the economy. Ts what you do after your partys president , with help from the majority in the senate, to by harry reid are able just wreak havoc with an economy that should be doing really well. This economy is wanting to take off. Obamacare as we have said over four years is going to harm the economy. Its going to knock people out of work and put people from fulltime to parttime. Republicans have been explaining this ever since we not voted for that bill. There are was 16 billion in cut to medicare and a lot of seniors that vote democrat, voted for this president , voted for a democratic majority in the senate, they have now been shocked this year as they are not getting the health care they once did. Why . Because of obamacare. Seniors are getting mistreated. And when we want to talk about the economy, the moist staggering numbers i can imagine have come out in the last year and the president has even acknowledged it was true. Oh, yeah, he complains, we arent doing enough for the middle class. Well, we agree with that. We certainly agree with that. You know, we need to help those that are not making enough money. Then quit knocking them out of their jobs, mr. President , harry reid. We have over 360 bills down at the senate, passage of just 10 of them would help this economy. But they wont bring them up. So, the devastating, most ncredible numbers are these. Since barack obama has been president of the United States for the first time in our nations history, its never ever happened before in any president s tenure, whether it was four or eight or shortened by tragedy, no president before rack obama has ever presided over an economy in the united of all the ch 95 income in the United States went only this 1 president has brought us to 95 of the income in america goes to the top 1 . And people wonder why there is so much money that flooded into the Obama Campaign in 2008. Nots much flooded into his campaign in 2012, because, you know, there was some people losing money, the economy wasnt doing as well as expected. Anything more devastating than a president acknowledging the fact, 95 of all income gone to the top 1 . And then he gives speeches and talks to people like he cant understand how the republicans could allow this big growth between the poor and the rich. Well, we need the president to tell us how hes done it. But the trouble is we know how hes done it. He talks about fat cats. And then makes sure they are the ones that get rewarded. He talks about going after big oil and proposes a bill that would do nothing to hurt big oil , but would absolutely have devastated independent Oil Producers who actually drill and produce around 95 or so of the United States oil and gas wells. Because this president s obamacare, because of his overregulation, because of his topdown demands from the e. P. A. Wanting to usurp authority because they couldnt find their ears with both hands, they are telling the ones how to run their industries. This president has created a mess. He demonizes companies for to ag to survive by moving country that has a Corporate Income tax rate thats a fraction of the rate we have. We now have the largest, the highest Corporate Tax in the world. And this president thinks the answer is more tax is. He taxes. He has never been educated by people who know how an economy really works. Who like arthur lafford helped get the economy going after president carter killed it. He never sat down at the feet of people who understand economies and what makes them work and what makes them fail. He doesnt understand when government uses its heavy, heavy hand, they hurt economies. When the president pronounces laws out of his mouth that have Never Passed Congress and makes that the null enforced law newly enforced law, then it creates havoc in the economy, because capital goes where it feels safest. And when you have a president like a dictator who pronounces new laws because they dont like what past president s have signed, companies arent going to survive well in that environment, so they move on and go where they can survive better. The answer to getting People Better jobs and higher wages is not to mandate further regulation. The answer is to lower the Corporate Tax, draw more Companies Back here so that people can have better jobs. People can have more jobs. And i know at some point, because there is so much intelligence in the African American community, i know at some point, the majority is going to figure out that the democrats have done massive damage to the africanamerican communities and that the answer is not in making them more dependent on the federal government, but in pushing them to reach their potential, to reach for the sky, not with federal handouts, but with goodpaying jobs. Texas in rshal lsh, texas in marshall, the last month and a young africanamerican was out of a job and he was able to go through the fiveweek truckdriving school there and getting his commercial drivers license and for the first time in his life he was going to get 42,000. B, paying 40, it excited me seeing him so excited. A huggable guy that was so thrilled. And now that he had a job promised that was coming up in a couple of weeks when he finished and he how much he was going to make and in three years he had the chance of making 100,000, now he has gotten engaged because he wanted to wait until he had a job and could take care of his wife and they could take care of each other. He didnt want to be on the federal dole. And this man had all kinds of capability. And now he was going to be able to meet it. Not because of this president or the overregulation, but because he took a fiveweek Training Program and was going to get a good job. I mean thats where you help people. Not in the handouts, but in the that god ng potential has given them. Some have claimed that republicans have a war on women and women make 70 of what the men make. We know its very unfortunate. We are very sorry that the white house penalizes women and rewards men because the men make a lot more in the same positions as the women do. So apparently that does happen some places and we hope the president will address it in his own white house lawn, in his own house. But the fact is, across the country women being paid 70 , people are smarter than the president realizes, they would be hiring nothing but women because they work for so much cheaper. Thats one of the problems that the Africanamerican Community have when huge businesses combined with the democratic arty to bring in and lure as many illegal aliens in this country as they can and start iving massive numbers of amnesty, then they are not going to get have as many Job Opportunities and not going to make as much money. And people are beginning to see that in the Africanamerican Community. Thats why their Unemployment Rate is so much higher than that in other ethnic communities. And the overall unemployment ate, such damage to such wonderful people. Just like that young man in guy,all, texas, much older big africanamerican, just thrilled for the man because hes graduating, hes got a job coming up. He has been out of work so long. You dont help people by saying were going to pay you for a year not to work. You help create an environment where there are jobs where you can reach your potential. So, mr. Speaker, the question that my friends ought to be sking is why is one job no longer enough for so Many Americans . And if we get to the bottom of it, youll find out. Obamacares a problem. Overregulation is a problem. Stifling america becoming Energy Independent by propping up forms of energy that do not create a profit unless they are subsidized by taxpayer dollars. Let this economy run. Let people reach their potential. I know the president is going to be making a speech on syria. I literally thank god that the president was not able to do a Bombing Campaign like he wanted to do a year ago, in which he would literally have done so much damage to not a good man, but the leader in syria assad, that it would have allowed isis to be in charge now. People across america have figured out that isis is a threat to all of us. And so i will wait and see what the president has to say, but when you know that the president was wrong about egypt, about the Muslim Brotherhood taking over in egypt, was wrong when he was pushing to keep the Muslim Brotherhood in a tyrantlike morsi in charge when a third of the population came to the streets and said we dont want radical islam, and you, america, under barack obama, you helped us with a constitution that doesnt include impeachment. A s sharia law and passed constitution that synagogues be rebuilt and this add administration is against them because they didnt want radical islamists in charge. And in libya, as moderate muslims in the middle east have told me in visits over there, none of us like gaddafi, but he was helping us against terrorism and you helped al qaedabacked rebels take him out. But for americas bombing, the radical islamists would not have control of libya today or algeria or tune neice yeah. Thank tunisia. Thank god for them rising up, they say we stand with the jus and christians and dont want radical islamists running our country. And i hope ts

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