Transcripts For CSPAN House Session 20150325 : comparemela.c

Transcripts For CSPAN House Session 20150325

Mr. Ellison let me thank the speak for allowing us time to talk about the peoples budget. This is a budget that puts. 4 Million People back to work. Earlier in this debate, my colleague on the other side of the aisle, pulled up a chart and did a comparison between our budget and the republican budget. But there was one category that i did not see on that chart and that is how many jobs do you create . How many jobs do you create . This is the right number we should be comparing budgets on. I would say for americans all over this country looking for work, wanting to make a valuable contribution to themselves and their family, this is the right budget because this is the jobs budget, this is the good work budget, and this is the peoples budget. Id also like to give a big thanks to over 150,000 people who signed a petition in favor of the peoples budget. Citizen ack at this slists know whats good for their government. They want the progressive budget, trained economists who have stripped numbers and modeling have come up to help us out. The peoples budget we urge a yes vote. We thank the gentleman for the time. The chair the gentlemans time has expired. The gentleman from california is recognized. Mr. Mcclintock mr. Chairman, my friend forgets the 8. 4 million jobs that will be destroyed in the productive sector as government transfers those 8. 4 million through taxes to the public sector. I think the reason these times are so impassioned is because we have arrived at a moment when two very different visions of society are competing for our nations future. And they are very much reflected in the budgets put forward by the two parties in this house. Americas prosperity and greatness spring from uniquely american principles of individual freedom, personal responsibility, and actually limited government. Americas founders created a voluntary society where people are free to make their own decisions, enjoy the fruit of their own labors, take responsibility for their own decisions, and lead their own lives with a minimum of government interference and intrusion. When someone needs our help, we freely give that help. What we ask in return that they make the effort to support themselves to the extent they can. Our government views no one person or group as more or less worthy than any other. We are americans. Well be judged on our own merits and well make our own choices including what kind of car well drive or how well raise our children or what kind of light bulbs we prefer or what well have for dinner. Today a very different vision competes for our future. That of a Compulsory Society where our individual rights are sprord nated to the mandates of government subordinated to the mandates of government bureaucrats. Where innocent taxpayers are forced to bail out the bad decisions of others and consumers are compelled to purchase products or underwrite the losses of politically favored companies. Under this vision the purpose of government is not to protect individual freedom but its to improve society however those emin power decide it should be improved. To take from those that he declares undeserving to give to those who are deserving. Or to put it more susssippingtly, to give to each according to his abilities to those according to his needs. Not more than 14u7bd stetches from where we debate right now Thomas Jefferson reviewed the bountiful resources of the nation and asked, with all these blessings what more is necessary to make us a happy and prosperous people . Still one thing more, fellow citizens a wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread that it has earned. This is the sum of good government. This is the balanced budget for a stronger america put forward by the house Budget Committee. And let us be clear, the very various democratic plans, including the one before us now fundamentally reject these american principles and replace them with values that are alien and antithetical to those that built our nation. This is the question that our generation must decide in all of its forms, including the question put to us today by this substitute amendment. I yield back. The chair the gentleman from california yields back the balance of his time. The question is on the amendment offered by the gentleman from minnesota, so many as are in favor say aye. Those opposed, no. In the opinion of the chair, the noes have it. Mr. Ellison we ask for a recorded vote. The chair pursuant to clause 6 of rule 18, further proceedings on the amendment offered by the gentleman from minnesota will be postponed. It is now in order it consider amendment number 2, printed in house report number 11449. For what purpose does the gentleman from North Carolina seek recognition . Mr. Butterfield mr. Chairman, i rise to offer an alternative budget on behalf of the Congressional Black Caucus. The chair the clerk will designate the amendment. The clerk amendment number 2, in the nature of a substitute printed in house report number 11449, offered by mr. Butterfield of North Carolina. The chair pursuant to House Resolution 163, the gentleman from North Carolina, mr. Butterfield, and a member opposed, each will control 15 minutes. The chair recognizes the gentleman from North Carolina. Mr. Butterfield thank you, mr. Chair. Mr. Chairman, the Congressional Black Caucus has a long history of submitting fiscally sound and morally responsible budget alternatives that emphasize our commitment to eradicating poverty in america. The budget which is induce endorsed by groups such as the National Education association, nciu, planned parenthood, and policy link. Focuses on a fairer tax code ending the sequestration battle creating jobs, and eliminating poverty, and reducing the deficit. Mr. Chairman, the c. B. C. Budget is a plan that will work to protect and enhance the social safety net that continues to save millions from the ravages of poverty. I goal is to increase Economic Opportunities for all americans through significant and sustained investments in education and infrastructure, Affordable Housing, domestic manufacturing, Small Business, and job training. We propose, mr. Chairman significant investments to further accelerate our economic recovery and ensure no community in america is left behind. Additionally no other budget on capitol hill prioritizes the plight of Voting Rights enforcement into the federal fiscal map or contemplates 3 billion saved over 10 years by limiting mandatory minimum sentences for nonviolent drug offenders. Once again the House Republican budget relies on partisan rhetoric and gimmicks instead of making the tough choices needed to invest in our nation, grow our economy and provide Economic Opportunities for hardworking americans. House republicans are unrealistic and unworkable budget continues. It continues the sequester for domestic spending this year and cuts that spending drastically in future years disinvesting in our nation and asking the most vulnerable americans to carry the burden of deficit reduction. We cannot allow their budget to move forward on the backs of the American People. I request my colleagues to support the congressional blackhawks alternative budget and it is a budget that re black caucus alternative budget. I yield the balance of my time to congressman bobby scott who really did the heavy lifting along with congresswoman barbara lee and congresswoman moo in drafting our budget. I also ask unanimous consent that mr. Scott be allowed to manage the time. The chair without objection the gentleman from virginia will manage the balance of the time. The gentleman from virginia reserves. The gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Price i claim the time in opposition. The chair the gentleman from georgia is recognized. Mr. Price thank you, mr. Chair. I want to commend our friends in the c. B. C. For coming forward with a budget. Its not an easy thing to do having worked these last 10 or 11 weeks to try to fashion a budget that could be belt with on the floor of the house. I also want to just point out that this is one of the few opportunities that we have as a congress to look at comparison of apples to apples similar work products with each other. There are three budgets that will be offered by our friends on the other side. We talked just now about the progressive caucus. In the middle is the c. B. C. Budget, the one we are discussing right now. I just want to highlight the differences between this budget from a numerical standpoint with the budget thats been offered by the republican majority, a balanced budget for a stronger america. Taxes, what does the c. B. C. Budget do . Increases taxes by over 3. 2 trillion over the next 10 years. Spending . Increases spending by over 7 trillion over the next 10 years compared to the republican budget. Deficits . Increases deficits by over 4 trillion over the next 10 years. Debt . Same. 4 trillion added to the debt. What do they spend on defense . The defense of our nation in these perilous times . Less than he decreasing spending on defense by 314 billion. The big question, when does their budget ever get to balance . A balanced budget is what we need to get this economy rolling again. When does it ever get to balance . Never. So its a worthy endeavor that our friends in the c. B. C. Have undertaken. However, its not right for the country and certainly doesnt stand up to the scrutiny of a balanced budget for a stronger america. Id like to yield my remaining time to the gentlewoman from tennessee mrs. Black, and i ask unanimous consent that she be allowed to control the time. The chair without objection, the gentlewoman from tennessee is recognized and will control the balance of the time. Mrs. Black i reserve. The chair the gentlewoman reserves the balance of her time. The gentleman from virginia is recognized. Mr. Scott i yield myself such time as i may consume. The chair the gentleman from virginia is recognized. Mr. Scott mr. Chairman, i rise in strong support of the Congressional Black Caucus budget which is a more credible and responsible alternative than the underlying republican budget. The nations budget reflects its priorities, the republican budget continues to highlight the wrong priorities. The underlying republican budget is not a serious plan. It contains trillions of dollars in tax cuts, but claims to be revenue neutral without showing a dimes worth of tax increase that is will be necessary to make it leff new neutral. Includes trillions of dollars in unspecified cuts, and many of the specified cuts will not be made. For example, are we really going to repeal medicare as we know it . If you actually believe that the republican majority will carry out their plan, it would actually devastate our economy by balancing the budget on the backs of students, workers seniors, the disabled, and vulnerable communities across the nation. The republican budget assumes that sequestration cuts will be enacted, and then adds an additional 759 billion in nondefense Discretionary Spending cuts. Thats a part of the budget that invests in education, work force training, Scientific Research, transportation and infrastructure. In stark contrast to the republican budget the Congressional Black Caucus budget puts real numbers on the page. We show our arithmetic. The c. B. C. Budget proposes 2. 7 trillion in additional revenue over the next decade, but our budget lays out 5. 6 trillion in specific revenue options and loophole closings that congress could adopt to achieve that goal. With this additional revenue we eliminate sequestration. We propose a 500 billion jobs package and put millions of people back to work, and include more than 300 billion above the president s budget for significant and sustained investments in programs that have been instrumental in lifting millions of americans out of poverty. A budget also calls for a raise in the minimum wage. As a public option to the Health Insurance marketplace and calls for the passage of comprehensive Immigration Reform. Factors the payfor elimination of sequestration, our revenue enhancements c. B. O. s analysis of the deficit reduction impacts of both enacting a public option and comprehensive Immigration Reform, our budget credibly reduces the 10year deficit by 1. 9 trillion when compared to c. B. O. s base line. Mr. Chairman, our budget is a credible alternative to the vague and unrealistic plan offered by our republican colleagues, and i urge my colleagues to support the c. B. C. Budget. I reserve the balance of my time. The chair the gentleman from virginia reserves the balance of his time. The gentlewoman from tennessee is recognized. Mrs. Black thank you mr. Chairman. Today i rise in opposition to this surkstute amendment. Every day substitute amendment. Every day i hear from my constituents in tennessee who are still struggling to find work and make ends meet. This is the result of the slowest economic recovery in American History. And in parts of my district communities are still plagued by doubledigit unemployment rates. Yet this amendment would raise taxes on americans by 3. 2 trillion. This would be on the top of the 1. 6 trillion in new taxes already imposed under president obama. Raising taxes on Small Business is exactly the opposite of what is needed to reduce unemployment. Get americans back to work and grow our economy. Even with this 3. 2 trillion tax increase, which would be the largest in American History, this budget would never balance. In fact compared to a balanced budget for a stroppinger america this substitute amendment would stronger america, this substitute amendment would add 4 trillion to our debt over the next 10 years. This is because this amendment would increase spending by 7 trillion compared to the House Republican budget. In fact, it increases spending for every category in the budget except for our National Defense. This budget would take 1 trillion of its proposed tax hike and use all of this money to break the budget control act spending caps for nondefense spending only. This is unacceptable. At a time when we are faced with russian aggression in the ukraine the threat of isis in the middle east, and an increasingly unpredictable security environment, we need to adequately fund our service men and women. That is why the House Republican budget would comply with the current spending caps in the law but still add 387 billion in defense spending over a 10year window, all while balancing the budget without any tax increases. Long before i served on the Budget Committee, i got a crash course in budgeting 101 as a single working mother. In those years i raised three children on a nurses salary, teaching me how to live within my means and stretch my dollars. Mr. Speaker, ive had to work to make ends meet and so i know how important our social safety net is for those in need. I want to see the safety net strengthened and preserved for future generations. However, this budget falls into the trap of measuring how much we care by how much we spend. Federal programs and initiatives should be evaluated based on their outcomes, by how many people we help get out of poverty help to get back to work and help to get the training and the education they need. One example is our federal jobs training program. In 2011 the Government Accountability office, the g. A. O. , issued a report that found 47 overlapping federal job training programs, costing 18 billion in 2009 alone. The report showed that this duplication was not serving workers that needed training or responsibly using federal dollars. And if we want to help workers who need training heres a theres a clear need to reform these programs to improve outcomes. That is why last year this house passed the Work Force Innovation and opportunity act. By the way it was Bipartisan Legislation which was signed into law and made important reforms to federal job training programs. Better helping workers looking for a job while responsibly using taxpayer dollars. This substitute budget would take the step back from these reforms and simply spend an additional 13 billion on these programs without any reforms. Unfortunately, this is just one example of this substitute amendments doubling down on failed policies of the past. Additionally, it would create a 1 billion slush fund for a national stimulus program. Just like the previously failed stimulus program, this would do nothing to create new jobs and simply adds another 100 billion to our debt which our children and our grandchildren will have to pay. It would also reverse bipartisan reforms made to the supplemental nutrition assistance program, or commonly called snap and increase spending. And if we want to protect those who are most in need, we need to find ways to reform this snap the snap program. The substitute amendment would go further than even obamacare has. Calling for a creation of a public Health Insurance option a back door way to nationalizing our health care system. This idea is so radical that when democrats controlled both chambers of commerce and the congress and the white house it was not adopted. Health care should be a patientcentered allowing americans to make decisions with their doctors and their families, not with the federal government. Instead of doubling down on obamacare, House Republicans want to see greater choice more affordability, increased quality innovation in health care, which is why

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