declare recess of the committee at any point in all members will have five days to submit statements extraneous materials and questions for the record subject to the limitation of the rules. inserting something in that record please have your staff e-mailed the previous imagined address and please keep your video function on at all times even when you are not recognized by the chair. members are responsible for and unthemselves. please remember to make make yourself after you finish speaking. consistent with house rules that will only mute members as appropriate when they are not under recognition to eliminate background noise. i see we have a quorum present virtually and i will now recognize myself for opening remarks. we are here at a very important time in an important issue one that can be viewed as a three-legged stool. we are dealing with security issues as well as global security issues economic prosperity issues as well as important climate change issues. energy is the lifeblood of our connected world or homes cars and critical in the structure and the most basic of necessities all require some form of energy. since the industrial revolution that seemed obviously clear benefits of harnessing this energy to build a structure invest in our communities and ensure a high standard of living for the american people. the foundation of our energy resources in the u.s. and europe have been the booming transatlantic economy bringing prosperity and opportunity to all of our citizens. unfortunately the benefits of an energized world have fostered innovation has become abundantly clear fossil fuel is providing much of our energy resources warming arclight emit in destroying the world we live live in. our military's civilian leaders and business leaders are clear fossil views and climate change posed an existential crisis threatening the united states national security. across the globe as well we have seen some energy producing companies will the resources to establish malign influence in energy and coronation. thankfully we have what russia and china cannot do. we have a transatlantic coalition aligned by values in action to stand up to these malign influences and stand forward the protection of democracy and the rule of law. he can before russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine up every 24th, 2020 the us provided substantial support to her european allies and partners in energy portfolios in securing their energy in all sectors and there was understanding energy security and the transatlantic alliance is central to our national security and the security of our transatlantic heart areas. for example we provided the development finance corporation with the authority to support energy diversification projects in europe that would reduce europe's dependency on russian gas. further both the biden biden administration gave resounding support to the -- and before and after russia's full-scale invasion of ukraine president tight-end senior adviser for energy security has traveled across the globe to partner with countries in the energy sector and worked in conjunction with their climate commitment to set up american and european energy for the future. in light of full-scale invasion and the subsequent energy crisis of european nation the eu and the u.s. have to think critically that only about the long-term energy security but also its short-term supply and thankfully the transatlantic alliance has acted resolutely in with creativity and precision to support ukraine in its fight for freedom impose punitive measures on russia for its illegal invasion and create short and long-term energy solutions to shore up european energy sectors. the national level we made significant movement to hault them major pipeline in the energy sector. other countries like bulgaria poll and have to pay for russian gas in rubles further the ability to export also fuels. an unprecedented six rounds of sanction packages have been announced and the eu has moved russian autopen understand the difficulties of the gas and i hope you can eliminate its dependence on russian gas as soon as possible. eu initiatives like eu eu energy purchased platforms energy purchased platform segregated practice steps to ensure eu member countries are adequately supplied with energy before the cold winter months. these necessaries that's to diversify energy supplying created crucial framework for renewable energy in the future continues. what action from the eu and member states is necessary continued support is essential if we aim to construct a world in which energy is secure and democratic values remain. to that and the u.s. has aided your appear at task force on energy security for the biden administration is a joint initiative with the irpin commission to diversify lng supply in line with climate object is ultimately reducing reliance on russia and the band for natural gas. u.s. companies have pioneered technologies such as small modular nuclear rectors including in romania which provides immense amount of energy at low emission levels. these will be discussed at this hearing and i recognize that diversity across the continent regarding energy portfolios but also the need to act together across the atlantic to invest in long-term energy solutions that do not compromise our climate. given different jurisdictions and authorities to outline u.s. emphasis to support european energy security we have invited three witnesses from the executive branch to testify and who have been asked to meet this challenge. i thank all of you for your participation in this hearing. in closing let me be clear decreasing reliance on russia and the sharp preparing for the new reality of climate energy of political changes in long-term. by standing strong with their transatlantic allies we can face the future with an innovative lens to build long-lasting resilience with the world are repaired for climate and geopolitical challenges and that is our ultimate goal. it's an ultimate necessity in today's hearing a hopeful shed light on pathways forward in dealing with this. i will now recognize the ranking member for his opening remarks. >> thank you chairman keating and tour witnesses for being here today. europe has struggled with their energy security and is relied on russia for primary energy assistance for natural gas represents one fourth of the eu's energy and the main gas tax export market. specifically in 202175% of exports went directly to the eu. prior to the war in ukraine russia was the top gas fire and most in central northeastern and southeastern europe. since the war in ukraine began eu countries has tens of millions of dollars. as a result of the war it has exacerbated an already widespread energy crisis in europe at a time when soaring fuel prices and inflation have been jeopardizing economic recovery post covid-19. he and the unjustified full-scale genocide occurring in ukraine europe's energy depends on russia 100% as a nation while the eu has banned russia and russian crude oil petroleum products -- this needs to change. an article released yesterday in bloomberg stated quote russia uses gas as a weapon with the objected to limit europe's capacity end quote. there must be more to ensure europe does not have to -- when it comes to finding an energy source. the u.s. has worked with european partners to encourage efforts for diversification of fuel mixes as well as exerting pressure against projects that contradict nord stream ii. i look forward to hearing from her witnesses on how the west plans to work with eric eu allies so we do not rely on russian energy sources especially after the violent attack on ukraine. every time sent to russia is a time of complicit -- and continuing this genocide. thank you mr. chairman and i yield back. >> thank you ranking member. i will now introduce her witnesses and thank you again for being here. without objection your written statement, all three of your written statements will be a part of the record and their first witness is assistant secretary andrew light his then assistant secretary of energy at the u.s. department of energy. mr. secretary light you are recognized for five minutes. >> chairman keating ranking member fitzpatrick and members of the committee it's indeed an honor to appear before a date to discuss energy security in europe and the role of the department of energy and the larger u.s. government in supporting development of infrastructure assistance and policies in central europe especially those supporters secured diversified european sector which will make them more secure. i'm appearing before you all as you well know that very troubling and disturbing time to for addition to the tremendous humanitarian consequences of russia's war against ukraine rushes in to getting an energy war affecting countries throughout europe. israel's old u.s. department of energy's and colleagues in the government or. doubling our -- the energy war is clearly hit home. vladimir putin set actions have sent oil markets reeling raising the price of gas at the pump underscoring the need for this government to work with their european allies to find affordable and diversified global solutions that will secure a clean energy future. stated bluntly this conflict starkly reinforces the national security importance of our energy investments transitions and those of our allies. we are working to support europe's energy and through its first accelerate the transition to sources that are not susceptible to foreign manipulation. this includes supporting ukraine's these synchronization with the energy grid and an integration of european electricity grid where we could export clean renewable energy. second placing europe's natural gas without creating instability and third facilitating multinational and public-private collaboration to multiply the options available for diversification and decarbonization of energy supply. any discussion and european energy security must include ukraine. ukraine's nuclear power alone could -- once ukraine is able to export it looks your city here. to help facilitate this the department of energy is using emergency appropriations to support ukraine's full integration into europe's electricity grid with a focus on cybersecurity supported the electric -- part of the security will help ensure ukraine's connections the grid relies -- remains reliable and stable through in the process of cyberand energy infrastructure security and despite the ongoing war expect their work will commence. working beyond ukraine ready to provide near-term support for european allies. to ensure they are able to withstand shutdowns from russia and have the resources to make it to the upcoming winter. lng is a mere part of the long-term solution we are working and with european commission to help secure more natural gas from other sources. in the longer term. starting immediately when many disparate efforts to diversify and harmonize europe's energy sector and we look to permanently reduce its dependence dependence on russia and the other path to a clean secure and affordable future. to this end we have bilateral multilateral parter ships with several european countries that include collaboration with hydrogen offshore winds and other innovative energy solutions. in my remaining time i want to highlight one such way we have for achieving long-term goal of the partnership for transatlantic cooperation. indeed the embodiment of the transatlantic coalition as the chairman mentioned in his remarks to the previous demonstrations greeted this tool to provide technical policy commercial support to 24 countries in april in central europe in and outside of european union to integrate a modernized energy sector. in september of 2021 granholm relaunched as interdependent usually reinforcing goals. with unanimous support of all of our 24 partner countries. they were using this version to help her european allies with diversification and decarbonization objectives focusing on regional cybersecurity and electricity grids deployment of commercial nuclear industry provide clean power investment in renewable energy and efficiency measures and the catalyzed netzero -- member states will gather within the initiative summit to the summit was the impetus behind the creation of the partnership for transatlantic energy and corporation in my department has fully supported these particles. in short we are looking to achieve short and long-term solutions for european energy security that will ensure a diverse clean affordable energy future for ourselves and our allies. i look forward to your questions. >> thank you very much. our second witness. or we connect it? >> we are. the senior bureau official and deputy assistant secretary of the prayer of energy resources. you are now recognized for five minutes for your opening statement. >> thank you. chairman keating ranking member fitzpatrick and members of the subcommittee thank you for the opportunity to discuss the demonstrations efforts to support europe's energy security. i'm joining it today from paris at the conclusion of the board meeting where do joint department of energy leadership the iaea voted unanimously for ukraine to join the family and the unwavering commitment to support ukraine in the face of putin's brutal war. putin's unprovoked war of ukraine has caused a major shift in europe's energy security and up-ended the world energy map. it's made clear the dangers of overreliance on a single supplier particularly when it uses energy as a tool of coercion. it underscores the clean energy sector strengthens our energy and our climate security. united states and europe are united in our determination to stand up to russia to ensure europe's energy security and to accelerate the clean energy transition. the united states is leveraging multilateral diplomacy to assist european countries and finding alternative supplies. this will take time. in 2021 russia provided 45% of the eu's total natural gas imports and 27% of oil imports. putin's war and subsequent national gas cut off to poland bulgaria finland the netherlands and others destroyed the illusion that russia is a reliable supplier of energy. the eu's announcement in march that plans to cut dependence on russian natural gas by more than half of the end of 2022 and to achieve independence of fossil fuels by 2027 was an important signal. as early as last fall we were warned russia was deliberately planning to leave your width is generally lower levels of natural gas. united states understands the capacity and their willingness to allocate these volumes to european buyers. this tangible success including allies like japan agreed to redirect lng to your. president biden's march 22 announcement the european commission president establishing a joint task force in the european security illustrates close atlantic cooperation. through this task force we committed 15 billion cubic meters of gas supply by the end of this year. we are committed to working with eu member states for ensuring demand for approximately 50 btm a year of supplies until at least 2030. europe agreed to fast-track regulatory approvals alleging destruction and identify demand to spur investment. as the chairman said increasing lng to your cannot fully resolved the european dependence on russian energy. we are cooperating with europe. clean and renewable energy technology providers to help reduce demand including u.s. companies. we can reduce demand by the limited technologies such as smart irmo grid technology energy efficiency and productivity improvements battery storage offshore winds and clean hydrogen. we are cooperating on these well before the outset of putin's work. we are all feeling the impact of high energy prices due to the war in a cramp in march and the united states and the iea announced a strategic petroleum reserve. these releases at 240 million barrels of global supply. it's the largest release for the united states and the largest release from other countries in history and will support american consumers in the global economy. these actions result from the administrations unwavering focus on doing everything in our power to help american families who are paying more out-of-pocket for gasoline at as a result of putin's work is strengthening europe's energy security is a high priority for the biden administration. together with their partners and allies we will accelerate dependence in line with their shared access goals. thank you very much and i look forward to addressing your questions. >> thank you mr. kamian next witness jake divined achieve climate officer at the u.s. national development finance corporation preview are recognized for five minutes for your opening statement. >> chairman keating ranking member fitzpatrick and distinguished members of the committee thank you for inviting me to testify today on the finance corporation's role to support european energy security. we have a mandate under the build back with transactions that advanced development strategic interest of the united states. the subject of today's hearing the central tourist special responsibility under the european energy security and diversification act. in line with those authorities are working to expand the portfolio of projects that can accelerate europe's pathway toward energy security. several of us have recently returned from the region and next week we will be teeshon to the pc up to reinforce a readiness to provide investment. in ukraine itself tfc is that portfolio with approximately $800 million that cost more than a dozen -- including renewables and nuclear fuel. we are evaluating new opportunities there and offered flexibility project to make sure they can weather the storm. when it comes time to rebuild we will be there again. russia's unjustified war in ukraine has permanently changed the energy landscape particularly with respect to the near term delivery of oil and gas for heating this winter. at the same time it's opened a critical window of opportunity to accelerate europe's pathway to energy independence. precious weaponization of its energy resources has united the u.s. and europe in a common effort to diversify european sources of energy. and it is a wake-up call. there can be no louder signal to underscore the need and the opportunity this moment offers to reduce dependence on oil and gas resources that have allowed russia to course its neighbors and to finance war machines. president biden is outlined a two-pronged approach to help secure europe's energy diversifying energy resources away from russian providers in supporting europe's commitment to move away from fossil fuel dependence altogether through the u.s. is working to unleash an arsenal for energy resources in service of both an tfc is the key support. we are working to help europe to pivot away from russian sources of energy. we are advancing discussions to provide insurance for gas replacement contracts that can help small countries completely phase out of russian gas. we are in discussion to finance a gas pricing strategy that would facilitate purchases of u.s. lng to replace russian gas. second we are accelerating our work to help deploy the massive amounts of clean energy efficiency and electrification required to fully move away from fossil fuels. the untapped savings available are smart thermostats solar wind and storage projects in the near term represent roughly one third of all russian exports of natural gas to the eu. as part of the support we are also exploring ways we can engage in a civil nuclear corporation such as the recent dalo why did we signed with new scale for its romanian project. third we believe ukraine and eastern europe are not just places in need of strategic investment from the west that can become hubs of energy security for the west are to that end we are identifying opportunities for