Transcripts For CSPAN Hearing On Strengthening Communication

Transcripts For CSPAN Hearing On Strengthening Communication Networks 20240707

all documents will be entered into the record at the conclusion of the hearing. the chair now recognizes herself for five minutes for an opening statement. back in march, this community met to close one of the important functions, hosting the oversight hearing. one thing was abundantly clear, bipartisan agreement we cannot with the fcc -- last under any circumstances. congress has extended the fcc's option ability on a bipartisan basis over the last three decades. i'm committed to keeping it connected intact. the fcc truly sets the benchmark for spectrum options. today, the commission has held 98 auctions, holding 94,000 licenses and permits. more than $230 billion in revenues, and provided more than $1 trillion for the american people. but the stakes are even higher right now. in july, the fcc will be kicking off a five gigahertz option, spectrum can market. fcc auction authority can jeopardize licenses from being overwritten and supercharging the networks with the 5g ready spectrum. that cannot happen. the inclusion of congresswoman david expanding the spectrum option leadership act can prevent that. it will expand the fcc's general auction going for an additional 18 months to march 31, 2024, providing the need of time to complete the 2.5 gigahertz option. working in a bipartisan way to get the sec the authority and need to maintain -- i'm also -- on agenda today. as fellow co-chair of the congressional caucus, we worked on more legislation than i can count. the smart act is no different. it will improve spectrum management in the u.s. by establishing a standardized framework for sharing between federal and nonfederal users. while i'm interested in pursuing some clarifying -- with congressman guthrie, i'm confident it can be done on a bipartisan basis and set the path for smooth markets and consideration on the floor. this bill is smart public policy and tackles an emerging but crucial issue in american spectrum leadership. the aps codification act -- ips codification act would provide statutory authority for -- communication sciences. it advances innovation and communication technology to cutting-edge research. the act also established -- to develop emergency communication technology for use in individuals trapped in areas where mobile connectivity may not be available. we also have three bills on the agenda that would increase broadband access and provide new protection for violence, domestic violence, and increased sex trafficking. -- and internet access. establishing new reporting requirements to track and improve lifeline enrollment among staff participants. ensuring critical assistance programs are working together to help deliver better services for those who need it most. especially as we continue to recover from the pandemic. i believe the bill would help provide information to approve the lifeline program. additionally, it establishes protection of domestic violence and human trafficking game. crimes like domestic violence, stalking, sexual assault, and human trafficking remain stuck on a family or shared it -- ssent safety networks, employers, and report services. it empowers survivors by allowing them to have mobile phone lines and shared plan involving an abuser without penalty, including the lines of any dependents. and it requires the fcc to initiate -- to connect survivors to a lifeline program and hotlines. it is smart policy, and a focused -- i hope this committee will consider it as soon as possible. i want to thank the authors of the bill and the witnesses today. i want to recognize my friend for his opening statement. >> thank you very much. thank you for calling for today's hearing. thank you to our witnesses appearing before us. really appreciate it. as our nation's spectrum resources become more scarce, there is an important role in ensuring efficient use. i'm encouraged the subcommittee is encouraging legislation to allow the u.s. to better utilize these valuable airways for economic growth and innovation. recently, sherman doyle and i introduced the spectrum innovation act to support the commercial access of the three gigahertz band. access to this spectrum is needed to bring 5g to thousands of households across rural america. i'm proud to have worked to come to an agreement on this legislation, which should be sent to the president's desk. we are considering the extending america spectrum option leadership act of 2022. it extends the fcc's authority to conduct spectrum options issue licenses for 18 months, allowing the fcc to continue its ongoing work to make more spectrum available for commercial use. without congressional action, the fcc's authority will expire on september 30 of this year. i urge with passage of the bipartisan legislation, avoid disruption to the fcc's planned option activities, like auctioning the 2.5 gigahertz band. a great step forward, but our work is far from over. the fcc, ntia continue identifying opportunities to use spectrum more efficiently. especially as demand for wireless technology grows and spectrum resources become more congested. we have engineers at the institute for telecommunication scientists that is critical in advancing technologies to help at her manage federal spectrum resources. ips played a key role in the solution to spectrum sharing between federal and commercial users. in the citizens broadband radio service band. spectrum has been previously underutilized by the federal government, now able to be used commercially to promote 5g while protecting federal incumbents. their role will only continue to grow as spectrum or purchasing decisions become more difficult, which is why the legislation, the its codification act, is so important. this legislation takes an important foot forward by strengthening the authority and recognizing contributions the lab makes to the economy. in order to identify areas where spectrum use can be more efficient, congress must provide the missionary -- necessary tools. mr. guthrie's smart act requires nti a to establish an incumbent, informing capability to take a holistic view on how federal users are using the spectrum resources across the government to identify opportunities for new commercial uses while preserving federal missions to keep our country safe. spectrum management decisions become more difficult, we must utilize every tool in the toolbox we efficiently used to provide certainty for commercial investment in wireless development. i'm pleased to see legislation on today's hearing and look forward to discussing these important topics. thank you madam chair, i yield back the balance of my time. >> the chairman yields back. the chair recognizes the chairman of the committee for five minutes for his opening statement. >> thank you, chairwoman. it is good to see you. let me point out, there are members, this is what we call a virtual committee make -- committee week. three committee days today, tomorrow, thursday. having a subcommittee and each of those days, 2 of which are legislative hearings. we are always busy, even when we are virtual. we are continuing the longtime work in this subcommittee ensuring our nation's communication networks are stable, secure, ensuring infrastructure to connect friends and families, delay emergency communications for the public. allow business operations to run more efficiently. and deliver education to health services. the legislative hearing will discuss five bills, most of which are bipartisan on a broad range of proposals aimed at entering these valuable networks continue delivering these critical services to consumers. i would like to give my own view on these bills. i'm pleased we are considering hr 7783, the extending american spectrum auction leadership act. this committee has a long tradition of working together and delay the groundwork for innovation in this country. this legislation is no exception. it will extend spectrum auction authority for the fcc for 18 months. as a result, the fcc will be able to hold its planned auction of the 2.5 gigahertz band without disruption and fully close out auctions that have occurred. congress has never led the fcc spectrum authority lapse since authorizing it in the early 1990's. i'm pleased taking this step today. i want to thank the fcc chairwoman for her leadership on this issue and emphasizing the importance of it. i'm hopeful congress can come together to use the funding to important priorities and a replacement of suspect communications among other good ideas. we are considering hr 713 two, introduced by representative custer -- and, wireless home service can be an important live . human trafficking and other related crimes. shared mobile service plans can subject individuals to hit and miss, such as digital abuse. abuse requiring mobile service providers to separate the survivors phone line from an account abuser for financial penalties and other challenges after they receive a request survivor. also required to establish emergency communication support, lifesaving legislation, and i welcome the opportunity to discuss it today. we are also considering hr 4275, ensuring phone and internet access for snap recipients act. since 1985, the lifeline program has provided a discount on phone service to qualifying americans. the data demonstrates only a fraction of lifeline eligible individuals enrolled in the program. it would require the fcc to annually submit a report to congress on the lifeline program in moments of individual participating in snap. it would require the fcc to report to congress on the enrollment of new broadband consumers in the lifeline program and effectiveness of advertising on these numbers. we will consider two bills directed at the work of the national telecommunications and information administration, specifically hr 4990, introduced by representatives carter and cosponsored by representative o'halleran. and hr 5486 introduced by representative guthrie. these bills provide the access to innovative spectrum management solutions, led in part by the institute for telecommunications scientists. as the engineering laboratory for ntia, its drives innovation and enables us to learn about and protect an open global internet. i wanted to also recognize the parting member of the energy and commerce committee team. a native new jerseian who has done terrific work over the past five years. she joined us as a detail. she is now headed to a new role at the ntia. we know the incredible amount of work the agency has before it, and i wish her nothing but the best in her future. thank you. i yield back the balance of my time. >> the chair recognizes ms. rogers, ranking member of the full committee, for five minutes for her opening statement. >> thank you, madam chair. the success of our nation's wireless future depends on smart management of our spectrum resources. earlier this year, we had a hearing on spectrum issues where we heard overwhelming support to extend the federal communications commission's spectrum auction authority to ensure the successful competition of the fcc." s upcoming spectrum auction of the 2.5 gigahertz ba nd. it will allow carriers to expand 5g across the u.s. i'm pleased to announce this committee responded. we are considering bipartisan legislation to extend the fcc auction authority for 18 months through march 2020 four. this bill will ensure the agency completes the ongoing spectrum activity and provides certainty to bidders in the upcoming auction that the fcc will be able to use their licenses if they bid. i want to thank chairman pallone and chairman doyle to reach this bipartisan agreement. i look forward to advancing this legislation. the demand for wireless technology grows, and we need to adapt to make sure spectrum resources are used efficiently. while it is critical to repurpose spectrum from federal to commercial use, it is becoming increasingly difficult to find prime spectrum bands that are unencumbered. i'm pleased we are considering that our colleagues act, a reestablishingn incumbent informing capability. it will allow ntia to cease usage across the federal government and help improve spectrum used efficiently while also protecting national security. representative cartersville, the i tf codification act will codify the important duties of ntia's institute for telecommunications sciences. the government's premier radiofrequency laboratory. clarifying the responsibilities of the agency and directing them to advance spectrum repurpose and opportunities and certify new technology as we continue advancing american wireless leadership. leadership and next-generation technology depend on our ability to develop innovative solutions to repurpose spectrum for commercial use. this will ensure spectrum resources are available for future use is not yet known, and maintain the u.s. reputation as the number one place for businesses to invest in innovation and grow the economy. this committee is leading on solutions to make spectrum resources available. but to unleash the full potential of today's spectrum legislation, we also need to address barriers to deploying wireless infrastructure. energy and commerce republicans are leading on a package to boost broadband conductivity agenda, which rolled back duplicative, burdened regulations, and permitting requirements to speed up the appointment of broadband infrastructure without permitting the form, it would be difficult for the u.s. to compete and beat china. if we fail to address these reforms, the committee will miss an opportunity to strengthen american leadership in gender communication technology. we are also considering legislation that would allow survivors of domestic violence and human trafficking to separate from any shared mobile contract with their abuser. republicans have several changes we would like to see made to the bill, but we stand ready to work with our colleagues to find a solution. survivors of domestic violence must have the freedom to have a new start, to be safe and secure, and able to separate from their abuser quickly. this hearing is a great first step to discussing this bills. you can hear from witnesses about how they will impact the marketplace. i look forward to hearing from all of you and i yield back the remainder of my time. >> the gentlelady yields back. the chair would like to remind members pursuant the committee rules, all members with an opening statement shall be made part of the record. i now would like to introduce our witnesses for today's hearing. ms. anna and gomez, dr. thomas e condrey, assistant professor, university of georgia school of law. mr. mark gibson, director business development and spectrum policy, regulatory officer of the on go alliance. and dr. alisa valentin. senior director of technology and telecommunications policy national urban league. at this time, the chair would recognize each witness for five minutes to provide an opening statement. ms. gomez, you are recognized for five minutes. >> thank you. chairwoman, ranking members, and distinguished members of the subcommittee. for the opportunity to beer -- to appear for you today. lie back on working for the fcc and my experience in the private sector, renewed spectrum challenges. but my testimony reflect my own views, and are not necessarily those of my clients. the path that we share in managing our nations airways can be daunting. given the stakeholders had interests as there are continuing needs like additional spectrum for new and innovative uses. it is important -- responsibilities. i therefore want to thank the committee for its bipartisan attention and commitment to spectrum management. this is management reallocation -- but the proposed incumbent capability to provide a common platform for sharing. i want to thank congressman guthrie for introducing this legislation. congress tools that they apply can -- to ensure continual leadership while updating the development and deployment of new innovative services with investment in job creations while making sure the federal agency has the spectrum and needs to meet their mission. tele commission -- telecommunications sciences codification act is another important step showing it is necessary to effectively manage spectrum. ips is integral on the spectrum management effort by providing research, testing, and analysis. like -- providers and other government agencies. providing this, support spectrum management initiative. i want to thank congressman carter for this legislation. and recently, the process has been increasingly challenging. however, the agencies announce a new joint spectrum coordination initiative. the strategy is particularly essential, and any strategy should include identifying additional spectrum for new uses well ensuring federal agencies can meet their mission. of course, identifying additional spectrum -- if there is not the authority. in addition to the best piece of spectrum, over $2 billion in federal revenue. that revenue -- and pay -- [indiscernible] also helps facilitate their repurpose in seeing in the spectrum relocation fund. for the expansion of the spectrum authority, the leadership compromising -- [indiscernible] [indiscernible] this subcommittee has an important role to play in overseeing the national strategy identifying additional spectrum bands for repurpose thing. we urge the committee to continue with the existing spectrum management framework. the letter to the house and senate commerce committee leaders. it includes recommendations for updating the commercial spectrum enhancement act for more spectrum. it is an effective tool, but there is room for improvement. further by removing the capability which then would allow users to modernize their allocated equipment as part of a special reallocation process to relinquish the spectrum band. in addition, the cost for the impacts for strong -- [indiscernible] issues affecting commercial providers. thank you for allowing me to share my perspective on pending legislation to improve our spectrum management activities. i look forward to answering any questions you may have. >> thank you. dr. condrey, you are recognized for five minutes. >> thank you. ranking member, distinguished member of the subcommittee. i greatly appreciate the opportunity to testify before you today. i'm a law professor at the university of georgia. the institute for women's studies and the institute for cybersecurity and privacy. i obtained my phd from the local and research focuses on technological regulation of privacy, speech, and abuse. as an affiliated researcher, i work directly with digital abuse and advise lawmakers on how to address it. i use digital abuse to refer broadly to help people exploit technology to harm others. why specifically, digital abuse involves using technology to control, harass, survey of, or threaten someone in a way that invades that privacy or harms them physically, emotionally,. physical abuse is on the rise. the mystic violence charity refuge estimates 95% of its cases involve technology. or the national domestic violence hotline has seen a 155% increase of abuse between 2015 and 2018. those numbers have grown through the pandemic. they might seem shocking, but one in three women and one in six men have experienced abusive relationships. given how central -- essential digital technology has become in our lives, their role in potential abuse is. it is a complex question, but one common theme is it abuses new technology to become ever present in a victim's life. or at least to create that impression. it might be tempting to focus on more sensational topics likestalkerware apps, but digital abuse is shown to be often mundane and requires little to no sophistication and relies on everyday devices and services. a classic example is family phone plans. information that an abuser can gather from these plans might exasperate and thwart attempts to escape. the serious yet underapp

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