Transcripts For CSPAN Government Funding For Fiscal Year 201

Transcripts For CSPAN Government Funding For Fiscal Year 2017 20170426

they are trying to nail down. it is one of these situations said,as the leadership nothing is finally agree to until everything is agreed to. >> president trump saying that the debate over funding the border wall will wait until later this year. how significant was that? >> from democrats' standpoint it was a major rate through. two weeks ago democrats said we need to see cost-sharing payments, obamacare cost-sharing payments, money for that needs to be included. that was a new demand. it has been percolating. there is litigation house republicans filed on this issue. it has been hanging out there for years but democrats said we need to see that money practically put into the spending bill. a new offer. you could look at the wall at -- as the white house's retaliation. if you are going to ask for obamacare payments we will ask for a long time had not been pushing the wall. last week they said the wall is an important ingredient, we need to see money for that. they have backed off of that. the next thing to watch for is whether democrats back off of the obamacare insistence. we have seen a little bit of that with several lawmakers including senator chuck schumer, the top democrat in the senate refusing to draw a line and say they would not accept a bill without that cost-sharing money in there and it believe steny hoyer, the number two ranking democrat has said something similar that they are not drawing those lines. two weeks ago schumer and nancy pelosi were drawing that line. both sides seem to have come off of that sticking point that leaves us with a cost payment sharing issue, has not been finalized the way that the law has. it is one of those issues that looks like we are getting resolution, still the other issues hanging out there. >> with regard to the negotiations, who is at the table, who are the key people you are watching? he said president trump and his team were not particularly help offering the wall demand late last week. now that trump is out it is the top members, the top roof a look in and talk democrat on the appropriations committee in the ones that are most involved in writing the deal but the leadership also as well. >> the funding of the wall issue is a big development, there had been talk yesterday, lawmakers trying to punch, delay it for another week to give congress time, the house returning and the senate yesterday from a more time to negotiate. how likely is that now question mark >> i do not rule that out. verbiage thathe the leaders are using. they were saying we hope to have a deal in the next few days. without a deal in the next few days, we hit the deadline. if they are still talking negotiating over the next couple or few days, then i would say -- i do not see it would be likely but i do not rule out the fact that we have to do short term continuing resolutions to bridge us to a longer-term deal. there is precedent throughout the fight that the republican house had with president obama over the last 5, 6 years. i happened fairly regularly that they would narrow in on the issues and get close to a deal would not reach a final agreement. more important not be able to refile the members. the leaders may have reached an agreement but they needed to present it to their members so they would pass a short-term bill to bridge that gap until he could get a vote on the bigger deal. >> is either party prepared to own a government shutdown? >> this is the big issue. this is part of the reason why president trump likely had to back down from that insistence on the wall. he had not done a good job of selling the details of that to capitol hill. you had republicans, democrats and republicans saying the president never justified that proposal. given that he was not able to sell that, the wall was never going to get in. >> it is probably worth pointing out that we are here today in large part because of a pre-election agreement between democrats and republicans for a short-term cr. what happens in the fall and what we are seeing this week? >> the deadline for getting the set of spending bills done is september 30. the federal fiscal year runs october 1-september 30. they were supposed to have traditionally supposed to be 12 different spending bills done. i cannot remember the last five we have had -- time we had all 12 of them done. usually there is one or two done and they pass a continuing resolution to bridge until they can get things done. as of last september they passed a continuing resolution to get them to december waiting for the end of the election and the outcome of the election and they figure they would come back and around christmas time finish out the fiscal year 2017 bill. trump wonident-elect the election, his administration or incoming said we want to say -- a say in what is happening. since republicans will have bettere control, it is if you plan it to the new year and give us a chance to get involved which is why we are nearly seven months through the 12 month fiscal year and we are still working on stopgap funding. that is why we ended up where we are. the blame for the shutdown, it is important to if you trace back where we have been for the last five or six years, democrats are convinced at this point that no matter what happens, if there is a shutdown, whatever the democrats ' role in it it will be republicans that will take the blame because republicans took most of the blame or all of the blame for the 2013 shutdown. republicans have hurt themselves over the last two years by being unable to get enough of an agreement among their own troops to be able to pass spending bills and leading democrats to sign onto these bills, and giving democrats an awful lot of leverage. even though they are the minority in both chambers and do not have the white house, their sole power of obstruction is through the senate and the ability to use the filibuster to and theyage of bills are able to leverage that in a way i have never seen before. it is incredible, how are they have in the minority. it is all because republicans went through the first of the 2013 shutdown and offered a couple of different chances where we looks like we were on the brink of a shutdown over immigration and obamacare. rep. kinzinger: over a barrel. --once they get through his these negotiations next round of budget talks will begin immediately. what do you think will happen this week, what is your best estimate? we do end up with a couple of short-term bills to get us into next week. what the details of the big bills, we will have to wait and see. there are a lot of issues that are still undecided based on what the leaders are telling us. a lot more issues and you oftentimes get to this point and you have one or two big sticking points. if democrats are backing off of the obamacare cost-sharing payments and there are some indications and trump has backed off the wall, they have been hanging out there, you would think that has cleared the path of that has not happened yet. >> joining us on capitol hill, thank you for your time. >> this afternoon on capitol hill, the bipartisan leadership of the house oversight committee spoke about concerns that president trump's former national security advisor, michael flynn, received money for meeting with russian organizations in 2015. without getting permission or informing federal officials. representatives jason tibbetts and elijah cummings updated reporters. let's watch. representative tibbetts: thank you for being here. we had an application to seek and obtain permission to receive money from foreign governments prior to any engagement with them. it does not appear to us that that was ever sought nor did he ever get that commission. we will jointly be doing a letter for a final determination on that.

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Russia , Russian , Chuck Schumer , Michael Flynn , Jason Tibbetts , Nancy Pelosi , Elijah Cummings , Steny Hoyer ,

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