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Read to give him the longest serving minority leader in u. S. History, this tribute at the capital is just under one hour. Leading the Republican Caucus 1991 to 95 did cheney and paul ryan and other leaders boca a Memorial Ceremony for bob michael at the capitol. This is one hour. [inaudible conversations] please stand for the presentation of the colors in the National Anthem in the retirement of the colors. Please remain standing for the invocation. Let us pray god of heaven and earth, the work of your hands the los that formally win in year and release phone negative grace. We remember the life and work of son of the very proud city of peoria. As a longtime missouri leader he was safe, modest man whose impact entailed in in of a pass to is a better but it was his characteristic of his ushered through a Democratic House much of what the agenda and evidence of the extraordinary ability to legislate within our constitutional structures. But be present with us my bacon that the member his legacy. Blesses gathering in comfort us as we convert one another that if we remember a Great American in a genuinely good man. Please be seated. Ladies and gentlemen the speaker of the best dates for representatives. Paul ryan could afternoon. Welcome to the capital today we celebrate the life the distinguished the deer from the state of. So he [inaudible conversations] and [inaudible conversations] allcomes from karen, who we know very well here in the house, she is the clerk. Longtimeme to us as a of a she tells a story time when she talked about a tax provision that was going on, she went into all the great details. The reason she did that was so that they did not have to go over the whole thing with no archer on the floor, when they get to the floor, he gets to the floor, comes up and into tax policy. He says what we threw it, tell me all about it. Fidgeting and he caps lightly and the leader said to her without saying a word that this is the job. A leader takes a moment and the leader listens. Boehnercessor, john tells a story in these early ever hear of the gang of seven. John boehner was the gang of seven, they were about to drop something. That is what made the gang of goes to the he leader and gives him a heads up about what they are about to do. He said he may cut my legs off, he will never speak to me again. You doder dots and says what you have to do as leader. I will do what i have to do. Arms,is no breaking of just that. Later, when i was a rabblerouser he showed the same decency to me. Now i know who i have to thank. , bob michael love this place. Together, herve loved this place and the institution, he really loved the people. Did not just shape events, he shaped peoples life. Him a giant. Makes it is the value they instill in youthe moments that make say i will never forget this. He had a lot of those moments. It, and howt know genial he was. He will allow us to speak out of order to get this great patriot, this man of the house to which he so richly deserves. Next thank you for being here today. Next the assistant democratic tor, we may havee heard some of his favorite profanities. Doggone, by gosh, son of a block. Is here myy look who friends and family, friends and democrats, the rest of the world. We have beautiful baseball weather out there, we meet in the right room. This cannot be on the floor of the house, this is a great room. Imagine how many times walking across to his office to his beloved floor of the house. On commonlywith the decent, the only thing he loved better than the peoples house was bob and karins children. He left his greatest mark in Public Service right here in the building. It was nearly 50 years in the house of representatives he said there were the Ronald Reagan years, starting in 1981, his first year as an army leader. Reagans big parts of legacy passed. I was elected two years later, in 1982. Bob was of course the republican leader at the time, we had joining congressional districts. Written man would have me off as another fresh demand democrats. He treated me as a colleague and a friend, i never forgot it. I used to love the stories, right around the month. Hears such a treat to stories from our delegation in those days. Especially the stories between dan rostenkowski. There are two politicians alive and then hadael hay knockout drag out anytime they were in the same room. They could not be further from the truth, they became such close friends, they would actually get in a Station Wagon and trade turns driving back to illinois. One would drive and the other would sleep in the back. Regular return home and back and forth. They were close. Bob, karen, they were the closest of friends. I never shared a trip with him, we needed we never needed to do that. With the house of representatives across this nation. We were both children of immigrants, like many firstgeneration americans. We only dont to this great nation. In the 12 years of the house of representatives. The last time i saw him was at a , he was having the time of his life. Importance ofhe listening and respecting another persons view if you did not agree with it. He never took politics as warfare because he had seen real war. It is an honor that you are with us senator dole. [applause] so many of the greatest there was a quiet fieldtested bravery, it showed us that the consensus is that intelligentat compromise was not capitulation it is how a democracy works. He once said and i quote, raising the level of your voice does not raise the discussion. Acts of uncommon progress can be on courtesy, one look at his Historic Legislature achievements, you know that is true. Bob michael often said that the real heroes of world war ii never came home. At a risk of correcting my old friend i have to say this, some of those leaders came home. It was an honor to work with them. In his great beloved hometown of notrea, they certainly do make them like bob michael anymore. , we are all lesser for it. Thank you. [applause] the democratic leader of the house of representatives honors nancy pelosi. Good afternoon everyone. For honoring us with your presence. Many members of congress but to be asked to speak at a Memorial Service for a leader like bob michael it is an honor. Senator durbin, speaker ryan, Vice President cheney, secretary hood. I will talk about the two of them later. Today we remember a beloved former colleague who embodied the highest ideals of our democracy. Michael, and henry this hallowed hall because , cleothe statue of cleo on the clock remind us that our time is short and history is watching. She reminds us that we are a part of history, that our word and actions face the judgment of history. They faced a long and honorable heritage of our democracy. This distinguished gathering is a tribute to leader bob michael. It is embodying everything that we hope our heritage would be. Patriot and as a proud immigrant son, a Great American leader. A patriot indeed. In world war ii he served with heroism and honor which earned him the first congressional distinguished award. In the congress, he fought for the people of the orient and illinois, he brought the values of the heartland to washington. He personified the highest ideal of our nation. Leadership was recognized with the president ial medal of freedom. The high honor as a night of honor. We have all benefited from his wisdom, and his integrity. Understanding the other persons viewpoint is the beginning of political wisdom or will does not mean you always agree, it does mean when we disagree it is a disagreement based on fact. Leader michaels reminded all of us that we have a role to play in strengthening our democracy. On hiss carried forward courage, his conviction on his civility. With his characteristic civility the respecte held of colleagues on both sides of the aisle. Im sure there are democrats on the house that serve with them that all loved him. Relationship was legendary with tipper oneill. He took the Leader Office and picked it to senator michael. , its now named after him brings lester to that office. They were really close friends. Story,st saying this one it begins with tipper oneill and with bob neal. One time they were visiting Mikael Gorbachev in russia at the time, they were so close and active, a nonpartisan way that when tipper oneills spokesperson was not allowed to , pitsthe press event stepped in for the democrats. Billy and jack, please stand up. They were the two closest people are i. [applause] it was not that long ago when we were gathered for this service of speaker, fully. All of us remember the beautiful presentation that bob michael made with tom foley and bipartisanship and working together, respecting each others views. Lastichael was one of the people that thomas foley saw before he left us. Were, theye politics are personal and respect always prevails. He had a role to play in strengthening our democracy, but he also understood that we were engaged in a political disagreement from time to time. We may have disagreed on policy proposals, but we always agreed on the importance of Public Service. When we are working out the needs of the american people. Behold hiserful to devotion for his late wife, children and grandchildren. Their grandfather is revered i hope they know and for a long time to come. All of his achievements as republican leader of the house, he was the most out of being a husband, father and grandfather. As such an honor that he was at an honor to serve with him as a collie, it was a privilege to serve with him. It was an honor to call him a colleague. Many of us, presuming, he made us feel we were all friends. Ruth, thank you for sharing your father with all of us over the years. Of comfort a source to you and your whole family. They will all join with you and celebrated the life of this great and external area american. More and pray for your family in this this is a Great American statesman who taught us all so much about our country. Thank you. [applause] ladies and gentlemen, the army corps band. The 46 Vice President of the texas house of representatives, the honorable dick cheney. Good afternoon, this is a sad occasion for all of us. It is also an opportunity to give thanks for the fact that we are able to share a time with bob. A major influence on my back in therriving 78 election. He took me under his wing, he taught me a lot about what he knew about the house. Darndest with some success, he got the elected to leadership in my first term. He made a member of the intelligence committee, those assignments are very important. He eventually put me in charge of the irancontra investigation. I was never quite certain it was going to come out the way he as my mentor i will never forget it. Aspiration was to follow in his footsteps and to become the speaker. Speaker ryan and i have often about my desire was about how i wanted to become speaker of the house and how he wanted to become Vice President o. He did not work out quite the way we planned, he was one of the finest men. He spent so much time there, but was held in such thoroughly high regard from beginning to end. Though your was never known to lead hostility with opposition. Humanity, but would not know how to acquire a grudge. He was a straight up guide through and through. He was authentic as any man can be. Like my counterpart tender dole, he was a man who had far bigger debate. En i guess when you have landed on normandy, when you have been wounded by machine gun fire you gain a perspective that does not come any other way. You know what a real fight looks like. Politics,rama and the it is all more manageable. Readingfirst started about politics, we picture a certain kind of individual. Time reality will teach us a little different, the man and the ideal are often close. The gentleman from illinois created respect, by title. He was a man of courage. He was a man of personal kindness, a friend be looked up to. And then we looked up to an hour he gave honor all that to america we are grateful for all that he meant to us. [applause] former United States secretary of state. Of course it is tradition to refer to members of congress as the honorable. In my case is particularly appropriate, they called him the honorable bob michael because it was a simple fact. He was a most honorable man. The words duty, honor and function were not catchphrases for him. They were a prescription to everything he did. He was a masterful legislature and a leader of his party in the house who had enough for so verynts long. Remains importantly, he andnerous and decent man his midwestern roots. As senator durbin has said, how can you not like someone who cusses like a choir boy. While this was supercharged, bob would simply smile and say cheese. Maybe if he was really steamed dang nab it. He had the way to work with will,ats, he had a strong he knew how to swing votes. Without this president reagan could never have achieved his income taxed reform. The only time and income tax reform has been overhauled successfully. With a deadline approaching, he gathered our Leaders Office and began working on the phone to seek support from members. It took a lot of calls and it took a lot of trading. He remembers all of that, we got it all done. It was classic bob michael. Fair but very strong. It was a trade that i am said to say is in vogue today. His actions always spoke a lot louder than his words. Hiswhat now seems to be longlost approach to government , he would prefer to reach across the aisle then better battle across the aisle. Disagreeand he did agreeably. When just imagine the seed bob arrived at the pearly gates not that long ago, he would be greeted by st. Peter who smiled spreads his arms wide and tells him it is good to see you. But you are sorely missed down there. [applause] former secretary of transportation ray lahood. Thank you all for being here, when you this would be a standing room only crowd i cannot pass up the opportunity. O represent john roberts when i called the chief justice and invited him i told him what an honor it would be for the family, when bob Left Congress place whereork on a he met one of the top partners and that was john roberts. They became good friends, sir chief justice i know it is an honor for the family to have you here, i know bob would be so humbled to have your presence here. Thank you for coming. [applause] bob michaels life reflects the perfect definition of what tom brokaw called the greatest generation. He was raised by two loving parents, with his two sisters in peoria, illinois. He learned his strong midwestern values about faith in god, hard work and playing by the rules in furious. Karen raised an allamerican family, obviously. He served his country for 50 wars or it as a decorated hero in world war ii. As an American Hero through his constituents in the 18th congressional district. A teacher for all of us who have the greatest privilege of working for him. As well asmyself many other people sprinkled hall aout this wonderful graduate of Robert H Michael school of political science. If i could for a minute ask all of you that were touched by having the privilege of serving as A Bob Michael staff leader to stand up and so we can say thank you for all you did as a leader. [applause] when you work for bob michael, you are a part of his family, he cared enough about you as he did anyone of his children and grandchildren. , that in his classroom was the office, the floor of the house, his Committee Room and the farms in towns of the 18th district. Everywhere he went he taught his staff by example of what it means to be a great public servant. President john adams once said that the constitution is a private of two has prompted by true hearts. He taught us that a good head and a good hard work necessary to be a good congressman but also to be a good stafford. He taught us by example that the 18th district should offer to be a reason for people to be equal in dignity. He taught us to respect every person no matter their opinion or political persuasion. I heard him say on more than one occasion you learn much more from listening, he worked every washington or in the district for the people, not to engage in ideological melodrama or political vendetta. All ofcted and amanda his staff to do the same. Bob warfare, from first act, not war and is even in a Steven Spielberg movie. But real work. Usedis the reason he never my choke phrases like warfare and take no prisoners when discussing politics. Bob, the hardest personal rhetoric of ideological warfare had no place in the house, no place in american politics. Usenew that the rhetoric we often shaped the political actions we take, you would never see him get angry. Or use a swear word. He said deviations of swear words, but never a swear word. When ever there is a debate on the houseboat, or in the 18th district, conducted by men and women of good heads and good hearts, treating each other with long respect, bob Michael Ridge history of respect for others and his uncommon decency to all will endure. He was a great congressman, a great leader and a great teacher. , many ofal thoughts that he was the best gardener in the world, if you on a by his townhouse street today, what you will see are two lips coming out, planted by him. Allbest two lips, he taught of us about flowers and how to plant them. Went to poll the bolts out, he was a great gardener. Gardent more time in his than on any piece of legislation he wrote. University, wey had a wonderful Memorial Service at bradley a week ago to honor university there are a couple of buildings that , that is in his honor where he met the love of his life. Really where he developed his love for music. He was an extraordinary singer, i traveledsing with him all over the district on many occasions. He was either whistling or in whatin he would love you all presented today. Thank you for doing that. And thank you for being here. [applause] finally, he was a cubs fan, many of us in this room have received Christmas Cards with great family pictures going back when he was first elected, the best Christmas Card picture was this year which is on the back cover of the program. 2 00 a. M. Up until when the chicago cubs won the called him the next day and i said did you watch the game . He told me he stayed up till 2 00 a. M. He was not feeling that well. No one that was a more longsuffering cubs fan then bob michael. He loved it when the cubs won the world series, he never dreamed that he would live to see that happen. Familygrateful for the of the cubs and all the people who came together in that organization to help a great cubs fan, to watch them win the world series. , want to finish with a quote we were told we would only get 300 words. When i saw the speaker go over and all these other speakers i figured i should read. I want to read from an editorial tribute that was in the pre a journal star. Bob, he wase from always proud to say that he is from the orient. Me, when iuote from was asked about this. If bob wasr asked me going to be buried and the aurea. I remember asking him i said to you want to be buried at arlington cemetery, by all rights he would be able to do. His mentor he said he was a big man, he was a senator while he was running. Big to be was not too buried in pr area, illinois, neither mi. This final quote in this editorial begins you will never know for sure how you are going to be perceived in history. Aant to be in Credit Credit to your kids and to the people that are closest to you. Take a leafll maybe from your book if it is desirable and it will fill the shoes that can empty when you get passed on. So lastly, we remember bob michael who did that, who made congress is better place by being here and we honor his hometown. Finally scottce michael familye gave me the privilege of helping to organize the Memorial Service us except for scott thought that a Family Member should say something. He persuaded scott to be the spokesman for the family. You all know that bob loved his children and his grandchildren up and he really stepped said he would be the one to represent the family. Please welcome scott michael. [applause] thank you, ray. I want to thank all of you on behalf of the family for joining us here this afternoon. To celebrate the life of my dad bob michael. Since his passing last month in virginia, there have been attributes, news articles, obituaries capturing the highlights. Of his illustrious career and extolling the virtues of his character. That ito tell you today propelled him to such heights, made him a better father and husband. His parents instilled in him the values and character that matured and later were passed on to his sons and daughters just as his parents did for him. As i got older and had a son of my own, i tried to replicate what i saw as i grew up. What did i see and learn . I saw a largerthanlife figure with a looming voice o he was in charge. Even though his work in washington meant we only saw him twice a month on weekends, he called us almost every day student talk about our athletic progress. As well as the chores in the house. We all saw that he was in our midst even wellbeing away. Wasaw his influence which , second when he wasnt at home we saw what he was made of. That was an impression that was left on all of us. Which was watch and listen, his lessons were not taught by conversation but by observation. We could see how he interacted with our mother and how he treated her and how he respected her how they spoke with each other. It was with love and with sensitivity, without harsh word bitter words. We can see how he treated each of us as well. Evenhanded, strict when needed. He expected no less than our best and what we were doing. Whatever task we were doing, or what ever our School Studies demanded. It demanded all of us to be responsible, he also showed us how to be humble. , breakinging humility was out, so was arrogance. He showed us that working hard and doing a good job was its own reward. Us,emanding the truth for and for others. Efforts tocountless emphasize with those who were less fortunate. You can he wanted to treat people like he expected to be treated. That was a rule. As a look back at the values and character of what i witnessed growing up with my father. Humility, honesty, his work ethic, his generosity is respect for others and his abiding faith in god and our family i feel so fortunate to have him as my father. And his family in every way and with his heart. He was a oneofakind role model. With his accomplishments in public life, it makes us all very proud. It was his values and character that the instilled in each of us. That is going to be his lasting legacy. , i love you. I miss you. I know you are in gods hands now. Before we close i would like to ask that you all join the army chorus with god bless america. It was one of my dads favorite songs especially when he could lead the singing. He did on numerous occasions. Ladies and gentlemen please join in as the ladies thearmy chorus sings god bless america. God bless america. From the mountains to the prairies. To the oceans with foam. America, my sweet home. God bless america, my home sweet home. God bless america. My home sweet home. Ladies and gentlemen please stand for the benediction. We pray, dear lord. Togetherse our time send your spirit of peace upon us. Who mourn the loss of the honorable, former minority leader, bob michael. Of an a glowing example icon of what it means to be a man for others. His decades of service to his own state of illinois and to our great nation, it will be long appreciated by those whose lives have been forever blessed by his lifes work and dedication. His dedication to congress and into the first branch of government. Divide, andpartisan seeming inability to consider compromise to read consensus. To be inspired and to emulate a great statesman. Angels, to greet our beloved bob michael and may those who mourn them be consoled with the knowledge that for those who love you everything is turning too good. Amen. Please be seated until the party has departed. Cspan, where history unfolds daily. As a79, cspan was created Public Service by americas Cable Television companies and is brought to you today by your cable or satellite provider. On newsmakers this weekend, our guest is california representative maxine waters, the top of a cut House Financial Services committee. She shares her thoughts on what President Trump and Congressional Republicans have planned for wall street, the Banking Sector and consumers. She has also asked about the investigation into alleged ties between russia and the trump campaign, and thtu

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