Transcripts For CSPAN Florida Senate Debate 20161027 : compa

Transcripts For CSPAN Florida Senate Debate 20161027

Me, including the miami herald, his hometown paper, because they know im going to show up to work each and every day for the people of florida. Sen. Rubio thank you for posting this debate. I appreciate the opportunity. Is the choice in this election. They are the best when they are about clear choices. It is a choice between someone proud of my six years in the senate, and before that, my nine years in the legislature. I have real concrete achievements i can point you on behalf of the state of florida. Essential ever get Planning Project the central everglades Planning Project past because i convinced a key colleague of mine to become a supporter. American foreign aid has leveraged to ensure we are taking on Human Trafficking because of the act bypassed. Slumlords in Riviera Beach in orlando are under investigation because of the pressure i put on them with senator nelson. During my time in the senate are proven i can get things done and ask voters to compare that to congressman murphys record. He cited achievements that are not true. He has been there for four years, and no one has noticed. This is a clear difference. That is the choice between voters. We are too important estate to have a senator but the important a stae to have a senator but does not know how to get things done. Host each of your campaigns has been targeted by one primary criticism. I will let you adjust that directly. Congressman murphy, you have repeatedly been attacked during this campaign as someone who has resumeed. Has padded his resume. We know that you never became a licensed cpa in florida and read environmental cleanup business with your father for less than six months. Explain why this experience qualifies you for the work in the u. S. Senate. Rep. Murphy thanks for this question. I am so grateful for pull it for politifact, who has gone through these accusations. The last seven claims thrown out by sen. Rubio and his rightwing friends have been rated as false. I am a cpa, got my license in 2009, one over nine in the house of representatives. Adn if elected would be the second cpi to serve. If you look at our fiscal house, we could use a few more cpa. I am proud of what i was able to do to prevent some of the oil potentially coming down her west coast. And i am proud and would be willing to put up my experience in the private sector as a cpa against my opponent, who has been a lobbyist and career politicians entire career. You say we need change in washington. Sen. Rubio lockstep with special Interest Groups senator rubio has been lockstep with special Interest Groups. When he does show up to work, he has a 98 voting record with the koch brothers, a rightwing special Interest Groups. I believe we can do more and are proud of my compliments because they have been bipartisan measure. I brought her money to help with research for our citrus farmers, to hope the everglades, work with congress men to all our veterans with the backlog. I will continue reaching across the aisle to solve these problems in the u. S. Senate. Host senator rubio . You said in last weeks debate that you will serve a full sixyear term in the senate, god willing. Can you use that qualifier four times in the date. We know that you said prayer convinced you. This senate race is one that you needed to begin even though you originally declared he would not run for president. Willing at is god way out should you change your mind for the white house in 2020 . Sen. Rubio that is something that i always say. I believe that god plans are course. Nevada what happens on november 8, the creator of the universe will be sitting on his throne. And everything will be ordered by him. I believe that deeply. I always use that. It is what i truly believe. Let me address what cumbersome and murphy said, i think hes living up to his revision as a serial embellisher. When he ran for congress four years ago he told people his experience as a cpa will make him a Good Congress in. In florida he does not have a license to be a cpa. Candidate a you cannot be a cpa if you dont have a license clearing he talked about how he cleans up the oil spill. Independent Fact Checkers showed that he did not have a single contract to do so. Why does he make things up . He doesnt have anything real two point to. Real to point to. He got money for the everglades no he didnt. That was money in the army court long time ago and that would have passed whether or without him. He talked about saving medicare advantage. He did not do anything except sign on to a letter. He has no record of achievement. I asked people to compare that to my nine years in tallahassee, including two as speaker. There are sanctions on hezbollah because of a bill that i passed. Venezuela has been sentient because of a bill that i just. If yourphy senator, voted as much as you lied, you might be a decent senator, but you continue to throw out these lies. They have been debunked by politifact. I am willing to put what have done to your record. We were just asked this question about your comments about not running for office. Lets rewind a little bit. You had 10,000 times that you werent going to run for senate again. And the day before qualifying, you throw your name back in, and it takes you 4 months to admit to the voters you want to stop. It took you for months to do that . All of a sudden the polls are just tied and he will certainly tell you he is going to serve a full term. Florida congress is better than that. Sen. Rubio the reason why he brings this up about me changing my mind is because it would be easier for him to win if i hadnt changed my mind. That is why i decided to run. We are 10 minutes into the debate, 2 changes to talk about your achievements you have been there 4 years and its like it never happened. Florida could become date of the second largest state, a the state in our country for virtually every major american. For every major issue in america. We cant have someone that has never gotten anything done. I encourage people to compare that to my record of getting things done bill after bill. [indiscernible] gentlemen, being the referee is no good. They did not give me a whistle. You mentioned we are 10 minutes in. The next question is Social Security. Senator, he said he would favor increasing the retirement age from city seven to 67 to 70 years old. You are telling workers they will have to work an extra five years. Sen. Rubio that is not correct. As the law stands, the age is going up incrementally. 45, i ilike me at age would say for me, instead of retiring at 67, i would retire at 67 and a half. Nothing would change for those about to retire. My mom cant go back to work. She relies on Social Security and medicare. I want that to continue unchanged. I dont want to change anything for people that are on it now or near retirement. But yes for younger workers there will have to be smaller changes or it would exist. These problems are going bankrupt. Anyone that tells you he can leave it the way it is is lying to you. The longer we wait to address this, the more likely it is we have to disrupt these programs. I dont want to see that happen. Medicare and Social Security is not critical for floridians, but for my mother and family. I want this program to thrive and be there when i retire and my children retire and for americans on and on. But it wont be if we continue on this course now. Oppose socialyou security benefit cutting. And he will not reduce benefits a stone income. What will you do to protect Social Security . Sen. Rubio there is a stark rep. Murphy is a stark contrast giving my opponent and i. These are two of the top achievements in our countrys history. All of the money my opponent has taken millions of dollars from special Interest Groups that want to dismantle these programs, which expires why he said Social Security have weakened us as a people. You see, senator rubios to put Social Security money on wall street. He wants to privatize it and turned medicare into a voucher program. I could not disagree further. I believe we need to strengthen these programs. I introduced a bill called the save benefits act that helps seniors with costofliving adjustments. We can ensure cap these programs are not therefore current in years but younger generations as well. About aio the comment cpa is it is nonexistent. What i said is that that is weakening our country. Debt is weakening our country. Social security was designed we had 16 workers for every retiree. Soon it will be down to two workers for every retiree. Everyone, including a budget cpa should be able to do the math and the tremendous is in trouble if we dont do adjustments to it. I dont want to dismantle Social Security and medicare. How do you explain that to my mother . I went to preserve it and protected. There will have to be changes for the way it works in my generation and my childrens generation. Host a revolt for the congressman. Rep. Murphy it is nice you are talking moderate for the programs. You didnt say it makes us weaker as a people. It is the ryan bill, turning medicare into a voucher program. That is a huge change for these programs. It is not just what you are saying on stage, its what youve actually done as a senator. That should be scary to our seniors. We can do more to ensure these programs will be there for generations to come. Sen. Rubio pedestalssen. Rubio . I dont support ithat is false. I have never supported privatizing Social Security. And i do not support turning medicare into a doctor. I support turning it in into a choice. Into a voucher. Claimed to have saved medicare choice from cuts, that is a choice program. You can go from traditional medicare or a private provider. It works well for my mother. I want more people to have that option. Rep. Murphy Fact Checkers get to this one. Host the question for my colleague in the temple break times. The tampa bay times. Lets talk about health care. Premiums for many injured under the Affordable Care act are expected to rise an average of 25 next year. That is awfully steep. You said he would support changes to the law. Can you beat some specific can you be specific about what needs to be done to reduce premiums . Rep. Murphy there is no question the Affordable Care act was a huge step forward for the country. The question is getting it right across the aisle to make sure we are fixing it. So that we have more coverage for more people that is more affordable. But you have to show up to work and be willing to reach across the aisle. Senator rubio has spent the last six years trying to undermine this legislation. He wants to take us back to the days where you could get chopped from your Health Insurance plaintiff got sick, where you could be denied coverage if you had a preexisting condition, where women were being charged more than men because they were women. Or seniors being charged more for prescription drugs. That is what he was to take us back to. Now hes going to tell us about the risk corridors. That should be renamed the florida premium increase. That is exactly why many health kurds experts have said Health Care Experts have said our Health Insurance rates are going up. I dont know why he brags about this. It has made it more expensive for you all. I believe that we can expand medicaid. That means 9000 people in florida will have access to Affordable Health care. That our push government is negotiating with pharmaceutical companies. I believe we can do more to grow from the waste, fraud, and abuse. We should be looking at a public option, especially in rule areas. One of the major premises of the Affordable Care act is that there was competition. More people fighting to ensure you. You need to that competition. Host let us ask senator rubio. You have repeatedly vowed to reveal obamacare. Repeal obamacare. Today 20 more 20 million more americans are insured then when you ran for office the first time. What will you do tomorrow for the people who have Health Insurance today if you repeal it . Sen. Rubio first of all it is not a risk corridor, it is a bailout. Let me talk about how everyone understands. One of the ways Obama Administration cut the Big Insurance Companies to support it is that they put a provision that said, if you guys lose money under obamacare, we are going to bail you out with taxpayer money. And yes, i am proud that we got rid of that. Why should we use taxpayer money to bailout private Insurance Companies making millions of dollars in profits . Why should you be bailing out private Insurance Companies . I want congressman murphy to answer why that is the right thing for our country. Why should we be bailing out private Insurance Companies . What should we do instead of obamacare. Old system didnt work. He did not have an answer on a plan. His plan is, i want to make obamacare even bigger. Here is a better approach. If your employer wants to give you money, we will give you health care money, you have to pay taxes on that money. I will get rid of that. When an employer decides to give you money to buy your health care, you can do so tax free. Of course they can continue to buy it for you. Thats not available i want a fully refundable tax credit to buy Health Insurance from any company across state lines. People that find it difficult to afford insurance because they have preexisting indigents that ultimately made them uninsurable. That is a much better approach than the system we have now when you are forcing people itno obamacare. Host rebuttal . Rep. Murphy i am glad you brought up the high risk pools. That plan you just proposed has been tried in 35 states and has failed in all 35 states. It has billions of dollars, makes it more expensive, and adjust people from their plans. That is of course the talking point given to him by the koch brothers. That plan does not work. They did not know who was going to sign up, how risky they were going to be. Because of the legislation, we do have a spike. Because of you that floridians are paying more. Sen. Rubio congressman murphy should answer the question i asked. Why is it right for the american taxpayer to bail out Insurance Companies . Rep. Murphy im talking about the people, not the companies. Sen. Rubio these companies would participate in obamacare with the promise that if they lost money, the taxpayer would build amount. Would bail them out. My lonely said that you cant feel the knot with taxpayer money. To tell you the lawlessness of this administration, they are going to the insurance committees and say, dont worry, just sue us. He will get a default dutchmen against us. You will get a default judgment against us. Host were going to move to the Supreme Court. We begin with congressman murphy. The next president will send several Supreme Court nominees to the senate for confirmation. What criteria is important to confirm a nominee from a president of the opposing party . Rep. Murphy the constitution is pretty clear on this one. It is the president s r to nominateole a Supreme Court justice, and it is the senates job to confirm that individual. I think this is one of the most important jobs of being a u. S. Senator. It is critical whoever the choices understands the constitution. They will follow the rule of law. And they will be able to make sure that is played out fairly and equitably for everyone in our country. This is one of the areas i think is pretty disturbing to a lot of americans. The senate has not acted. The senate has not even had a hearing on merit garland. By all accounts he is as qualified as anybody we have ever had to be in the Supreme Court. Yet there has not been hearing. Senator rubio is not even taken the time to meet with Merrick Garland. I i guess hes too busy running for president , but he did not even ask these simple questions. The American People are so frustrated with congress. They are mad at the house, the senate, republicans and democrats. I dont think they ever expected that the dysfunction in the house whatever bleed over to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court isnt even taking up certain cases because they know it is going to be a tie. That is a complete unnecessary course of action, and all of is of the Obstructionist Tea Party republicans like senator rubio that care more about their own ambitions than getting things done for the people of florida. Sen. Rubio we should understand the role of the Supreme Court in this country. I dont care the personal views of the justice. Let me tell you the proper role of the Supreme Court is not it is not to write lost. That is the job of the legislative branch. The proper role of the Supreme Court is to take the case and apply the constitution according to its original meaning. What do those words mean to the people who wrote them . If you dont like what the constitutional says, we have an amendment process. That is the way you change the constitution. They are all smart people that went to ivy league schools. But do they understand the proper role of the court . If the people on that court or not those that understand the proper role, we will lose our own constitution. Control of the court is to apply that according to its original meaning. That is

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