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Cred c. D. [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] looks like f. B. I. , the licksrya police chief, sheriff, ire chief as well. Coming right now. Good afternoon. Hello again. My name is timothy slater. Im the special agent in charge of the f. B. I. s Washington Field office. Im here to provide an investigative update on the shooting that occurred this morning. Mr. Slater i would like to thank the Alexandria Police department, u. S. Capitol police, and met medinah cal Response Teams and medical Response Teams who responded to the scene this morning for their quick and decisive actions. Actually saving lives. I remind you that this is an active investigation and details continue to unfold. I stressed this earlier and im going to underscore it now. That the f. B. I. Is not going to talk about the character or nature in which we are investigating this case other than to say we continue to work this as an active investigation and an ongoing matter. There has been some confusion about the injuries involved. Our statements sent out earlier today, this afternoon actually, identified the number of ctims and their victims and their injuries. Let me just review that quickly for you. Five individuals were shot. A congressman, a United States Capitol Police officer, a congressional staffer, a lobbyist and the subject. An additional two individuals, a congressman and a Capitol Police officer, attained secondary injuries at the scene and were transported to local hospitals and treated. As for the subject. And this is the only time that ill be referring to him by his name. This afternoon we released a statement noting that the subjects name was james hodgkinson. 66 years of age. Of belleville, illinois. He succumbed to his injuries at the hospital and the d. C. Medical examiner has issued the cause of death as multiple gunshot wounds to the torso. The f. B. I. Has issued a seeking information poster, identifying the shooter. And it can be found at www. Fbi. Gov. While the subject is deceased, we continue to actively investigate the shooters motives, acquaintances and whereabouts that led to todays incident. We will continue to have presence as we process a scene here in alexandria, and f. B. I. Agents are searching the shooters home, his residence in belleville, illinois. The subjects vehicle was located on scene and has been swept by alexandria p. D. And the a. T. F. And we will be processing with our f. B. I. Evidence Recovery Team as well. Obviously we are looking to glean what we can from the contents regarding his electrical devices that he owned. Law enforcement has reason to believe that the shooter has been in alexandria, virginia, area since march of this year. The f. B. I. Has issued, again, seeking information poster that is located on our website, asking the public to come forward with information on the shooter. To the local alexandria community, we believe that the shooter has been living out of his vehicle in the vicinity of east monroe street. Therefore asking to you report any interactions that youve had with him. Likewise, the subject traveled from his residence in illinois and we are asking and speaking with individuals who know him personally or who may havered him on his travels may have encountered him on his travels. If you have information, please call the f. B. I. 24hour tip line at 100callfbi. Nd select option one, or visit tips. Fbi. Gov. So again, f. B. I. s 24hour tip line at 1800callfbi and select option one. Or visit tips. Fbi. Gov. All tips will remain confidential. No amount of information is too small. Law enforcement will remain on scene until processing of the scene has been completed. We ask that the local community , for your patient and your cooperation as we complete this task. Further updates will be shared via written statements unless Law Enforcement collectively stand behind me advices otherwise. Advises otherwise. Ill open it up for a few questions in just a second but i want to turn it over to the chief for alexandria p. D. For a couple of comments. Thank you, ladies and gentlemen. Its mike brown, chief of the Alexandria Police department. Mr. Brown i just wanted to get back and give a status as to what were doing in this community to try and reassure the community in terms of the safety and the security of our residents. Right now we are canvasing the immediate area out here, doing door to door with our colleagues from the Sheriffs Department and the fire department. So that we can reassure people in the community that we believe this incident today is over. Although the investigation will continue in this area for a while. We are also working with some of our other departments in the city. For example, with the department of community and health services, to make services that are general jy available for these generally available for these kind of situations available to our community over the next couple of days. We care very much about our residents and the people that come to visit us in this city. And were doing everything we can to reassure them that this is a Safe Community and that your government and your Public Safety personnel care deeply about it. That said, youll see a lot of Law Enforcement, fire personnel working this area, trying to reassure them of such. So i thank you for that and as a part of the department, we will continue to work with the f. B. I. As they move forward on their investigation. Thank you very much. Reporter did he have a vendetta against the congressman . I have no comment on that. Reporter do you know whose shots brought him down . Mr. Slater it was a multiple local Law Enforcement response so i do not know at this time. Reporter were both the Capitol Police and alexandria responded and shot him . Mr. Slater im not going to comment on exactly who it was. It was multiple. Reporter can you give us an idea of what youre trying to run down on the weapon . Mr. Slater the only comment ill make about weapons is one handgun and one rifle. Reporter what you have learned about this . Mr. Slater where they came from, who bought them, how he acquired them. All the logical investigative leads. Reporter county officers interacted with him in march in illinois. Was it shortly after that that he came here . Because you said hes been here since march. Mr. Slater we believe hes been here since march. So im not going to comment on the specifics of that. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater im not exactly sure on that. Ont have a comment on that. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater no. Thats what were really asking the public to help us with. Because were just not sure at this time. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater im not going to comment on that. The part of an active investigation. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater not going to comment on that either. So really, were exploring all angles and were not going to be limited by well let the facts take us where it goes. Reporter witnesses say he was handcuffed. Was he still speaking and conscious when he was taken away . Mr. Slater i cant comment on that, im not sure. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater that im not aware of, no, maam. Reporter do we know if he was working in the area . Mr. Slater it appears he was not working. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater im not going to comment on the victims, what i have about the victims is what ive already provided. Reporter [inaudible] r. Slater do we know . I believe yeah. Not sure about that. Ill get back with you on that. Reporter [inaudible] illinois plates. Mr. Slater the only comment ill make is a white cargo van. Reporter can the Capitol Police talk to us about their officers and particularly those who were injured and returned fire . Mr. Rogers we did put a statement out today and the chief wants to commend special griner, david bailey for their heroic and appropriate response to protecting members today. Hes grateful for special agent grine who are is in Good Condition at the hospital, having been shot in the ankle. And special agent baileys was treated and released, having sustained a minor injury during the incident. United States Capitol Police is dedicated to the mission of protecting the United States capitol, members of congress and staff and the visiting public. And today we saw how our officers extensive training was put into action. We also would like to thank our partner agencies, the f. B. I. , a. T. F. , u. S. Park police, Virginia State police, and especially the Alexandria Police for their work in helping us to respond and mitigate this incident. We continue to provide a robust and visible presence at the capitol complex and to monitor national and world events to provide a level of security thats appropriate for the u. S. Congress. Reporter can you describe officer dwriners response after being shot and continuing to work to get the suspect . Mr. Rogers thats part of the Ongoing Investigation and i wont comment on it. Reporter [inaudible] the agents who were with congressman scalise, give us a sense is that a protective detail . Whats their mission . Are they always with him . Mr. Rogers their particular assignment today was to protect the congressman. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Rogers today we had Capitol Police officers assigned to monitor the event. Reporter theres video and audio recordings of the gun fire and the gun battle. It would appear to have been ferocious. By a lehmans count, dozens and dozens of shots fired and people screaming, get down. Can you describe what was what your officers and what the capitol officers were facing when they came in . Mr. Brown i wont go into the specifics of the investigation but ive heard the video and ive talked to some of my officers at least. Or some of them. It was not only chaotic but there was it was a combat situation. Thats something that Law Enforcement is trained to do. Our officers are trained to do. Im very proud of the officers at a. P. D. And the officers from the Capitol Police who stood their ground and did their job. More will come out of this when the facts are known and the investigations complete. But i couldnt be more proud of the Alexandria Police officers. Reporter they were up against somebody with ana semiautomatic weapon and they were returning with handguns. Mr. Brown they did engage in a fire fight. He i wont get into the details of that because thats also part of the investigation. We, like every other agency, rely on doing a shooting investigation. Any time we have a discharge of weapons. And we are doing that right now. To get a ahead of that would not be fair for the officers or the agency. Our officers are doing fine. They were taken im very concerned about themment im personally concerned about them. They did great job today and im very proud of them. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Brown we received a call of shots fired as i mentioned this morning, at 7 09 in the morning. Within three minutes we had all three units here. Some of the units were here earlier. And they were engaged upon their arrival. I wont go into greater detail than that because of the investigation. Reporter did your officers have any encounters with mr. Hodgkinson in the months that hes been here until today . Mr. Brown i cant speak to that right now because thats part of the investigation. I dont want to get ahead of the investigation. The f. B. I. Has the lead. Ere working with the f. B. I. At some point in time well give that you information when its available. Ok, thank you. At some reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater im not sure of that. Well have to get back to you on one. Reporter any indication he this with anyone else . Was anyone else involved in this in any way . Mr. Slater thats part of the investigation, im not going to comment on that. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater we have nobody else in custody. Reporter on the gun, sir [inaudible] mr. Slater im not going to comment about the gun. Other than one handgun and one rifle. Potentially. Reporter did he have the handgun on him or was it in the car . Mr. Slater im not going to comment on the gun. Reporter [inaudible] talk differently about President Trump [inaudible] mr. Slater . No i just ask that you let us run the investigation and well let the facts lie where they may. Reporter what can we expect out of the investigation . We know that you all concluded that he was the shooter. What else can the f. B. I. What else will the final report provide you . What do you hope to answer . Slate we hope to answer motive and why he was here and why did he what he did. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater i have no information about that. Capitol police no, no information on that at the moment. I have no comment on it. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater what do you mean . Reporter why did he choose today . Mr. Slater i have no indication of why today at all. No, sir. Reporter [inaudible] mr. Slater i cant speak to the security at the national park, sir. Reporter might this be a question of opportunity . He was living basically on the streets. Politics poll on this street. The politicians came to him. Might it simply be that this was an opportunity where previously he can pressed anger on social media lashed out . Mr. Slater well figure that out as the investigation unfolds. Just one more question. Reporter do you have any indication [inaudible] mr. Slater we have no indication that he knew this was going on. No, sir. Reporter youre not actively seeking any other suspects . Mr. Slater . No were asking for the communitys help. And well run it out where it leads, where it goes. Reporter as of now youre not asking the community, hey, be on the lookout for anybody else, youre not searching for anybody else . Mr. Slater not at the moment but we dont know where this will lead. Fair enough . Thank you. Thank you. [captioning performed by the national captioning institute, which is responsible for its caption content and accuracy. Visit ncicap. Org] [captions Copyright National cable satellite corp. 2017] we dont have any further press briefings planned at this location or otherwise. However were relying on paper statements moving forward. Should we decide that we have anything to deliver live to the media, then we will certainly let your desks know that in advance. Thank you. Reporter it certainly appears that dozens and dozens of rounds were fired from not only an assault weapon, but quite possibly also a handgun. It appears that the suspect was using an ak47. I asked the witnesses, are you sure it was an ak47 . He said, i know my guns. It looked like it was an ak47 to me. Or something very similar to that. So obviously able to pop off a lot of rounds. You also heard the point about the fact that the suspect had been in the area. We also have witnesses who said [inaudible] so live coverage here from alexandria, virginia. You see Law Enforcement officials meeting out in the street. We will have lots more coverage of todays events in primetime on the cspan networks. One note, we learned about. Senator jeff flake, the arizona senator, meeting today, this afternoon, with the capitol hill Police Officers who were wounded earlier this morning. Also earlier today, representatives joe barton and mike doyle held a joint News Conference where they announced the congressional baseball game. Thats the game the Republican Team was practicing for during the shooting. Well still it will still occur tomorrow. They also answered questions about security at the game and on the condition of the victims. Mr. Barton good

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