Transcripts For CSPAN Democrats Accuse President And GOP Of

Transcripts For CSPAN Democrats Accuse President And GOP Of Breaking Promises In First 100 Days 20170426

>> house democratic leaders hold news conference, caucus chair crowley called ital failure. he also spoke about a repeal and this us 5 minutes. mr. crowley: welcome back from the two-week break, i must have missed this terribly and i missed you all. here we are, this week and i anticipate the white house wanted to celebrate the first 100 days and commemorate may be a better phrase to use. it has been a 100 days of failure of this administration tside of gorsuch being the ninth member of the supreme nomination nd itself. we look at the failures of achievement. i don't say this, because the american people are the ones that suffer because of the lack of focus and tonings. nothing in terms of jobs and economy, nothing to show for it in terms of health care and absolutely nothing to show for draining the swamp and my colleagues will talk about that. and broken promises that the president he has made. he promised tax reform to help middle america to help the average worker, so far, the polls we have seen is to help the wealthiest in our nation. hey talk about revenue neutral but not diss tricks been the wealthy which pay less. and the president has come out with 15% as well as c corporations. sweetness for democrats and entice us, but it's a plan to help the wealthiest in this country at the expense of our nation's deficit. look at the budget. it is an attempt to plus up side, he would cut meals on wheels and job training and cut many of the things that we need things in this country. nfrastructure. and invest in the investment of our country. missed opportunity. our hope, on fwaff of the american people is the next 100 people is not full of lies and not should have, could have, would have, but advance the american people and advance our country. we get that. but we need to see a president who is willing to work with democrats. speaking on behalf of myself, i said this over and over been, i want to work on tax reform. and we look at the code itself. we so a lot of problems. but it's very difficult to attack those issues where my constituencies feel a threat. there needs to be more radical change. i pray for the president. i pray for the people around him. but they want to work in a more bipartisan way and hope springs eternal. nd i turn it over to the representative sanchez. ms. sanchez: president trump campaigned on keeping jobs at home and buying and hiring americans but in his first 100 days he has not put forward a concrete job creating jobs and ot helped working women to get ahead. nd that hasn't happened. and hard deleff working americans and a little window dressing, he hasn't done that. he has proposed to cut making harder for people to get training. donald trump has failed on the campaign promises. talk has been tough but the and his string is probably why he s the lowest approval rating at this early in their term. in 100 days, the american people re growing tired of of the broken promises. americans are working longer to make ends meet. we want to see the president lay out a detailed proposal. and not more. phrf >> promised on the campaign trail. once more, their plan puts and age tax and huge tooksblike. the parliamentarian would take us back to the dark ages. when people face it, like pregnancy and your child's asthma. when a trip to the hospital would break it. all we have seen are health care policies would hurt, instead of working to make our country healthier. they are carrying a way, health care insurance in these 100 daze , trump has moved us back wards and this inaction is hurting families and when i say to the dark ages. a gentleman asked a question in front of his 150 neighbors and he took three trips to the hospital, for hospital stays and three operations. and he said, my premiums have gone up a bit and i sawed l said a bit. and i had sa, can this before or after affordable care act and he said this happened after. and i said what would happen to you? before i could finish my question, he said they would have taken away my house. please understand my ladies and gentlemen. it addressed the fear of getting health care when you need it. and i turn over to my coleeling. and thank you for putting this together. i am the representative from hawaii first congressional district and leader of the 27 tf flynn who stand together failed to disclose payments and after he was removed, registered as a former agent. this is no excuse for mike a everal flynn. it seems to be bipartisan in the fact that he has broken the laws. president trump's former mpaign manager has a large firm. lobbyists are going to be stopped. instead with see them growing in influence. they were not stopped. log dering the white house where president obama was public. we don't have that. we don't have his tax lurns to know there are any connections and makes you wonder why, why can't he release those tax returns. and i vanching karr l after trump, object taped and happens on the diss she met the chinaes leader and the ties to russia, if there is anything all know there have been ties to russia and rub yeah and the question is where they continue to do more of the same. people want that investigation. and we haven't seen it happen. what dotion he have to hide. and this is a common did he no, ma'am mator. americant value to the public. and i turn it back. mr. crowley: just to add to at, the connection between russia and thement's tax returns. he refuses to disclose as it relates to tax reform and how that will benefit him and his empire as ell well as, but the empire and his business empire. we should be concerned about the impact it has on our nation and how he has borrow money and who and soy oldened, too that, we will open up for questions. reporter: on friday night, how concerned are you all about what will be happening? mr. crowley: the american people are concerned about the ability of government to continue to function. and i think democrats have been upported of keeping government open. and they could not get the votes open ap work with us to keep the lights on. we stand ready and committed. and we will continue to say there will be no ball and the president its backing off from the wall. want to see the bill itself it pertains to border ecurity. so-called border enhancement and the president ace backing off of the ball. and he said he is going to build a beautiful wall and 10 five hire. that will not be built. there is no appetite and to not want to see that wall ever built. he the four appropriators, their epublicans and and counter parts continue to work. and which will have a clean bill nd move forward. >> and maybe i hope he does break and stops attacking the affordable care act because it is hurting our americans. he will continue to keep his efforts to destroy it. but they control it. and don't have some add money to the c.r. this is not about new money but and keeping money running i have to tell you. my republican colleagues. the instability they will create will bemon you mean tall and see the extension of medicaid and the states that did not enact the measures themselves. the impact will be greatest. and largely represented by republicans. where are i'm not saying this tongue and cheek. >> yes, it is complicated. he didn't relled. these are real issues involved dd at stake and he would disment will the of the affordable care act. a while ago that not in the c.r. this will be a language atlanta all. is there a deal breaker? >> it falls upon the majority. and what way it comes to the floor. they need votes and need to be talking to us. so if the speaker, i'm sure working on behalf of the president, let's be clear, they want the affordable care act to fail. think want to see it fail. i will wait and see what measures are in the bill. and other issues including .rosecutor -- puerto rico > if there is a cost ksh [inaudible] >> i would like to see the legislation. >> my question would be give i don't know the nature of the questions is whether or not you he respect cans don't have the vote. and they don't vermont vote. i think it is 2 now in the house. lot more than 2 . and the question is what do they need from us. and if they don't have the vote. so if are asking these questions, it must be that they don't have the votes and that's a major statement as to what the republican majority are doing in terms of fet gotting their people together. reporter: are they running out of track here and won't concede if they are ready to do a c.r. and the size of this bill would be extraordinary and see what iders are there. can the white house speak to this? mr. crowley: this is in terms of government. ese first 100 days and you now, observers mr. crowley: they have an a falmajol until hog artrop will commogehwhoug after cofrling to do that after led to the process and limited powers of the presidency and the congress itself and got the first taste when he demand the vote on the affordable care act. i'm not sure -- r. ryan was trying to indicate it. he was knots primed or ready and paid the consequence. e are about the ability to get the two-wheeler rolling. but if they need our help, and they'll need our input. we have leverage. we look forward to working with our col ocean . otherwise, they are in charge. reporter: all you need to do, how many times the vice president has met with the republicans and with the speaker try to govern and they have been failing. i would say personaly, this is purks says of stale you are and amazing when a party decides when they are going to doing things by themselves, they are alling on falling short on the things. and one of the things that it had bad, thank god we moderate republic caps who would not vote fr it. and pushing people out of health care and the list goes on. least wley: the c.r., at complicated as possible. reporter: leader pelosi has said that the cost care has been part of this bill. mr. crowley: and we are not negotiating in public, the appropriators are discussing these issues. what we are saying is the money is there. it is not about appropriating. they are negotiating an appropriations pill. the president and would like to see an increase in defense spending up to $a billion. if to come plea metropolitan reckmies any judgments in any appropriations. it is not an appropriation, ok? some i think we as democrats stand behind the affordable care act. know what death try pent it wants to to our and hold hostage the affordable care act. the american people know what he is doing. and he could right now and withdraw the lawsuit and could and lly spend these -- chooseing not to do that at the moment. reporter: you mentioned earlier that the president's tax plan might have a couple of swotesners and one of those they can and would infrastructure exind about the with tax plan make you more willing to work on help or would your caucus out? mr. crowley: it is not an accomplish mrnt. proposing something was it three days before the deadline? the president apparently has propose a number of issues that hasn't come to fruition. what i would suggest, how difficult it is, i stand ready ap i speak on before of he representative sanchez to address the issues. overly complicated. t's unfair in many respects. and those are things that democrats and republic caps. i will come become and talk about a number that is real. 15% corporate rate in conjumpings with the partnerships, creates a 2. bill kwlon deficit. deficit. not paid for. the president hasn't proposed any deficits. that isn't responsible. that is taking it out of the sky and i like 2015. of sfet to 20% in terms expensing about bet to the 5%. and getting to 28%. getting to 28%. the republican house ways and means chafrle is starting at 20%. they fleed to get their act together. a proposal is not an plisht. and get it here in this one. and what joe what you mentioned, they would be cutting 1. trillion dollars that means you are burning the and construction ta pokesing the president. ms. sanchez: they are inept at proving anything. and r and i don't think it bodes out come. success ell when they read the hlt care bill, and what speaker ryan said, there is a difference, there is a difference as to what is it like to finally govern and that is what he which are at. nd oilt is voting to govern. and now we are hearing about the different deals that they want to find out. and it tells me that they are difficulty 9 cost is being paid by the america cang pup. the people are suffering are the working people and they are the once. the president promised and all they managed to do is make things worst. >> iness notice the house is getting a briefing and how calm down. where do you stand right now? time s a very dangerous live in with an erratic it is north korea, that a threat to a threat to the rest of the world. we will hear what the strigs has to say about this and the hoe is we can find a way forward and ratchet down the rhetoric and reduce the rhetoric. and what the plan is going forward and i thought it was good to see the president's ughter shake the hand of angela merkel. would have been nice if the president did it as well and address world nations like north korea, that those relationships includes fercludesfrabs and our llies and india and includes china. d china vietoed will resolution. that was not what we hopped. after he met with president trump. so what is working and not working, i think the president and issues us and powers actto the war nd the congress as well. >> you should go there. but there is admiral, the command areer of the pacific mmand and he has said from prior years that the thing that keeps him up us north korea. your question rarring the president. he dispatched the call and we knew didn't dispatch and went to the australia. and there is a disconnect as to how serious north korea is. and north korea is very serious. we are in a position where we have the pacific arena and we have what is going in the middle east sm and the middle east is in a different situation with syria and whether or not the president has the the powers to do what he is doing as well. norts career north korea, we are in an armistice. that war hasn't technically ended. ash we have to think of the ituations and it is a critical component. >> thank you all very much. sno >> prime time schedule. starting at 8:00. unveiled the trum 7's proposal. n c spanch and discusses the future of in the regulation and tl at her confirmation hearing counsel at t germ the c-span. >> this weekend book tv, calls. the "he van gel qu9 talking about the movement in america. . > be and i asked gina ohio careful she has been. and still middle class and gina said, i don't think there is a middle class in america anymore, if there was, i wouldn't have to go to the food pan try at the end of every month. president nixon, talking with an author. > he was in the up to neck and ttempted over the years. he was go to go be tough, tough, tough and be a terrible down jall. book earlier t

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