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Intelligence and National Security alliance dinner. He talks about National Security threats and afterwards he sits down for an interview. This is 60 minutes. Cracks i am pleased to introduce cia director mike on pale. He leads the cia intelligence collections, analysis, covert action, counterintelligence, and liaison relationships with foreign Intelligence Services. Before assuming this role, director pompeo was serving in his 10th term as congressman from kansas path forth district. He served on the House Intelligence Committee as well is the energy and commerce committee. Prior to his service in congress, director pompeo founded in Aerospace Company where he served as ceo for more a decade. Director pompeo graduated first in his class from the United States military academy at west point and served as a calgary officer patrolling the iron curtain before the fall of the berlin wall. After living active duty, mr. Pompeo graduated from Harvard Law School having been an editor of the harvard law review. Tonight we will hear more about director pompeos vision for the Central Intelligence agency. All of us in this room share a common purpose. Ensuring the safety and security of the United States. It is an important mission. One we can never forget because people are counting on us to deliver each and every day. Leadership you requires integrity, and teamwork, excellence, and courage just to name a few. Director pompeo definitely and bodies all of those qualities. Join me and directing join me in welcoming director mike pompeo. [applause] director pompeo to live. I look forward to speaking with you. Adultt the bulk of my life running a company where i made aerospace components. I was not successful selling the cia anything but a sure as heck tried. To thank you for being an important part of what we do at the cia every day. Not too long ago a very brave lawyer came to us after having served 24 years in the United States army. He served and tackled some of the most sensitive and difficult tasks. With a group with which he was eminently wellqualified. He brought a sterling military record. Had a great career. He was among the best. He stood out for sure. Intellect, character, great, and courage. His physical fitness, and marksmanship. Most importantly he had an uncanny knack for getting the job done, however difficult the task. The cia and was thrilled to have him join our team. His first shift overseas was in afghanistan serving and counterterrorism. After only a few weeks it was a predictable routine. They planning to gillis. The execution precise. The objective would be achieved. He was asleep one morning having just vanished a mission the night before when an explosion shook the walls of his room, jolting him awake. Together to his equipment and met up with his colleagues. Yards away, had exploded. It was at the main entrance of the compound. He climbed in his armored truck and headed to the fight. Just as he arrived, a second car bomb detonated. Enemy bombs came in from every direction. Instead of seeking cover, this cia officer ran through the smoke towards the action. His colleagues said he had no fear. Gate, he spoke with Afghan Soldiers line on the ground. They were wounded and in the open. He carried them away himself. He was hit during that. Once in the shoulder, once and the like. Despite his wounds he continued to fight. He moved forward and engaged the enemy. To check thefought enemy advance until his colleagues could join him. He was a oneman wrecking crew. The attackers shredded tree limbs with gunfire. There were handguns, rpgs, machine guns, suicide attacks. He fought valiantly until a grenade landed next to him. Theres nothing he could do to deflect it. It exploded, inflicting a mortal wound. While he was being carried away, as if reporting for duty wartime shot im here. Ready to serve wherever and whenever our country needed him. He owns the best we have to offer. The agency today faces serious threats. We are death bound dutybound rather two follow them. Are all quite tangible. Our mission demands that we have determined an aggressive espionage and deal secrets with audacity and be unafraid and make sure we have advantage over our enemy and every turn. I am blessed to be the director and i have dozens of officers working towards objective. To leadredibly proud them. We will be relentless against the threats to our nation because their rope. A quick rundown. Although not necessarily in order. First, the surge of terrorism. The agency has been at the center of the fight since september 11. And rocky as muzzle and soul come under increasing have more tostill do to defeat isis. Al qaeda is the mission for them. And up they are listening tonight because the cia will be part of accomplishing that great and noble end. We still have a bunch of work to do. Especially given isis prize willingness to forgo major al ofda attacks in favor widespread, smaller assaults they can pull off easily and with relatively little planning. Neveruld be proud and complacent. Next and much in the news is north korea. Beyond yang is pushing 24 hours a day to push their Development Us inms that can reach the United States and attack is with a nuclear warhead. Last week north korea conducted its longest launch of a missile icbm. And it underscores the greatest threat. The president has made clear it is something that must be completed but the cia stands ready to help the president achieve his end. For 20 years, amerco whistle past the graveyard of the problem of north korea. We do not intend for it to go on much longer. Years we, 20 continue to allow him to develop his weapon systems. Adversarywe face an unlike isis and its barrage of a caliphate, this emerges as a powerful nationstate. Its strength and influence continued to increase, most notably in recent years. When you look today at yemen, syria, iraq you can see. Aspires to be the hegemonic power in the area. The cia will perform a central role in pushing back against this threat. Finally, adversaries, state and nonstate actors who seek to erode democracy and the rule of law around the world. This includes groups like wikileaks, a nonstate Intelligence Service that recruits spies and rewards people who steal secret documents and use that to subvert western democracies including the russian government. It has been going on for decades. The cyber domain has greatly facilitated and accelerated these activities. As sin of having to rely on moles or adversaries or agents, do harm andd one to it is much easier for them as authoritarian governments to do governments. Is for it is hard to sit in the directors chair and not see a world that is a dangerous place. The civilized world israel. I come from kansas, the heartland. This sense that there is evil in this world that must be defeated as not hyperbole or hyperventilation. It is a rational response to these threats. What does this mean to the cia and how do we accomplish this mission for america and the president . We have to do everything in our power to provide the strategic understanding for policymakers. To talk about foreign intelligence collection as the core of what we do. It puts tremendous pressure on us. It means we have to be relentless at stealing secrets from our adversaries and be world class when it comes to bringing worldclass information to the government. The nsa, the fbi, the nga. Everyone who has a touch point that can help keep our country safe. It when we deliver our assessments, we must do so without with complete tender. Without the truth favor. Whenever i swear in new officers i tell them have the duty to deliver the truth in whatever they do. Little time with the president almost every day sharing the amazing work the Intelligence Community has been able to deliver. I am proud i am able to communicate that Important Information to our president. Go across a wide range of disciplines. It is tough stuff to do this work. It requires the ability to absorb vast amounts of information and spot trends. Frankly, we need help from private sector partners as well and i hope during my time we can continue to take advantage of the great work in the private sector are to deliver worldclass product to the United States government. If we are going to succeed we need a nation that understands what our agency does and does not do. I have read all the novels. I sat on the Oversight Committee for a few years and had to had the chance to see the agency a bit. It is impossible to truly understand the scope and breadth and capacity of the Central Intelligence agency without being part of it. I view it as one of the most fundamentally important things i can do in my time. To make sure americans know the work were doing is noble, important, lawful, and central to keeping america safe. They have to know we are a foreign Intelligence Agency. Our aim is to catch bad guys who threaten us all around the world. When i ask for your help in this, well have to counter the narrative that the cia is a rogue agency somehow untethered from government. Subject to rigorous oversight and appropriately so both from the executive branch, within the exec a branch, legislative branch, and courts. Live to push back against stories in the media that are misleading. About the things our officers did not do and make that you understand seo not permitted to talk about the things our officers actually do. We operate in secrecy for good reason. We have to protect important National Security classified information. Set thes we cannot record straight when doing so can harm National Security. But it is fundamentally important to retain the trust of American People so they will continue to give us the authority and trust and resources to perform the Article Mission we do each day. We also appreciate any commanderinchief who appreciates the work we do every day and a u. S. Government that understands that as well. We have to work closely with our partners at the fence and state and Homeland Security and the fbi to make sure we have deep understanding of what is taking place around the world. I have now spent six months with president trump. He is a demanding customer and frankly, we like it that way. It shows a scene depends on us and values what we do. Love your give you a brief example. Wantedl, the president to talk about some disturbing images he saw from syria. I am sure you saw many of them yourselves. Scenes of the innocent civilians wanted to talk about some disturbing in agony, the apparent victims of chemical weapons attacks. The president wanted to know exactly what had happened and no quickly. We assembled a team, a couple hundred folks to began to diagnose and understand what took place. They began piecing together evidence working closely with partners across the Intelligence Agency. The next day the president called his cabinet together. He turned to me and asked what we had learned. Several of the shared what we knew. I told him the Intelligence Community had concluded the chemical weapons had indeed been used in the attack and launched by the syrian regime. The present positive moment and said, are you sure . Now, i will admit to you it took my breath away. [laughing] i hope it did for some of you as well but i knew the community had solid evidence we could present to the president that he could count on. I said, mr. President we have solid evidence that is what took place. He never looked back. He made one of the most consequential decisions of vision administration. Launching an airstrike on the very air filled from which the original attack originated. Alle is one thing above else that the cia constantly has to do and that is improved and pt to the charging changing times. I am proud to say the agencys operating full throttle with respect to that today. I have taken over the agency with great capability that only needed the bridle removed so it could accelerate at full speed. We have responsibility for Global Coverage but we will create priorities. I have created two new Mission Centers aimed at focusing and putting a dagger in the heart of the korean problem and the problem in iran. This sets priority and make sure set ofrstand a specific information the president needs critically to perform against the tasks he views as most vital to the nations security. It reminds me of when i ran a Small Business and had to perform at a high level of meetlence but also had to tasks that if we failed to do we might not exist. The government is a little different but it does have an immediate feedback loop. I am so proud to be leading this organization. Immediate feedbacki am demandinm everyone at all times and i am finding that everyone there wants to achieve it. You know, we will not always succeed. There will be bad days. But it we have to excessive risks in our agency in order to be successful. Not coming short sometimes, you are probably not reaching hard enough. And we are certainly going to do that. Day. Rge, every i have seen first hand cia officers are considered a national treasure. Accomplish courageous things every day. With courage, determination, and humility. When i thanked him, they often shun recognition and say they are just doing their jobs. They say they signed up to do this mission and indeed they did. Their dedication to a cause larger than themselves certainly makes the cia very special and that is why im so confident about our future. I have no doubt whatsoever that our country will turn to the cia many times and we approximately will prevail and we will certainly prevail against todays adversaries and those to come. Thank you for having me here today. I look forward to your questions. [applause] thank you director pompeo for sharing those insights. Before we get started with the moderator discussion, just a reminder. There are cards on your table. Youve got questions got questions generated by the great speech we just heard. Write those questions down. We will have amazing interns circulating around the audience. Ooking for your questions they are also all looking for jobs, ok . [laughter] so if you want an amazing person for a job, one of these. Nterns might be it if you have not finished your dinner, we are just getting it out there now. We will try to remind you to eat quietly because we are going to know ahead with the q a. So now, it is my pleasure to introduce the man who truly needs no introduction. Charlie allen, 47 years at the cia, rising to its highest ranks. Four years as undersecretary of Homeland Security for intelligence and analysis. Ok, folks, quiet down over there, ok . Were trying to get this. Principle at the chertoff group, Senior Intelligence at insa. Nobody, nobody works harder at the business of intelligence than charlie allen. Over to you, charlie. [applause] thank you for the remarks. I have cia in my heart. Wellreceived. Because we are very selfless, very dedicated group of people, and it is inspiring to hear how well you have taken over in the First Six Months you have been direct you. You talked about the scope and threats running from north korea to russia to china to proliferation, to international organized crime, whole new world that is getting more and more vicious. How do you view all this . How do you feel the agency is changing to meet the speed and the velocity of the threats were facing . Its really a very different world for the one, a more static cold war i worked to hard many years ago. Charlie, appreciate the question. I was a cold warrior once, too. Now several decades back i still try to use the phrase russia and troy to avoid soviet union. Its an enormous challenge. You have to be fast. Your competitors, our adversaries, are really quick. Was asked how ithought the enemy would respond to a particular action that america was contemplating. Said they wont have a meeting like this one. Theyll move quickly. And we have to move quickly as well. And that means wehave to understand the adversary in a way that truly reflected what theyre doing, not to overreact but also to make sure that were notworshiping our own chart inside the agency. We understand the missionand able to move against the enemies quickly. That means several thing you have to understand the priority expect how it can change, and build talent and resources, have to have the right people and the right technology. And so i try to spend a little about of time each day make sure well take care of things that will happen along after im director of the cia, putting in place the tools for five and ten and 15 years from now, nothing this world will change fast, and if we try buildnit two months when its a tenyear project we will be too late. Theres an agileness and excitement at the moment but we have to make sure we meet the demands of the future as well. Thank you. On the 6th of january this year, the cia, the fbi, and the National Security agency, published an Intelligence Communityassessment that said the russia federation, through cyber and through other covert means, tried continue nuisance the results of the u. S. Election. Do you have any comments on that particular assessment and how you feel about sanctions, the current sanctions against the russians and what is the outlook as we go downstream here with the president. Yeah. Look,ll leave the policy issue, like sanctions, to others. Its not my task. But the threat of our adversaries trying to muck with our elections is very real. The russians clearly did it in the 2016, the 2012 election and the 1970s as well. There were those who seem aghast and shocked the russians were trying to impact and adversely place the outcome they preferred on american democracy. Theyve been at thatshell of a long time. So we have a task to make sure we defend against it. Not just from the russians but from we have seen the chinese, a lot of hacking during my time on the Oversight Committee, trying to get to places in which they have no business or systems. We have seen the arabian stood. The list of them who would like to see the demise of western democracy is long. Many of them use tools that are the typical ones we talk about but there are also other measures. I spoke with admiral rodgers earlier this evening. We also have to think about how to respond to other tax as well. Thank you. Director, mosul has fallen. We know that raqqa is being surrounded and will fall. You speak about the battle with isis and slowly being annihilated in the cities in iraq and syria. What about the diaspora . Are we prepared to work of our european allies andothers to because evidently, the size, the islamic state, will come after us through terrorism and other schemes to damages and damaged the United States. The short answer is yes. Not only have we been prepared to work with our european allies but we have been doing it. I spoke to when of my european counterparts today. We will work closely with them to try to help them secure their countries against homeland threats as well. We talked about the ds bro. We want to make sure there are few people in that ds brought as possible. First mission, kill as many as you can because they will continue to fight. Second, we need to make sure as we dolligence community our work so we can track them where ever they go. It we have isis facilities there are isis facilities in half a dozen countries. Some loosely affiliated with isis some deeply connected. We need to take those down as well. We have to make sure we do the right thing to secure america. If we do those things aggressively we will push back and we will win. Drugs the Intelligence Community is supposed to tell the president about threats and try to avoid surprise. As an old office of the cia, you know we failed some cases. History is a little checkered on our ability to forecast, to give advance warning, to be able to understand the threats before we are in extreme crisis. I have been in extreme crisis at the cia where we failed to give advance warning. How about this world you talked about earlier, the Digital World where we have machine learning. The data analytics. How do you feel that the agency has, along with the community, positioned itself to do a better job at getting head of the threat. Yeah, its tough. Im comfortable when we look back 25 years from now the history will still be checkered and im sure we will have listed a few. Some tactical, some taking down taylor plots. But i have also seen some good work taking down operational and strategic threats as well. Identifying and preparing the u. S. Government to think about how to be prepared when the threat actually crosses the horizon and is on top of us. It means we have to fight hard. We have develop the right resources that America Needs to devote that are so precious. But if we do it well, we can get it right most of the time. Thats great. Early in the administration we saw a good deal of pressabout morale at the agency and the administration was not being kind to the Intelligence Community. I take my own sort of private poll in talking to officers at the agency, i feel the morale is very high, frankly,at langley, virginia. Could you give us a little more color orunderstanding that the president and his tops a aids and individuals and how he takes the briefings each day. Sure. I have traveled to several dozen stations in six months. One of the highlights is meeting officers that are working around the world to defeat the bad guys. These are young, talented, aggressive people who are just dying to get out there and crash it. I talk about the fact that with the president almost every day in the oval office, delivering him things that are really current and trying to prepare him for the things right in front of him but also working hard to ensure were building a baseline of knowledge in the same way i am working to build my baseline of knowledge. It is hard work. The president as a tough customer and asks tough lessons. We hope if we can get the answer that day we can get right back to deliver it to him. I have read the stories, i have seen it all. I can only say what my experiences with the president. And frankly, the experience of my officers have been with the present as well the president. S well, he not only valleys values into purchase the people, but he is counting on us to deliver for him. And i am counting on my team to deliver for him as well. Thats great. One thing near thes me as an Intelligence Officer is what we seem to be occurring across government, including capitol hill, is a sort of culture of leakage. You went after wikileaks, and you did it at csis. Is there anything more we can and must do . Because i think really were putting the country at risk, putting sources and messages which we help create years ago, do you have any further comments on this culture of leakage that has to stop at some point. [applause] charlie, theres always more you can do. One of the first things i did is the head of counterintelligence now reports directly to me. It was intended to make sure that i was personally part of making sure we were doing cia well but i wanted to make sure everyone in the organizationunderstood that it was an enormous priority. We have to get that right. And i think we can. There are things we can do inside our open buildings and in our screening process that will decrease the likelihood we have a threat from inside. And then, too, things we can do to make sure that othersarent stealing our secrets from outside and we have an obligation to do that. Its enormously frustrating to read things in the press you now ought not be there and i hope its the case thisgovernment will ensure that every mans evidence is available toprosecute those who violated the most fundmental principle of securing that information and keep our officers, their assets, and our nations safe. [applause] you have worked at west point, farmer, then private sector and chen the congress. You saw lot of the private sector, as ran oldIntelligence Officer were not as agile in dealing with the private setter and the motivations of what drives drives the privateer. What are the thing his Intelligence Community should learn or has learned in order to be more nimble agile . Particularly in this digital age. I think it has learned quite a bit and has a lot of room to go. One thing the agency does not benefit from it that the private sector does is that if you perform poorly, does not take long to figure it out. Customers vanish, profits go away, and the board of directors want to know what is going on. Loop is not always clear. My efforts have been to take the same basic free sense of had when i ran i the two businesses iran, which is to make sure everybody understands the commanders intent and a sure they understand. Clear about it, unabashed and make sure they know their exact mission and expectations. Then knockdown barriers. We have some of the most talented people this year. I swore and 70 more officers this week. Great young people from every background you can imagine in america. It is my duty to them to make sure i tell them what it is we expect from them and set the tone and set them down their path. The same thing you do in the business environment. How important is traditional human intelligence . The world has changed so rapidly. A Digital World. At the same time, human intelligence, it strikes me. Traditional espionage is very crucial to the success and the future of the country. What are your views having looked at the agency, traveled abroad, talk to stations and people in the warzones . It requires daring young men and women willing to go to different places and attack at the very heart. We are lucky to have a whole host of them working for us today. It is more difficult today. It is more digital. With all of the digital footprints, it is trickier to get an officer in the right place at the right time. It is trickier but just as important. Signalsclosely with our brothers. It is almost always the case were working closely together. It signals orll enabled humans, we have to make sure we are right out there making sure we are delivering the right information. It takes human beings with the capacity to get the most critical places at the right time and we have to make sure we are the worlds best at it. 61how do you view the arrangements . 5i arrangements. I worked with our very close allies. Of course we have other relationships around the world. How do you work on the foreign relationships and the health of the relationships from the cia to the colleagues we have overseas . I am often asked what it is most surprising about my new role. One thing i always mention is how much time i spent talking to our partners around the world who are helping us do our mission. We could not do without them. Our partners occupy a special place and have a special relationship which is central to what we do. Mistake, the United States government depends deeply upon having great partners willing to share information with us, run operations with us, help us achieve our priorities and that means america has to do the same thing for them and i have been incredibly happily surprised at how many great partners we have that are willing to help america do the most difficult foreign intelligence tasks around the world. We are in really good shape. [applause] andrew and teresa and others are here tonight. Trying to get technology quickly , leaders in the community are trying to get it inside their own communities. Technology is moving at a fast paced. Consumer technology is even faster. Keep pace with the adoption of new and advanced commercial technology . We have to welcome it. Encourage it. Be willing to pay for it. We have to put the agency in a place where private enterprise needs and ther Intelligence Community and help us deliver. I think we can do it and do it pretty well but there is enormous room for improvement. We have to be out trying to identify. Identify best in class technology. Make sure were not wedded to doing something only because we invented it inside of the building but rather be prepared to adopt worldclass technology to achieve our ends. If we do that really well we will be really fast. More secure. E as an old Intelligence Officers that is sort of resistant to structural change, the operations side. I think it was jim injure when he was briefly director of the cia, he changed it to director of operations. It seemed like a terrible thing to do. I remember an old case officer saying, why would we ever give away the name ddp . Aur predecessor did modernization. Made significant change. What are your views on further modernization for ca . You just talked about two new centers you had. Putting a dagger in the heart. I thought that was a wonderful metaphor. It was not a metaphor. It was not a metaphor. It was real. Was real. I have not banned but i i have urged people i have asked folks not to print the darn thing. [laughter] i said it repeatedly. We have to be able to be numeral enough to get after our adversaries. We have to have organization. Anarchy does not succeed. We should not worship at the altar of this thing called modernization. With the make sure we are taking the monetary resources, resources, and applying them against the problems with enormous figure. Fine. Do that, we will be anytime you have a particular structure, helping to end every day we are tearing down a piece and building a new piece. That is great. [applause] associate Deputy Director here tonight for workforce talent. She is an old friend. How are you doing . You spoke about a need for talent . Are we getting diversity . Are we getting people with culture, background, language that we need . The answer is yes. Evervigilant. I think about getting that and making it even that or whether it is language skills, cultural understanding, hard math skills, whatever the talents may be that we need. We have to make sure we have it right at the front end so that 10 years from now, 20 years from now, the next leaders, someone who will run it 20 years from now we dont have an opening, rather we have 30 or 40 people highly qualified for that. It is tricky to do. Private enterprise are willing to pay people an awful lot. A great lesson of living in america as we often have people willing to sacrifice some of that because they are great patriots. Mostly, it is one of the fascinating set of tasks anyone can undertake, that is being a cia officer. For those of you in the audience or watching, come join us. We need great men and women willing to do great things. [applause] director, if you had to name three things being director of cia that you did not really fully appreciate when you were a house of the intelligence, what would be the major points . Inside langley, inside this global Intelligence Agency that does such huge tasks. What do you think are the most important takeaways . But if i learned . Most of it i cannot share with you. [laughter] thanks what have i learned to so, i talked about the what have i learned . So, i talked about the of change. I watched how the United States sets up a new government and i learned how critical it is that we are better every day. Making sure we are addressing the needs of this government as it sets itself up to be prepared. It is an enormous undertaking. We still have too many positions in our government not filled. We have to make sure we have them so that all of the National Security team can be in place. The last thing i would say is, that the officers do work at the cia is different. I was inactive duty of his or for a few years. When soldiers deploy, families come around, communities work together. At this place. We have to make sure we do our best to take care of our officers and their families. We have to make sure we never forget how much sacrifice their families are making. A level ofdo that at excellence that honors their commitment to america. [applause] d president has met with xi 20ping at maralago and d g and at the same time, china continues to be aggressive at thet from my perspective in South China Sea and other areas you spoke of. Cyber threat from china. Do you have any generalized comment she could make without getting into classified round with respect to china . Yeah. Laughter] it is a big country with lots of challenges. Lots of people. Does china present significant threats to the United States . You articulated. They are expanding throughout the South China Sea, east chinas seas, it is rough. Extend alingness to lot of money and continue to build up their forces globally so they can ultimately have greater economic power against the United States is constant. We have to make sure where good at that. They have enormous cyber livability. I will try to and foremost i truly hope we can convince them it is in their best interest to make sure kim jongun no longer has Nuclear Weapons as well. [applause] they have the capacity to make a big difference there yet it is the president s expectation they will deliver. Thats great. Ban, ise of the muslim that and it is not a muslim but is that hurting recruitment or bringing in talent . No. That is a good answer. [laughter] one of the things that does bother me now that im working in the private sector but i did not realize just how poorly government and the Intelligence Community included, is in doing contracts. Ting from a proposal to a the whole issue of getting the contract. Great question for the evening. I dont know what to say. It is interesting. So, ive written a business that had some of that. I had to remember the first time we did a contract with an entity, we were a cure to supplier. The second level responsibility. I remember trying to line edited only to be told they had decided no. Look, we have to make sure that we are delivering a contract that makes sense. It protects the taxpayer interest. That preserves the cia goal. Thehonestly, i have seen bureaucracy great nightmares. More paperwork, no benefit. I have not spent much time staring at the young but im hopeful we can do that in way that is more positive. The way folks in fortune 100 companies do it today. If we could do that we will be serving amerco well. In 2011, the primary threats were the same. Russia, china, north korea. Then we had the arab spring. Inl, we actually had it december 2010. Self and in december 2010. Modulations, i think youve answered that the need to get ahead of the thread to anticipate to see societal changes. You are doing a lot of a work as the digital of direct innovation. Using big data forms to detect this early on. Patterns. Finding what is called the unknown unknowns. Any further comment on that, sir . There are lots of really smart people and really Good Technologies supplementing human morelect to let us be predictive. We can also make sure that we losing our own water, that is we are constantly challenging our assumption. If we do that and do it in real time we will serve the country well and if we do not, we will fail all too often to keep america safe. Thank you for this evening. You have a lot of friends out here in the public sector. Thank you for coming. Thank you. [applause] announcer coming up this morning, confirmation hearing for christopher wray, president trumps nominee for next ca fbi director. To be questioned about russian interference in the 2016 election and his previous experience at the justice department. Live coverage at the Senate Judiciary committee begins at 9 30 a. M. Eastern on cspan3. You can also follow it live on cspan. Org or with the cspan radio app. Later today, a hearing on visa overstays. For accountability. And, National Security. Live with a Senate Judiciary subcommittee starting at 2 30 p. M. Eastern on cspan3. Unfoldsn, where history daily. In 1979, cspan was created as a Public Service by americas Cable Television companies and is far to today by your cable or satellite provider. Live today on cspan, washington journal is next. It can 00 eastern, the house returned for general speeches. At noon, members return for legislative business. Inan trafficking, water californias Central Valley and the coming up in one hour, Todd Harrison for the center of strategic and international on the Defense Authorization bill. 8 30, representative mark walkers here to talk about the future of health care in the budget priorities. It are at 9 00, congressman bill onss go on Bill Pascrell agenda and strategy for 2018. Wednesday, july 12, 20. Welcome to washington journal. Later today, the house will take up the 2018 Defense Authorization bill. Tomorrow, republican senators will introduce the update on the Health Care Legislation that is expected on thursday. All of this as the president is preparing for a trip to france, heading to france for a joint News Conference on thursday with president

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