[applause] mr. President , the people of israel wait for a Palestinian Leader in that that is willing to follow in the path the world waits for president abbas to speak the truth of peace that can only be achieved through negotiation by recognizing israel as a jewish state. It waits for him to tell him that he will address israels security needs and end the conflict once and for all. He prefers symbolism over reality, as long as he refers to travel to new york for you and resolutions rather than travel to jerusalem for hope and dialogue, any hope of peace would be out of reach. Israel has always extended its hand in peace and will always extend its hand for peace. When we faced an arab leader who wanted peace, we made peace. Time and again, we have been met with rejection for our offers and denial of our rights and terrorism. The only thing his story about this speech how much he has ignored history. The truth is that 65 years ago today, the United Nations voted to petition the british mandate into two states a jewish state and an arab state. Two states for two people. Israel accepted this plan. The palestinians and the arabs rejected this. They want to throw the jews into the sea. From 1948 and 1967, the west bank was used by jordan and gaza was ruled by egypt. They created a palestinian state. Instead, they sought israels destruction and were joined by newly formed terrorist organizations. The truth is that camp david in 2000 and again in 2008, israel made far reaches for peace. They were met with rejection and even terrorism. In 2005, israel dismantled and entire communities and uprooted thousands of people from their homes. Rather then use this opportunity to have a peaceful future, the palestinians and gaza thousands of rockets were fired into cities. Areas have been turned into a launching pad for rockets into israel he cities and a haven for global terror and an ammunition dump for iranian weapons. They refuse to accept responsibility and make the tough decisions for peace. Israel remains committed to peace. We need a peace that will endure, a peaceful that will secure the peace of israel. We have extended our hand for peace to president abbas. We want the palestinian state to recognize israel as a jewish state. That is right, two states for two people. In fact, president abbas, i did not hear you use the phrase two states for two people this afternoon. I have never heard you say the phrase two states for two people. Palestinian leadership has never recognized israel as a state for jewish people. They have never been willing to accept what this very body recognized 65 years ago. Israel is a jewish state. In fact, you recognize a palestinian state, but you refuse to recognize the jewish state. Not only do not recognize it, you try to erase a jewish history. You have tried to erase the connection between the jewish people and jerusalem. You said the jews were trying to alter the historical character of jerusalem. You said that we are trying to change jerusalem. President abbas, the truth is that jerusalem had a jewish character long before other cities had character. President abbas, instead of changing history, it is time that you started making history by making peace with israel. It will not change the fact that the Palestinian Authority has no control over gaza. That is 40 of the territory they claim to represent. President abbas, you cannot visit nearly half of the territory of the state you claim to represent. That territory is controlled by hamas, and internationally recognized terrorist organization that has rained missiles over israel. Right into the heart of israels cities this month. This resolution will not enable the Palestinian Authority to join international treaties, organizations, or conferences. This resolution cannot serve as an acceptable alternative to these negotiations with israel. This Resolution Says nothing about israels security needs. And does not call on palestinian to recognize israel as a jewish state. It does not end the conflict. Let me tell you what this resolution does do. This resolution violates fundamental binding commitments. This is a commitment that many states gathered here today in this chamber and stan witness to the commitment that all standing issues would only be resolved in direct negotiations. The resolution sends a message that the International Community is willing to turn a blind eye to peace agreements. The people of israel, it raises a simple question why continue to make painful sacrifices for peace in exchange for pieces of paper that the other side will not honor . It makes a peace negotiation unlikely. It will raise expectations that cannot be met, which is always proven to be the recipe for conflict and instability. That route runs through direct negotiations that would lead to a secure and lasting peace between israelis and palestinians. There are no shortcuts, no quick axis, no quick solutions, as president obama said in 2010. Peace cannot be imposed from the outside. The real message of this resolution for the people of israel is that the in the National Community would turn a blind eye to violations by the palestinians. In submitting this resolution, the Palestinian Leadership is once again making the wrong choice. 65 years ago, palestinians could have chosen to live side byside with the jewish state of israel. 65 years ago, they could have chosen to accept the solution of two states are two people. They rejected it. They are rejecting it again today. The International Community should not encourage this rejection. They cannot encourage us to drive forward recklessly with no hands on the wheel and no eyes on the road. Instead, it should encourage the palestinians to enter into direct negotiations. Mr. President , Winston Churchill said, the truth is in convertible. Ignorance may be righted. Malice may be sorted, but there it is. The truth is that israel wants peace and the palestinians are avoiding it. This resolution is not advancing peace, but undermining it. The un was created to advance the cause of peace. Palestinians are turning their back on peace. Today, do not let history record that you helped them do that. Thank you, mr. President. [applause] that was an esteemed representative of israel. I now give the floor to the minister of Foreign Affairs of indonesia. [applause] mr. President , mr. Secretarygeneral, the time has come for the International Community to set rings right. No longer can the world turn a blind eye to the long sufferings of the Palestinian People. The denial of their basic human rights and fundamental freedoms, the obstruction of their rise to selfdetermination and to independence. No longer can the world deny that despite enormous barriers, palestinians have diligently and with great result doubled capacity to function as a state. They are ready to stand equal as any other state in this assembly. They are ready to unleash its full potential as a force for progress. There can be no reason, therefore, white International Community cannot endorse the request for statehood to palestine. 24 years ago, the assembly, through its resolution, has acknowledged as a state. We reiterate the hope that palestines application to full membership in the United Nations will be favorably considered. We hope that palestines full membership is consistent with the shared vision of a two state solution. We believe the independent state of palestine with equal rights and equal responsibilities to those of other states will contribute to a just and lasting peace in the middle east. Mr. President , the indiscriminate violence and the disproportionate use in gaza and palestine, serves as a serious reminder as a need and acceleration for the Peace Process. Put an end of collective punishment. Mr. President , by appointing them statehood to the state of palestine, we are signaling the primacy of diplomacy and the rejection of violence. We are making a strong statement for the need of Mutual Respect among nations. We are beginning to address historic injustices. All humankind, it including the longsuffering people of palestine, is entitled to human rights and fundamental freedoms. Thank you, mr. President. [applause] that was the foreign minister of indonesia. I now give the floor to his excellency, the minister of canada. Mr. President , canada opposes this resolution and the strongest of terms because it undermines the core foundations of a decadelong commitment to the International Community and the parties themselves to its two state solution. We understand a final resolution remains elusive, canada has opposed unilateral action by both sides to be unhelpful. We do not believe that unilateral measures taken by one site can be justified by accusations of unilateralism directed at the other. That approach can only result in the steady erosion of the very foundations of a process which while incomplete holds the only realistic chance to bring about two peaceful and prosperous states living side byside as neighbors. Canadas support for a negotiated settlement is rooted in the very history of this venerable organization and in the sustained and National Effort to resolve this matter. Canada was proud to be one of the countries preparing the blueprints for peace as part of the 1997 Un Special Committee on palestine. That committee came up with a proposal for a two state solution, one predominately jewish, and the other predominately arab, living sidebyside. It resulted in the passage of the Un General Assembly resolution 181 setting out a plan. However, not all of those who should have supported the decision were prepared to do so. The people of the region have suffered for seven decades as a result. Even in those early and difficult days, the principle of collaboration between the two parties was seen as an inherent necessity as reflected in them collaboration of a plan for Economic Union between the two sides. While resolution 101 is never been fully implemented, the idea that two parties need to Work Together to achieve their mutual and intertwined destinies and potential, has survived. They need to find an elusive east. In 1948, Un Resolution 194 set up a commission aimed at finding solutions to the problems facing the two sides. In 1967, the Un Security Council passed resolution 242. The council requested the dispatch of a special representative of the secretary general to the region to promote agreement and assist effort to achieve a peaceful and accepted settlement. Entrenching for the principle that solutions require the acceptance and collective action of both sides. This idea was reaffirmed in 1973 and Un Resolution 338. There was an immediate cease fire negotiation aimed at establishing a just and endurable peace. These two resolutions 242 and 33 formed a cornerstone of all subsequent peace commitments and understandings that followed between the two parties describing the need for negotiations as a core principle. Both israelis and palestinians article 1 made that point explicitly in highlighting the interim is an integral part of the Peace Process and that negotiations will lead to implementation of Security Council resolutions 242 and 338. In 1995, an important foundation. In the preamble, both sides reaffirmed their desire to achieve a just and lasting peace and to start reconciliation to the greek political process. Article 31, section seven, stipulated that neither side shall initiate or take any steps toward changing the west bank. Un security resolution 1397 called on the israeli and palestinian sides to cooperate with the aim of resuming negotiation on a political settlement. It also offered support to the secretarygeneral and others and their efforts to resume the Peace Process. The following year in 2003, there was a roadmap developed. Covering peace, security, and humanitarianism. A key element of the principles contained in the roadmap was a requirement of clear and unambiguous acceptance by both parties of the goal of a negotiated settlement that was needed to reach the destination. It goes on to say that a negotiation settled between the parties would be resulted in a democratic and palestinian state living sidebyside with israel and its other neighbors. The roadmap required by its very nature a collaborative effort requiring reciprocal steps by the two sides. Later that year, the Un Security Council 1515 formally endorsed the roadmap while calling on the parties to fulfill their obligations under the roadmap in cooperation and to achieve the vision of two states living sidebyside in peace and security. The resolution reaffirmed International Support for the quartet principles and the determination of both parties to reach their goal of putting a peace treaty resolving all outstanding issues without exception. It also called on both sides to refrain from any steps that could undermine the prejudice of the outcome of a negotiation. The resolution and various International Commitments and understanding of over nearly seven decades have formed the Building Block of a collaborative Peace Process that remains unfinished. The path to peace has rested in direct negotiations between the two parties to resolve their issues and it remains the same today. Solutions can only come to the two sides working together. This resolution before us will not advance the cause of peace or spur the return to negotiation. Will the Palestinian People be better off as a result . No. It would raise Unrealistic Expectations about doing nothing to improve the lives of the Palestinian People. Canada is committed to a comprehensive and just peace in the middle east where the two states living sidebyside in peace, security, and prosperity. Any two state solution must be negotiated and mutually agreedupon between both sides. Any unilateral action from either side outside of a framework is ultimately not helpful. Candidate has long supported efforts to bring the two sides to the bargaining table to resolve all outstanding issues. We remain committed to that object of today. He cannot support an initiative that we believe will undermine them reaching a comprehensive and lasting settlement for both sides. It is for this reason that canada is voting against this resolution. We will be considering all available next steps. We call for both sides to come to the table. Candidate will be there to offer its full support. Thank you. [applause] i thank the minister of Foreign Affairs from canada. I now give the floor to his excellency, the minister of Foreign Affairs of turkey. [applause] his excellency, the president of palestine, the United Nations, excellencies, and turkish, we have a saying, one who closes an eye is blind. Many have closed their eyes to the rights of the Palestinian People. For 65 years, no resolution that has been accepted has been honored. No one can erase the Palestinian People by closing their eyes. It is on the streets of gaza where thousands of people live through an inhumane and open prison. It is on the streets of west bank where people have to go through checkpoints nearly on every corner. It is in the heart of the Palestinian People who have been subject to exile, massacres, wars, collective punishment for many decades. The right of palestine is in the consciousness of all humanity, of all of us. I have personally witnessed the realities in gaza at the height of the crisis. I came across a father who lost his daughter a moment ago during the bombardment which also left his wife terribly wounded. Leaning his head on my chest to seek some relief, he has tears to tell his family tragedy. He also tells me that tragedy of the whole palestinian nation. Today is a milestone. We have a chance to open our eyes to the realities. Today we have an opportunity to help the Palestinian People, who aspire for having a chance to uphold the dignitys. I am please to participate in the historic meeting of this General Assembly. We have gathered here to write an injustice against the Palestinian People. For that future, we should stand behind palestine to become a state. This is a moment of truth for all of us. They have been denied this right. Last year, the palestinian president mahmud abbas, applied for full membership. Unfortunately, the application has been left unanswered. Here comes another chance for us. We ask to honor the obligation to the palestinians and to grant them membership of a state. It it is high time for all of us to uphold the universal values of justice and dignity. Excellencys, if there is one term which characterizes humanity, that is dignity. The struggle of the Palestinian People in the past 65 years they want respect and the commission of the rights to determine their own futures. We cannot shy away from supporting its demands to have a state of their own. [applause] that will represent an independent state, finally we stood together. This is our responsibility to the Palestinian People. This will not be achieved until we see the state of p