well, i keep saying we have to be a noisy so they hear us down here in washington. you know, many of you know that my wife and i have celebrated our 55th anniversary not too long ago in february. i have always had to be careful in february, especially for four years because she was born on february 29. she is having a birthday here tomorrow morning. [cheers and applause] [crowd singing "happy birthday"] that is very important. but let's get serious now. i guess the revolution has arrived in virginia. i am delighted it is here. it is very appropriate that the state of virginia be involved in our revolution that is going on. our revolution is the american revolution. we had a pretty good start in this country a few years back. we have drifted away for many years now -- for nearly 100 years there has been a lot of forgetting about what the original intent was of the constitution. that is our goal, to restore the american public to the american people. -- to restore the american republic to the american people. you know, they keep asking about winning particular states in this campaign. guess what, we are still winning a lot of delegates. that is what counts. [cheers and applause] you know, every once in awhile they include my name in the polling. that is always helpful. just recently there was a pretty good poll out. just yesterday or the day before. it says that we do the best against obama. [cheers and applause] now, winning the primary is very important. winning the general election is also very important. it is our message that appeals to the independents, democrats, and the republican base. very simply, it is the message of liberty. the message of liberty is what we are all about. that means we have individual liberty. we are allowed to lead our lives as we choose. we have a natural right to our lives and liberty. should we not have the natural right to keep the fruits of our labor? there are a couple of ways that they undermine and take the fruits of our labor from us. one is direct taxation. the founders did not like that. they did not give us an income tax. that is why we have to start thinking about 1913 again. that is why we need to repeal the 16th amendment. [applause] to have big government, they tax. they had to have the income tax. then they had to have the borrowing. unfortunately, jefferson lost that argument. there is a limit on borrowing. if they are too much, interest rates go up and have to quit. he have a gimmick introduced in 1913. that is, if there is a limit on taxing and there is a limit on borrowing, they said we will have a new gimmick. he would just print the money when we need it. [booing] [chanting "end the fed"] of course, if you want big government, that is what you have. you have high taxes and the borrowing. eventually they have to print the money. a the founders knew this and understood this. they warned us against it. that is what they understood it clearly. they put it in the constitution that only gold and silver could be legal tender. there is no authority to print money and to have a federal reserve system and central bank. [cheers and applause] now, the fed has been around for 99 years. they have lost 99% of the value of our dollar from 1913. i am going to let you in on a little secret. the chairman of the federal reserve will be at the banking committee tomorrow. i might just show up and ask him why they are destroying our money. [cheers and applause] i can assure you, we probably will not get a straight answer. obviously, the monetary issue is a very big issue. governments cannot grow without it. when government grows, liberty is undermined. since that time -- since the progressive era, we have undermined our liberties whether it is through the encroachments of the entitlement system. that was set up for those poor who are going to fall through the cracks. i think the best demonstration of that was the housing bubble. during the housing bubble, guess what? to make a lot of money during this time? the banks, the fatty -- freddie macs and fannie maes. they met all of the money. then they got into the gambling of derivatives and got into big trouble. lo and behold, the predictable crunch and bursting of the bubble came. when it came, they said "we are too big to fail." [booiong] the fed and the congress bill them out. the very people that these programs were designed for to give everybody a house, they lost their jobs and houses. it is not resolved yet. the entitlement system tends to help the wealthy much more so than the poor. the core are deceived into believing that the government can produce wealth and redistribute it. there is a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy. that occurs with the destruction of a currency. the wealthy get wealthier. this is what has happened. wealth is ok of people make money honestly and they do not making by ripping us off and getting it manages from the government. if they give us a product -- [applause] if they give us a good product and they make money. that is different than if they are in the military industrial complex for the banking system. they get the contracts and the bail out. that is not fair. it is not fair to dump wasteful products and all of the debt on the american people. with that said, obviously it should be liquidated. the banks that printed money and encourage wasteful spending, it certainly is true with overseas spending. just look at the waist that the wars have been going on for the last 10 years. the have added four trillion dollars to the national debt. we are less safe and we are broke. the very simple solution to overextension overseas is to follow the advice of the founders, follow the constitution, have a strong national defense, defend the country, but get out of the business of policing the world and nation-building. [cheers and applause] you know, all my life. we bring our troops come to solve that problem. the sooner the better. [cheers and applause] fortunately, our defense would be stronger. people say we have to do this because we are in exceptional nation. we did have an exceptional nation at one time. we were exceptionally wealthy. we were exceptional with freedom. this idea we are so exceptional that we can use force and intimidation and moms and spread our so-called "goodness," it eliminates all of our good as if we believe we have the authority to go overseas and tell people how to live. it does not work. [applause] a very simple solution to this, but the entitlement system and the warmongering that goes on, only send people to washington who you honestly believe that they really did read the constitution and that they understood it. and they will obey it. that is the kind of people that we need. [cheers and applause] how many wars have we been fighting since world war ii? 0. none have been declared. they were unnecessary. too many dollars spent. to many veterans suffering. it does not solve our problems. i thought we receiver. what we need is a new foreign policy based on non intervention. it is much better to talk to people than initiate war against them. they keep saying that they take nothing off the table when it has to deal with our enemy. why should we take off negotiations? why not diplomacy? should we take that off? i remember very well after being drafted in 1962 during the cuban crisis. it is dissipated rather rapidly because john kennedy said we have a problem here. they said we have a problem over here. they made a deal. we did the missiles out of turkey and a ticket out of cuba. we did not have to fight a nuclear war. why do we fight people cope have weapons tax reduced by people who have weapons? -- why do we find people who have weapons? now they're talking about attacking iran. there is no evidence they even have a weapon. the cia has not even prove they are building one. the drums are beating. we have to be heard about this. this country does not need another war at all. another thing that happens or government grows too much, we do know about the tsa. our liberties are undermined under these conditions. violations have been occurred. they're being violated more now than ever. it is undeclared. we are in perpetual war with terrorism. to say we are in a war against terrorism, that means we are against the whole world. we have a lot of bombs and missiles that we send. this is not the way to win friends. i tell you that. that is the way to build it. the undermining of our liberty should be one of our greatest concerns. the patriot act was passed after 9/11. i am convinced it they repel did it would have passed. next year when we go ahead and get rid of the page redact, we will college restore the fourth amendment act. -- we will call it the restore the fourth amendment act. there's no doubt the founders were very important. we protected our papers and privacy. today there is none. they do not even need search warrant any more. the way they come busting into our house under the excuse that somebody may be using an illegal drug comment they use what seems. they do not have proper search warrants. can you believe that? the go into the wrong house is frequently in the shooting kill innocent people. it is out of control. the president a year ago and announced that it is a position that he now holds because he is the commander in chief. anything that is not prohibited he can do. i think he got that really mixed up. a president only has the authority to do the things he is explicitly authorized to do by the constitution. i can guarantee you a file is to be elected president i will never go to a war and pursue a war without proper direction from the congress, a declaration coming from the people. i will not do it. [cheering "presiden paul"] >> for the present to prove his point about the assassination, nothing says that we cannot reverse it. they have to be reversed. also, the defense authorization act. how does this go? this is an interesting subject. no matter where i go, the crowds know about it and concerns. i am convinced he did not hear it on the evening news. you are concerned about it. how many times where we asked about our position on the national defense authorization? this atrocious piece of legislation says the military can arrest an american system without a trial or an attorney and put in a prison indefinitely. the most atrocious is there was one provision that was even worse. there is one that almost got past. it said if you are arrested in the proper manner and you were tried and you have a jury and you are found innocent, they claimed they would have the right to keep that person in definitely in a secret prison. that provision was removed. i cannot remember his name but it was a senator from kentucky that got that removed. the problems are big. the economic problems are big. we spend too much. we have a monetary crisis. we are deeply over tax. we fight too many wars. it is on and on. the solution goes on. we have not been strict adherence to the constitution appear we can correct these problems. this is what we ought to do. our message should be loud and clear. it is such a wonderful message. it produced the largest ever. this is the biggest debtor nation in the history of the world. the keynesian economists teach that when you're in trouble you are supposed to spend more money. kenya and imagine if individuals did that that there maxed out and they cannot pay their mortgages and they have two cards? you have to cut back. you have to work harder to pay your debt down. that is what you have to do. the answer comes really by understanding what personal liberty is all about. we have a natural right to our lives and liberty. liberty should bring us together. i am going to forget my speech. what am i going to do. literacy should bring us together. when the government does it, it to be a disaster. the government cannot do this. the only take away more liberty once they embark on it. this should bring people together. it is not because we allow people to do things we might not approve of. people might be wasteful. they might have a private life style. the whole thing is everybody should join in the cause of liberty and let people be responsible for themselves. we were worried that we are not a moral people. we drifted too long. we concentrated on the wealth. we became consumers. as long as it happens, the society is immoral and it does not work. it has to come from the people. as this mu'min grows, just think of how many young people have joined this revolution -- as this movement grows, just think of how many young people have joined this revolution. it is great to see the young people leading the charge. we also see others. once have been frustrated. they have dropped out. this understanding of liberty is good. when this revolution is successful, it cannot be a monopoly. it'll be bipartisan. it will be bipartisan people. i want to close by thanking you for coming and thanking you for your excitements and giving my energy. thank you. we all have a response abillity. you make up your mind, what you need to do. everybody has a different job. the most important thing is to understand what this is all about. thank you very much for coming. >> met romney won victories in michigan and arizona. this weekend, washington state will hold its caucuses. on super tuesday, 11 states will hold contests. the following weekend, caucuses. in two ways, contest and hawaii, alabama, and the american samoa. for more and information but to >> even a person who is a senator even a person who is president of the nine did state faces a predicament. they face the fact that there are a number of americans who are prejudiced. they face the fact that a much larger portion want to deny the realities of race even now. >> harvard law professor randall kennedy on racism, politics and the obama administration. is the author of five books. >> tomorrow, utah, jason discusses republican primary results in the role as social issues. then carolyn maloney previews the testimony by federal reserve chairman ben bernanke perrin c-span3 will carry a. also, it weekly spot light on our magazine series continues with roger a bloomberg business week. cluster e-mails, phone calls and tweets. >> president obama criticized his republican rivals at the united autoworkers convention in washington. he did this of the 30 minute event. >> ladies and gentlemen, introducing the president of the united states, -- here to introduce the president of the united states, bob teking. >> thank you. i am so honored that we are so honored. we know that when our backs were against the wall, one ought to of the workers and steelworkers and parts workers, it jobs and lives were threatened, when all the polls were against us, will we have republicans attacking us, dr. martin luther king said you can tell the quality of a person and a leader by where they stand in times of the diversity and struggle. our next speaker stood behind us and saved our jobs and industry. when our sisters and brothers were being attacked, and this president spoke out and stood for collective bargaining and the importance of workers and unions. i want to give you our friend, our brother, the champion of all working people in america, the president of the united states, president barack obama. thank you. give are you ready to stand and fight for america with this a great president? [cheers and applause] this is not a political event. >> how is it going, uaw? [cheers and applause] it is good to be with some automotive workers today. [cheers and applause] all right, everybody have a seat. get comfortable. go ahead and get comfortable. i am going to talk for a little bit. first of all, on what to say thank you to one of the finest leaders we have in labor, bob king. given up for bob. i want to thank the international executive board and all of you for having me here today. it is a great honor. i have brought along somebody who is proving to be one of the finest secretaries of transportation in our history. ray lahood is in the house. give ray a big round of applause. it is always good to spend time with folks who represent the working men and women of america. it is unions like yours that fought for jobs and opportunities for generations of american workers. it is unions like yours that helped build the arsenal of democracy, that defeated fascism, and one world war ii. it is unions like yours that forged the american middle- class, that great engine of prosperity, the greatest the world has ever known. you guys have helped to write the american story. today, you are busy writing a proud new chapter. you are reminding us that no matter how tough times get, americans are tougher. [cheers and applause] no matter how many punches we take, we do not give up. we get up. we fight back. we move forward. we, on the other side stronger than before. that is what you have shown us. [cheers and applause] you are showing us what is possible in america, so i am here to tell you one thing today. you make me proud. you make me proud. take a minute and think about what you and the workers and the families that you represent have fought through. a few years ago, nearly one in five automotive workers, one in five, 400,000 jobs vanished the year before i took office. and then as the financial crisis hit with its full force, america faced a hard and once unimaginable scenario. gm and chrysler were on the brink of liquidation. the heartbeat of america manufacturing was flatline. and we had to make a choice. with the economy in a complete free fall, there were no private investors or companies out there willing to take a chance on the automotive industry. nobody was lining of to give you guys or loans. anyone in the financial sector can tell you that. so we could have kept giving billions of dollars of taxpayer dollars to the automaker's without demanding the real changes or can ability that was needed. that was one option, but that would not have solved anything. sooner or later, we would have run out of money. we could have just kicked the problem down the road. the other option was to do absolutely nothing and let these companies bail, and you will recall that there were some politicians that said we should do that. some even said we should let detroit go bankrupt. you remember that. think about what that choice would have meant for this country, if we had turned our backs on you, if america had thrown in the towel, if gm and chrysler had gone under. the suppliers, distributors would have died off. then even ford could have gone down as well. production shutdown. factories shuddered. once proud companies chopped up and sold off for scraps, and all of you, the men and women that built these companies with their own hands were hung out to dry. more than 1 million americans across the country would have lost their jobs in the middle of the worst economic crisis since the great depression. in communities across the midwest, it would have been another great depression, and think about all the people depend on you. not a gesture families but the school teachers, the small- business owners, the server in the diner who knows your order, the bartender who is waiting for you to get off. that is right. [cheers and applause] their livelihoods were at stake as well. and you know what else was at stake? how many of you who have worked on the assembly line had a father or grandfather or a mother who worked on that same line? [applause] how many of you had sons and daughters to said, "mom, dad, i went to work at the plant, to"? it makes it possible for you to own a home and raise kids and maybe send them to college give them a chance to retire with some dignity and respect. these companies are worth more than just the cars that they build. they are a symbol of american innovation and know how. they are a source of our manufacturing might. if that is not worth fighting for, what is worth fighting for? so, no, we were not going to do nothing. we were not going to give up on your jobs and your families and your communities. so in exchange for help, we demand responsibility. we said to the automotive industry, "you are going to have to truly change, not just pretend you are changing, " and things to good leadership like that of bob, we were able to get them to settle their differences. we got the industry retooled and restructured, and everybody made sacrifices. everybody had some skin in the game, and it was not popular. and it was not what i ran for president to do. that is not originally what i thought i was going to be doing as president. but, you know what? i did run to make the tough calls and do the right things, no matter what the politics work. [cheers and applause] yes. and you know why i knew this rescue was there? you want to know? it was not because of anything the government did. it was not because of anything management did. it was because i believed in you. i place my bets on the american worker. [cheers and applause] and now, three years later, three years later, that but is paying off. not just paying off for you, is paying off for america. the automotive industry is back. gm is back on top as the number one automobile maker in the world. [cheers and applause] the highest profits in its 100- year history. chrysler is growing faster in america than any other car company. ford is investing billions in american factories, bringing thousands of jobs back to america. [cheers and applause] all told, the entire industry has added more than 200,000 new jobs, 200,000 new jobs. and here is the best part. you are not just building cars again. you are building better cars. after three decades of inaction, we are gradually putting in place the toughest field economy standards in history for our cars and pickups. that means the cards you build will average nearly $35 a gallon by the middle of next decade, almost double what they did today. that means that folks, every time they fill up, they are going to be saving money. they will only have to fill up every two weeks rather than every week. that save the average family over $8,000 at the pump. we will cut our oil consumption by 2 million barrels per day. that means we need to use less oil while we are selling more cars all around the world. [cheers and applause] thanks to the bipartisan trade agreement i signed into law which you in mind, working with you, there will soon be new cars on the streets of south korea imported from detroit and toledo and chicago. [cheers and applause] and today, i talked about this. we are doing it today. we are creating a trade enforcement unit that will bring the full resources of the federal government to bear on investigations, and we are going to counter any unfair trading practices around the world, including with places like china. american has the best workers in the world. nobody is going to beat us, and we're going to make sure that that playing field is level. [cheers and applause] because america always wins when the playing field is level. and because everybody came together and work together. the most high-tech, fuel- efficient, good-looking cars in the world are once again designed and engineered and forged and build not in europe, not in asia, right here in the united states of america. i have seen it myself. i have seen it myself. i have seen it in detroit. where a new shift of more than 1000 workers came on two years ago, another 1000 slated to come on. i stayed in my home town. workers are building a new explorer and selling it to dozens of countries around the world. there you go. i have seen it at the gm plant in ohio. where workers got their jobs alt, to build the chevy cobzl and i got a volt that the secret service would not let me drive. but i like sitting in it. it was nice. i did it drives real good. and years from now when i am not president anymore, i might own one. yes. [cheers and applause] yes. [cheers and applause] >> four more years, four more years, four more years. i know our bed was a good one because i have seen it pay off first hand, but here is the thing. you do not have to take my word for it. asked the workers. who were brought on to make sure the newest high-tech fuel- efficient engines are built in america. or ask the workers in tennessee is jobs were safe from being sent abroad. ask the workers in kansas city making america's best-selling truck, the f-150, and more fuel efficient truck, and ask all of the suppliers who are expanding in the communities if america's investment in new was a good thing. they will tell you. and who knows? maybe the naysayers will finally come around and say that standing by american workers was the right thing to do. i have got to damage. it has been funny to watch some of these folks completely try to rewrite history now that you are back on your feet. the same folks who said if we went forward with our plan to rescue detroit, you can kiss the american automotive industry goodbye. now, they are saying, "we were right all along." or, or you get people saying the real problem was the workers. they all made out like bandits. saving the automotive industry was just about you. really? even by the standards of this town, that is a load of you know what. [cheers and applause] year, about 700,000 retirees had to make sacrifices on their health care benefits. a lot of esau your hours reduced or pay or wages scaled back. you gave back some of your rights as workers. promises were made to you over the years that you gave up for the sake and survival of this industry, the families. you want to talk about sacrifice, you made sacrifices. this was not an easy thing to do. let me tell you, i keep on hearing these same folks talking about values all of the time. you want to talk about values? hard worker, that is a value. looking out for one another, that is a valley. we are all in it together. imi brother's keeper. that is a value. they are at their talking about you like you are some sort of special interests that needs to be beaten-down. since when are hard-working men and women who are putting in a hard day's work every day, since when are they a special interest? since when is the idea that we look out for one another a bad thing? i remember my old friend ted kennedy used to say, "what is it about working men and women they find so offensive?" you know, this notion that we should have let the automotive industry die, that we should pursue anti-war policies in the hopes that unions like yours would buckle and unravel, that is part of that same own you are on your own philosophy about letting everyone fend for themselves. let the most powerful do what they please. they think the best way to boost the economy is to roll back reforms we put into place to avoid another crisis, to let wall street write the rules again. they think the best way to look families afford health care is to roll back the health forms -- health reforms that are already lowering costs for millions of americans. they want to go back or they can deny your coverage or jack up your rates whenever they please. they think we should keep cutting taxes for those at the very top, for people like me, even though we do not need it. just so they can keep paying lower tax rates than their secretaries. well, let me tell you something. not to put too fine a point on it. they are wrong. they are wrong. that is the philosophy that got us into this mess. we cannot afford to go back to it, not now. we have got a lot of work to do. we have got a long way to go before everybody who wants a good job can get a good job. we have a long way to go before middle-class americans regain that sense of security that has been slipping away since long before this recession hit. but, you know what? we have got something to show. all of you show what is possible when we pull together. over the last two years, we have added about 3.7 million new jobs. manufacturing is coming back for the first time since the 1990's. companies are bringing jobs back from overseas. the economy is getting stronger. the economy is speeding up. now is time for us to put our foot on the gas, not our foot on the brink. not a country where if you are doing really well, and everyone else is struggling to get by. [cheers and applause] we are fighting for an economy where everybody gets a fair shot, where everybody does their fair share, where everybody plays by the same set of rules. we are not going to go back to an economy that is all about outsourcing and bad debts and phony profits. we are fighting for an economy that is built to last. that is built on things like education and energy and manufacturing, making things, not just buying things, making things that the rest of the world wants to buy, and restoring the values that made this country great, hard work and fair play, the chance to make it if you really try, the responsibility to reach back and help somebody else make it, too, not just you. that is who we are. that is what we believe in. i was telling you that i visited the chrysler plant about 1.5 years ago. the day i visited, some of the employees had won the lottery. they had won the lottery. now, you might think that after that, they would all be kicking back and retiring. and no one would fault them for that. building cars is tough work. but that is not what they did. the guy who bought -- funny you ask. [laughter] the god who bought the winning ticket, he was a prime uaw member who worked on the line, so he used some of his winnings to buy his wife the car that the bills because he is really proud of his work. [applause] then he bought a brand-new american flag for his hometown because he is proud of this country. and he and the other winners are still clocking in at that plant today. because they are proud of the park that they and their co- workers plate in the american combat. you see, that is what america is about. america is not just looking out for yourself. it is not just about greed. it is not about climbing to the top and keeping everyone else down. when our assembly lines grind to a halt, we get together and get them going again. when someone else falters, we try to give them a hand up, because we know we are all in it together. i got my start standing with working folks who have lost their jobs. folks who have lost their hope because the steel plant that closed down. i did not like the idea that they did not get anybody fighting for them. the same reason i got into this business, the same reason i am here today. i am driven by that same believe, that everybody, everybody should deserve a chance, so i promise you this. as long as you have got an ounce of fight left in you, i will have a ton of fight left in me. [cheers and applause] . we are going to keep on fighting to make our economy is stronger, to put our friends and neighbors back to work faster, to give our children even more opportunity, to make sure the united states of america remains the greatest nation on earth. thank you, uaw. i love you. god bless you. god bless the work you do. god bless the united states of america. ♪ [crowd chanting, four more years, four more years!"] ♪ ♪ ♪ >> mitt romney 1 victories in both michigan and arizona presidential primaries. we will hear from former governor romney next on c-span. he finished ahead of former senator rick santorum, who finished second in both states. we will also hear from other republican presidential candidates newt gingrich and ron paul. federal reserve chairman ben bernanke will report to congress tomorrow about economic growth, interest rates, and the economy. he will testify before the house financial services committee. live coverage at 10:00 eastern on c-span3. and later in the day, secretary of state hillary clinton will be back on capitol hill, talking about the in ministrations 2013 budget proposal. live coverage of the house foreign affairs committee at 1:30 eastern, also on c-span3. >> rick santorum delivered a full throated defense of religion on sunday, appealing to the fiscal conservatives who revived his presidential campaign. on the talk shows this weekend and in speeches, mr. santoro responded to comments made by president john f. kennedy. >> i believe in an america where the separation of church and state is absolute. no protestant minister would tell the parishioners for him to vote. no one is granted public funds, and where no man is denied public office merely because his religion dippers from the president to might appoint him or the people might elect him. >> you can watch more of president kennedy's speech on our website at our video library. doty, and you can find that in our archives there. >> now, presidential candidate mitt romney got victories in both arizona and michigan. he spoke to supporters in michigan. boaters from 11 states go to the polls next week for super tuesday. ♪ >> free, like a river racing strong ♪ [cheers and applause] >> thank you to our honoring michigan chairman, gov. rick snyder, who you just saw. [cheers] lieutenant governor, brian kelly. and to our campaign cochairs, attorney general bill should be, senate majority leader roy randy richard vella, speaker james bolger. i also want to thank our finance shares. david fisher and john ricolta. and we have a big family here in michigan and we would like to thank them. and by the way, my family across this state. i also must recognize our national committee members. and you're famous oakland county chair that you love -- let's see, brooks patterson. how could i forget brooks? rep eric nesbit. former state presented a of rocky rakowski. and attorney general, mike cox. i'm sorry to keep going to our state team, lowry and bob. and finally, thank you, kid rock. [applause] the last week, have been going along with mitt, and my son, tagg, too. we have been going all over this state. from the tip of the mid -- [laughter] >> be careful. >> i know, i'd better be careful. but what we have seen out there has broken my heart. i love michigan. i love mckeown. >> -- i love of michigan. >> we love you. [applause] >> i grew up drinking burners end tiger baseball. -- and tiger baseball. and what we saw were people hurting, people out of jobs. and then there was something else, they are so concerned about their children and why it is because of the debt we're going to give to our children. and we have had it. washington, here we come. we are going to take back america, and we are going to let this guy do it. [cheers and applause] [cheers] >> thank you. >> [crowd chanting "mitt!"] >> ok, first thank you, arizona. a great victory in arizona tonight. and thank you, michigan. this is a big win. thank you, guys. [cheers] it was just a week ago that the pundits and pollsters were ready to count us out, but across michigan and arizona, i kept meeting moms and dads and students and grandparents and they were concerned about what is happening in our great country. i was confident that we could come together today and take a giant step toward a great future. we celebrate tonight with people across these states. thank you. [applause] tonight is also particularly special for me because this is the place i was born. this the place i was raised. my mom and dad lived many years here and i love this great state. i know the michiganders in this room, we consider you all family. thanks for your help. [cheers] and in this room are the people that knocked down the doors and made the calls and went to the polls. the we did not been -- but we did not win by a lot, but we won by enough that counts -- by enough and that is all that counts. [applause] and by the way, a special thank you to denver and senator mccain. especially senator mccain, he has been all over the state there. [applause] we have two sons out there that are celebrating with them. a great thing about having so many in our family. we can cover almost every race. on super tuesday, we will be stretched. [laughter] anyway, as you know, our campaign is about the promise of america. last week, i unveiled a bold plan that will get michiganders back to work, get americans back to work. i will deliver on more jobs, less debt, and smaller government. we have got to hear that day in and day out. [cheers] there are a lot of people who are saying that if you are running for office, you cannot speak honestly to the american people. well, we did, and i will. and because this is a decisive moment, i believe this is a time the requires real leadership in our country. times are tough. we need people -- leaders who will live with integrity, have the courage to tell the truth, and have the experience to get the economy back on track. that is the kind of leader i aspire to be and that is the kind of leader i will be if i am president of the united states. [cheers] our campaign is about more than just replacing a president. it is about restoring america's promise from generation to generation. americans have always known that the future would be brighter and better. americans have always believed in tomorrow, full of prosperity and promise. that is what it means to be the land of opportunity. in america, you know if you work hard you can build a better life. if you teach your kids the right kind of values to make the right choices in life, you know their future will be prosperous and secure. that deep confidence in a better tomorrow is the basic promise of a better america. today, that promise is being threatened by a faltering economy and a failed presidency. four years ago, we warned that there -- that the presidency was no place for on-the-job training. today, we have the economy to prove it. we have a president that likes to remind us that he inherited an economy in crisis. but it does not like to remind us that he also inherited a democrat congress. he had majorities in both the house and senate. he was free to pursue any policy he pleased. did he fix the economy? no. did he tackled the economy -- the housing crisis? did he get america back to work? >> tobben record crowd yells "no!"] -- [crowd yells "note!"] >> it is time to get us back on the right path. these days, when he is not spending our money or infringing on our rights, he is busy running for reelection. he believes he ranks among the top four presidents in american history. can you believe that? [boos] i would find a different spot for him. he thinks he deserves a second term he says, we cannot wait. to which i say, oh yes, we can. [applause] today, we are $15 trillion in debt and real unemployment stands at 15%. but you have heard the saying about "i need a vacation from my vacation." we need a recovery from this so-called recovery. [applause] as a nation, we have survived the great depression, whether to two world wars, made it through tough times. -- we have weathered two world wars, made it through tough times, and we have come too far to give up now. we still believe in the hope and dream and promise of america. we know our future is brighter than the stubble -- troubled times. that unwavering conviction has rallied millions of people to our cause and is the message we will take to every corner of the country, from ohio and idaho, to georgia and tennessee. it we have seen enough of this president of the last three years to know that we do not need another five years of president obama. [applause] he thinks he is unchecked by the constitution. he is unresponsive to the will of our people, and in his second term he would be unrestrained by the demands of reelection. if there is one thing we cannot afford is four years of barack obama with nothing to answer to. we are going to get him out of that office and back home where he belongs. [applause] you saw his budget. >> [xcrowd chanting "mitt!"] >> you saw his budget. it foreshadows exactly what we are going to see runaway spending, record debt, they were just a warm-up act. we are not going to let him do it. in this campaign, i am offering a real choice and a very different direction. i have a plan that will restore america's promise through more jobs, less debt, and smaller government. president obama is making the government bigger, more burdensome, and loaded. i will make it simpler, smaller, and smarter, and it is about time for that to happen. [cheers] he raised the national debt. i will cut, kowt, and alice the budget. he passed obamacare. i will repeal obamacare. he lost our aaa credit rating. i will restore it. he rejected the keystone pipeline. [boos] i will get us that oil from canada that we deserve. [applause] and i will open up our land for development so that we can finally get energy for this country at a price that we can afford. [applause] when it comes to the economy, my highest priority will be worrying about your job, not worrying about how to save my own. this president wants to raise your taxes. i am going to cut them. that will start with an across- the-board 20% rate cut for every american. i will also repeal the alternative minimum tax, and we will finally abolished the death tax. [cheers and applause) he has now proposed raising taxes on small businesses and job creators. i will lower those taxes. i will also lower the corporate rate on larger businesses to 25%. i will make the r&d tax credit permanent to foster innovation, and i will bring investment back to our shores. let's finally have a tax plan that puts americans back to work. i have it, and we will get it in place. [applause] you know he also proposes to raise taxes on savings and investment. if i am the president and i will help middle-class families save and invest tax-free. [cheers] i agree. it is about time. [applause] he also had an extraordinary gap in his policy proposals. even after saying that medicare and social security were in trouble, he has yet to offer a serious proposal for saving them. i have a plan to save them both. and unlike him, i have the courage to put my plan on the table for people to see. [applause] what this campaign is about, what my plans are about are creating jobs and raising wages for the american people. they will strengthen our entitlement programs for the next generation, and they will not add to our deficit. we will finally balance america's budget. [cheers] beyond having a plan to get our citizens back to work, have the experience to get our economy back on track. i spent 25 years in business. i was also the story of the olympics and a leader of the state. i cut taxes 19 times. i turned a budget shortfall in trade surplus. i know how government can kill jobs and i know how it can create jobs. i stand ready to lead our party to victory and our nation back to prosperity. [cheers] [applause] this is a critical time in america. it is our time for choosing. and this time, we have got to get the choice right. i have said it before and i firmly believe it, that this campaign is about saving the soul of america. this election comes down to two very different visions of america. it is a choice between becoming a nation of and by washington, or remaining a nation of and by a free people, a choice between an entitlement society and the land of opportunity. it's a choice between squandering america's promise, and restoring the promise for future generations. if you want to make this election about restoring american greatness, and i hope you will join us. if you believe the disappointments of the past few years are a detour and not the destiny of america, then i need your support. i'm asking for you to get out and vote. and i'm asking you to go and pledge york -- to go to and pledge your support. let's restore america's promise. let's fight for this country we love. we have work ahead. we are going to take back america. america is the greatest nation in the history of the area and we are going to keep it that way. [cheers] thank you, guys. god bless the united states of america. thank you. ♪ ["born free" by kidd rock] ♪ [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ ["detroit rock city" by kiss] ♪ ♪ ♪ from rex'll hear santorum carry it he finished second in the arizona and michigan and primaries. he spoke with reporters and grand rapids michigan. a month ago they did not know who we are bid they do now. what a great night. i am so thankful to so many people. i have to say to the people of michigan, we came into the backyard of one of my opponents in a race that everyone said just ignore. you have no choice. the people of michigan looked into the hearts of the candidates. all i have to say is i love you back. i also, thank you. [laughter] you are getting to know me. >> we love you. >> not exactly fit the medium's i would like you to get to know me. we have an opportunity to tell you more about who rick santorum is. i want to thank the folks on the stage behind me. my wife and my family who is represented by elizabeth and john. at home, the best of the family, daniel, said, peter, patrick, and bella. i want to thank them for standing behind me every day of this campaign. [applause] i want to tell you about three people. first, someone who is not here who i have not publicly thank yet. -- thanked yet. that is my 93-year-old mom. [applause] i am sure she is feeling very pet. one of her first jobs was in michigan. she was very excited i was coming back here. my mom is an unusual person for her time. she did get a college advocation in the 1930's. she was a nurse and got -- a college education in the 1930's. she was a nurse. she worked full time. when she met my dad, they worked at the veterans administration. later on, they had me and the rest of the family. my mom continued to work. she worked all of my childhood. she balanced time, working different schedules. she was a very unusual person. she was a professional who made more money than her husband. i grew up with a very strong mom, someone who was a professional person who taught me a lot of things about how to balance work and family in doing it well and with a big heart and commitment. that is one of the reasons i ended up wearing beepers and i married. -- ended up marrying the person i married. [applause] someone who is as strong as they get. i met when we would just about to study the practice of law. i recruited her in more ways than one to my law firm. she was a professional. she worked as a nurse. after that, we got married. she walked away. she decided to stay home and raise her children. she did not quit working. raising seven children is a lot of work. she found time to be an author of two books. she too has been that rock that has been beside me and is a great example of how it is important to balance work and family and do so committed to making sure you are the best you can be. i am proud i have a daughter, elisabeth. she is a great part of our campaign. she campaigned on her own. the feedback i get is, you stay home, just send elizabeth out. we have been very blessed. very blessed with great role models for me, someone who tries to do the job i am doing, to maintain a good and strong family. we all have to be americans. we all have to have responsibility, to make both work and work as well as we can. it is getting harder in america. it is getting harder for people to make ends meet. we have a government that is crushing us every single day with more taxes, more regulation, and the idea that they know better than you how to run your life. that is about what this race is about. it goes down to the very nature of who we are as americans. are we a country that believes in big government? do we believe in the smart and the elite to manage us? or do you believe in the free economy? what do you say? [applause] we put together a plan. we announced it in michigan. our first hundred days, what we are going to do. the first thing we talked about is what is on the minds of a lot of people, the rise in energy. we can put millions of americans back to work if we unleash the spirit of our energy sector of the economy. we can drive down prices, degrees of a dependency on foreign oil. we can do it all. we have a president who says no. we have a president who with the opportunity to open up federal lands for mining and oil and gas, says no. we have an opportunity to open up of short, he says no. the latta, he says no. alaska, -- off shore, he says no. deepwater, he says no. alaska, he says no. we need a president who says yes. [applause] it is not just the consumer who is affected, it is many communities across this country, communities who have been struggling. you look at where the population loss is, where the unemployment rate is highest, it is with the government is shut down and made it impossible for us to use our natural resources to be able to get to that oil, coal, timber. bureaucrats in washington do not care about those sparsely populated areas that provide us the resources upon which we live. i was in one of those areas in north dakota. i went to a little town. i'll tell you how small it is, it is the fifth time to mention the speech, and i have yet to get a shot up. it is a small town. -- a shout out. it is a small town. they are nervous because th epa is hovering. they are developing oil on private land. oil out of rock, shale. it reaches the highest quality oil. it can produce thousands and thousands of jobs in northwest north dakota. they have trouble of getting investors to come here, why? they believed the government is going to shut them down or pull the plug on them. they have a pipeline that they would love to be able to build instead of running truck after truck after truck through the roads and on the rail. this crude that comes out of this rock is a premium product. not in north dakota. they get a $30 discount when they sell their oil. they have a president who will not let them get their oil to market. [applause] we need a president who is on the side of rural america, small-town america, and opens of those energy resources for america. -- opens up those energy resources for america. [applause] it is not just the energy industry, of course, as you know, it is manufacturing. one of the things i felt good about it in as well as we did here tonight is the message of greeting jobs for small-town america. it resonated with the people of michigan. they saw a vision for how their lives could be better. how their ladder to success could be built down to people with limited skills but the desire to work hard. we have lost, from 21% of the economy to 9% of the economy. workers in manufacturing is down to 9%. that is inexcusable. all because of government regulation and taxation. we put forth a plan that "the wall street journal" calls, "supply side economics for the working man." to be able to provide for their family. the average job pays $20,000 more a year. we can get those jobs back. we need to slash the corporate rate to zero. we need to let the regulatory environment -- we will appeal to every one of barack obama -- will repeal, every one of barack obama's regulations. [applause] one of the things we are going to repeal it is obamacare. [applause] that is the biggest issue in this race. it is an issue about fundamental freedom. it is an issue about what they want government to take your money in exchange for a ride. -- about whether you want the government to take your money in exchange for a right. when the government gives you a right, they can take that right away. they can tell you have to exercise that right. they do. not just what doctor you are going to see, what insurance policy, goes so far as to tell you how to exercise your face as part of a health-care bill. the government can go that far with obamacare. ladies and gentlemen, we need a candidate to take on barack obama who is an author of free- market health care economics, been a fighter for placing all of these programs across this country -- for replacing all of these programs across this country. for a program that is based upon you called you-care. that is what we believe in america. [applause] we have a great conservative track record on not just health care, but i have taken on the big problems that confront this country, the deficit. huge expanding debt in this country. someone has been an advocate ever since i was in politics for a balanced budget amendment, fought, a tooth and nail to get it passed. i have never given up trying to fight. in the meantime, we will do something that no one else has ever successfully done. we will end entitlement programs on the federal level, give them back to this day, and cut them to save money -- to the state, and cut them to save money. [applause] people said we could not do it, we did it. i was the author of welfare reform. welfare reform which cut the program and give it back to the states, like we need to do with medicare and food stamps and a whole host of other programs run by the state. remember that document, what is it called? oh yes, it is the u.s. constitution. we need to get those programs back to the state. we need to save the federal government money. welfare did not just save money, -- it saved lives. it put people back to work. it gave them something that dependency does not give, hope. that is what america is all about, giving opportunity and hope. [applause] although economic plan is based on a simple concept, based on what has worked for america from its founding. i wave is constitution at every speech. it is how america works. there is another document equally important, which is the why of america. that is the declaration of independence. in that declaration are these words, we hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal and endowed by their creator with certain in a legal rights. it is the most transformational -- certain inallieable rights. it is the most transformational phrase. people are going to form families and churches and education. they are going to build a great injustice side, a free society from the bottom up. that is how america works best, from the bottom up. that is the solution we are going to propose for america, the bottom up. [applause] the men and women who signed the declaration of independence wrote this final phase, we pledge to each other our lives, our fortune, and our sacred honor. they signed that document, they had little hope of actually succeeding in a revolution against the british. the british are the most powerful army in the world. they were ruled by highly educated, noble people. their uniforms were crisp and stiff. they looked good. >> like obama. >> their rulers ruled them from on high. they did not listen to them. our leaders are different. george washington, the signature leader of america, was different. he understood that the greatness of this new country was to have leaders who understood that in spite of their breeding and education, they did not have all the answers. they could trust the people, the group of people who stepped forward to volunteer to create freedom in this land. they believed, he believed in that. some of his boldest moves came not from him or his generals, but from the ranks. that is how america's freedom was one. leaders believing in the people they lead against those who thought all the answers resided in those in charge. ladies and gentlemen, that is what made america free. that is what will make america free. [applause] thank you. [applause] [applause] [crowd chanting] [crowd chanting "we pick rick"] >> hello biggest fan. how are you? you sure can. let me get something better than that. >> they said, they were light, your daughter likes rick santorum. >> that is rick santorum with his supporters in michigan. polls earlier showing him within striking distance in the state of michigan. in fact, the state has gone to mitt romney with his childhood rickets in that state. >> newt gingrich spoke to people at the university of new jersey. it is ahead of the speaker tuesday primary. >> thank you for that kind introduction. it is great to be here this evening. we are so proud of our many volunteers have been working here. thank you so much for your support. we are engaged in this race because we believe america is at a crossroads in care deeply about the future of our country. there are only a few months left before the most important election in our lifetime. our only opponent is barack obama. we are committed to removing him from the white house. newt gingrich is the only candidates with the experience and knowledge necessary to reveal the america we love. he had a successful national record of creating jobs, balancing the budget and reforming government. today we need a leader who can clearly articulate why president obama and his policies are wrong for america. we need a leader who understands that we must contain and a defeat our enemies. we need a letter with bold solutions to create a better future for all americans. i believed that is my husband's. please welcome my husband and future leader of the united states. >> i apologize. i'm not exactly apologizing. that is one of the longest lines i've ever been through. i hope you can hear us. thank you for your generous time. he had been an enormous help. i am thrilled that he is with us. you're doing a great job, sir. i also want to thank you for being such a great host and reminded me a much i enjoy coming back. thank you so much. a number of foreign colleagues from my college career and congressional career, i do want to take one second dimension the very first person i met when i came on campus in 1970. i was reminded of my age, something my doctor reminds me of. several people came to and said they were [inaudible] they said my dad with your students. then they would say need my son. -- meet my son. i have been a fair amount of time. my colleagues are both here. i am very grateful. a number of state representatives have been here. i am thankful to all of their support. i knew him as center. i knew him as a friend. it is great to be back. i want to say that they are putting all this together. you can imagine looking at the crowds of much a great job they did. thank you. i do apologize. it has been a long evening to get to this point. it is a great honor to be here. i thought i would take a couple minutes intel a couple of stories. i have not been near -- and tell a couple of stories. i've not been in this setting. we think back to what it was like to teach share. -- teach here and the many things i learned here. a couple of them a tell you something about professors. a friend of mine, it is angled toward his house, industry that was dying. they wanted him to hire a tree surgeon. she said if it falls during a storm it will hit the house. he was like some college professors. he knew he was confident. our next turn neighbor was about 55. here is a pretty big guy. the three of us decided how hard can it be? we went down. he thought he knew everything. he said the will tie a rope about 15 feet up and then we will cut the tree till it is almost ready to break and then be able pulled the tree in the direction we wanted to fall. this is the example of why sometimes it is useful that a mayor may not have an advanced degree. we said this is a very bad thing. we got the rope in place. we got sick a point or rethought the tree was about ready. it was leaning toward the house. we cut it so the angle was away from the house. we had figured out -- none of us are math majors. we got the tree and the road. -- the rope. it was a really big tree. it is only 12,000 or 15,000 pounds. it was as big as we thought we were. our collective which is probably about 500. you have 500 pounds pulling in one direction -- [laughter] at least one person has already figured this out. it was just this. when the tree breaks, it is not matter that you are pulling. is double the direction of the trade. very slowly, they were right. they were suffering. the tree was dead enough that when the top of it hit the roof of the house, it broke clean, leaving the rest of the tree falling on the art in an orderly way. -- on the yard in an orderly yard. so, it punched holes in the ceiling. you have a tree hitting the house. the roof had holes in it. the concussion at that dropped plaster in the master bedroom on the bed. the last thing we saw was kit running up the yard with his white chasing him with a broom. the next day they had a tree surgeon come by, and paid for the rough and the plaster in the room. -- the roof and plaster in the room. there were a thousand things like that you could do and you could learn from and you could make friends that became permanent friends. i would usually start with this story. a number of people decided they liked me because i was willing to mitt i was not really smart. everybody at some point has done something you look back and say that was really not very clever. that was one of them. one and the guys we talked with came from a very poor family in alabama. he had a master's degree from harvard. he did not know it at the time. he was confused this red light. he did not figure out why this red light was on. nothing seemed to change so he thought it could not be very important. he never got around to finding out why the red light was on. he started his car and learned that the red light was a sign he was running out of water. if you wait long enough, your engine freezes up and israel and and you have to buy a new engine. after that he became a the most accurate changing of oil i've ever seen. at the time you think here's a guy whose books marketed in not quite get it. yesterday we had a health conference talking about preventive care. i used that example. people learn that changing oil saves you a lot of money. one of our great things of how far as how to get people to learn that the same kind of prevention applies to themselves and save a lot of time in the hospital and money. these are stories that have carried through my whole life. i treasure the years i was allowed to do the french ships remain -- french ships -- friendships we made. . it saves a lot in hospitals and saves a lot of money. i treasured the years i was allowed to teach here. the fact that it was just a great place to raise the kids. she is thrilled to be here tonight because she has seen several people she has gone to school with. as you all know, we are running for president. i think this is the most important election in our lifetime. i think reelecting barack obama will be a disaster for the country. [cheers and applause] and the challenge for us was to present a clear and compelling alternative so that the country has a clear sense of what the difference is, and the reason after talking about it, of course, i made the decision to run, knowing that it would be hard, knowing there would be a lot of work and a lot of negative attacks. i think we really need somebody who understands the scale of change we need, who has really large ideas for a really large country, and you can explain them in a way that enables us to be able to rally the american people. now, i will give you just a couple of quick examples. and the easiest one is the difference between president obama and myself on energy. president obama is essentially represents a very anti-american energy group. the secretary of anti-energy in dr. chu who fought back american gas prices need to hit european levels. yesterday, somebody in nashville, he said i want you to tell herman cain that i know what the president's nine-nine- nine plan is, and i said, "ok, what is president obama's 9-9-9 plan?" and he said it was $9.99 per gallon. you cannot run for reelection telling people you do not think they are paying enough for gas, so i began about two weeks ago that you do not have to have expensive gasoline. we do not have to be dependent on saudi arabia and iraq. there is an enormous amount of energy in the united states, and the result was the president probably had to respond, so he gave a response on energy. he is clearly conflicted. if you have a chance to read his speech on energy, he cannot be for less expensive gasoline. what he is or is algae, and he said that will someday be a solution, and he says there are no silver bullets. he is right, there are no silver bullets, but there are three things to do that would begin to change a whole energy and barnett. first, he could sign the pipeline. [cheers and applause] that would bring 700,000 barrels of canadian oil per day, it would open up for oklahoma, kansas, arkansas, and texas, shipping it by as opposed to truck, which would take money off of the cost per barrel. second, he would reopen the gulf of mexico to development, and that is about 400,000 barrels per day. fourth, we can open up the areas in alaska. that is about 1,000,002 wandered thousand barrels per day, so -- [applause] if we are talking about how we expand the american supply, that is 2,300,000 per day, just there. now, we have learned a lot in the last couple of years. changing the entire debate on energy, but there is no lag, because it takes awhile for the politicians and the media to catch up. the fact is, in north dakota, we have had an extraordinary increase in oil production because it is on private land. since it was on private land, obama could not stop it. and now, we probably have in north dakota at least 25 times, not 25 times, 2500% more oil. now, as they are developing it, for example, they have created a huge number of jobs, and the unemployment rate there is 3.5%. that is actually -- [applause] that actually overstates how much unemployment there is, because there are 16,000 jobs in the oil industry that they cannot felt because they do not have the right training. if these folks were trained, there would probably be about 0% unemployment. second, when you develop energy, you create revenue for the government. they have had seven consecutive tax cuts, and they have a multi- billion dollar rainy day fund. now, these are real changes. it turns out parallel to this, we have developed new technology, and we can now get gas out of shale. what difference does that make? in the year 2000, we expected to have a supply of natural gas, and the assumption was we would have to bring in liquefied natural gas. they were talking about connections, a huge ship coming in with a liquefied natural gas. we are now talking about a 125- year supply, and there are ports to ship the gas to china, so instead of importing gas and paying for it, we are now going to be exporting gas and getting paid for it. now, these two developments -- [applause] north dakota and shale gas -- by the way, shale gas is from here to buffalo, new york, it is a huge series, and some of them are associated with oil. eastern ohio producing both natural gas and oil. of this, and in western pennsylvania, i think they have created 62,000 new jobs. this is an exciting. now, it is enormous. the new technology and new market conditions. we have a virtually limitless supply of energy, and we can be independent producing our own energy on a way that people on the left do not even want to think about. first of all, if we could be independent in producing energy, no american president would ever again bow to a saudi king. [cheers and applause] it is very important to hear what the iranians have been doing. they have been looking to close the strait of hormuz, which would be a bottleneck for everyone out of 5 barrels of oil. the long-term answer to that is to produce so much oil in the united states that we do not care. [cheers and applause] i think it particularly matters with the middle east, and i will give you two examples. when we discovered that bin laden had been hiding for seven years in a large compound in the middle of the city, less than 1 mile from the university in pakistan, any reasonable person knows elements of the pakistan government have to have known that he was there. it is inconceivable that he could have been in that city for seven years and not anybody in the intelligence operation ask, "gee, who lives in the big building down the street?" [laughter] but this was not to track down the people who were hiding. the pakistan reaction was to track down people who had helped the united states. the folks who were arrested were the folks who helped us. now, that is not the behavior of an ally, and we need to understand that. in egypt, with the muslim brotherhood, the largest faction, with a more radical group as the second-largest faction, they are currently holding 19 americans hostage. this is not something we need to tolerate. and we have steps we can take immediately. we could, for example, cut off all of their foreign aid. [applause] we could cut off the supply of the military equipment, because it is american. there are a lot of things that we can do, but that is not what this administration does. i think the most disturbing thing we have encountered has been the recent incidents in which while the afghans were killing americans, the president apologized, and i will be very clear. i think the commander in chief owes a great deal of loyalty to people who serve the united states of america. [cheers and applause] i think the secretary of defense or the president could have said the following. we discovered that radical islamic prisoners were defacing the koran in order to send messages to their allies outside of the prison. and we stopped them and confiscated the koarans that they had defaced. now, notice who is guilty at this point. not the americans. we did not deface the koran. the so-called muslims, people who are supposed to be really passionate about the koran, which cannot be defaced, unless they do it, in which case it is ok, because they are not us. i just want to pose to you how bad this has gotten. in 2009, the u.s. army burned bibles in afghanistan. the confiscated bibles that had been sent to afghanistan, and they burned them. this is our army. did kristin's right? we go find somebody to kill? no. we passively accepted a really bad decision. in nigeria, churches are burned. does anybody apologize? in egypt, churches are burned. does anybody apologize? in malaysia, churches are burned. does anybody apologize? in saudi arabia, it is illegal to practice the christian or jewish religion. does anybody complain? in iran last week, just last week, they found a christian minister guilty of hypocrisy and sentenced him to death. has anyone apologized? no one in this administration is prepared to stand up for any of our values. they are very prepared to apologize to people who want to kill us. [cheers and applause] it is worse. one week ago, they arrested a moroccan man who was trying to figure out how to bomb the u.s. capitol. now, i bet you, if we had a test, this being a campus, and i said to you, what do you think might have motivated a moroccan to try to bomb the u.s. capitol, that's a very substantial number of you would have picked that he probably believed in a radical islam. do you realize that under the obama administration, an fbi administrator could not write that down because it is not politically correct? an army major jumps up at fort hood and yells, "allahu akbar!," kills 13 americans and wounds 33 others, has in his wallet "soldier of allah," was engaged with dealing with an american in yemen, who they communicated with via the internet, who later was killed with a guided missile, and which i think is more scandalous, they are not connected to islam, because it would be politically incorrect. now, a president who cannot tell you the truth about the people who are trying to kill you is a president who cannot develop a strategy to protect you from the people who are trying to kill you. [cheers and applause] i believe we need a fundamental rethinking of our entire strategy towards islam, the middle east, and these problems. we are not going to militarily change afghanistan. we are not militarily going to change pakistan, and we are, i think, going to have serious problems with how we are approaching this. and imagine it was 1946, and we are trying to describe the cold war, and the trip ministrations said," you cannot use the word communist." , you describe communism? it was a bad week, and stalin did not feel good? it is an intellectual approach which makes the obama administration so dangerous. now, a good thing is, because almost every american believes we have to have energy independence, we can build a political majority to drill in the united states, to develop our resources, and to create enormous energy. when we do that, we will create enough royalties, literally the estimate of people in north dakota is if we were to open up the federal land and open up offshore, we would generate $16 trillion to $18 trillion in revenue. [applause] that is enough that if we set it to one side and balance the budget, which i did for four consecutive years and the only speaker of the house in your lifetime to have done that -- [applause] so if we went back to a balanced budget and applied the royalties to paying off the debt, we would literally in our lifetime pay off of the national debt, which would mean that we are free of the saudis and the chinese bondholders simultaneously with the same strategy. [applause] now, in doing that, keeping $500 billion per year and at home that we are sending overseas, we would also create several million new jobs and would be moving towards 4% unemployment, which should be our goal where we can be a healthy country where americans work. [applause] and in that process, i believe we can get gasoline to somewhere between $2 per gallon to $2.60 per gallon, and that would be enormous. [cheers and applause] now, the elites have been saying that this is impossible. how can newt gingrich say this? cutting taxes, reducing regulations, encouraging american energy, encouraging entrepreneurs. it only happened to create 16 million new jobs while he was president. [applause] i believe we have the capacity. i think north dakota is proof. i think the shale gas is proved. we talk about opening up the land. i want to say this to the media. we are not talking about the yellowstone. we are not talking about in yosemite. we, the american people, own 69% of alaska. alaska is twice the size of texas. that means we could literally give the unborn mentalists half of texas, they could pick the glaciers they like, the polar bear area's, whatever they like it, and they would that have, over 125,000 square miles. that would lead you an area the size of texas to develop. that is how big the potential is. now, i try to remind people, the talking heads on television, who seem to have amnesia, and they do not learn the lessons of history. when i was speaker of the house, gasoline was $1.13. when obama was sworn in, gasoline was $1.89. i am not offering a radical solution. i am not even trying to get back to a pre-obama number. i have taken a number that experts in the industry believe would generate more than enough capital to have more than enough exploration to create the scale of energy that we need, and summer between $2 per gallon and $2.50 per gallon creates that level of entrepreneurship, but the president is moving in the opposite direction, so here is my request to all of you. the primary is next tuesday in many states. it is clear that governor romney can raise more money because he did go to wall street and get money from all of the people who got bailouts from taxpayers, said in a sense, your money is coming back to you in the form of negative advertisements. i cannot match that, but what i can do is match it with people. we have over 170,000 people who have now donated to the campaign, and over 90% of them have donated less than 250 dollars, so we have a huge grass-roots movement. and i want to ask you a couple of very simple, very practical things. how many of you are on facebook? just raise your hand. tonight, on your facebook page, i want you to put "newt equals $2.50 per gallon." that is it. i bet in this room, we can get half a million to 1 million people to see it. second, when people ask you how to do it, tell them to go to, where i have a speech, and then there is the obama answer, and mine. this is what the debates would be like this fall if i debate obama. [cheers and applause] how many of you are on twitter? ok. i would like all of you, we have #2.50 gas. we have had a huge number of people to sign up. it is getting ready to go viral. and then the website, we have people here who would be glad to get support from you. every penny that we raise is going into this project. and all of you who have email accounts, email all of your friends. do not worry if they are in georgia or tennessee. sooner or later, we will be there. send out a blast email to your friends. we have something that is fun. we have a place where you can give 1 gallon of newt gas, which is $2.50, and we have actually have a lot of people do that, or you can give 10 gallons, $25, or 100 gallons, $250. when your friends ask what they can do, they can give 1 gallon. $2.50. it starts the process. it gets people engaged. our goal is to get back to high numbers of donors very quickly. everyone becomes part of the team, and they get emails from us about how we are doing, and it enables us to organize. if we did not get internet, this campaign could not survive, but the internet reduces costs, so i do think this is the most important election of your lifetime. i hope each and every one of you will make sure you vote. i hope you remind your friends and neighbors that they need to vote, and i hope you'll do all you can deny to electronically to reach out and help us and be part of our campaign, and i look very forward to meeting you, and i appreciate it. thank you. [cheers and applause] ♪ >> ♪ i feel strong about right and wrong and i do not take trouble for very long i have got something deep inside of me, and courage is the thing that keeps us free i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what is right, fight for your life i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what's right, fight for your life ♪ ♪ ♪ well, you hurt my friends, and you hurt my pride i have got to be a man, i cannot let it slide i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what's right, fight for your life i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what is right, fight for your life i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what is right, fight for your life ♪ ♪ >> ♪ pair of boots and a sack of clothes free and easy, and down the road i go hanging memories on the high poles free and easy down the road i go so i keep rolling like an old banjo free and easy down the road i go got the sun shining on me like a big spotlight so i know everything is going to be all right ♪ ♪ ♪ ain't no telling where the wind might blow free and easy down the road i go living life like a sunday stroll free and easy down the road i go free and easy down the road i go if you only get to go around one time i am going to sit back and try to enjoy the ride ♪ ♪ ♪ i could make a million or wind up broke free and easy down the road i go cannot take it with you when you go, so free and easy down the road i go someday i know it is going to take me home so free and easy down the road i go free and easy down the road i go ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ try to the best, because you are only a man, and a man has got to learn to make it try to believe, the going is going to get rough history repeats itself never doubt that you are the one nothing is going to keep you down what you think is inside you when you are the one that is standing there you will reach the final bell you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you are the best around nothing is going to ever keep you down you are the best around nothing is going to ever keep you down ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ i cannot let it slide i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american ♪ ♪ i feel strongly about right and wrong and i do not take trouble for very long i have got something deep inside of me and courage is the thing that keeps us free i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what is right, fight for your life i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what is right, fight for your life ♪ ♪ you hurt my friends, and you hurt my pride i have got to be a man, i cannot let it slide i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what is right, fight for your life i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what is right, fight for your life i am a real american, fight for the rights of every man i am a real american, fight for what is right, fight for your life ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ pair of boots and a sack of clothes, free and easy down the road i go got the sun shining on me like a big spotlight so i know everything is going to be all right ♪ ♪ ♪ ain't no telling where the wind might blow free and easy down the road i go living life like a sunday stroll free and easy down the road i go free and easy down the road i go if you only get to go around one time i am going to sit back and try to enjoy the ride ♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ i could make a million or wind a broke free and easy down the road i go cannot take it with you when you go so free and easy down the road i go someday i know it is going to take me home so free and easy down the road i go free and easy down the road i go ♪ ♪ ♪ [captioning performed by national captioning institute] [captions copyright national cable satellite corp. 2012] ♪ ♪ >> ♪ you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you have got to be proud once time will tell when you are the one that is standing there you will reach the final bell you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down ♪ ♪ ♪ you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep down fight until the drop, never stop, cannot give up, until you reach the top you are the best in town, fight listen to that sense, a little bit of all that you got, can never bring you down you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down you are the best around nothing is ever going to keep you down ♪ ♪ ♪ >> ♪ west, on a plane down west, i see her stretching out below land, blessed motherland, a place where i was born scars, she's got her scars sometimes it starts to worry me i do not want to lose sight of who we are from the mountainside to the wave-crashed coast there is a way to find better days, i know it has been a long, hard ride got a ways to go but this is still the place that we all call home ♪ ♪ ♪ free, and nothing feels like free though it sometimes means we do not get along we are not the same, but that is what makes us strong from the mountains high to be wave crashed coast, there is a way to find better days, i know. ♪ >> now we were here from gop candid, ron paul. >> thank you. thank you. [applause] thank you. anybody here for the cause of liberty? anybody here for ron paul? now, i am only here for a short while. the let me out with a ankle bracelet. this crowd is amazing. 2000 people packed in here. [cheers and applause] 500 people outside that the fire marshal would not let in. he does that some presidential candidates have to pay people to come here their speeches. some presidential candidates have to pay their campaigns to make homemade signs. but not the ron paul people. i come from the great state of kentucky. home of henry clay, the great compromiser. my question to you is, do you need another great compromiser or an abolitionist? we have people on the national stage running for president who like to preen and pretend they are for limited government. there is only one champion on the stage of limited government. who is that? >> ron paul. >> when ron paul came back to congress, the wall street journal said this. his refusal to compromise was legendary. [cheers and applause] there is only one man on the stage who would truly preserve your freedom, balance the budget, restore value to our currency, and save us from this debt bomb that is engulfing our country. there is only one man on the stage where the troops trust. only one man who has received more contributions from active duty military than any other candidate. that man is my hero and a candidate for the presidency of the united states, ron paul. [cheers and applause] >> thank you. thank you. [cheers and applause] [chanting "president paul"] [cheers and applause] you are such a noisy bunch. what is going on here? well, i keep saying we have to be a noisy so they hear us down here in washington. you know, many of you know that my wife and i have celebrated our 55th anniversary not too long ago in february. i have always had to be careful in february, especially for four years because she was born on february 29. she is having a birthday here tomorrow morning. [cheers and applause] [crowd singing "happy birthday"] that is very important. but let's get serious now. i guess the revolution has arrived in virginia. i am delighted it is here. it is very appropriate that the state of virginia be involved in our revolution that is going on. our revolution is the american revolution. we had a pretty good start in this country a few years back. we have drifted away for many years now -- for nearly 100 years there has been a lot of forgetting about what the original intent was of the constitution. that is our goal, to restore the american public to the american people. -- to restore the american republic to the american people. [applause] you know, they keep asking about winning particular states in this campaign. guess what, we are still winning a lot of delegates. that is what counts. [cheers and applause] you know, every once in awhile they include my name in the polling. that is always helpful. just recently there was a pretty good poll out. just yesterday or the day before. it says that we do the best against obama. [cheers and applause] now, winning the primary is very important. winning the general election is also very important. it is our message that appeals to the independents, democrats, and the republican base. [applause] very simply, it is the message of liberty. the message of liberty is what we are all about. that means we have individual liberty. we are allowed to lead our lives as we choose. we have a natural right to our lives and liberty. should we not have the natural right to keep the fruits of our labor? [applause] there are a couple of ways that they undermine and take the fruits of our labor from us. one is direct taxation. the founders did not like that. they did not give us an income tax. that is why we have to start thinking about 1913 again. that is why we need to repeal the 16th amendment. [applause] to have big government, they tax. they had to have the income tax. then they had to have the borrowing. unfortunately, jefferson lost that argument. there is a limit on borrowing. if they are too much, interest rates go up and have to quit. he have a gimmick introduced in 1913. that is, if there is a limit on taxing and there is a limit on borrowing, they said we will have a new gimmick. he would just print the money when we need it. [booing] [chanting "end the fed"] of course, if you want big government, that is what you have. you have high taxes and the borrowing. eventually they have to print the money. a the founders knew this and understood this. they warned us against it. that is what they understood it clearly. they put it in the constitution that only gold and silver could be legal tender. there is no authority to print money and to have a federal reserve system and central bank. [cheers and applause] now, the fed has been around for 99 years. they have lost 99% of the value of our dollar from 1913. i am going to let you in on a little secret. the chairman of the federal reserve will be at the banking committee tomorrow. i might just show up and ask him why they are destroying our money. [cheers and applause] i can assure you, we probably will not get a straight answer. obviously, the monetary issue is a very big issue. governments cannot grow without it. when government grows, liberty is undermined. since that time -- since the progressive era, we have undermined our liberties whether it is through the encroachments of the entitlement system. that was set up for those poor who are going to fall through the cracks. i think the best demonstration of that was the housing bubble. during the housing bubble, guess what? to make a lot of money during this time? the banks, the fatty -- freddie macs and fannie maes. they met all of the money. then they got into the gambling of derivatives and got into big trouble. lo and behold, the predictable crunch and bursting of the bubble came. when it came, they said "we are too big to fail." [booiong] the fed and the congress bill them out. the very people that these programs were designed for to give everybody a house, they lost their jobs and houses. it is not resolved yet. the entitlement system tends to help the wealthy much more so than the poor. the core are deceived into believing that the government can produce wealth and redistribute it. there is a transfer of wealth from the middle class to the wealthy. that occurs with the destruction of a currency. the wealthy get wealthier. this is what has happened. wealth is ok of people make money honestly and they do not making by ripping us off and getting it manages from the government. if they give us a product -- [applause] if they give us a good product and they make money. that is different than if they are in the military industrial complex for the banking system. they get the contracts and the bail out. that is not fair. it is not fair to dump wasteful products and all of the debt on the american people. with that said, obviously it should be liquidated. the banks that printed money and encourage wasteful spending, it certainly is true with overseas spending. just look at the waist that the wars have been going on for the last 10 years. the have added four trillion dollars to the national debt. we are less safe and we are broke. the very simple solution to overextension overseas is to follow the advice of the founders, follow the constitution, have a strong national defense, defend the country, but get out of the business of policing the world and nation-building. [cheers and applause] you know, all my life. you know, all my life.

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