Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 New Hampshire Democratic

Transcripts For CSPAN Campaign 2020 New Hampshire Democratic Party Holds McIntyre-Shaheen Dinner 20200210

>> good evening, democrats. wow. look at this wonderful full arena in shaheen countries you didn't notice. grateful to be with all of you tonight. a real shout out and thank you to chairman ray buckley and the entire new hampshire democratic party staff for putting together this and -- fantastic event. my husband tom is here and i want to thank him and my mom and ifor their support also want to thank all of our honored guests for being here. welcome to new hampshire, it is balmy by our standards, by the way. but mostly as always, i want to thank new hampshire democrats for your commitment to putting our country on a path to a stronger future. time aftermost months of town halls and tough questions and grassroots organizing, our first of the nation primary arrives on tuesday. with the eyes of the nation upon us, granite stators are that to prove once again no one does democracy better the new hampshire. in a few minutes, you are going to hear from a wonderful candidates and they are going to talk to you about their policies and priorities and of course about the absolute necessity of defeating donald trump in november. folks, i could not agree more strongly. tonight i want to talk about another vital 2020 priority called getting mitch mcconnell out of the senate majority leader office. applause]d >> that is right, folks. -- our nextsident president is going to be a democrat. democratic president cannot make progress without a congress that has their backs. if mitch do anything mcconnell remains senate majority leader. mcconnellday, mitch blocks legislation critical to hard-working granite staters and people across the country. he even takes pride in referring to himself as the legislative grim reaper. [boos] >> here's a few things to think about. upch mcconnell will not take bipartisan legislation from the house that would protect americans with pre-existing conditions. he is blocking the reauthorization of the violence against women act, -- [boos] >> that passed with bipartisan support in the house. along with the bipartisan equality act which would protect lgbtq americans from discrimination. won't -- mitch mcconnell won't take action against the existential threat that is climate change and he is refusing to take up efforts not only by democrats, but also by republicans to safeguard our elections against foreign interference. while --he "moscow mitch"] while, he ise doing everything he can to stack our courts with blatantly judgesn and unqualified for lifetime appointments. [boos] >> as you have seen over the past week, mitch mcconnell blocked the senate and all americans from seeing documents and hearing from witnesses with first-hand information about the president's actions. that is unacceptable, it is indefensible. the senate majority leader should not be a member of the president's legal defense team. folks, i am as frustrated by as tired of mitch mcconnell you are. us to doto all of something, it is on us to turn this around. with reelecting my friend and our fabulous senior senator, jeanne shaheen. [applause] shaheen fights to get results every day. getting results after results for hard-working granite staters and we absolutely cannot take the majority back without reelecting jeanne shaheen. we have to do that and i will urge everybody here to do what you can to support our strong democratic candidates all across the country. it is really vital. [applause] also -- we also have to do everything we can to keep the house of representatives below, which means doing everything we need to do to reelect my wonderful friend -- friends, annie custer and chris pappas. hampshire, we are just days away and we have lots of work to do before the primaries, but then after the primary, together, to have a successful election day. two elected democratic president and to make sure that we keep the house blew and slipped the senate into democratic control. it is a lot of work to be sure, it is a lot of work to be sure, but new hampshire democrats, you have proven time and again that your grassroots energy is a force to be reckoned with. so keep working, keep organizing , keep standing up for the values we all hold dear because together, we are going to win in november, we are going to build a stronger america, a brighter future for all americans and we are going to move closer and closer to that more perfect union our founders envisioned. thank you all, have a great night, take care. [applause] ♪ applause]d ♪ this is shaheen country. new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage are senior senator, united states senator jeanne shaheen. applause]d ♪ sen. shaheen: are you excited or what? [applause] the candidatesnd are starting to arrive so we are about ready to get -- really tell everybody across this country what new hampshire is all about. [applause] sen. shaheen: what a great crowd, thank you to ray buckley in the new hampshire grid -- democratic party for everything you've done to make this a success. [applause] years,aheen: every four ,ew hampshire host the primary one hundred years now of new hampshire primary. hampshire are excited about all the candidates , they are engaged, they ask tough questions, they invite you into their homes. we have a lot of people who from here -- in here from across the country. [applause] sen. shaheen: we want you to come into our homes, we want to treat you right, we love having you here in the best thing is having the candidates here. we may have fierce debate during the new hampshire primary, but the thing is, we all share the same values. we all believe every american should have access to affordable health care. [applause] that no one should be discriminated against if you had a pre-existing condition. [applause] sen. shaheen: we believe every family should be able to make a living wage and that women should get equal pay for equal work. applause]d sen. shaheen: we know that climate change is real and we have to address it now. applause]d -- [chanting "green new deal"] sen. shaheen: and we believe women should make their own choices about their bodies and reproductive health. and we believe that every american, and a matter what your ethnic bracket -- background is coming to matter how you identify yourself, no matter what your gender, and a matter where you live or where you came from, that everyone should have an opportunity for a better life and to have the same choices and opportunities for our children and grandchildren that we all had. that's what democrats stand for. we share the same values. [applause] sen. shaheen: tuesday is the primary come we want record turnout. and for all the volunteers to of been here who have worked all week to come here and knock doors and make phone calls, thank you for what you've done, you are true patriots who believe in democracy, thank you all. [applause] sen. shaheen: for all the campaign staffers who had highs and lows, who work your hearts out. for those of you who win we want to give you a crate -- a great push out of new hampshire. if your candidate does not do as well, you will make friendships and have experiences you will remember for the rest of your life, i know that because i've done that. [applause] and for the: candidates, for all the candidates who have given so many americans hope at a time where we really need it in this country, thank you for being here, for sharing with us a vision for what america can be, any of you who gets elected will be better than the president we have in the white house now. sen. shaheen: so after tuesday, we want to send you all out of new hampshire with the wind at your backs to wrap this nominating contest -- throughout this nominating contest and when it is overcome when we have a nominee, we have to all come together and work our hearts out for that nominee so we can take back the white house. [applause] sen. shaheen: thank you. sen. shaheen: now i have another responsibility tonight before i leave the stage because this dinner always honors a democrat with the mcintyre shaheen legacy award. a democrat who has contributed to the party here in new hampshire in an exemplary way and this year, it's a very special friend of mine who is getting the mcintyre shaheen award, it's a woman who i got to serve with in the state senate and actually here to help me give the award is my husband billy. [applause] my daughter: stephanie and her husband craig, stacy and her husband ryan, molly and her husband few. this award goes to a woman who taught me what it's like to provide real constituent service, who never quit during her time as a state senator, executive counselor and a senate president. she broke the glass ceiling and helped us have women leaders across the state when we had the governor, the senate president and speaker of the house who were all women. [applause] sen. shaheen: please join me in hollingworth from hampton who is on such great things for the democratic party for so many years in new hampshire. bev. [applause] >> thank you. to be recognized by my dear friend and all of you. thank you so much, i am overwhelmed. you are in trouble. [laughter] >> she convinced me it would just be for her and her -- her in the democratic party that i'm so proud to be a part of. it is great to see you all. i don't know what else to say except thank you. [applause] >> i would not be standing here tonight, having served in the house and senate and the governor's council of it hadn't been for my family, who .ncouraged me to into politics we living will legislation was something that was very and then he died very unfortunately at a very young and i was very fortunate to find my wonderful husband. [applause] [chanting] [applause] ♪ >> new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage mayor pete buttigieg. [cheering] ♪ [chanting "buttigieg"] mayor pete: thank you. applause]d mayor pete: thank you. thank you. [cheering] mayor pete: thank you, new hampshire. thank you. thank you senator shaheen, it's not often you get to speak after someone so respected they named the event after her. thanks for all the work you and the delegation are doing, senator hassan, congressman pappas and my good friend who support i'm so thankful to have, congresswoman annie custer, thank you. cheers] mayor pete: and thank you new hampshire for welcoming us to this state over the course of the last year, i'm here one more time to ask you to join me not only to end the era of donald trump, but to launch the arrow that must come next. era that comes next. applause]d mayor pete: i know some are asking what business does a south bend mayor have seeking the highest office in the land. you don't have an office in washington, you don't have decades of experience in the establishment, the city you are the mayor of isn't even the biggest city in the country, it's more like manchester, new hampshire. [cheering] mayor pete: to which i say that is very much the point. because americans in small rural towns, in industrial communities and yes in pockets of our countries biggest cities are tired of being reduced to a punchline by washington politicians. and ready for someone to take their voice to the american capital. [chanting "buttigieg"] mayor pete: and that is how we are going to defeat donald trump. how would you like to see a president cuts taxes for giant having to could be to get someone who actually lives in a middle-class neighborhood in the american midwest and is ready to call him out. [applause] mayor pete: how would you like to see a president who likes to cloak himself in religion. stand nextent has to to someone not afraid to remind fellow believers that god does not belong to a political party in this country. [applause] mayor pete: how would you like to see a president who avoided serving what was his turn have to square off against a veteran prepared to illustrate why there is nothing patriotic about pardoning war criminals while punishing war heroes? [applause] mayor pete: we will beat this president. [cheering] mayor pete: with a president this disruptive we cannot run the risk of trying to defeat a fundamentally new challenge by relying on the familiar flavor from before. with a president this divisive, we cannot risk dividing saying's future further that you must either be for a revolution or you must be for the status quo. let's make room for everybody in this movement. this is our one shot. our one chance to defeat donald trump. and there is an american majority that is unified not just in who we are against, but what we are for. for higher wages and the empowerment of workers. troopsfor honoring our by putting an end to endless war. teachers andr prepared to back them up with a secretary of education who believes in public education. [cheering] mayor pete: we are for creating an american experience where your race has no bearing on your health or your wealth or your experience with law enforcement. that is the america we must build together. and we cannot wait any longer. the 10-year-old who asked me what are we gonna do so his family can afford insulin cannot wait for us to act to ensure there is no such thing as an uninsured american and no such thing as an unaffordable prescription. [chanting "medicare for all" ] mayor pete: the 13-year-old who told me she asked for a kevlar back pack for christmas cannot ask us to protect her school -- cannot wait to ask us to prepare -- protect her school from gun violence. we have to act now. i am asking for your support because i believe the purpose of the presidency is not the glorification of the president, it is the empowerment and unification of the american people to tackle these big challenges. [cheering] mayor pete: my belief -- [chanting "buttigieg"] my belief in this america is not the product of my age. it is the product of my experience. if you believe in an american future defined by belonging, this is our chance. if you believe in american politics defined by boldness, this is our chance. if you believe in american future defined by unity, this is our chance, new hampshire. [applause] onor pete: new hampshire, tuesday, let's make history and let's go on to defeat donald trump in november. thank you. thank you. thank you. ♪ [cheering] ♪ [cheers and applause] ♪ ♪ sen. klobuchar: thank you new hampshire democrats. , it is so great to be here with all of you and in the state that has the audacity to send not one, but two women to the united states senate. [applause] sen. klobuchar: thank you so much. hampshire, i started by campaign in the middle of the minnesota blizzard and there were four inches of snow on my head because i wanted to impress new hampshire and a lot of people predicted i wouldn't even make it through that speech, but i made it through and i made it through the summer and i made it to that debate states last night and we have momentum like never before. we have beaten the every step of the way. hearts,we know in our and i'm speaking to all of the supporters there for all of the candidates right now. you -- what what's unites us is bigger than what divides us. we know that as a party. we know that. [cheers] sen. klobuchar: and we know yes an economicn is check on this president because people are not sharing in the prosperity across this nation. but we also know that this election is a patriotism check. it is a decency check on this president and what unites us more than anything is that we know that the heart of america is bigger than the heart of the guy in the white house. we know that. everyone of us knows that. [applause] trumplobuchar: and donald there -- is are fired up democrat will march to victory with people from all over the state and that we will win big in november. that is his nightmare. so what will i do? i will pass a constitutional amendment to overturn citizens united. we will get that done to get the big money out of our politics. the -- is tos is drop his shameful attempt to repeal the affordable care act and kick people off of their health insurance for pre-existing conditions. that is wrong and we will stop him. pharma toke on big bring down the cost of prescription drugs. passll take on the nra to gun safety legislation. that is our optimistic agenda for this country. know, as a party, we are not going to be able to divide the divider in chief. we aren't going to be able to out to divide him. we aren't going to be out dividing someone that wakes up every morning and sees who we can take on next, see who he can blame next. he blames barack obama, he does that all the time. he blames immigrants, he blames at the head -- the head of the federal reserve that he appointed. he blames the generals that he commanded, he blames the entire kingdom of denmark, who does that? he even blamed the prime minister of canada for cutting him out of the canadian version of home alone to. ." of "home alone 2 he blames people. we are a party that brings people with us instead of shutting them out and you know that is something that i have done. i have one in the rural areas big time. i have one of the suburban areas, i have one every single election i have ever run back to fourth grade. [applause] sen. klobuchar: now democrats. remember that when we bring people with us, that we put someone on the ticket that gets it. they can bring those people back and you know my background. --m the granddaughter exactly. i am the granddaughter of an iron auto minor. i am the daughter of a teacher and a newspaperman. elected torst woman the united states senate from the state of minnesota and i am a candidate for president of the united states. because we live in a country of shared dreams. but no matter where you come from or who you know or who you will love, that you can make in the united states of america. i will end with this. i told this story last night. as i was spending a lot of time during that impeachment trial thinking, we all spent a lot of time thinking. i thought of the fact that we have a president that literally thinks he can bulldoze over our democracy. that he can rise above the rule of law and it doesn't matter to him. but he could decides who gets the american dream and i thought of that story of fdr and when he died they put his body on the train and people stood spontaneously by the train tracks to show their respect. there was a guy standing there sobbing with a hat in his hand and the reporter says to him sir, do you know the president. and he says no i didn't know the president, but the president knew me. [applause] sen. klobuchar: what is missing with this guy is empathy. what is missing is a sacred trust between the president and the people. i will tell you this. if you are having trouble you and i willw fight for you. if you cannot decide between long-term care for your parents or child care for your kid, i know you and i will fight for you. if you cannot decide if you're going to be able to stretch your paycheck to the rent, i know you and i will fight for you. that is how we win this election. democrats, that is how we win. i am asking you to join our fight. i don't have the biggest bank account if you didn't notice. i'm not the tallest person in the room, but what i've got is grit. so grit you get from a minnesota blizzard. the grit you get from spending your life not desk fighting and overcoming adversity. the grit you get when you don't perfect birth when your daughters morning you get kicked out of the -- to make motivation is sure new moms and their babies have 48 hour hospital stay. that is grit. thishat is what i bring to ticket. i pick the color green because it's the color of my political mentor but he brought people with him. i am asking you to come with us. vote, thank you, new hampshire. thank you everyone. ♪ applause]d ♪ ,> new hampshire democrats please welcome to the stage vice president joe biden. [applause] v.p. biden: it is great to be here. elections,w to run you know how to run primaries. you have an incredible delegation in jeanne shaheen and maggie hassan and chris pappas and any custer, give them a big round of applause. folks. i think you all know what's is -- at stake in the selection. we all know that we cannot sustain four more years of president trump as president of the united states of america. know better bread nobody takes responsibility more seriously than you do appear new hampshire. you think for yourselves, you know our party and you know your neighbors. i've said many times american character is literally on the , the mane have to act i met in claremont about anomaly days ago pulled me aside and said i don't know what to do. i don't know what to do. i'm losing my job. i don't know how to tell my family. what a wise say, what a baidu, how do i do it. it was incredibly emotional. understand, i told him about my dad when he had to make what i call the longest walk of the shortest flight of stairs with kids bedroom to say joey, i don't have a job, we can't live here anymore. we have to move and he said that every things can be ok and he meant it. it took them three years moving to delaware to be able to get us a house to live in, but he was confident he would be ok. how may people today are able to look at children in the eye and face of that kind of crisis and say it's going to be ok. they don't think it will be ok because we made it so much harder in this country under this president to make it ok. ago, just a couple of hours ago about 10 or 12 hours ago, jill and i and our grandchildren stood in line in manchester for food for children , bitterly cold, 22 degrees, the wind blowing. and you see all these little children, you see them standing in lines, huddled. no gloves. waiting to pick up a cardboard box, not able to pick it up and taking along the way so they could put bread in it. they could put doughnuts in it. they could put things they were able to get for food and watching women, a woman with barely a sweater on holding her child tightly and you could see the tears coming down from her eyes as she picked up bread. the men who came along unable to lift their heads up and look just thinking i thought to myself this is the united states of america, how can that be happening in the united states of america. hundreds and hundreds of people in that bitter cold with nothing to look forward to in their minds. just to get a little sustenance. one of the guys walked up and saidme a skullcap and i why do i have this skullcap, i gave it to one of the kids. think about it. new hampshire, the united states of america. lastedthat is lasted and with no hope in sight for these people. this is not the america any of us grew up in or believe in, this is not who we are or the other day, it was about three days ago, what happened, i was standing -- i was being -- theyed in claremont said there is a woman who's going to introduce you and she looked at me and she said i'm going to tell my story. she was a violence against women victim. battered and beaten by her husband. she said she walked out on the street with a little baby with nowhere to go. she picked up a paper and she looked down and said i don't know this guy but he is writing the violence against women act, he's gonna buy me a house and by me home. well guess what? .he said it saved her life but at least he got off the street. the vast majority of children on the street are there because their mothers are being abused and battered. how many of them are suffering from posttraumatic stress with us doing nothing about it. women act i against wrote is sitting in the not -- sitting in the united states senate because they want to allow boyfriends to beat up their girlfriends with their own guns. we have to change this. this is why we are all running. this is what this is about. it's not about something else. folks, we are being led by president, a president who has no empathy, no sympathy, who mocks people, who makes fun of people with disabilities, who does everything he can to demean. he does not have a shred of decency in him. he speaks to women integrating terms. that's not how you were raised. that's not how i was raised. that is not the america any of us know when it doesn't represent new hampshire values either. i lost my wife and daughter in an automobile accident prayed a lot my son to a long battle with brain cancer when he came from from iraq, but i will be dammed if i stand by and lose this election to this man. we cannot let it happen. we cannot let it happen. we must defeat donald trump. there is no choice. the man has not a shred of decency. let's stand up against bigotry, hatred, we have to stand up against the abuse of power. this meant derides people. -- this man derides people. back.nd up, take it god bless you all and may god protect our troops. let's go do it now. now. applause]d ♪ >> new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage andrew yang. [applause] ♪ yang: hello, new hampshire. it is nodded to be with you tonight. campaigning in new hampshire for so many reasons. i went to high school right here in the state. i graduated in 1992, it is a thrill to be campaigning here tonight because you are among the most powerful and influential people in our country today, i know it may not feel like it but i did the math, do you know how many californians each of you is worth? 1000 californians each. so look around the stadium tonight. how many of us are here together? i'm going to give a trump ian estimate. there are 80,000 people here tonight. [applause] mr. yang: it is the biggest crowd anybody has ever seen. there are legitimately several thousand people -- 7000 people here which is like 7 million america -- 7 million californians in voting power. that problem, that challenges this. why is donald trump our president? if you were to turn on cable news you would think he is our president because of some combination of russia, racism, facebook, the fbi, the electoral college and on and on. we know different. i'm a numbers guy. i was well educated here. the numbers tell a very clear and direct story as to why donald trump is our president today. he is because we are limited 4 million manufacturing jobs in ohio,ountry in michigan, pennsylvania, wisconsin, missouri, iowa and it happened in new hampshire earlier on. you lost multiple jobs in the northern part of the state and if you go to those towns over the mill closed, the shopping center closed, people left, the school shrank and that town has never recovered. the same thing happened in missouri, ohio, pennsylvania, michigan. this is why donald trump is our president and this is what we must -- we make a mistake when we think donald trump is the source of all of our problems. he is not. he is a symptom of a disease that has been building in our communities for years and decades. [applause] mr. yang: so the question is how do we cure the disease? if you know anything about me and my campaign, you heard that i'm running for president say we should give every american $1000 a month from age 18 until the day they die. and i know it seems like an awfully dramatic policy, but this is not my idea and it's not a new idea. thomas payne was for the founding of our country, martin luther king fought for it in the 60's. milton friedman in a thousand economists endorsed it. it passed the u.s. house twice and 71. one state has a dividend where andyone gets between 1000 $2000 a year, no question asked. what state is that? how do they pay for? what is the oil of the 21st century? >> technology. mr. yang: technology, data, ai, self driving cars and trucks. a study came out saying our data is now worth more than oil. how many of you saw that study? how many of you got your data check in the mail last month? if you didn't get the data check, where did it go? google, appleok, and the trillion dollar tech companies that are paying nothing or next to nothing back into our country. solve four. we must we have record high corporate profits prayed well shred record highs? overdose,rug substance abuse, stress, financial insecurity, student loan debt. ,edical bankruptcy, depression water at record lows in the united states right now? child, married, having a starting a business for a young person. following gdp and corporate profit off a cliff. i know how off-base our economic measurements are because of my own family. dayife is at home every with our two boys, one of whom is autistic. how much is her work valued at? how about caregivers taking care of ailing loved ones? also zero. how about volunteers and activists trying to make things better in our communities? how about investing in our kids? how about most artists? an increasingly in new hampshire, a problem you should care deeply about, how about local journalists? a is very, very hard to have democracy function when people don't actually know what is going on in their community. [applause] yang: these are the things we claim to value most, our children and her aunt liz, our democracy. they are getting zero doubt, one by one. that is what we must reverse. let our fellow americans know that economic value and human value are not the same thing. and that we each have intrinsic people, americans, as and as holders and shareholders of the richest country in the history of the world. new hampshire, i am not running for president because i dreamt about being president. those were not the conversations in my household. my parents were not like, you are going to be president someday. they were more like, you are terrible, go clean your room. [laughter] yang: i am running for president because i am a parent and a patriot and i see the future that lies ahead for our kids and they deserve better and we must give them better starting on tuesday. [applause] new hampshire, donald trump is our president today because he had a very powerful and compelling message for the country. he said he was going to make america great again. what did hillary clinton say in response? america is already great. remember that? did not work for many americans because the problems in our communities are two real. we have to ignore knowledge the depth and severity and reality, but then we need real solutions that will actually move our country forward. what was donald trump solution? build a wall. turn the clock back, bring the old jobs back. new hampshire, you know we have to do the opposite. we have to turn the clock forward. we have to accelerate our economy to rise to the real challenges of the 21st century, like climate change. we have to evolve in the way we see ourselves and our work and our values. i am the ideal candidate for this job because the opposite of donald trump is an asian man who likes math. thank you all very much. think harder. , move this country country forward on tuesday. let's give our kids a future we will actually be proud to leave to them. thank you, new hampshire, i love you. [applause] ♪ >> new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage, tom stier. [applause] ♪ stier: how are you guys? hello, new hampshire. saying that by every single democrat running remains one million times better than the criminal in the white house. [applause] ourlet me say i know that rights are being trampled on. we have a right as americans in the 21st century to affordable health care. right to clean air and clean water. no one gets to poison you with pfas. we have a right to an equal vote. they can't take it away from college students in new hampshire anymore. right to a living wage in the united states. wage is ridiculous and immoral. and we have a right to quality public education including universal prekindergarten for every kid in the united states. we know that donald -- i said last night on tv, donald trump can win unless we take his ass on the economy. if you guys saw the union leader yesterday, he took out a full-page ad. the top of it was democrats who feel new hampshire jobs and the bottom half was how great he was. we are going to have to kick his ass on the economy and sent him home in november. say, for those of you who don't know me, my mom taught in the new york schools and when she retired, she talked of prisoners in the frequent house of detention. my dad graduated from college at ae age of 18, he became lawyer, he quit law to go into the navy, and he ended up prosecuting nazi war criminals after the war. up,aid if it ever comes start the need to impeach movement. when you see something wrong in the united states of america, fight it. i've built business, a business, i walked away from the business, i took a pledge to give the bulk of my money away to good causes. years, i've organized coalitions of working people and union members to beat corporations. and let me to you this. we have never lost. companies, wel beat the tobacco companies, we beat of a drug companies, and we beat of the utilities. they are just not that smart. we can beat them every time. so, let me say this. that is as an outsider what i have done, and as an outsider, i willbe to those corporations in washington, d.c. that is why i am for term limits. 12 years, congress people and senators. you want change, get new and different people in charge. words to argue for term limits. mitch mcconnell, lindsey graham, ted cruz. term limits. [applause] stier: so let me say this. i am also the only person running for president who will say climate is my number one priority. it has to be. it has to be. we could end the world, but we could do it in a way that a half-millionan good paying union jobs, the highest percentage of union workers in the united states since 1945, and we start in the black and brown communities being poisoned every day. we win on climate. but we know mr. trump is running on the economy. we have to kick his ass when he lies about the economy. i can do it. 30 years in business, i can do it. when he says the economy is growing, a money is only going to rich people. when he says unemployment is low, yes it is, but you can't live on the jobs at $7.25 per hour. when he says the stock market is up, sure, the rich people own the stock's and it is up because you gave them the biggest tax break in history. onhave to kick his ass economy and we have to pull together the gloriously diverse democratic party. we don't win unless everybody shows up in 2001 he and we outnumber them at the polls. that is how we win. so, when we are thinking about where we are right now, when we are looking at who to nominate, we are all better than mr. trump by a million times. one million times. we should only, nominate someone who can kick his ass on the economy, and i can do it. togetherve got to pull this fantastic, diverse party, and i can do it. we have to show up in november, and not just beat trump, we've -- to get rid of the whole we are going to break her old, we are going to ignore the evidence. we are not going to permit witnesses. we are going to do the wrong thing so the republican party stays in power. guys, asking you democrats in new hampshire on tuesday, let's go show up and kick their ass. that is the job. kick their ass on tuesday, kick their asss next month, take their ass in november. that is the job of democrats. i can do it. let's do it. [applause] ♪ announcer: new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage u.s. senator elizabeth warren. [applause] sen. warren: new hampshire jobs.ats, we've got two new hampshire democrats. we've got two jobs. in november. first, beat donald trump. second, reelect --, take back the senate, and put mitch mcconnell out of a job. [applause] had three years now of donald trump and mitch mcconnell. in fact, in fact, it was exactly three years ago yesterday that mitch mcconnell pitched me off the floor of the united states senate for reading a letter from loretto scott king. -- loretta scott king. said those words that women have put on t-shirts, has embroidered, and have had tattooed on their bodies. nevertheless, she persisted. now, there are a lot of people right now who are worried that this fight against donald trump may not be winnable but i have been winning on winnable fights pretty much all my life. a fight to get a consumer agency to thanks from treating people -- to keep banks from cheating people. the fight to hold corporate executives responsible. you, ceo looking that of wells fargo who got fired. and we won the fight to take back a senate seat from a popular incumbent republican. bye-bye, scott graham. [applause] sen. warren: even so. there are a lot of people who talk about what races aren't winnable or what kind of people can't win. the way ice it, they are going to keep saying that right up until we persist and we win. [applause] sen. warren: now, it has been three long years of donald trump , and a lot of people around this country are afraid. they are afraid for their families and afraid for their neighbors. they are afraid for children locked in cages down at our border. in lockdownsildren in our public schools. afraid for women, afraid for people of color, afraid for allq people, trans people, are up for grabs in this supreme court. afraid for our country and afraid for our planet. and the danger is real. our democracy hangs in the balance. so, it is up to you, new hampshire. it is going to be up to you. what do you do in this moment? do you backup, do you lean back, or do you get in the fight? me, i'm getting in the fight. [applause] sen. warren: i'm fighting back. back is an actg of patriotism. against the kings who built this country. slaveryt back against to protect this union. we fought back against a great depression to rebuild our economy, and we fought back against fascism to protect our democracy. americans are at their best when they see a problem and they fight back. that is who we are. [applause] sen. warren: this is not a time for small ideas. this is not a time to nibble around the edges of problems. this is not a time to be vague and elusive. and is a time to step up when we see a big problem, offer a big solution and fight for it. now, i'm not running a race that has been shaped by a bunch of consultants. i am not offering a bunch of proposals that have been carefully designed not to offend big donors. i passed that stop sign a long time ago. race based on a lifetime of fighting for working families and running a race from the heart. i'm running a race because i believe in you. and i believe in what we can build together. i believe we can build an america in which every person has value. we can build an america in which every child is worth investing in. we can build an america with a democracy where people, not money, are the most important things. [applause] sen. warren: i believe in that america. and if you believe that that america is possible, and you believe that america is worth fighting for, then i'm asking you, get in this fight. join me, vote for me. go to, pitch volunteer, but be part of this fight. because, understand. this moment in history comes to us and this moment in history will not come our way again. the direction of our country, not for four years, not for eight years, but for generations to come. this is our moment. this is our moment to choose hope over fear. big,is our moment to dream fight hard, and when. -- and win. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. thank you. ♪ [applause] ♪ announcer: new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage u.s. senator bernie sanders. [applause] sen. sanders: thank you. thank you. let me begin by congratulating the new hampshire democratic party. as your neighbor across the river, i have been excited to see that over the years, you have elected two democratic u.s. senator's, two democratic u.s. members of congress, and now, it is time to elect a democratic governor. forward to working with you to make sure that senator shaheen israel elected. reelected. now, i know that there are differences of opinion in the room. i detect that. i sense that. i see more enthusiasm over here and over there. thank you. say, whati wanted to despite to say, is that the differences of opinion in the candidates that we are supporting, i know that i speak i sayery candidate when no matter who wins the democratic nomination, we are going to come together to defeat the most dangerous president in the history of this country. [applause] senators shaheen and i sat through the impeachment process. and i was stunned that there was only one republican who had the conscience and the morality to vote to impeach this corrupt who has contempt for congress, the constitution, and separation of power. and i wanted to say that our campaign is off to a great start. [applause] pleased, we: we are are excited that we won in io wa, the popular vote by 6000 votes. 6000. and we won the realignment vote by 2500. confidentbsolutely that with the volunteer support that we have, we are going to win here in new hampshire as well. [applause] and i want to thank the people for playing ane extraordinarily important role in moving this country forward in a progressive way. here,ears ago, when i was campaigning, many of the ideas that we talked about, raising the minimum wage to a living hour, those ideas then were considered radical. you know what, they are not radical today. passed a $15have per hour minimum wage. [applause] ago wenders: four years talked about making public houses and universities tuition-free and canceling student debt. radical then, not so radical tonight. country, state and cities and counties are moving in that direction. ago, we said that health care is a human right, not a privilege. that there is something wrong when we are the only major country on earth not to guarantee health care to all people. ago, we talked about climate change being a global crisis. and for years ago those ideas seemed radical, the people of new hampshire, with great demonizesaid don't radical ideas, these are the ideas that the working class of this country need. so i want to thank new hampshire. i want to thank new hampshire for helping to lead the political revolution that began four years ago and now is the time to complete that revolution. now is the time for us to come together to end the divisiveness, the racism, the lying, the homophobia, the xenophobia, the religious bigotry of the trump administration. and now is the time, not only to defeat donald trump, but to transform this country and create a government and an economy that works for all of us, not just the 1%. that's what this campaign is about, and i thank you all very much. [applause] ♪ announcer: new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage, governor deval patrick. gov. patrick: thank you. thank you, new hampshire democrats. thank you so much. well. good evening, everybody. it does seem that we can all unfit and we have an unkind president. i saw a sign out in front of a "any in concord that read functioning adult 2020." sentiment, bute having talked to thousands, tens of thousands of people all over new hampshire and all over the thatry, i persuaded replacing president trump is, in fact, not enough. the cheery economic indicators we keep hearing about don't tell the whole story. unemployment is low, so long as you count both or all three of the minimum wage jobs people have just to survive. low, as long as you don't count the cost of health ,are or housing or education the very things that make it possible for people to lift themselves and move forward. do that in small towns and moral communities, young people are moving away to make a way. in more than a few suburbs, folks are using credit cards just to make ends meet. young people all over are trapped, either by student debt or a criminal record. see, it was true, it is true that a president who demeans the vulnerable, who cages children, who wakes up every day trying to divide us, making it worse, but it was true before president trump that the poor were stuck in poverty and the middle class were just a paycheck or two away from being poor. who aree are the people asking themselves today questions not just about the character of the candidates or the parties, but about the character of our country. they are asking whether there is a place for them in america's future. and it is the same question asked for generations in the neighborhood i grew up in. on the southside of chicago in poverty, we were surrounded by broken sidewalks, broken schools, broken families. and yet, those people who had no toson to gave me a reason have faith in the american dream. i had a that faith, chance to go to college and law school, to serve as a civil rights lawyer, as a civil rights leader, as a business executive and a business founder and a two-term governor of massachusetts. work -- see, i didn't discover injustice just lately. i lived it. i fought against it, and i won. naggingtand the insecurities and unfairness that people are feeling all over america today. and i understand how unseen and unheard they are. and we need to answer them. not with a proposal to just get even. but with a proposal to get better. to be better. i see the people behind the overies, the voices i hear the applause line. we have to see the people we serve, or seek to serve, and because we did, i am proud of the fact that after eight years, the children of massachusetts rank as high as you can get in that 99% ofevement, the people of massachusetts have health care today, that the coal plants are closed, the energy is cleaner, and we reached the goals of the paris accords six years ago. [applause] gov. patrick: i am proud of the fact that we came out of recession at a 25 year employment high. why? because we see the people we serve. we hear their voices above the applause line. and that is what we have to be about. we also have to reject false choices. i am a proud democrat. but i don't think you have to hate republicans to be a good democrat. i don't think you have to hate business to be a social justice lawyer, i don't think you have to hate police to believe black lives matter. reject all choices. [applause] gov. patrick: how about we set aside the trafficking and start making room in our hearts for the woke and the still awakening? in how about we also start trusting the american people? all of them. they are ready. they are ready for a progressive agenda that speaks to them. if we will make room for them. and answer the question about the character of the country. and i will tell you why i know they are ready. term, wed of my second were dealing with a crisis at the southern border very much like the one today. thousands of unaccompanied children fleeing violence. in central america, flooding across our border. and the federal authorities were overwhelmed then just as they are today. and president obama asked a number of governors if we would shelter those children. while they were being processed as refugees. and i agreed. and i explained my decision. [applause] gov. patrick: i explained my decision as coming from a place of both patriotism and faith. media, iso, on social was called everything but a child of god. a couple of days after that decision was announced, i was running errands at the local home depot. and i was confronted by a very angry man at the checkout line. who shouted at me, he said, governor, i think your decision was wrong, my own wife came here as a legal immigrant, and that is the way it ought to be, and i think you ought to know, i think you are wrong. i thank him for his feedback. now, i had six other encounters in that store that same day on the same subject. and in each of those, someone whispered governor, you are doing the right thing. governor, thanks for looking out for those kids. were two to the office and three to one in favor of sheltering those children. and it occurred to me, my friends, that we have learned to shout our anger and to whisper our kindness and it is completely upside down. we need to learn again to shout kindness, to shout compassion, to shout justice. that is the answer to the question about the american character. that is who we are. if that is the kind of , if you wantu want someone who reminds you to shout and i ask am your guy for your help and your vote. thank you, new hampshire, and good night. [applause] ♪ announcer: new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage u.s. senator michael bennet. [applause] sen. bennet: hello, new hampshire. thank you. for those who have hung around, thank you for hanging around. i can't tell you how much i appreciate it, from the bottom of my heart. time in new more hampshire than any other candidate for president in this election. today, i had my 50th town hall in the last 10 weeks in new hampshire. [applause] sen. bennet: i've started to run out of ways -- places to go, but that is why tomorrow i'm going to make my way to the north country. and i want to tell you one thing that you already know, but the united states senate has a 9% approval rating. 9% approval rating. a charge to the floor of the senate and i asked, what else has a 9% approval rating? and nobody else does. the irs has a 40% approval rating. paris hilton had a 15% approval rating. more people want to be a communist country, 11%, then approve of the senate. and fidel castro has a 5% approval rating. but i will tell you this. if we just had a few more shaheen ande hadson, we have a 90% approval rating, not a 9% approval rating. if any of you have been to one of my town halls, you know i start by saying i will take every question and i will take any criticism. and i say to people, asked me the questions you would not ask another politician, because you might be worried that you would hurt their feelings. i tell them i was a school superintendent for years. you can't hurt my feelings, they were beaten out of me a long time ago. and over the last few weeks, we have had a very candid conversation here in new hampshire and you have asked all of us two important questions. one is, how are you going to beat donald trump? that is an important question. but the other question you have asked each of us is equally important. and that question is, how are you going to get anything done back there? how are you going to get anything done? and that is the right question to ask because our government is immobilized. our government is broken. and it is not by accident. it has been broken by the ideological ambition of the freedom caucus. it has been broken by the cynicism of mitch mcconnell. theit has been broken by incompetence of donald trump. [applause] sen. bennet: and i tell people all the time, i would not want anybody i know to be as cynical or malevolent as mitch mcconnell. time do think it is high that we were as strategic as mitch mcconnell. [applause] and let me give you a hint from yesterday's newspaper. mitch mcconnell was taking a victory lap from his cover-up of the president's misdeeds in washington. froms taking a victory lap his inability in the senate to hear witnesses and documents that were literally pounding on the doors outside the capital. busy to hear that, the senate said. voted on 26 amendments last year. a senate that passed eight amendments last year, because that is what the freedom caucus wants. that is what mitch mcconnell wants. as long as he is putting right-wing judges on the court and cutting the taxes of rich people every now and then, he is getting what he wants. that is what he wants. this is his end state. and yesterday, yesterday in the newspaper, what he said was "i didn't hold back witnesses. i didn't hold back documents. they didn't have the votes." he said they, the democrats, didn't have the votes. and then he said, "they need to go out and win more elections because they don't have the votes." i hate to say it, but guess what? mitch mcconnell is right. we need to go out and win more elections. that's what we have to do. because otherwise, these ideas don't matter that you have heard tonight. otherwise, these ideas are just bumper stickers or ways of raising money online. and that is not good enough. we have to win elections. and we have to win elections in purple states. i am the only candidate in this nationalhas won two elections in a purple state. [applause] sen. bennet: that is different than running in the blessed commonwealth of massachusetts. it is different than running in vermont. it is different than running in california. agendam running on an that can unify the american people and allow us to win in these purple states. it is called the real deal, and it is progressive and it addresses directly the needs of our middle class people who are trying to get into the middle class. so, let me tell you. before i was a candidate for this job and before i was in the senate, i was the superintendent of the denver public schools. 95,000 kids. thank you. [applause] sen. bennet: thank you, you warren people, thank you. whom weres, most of kids in poverty, most of whom were kids of color, and their parents started coming to my town halls because they were working two or three jobs and you know what they would say? michael, we are killing ourselves and no matter what we do, we can't get our kids out of poverty. elections,on't win we can't do anything about that. and our kids can't fix their own schools. our kids can't fix our broken immigration system. our kids can't fix climate change. our tax can't change codes so that work pays again in this country. that is why we cannot lose, that is why donald trump needs to be a one term president. i'm asking for your help on tuesday. i can defeat donald trump and win the senate back. we will win 55 seats in the united states senate. thank you, new hampshire. thank you, thank you, thank you. [applause] ♪ announcer: new hampshire democrats, please welcome to the stage congresswoman tulsi gabbard. gabbard: hello, new hampshire. hot -- aloha. how are you guys doing? toant to say thank you chairman buckley, the entire crew who has made this evening possible. especially because they had the wisdom to save the best for last. [applause] gabbard: the thing that brings all of you here tonight is you want to know which of us as candidates will best be able to defeat trump. i am here tonight to tell you why i am that candidate. are sick andpeople tired of how divided our country has become. they want a president who will actually be able to bring people thether, to be able to heal divides in this country. i am that candidate. i will be that president. already building that coalition of support, bringing americans from all across party lines, putting the well-being of our country first. people, they are sick and tired of leaders in washington who are putting their own selfish interests ahead of the interests of the people. they want a president who will put their well-being first. i had of partisan politics, ahead of profits, ahead of selfish interests. . am that candidate i've dedicated my entire adult life to serving the american people. the american people are looking for a fresh new generation of leadership. millennial, ild qualify for that. perspective,esh bringing a fresh approach to solving the age-old challenges that we face in this country. but the american people also want experience. experience to know that this person will be best prepared to walk in on day one to fulfill that most important responsibility as andander-in-chief, experience to know that this person will be able to work with congress, to be able to cross party lines, be able to work with leaders in both parties who actually solve problems for the american people. havethat person because i both. now inbeen serving congress for seven, going on eight years. very focused on our national security and foreign policy. serving on the foreign affairs committee, on the armed services, and homeland security committees. i have also been serving as a soldier. i'm a major kernel in the army national guard, serving now from most 17 years. and i have deployed twice to the middle east, where i have understood and experienced firsthand the terribly high human cost of war. i bring the combination of this experience, which is more experience and national security and foreign policy than most of the other presidential candidates combined, to be prepared to walk in on day one and serve you as your commander-in-chief. so, the choice is ours. ours, to usher in a fresh new era where our white house can once again be a beacon of light. a beacon of hope. a beacon of opportunity. my personal commitment to every single one of you is to bring a soldier's values to the white house, these values of honor and respect, integrity, and service. putting the well-being and the interests of the american people first. [applause] gabbard: this is the change that we, together, seeks to bring about for our country. so, if you are ready to deliver a defeat donald trump in november of this year, and to usher in a victory for the american people, then i invite you to stand with me. [applause] if you are ready to usher in a bright future for every single american, a future freedom, respect, and true equality for all americans, i invite you to stand with me. know, we know that when we, as americans, stand together, healing our divides, working side-by-side, we can truly accomplish anything. the voters here in new hampshire, the choices before you. sonvite you to stand with me that we can to be trump in november of this year. turn out our hopes on tuesday here in election day. don't just bring yourselves, bring five friends with you and let's send a message to the nation. hampshire voters stand for and the kind of change you would like to see in our country. thank you all so much, it is wonderful to see you all here tonight. aloha. aloha. [applause] ♪ announcer: the new hampshire primaries tomorrow. live coverage today on c-span2 includes bernie sanders about to kick off a townhall. at 2:00 eastern, elizabeth warren hosts a rally in rochester. at 7:00, amy klobuchar will be holding a rally. you can take a look at the line already forming in the rain outside the convention center where the president will be speaking from wgbh news. ♪ announcer: the new hampshire primary is today. we will have results and candidate speeches starting at 7:30 p.m. eastern on c-span,, or listen on the free c-span radio app. students from across the country told us the most important issues for the presidential candidates to address our climate change, gun violence, teen vaping, college affordability, mental health, and immigration. we are awarding $100,000 in total cash prizes to the winners announced on march 11. hill, the house and senate are both in session today. the house meets shortly for speeches. legislative work begins at about 3:30 eastern time. billss will debate nine dealing with homeland security issues including whether or not to use drones may in china and russia. the senate begins at 3:00 eastern time to resume debate on a federal appeals court judge and then later this week in the senate, senators are expected to consider a resolution to limit the president's ability to send u.s. troops into hostilities with iran. also in the house later this week, legislation removing the deadline to ratify the equal rights amendment which would bar discrimination based on sex, and president trump delivers his budget proposal. his budget priorities to congress today. the house will be in order. the chair lady before the house of communications on the speaker. the speaker for grade 10, 2020. i hereby appoint the honorable rick larsen nancy pelosi, speak of the house of representatives. the speaker pro tempore: pursuant to the order of the house of january 7, 2020, the chair now recognizes the members from listses submitted by the majority and new orleans nor morning hour debate. the time will be equally allocated between the parties and each member other than the majority and minority leaders and minority whip limited to five minutes. but in

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